HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondenceCARMEL HISTORIC PRESERVATION COMMISSION CAUCUS ROOM, CARMEL CITY HALL 1 CIVIC SQUARE, CARMEL, IN JANUARY 13, 2022 - 6:00 P.M. Minutes 1. Call to Order Nick Davis called the meeting to order at 6:13 pm 2. Roll Call Commissioners Present: Nick Davis, Rosemary Dunkle, Bill Sanders, Jess Lawhead Commissioners Not Present: Fred Swift, Bruce Kimball, one position vacant Staff: Mark Dollase At the questioning of a Commissioner, Mark reported that he had not heard back yet regarding the appointment of a new Commissioner by the Mayor's Office. 3. Approval of Minutes (12/9/2021) Jess Lawhead motioned to approve the December minutes. Bill Sanders seconded. Motion approved 4-0. 4. Hearing of Visitors None. 5. Certificate of Appropriateness Review None. 6. Report on Staff Approvals None. 7. Financial Report a. Budget update Mark reported that the transfer of CHPC remaining funds into the non -reverting fund meant its balance is now $209,566.40. Mark reported that he had spoken with Pete Dunbar of White Chapel, and that they had now completed their fagade grant project for a new roof. Mark will process the payment of $5,000 in the near future. 8. Old Business a. Willdnson-Hull House update: Mark reported that negotiations were ongoing regarding donation of the house from Epcon Communities to Indiana Landmarks. Wording regarding landscaping maintenance on the W-H House property as improvements begin on the Courtyards of Carmel project was still being ironed out. Mark sent the signed donation agreement back to Epcon on January 10 but had not yet heard back. 9. New Business a. Demolition Delay Review-401 Emerson —Tom Lazzara of Custom Living presented on behalf of the owner, for the request to demolish the existing structure at 401 Emerson Road, in the eligible Johnson Addition district. Lazzara and his design team presented their proposal for a new house on the site, which at 2 stories is larger than most single -story homes in the neighborhood. Commissioners expressed some concerns related to height, massing and materials. Mark provided a Staff Report, which recommended approval of the demolition request, but asked for a further meeting for input to design changes, particularly regarding orientation on the site. Bill Sanders made the motion to approve the staff recommendation; Rosemary Dunkle seconded. The motion passed 4-0. 10. Other Business None. 11. Announcements None. 12. Adjournment Nick asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Bill made a motion to adjourn, and Jess seconded. Motion approved 4-0. Meeting adjourned at 7:29 pm. Nick Davis, Carmel Historic Preservation Commission Chairperson Recording Secretary, Mark Dollase