HomeMy WebLinkAboutC500 Great Growins 020422EROSION CONTROL
A.Section Includes provisions for temporary erosion controls required throughout the Work to control erosion and water pollution by using temporary construction entrances, controlled discharge outlets, berms, sediment basins, sediment dams, slit fences, brush barriers, baled hoy and straw, mulching, and temporary seeding.
B. Provisions are also included for riprop and geotextile fabrics for permanent slope pro1ectlon as part of the Work.
A. At least 96 hours prior to breaking ground submit to the Engineer all information required by the NPDES General Permit for Storm Water pertaining to this project.
B. Submit for review and approval to the Engineer within 30 working days of receipt of the Notice to Proceed:
1. A list of materials nee es so ry for and thesequencing of activities to oc::c::omplish the work encompassed by this Section along with monufac::turer's product doto and specifications demonstrating c::ompllonce with these Specifications.
2. Installation Instructions from oppllcable manufacturers for products proposed to be included in the Installation,
C. �fointoin on-site and keep current all required elements of the NPOES General Permit for Storm Water pertolnlng to this project.
A. Detail qual!fled workmen that are e,cperienced in executing the activities specified In this Section.
B. Detail and maintain equipment capable of accomplishing the activities specified in this Section while producing sufficient progress on the Work.
C.Operate all equipment with due c::autlon.
D. Instruct workmen in procedures specified in this Section.
A. Install temporary construction entrances as port of the job mobilization activities.
B. Install temporary perimeter dikes where shown on erosion control plans and where needed to prevent erosion.
C.Install slit fencing prior to c::leorlng and grubbing to prevent sediment runoff.
D.Construct sediment traps as soon as practical to control
E. Install straw bales and temporary sediment traps as work progresses.
r.Utilize detention ponds into operations as storm drainage detention facllltles when the Work is nearing completion.
A. Rouffnely Inspect the site and clean out sediment traps alleast every seven days of within 24 hours ofter a rainfall of0.5 inch or more.
B. Maintain sediment traps, slit fencing and dikes In good working order.
C.Correct washouts and eroded areas by refurbishing and temporarily seeding.
A. Use only new materials conforming to the requirements of these specifications end approved by the Engineer. All materials proposed to be used may be tested and Inspected at any time during their preparation and use. If, after trlol, 11 is found that the source of supply has not been approved, or doH not fumi:sh o unifonn product, or if the product becomes unacceptable at any time, the Contractor shall furnish materials from another source. Approved maieriols that become unfit for use shall ne-1 be used in -Iha Work end shall be removed from the job site.
Materials Indicated on the Drawings that ore required ln theWork but are not covered ln detail In the Specifications shall be of the best quality available and shall conform to the current specification of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) or AASI-ITO, as approved by the Engineer.
B. For :sedimentation and erosion control use:
1. Baled straw and hoy that complies with the requirements contained ln Section 02900,
2. Silt fences manufactured of fabric specifically mode for such purpose sholl confonn to therequirements of AASHTO M 288-90, and be approved by the Engineer.
3. Temporary CMP drainage pipes chosen by theContractor that are adequate to perform under subject field conditions.
4. Temporary seeding that complies with requirements contained in Sections 02900.
5. Three Inch maximum size coarse aggregate that ls free from deleterious materlals and does not contain more than 10 percent materials finer than No. 4 sieve.
C.Slope protection shall be provided by:
1. Using stones that weigh no more than 150
pounds with at lease 20 percent weighing morethan 60 pounds while no more than 20 percent weigh less than 20 pounds for hand placed
2.Using geotextlle fabric that is manufactured engineering fabric conforming with AASHTO M 288-90 for reducing soll erosion and that Is approved by the Engineer.
A. Examine all areas where slope protection and erosion control are required.
B. Request underground utillty locotlon service to locate all utilities within work areas.
A. Provide temporary construction entrances at all Ingress/egress locotlons to reduce or ellmlnate transporting soil or mud by vehicles to roadways and public rights ofway. Construct these entrances by installing a stone matusing three inch maximum crushed stone. This mat shall be a minimum of 50 feet long by 12 feet wide and at least 6 inches thick. Drain wash water to spray the underside of vehicles and tires when parked in the stone mat. Provide spent wash water drainage into a sediment basin or trap.
