HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication ,J:;. w u Page 1 of2 Conn, Angelina V Sent: To: Cc: From: Conn, Angelina V Monday, December 12, 20054:31 PM Tingley, Connie S Morrissey, Phyllis G; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Keeling, Adrienne M; Brewer, Scott I; Hancock, Ramona B; Brennan, Kevin S; Griffin, Matt L; Littlejohn, David W; DeVore, Laura B; Lillard, Sarah N; Holmes, Christine B; Blanchard, Jim E; 'jmolitor@prodigy.net'; 'wwendling@ckplaw.com' Subject: Docket No. Assignment: (SUA) University High School of Indiana (#05120007 SUA) Connie, I have updated the file. I have contacted the petitioner and issued the necessary Docket Number for (SUA) University High School of Indiana. It will be the following: Docket No. 05120007 SUA $772.50 Total Fee: $772.50 University High School of Indiana The applicant seeks special use amendment approval for a high school expansion. Docket No. 05120007 SUA ZO Chapter 5.02 Special Uses The site is located at 2825 W 116th St. and is zoned S-1/Residence. Filed by Bill Wendling of Campbell, Kyle, Proffitt, LLP. Petitioner, please note the following: 1. This Item will appear on the December 21, 2005 agenda of the Technical Advisory Committee. 2. Mailed and Published Public Notice needs to occur no later than Thursday, December 29, 2005. Published notice is required within the Indianapolis Star. Note: the Regular BZA meeting will begin at 6 pm in the COURT Chambers. 3. The Proof of Notice will need to be received by this Department no later than noon, Friday, January 20, 2006. Failure to submit Proof of Notice by this time will result in the tabling of the petition. 4. The Filing Fee and Nine (9) Informational Packets must be delivered to BZA Secretary Connie Tingley no later than NOON, Friday, January 13,2006. Failure to submit Informational Packets by this time will result in the automatic tabling of the petition to the Monday, February 27,2006 agenda of the BZA. 5. This Item will appear on the January 23, 2006 agenda of the Board of Zoning Appeals under Public Hearings. 6. The petitioner will need to provide a fully filled-out Findings-of-Fact sheet for each petition the night of the meeting for the Board's use (Sheet 8). On Ballot sheets, only fill out docket number, petitioner, and date (Sheet 7). Ballot sheets must be collated. 7.) PETITIONER: refer to your instruction sheet for more details. Mr. Wendling can be contacted at 846-6514, fax: 843-8097 or email: Wwendling@ckplaw.com Petitioner: please complete the following: 1.) Make sure the public notice meeting time to the newspaper and neighbors reads 6 p.m. in the Court Chambers. It is suggested to send the notice to the Indianapolis Star newspaper by Noon, two days prior to the printing deadline (317-444-7163 or email: publicnotices@indystar.com). 2.) Will there be any new signage on the property? If so, please provide locations and details. 3.) Provide a filled out and notarized Petitioner's Public Notice Affidavit (page 6 of the application). 4.) Please note that construction signs must be 8-ft tall or less. This sign requires a sign permit and fees. 5.) Please provide a parking breakdown sore the site. 12/12/2005 u - u Page 2 of2 .., 6.) On Sheet LOV-100, please label what the 2 large rectangles represent. Thank you, Angie 12/12/2005 fo 1 -. ~ITY OF CARMEL - CLAY TOWNSmP HAMILTON COUNTY. INDIANA APPLICATION FOR BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS ACflON SPECIAL USE APPROVAL REOUEST DOCKET NO. O?l 1,ffilY1 FEE: $772.50, $103.00 per acre S\JI\ DATERECEIVED:J~/(O I O~ I 1) Applicant: Address: University Hieb School of Indiana. Inc. 2825 West 116th Street. Carmel. IN 46032 2) Project Name: University Hieb School Emansion Architect: The Odle McGuire & Shook Com. Phone: (317) 846-6514 Phone: (317) 842-0000 bv Jackie L Biet!bler. Architect Attorney: William E. Wendlin2. Jr.. CamobeU Kvle Proffitt. Phone: (317) 846-6514 3) Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response) XX (a) The applicant's name is on the deed to the property. (b) The applicant is the contract purchaser of the property. XX (c) Other: Currentlv owned bv 116111 & Towne Road Partners. LLC 4) Ifltem 3) (c) is checked, please complete the foUowing: Owner of the property involved: 11~ & Towne Road Partners. LLC Owner's address: 8910 Purdue Road. Suite 230: Indianaoolis. IN 46268 Phone: 317-846-6514 (Attornev William E. Wendlin2. Jr.) 5) Record of Ownership: University Hieb School of Indiana. Inc. (41.1 acres) and 116th & Towne Road Partners LLC (65.883acres) Instrument No.. 2?0ooooo1910 Purchase date: 1/11/2000 Instrument No. 199909964763 Purchase date: 11/04/99 Instrument No. 9909919194 Purchase date: 3/31/99 Instrument No. 200300123207 Purchase date: 12/8/2003 Instrument No. 2000000S0290 Purchase date: 10/6/2000 6) Common address of property involved: 2825 West 116th Street. Carmel. IN 46032 Legal description: See Attached Exhibit C TaX Map Parcel No.: 17-13-05-00-00-003.00: 17-13-05-00-00-005.001: 17-13-05-00-00-003.002: 17-13-05-00-00-OO4.00: 17-13-05-00-00-OO1.103: 17-13-0S-00-00-00S.000 <r'~;p i~tate explanation of requested Special Use: Emansion ofUniversitv Hieb School of Indiana. Inc.. '" @ ';'bv i4dition of new academic buildin2. imorovement of athletic facilities and renovatin2 CaDlOUS. 8F ~St~ re~ons supporting the Special Use: (Additionally complete the attached question sheet " Page I of 8 _ Special Use Application -Z.O. C h.. :S, 02- . I entitled "Findings Of~-Special Use"). ne student DOoulation Qowin2 oursuant to schedule. which necessitates the emansion of the present facility. 9) Present zoning of the property (give exact classification): 12 acres has a Special Use Variance for the existine camous. The remainder of the orooertv is classified as 8-1. 10) Present use of the property: Private Hieb School 11) Size ofJotlparcel in question: Aooroximatelv 106 acres 12) Describe the proposed use ofthe property: Emand and imorove the exitin2 educational facilities bv buildin2 new academic buildin2. addin2 athletic facilities. and renovatin2 camous. 13) Is the property: Owner occupied: xx Renter occupied: Other: 14) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this property that would relate or affect its use for the specific purpose of this application? If yes, give date and docket number, decision rendered and pertinent explanation: "Soecial Use Variance". SU-8-00. aooroved on or about Aoril24. 2002 to aUow oortion of the orooertv to be used as a orivate school and recreational facilitv. and a "Develoomental Standards Variance?SU-12-OO. approved on or about Aoril24. 2000 to aUow a variance for a 4S-foot-tall c1assrooml2VlllD8Sium buildin2. and "Soecial Use Amednment". SUA-212-02 to aUow the use of modular classrooms for three years. aporoved on or about January 27.2003. and a "Develoomental Standards Variance". V -213-02. to establish a 110.5 SQuare foot institutionall!round si2D on site. aooroved on or about January 27.2003. and a "Develoomental Standards Variance". V -214-02. to establish aneiebt-foot six-inch (8'6") institutionall!round si2D on site. aooroTed on or about Januarv 27.2003. 