HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarmel/Woolpert/Planning Consul AGR~eN]~NT
.~P~'~IS AGREIliENT, entered into as of this ~___ day of ~
,~u~:.r re=erred to as the "T~WNSHIP") and WOOLPER~ CC~SULTA~I~, a ~
=~nclag.ewt ~ engineering and planning, consisting of seven (7) part.hers, l~i
Ln ~le Cil'i%~ o~ India/lapolis, State of Indiana (here in after referred to as
the ("car~sulb_~nt"), WITNESSwi~: ~,
WH[R[AS~ the City and lawnship are undertaking certain actions and
ce?,eain professional and technical assistance in connection with the prepa?.a,
of Comprehensive Plan Revisions:
· ~1~.~.~, ~d~_~-,EFORE, the parties hereto do mutually agree as follows:
A. ?_r_ial Photography and Base Maps
~lew aerial photography shall be made at a negative of
.. -2000 covering perimeters of Clay Township. Photograph:
shall be flown with 80% forward ]ap and 35%side lap and
siqall be suitable for making I =400 reproducible screened
Using the 1'~:2000' scale photography reproducible ~
screened enlargements shall be made at a scale of 1"=400'.
Each enlargement shall cover foun (4) sections with a 1/2
inch overlap between sheets. A proper border to title
block shall be shown on each sheet.
The existing 1"=1000' property map shall be updated to show
all properties existing as ~the date of the aerial photo-
graphy. It is our understanding that the existing
1"=1000' property maps were last updated in 1978 and that
no more than 1,500 new properties have been recorded since
that date. The method of updating the existing property
map shall be as follows:
The 1"=2000' aerial photography shall be enlarged to a
.~cale of 1"=1000'. The 1"=1000' enlargements shall be
oriented beneath the existing 1"=1000' prop6rty map until a
local best fit is accomplished. New properties, sub-
division and roads shall then be drawn directly from the
1"=1000' aerial enlargements. Properties shall be further
checked against the recorded plats to be sure they are cor-
rectly interpreted. Copies of the recorded plats shall be
supplied by the Director of the Department of Community
The 1"=1000' updated property map shall be enlarged to
/scale of 1"=400~on a basis of four (4) sections per
sheet. Each 1"=400' sheet thus created shall cover the
same four (4) sections that are covered by the reproducible
screened enlargements and shall be matched in scale and
position as close to the photographic image as possible.
Discrepencies between the new 1"=400' map sheets and the
1":400' reproducible screened enlargements depend on the
accuracy of the original 1"=1000' property map and com-
pared it to the USGS Quad map. We have found it to be
fairly accumate and do not anticipate discrepencies
greater than + 1/10 inch at the 1"=400' map scale. No
guarantee however as to fit can be made until the actual
enlargements are produced.
'The 5' contour plater covering the entire Clay Township
shall be obtained from the USGS. The contour plater shall
be~arged to a scale of 1"=400' on a sheet system cov-
ering the same 4 section sheet formal described above.
Each 1"=400' contour sheet shall match the property map and
the reproducible screened enlargements covering the area
within + 1/10 inch at the 1"=400~ scale, subject to the
scale accuracy of the original 1"=1000' property map as
described above.
CommunitS Developement Issues and Goals/Objectives and
Related Policies ~
The Consultant shall review Plan Co~nission minutes, over
the past several years as a means for identifying major
planning/development issues and concerns. The Consultant
shall work with the Plan Commission, the City Council, and
the Mayor's Office t6 generate a list of key community
leaders who represe~ a broad cross-section of the commun-
ity, including the business, finance and development sec-
tors. Interviews shall be conducted with these community
leaders to identify and to refine previously outlined
i~$sues. These interviews will allow the Consultant to
begin to identify relationships and dynamics of community
change, as well as to explore fully the perceptions of com-
munity leaders about the City and Township.
The Consultant ~hall develop a tentative list of computer
cross-tabulations for evaluation of the results of the Com-
munity Survey conducted by the City in 1982. This list
shall be reviewed with the Comprehensive Plan Update Committee
and revised as necessary. The appropriate statistical analyses
shall be performed, and the results evaluated by the Con-
sultant and reported back to the Committee.
The information collected above pertaining to community
needs and development issues, and the survey tabulation
shall be translated into specific~statements of community
development goals and lobjectives. These initial statements
shall be reviewed with the Committee and then finalized.
The Consultant shall then review these development goals
and objectives agreed upon by the Committee and shall
formulate policy statements which shall then be used to
guide the technical planning elements which follow.