B. Install temporary perimeter, diversionary, and Interceptor dikes as shown on the Drawings and other places where required in the field. Their purpose is lo divert sediment
laden storm runoff to on on-site sedimentation trapping facility or to direct storm waler oway from exposed slopes.
C. Provide temporary discharge controls that llmlt concentrations of storm water flows by using level spreaders, gravel outlets, and temporary drop piping shown on the Drawings.
D.Provide sediment traps using slit fences, straw bales, or sediment baslns as shown on the Drawings. Utlllzedetention pond facilities initially as sediment basins by installing a temporary riser pipe as shown on the Drawings. Install a morker to Indicate the maximum level of sediment accumulation to indicate when the facility requires cleaning. Remove and replace the riser piping when nearing thecompletion of the Work and when approved by the Engineer. Remove accumulated reslduol sediment at that
time and treat the residue as waste. Place the foclllty Into
o storm water detention mode of operation.
E. Hand place rlprap a minimum of 12 Inches thick on designated slopes to comply with the Drawings. Begin placement two feet below the tow of slope while firmly imbedding each piece.
F. Install geotextlle faOrlc for slope stablllty in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Unless otherwise directed, install the fabric: with the long dimension parallel to the toe of slope, and lay where a smooth and wrlnkle free surface Is obtained that ls not under tension. Overlap subsequent fabric layers by at least 18 inches. Secure fabric using approved fasteners and cover within .30 doys using materials approvad by theEngineer.
A. Repair damaged sediment control devices.
B. Insure exposed soil surfaces ore not eroding.
C. Inspect and maintain the temporary construction entrances' stone from accumulation of :silt, mud, or other debris.
D. ProhlbH vehicular traffic from crossing Installed geotextlle fabrics.
A. Extent: The work required under this section consists of all excavotlng, filling, rough grading and related Items necessary tocomplete the work indicated on the drawings and described in thespecifications. The Contractor shall notify in writing the owners and
the Engineer of any changes, errors, or omissions found on the plans or ln the fleld, Oefore work ls started or resumed.
1. In general, the items of work to be performed under this section shall Include c::leoring and grubbing, removal of tree:s and stumps (where required, protection of trees to remain, stripping and storage of topsoil, fill compaction ond rough grading of entire site
2. Excavated material that Is suitable may be used for fills. All
unsuitable material and all surplus excavated material not required shall be removed from the site. The loc::atlon of dump and length of haul shall be the Contractor s responsibility
3. Provide and place any addltlonal flll moterlal from off the site as may be necessary to produce the grades required.
f'tll oOtained from off-site shall be of kind and quality as specified for fills herein and the source approved by the Owner
4. The Contractor shall accept the site as he finds it and shall remove all trash, rubbish and debris from the :site before excavation starts Work not included: The following Hems of related work are specified and included in other sections of the!IB
1. Excavation, grading and Oackfilling for utility lines
2. Stenn drainage systems
3. Sanitary sewer systems
4.Streets and paving
5. Waler supply system
Maintain carefully o:s/ bench marks, monuments and other reference points; If disturbed or destroyed, contractor shall
contact engineer and surveyor.
A. Remove all trees and stumps from area to be occupied by road and surfaced areas. Removal of trees outside these areas shall only be done as noted on drawings or approved by the Owner.
B. All brush, stumps, wood and other refuse from the trees shall Oe removed to disposal areas off-site. Disposal by burning shall not be permitted unlessproper permits ore obtained (where applicable).
A. General Protection: The Contractor shall be
responsible for the protection of tops, trunks and roofs of existing trees on the project site that are to remain. Existing trees subject to construction damage shall be boxed, fenced or otherwise protected before any work is started; do not stockpile within branch spread. Remove Interfering branches without injury to trunks and cover scars with tree paint.
A. Remove all organic moterlal from the areas to Oeoccupied by buildings, roods, walks and parking areas. Pile and store topsoil at a location where it will not interfere with construction operations. Topsoil shall be reasonably free from subsoil,
debris. weeds, gross, stones, etc.
B. After completion of site grading and subsurface utility installation, top soil shall be replaced In areas designated on the erosion control plan for seeding and/or sodding. Any remaining top soil shall be used for finished grading around structures and landscaping areas.