15) Has work for which this application is being filed already started? If answer is yes, give details: No Building Permit Number: Builder: 16) If proposed special use is granted, when win the work commence? Immediatelv 17) If the proposed special use is granted, who win operate and/or use the proposed improvement for which this application has been filed? University Hieb School of Indi~a. Inc. NOTE: LEGAL NOTICE shall be published in the NoblesviUe Daily ~er a MANDATORY twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date. The certified "Proof of Publication" affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection the night of the hearing. LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY, two methods of notice are recommended: Page 2 of 8. Special Use Application " 1) CERTIFIED MAILQTURN RECEIPT REQUESTED sent to adj~ property owners. (The white receipt should be stamped by the Post Office at least twenty-five (25) days prior to the public hearing date.) 2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting property owners acknowledging the twenty-five (25) day notice should be kept for verification that the notice was completed.) REALIZE THE BURDEN OF PROOF FOR ALL NOTICES IS THERESPONSffilLITY OF THE APPLICANT. AGAIN, THIS TASK MUST BE COMPLETED AT LEAST TWENTY-FIVE (25) DAYS PRIOR TO PUBLIC HEARING DATE. Page 3 of 8 - Special Use Application .i The aPPlicant~ that docket numbers will not be assUmed untiIQUDDOrtine; information has been submitted to the Dt1>artment of Commwritv Services. I The applicant certifies by signing this application that he/she has been advised that all representations of the Department of Community Services are advisory only and that the applicant should rely on appropriate subdivision and zoning ordinance and/or the legal advice of his /her attorney. I, . Auditor of Hamilton County, Indiana, certify that the (please Print) attached affidavit is a true and complete listing of the adjoining and adjacent property owners of the property described herewith. OWNER ADDRESS SEE AITACHED Auditor of Hamilton County, Indiana Page 4 of 8 - Special Use Application u AFFIDAVIT w I hereby swear that I am the owner/contract purchaser of property involved in this application and that the foregoing signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. I, the undersigned, authorize the applicant to act on my behalf with regard to this application and subsequent hearings and testimony. S~: l$ff~!:I! "{,/Z"'.J~ (Property Owner, Property s Attorney Date or Property Owner's Power of Attorney) William E. Wendlinil Jr. (Please Print) STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) Before me, the undersigned" a No~ Public n:- ~d for Hamilton County, State of Indiana, personally appeared W~ . W.. I I?-o acknowledged the execution of the foregoing instrument this -' 20<5: .... ,. ~. 4~b~ ~ ~ V 'eJ~-.k J. 'S If' fA.) ft-10 'j-- No Pubbc--Please Pnnt "" -~ (&et\f) - -: _ ,.... .... ~ - '" - ~... '-' , ~ ""~ ...... Resident of /Y) ~ County, My Commission Expires: IN f)1~d{P, dOD 1; Page S of 8 - Special Use Application Q o -~\1' ,r ~~~/ .~, \' l .....~~"':,:!' . ,- CAYmUCLAY BOARD OF ZONING APP~S CARMEL, INDIANA Docket No.: Petitioner: University Hi2h School of Indiana. Inc. FINDINGS OF FACT - SPECIAL USE I. The premises in question is particularly physically suitable for the proposed special use because: The size of the oarcels accommodate the size of the school. 2. The Special Use will not injwiously or adversely affect economic factors, such as costIbenefit to the community and its anticipated effect on surrounding property values because: Schools are contemolated uses in residential areas. The size of the Darcel accommodates the mooosed use. 3. The Special Use will be consistent with sociaVneighborhood factors, such as compatibility with existing uses and those permitted under current zoning in the vicinity of the premises under consideration and how the Special Use will affect neighborhood integrity because; Schools are contemDlated uses in residential areas and would be adjacent to land zoned P-I and desi2lUlted as a Dark. The size of the Darcels also would accommodate the size of the school. 