CCM-10-05-98AMENDED CARMEL CITY COUNCIL MEETING AGENDA MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1998 --7 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS / CITY HALL / ONE CIVIC SQUARE MEETING CALLED TO ORDER 1t. INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE RECOGNITION OF CITY EMPLOYEES AND OUTSTANDING CITIZENS a. Presentation of Local Government Cooperation Award; Association of Indiana Counties APPROVAL OF MINUTES a. September 14, 1998, Regular Meeting RECOGNITION OF PERSONS WHO WlSII TO ADDRESS TIlE COUNCIL COUNCIL, MAYORAL AND CLERK-TREASURER COMMENTS/OBSERVATIONS ACTION ON MAYORAL VETOES CLAIMS · Payroll · General Claims · Retirement COMMITTEE REPORTS OLD BUSINESS a. Second Reading Ordinance C-193/Annexation of Carmel Clay School Property near River Road; John K. Smeltzer, Esq., Johnson Smith, LLP *published in The Daily Ledger on September 15, ]998 PUBLIC HEARING a. First Reading Ordinance C-194/Annexation of Bertha Irw/n Real Estate; James J. Nelson, Esq., Nelson & Frankenberger *published in The Daily Ledger on September ]2, ]998 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2400 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. First Reading Ordinance C-195/Annexation of Aley Hunt Real Estate; James J. Nelson, Esq., Nelson & Frankenberger *published in The Daily Ledger on September 12, 1998 First Reading Ordinance C-196/Annexation of Hazel Dell Parkway and the Carmel Wastewater Treatment Plant; City of Carmel *published in The Daily Ledger on September 25, 1998 NEW BUSINESS a. First Reading Ordinance D-1396-98/Amendment to Section 2-43 of the Carmel City Code (Elimination of Use of Leave Time Prior to Accrual); Barbara Lamb, Director of Human Resources b. First Reading Ordinance D-1397-98/Amendment to Section 2-55 of the Carmel City Code (Inclusion of References to Disability Plans); Barbara Lamb, Director of Human Resources c. First Reading Ordinance D-1398-98/Amendment to Section 2-58 of the Carmel City Code (Inclusion of Sick Leave Accrual Amendment); Barbara Lamb, Director of Human Resources d. First Reading Ordinance D-1399-98/Authorization of Payment of Moving and Relocation Expenses; Terry Crockett, Director of Information Services OTHER BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS EXECUTION OF DOCUMENTS ADJOURNMENT CARMEL CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES MONDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1998 --7 P.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS / CITY HALL / ONE CIVIC SQUARE MEMBERS PRESENT: Mayor James Brainard, Council President Robert Battreall; Councilors Kevin Kirby, Luci Snyder, Run Carter and Billy Walker. Deputy Clerk Rebecca Martin also attended. Councilors Norm Rnndle and Jim Miller were absent. Mayor Brainard called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. and led the Pledge of Allegiance. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Councilor Battreall moved to approve the September 14, 1998, regular meeting minutes. Councilor Carter seconded. Councilor Carter thanked the clerk-treasurer's office for color-coding the amendments to the minutes. The Sep_ tember 14. 1998. minutes were a_nproved 5-0. RECOGNITION OF PERSONS WHO WISH TO ADDRESS THE COUNCIL: No one from the public wished to address the council. The mayor called on County Commissioner Steve Dillinger. Mr. Dillinger presented the Local Government Cooperation Award to the City of Carmel and explained thc award was given to Carmel, thc City of Indianapolis, Hamilton County and the Town of Fishers for their cooperation on the 96th Street bridge project. He commended the governments on their cooperation on many other projects also. Mayor Brainard stated Carmel appreciated all thc County had done to improve Hamilton County. Mr. Dillinger asked councilors if they had questions about any County projects. Councilor Snyder asked if the County had surveyed citizens to find out what they thought about the widening of 146th Street. Mr. Dillinger stated IU, per commission by the County, had surveyed 900 residents in proportionate amounts of each township. He stated 83 percent of those surveyed approved of widening 146th Street to four lanes, and 86 percent said the project should be bonded so it could begin immediately. He stated the County's goal was to finish the project within 24 months. Councilor Battreall asked about the progress of the Gray Road bridge repairs. Mr. Dillinger stated bids had been let. Mayor Brainard stated construction of the bridge would not begin until more of Hazel Dell Parkway was opened. Councilor Carter asked whether multi-use paths would be on one or both sides of 146th Street. Mr. Dillinger explained that two of the commissioners were in favor of having paths on both sides of the street, but he and the County Council were not. Mr. Dillinger explained the Commission and Council were planning a meeting to negotiate the details. Councilor Carter stated he hoped the paths would be on both sides of 146th Street, but recommended putting the path on the south side of the road if the County voted to have the path only on one side. He stated this would hook into the rest of Clay Township's paths more safely. CLAIMS: Councilor Snyder moved to approve claims in the amounts of $351,934.81 and $186,379.02. Councilor Walker seconded. Claims were approved 5-0. COMMITTEE REPORTS: Councilor Snyder stated the plan commission would be hearing a petition for a day care that wanted to locate on Medical Drive. Mayor Brainard stated the demolition of the Carmel Motel, which many thought would occur today, had been postponed two or three days so the gas company could disconnect its meters and lines to the hotel. The mayor stated the City had received proof that the hotel had been treated for