The following Work Program assumes that the goals, objectives,
and policies prepared for the Concept Plan will be incorporated
into the Technical Plan. The Concept Plan and Technical Plan
together shall comprise the Comprehensive Plan.
Historical Development of the Community and the Regional
The Consultant shall review the historic basis of develop-
ment'within the City of Carmel and Clay Township. The reg-
ional context.for the Plan Revisions shall be stated.
Relationships between historic growth trends and present
circumstances shall be identified. Development trends cur-
rent within the Indianapolis metropolitan region shall also
be identified and considered for their impact on local
development matters.
Development Patterns
City Staff may assist the Consultant in conducting an in-
ventory of land use and building conditions within the City
and Township. The Consultant shall record in color the
results of this inventory on paper prints of existing
parcel maps. Relevant development data shall be compiled
by the Consultant, including pre-existing information per-
taining to building, zoning, and subdivision activity.
Tabular summaries of building conditions and land use
amounts shall be extracted from this inventory.
Development conditions to be analyzed in this section shall
include the following: amount and type of "developable"
and vacant land within the local area; amount and type of
agricultural land and related preservation measures; devel-
opment pressures and trends relative to residential commer-
cial and industrial lands; development potential of zoned
land; trends relative to public/semi-public uses and rec-
reational uses; relationship of current development pattern
to community goals and objectives; land use allocations;
implications of development pattern for service costs; and
framework for housing production and conservation.
Land SuitabilitS
The consultant shall utilize existing physiographic and
natural resources information to analyze and identify the
capacity for additional development of City and Township
lands, as well as the suitability of such land for addi-
tional development. This analysis shall consider the fol-
lowing factors and relationships: flood plains and wet-
lands, surface water and grolundw2ter recharge areas,
geological formations, soil conditions and topography as
they relate to development potential and carrying capa-
The relationship between current use, development capa-
city and holding capacity on vacant lands shall be eval-
uated relative to the Concept Plan~
D. Recreation and Conservation
The Consultant will identify special resource areas within
the community, including: Existing active and passive rec-
reation areas, existing conservation lands rated from
"most" to "least critical, existing natural resource areas,
and factors which might threaten their existence, areas of
special historic/architectural value, and areas with spe-
cial scenic vistas.
The Consultant will identify existing and anticipated fut-
ure recreation needs based upon Concept Plan policies and
population forecasts. Potential recreation sites will be
rated on a scale from "most" to "least desirable". Alter-
native ways to retain open space and recreation areas
through means other than ownership in fee simple will be
investigated by the Consultant.
E. Population and Economy
The Consultant will analyze and describe the existing local
area economy and demographic composition of the community,
~and will fomec~st.future and economic level
through the years 1990 and 2000. Specifically, the Consul-
tant shall:
Analyze and describe the existing economy including the
character of and changes in the labor force, employment
levels, income, and other key economic indicators.
Identify growth and development factors within the con-
trol of the City and Township as well as factors beyond the
City's and Township's control.
-- Project labor force and employment rates over the 1983-
2000 time period,
-- Project population, age structure, and household com-
position over the 1983-2000 time period.
F. Development Supports
The Consultant shall prepare an inventory and analysis of
public facilities and services within the City and clay
Township. This inventory shall:
-- Identify existing and anticipated route deficiencies
within the area's circulation system.
-- identify major pedestrian/auto/bicycle conflict areas.
Identify future street needs and capacities based upon
traffic volumes and anticipated traffic generation of
various land use patterns.
-- Review existing Water and sewer master plans for their
consistency with the Concept Plan.
Inventory and analyze commun,ity facilities.
(Refer to page 7, Item B. Community Facilities Plan)
G. Problems and Opportunities
The Consultant shall evaluate the existing conditions des-
cribed above and shall prepare a summary statement of com-
munity development problems and opportunities to be
addressed in the several Plan Elements.
A. Land Use and Housing Plan
The Consultant shall prepare a draft Land Use and Housing
Plan showing recommended amounts, locations, and types of
various land use development (residential, commercial,
industrial) over the 1983-2000 time period. Specific
recommendations and strategies shall also be formulated
for strengthening residential areas and improving housing
quality in the ol'der portions of the City and Clay
Township. This housing component shall further identify
ways to strengh~$_ten the neighborhood concept and neighbor-
hood scale as the local area continues to develop. Housing
density shall be identified by planning sub-areas, along
with recommended strategies for achieving the housing "mix'~
desired, as oulined in the Concept Plan.