4. The Special Use will not injwiously or adversely affect the adequacy and availability of water, sewage and stem drainage facilities and police and fire protection because: All utilities are adeauatelv sized for the develonment and the mooosed ext>ansion and imDrovements would not be of such siP11ificance to affect the oolice and fire orotection that alreadY exists. 5. The Special Use will not adversely affect vehicular or pedestrian traffic flow in and around the premises upon which the Special Use is proposed because: Schools are contemolated uses in residential areas and the mooosed ext>ansion and immovements would not be of such simtificance to affect the vehicular and nedestrian traffic flow. 6. The Board has reviewed the requirements of Ordinance Z-160, Section 21.3 (1-26) as they relate to this Special Use, and does not find that those criteria prevent the granting of the Special Use; Correct DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the CanneVClay Board of Zoning Appeals that Special Use Docket No. is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this day of ,2006. CHAIRPERSON, CanneVClay Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, CanneVClay Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). S:\forms\Special Use Application Revised 10/17/2000 Page 9 of 8 - Special Use Application C~UCLAY BOARD OF ZONING APP~ Carmel, Indiana Docket No.: Petitioner: University High School of Indiana. Inc. FINDINGS OF FACT - SPECIAL USE (Ballot Sheet) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DATED THIS DA Y OF . 200_. Board Member Page 8 of 8 . Special Use Application LJ (j ~~-t~t~/ \-~~ ~ CT [Ii(/) :l V · ~ .,.LL . r I = r;F}J; ~gw = J--~ ~-, 'i'--i . J-M ~ / ' I r I "- III i' J./ '/IIiiI L <r- T_ en T u___ j\ ~. ( ~ ,. ~, 1 111I 1- l ! \~ c:;;!' ~}a; ~ ~TI [ ~ i ILih ~ I l1 a::~ I '//..~' . /1- " ;vqT I '--I "0 ! \ ~ a. m ~ [" i r::I 1\ TTTn J.l;J ~* ~ ~.. c..: ~~ " IK~ i? 'if T li'" l'M 1------- \1 '" \ \, 'I F \ I I~> ~J-~-- r~C--= t': ~,/~ ~r~;,,\ ~ c-FfJ= TT ! 1, -1 ~~/ /iii ~I~ a :;;'</ / /< iT II", I_I I~ I ~ 1\ V .. I III!I 13 ----l I I Ii, llr -J ~:" -=~_~ I, 7' ~~,' v ~~i1i ~ ~I ~l- ~..:~ ~ ., ,~ - t ~ !/ -:J1lr".1 " :"~s ~ =1, &, F I LllL--~ i ",' , ',: I ~ \ en ~~ as 'a .. t 10 0 0 at . II: "C 0 C 'a C a " C ! .. 0 I. I. 0 0 J 0 II: .. N . >- as as c -; 'a E >- 0' 'I 'a . 10 I 'a . 0 V 0 .s . I. I .. .. u 0 D- o 0 0 .G II: A. 0 z:. II: II: II: -; ::I . " at at . t . .--N(II) C :f I. I. V c i ! 0 0 .G ~ ~mmm 0 s ii' c as U . :i ::I . "C . .- D- .5 ::J :IE . 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"'0 III co CD -"" . 1iUl!l!L,...,[iti~~..~t=-I'''JC'''J'"J. - - ..~ ~ U TAVI\TIOMJJ · 200300123207 DULY ENTERED FOR IMI"I n -r Filed for Record in tct to fin~acceptancefortransfer ~~f~~~ 1~~INDIANA ~~ _'__L "'00.3 12-08-2003 At 01:58 PM. . day of ~ I' - WARR DEED 16.00 i~ ~ Auditor of Hami\tDD Caun1r fS~arc:r~ /7-/3 -05.00-00.""" ~oo3 u ~"'c... l'IY1CJ WARRANTY DEED . : BEST POSSIBLE IMAGE1 ALL PAGES : THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH. That m..L LOUISE PERELMAN ("Grantor") of Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana, CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL OF INDIANA, INC., an Indiana nonprofit corporation ("Grantee"), for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which are hereby acknowledged. the real estate located in Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana, being more particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. Subject to current, non-delinquent real estate taxes and assessments. tk.J-~ WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this Warranty ~ , 2003. J t1- day of , STATE OF INDIANA ) . ) SS: COUNTY OF ~)) Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Jill Louise Perelman who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Warranty Deed, and who, having been duly sworn, stated that any representations therein contained are true. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this ,2003. ~D=~~ f~: ;:~'~ .....P,~...., j' o' ",!t~': -- - :..1 ' .......~ ,- ~ (printed name) Notary Public My Commi}sion Expires: 7JUu fiLl f; -Mil! SEND TAX STATEMENTS TO AND GRANTEE'S MAlllNG ADDRESS IS: C~idence: . ) University High School of Indiana, Inc. 2825 West 116th Street Carmel, IN 46032 Attn: Charles H. Webster This instrument was prepared by April Sparks Pyatt, ICE M1T .r .'HR, One American Square, Box 82001, Indianapolis, Indiana 46282-0002; Telephone (317) 236-2100. INDY 118611Svl .. u u EXHIBIT A Part of the Northwest quarter of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 East Hamilton County, Indiana described as follows~ Commencing at the Northwest comer of said Northwest quarter; thence NORm 89 degrees 36 minutes 06 seconds EAST along the North line of said Section 1827.99 feet to the Point of Beginning; thence continuing along said North line NORm 89 degrees 36 minutes 06 seconds EAST 662.28 feet; thence SOUTH 00 degrees 23 minutes 51 seconds EAST 40.00 feet; thence SOUTH 89 degrees 36 minutes 06 seconds EAST 224.08 feet to the east line of Northwest quarter. thence along said east line SOUTH 00 degrees 08 minutes 32 seconds WEST 1255.52 feet to the north line of Bridleboume Section 5 (9026131); thence along the north line of Bridlebourne Section 5 and Section 6 (#9134257) SOurH 89 degrees 05 minutes 09 seconds WEST 1349.14 feet to the Southeast corner of Larkspur Phase I (p.C. 1 pg 13) thence along the east line of said Larkspur Phase I, NORTIi 00 degrees 01 minutes 15 seconds EAST 370.88 feet; thence NORm 89 degrees 36 minutes 06 seconds EAST 465.00 feet; thence NORTIi 00 degrees 01 minutes 15 seconds EAST 936.77 feet to the Pointof Beginning containing 30.14 acres. -INDY 1l8611Svl o 'C CD iil 5" :1 "tl c: 2: o' o o ::T-I III 0 ... - lCllI CD- Z o :::l I -l Cll ~ cr CD c CD Q. c: II 0' ~ ~ '0 CD W I\> Ol o .... o o Z o ~ >c en CD c:t c: ~ ;::;: o ::T III ca CD ~ '0 CD tD III C~ ; ~ c ~~ oll c- ~ 0 -~ ~2 ~CD :::... 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't~(} a :"!' ~ C <" g! ~ ~. ? ~tDC:N"tl~ >c~:go>c en~-15"-gen IlIr::'<lC:1CD !if " '0 -I '< :"!' n~'<O '< 'O_ n ~ 5: o III Q. .. ~ m ~ 3 'C - ~~o l;l Q. ~ - iil III 0' III ... ~ !'! "tl )> ! 8: ':c: a l/l !'! o 0'1 OI\>C .... ~~. ~O'ICD =r"'-C;; (J)~~ -!:T::I: ~ (J) ca' - ;j' Q~g> 3(,);j' !2.~g . 3- Z!2.,Q ~-=-5" oZ9, W.;..Cll 1\>0l:::l oCll ~5" CO (J) )> .... ...... ~"tl"'O III 0 a "'0'0 Z III III r:: :1 :1 3'<'< cr ~ Z CD " r:: :1 CD 3 .. a CD ;, 0'1........;:0.... O";"~CD";" OQO'IllLw :::l Cll 0 , CD'<O ~ -n ' Cll 0 ~. 6 -< C? o g ~ ~ S' 0 cc I\> ~ ~ III :1 oZ ~o co~ )>3 s:g .., I\> .W I\> o o 0'1 C :::l <' CD Cil ~ ::I: ca' ;j' (J) o ;j' o !? o - 5" a. iir :::l Cll 5" o I\> o O:r: "'Ill -g 2. '< ;::; ~o o:::l o en ;:c CD !. " ., o "C CD ::+ '< 3: e!. ::s - CD ::s D) ::s n CD ;:c CD "C o ::+ ::0 CD IlL "'0 "tl ~ ~ CD ::0 .... CD o 'C - 0 .... ;:l. . .... .. ...: ,. . ~....~.T II ~.. {(;j rv~ 200000050290 () ~ . Filed for Record, i~. @~ HAMILTON Yt~DI NA ...... MARY L ClARK .~ ~1~~-.~ ~. ,) ro(l.:.- SPECIAL WARRANTYDEEDSP WAR DEED 18.00 p.. LIle 246086 THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That 116lh & TOWNE PARTNERS, LLC ("Grantor'), an Indiana limited liability company, BARGAINS, SELLS AND CONVEYS to UNIVERSITY HIGH SCHOOL OF INDIANA, INC., ("Grantee"), an Indiana not-for-profit corporation. for the sum ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the real estate located in Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana., the legal description of which is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference ("Real