A. Rules and regulations governing the respective utilities shall be observed in executing all workunder this section.
B. If active utilities ore encountered but not shown
on the drawings, the Engineer shall be advised before work Is continued.
C. Inactive and abandoned utilltles encountered In excavating and grading operations shall be reported to the Engineer. They shall be removed, plugged or capped cs directed by the Utility Companv or the Engineer.
D. It shall be the responsibility of each contractor to verify all existing utilities and conditions pertaining to his phase of the work. It shall also be the contractors responslblllty to contact the owners of the various utilities before work is started.
A. Grades: Contractor shall perform all cutting, fllllng, compacting of fills and rough grading required to bring entire project area to grade as :shown on the drawings.
B. Rough Grading: The tolerance for paved areas shall not exceed 0.1 □ feet plus or minus above theestablished subgrade, All other areas shall notexceed 0.1 O feet plus or minus the established grade. All banks and other breaks In grade shall be rounded at top and bottom.
C. Compaction Requirements:
1. All engineered flll beneath floor slab-ongrade floors and over footings should be
compacted o dry density of at least 90 percent of the Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-1557). This minimum c::ompocffon requirement should be increased to 95 percent for fill supporting footings.
2.In cut areas, where pavement sections ore planned the upper 1 O In. of subgrade should be scarified end compacted to a dry density of at least 95 percent of the modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D-1557). Any grade raised flll placed within 1 ft of the base of the pavement section should also compacted to at least 95 percent of the
modified Proctor maximum dry density. This con be reduced to 90 percent for engineered flll placed more than 1 ft below the base of the pavement section.
3. The compaction should be occompllshed
Oy placlng the flll In about B ln. Loose llfls and mechanlcally compacting each
lift too at least the specified minimum dry density. Field density tests should be performed on each 11ft as necessary to insure fhot adequate compaction is Oeing achieved.
4. As a minimum, all earthwork flll shall Oe compact to 90 percent of standard Praetor maximum dry density if not specified specifically in these specifications or In the sells report.
Contractor shall employ and pay for o qualified independent geotectnic::al testing laboratory to perform soil testing and Inspection service earthwork operation. Scope of testing and Inspection shall be approved by the engineer prior to earthwork operations.
The work under this section includes all sanitary sewers, manholes, cleanouts and related Items Including excavating and backfllllng, necessary to complete the work shown in the drawings, starting five feet outside the building walls. The ends of sewers shall be tlghtly plugged or copped at the terminal points, adjacent to buildings, pending the connecting of all such lines to the bulldlng drain as specified in the plumbing specifications and archltecturol drawings.
A.Sanitary Sewers
1. All gravity plastic sewer pipe and fittings shall conform to ASTM D-303-4, SDR--35 and meet a cell classlflootlon of 1 2454-C Fle,clble gasketed
compression pints shall be used for PVC s PVC truss pipe No solvent cement joints shall be allowed.
B. Manholes
1. Precost reinforced concrete manhole sections and steps hall conform to ASTl\l C-478 latest revision.
2.Costings shall be of uniform quality, free from blow holes, porosity, hard spots, shrinkage distortion or other defects They shall be smooth and well-cleaned by hot-blastlng or by some other approved method They shall be coated with asphalt point which shall result in a smooth
coating, tough and tenacious when cold, not tacky or brittle They shall be gray Iron meeting ASTM A-48 latest revision Manhole covers for sanitary sewer shall be East Jordan EJ--1022.
3. Joints -Manhole :sections shall Oe jointed with sealed "O" rings. The "O" rings shall meet C-433 latest revision.
A.Permlts and Codes -The Intent of this section of the speclfic::ations is that the contracfor's bid on the work covered herein shall be based upon the drawings and specifications but thot the work shall comply with all appllcable codes and regulatlons as amended by any
waivers. Contractor shall furnish all bonds necessary to get permits for cut and connections to existing sewers.
8.Local Standards -The term locol standards o:s used hereinmoons the standards of design and construction of therespective munlclpcl department or utlllty company.
C. Existing improvements -Maintain in operating condition all active utilltles, sewers and other drains encountered In the sewer lnstalletlon. Repair to the satisfaction of the owner any damage to existing active Improvements.
D.Workmanship -To conform to all local, state and national codes and to be approved by all local and state agencies hcvlng Jurisdiction.
