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DocuSign Envelope ID:983A2733-FB76-403C-9632-32509CF3D590 Cl City of Carmel Project 16-ENG-69 Shelborne Road Multi-Use Path CHANGE ORDER#3 Additional change order items: • Item 61 —Modify Str. 25 • Item 62—New crosswalk at Weston Drive Balancing final quantities Contract Price prior to this Change Order $606,210.65 Contract Price will be increased/decreased by this Change Order $82,097.04 New Contract Price including this Change Order $688,307.69 Amount Adjusted Contract Cumulative%Change Price _from_Originai_Contract Original Contract $563,174.84 $563,174.84 N/A CO1 $25,747.36 $588,922.20 4.57% CO2 $17,288.45 $606,210.65 7.64% CO3 — $82,097.04 $688,307.69 _ 22.22% DocuSign Envelope ID:983A2733-FB76-403C-9632-32509CF3D590 CITY OF CARMEL TO CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO.: 3 DATE: 3/20/2020 Rieth-Riley Construction Co. PROJECT NAME: Shelburne Road Multi-Use Path 1751 W Minnesota St. CITY REQ.NO.: Indianapolis,IN 46206 CITY PO NO.: ATIN:IeIT Matt ix CITY PO DATE: I You are directed to make the following changes in this Contract: 1. This change order will add two new items for this contract for extra work. • Item 61 -A modification of-Structure 25 was needed due to the existing side slopes in the ditch being too sleep-Structure 25 was raised approximately MO feet to allow for an extension of the existing 18"pipe that crosses Shelburne Road and an extension of the existing i 2"pipe under the driveway to lie info Structure 25.Erosion control blanket was placed on the finished grade around the stricture once completed.This work was added per the request oldie City of Carmel after discussions with the property owner(Jim Snyder). • Item 62-A pedestrian crosswalk with signals,curb ramps,and sidewalk was added to cross Shclborne Road just north of Weston Drive per the City ot'Camel.Per the City of Cannel,the crosswalk was originally intended to be included on this project but was not added to the construction plans or items- 2. All items are balanced on this chance order to match the final quantities agreed between the Rieth-Riley(Jeff Maths)and USI Consultants(Kevin Harris) ITEM AMOUNT SCHEDULED ADJUSTMENT f+I OR(-1 DAYS 61 New Item $5,973 20 0 Days 62 New Item $57,407.I I 0 Days Balanced Items for Final Quantities $18,716.73 0 Days IL The following referenced Documents further describe the changes outlined in Paragraph 1,and are to be considered a part of this Change Order:R-E.P.: W.D.C. No.• The changes result in the following adjustment ofContraet Price and Contract Time: Contract Price prior to this Change Order $ 606 210.65 Contract Price will be increascd/deecease4 by this Change Order $ 82.097.04 New Contract Price including this Change Order $_6RR.307,69 Contract Time Prior to this Change Order -108 Days 5/13/2039 Substantial Completion Date Contract Time Prior to this Change Order 439 Days 6/13/2019 Final Completion Date Net incrcascdh d e sulting from this Change Order 0 Days Current Contract Time including this Change Order 401 Days 5IL312012 Substantial Completion Date Current Contract Time including this Change Order 439 Days 6/13/2019 Final Completion Date This Change Order is for full and final settlement of all direct,indirect,impact costs and time extensions incurred at any time resulting from the performance of the changed eurk The Above Changes Are Recommended: The Above Changes Are Accepted: ..ed., 1JSI Consultants.Inc. Rieth-Riley Construction Co..Inc. Jeremy M.Kashman,City Engineer ENGINEER CONTRACTOR Doou/S�ig�n^etl by: James Brainard,Mayor 8415 East 56"Street 1751 W-Minnesota St. Indianapolis.IN 46216 Indianapolis,IN 46206 l)44'7/Itn.tn.bui{t, `t a4`rj'r`$°fVrPftirke,Member Cig7Stale/Zip City/Slate/Zip r IAVilloa}sow orPkrOilildember By: Kevin tiarrw. 