Estate"); SUBJECT, HOWEVER, TO: (i) all easements, highways, rights-of-way, covenants, conditions, restrictions, declarations and other matters of record; (ii) all current, non-delinquent real estate taxes and assessments; and (iii) all matters that would be disclosed by an accurate survey and physical inspection of the Real Estate. Grantor covenants with Grantee that the Real Estate hereby conveyed is free from all encumbrances made or suffered by Grantor, except as aforesaid, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the same to Grantee against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through or under it, but against none other. The undersigned person executing this Special Warranty Deed on behalf of Grantor represents and certifies that Grantor is a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of Indiana, and the person executing this Special W manty Deed on behalf of Grantor is fully empowered by proper action of Grantor to execute and deliver tIlls Special Warranty Deed. Grantor has full capacity to convey the Real Estate and all necessary action for the making of such conveyance has been taken and done. Grantor and Grantee hereby acknowledge that this deed is delivered in partial fulfillment of the Option Agreement dated June 20, 2000, as identified in that certain Lease (with Options to Purchase) by and between Grantor, as Landlord, and Grantee, as Tenant, dated June 20, 2000, as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this Special Warranty Deed to be executed this 1~ day of August, 2000. 116th & TOWNE PARTNERS, LLC ,.,' .,,-::-~~;""r.I,~~~:bi1ity company /' \ t. ..... , ., ---.----- ! P..I\..{t....- -- _, By;..-... _ I .' ~. \".\0 . Phillip E. Himelstein, Member OUt. Y ENTERED FOR T AXATlON Sub.H=ct to final acceptance for ~ tn day of f'{1t -. Auditor \ I /J Jti ~ Hamiltoll COUllY r< rr- .J..2;..Ll- 0:5' - ~ - CO Parco' . .. STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF MARION ) u Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Phillip E. Himelstein, a Member of I 16th & Towne Partners, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company, who acknowledged execution of the foregoing Special Warranty Deed acting in the aforesaid capacity for and on behalf of said Grantor. , Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this ..+ ~, day of August, 2000. , ,;/ '--', 0 I" "~ ~-c I ,~- ~. (-.:'.1.-(" (I V" If. ,'. i' RICHAR Notary Pu"" D TfL .~, . (signature) U/IC, Stzre t' ," IA.. C County OO~ ,""".:.....,: '.'T ommiss: _ " '''noi~ ,(j",,;,.,j,:;'u:; .- ~/;; 1.'::,:",,;-'. (printed name) Notary My Commission Expires: County of Residence: Send tax statements to and Grantee's mailing address is: ll", "r:'.' I ~ /Iy -/' ji' , /1,.:.. ,\,'l('~1 , , 1)" ..' J'J' ,7 J'" , t' ..." ",) l r. 2:::;.(" I~' -'"':'J If ',~' ''''.: (1r11 /11 ~ I. /,L' 4i.. t 3 / This instrument was prepared by Victoria 1. Parker, ICE MILLER, One American Square, Box 82001, Indianapolis, Indiana 46282; Telephone (317) 236-2100. 679884.\ ., ..-,------ I .. u '. Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian, in Clay Township, Hamilton Cmmty, Indiana, described as follows: Beginning at a railroad spike marking the Northwest comer of said Quarter Section; thence North 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds East (assumed bearing), along the North line of said Quarter Section, 660.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 15 seconds West 540.00 feet to a 5/8" rebar with red cap; thence south 41 degrees 55 minutes 01 seconds West 420.22 feet to a 5/8" rebar with red cap; thence South 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds West 380.00 feet to a 5/8" rebar with red cap on the West line of said Quarter Section; thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 15 seconds East 850.00 feet to the point of beginning. ---'J 10 o o C\I ~~ ~~ >~ o .. ZO .... t:: C\I 8.'0 Q) 0:: :E a.. iij Q) 0:: .... Q) Cl CO a.. ~ o c. Q) 0:: Q) CJ C CI:S C Q) - C 'n; ::a: ~ ~ Q) c. o ... Q. CI:S Q) 0:: CQ o CO ON :: >0 'E ~ COlt) Xo o N o o o ~ o o , o o . o o . 