E. Trenching -Loy ail pipe In open trenches, except when the
local authority gives written permission for tunneling, Openthe trench sufficiently ahead of pipe-laying to reveol any obstructions. The width of the trench shall be the Inside pipe diameter plus 24 Inches for 12 Inches above the pipe
Sheet end brace trench as necessary to protect workman and adjacent structures Ail trenching to comply with Occupotlonal Safety and Health Administration Standards Keep trenches free from water whlle construction Is Inprogress. Under no circumstance shall pipe orappurtenance be laid In standing water Conduct the discharge from trench dewotering lo drains or natural drainage channels.
F. Special Supports --Whenever, In the opinion of the Engineering, the soil at or below the pipe grade inunsultable for supporting sewers and appurtenances
specified In this section, such speclal support, In addltlon to those shown or specified, shall be provided as the Engineer may direct, and the contract wlll be adjusted,
G.Backfilling -for a depth of at least 1 2 inches above the lopof the pipe, backfill with granular material free from large stones, rock fragments, roofs or sod Compact this backfill thoroughly, talclng care not to disturb the pipe. f'or the remaining trench depth, backfill with earth or granular material containing stones or rocks not larger than 4 Inches Backfill under walks, parking areas, drive and streets shall be granular material only -thoroughly compacted, by: approved methods. Trenches parallel to and within 5' ofpaved roadways shall be constructed the same.
H. f'low Channels -Construct manhole flow channels of
concrete, sewer pipe or brick, smoothly finished and of seml--clrcular section confonnlng to the inside diameter of the connecting sewers. Make changes in size of grade gradually and changes In dlrecHon by true curves Provide such channels for all connecting sewers at each manhole.
I.Infiltration -The contractor shall furnish necessary equipment to test sewers for lnflltratlon. lnf11tratlon rates shall not exceed the Local Standards. All sanitary sewer lines upon completion will be required to poss o lowpressure air test, unless otherwise directed by the Noblesville Deportment of Publlc Works. Sold test shall be conducted according to NCPI standard method, and shall be witnessed by an Inspector authorized by the Noblesville Department of Public Works. Infiltration under test :shall not exceed 200 gallons per inch of inside diameter of
sewer pipe per mile of sewer in 24 hours and Inclusive of
all appurtenances within the section being tested such as manholes, house connections etc.
J. Flushing Sewers -Flush all sanitary sewers except building sewers with water to obtain free flow through each llne. Remove all silt and trash from appurtenances /ust prior to acceptance of work.
K.Plastic Sewer Pipe installation -Plastic sewer pipe shall be Installed In a accordance with ASTM D2321 per latest revision and no plastic pipe shall exceed a deflection of5X.
L Storm Water Connections -No roof drains, footing drains and/or surface water drains may be connected at the sanitary sewer systems, including temporary connections
during construction.
M. Waterllne Crossing --Where water llnes and santtary sewer cross and water lines cannot Oe placed above the sewerwith o minimum of 18 inches vertical clearance, the sewermust be constructed of water worlcs grade ductile iron pipewith mechanical pints within 10 feet of the water line.
N. Utilities - H shall be the responsibility of each contractor toverify ell existing utilities and conditions pertaining to his phase of the work. It :shall also be the contractors responslblllty to contact the owners or the engineer of any changes, errors or omissions found on these plans or in thefield before work is started or resumed.
0. Service Laterals --lndlvldual lot service lines shall be 6" In
diameter and of materlol equal to that specified In 2A of this section Service llne-shall be connected to the main sewer by a wye at locations generally shown wHhin fhese plans Service lines shall be extended and copped at a point 5 feet from the proposed building line or one pipe length for those services on the sewer service llnes shall be marked with a 2" x 4" or o PVC riser.
P. New Sanitary Sewer �oin Construction -Contractor shall record dimensions of each service line stub from nearest downstream monhole measured along the sanitary sewer main. The locotlons of manhole and service lanes along with any other construction changes are to be Incorporated on the original construction drawings end "Record Drawing" prints submitted to the City of Carmel and the engineer as soon ofter completion of construction as possible.
The work under this section includes all storm sewers, stormwater Inlets, and related Items lncludlng excavating and backfllling necessary to complete the work shown on the drawings.