133.7-4 r p,-,/►------- ATTEST David Dankert,Area Manager ,-..sig-., Phnnc:317-363-9360 Phone: SlAt, (>Uotf7aALtl� 317-634.5561 �X °° eftWO.,; 'ilyClerk 7/15/2020 Date 3/31/2020 Dale. 3.31.20 Date: DocuSign Envelope ID:983A2733-FB76-403C-9632-32509CF3D590 a 0 ] `) n rn 0 o. 0 ' Q m f., ,�V l7 0a no CD ° e: cn 8 //°°1 - 0 O s O V/ C3 r) - D C N g eD 04 6 4 a A C EDT N R ° o n f a 10 I ab @n G < 'Er "J iry < 0-., 0 N 9 D �co 5. ro c. fl. wV yy a ga Q x a o o ^ CA• w 0 ro o 1 '�' a ¢: n0 Com Ix P. o C17:1 Oss .- g 7-c' 4 o. rip - '-' co 7c" f➢ " 0• . "'" i c''. co f3 71j VA pp7� m �faT O ~ to W L4• N, M O• n b i•—• eF P. 0 a. r+ 0 (!) 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A"-gi cp th •-rii�rfi! to a O 4 N IQW '!fix T.r.«.„ .' •.", �.i 3 © $ o o i}< is r ---1P J sO lrrL`T't;F NJ o o Al tt : €:; -- 'D weo' s . N A GO Hj i ' w'kr.PrePp O ,-' ,y rM;r:e.03t`O . S' I itos` fir: 11>rt jii. r3-,2{ gr: 3 CO N S ,0 n l¢S:y�y ��xy,;i� Q o W EkR�vi1�j;''+�K}}�' _,, ',�ti' !G I1 .'#{ vW CO 4) ffi W r 1F , i'w. ' 0 0 o s s1 ,F co 0W 4J I '4 l DocuSign Envelope ID:983A2733-FB76-403C-9632-32509CF3D590 fo C' O (n O r [i1 00 q M O i r pz)tri O PO �'° 7 oti w O oo 0 0 Z 0 0 g ryir[Oy n @ co y n iy S Y t-' { fig r!q y r a {/J v) rn V} 0 '--1 u, C] O cn C? t�D cxo ro �'i i�� ty phi [moo cr' 1 C fjq y O- 00 !, 5, q. r. 0N -1 C CO Q 6 ry C N r" C t9 r•.+ -1 ( A. Ml a. R. tt7 a CI, a So a �£ - - ti fa ~ RI ti r �t W CD ~ „� N F !`C i a z -. w f , be w 0 4e - i4 S ,'. 6\ t as 0 (0 W V:,;:I '15. _; Pe W '-' .:4:,.. it rF .GO N � Q.p .r c. 'N Ia f p , . -- ;T' �,,, O O O OO O .+,5t p'.. s Era '_Srr 7 .y ON ON QO m .-- N i...• t A,'a . O „ ,z ,!?' ; ;„g, .p to D b O :'1:'Y'. v o o i t F�.01d.14 1.C. Efi u, be W a be ''xf x�yl i y'a-'r.r. ty VSJ1( :��n tJ '� Nnl7iY4 ,'fi�'{�O at ICJ d O , S`S Si' ,tl,i`�4 `O J O p O . . be Ge vp to {7 a s '. 3 a•,, Co . ,4, cA o °' ''.� d bye./�c:k R. O ! p f'K N P O Qj . i:- 5 -4� Co o ` t DocuSign Envelope ID:983A2733-FB76-403C-9632-32509CF3D590 U7J a o w N to Cs o ii m a1 —.1 Ib n n to c 5 ; c° l tit A) E. '-I by , " O m n CIO r i � fp> n p r �u� n C0 `� `rfi`rn g . c UQ c (, Gp 0 a oO c) O " O ro OZ ,ti 01 w P 2 Di P im M.' F ag w .. j ._, a s V3 CO -, h) `� N 171..z'si �f �! U) O ) P 0 0 f.:.:! i''....:''!,-.;,:.-,,V;sr.'S...1 4 a ? _- s. O J D i La b 'P A a b p d r 3 : 1 F f W `'i :' co o 0 4 icsro co .: 9 v.. lil.44'=.,:,',41,0r,-. a% P ,a ,,,..ifu,',47,( ,•A'_:• N W tv _f.,..i.: .,#.. v.0 r:-/A f t 43> C; :412 p _ CJsi LA .p N p S 00 I..) ,Ss' .r ;.4�?a �'1 i! - ily4r.?,-1 -.}..1 DocuSign Envelope ID:983A2733-FB76-403C-9632-32509CF3D590 . a rp V C:1 ° V rl 0 V r) 0 V 8 0O `-� �p ,.-. r r O n "S' 1 W.. 0 cri" 9 .Ct, 3?1 Urr t" �' m w '"' U .. • no C' •a 0 ao, oc a •--1 ro yyyy ro ro n 0 a ro o ro —3-3 o R, O o `� ows,:;° 0 5 0 a c z 5 o a 5 va m trn" ro nc. ro ca n a a ro Q z ro q, r+ �� iy p' rl +i ro ro Fa D ov tr1 T 1 be b CO Iv W Ni. -s -{ i n , O Oo • O N N O �� vo m is O O . d C7 9 ;. ;: 4„ c,o fig `rai •l Go H 0a F 4 v, -1 W w 9 A V A w ', a 0 a o 0 ot'j r:• V:i i . v3 v, co r.., w w , :w;)..,,�i W lY i� t Q, O, .p ppco TJ ,F,V,,.�kti� •1-A, �O I;-4 '} r-ii'. pA P. N W ,p 'w e` t t,24. 0 GO Oo O q , t,la if 09, f U , ui N Y ,p lb) N Ytl 1 ,4, ; '1 to o A N to [T oc �. �.t*�1,�,,,,,:'I:ja',. DocuSign Envelope ID:983A2733-FB76-403C-9632-32509CF3D590 U 0 0 00 tr O a rn .. 5 "F 7. o-o m Cd bd Cr3 VI 71 1!Q 8' us CF. ,- .. Z ¢ g 0 g 0 0 0 0 (b ti 0 a Lb flri,. N n. rc 0. <-. •.. [b to iu N N N N gf { ti f IF) !