10 o 0 M 0 ....iijlO . Q) 0 ~o::~ ;; Gl .c Gi Eo.;; :i~.! >o>oE ii:iii o.o.o.CI) o 0 III )( rtrt::E~ u ::J l!? Q) C t:: CO a.. Q) C ~ o ~ ~ .r; to .... .... ~ CI'J :::> co eo C\I eo ~ ~ .'Ii OC\l CoM COO Ceo .S! ~ -oz u.E- ::JoQ5 l!? ~ E ~ Q) CO i5Ci5U 0..-03: Q)O::... CQ)CI'J ~ ::l .r; O"EtO ~::l.... ~o...... =010 eo....~ ....0>,... ....COC\l ;; Gl ~ ~ in III ! >. "0 t:: "0 III 0( Q., :I g ~!;:: C"Oll ~~.3 e u ~ 0> 0> oi o ~ 'E CO u. , .... >,lh .!2& 't.... ,....... ....10 in :(l Qj o ~ ~~ Gl Cl o..E e g Q.,N ,... .... C ii ~ :E "> cg is J;;.c ~ii:~ 10 o .;.; Ji.3 u ~ .c ~iii~ M eo eo o u in Gl ! (1)UQ 00(-1 M o u U .. Gl Gl & CI) CI) ~ .c o III :l Otl:CI) Gi "0 o () >0 Gi oS ~: 0.0.- ~.5~ Gl ~ )( ~~~ u C .2 Q. 1: U III Gl e ~ .2 B ii o Cl -I .5 o o ,... CO 00> 0 in "0 '0 X Gl III ::l "0 0 Ox o _ -Eo o ~ .c Gl .c .c Cl E "i ::l Z Z i:i Gl "0 III Gl : III III Gl ~ III - ~ III - o ~ o c ... o ... , C C c: C- o:: Ci g; ~fi ~ cO 0: eo ~o/ C\I CO a: "0 x.... l/? c:li o CO 0 E-I ~N C?'P"1Il ~ ~ ~ ~& c o ;:: 0. 1: ,~ Gl e ~ Gl ii"g z;;, o > e 0. .5 III & in 'E ~ III III Gl III ~ Gi :l ii > ii ~ ~ b .... ~~~~ is Gl Gl U. III III I=~~ o o M M ,... > o ~ 0. .5 III Gl ~ C o z o o ~ .n C\I "0 ~ CO -I III ; C o Z o o ~ ,... ~ ;; CII 'E .c Gl E E :l >0 Z III Gi CII Q., ca ~ ~ c; Q. e. ~ 6 ~ 00 0> 0 C\l0 ....C\I M .... cOcO C\I ....;.: :c:c ! ! ()() "0 - III ~ Gl CII - E : B E III OD. X CII tl: o o o o 'E CII E >, III Q., ~ CII > o o o o .;.; c CII E >0 III Q., Gl U C III > ~ o o o III C o ;; CJ ~ "'C CI) C en CI) C) ... ca .: (J CIl III ii: c CII ~= CII.- ~~ c- o c ._ :l bO -6~ Gl e CII 0. ~ C o ~ :l "0 CII e Gl CII U :l lie ii al _C11 IlIC1l - ~ ~~ () Gl 0. ~ CII e' III .c () - c ;;, ::. Gl CI) )( ~ (;) o Z o o ,... co 0> Q) :c co )( co ~ I c: o Z Re4ue""eu By: ckp 11/23/2005 " .. ... U nUL Y ENTERED FOR TAXATION S&lbject to final ~ .for transfer I day~, 2n,"rt.) Auditor ~ f..?'/ ~ HeilIG. CO"lJ Pucelt /1-/8-06'"-()() -(X' u .". ~~~~~l~:cord in HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA MARY L CLARK On 03-01-2000 At 08:26 a. SCRIV AFFD 12.00 . t.. \',c.. 2~"'~CC-i II). CXJ SCRIVENER'S ERROR AFFIDAVIT ... 1-. "\ , r- ' Comesnow Jeffrey R. Lade (hereinafter referred to "Affiant"), and being duly sworn upon his oath, deposes and says: 1. Affiant prepared a Warranty Deed from JOSEPH MEDILL RlLEY and KATHLEEN V. Rll..EY, husband and wife, to 1 16TH & TOWNE PARTNERS, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company, dated January 6,2000, and recorded on January 11,2000, as Instrument No. 2000-1910, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana (hereinafter referred to as "Warranty Deed"). 2. The description of the real estate in said Warranty Deed contained an inadvertent typographical error in the first line of said description, in which the word "Northeast" was shown as "Northwest" . 3. The correct legal description for said deed is as follows: A part of the Northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the north line of said quarter section, distant 751.87 feet East of the Northwest comer thereof, and running thence East upon and along said North line, a distance 0 144 feet to a point; thence running Southwardly along an established fence line, a distance of 262.5 feet to a point; thence West and parallel to the North line of said quarter section, a distance of 145.1 feet to a point; running thence North and parallel to the West line of said quarter section, a distance of 262.5 feet to the place of beginning; containing in all 0.87 