A. Storm Sewers
Reinforced concrete sewer pipe shall conform to ASTM C-76 latest revision, with joints conforming to ASTM C-443 latest revision.
8.Roof/Downspout Connections
All gravity piastre stonn sewer pipe and fittings shall conform to ASH.I D-3034, SDR-35 and meet a cell classification of 12454-C. Flexible gasketed compression joints shall be used for PVC. No solvent cement joints shall be allowed.
1. Prec:ost reinforced concrete manhole sections and steps shall conform to ASTf.l C-478 latest revision.
2.Casting shall be of uniform quallty, free from blowholes, porosity, hard spots, shrinkage distortion, or other defects. They shall be smooth end well cleaned by shot-blastlng or by some other approved method. They shall be coated with asphalt point, which shall result In a smooth coating, tough and tenacious when cold, not tacky or brittle. They
shall be gray iron meeting ASTf.l A-48 latest revision.
3.Joints -Manhole sec::tlons shall be Jointed with rubber type gaskets. The rubber type gaskets shall meet AST� C-4,4.3 latest revision. When manhole and storm pipe are continuously In water.
Perforated plastic pipe subdrains shall confonn to ASTM F-405, MSHTO M-252 (4"" to 1 O'" pipe).
A. Permits and Codes -The intent of this section of the specifications ls that the contractor's bid on the work
covered herein shall be based upon the drawings and speclflcatlons, and that the work shall comply with all applicable codes and regulations as amended by any waivers. Contractor shall furnish all bonds necessary to get permits for cuts and connections to e,clstlng sewers.
8. Local Standards -The term "Local Standards" as used herein means the standards of design and construction of the respective municipal deportment or utility company.
C. Existing Improvements -Maintain in operating condition all actrve utllltres, sewers, and other drains encountered in the sewer installation. Repair lo the
sotlsfac::tlon of the owner any damage to existing active improvements.
D. Workmanship -To conform to all local, state, and national codes and to Oe approved by all local and state agencies having jurisdiction.
E.Trenching -Lay all pipe in open trenches, except whenthe local outhorlty gives written permission fortunneling. Open the trench sufficiently ahead of pipe loylng to reveal any obstructions. The width of the trench shall be the inside pipe diameter plus 24 inches for 12 inches above the pipe. SheB"I and brace trench as necessary to protect workmen and adjacent structures, All trenching to comply with Occupatlonol Safety and Health Administration standards. Keep trenches free from water while construction is in progress. Under no circumstances loy pipe or appurtenances in standing water. Conduct thedischarge from trench dewotering to drains or natural
drainage channels.
F. Special Supports -Whenever in the opinion of theengineer the soil at or below the pipe grade is unsuitable for supporting :sewers end appurtenances specified In this section, such speclol support, Inaddition to those shown or speclfled, shall be provided as the engineer may direct, and the contract will be adjected.
G. Backfllllng -for a depth of at least 12 Inches above thetop of the pipe, backfill with earth or granular materialfree from large stones, rock fragments, roots, or sod.Tamp this backfill thoroughly, toking core not lo disturb the pipe. For the remaining trench depth, backflll with earth or granular material containing stones or rocks not larger than 4 inches. Backfill under and within 5' of
walks, parking areas, driveways, and street shall be granular material only -thoroughly compacted by opproved methods.
H. Manhole Inverts -Construct manhole flow channels of concrete :sewer pipe or brick, smoothly finished and of :semicircular section confonning lo the inside diameter of the connecting sewers. Make changes In size or grade gradually and changes in direction by true curves. Provide such channels for all connecting sewers at each manhole.
I. Subdroins -All subdrains shall be of the size shown on the planed and shell be constructed to the grades shown. All drains constructed off-site as port of the outlet drain wlll be located as shown.
J. Utlllties -It shall be the responslblllty of each contractor to verify all existing utilities and conditions pertaining to his phase of the work. It shall also be the contractor's responsibility to contact theowners of the various utllltles Oefore work ls started. The contractor shall notify in writing the owners or theengineer of any changes, errors, or omissions found onthese plans or In the field before work ls started or resumed.
1. Planting Time: Do not plant seed on frozen soil. Do not perform seeding when
wind exceeds 15 mph. Do not seed between calendar dated from November
15 to �arch 1 or from June 1 to September 1.