Community Facilities Plan
Community facilities ~r~l service needs and locations will
be identifiedi~along with descriptions of recommended
"service areas" based on input from the respective responsible
bodies. Recreation facilities and park areas/open space areas
shall also be identified and established based on input from
the Hamilton County Park Board according to ~ hierarchy of needs
at the neighborhood, community, and City/Township level. The
Community Facilities Plan shall also consider such public service
components as school facilities based on input from the School
Superintendent and School Board, library facilities based on
input from the Head Librarian and the Library Board, Police
needs based on input from the Police Chief, and Board of Public
Works and Safety Members. Any changes which need to be made to the
City's water and sewer master Plans relative to the consistency,,
of those plans with the Concept Plan shall also be de,.~Scribed in~
this Community Facilities Plan based on input from th~ Carmel ~
Utility Manager, Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety Members
and the Clay Regional Sewer Board.
C. Circulation Plan
A proposed long-range plan for improvement of thoroughfares
will be prepared, based on input from Carmel City Engineer and
the Hamilton County Engineer, along with dimensioned cross-sections
for specific street types. Provision for proper connection of
future development areas will be undertaken, as well as
recommendations to assure the proper relationship between
street and pedestrian ways. Special attention will be
given to developing strategies and standards to ensure that
development along major thoroughfare frontages within the
City and Clay Township is consistent with the policies of
the Concept Plan.
D. Original Downtown Plan
The Consultant will prepare a generalized concept plan for
the Downtown Area of the City of Camel. This original
Downtown Area is bounded by Smoky Row Road-136th Street on
the north, Seaboard System Railroad right-of-way on the west,
Bandy Center-Coville Center to the south, and the high school
site to the east. This generalized concept plan will out-
line a series of land use, circulation, public improvement
and design strategies for the continued development/revi-
talization of the Original Downtown Carmel.
Capital Im'~rovement Por~ram/Fiscal Analssis
In order to assist in the review of the Comprehensive Plan as a
separate report and not as a part of the Comprehensive Plan
Report, the Consultant shall provide the following:
The Consultant shall compile a comprehensive listing of those
capital improvement projects which are determined to be needed
over the planning horizon based upon the recommended plan elements
included in the Comprehensive Plan Revision. Preliminary,
generalized cost estimates shall be prepared for this listing
of proposed capital improvements projectS.
City Staff, with the direction and the.assistance of the Consultant,
shall analyze the existing tax base of the City and Township and
review both the nature and extent of the current indebtedness in
order to assess what financial, capability the community has at
present. In addition, the Consultant will Consider what the
probable tax base will be in future years based upon the proposed
development pattern. The local area's fiscal position.wiql generally
be described and evaluated including a consideration of revenue
and expenditure Patterns, total assessed valuation, tax rate,
bonded indebtedness and debt retirement schedules, bonding
capacities, and other pertinent fiscal data. ~
Based upon this analysis of the local area's existing and projectedi'
financial resources and the planned capital improvements, the
Consultant shall analyze the degree to which anticipated ta~ ~'
revenue will meet required facility costs. Recommendations !i
shall be made regarding alternative nad potential methods of
financing various proposed capital improvements.
F. Plan Achievement Measures
The Consultant shall describe a process to be used in keep-
ing the Comprehensive Plan current. This process shall in-
clude a description of indicators (plan achievements measures)
to determine whether or not the Plan is being implemented or
maintained, as well as the consequences of implementation
upon the goals and objectives contained withint the Concept
Plan. Indicators shall be developed which have the capacity
of being generated by local staff from local data sources.
Development Controls Review
The Consultant will conduct an overview analysis of the City's
subdivision and zoning regulations in l~ight of the Concept
Plan and Technical Plan. Recommendations will be made as to '
what the City will need to do to bring these development con-
trols into conformance with those Plans as well as with modern
development practices. The Consultant shall in addition advise
the Committee on alternative development controls formats and
shall consider specifically the extent to which the two current
regulations are internally consistent and in conformance with each
The Consultant shall prepare a technical memorandum outlining
the findings of this general overview and the recommended ~rk
needing to be done to prepare substantive changes in develop~
ment controls for subsequent adoption by the City. This memo-
randum shall be prepared as an appendix to the Technical Plan.
Report Preparation and Printing of the Public Distrubution
The Consultant shall prepare a series of Technical Memorandum
and draft reports at strategic intervals throughout the Work
Program. The Technical Memoranda shall be informal, issue-
oriented, relatively brief dicussion guides for use by the
Plan Update Committee. Reports shall be mor~ formal bound .~
documents which shall be comprised in whole or in part from
the Technical Memoranda.
Three Technical Memoranda shall be prepare'd during Phase I.
