BPW-12-02-98CARMEL BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS & SAFETY MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1998 --10 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS / CITY HALL / ONE CIVIC SQUARE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER Approval of Minutes a. November 18, 1998, regnlar meeting Contracts a. Agreement for Professional Services; Donald Rodernan & Associates; Chief Douglas Callahan, Fire Department b. Agreement for Purchase of Goods and Serviees; Minolta Business Systems, Inc.; Chief Douglas Callahan, Fire Department c. Agreement for Purchase of Goods and Services; Jones Chemicals, Inc.; John Duffy, Utilities Director d. Purchase Agreement; Data Design, Inc.; Judge Gail Bardach Claims a. $19,476.57 11/11/98 b. $14,573.40 11/18/98 Request to Use City Property/Close Street a. Request to Use Caucus Room for Meetings; Gail K. Eastbum, Carmel Community Players; Various Tuesdays in 1999, 7:30 to 9 p.m. b. Request to Use Caucus Room for Homeowners Association Meeting; Michael Cormerton, Cricket Knoll Homeowners Association; Tuesday, December 15,1998, 7 to 8:30 p.m. Other a. b. Renewal of Clerk-Treasurer's Bond; Diana L. Cordray, Clerk-Treasurer Change Order #1; Contract 20--Well No's. 18, 19 and 20; John Duff-y, Utilities Director Approval of Items For Hamilton Crossing East; Craig Flandermeyer, Duke Construction 1. Two Commercial Curb Cuts; pennsylvania Street, 126th Street 2. Temporary Construction Entrance on Pennsylvania Street 3. Open Cut for Storm Sewer Installation on Pennsylvania Street Amendment to Recommendation of Usage Restriction for Old Town Alley; Kate Boyle-Weese, City Engineer Request to Change Use of a Portion of Cherry Tree Road between 131st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway; Chris White, Davis Homes Adjournment ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2400 CARMEL BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS MEETING MINUTES WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1998 --10 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS / CITY HALL / ONE CIVIC SQUARE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor James Brainard; Board Members Billy Walker and Mary Ann Burke. Clerk-Treasurer Diana Cordray and Deputy Clerk Rebecca Martin also attended. Mayor Brainard called the meeting to order at 10:04 a.m. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Board Member Walker moved to approve the minutes o£the November 18 regular meeting. Board Member Burke seconded. The minutes were approved 2-0. Mayor Brainard abstained because he did not attend the November 18 meeting CONTRACTS: Agreement for Professional Services with Donald Rodeman & Associates: Mayor Brainard moved to approve the contract. Board Member Burke seconded. The contract was approved 3-0. A_m'eement for Purchase of Goods and Services with Minolta Business Systems. Inc.: Mayor Brainard moved to approve the contract. Board Member Walker seconded. The contract was approved 3-0. A~eement for Purchase of Goods and Services with Jones Chemicals. Inc.: Mayor Brainard moved to approve the contract. Board Member Walker seconded. The contract was approved 3-0. Purchase Agreement with Data Design. Inc.: Mayor Brainard moved to approve the contract. Board Member Walker secon,!ed. The contract was approved 3-0. CLAIMS: Mayor Brainard moved to approve the claims as listed on the agenda. Board Member Walker seconded. Claims were approved 3-0. REOUEST TO USE CITY PROPERTY/CLOSE CITY STREET: Request to Use Caucus Room for Meetings: Gail K. Eastburn, Carmel Communi _ty Players: Various Tuesdays in 1999, 7:30 to 9 p.m.: Mayor Brainard moved to approve the request to use the Caucus Room on the dates ~t was available. Board Member Burke seconded. The request was approved 3-0. Request to Use Caucus Room for Homeowners Association Meeting: Michael Connerton. Cricket Knoll Homeowners Association: Tuesday, December 15. 1998.7 to 8:30 p.m.: Mayor Brainard moved to approve the request. Board Member Walker seconded. The request was approved 3-0. OTHER: Renewal of Clerk-Treasurer's Bond: Mayor Brainard moved to approve the item. Board Member Walker seconded. The bond was approved 3-0. Change Order #1 for Utilities Contract 20---Wells No's. 18. 