2.Protect seeded areas against erosion by spreading anti-erosion mulch after
completion of seeding operations. Spread uniformly to fcnn a continuous
blanket not less than 1 ½" loose measurement aver seeded areas.
3.Anchor mulch by spraying with asphalt emulsion at the rate of 10 to 13 gallons
per 1000 sq. ft. Take precautions to prevent damage or staining or
construction or other plantings adjacent to mulched areas.
t.lixture For sunny to partial shade areas:
Proportion Min.% Min.% Max.%
By Weight Common Name Botanical Name Germ. Pure Sd. Weed Sd.
Red Fescue
Poe protensis
Festuca rubra
Lolium Perenne
'Pennfine '
Agostis alba
5. Sowing Rate: Sow grass seed at the following rate -200 lbs/acre.
The following formula shall be used to determine the amount of
commercial seed required to provide in eoch kind of seed the specified
quantities of pure live seed.
Pure Live Seed ,c 100% x 100% = Pounds Commercial
Purity x Germination Seeds Required
6. Commercial Fertilizer: Complete fertilizer of neutral character, with some
elements derived from organic sources and containing following percentages
of avollable plant nutrients. ror lawns, provide fertilizer with percantoge of
nitrogen required to provide not less than I lb. of actual nitrogen per 100 sq.ft.
of lawn area, and not less than 4% phosphoric acid and 2% potassium. Provide
nitrogen in a form that will be available to lawn during initial period of growth;
af least 50% of nitrogen to be organic form.
The work required under this section Includes all concrete and bituminous paving and related items necessary to complete the work indicated on drawings and described in the :specifications, including, but not llmlled to:
All streets, parking areas in contract limits Curbs and gutters Sidewalks and concrete sloOs, exterior steps
No. Date Revision
1. 01/06/22 Revisions per Carmel
A. Concrete -Concrete shall be ready--mlxed concrete and shall be a mix of proportioned fine and coarse aggregates with Portland cement and water. Minimum cement content shall be 6 bags per cubic yard of concrete and maximum water content shall be 5.5 US gallons per sock of cement, Including moisture In the aggregate. Slump for normal weight concrete shall be a moximum ot 4 inches and a minimum of 2 inches the slump of machine placed concrete shall be no less than 1-1/4 Inches nor more than 3 Inches Standard test C-143 shall be used to measure slump. Compressive strength of concrB"le at 28 days shall be 4000 psi. All exterior concrete shall hove air entrainment of 5%
to 8% by volume per ASTM C-260. Retemperlng of
dellvered concrete will not be allowed. Concrete shall be composed of:
1. Portland cement -Conforming, to ASTt.l Type IA or Type IIIA.
2. Aggregates Conforming to ASTM C-33
3. Water -Shall Oe clear and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalizes, organic materials or other deleterious substances.
8. Welded Steel Wire Fabric -Where required for concrete reinforcement shall conform to ASTM A185.
C. Premoulded Joint Filler -Shall be of non-extruding type
meeting ASTt.l D-544 except premaulded pint filler used In concrete walk construction may be either non-extruding or resilient.
□.Bituminous Pavement Materials -All materials proposed forthe conslruc::tion of bituminous pavements shall complywith the Indiana Department of Transportation specifications, per latest revision.
E. Compacted Aggregate Subbose: Shall be crushed stone or grovel. Crushed grovel shall be a minimum of 35% crushed material. Chert shall be llmlted to a ma,clmum of 8% of thetotal. Moterlal shall be free from an excess of flat, elongated thinly laminated, soft or disintegrated pieces; and shall be free from fragments coated with dirt. Compacted aggregate shall be graded as follows:
1--1/2" 1"
10D 80-100 70-9D 55-80 35-60 25-50
3/4'" t/2" #4 fso #200
A. Grading -Do any necessary grading In oddltlon to that performed in accordance with Ee rthwork Section, to bring
subgrades, after final compaction, lo the required grades
and sections for site improvement.
B. Preparation of Subgrade -Remove spongy and otherwise unsuitable moterlal and replace with stable material. Notraffic will be allowed on prepared subgrade prior to paving.
C. Utility Structures -Check for correct elevation of all man hole covers, valve boxes and slmllo r structures located
within areas to be paved, and make, or hove made, any necessary adjustments in such structures.