These Technical Memoranda shall consist of the following:
Summary of Issues (developed from the review of Plan Commis-
sion Minutes~ community interviews, and survey tabulations),
Preliminary Goals and Objectives, and Preliminary~Policy
~,Statements. The Committee shall provide the co~sultants with
a single uni~j_~ed set.of w~.itten review comments 'regarding each
Technical Memorandum. The Consultant shall prepare a Draft
Concept Plan from the Technical Memoranda, incorporating
appropriate written review comments from the Committee.
Phase II
The Technical Plan Analysis phase of the Work Program shall
be summarized by the Consultant in two Working Memoranda:
Outline of the Detailed Work Process and Summary of Exist-
ing Conditions/Statement of Problems and Opportunities.
Phase III
The Consultant shall prepare four Draft report documents ~
summarizing the Plan Elements to be prepared in Phase III of 1 ~!
the Work Program. These reports shall consist of the follow- ~
ing: Draft Land Use, Circulation and Housing Plan, Draft ~
Original Downtown Area Plan, Draft Community Facilities Plan and ~
Plan Achievement Measures. The Committee shall provide the Consultant
with"a single unified written set of review comments on
each of the~e Draft reports. The Consultant shall prepare
a Draft Technical Plan Analysis and Draft Plan Elements, and
including appropriate written review comments from the Committee.
An additional Technical Memo shall be prepared by the Consultant
on the Development Controls Review; this ~echnical Memorandum
shall be included as an appendix to the Draft Technical Plan.
~The Committee,s-is to assume responsibility for preparing a
written memorandum summarizing each meeting's discussion and all
decisions arrived at during the particular meeting. All report
plan graphics shall be prepared at a scale of 1":1000'.
I. Public Distribution Documents
The Committee shall provide the Consultant with a single
unified set of written review comments on the Draft Concept
Plan Report and the Draft Technical Plan Report, including
additional comments from the Plan Commission.
The Consultant shall prepare a Preliminary Comprehensive Plan
Report which shall be a bound document including black-and-
white art work with reference plan maps prepared at a 1":1000'
scale. The Draft Comprehensive Plan Report shall be reviewed by th6
Committee, and the Committe~ shall provide the Consultant with a
single unified set of written review comments. The consultant
shall edit the Draft report incorporating the appropriate review
comments of the Committee, and shall prepare fifty (50) copies of
final Comprehensive Plan Report
The Consultant shall also prepare a five-color poster-type summary
of the Plan which shall include supporting text and a suitable
scaled five color Proposed Land Use Plan Map. The Land Use Plan
Map shall include Thoroughfare Plan and Community Facilities'
Plan recommendations.
This Summary shall be reviewed by the Committee, and the Committee
shall provide the Consultant with a single unified set of written
review comments on the Plan Summary. The Consultant shall make
appropriate changes to the Summary per the Committee's review,
and shall produce a total ~6~two thousand (2,000) copies of
this Plan Summary. ~
Meetings and Presentations
The ConsultaNt shall conduct a series of work sessions and make
formal presentations throughout the Work Program, including
the public hearing before adoption of the Comprehensive Plan.
Whenever the. Committee and the Consultant agree, two or more
work sessions Can be combined into one meeting. The Committee
shall direct the Consultant to invite the Plan Commission, The
Director of the Department of Community Development (or his
representative), the Mayor (or her representative), the Carmel
City Council, the Township Trustee (or his representative) the
Township Advisory Board to attend all Committee Meetings with the
Consultant during all phases of development of the Comprehensive
Phase I
The Consultant shall conduct a total of five work sessions with
the Committee throughout Phase I of the Work Program. The first
work session shall occur at the beginning of Phase I to review ~
the Work Program. Three additional work sessions shall be conducted
with the Committee in order to review each of the three Technical
Memoranda to be prepared as part.of the Phase I Work Program.
A fifth work session shall be conducted with the Committee to
review the Draft Concept Plan.
The Consultant shall make a formal presentation of the Draft
Concept Plan to a meeting of the Plan Commission.
Phase II and III
The Consultant shall conduct a total of seven work sessions with
the Committee throughout Phases II and III of the Work Program.
These work sessions shall be conducted at the following points in
the Work Program: to review problems and opportunities; to
review the Draft Land Use, Circulation and Housing Plan; to review
the Draft Original Downtown Plan; to review the Draft Community
Facilities Plan; to review the Draft Plan Achievement Measures;
to review the Development Controls memo, and to review the Draft
Technical Plan. The Consultant shall conduct a formal presentation
fo the Draft Technical Plan to a meeting of the Plan Commission.