19 and 20: Mayor Brainard moved to approve the request. Board Member Burke seconded. The change order was approved 3-0. Request for Approval of Two Commercial Curb Cuts. a Temporary_ Construction Entrance and an Open Cut for Storm Sewer Installation: Craig Flandermeyer. Duke Construction: City Engineer Kate Boyle-Weese explained the curb cuts would be on Pennsylvania Street and 126th Street, that the construction entrance would be on Pennsylvania Street in line with the curb cuts and that the open cut would occur on Pennsylvania Street also. Mayor Brainard moved to approve the request. Board Member Walker seconded. The request was approved 3-0. Amendment to Recommendation of Usage Restriction for East-West Alley between Rangeline Road and First Avenue NE and First and Second Streets NE: Ms. Boyle-Weese explained that her recommended amendment would allow delivery trucks to use the alley, but would require them to exit the alley onto Rangeline Road, not the residential street. Board Member Walker stated he was concerned that trucks would have to back out of the alley onto Rangeline Road. Ms. Boyle-Weese stated she believed trucks would be able to turn around in the parking lots so they could pull forward onto Rangeline Road. She explained that this amendment still would be subject to the 3-month thai time the board approved at the November 18 board meeting. Mayor Brainard moved to approve the amended recommendation. Board Member Walker seconded. The item was approved 3-0. Request to Change Use of a Portion of Cherry. Tree Road between 131st Street and Hazel Dell Parkway: Chris White. Davis Homes: Mayor Brainard explained to several Avian Glen residents the proposal from Davis Homes to close Cherry Tree Road from north of Killdeer Place to south of Coopers Hawk Drive North. Chris White of Davis Homes explained his company wanted to close the street and make it a multi-use path, possibly leasing it to the Carmel Clay Parks Board. He explained Davis would narrow the road, build trail heads on each end and lay a new asphalt surface. He and the mayor discussed the Cherry Tree Road Bridge and improvements that would be made to it. Mr. White explained that Davis was willing to spend $70,000 to build the multi- use path because the company would have to spend about $35,000 on sidewalks anyway. He said the company was willing to spend the extra $35,000 because the trail would increase the value of land and homes in the area. Steve Bozan, a representative for homeowners in the Trails of Avian Glen, stated he and his neighbors were concerned about closing Cherry Tree Road as far south as Mr. White was suggesting. He explained tha; closing Cherry Tree as recommended would either close the ingress/egress on Coopers Hawk Drive South or would reroute the road far enough east that few cars would use it. He said this would endanger their children because all traffic entering and exiting the neighborhood at the south would then have to use Killdeer Place. He suggested only closing Cherry Tree from the south side of Coopers Hawk Drive North to the north side of Coopers Hawk Drive South, leaving all three streets open. Terri Matsen, a homeowner in Trails of Avian Glen, stated there were very few stop si~s in the subdivision, and that she would like to see more installed. Mayor Bralnard and Mr. White discussed why installing the path would benefit Davis Homes. Discussion about the pros and cons of the path occurred among the mayor, Mr. White, Homeowner Chris Hinkley, Mr. Bozan, Homeowner Kelli Hackett and Gail Dillon. Ms. Hackett said she believed Davis homes misled them when they bought their homes by implying the trail would not block off Coopers Hawk Drive South. Ms. Dillon stated she was concerned that one entrance would not provide enough access for emergency vehicles. Jerry Myers, 135 Cherry Tree Road, stated he was in favor of the street closing. Ms. Boyle- Weese stated the request before the board was to approve a Change of Use for Cherry Tree Road, not to approve final development plans of the trail. Mr. White stated his goal was to present the development proposal to plan commission early next year. Board members discussed the proposal with Mr. White. Mayor Brainard moved to approve the Change of Use of Che~ry Tree Road from the south side of Coopers Hawk Drive North to the north side of Coopers Hawk Drive South and to have the traffic flow between Coopershawk Drive South and Killdeer Place studied after Hazel Dell Parkway opens. Board Member Burke seconded. Board Members discussed how to conduct the traffic study. The motion was approved 3-0. ADD-ON ITEM: Award of Quotes for Smokey Ridge Street Lighting Project.: Mayor Brainard moved to award the quote for the project to Midwestern Electric, Inc. as recormmended by Ms. Boyle-Weese. Board Member Burke seconded. The quote was awarded 3-0. The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Clerk-Treasurer Diana L. Cordr~/~AMC Attest: Clerk~'~D~, IAMC Approved, //') ~yor'Jam~s Brainard ~