� E. j v) -I o .;y A -kaa v' o w .. .. 0 o W O o c C o '' :I -; a o o a a o a o 0 o d� (Pi - i . -YTr, i. N 00 — iv) VI 6 i.1 ra i b j.4 rt ] u, O Oti 4= t M ' ' 3r la- W i. co O 4 b b ,» R1_ y'/ii: re y..,ti,VI — o o a% ; r .r ... 'd4 }�'F.f�yr o O o A -1 [ Q. sd;-6....., o O 69 . 'L.. iA '-i w CO N v) k4 �2. * '7" DocuSign Envelope ID:983A2733-FB76-403C-9632-32509CF3D590 Cu 8 n o o '� o '� Oo ,� t . w 0 O W ,, r7 w r 0 � Fp ro r7 N , . G. O ) q 0 ,`i 0 y p t J i ,...' 3 m U c • Fr o td G CO T W '- �d Gti 2 0 a tri C ' 0 p .' o w ao X na as vo 1_., ato 0 N V) Cl to rn a to n ,.,, , toz 4� C y O _o cc t3 5 O ' o r3 a a ran a ro q ra a ro pi 4 Ch "�` -�i '17 co `U -ems "� ti 3 F n [' C) cn —Ii r .- 1 tLaoI Va oo0000 •CLN U ;eV. I "� O O 0 O oo m 6 ALit `. .▪ _- O t,J vl p j 's 4 :� en t' , GJ EAJ9 VI CJ N w w 1.v, t1.1 LA rr O Ip K7 .f .� � {▪ { 'i' O -P a ice, , o a '�, o ONr.- . ,X. o O O In tf,o < 8 O SF1 r u O b v, vl ss Nq.'^ y' rn co . O $ 0, O O F.O • SIM) 'IZ O O O O }$'. } ki, lt3 . <. fit' t kt -O O VI Cif Cr' � 'r1}}IY N '4.1:'J'p.l d1: co • _ O [n O cA N '" i14.,- 1'r4v„_f es J O w A N ..i '€'# c° DocuSign Envelope ID:983A2733-FB76-403C-9632-32509CF3D590 w O p n '. ' y n co • . • m C7 g of < CV 0 a. L y I PD 6 i o ,i tt a ,/F d 1 'et ' h i n h'i n 0 Noct cm s cn l — i .� aCD L n ocr. z �— 5 , rn r"a I n .. . } N a # -� r. 1 H ' , H r _ -. 1 s 14 co tn rt -�� ' 1 b { m p pQ W3.i J' CY7 kJ-1Q O Q Is f.. .P . a r' :,s;df Jyti. +�+ i .4 _ q1 ' a)r1,,, o a 'e 3 rX a• 4 0 o ;4° J n rpp.,..: x 7 r "1� o „ 7, W r;oar• ..;- K f ,{ ' - O ia r '1 1' ji f V k o .. , ft_ .� .. II ..O o J. IA N yt4Y. v DocuSign Envelope ID:983A2733-FB76-403C-9632-32509CF3D590 11 ® B 4 e u 0111L. III •IlierrCT � " oe EL JAMES BRA1.NARD, MAYOR MEMO CITY OF CARMEL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT To: Doug Haney, Corporation Counsel From: Laurie Slick Cc: Jeremy Kashman Date: 07/08/2020 RE: Change Order#3: Project 16-ENG-69;Shelborne Road Path from 106th Street to 116th Street Additional information provided by Jeremy Kashman: With an original project cost of$563,174.84 and a final project cost of$688,307.69,this project incurred a 22.22%overrun as shown on Change Order No. 3. Most of this overrun were caused by adding an ADA accessible crosswalk that was to be included as part of the original bid documents and then also because of unforeseen circumstances. The Engineering department requested the construction plans include an ADA accessible crosswalk with flashing beacons. The original bid documents were missing the crosswalk therefore,this cost was not included in the original bid. The cost of the crosswalk was 10.2%of the original contract amount. After the additional crosswalk had already been added to the construction contract the project encountered soil conditions that were much wetter and softer than were to be reasonably expected. This wet and soft condition precipitated the need modify the subgrade treatment. It was determined the most cost-effective way to successfully modify the subgrade was to add geogrid, a geotechnical soil reinforcement product which was unforeseen at the time of project bidding. This added 1.4%to the original contract price. The final additional cost that was unforeseen was due to a storm structure that needed to be reconstructed because the roadway was caving in causing a roadside safety issue. This cost was incurred after the project was open to the public. DI-TARTAN!i uF I:XGINii:itf\{,i ()NTT Civic SQl.QIE, C:vt.na. IN 46032 317571.2-r-i 1 F ix 3[7.571 2439 I'.\fall. gines rir1q?ni noicl.in.µ % DocuSign Envelope ID:983A2733-FB76-403C-9632-32509CF3D590 tori-e 8415 E.56th St.