□.Placing Concrete
1. Subgrade -Place concrete only on c compacted material compacted subgrade or base free from loose material Place no concrete on a muddy or frozen
2. Forms -All forms shall be free from warp, tight enough to prevent leakage and substantial enough to meintain their shape and position without springing or setlllng, when concrete Isplaced f'orms shall be clean and smooth immediately before concreting
3. Piecing Concrete -Concrete shall be deposited so as to require as llttle rehandllng, as practicable. When concrete Is to be placed at an atmospheric temperature of 35 degrees F or less, paragraph 70210 cf the Indiana Department ofTransportation Speclflcatlons lotest revision shall be followed.
E. Concrete Curb
1. Expansion Joints -Sholl be 1/2 Inch thickpremoulded at ends of all returns and at a maximum spacing of 40 feet.
2. Contraction Joints -Unless otherwise provided, contraction Joints shall be sowed Joints spaced 10 feet on center.
3. Finish -Temp and screed concrete as soon a placed and flll any honey combed places. Finish square comers to 1/4" radius and other corners to radii shown.
r. Concrete Walks and Exterior steps
1.Slopes - Provide 1/4 Inch per foot cross slope. Make adjustments in slopes at walk intersections a:s necessary to provide proper drainage.
2. Dimensions -Walks and steps shall be one course construction and of widths and details shown on the drawings
3. Finish -Screed concrete and trowel with a steel trowel to o hard dense surface after Surface water hos disappeared. Apply medium broom finish and scribe control joints at 5 foot spacing Provide 1 /2" expansion Joints where sidewalks Intersect, ond at a maximum spacing of 48 feet between expansion pints.
G.Curing Concrete --Except cs otherwlse specified, cure allconcrete by one of the methods described in Section 50117 of the lndlano Deportment of Transportation Specifications, latest revision.
H. Concrete Curing Compound -All exterior concrete shall be coated with curing compound complylng with ASTM C 309, TYPE 1-D, class A.
J. Concrete Testing -Concrete testing shall meet the requirements established for structural concrete to be used in bulldlng on this site
A. Provide and apply commerclol chemlcal for weed control In paved areas Chemlcal shall be registered by the envlronmental protection agency and supplled In granular, liquid or wettable powder form.
B.Apply according to manufactures speclflcottons.
A.Wheel Stops -2,500-psi compressive strength precast, airentrained concrete, approxlmately 6 Inches high a Incheswide, and 7 feet long. Provide chamfered corners and drainage slots on underside.
A. Pavement Marking Paint --Alkyd-resin type, ready-mixed
complying with AASHTO M 248, TYPE 1.
8. Color shall be white unless noted otherwise, except for handicapped spaces and access ways which shall be blue.
A. General -Testing in-place hot-mixed asphalt courses for compliance with requirements for thickness and surface smoothness. Repair or remove and replace unacceptable paving. Sholl be done by on independent testing laboratory with scope of testing and inspection approved by engineer.
990 W. Oak Street
Zionsville, IN 46077
Citv of Carmel Design By
B. Thickness -In-place compacted thickness tested In accordance with ASTM D 3549 will not be acceptable Ifexceeding following allowable variation: prepared subgrode prior to paving.
1, Binder Course: Plus or minus 1/2 inch. 2. Surface Course: Plus or minus 1/4 inch.
c.Surface Smoothness -Test finished surface of each hot-mixed asphalt course for smoothness, using 1 afoot straightedge applied parallel with and at right angles to centerline of paved area. Surfaces will not be acceptable If exceeding the followlng tolerances for smoothness.
1, Binder Course Surface: 1/4 inch. 2. Wearing Course Surface: 3/16 inch.
If not specified below, fire protection and watermain:s are to be laid in occordcnce with the specifications of the City of Carmel, or as directed by the Deportment of Public Works for the City of Carmel.
The work required under this section includes all cold water distribution llnes, valves, meter pits, hydrants, and related
Items lncludlng excavating and backfllllng necessary to complete the work shown on the drawings. The ends of water service lines shall be tightly plugged or copped of the terminal points pending the connecting to all such lines of the building piping as spectfled In the plumbing specifications and orchltectural drawings.