bugs and had mailed copies of the notification to the 80 nearest neighbors of the motel. ~: Mayor Brainard announced Ordlnanee C-193. annexation of Carmel Clay School Property near River Road and stated he had told John Smeltzer of Johnson Smith, LLP, the school system's attorney, that he did not need to be present. Ordinance C-193 was at)proved 5-0. PUB I HE N :MayorBrainardannouncedOrdinanceC-194. annexationofBerthalrwinReal Estate and Ordinance ~-195. annexation of Aley Hunt Real Estate. Jim Nelson of Nelson and Frankenberger described the two pieces of property to the council. Councilor Battreall verified the southern boundary of the Irwin property. Councilors discussed the location of the properties. Mayor Brainard opened the public hearing for Ordinance C-194 at 7:27 p.m. Seeing no one fi.om the public who wished to comment, he closed the public heating at the same time. ~ was carried over to the next meetim,. Mayor Brainard opened the public hearing for Ordinance C-195 at 7:29 p.m. Seeing no one from the public who wished to comment, he closed the public hearing at the same time. i ance - was carried over to the next meeting. Mayor Brainard announced Ordinance C-196. annexation of parts of Hazel Dell Parkway and the Carmel Wastewater Treatment Plant. He explained the City was petitioning to have these properties annexed into the City, except for two properties on Hazel Dell for which the City did not yet have the deeds. Mayor Brainard explained the City constructed the road on the edge of the developed area, trying not to take right-of-way from residents' front yards. He stated that in most cases the road was built a few hundred feet to a quarter mile away from the developed parts of the City. The mayor also explained the wastewater treatment plant originally was built miles fi.om the City, but now was contiguous, so the City decided to annex it. Councilor Carter moved to introduce the ordinance. Councilor Walker seconded. Mayor Brainard opened the public hearing for Ordinance C-196 at 7:32 p.m. Seeing no one from the public who wished to comment, he closed the public hearing at the same time. ~:~t~gfl~aJ.~2~ carded over to the next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: Mayor Brainard announced Ordinance D-1396-98. an amendment to Section 2-43 of the Carmel City Code, Ordinance D-1397-98. an amendment to Section 2-55 of the Carmel City Code and Qrdlnance D-1398-98, an amendment to Section 2-58 of the Cannel City Code. Because Human Resources Director Barbara Lamb was at a professional conference, the mayor briefly explained each of the ordinances. The mayor stated that Ordinance D-1396-98 changed some wording in the Carmel City Code to make it consistent with other parts of the code. He explained the ordinance included one substantive change that would prohibit employees fi.om taking leave time prior to accruing it. The mayor stated that Ordinance D-1397-98 amended Section 2-55 of the City Code to include the recently approved short-term and long-term disability plans. He stated that Ordinance D-1398-98 amended Section 2-58 of the City Code to bring it into compliance with other recently passed ordinances affecting employees' sick leave. Councilor Battreall moved to introduce Ordinance D-1396-98. Councilor Carter seconded. Councilor Battreall suggested leaving the public hearing open until the next meeting. Mayor Brainard stated that since these ordinances were not fiscal there was no need for public hearings, but that members of the public could comment on the ordinances during the public comment section of the meetings. Ordinance D-1396-98 was carried over to the next meeting. Councilor Walker moved to introduce Ordinance D- 1397-98. Councilor Battreall seconded. Ordinance D-1397-98 was carded over to the next meetin~ Councilor Walker moved to introduce Ordinance D-1398-98. Councilor Battreall seconded. Ordinance D-1398-98 was carried over to the next meeting Mayor Brainard announced Ordinance D-1399-98. authorization to pay moving and relocation expenses. He stated that the ordinance amended City Code to give department directors discretion to pay moving expenses for new employees, as long as they had the money in their budget. He explained that this would make the City more competitive with the private sector, especially in trying to hire people for technical positions. Mayor Brainard stated that Councilor Rundle wanted to offer an amendment at the second reading and had asked the council not to suspend the rules to vote on this ordinance tonight. Mayor Brainard asked the council to honor Councilor Rundle's request and withhold discussion. Councilor Battreall moved to introduce the ordinance. Councilor Snyder seconded. Councilor Carter stated he was concerned because this ordinance was a fairly broad ordinance that was written to take care of the needs ora specific instance. He stated he would like to see the ordinance rewritten so it didn't give quite as much ~eedom to the department directors to pay these expenses. Councilor Battreall stated the city attorney was in the process of writing an amendment to the ordinance that would restrict it considerably, and that Councilor Rundle would be working with the city attorney next week on the amendment. He also stated that the ordinance was introduced tonight because the employee for whom this ordinance was written needed to be moved here soon. Councilor Kirby suggested the city attorney look at the Federal Tax Code for language about relocating people. Ordinance D-1399-98 was carried over to the next meeting. Councilor Walker moved to adjourn the meeting. Councilor Kirby seconded. The meeting was adjourned 5-0 at 7:42 p.m. pending signing of the documents. ? Approj~ed, ~/~~ ~ayor James Brainard~' Clerk-Treasurer Diana L. Cor~IAMC