•Suite A consultants May 5, 2020 Jeremy Kashman City Engineer Department of Engineering City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: City of Carmel Project 16-ENG-69 Shelborne Road Multi Use Path, PO 101423 Final Project Cost, Explanation of Overrun Jeremy, With an original project cost of$563,174.84 and a final project cost of$688,307.69,this project incurred a 22.22%overrun as shown on Change Order No. 3. The most substantial reasons for this overrun were due to a need to modify structure No. 25, add a pedestrian crosswalk to cross Shelborne Road, add curb ramps to Callowell Court, increase the drive approach limits at Sedgemoor Circle, add geogrid to help stabilize soil below the path, remove dead/dying trees in front of the Bridlebourne Subdivision, and add two drive approaches at Mr. Snyder's property. See below for an explanation and cost increase for each of these items. • Item 61 -A modification of Structure 25 was needed due to the existing side slopes in the ditch being too steep. Structure 25 was raised approximately two feet to allow for an extension of the existing 18" pipe that crosses Shelborne Road and an extension of the existing 12" pipe under the driveway to tie into Structure 25. Erosion control blanket was placed on the finished grade around the structure once completed. This work was added per the request of the City of Carmel after discussions with the property owner(Jim Snyder). Total cost of work was $5,973.20 (1.06%increase to original contract). • Item 62 -A pedestrian crosswalk with signals, curb ramps, and sidewalk was added to cross Shelborne Road just north of Weston Drive per the City of Carmel. Per the City of Carmel, the crosswalk was originally intended to be included on this project, but was not added to the construction plans or items. Total cost of work was $57,407.11 (10.19%increase to original contract). • Curb ramps were added to Callowell Court per the City of Carmel. Per the City of Carmel, the curb ramps were originally intended to be included on this project, but were not added to the construction plans or items.Total cost of work was $4,338.70 (0,77% increase to original contract). 0: 317.544.4996 o F: 317.544.4997 www.usiconsuitents.com movingIN RA 7 j kUC l URE.forward >> DocuSign Envelope ID:983A2733-FB76-403C-9632-32509CF3D590 Lie 8415 E.56th St.•Suite A Indianapolis,IN 46216 consultants • An increase to the drive approach limits at Sedgemoor Circle was added to the contract per agreement with the City of Carmel and Bridlebourne Subdivision in order to resolve an unforeseen drainage conflict. The increase to the drive approach limits caused an increase to the HMA for Approaches Item and a need for existing bricks to be removed. Two residential drives were also added by change order per the right-of- way agreement with the City of Carmel and property owner Jim Snyder. Total cost of the additional asphalt for the drives and drive approach and removal of the bricks was $20,068.40 (3.56%increase to original contract). • Geogrid was needed to help stabilize the existing soil in various areas were needed below the path.Total cost of the geogrid was $8,068.90 (1.43%increase to original contract). • Dead/dying trees were agreed to be removed from in front of the Bridlebourne Subdivision per an agreement with the City of Carmel and the Bridlebourne Subdivision. Total cost of the work was $19,394 (3.44% increase to original contract). Sincerely, U5I CONSULTANTS INC. Kevin Harris Construction Project Manager 0: 317.544.4996 • F: 317.544.4997 a www.usiconsultants.com movingINFRAS i RUC i UREforward>>