Cast iron pipe shall meet A Specification C-106 with push-on joints meeting A Specification C-111. Wall thickness shall be detemilned from TaOle 6.4 In A C-106. Ductile iron pipe shall meet A C-150 and C-151 Specifications. Pipe to be cement lined and seal coaled in accordance with A C-104, Joints shall
be pushed-on type, Teuton, Fasted, Super Bell-Tete, or
approved equal, except at fittings, valves and special crossings. Joints shall comply with A C-111. Fanged Joints shall conform to ASA. A21.10 or B16.1.
Fittings shall be cost Iron of ductile Iron conforming to ANSISpecification ABBE.1D-1971 (A C110-71). Fittings shall bedesigned and manufoctured for a pressure roting of 250 psi. Fittings shall be tar-coated and shall be cement-lined in accordance with ANSI Speclflcaffon ABBE.4-1974 (A C104-74). f'lttlngs Joints shall be mechanical joints conforming to ANSI Specification ABBE.11-1972 (A C11-72).
Shall be seamless, annealed copper tubing complylng with Federal Specification WW-T-7g9_ Fittings shall be wrought copper or cast bronze with :solder joints. Solder shall be of a composition recommended by the manufacturer of the fittings.
Shall comply wHh A Speclflc::otron C-502 and shall meet Noblesville standards and requirements, partlculorly as to nozzle diameters and threads, direction of opening and dimensions of operating and cap nuts. Fire hydrants shall have one pumper and two hose nozzles. A valve opening not less than 5 inches and a 6 Inch Inlet connection. The length of the hydrant barrel shall be detem,lned by the specified depth of cover over the pipe. Allprivate water hydrants ore to be pointed o color other than that utilized by the Water Company. Hydrants shell be located
such that the direction of opening is directed towards the street.
All valves and stops shall have ends suited or adopters shall be provided for the proper installatlon In the llnes In which they are located. Valves shall meet IWC standards or In the absence of such standards, the following requirements:
A.Valves in cost iron pipe shall be iron body, bronze mounted, disc gate valves conforming to A Specification C-500. They shall open in the some direction as those used in the local waterworks system. Valve stems shall terminate in 2 inch wrench nuts. Furnish two (2) keys.
B. Valves In copper pipe shall be standard brass body, round-way, ground-key stops, with T heads. Furnish two (2) keys.
Sholl meet local standards or in the absence of such, shall comply with the following requirements:
A. For iron Oody valves, boxes shall be approved standard buffalo-type cast iron, adjustable shaft boxes, hoving a minimum shaft diameter of 5 1/4 Inches.
B. For Brass body valves (stops) boxes shall be approved standard cast iron extension service boxes,
having a minimum diameter of 2 1/2 Inches and having lid held in place by o brass or bronze bolt. the costings shall be coated with two coats of coaltor pitch varnish. Furnish two (2) keys for bolt in lids.
Stops shall be those manufactured by f'ord or Mueller Corporation with A toper thread, and with copper compression type fitting on outlet, or approved equal.
Blow-off valves shall be those manufactured by Mueller Corporation (H10283 of H-10291) or approved equal.
Angle valves al the end of water service stub ore to be copper compression type fitting, and are to be protected with plastic bag over the valve.
11. TAPS
1 inch taps In lines smaller than 4 inches shall be only by topped tee or topped saddle. Water service lines should be marked on curbs with blue point (sewer lateral locations -red).
Tops onto existing main shall be performed In accordance with rules of the Indiana American Water Company havlng Jurisdiction.
The Wafer Mains shall be loid to a depth not less then five feet(5'-o") below ground cover.
The Contractor shall furnish the meter plt(s) and vault of the type os shown on the construction plans (meter to be furnished by Water Company) along with all necessary quic::kdi:sconnects, valves and appurtenances. This cost shall beIncluded In the bid amount for water llne:s. Meter pits must beequipped with storm sewer drain or sump connected to stonn structure.
Test the piping for leakage for o period of at least two hours at a pressure of 150 pounds per square inch. Inspect all joints for leakage and remedy any leaks. Upon completion of the water distribution mains, flush out the :system until the water runs cleers. As soon as the system has been flushed out, It shall be sterlllzed in accordance with the requirements of theloc::ol water deportment.
Great Growin' s
Clay Townshio, Drawn By
Hamilton Countv, Checked By Indiana
Approved By
uate 12/11/21
Job No. 21 -001
Scale NTS
Sheet No. C500