The Consultant shall conduct two ~dditional work sessions with
the Committee, one to review the Committee's comments
regarding the draft Final Comprehensive Plan Report, and to review
the Draft S~mmary Plan. The Consultant shall additionally present
the Final Plan Report and the Summary Plan to a public hearing of
the Plan Commission before adoption.
Project Duration and Compensation
The Consultant shall perform the above described Scope of Services
over a twelve month time period. The Consultant shall be comPensated
for the performance of the professional and technical services~
described in the amount of Sixty-Nine Thousand Three Hundred Dollars
($69,300.00). The Consultant shall invoice the City in the amount
of Six Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty Dollars ($6,930.00) in the
first week of each month from the third month of the program through
the eleventh month of the Work Program and an amount equal to Six
Thousand Nine Hundred and Thirty Dollars ($6,930.00) upon completion
and delivery of the final Comprehensive Plan Report and the Plan
Summary Report. Payment of this amount shall be by the City of
Carmel in the amount of Forty Five Thousand Three Hundued Dollars
($45,300.00) and Clay Township in the amount of Twenty Four Thousand
Dollars ($24,000.00). The undersigned parties understand that at
the time of execution of the contract, the amount of Forty Two
Thousand Dollars ($42,~000.00) has been appropriated and that an
additional Three Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($3,300.00) may be
appropriated by separate action of the Council.
From time to time the Committee may request additional meetings
with the Consultant. Meetings beyond those which are provided for
specifically in this contract shall be invoiced by the Consultant
at the rate of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars ($250.00) per meeting
including PreParation time and meeting time.
Provision of Materials to the Consultant
The City shall make available to the Consultant all available,'
necessary plans, reports, annual budgets, maps, ordinances and
other pertinent information relative to planning and development
within the local area, including but not limited to; City base maps
at 1"=200' that are currently being prepared, set of tax maps,
zoning and subdivision ordinances, zoning map the current, 197~i
master plan, etc.
Project Material Property of the City
Ail maps, field sheets, working notes and
as part of this project shall become the
of Carmel and Clay Township.
other material produced
property of the City ~
N. Method for Conflict Resolution and Termination
Where the City and Township and the Consultant disagree on an
interpretation of the written provisions of this'Agreement, the
issue in question shall be resolved through negotiation between
the Partner-In-Charge of the project for the Consultant and the
Mayor and. the Township ~rustee.
The City and Township shall have the right to terminate this
Agreement, in whole or in part, at any time by sending written
notice thereof to the Consultant. Upon receipt of such writte~
· notice of termination, the Consultant shall immediately discontinue
-the services provided hereunder, and the City shall Compensate
the Consultant as soon as reasonably possible thereafter for the
services provided under this Agreement. If termination is at the ~
time of Completion of any phase listed in the scope of services
above, payment shall be in full for those phases completed. If
termination should occur during any phase of the work, compen-
sation for that portion of the work done for that phase shall.
be based on the Consultant's normal billing rates for work pe~-
~rmed under the terminated phase. ~
Supplementary Service~ i.
The City of Carmel and City Township my desire to have some
other consulting planning services provided by the Consul~ant~
These supplementary services will be furnished by ~he Consultant
to the City and Township if requested in writing by the Mayor[[
and Township Trustee. The supplementary services shall begin
when the Consultant receives a written authorization from the~
Mayor and Township Trustee for providing specified ~tems of
supplementary services. In addition, events occuring within the
local area over the course of the Work Program may require addi-
tional services to be performed by the Consultant to successfully
complete the Master Plan Update; should this occur~ the Consult-
ant will immediately advise the Mayor and Tow~nship Trustee and
will outline the required scope of supplementary services and
will estimate the cost of providing such services. The Consultant
and the Mayor and Township Trustee shall then negotiate an agreed
upon scope and an agreed ppon ~ee for thos~ services.
THIS AGREEMENT, is authorized by appropriate aftion~of the.~CI~Y OF
CARMEL, INDIANA, adopted and approved on the ~ of~[~=~e.~ ,
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement on the date
as shown of Page 1 of the foregoing.
For the: City of Carmel, Indiana
C~76t~ k TCeasurer
For ~he: Township of Clay, Hamilton County
Township st e
It is hereby certified that the funds required to meet this Agreement
have been lawfully appropriated for authorized and are in the Treasury or are
in the process of collection and~are free from any. oblig.a~ion for ce~,ti.ficate~
now outstandlnn: ~-' ~"~' "~- ~'~'~ ~ ...... ~ -~.~'~ '
~ ~ Ci tyPiCal ~fficer