acre, more or less. 4. The purpose of this affidavit is to correct the scrivener's error in the Warranty Deed, and to clarify the intent of the grantors on the record title. Further Affiant sayeth naught. ~~ ~ . Lade .. u .... STATE OF INDIANA ) )SS: COUNTY OF MARION ) u Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Jeffrey R Lade, who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing, and who, having been duly sworn, stated that any representations therein contained are true. MY COW4ISSION EXPIRES: /0 - ~ ..o:r;'(p This instrument was prepared by JEFFREY R LADE. Attorney at Law. 140 E. Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. File No. 237600-1. It u ~. . ...../"J"" DU~ Y ENTERED FOR TAXATION ,._. ..' ,_~l!~~ ~~ .!l1]l!LastePC$lce for.transfer day of g 1 1'1--. 20..aQ. #. 'PI t}i Ham~~~i~UDlY 200000037417 FlIed for Record in " HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA MARY L CLARK . On 08-01-2000 At 09:59 a.. RT 0 WAY NC . 00 Parcel II ~ DI!iDlf"~1:~ 011 PlIIIJ.w. JlU"'.Jl'I l)I' W.u - S INDENTURE WITNESSETH: that " 'J ' / ! 6 tit. .; Tc- U If) (i' I (l. r i 11 e r- ~j L l C~ (hc=iaafter joiDtty the MQnmtot). hereby siftS and dedioatCs to the Hamilton County. Boant of ComnticciO~~ (berciDatb::t "'(jmnflo!ej,. fur public right-at;.wq pmpases cmly.. the: mat estate $ituated ill. HamiltoA Cou:aly,lafJi~SII, aad describcdin &hihit V.A ~ Rttttt'hM hea:ta aadmade a part hereof. This Dedic:atie is made subject to all existing easeJMI1tS aDd right-of-ways.. This conveymx:e of zeal estate is DOt subject to' fMillDa' gross ineome tax. IN WlTNESS WHEREOF, Otantor has cxc:cutcd this Ded:i~ as' of~ ,~r~~~~."---- ---. ""'" to........l e..- t u. I L J.'-, 6c.,..~ , ('l. (... i').~ STATE OF INDIANA } }fk(..~ I C (L ) COUNTY OF lit J -::atf-} Before me, a Notary Public ill aftd for said eouBty and State, peISOD.aIly appeared ~~'l \\;~ E. H.~WJel~+e.',y"\ who acknowledg the execution oftbc fmegoiDg Dcdiaation of Public Right-of:.Way. " ~l wrrNESSmyhandandNotarialS~dUa /.2 Dayof'.-,Il--LA..J)J .~CC:,C: ~ . . ,) . ,,,,I i , n.( LUx.'~, ) ) u..VU<1! Nowy Public \, 'l . . ~ ,') U. I kit ~l:{. J. j 'l c -,- ,- I . ~ Notaly Publi~ Primed ss: My Commission Expires: I~L/ I <' "",'U'''"" . (: /)' ,,~\\ . , {., - ~'". c: e , "'. J <Ii .J. ~'" ........ '1,. Rm~o& in. .~l-/L. Yt.....u-r-J CcNnty 1,.,'Y...... .... . --; i .' ..... "'A l' . : (:): ~ v. 0 .0001I-91'.xx 'J!. li,.:CD ~ ~:'-~ ~(JttLr/J~ 'mt,Ua, ~-~ \~.:1- l- ~/~J. -- -,- .,.... { . ~.. ~ ... . ..' ~ ,:-. ~~~; "',4.........;. \~.,...: ""1, ,,\\ """11"""'" ~' '..' .,;,''':, . . .....'.. ~. ro'd l't:~l 00. (A unf OOlO-Sl~-ll~:X&~ ~I~I9N3 ~ r....y.,..- . ~'~- u u ACCEPTANCE WHEREAS, the foregoing Grantor has this day filed with Hamilton County, Indiana, its dedication of certain real estate for the purpose of establishing County rights-of-way, which Dedication is hereinabove set forth: AND WHEREAS, Hamilton County, is of the opinion that said Dedication is desirable and necessary: NOW THEREFORE, said Hamilton County, by the Hamilton COWlty Board of Commissioners, under and by virtue of the power conferred upon it by statutes of the State of Indiana, for and on behalf of the County, accepts said Dedication for the purpose of public rights- of-way, and orders that the Instrument of Dedication be recorded in the Recorder's Office of the County of Hamilton, State of Indiana, and said described real estate is hereby declared open and dedicated. Date of Acceptance: 'lhy'~{J I I ~r~~SSIONERS SteventJAodbl Steven A. Holt s~~k? ~ ATTEST: ~ 17l(Jt~ Hanulton CountY. uditor gh 02-11-98.x " u I j ,~ I Reale: 1"= 150' PROPOSED DEDICATION FOR 116TH STREET RIGHT-OF -WAY ....- .---- CARMEL -CI.AY RFCREI\TlON ,,./~ /" BOARO-/ - [H'" CO' Nt 'l'" $"" 5--17 J - NH9'26'~4"F. J. - -:-t~- ~60:09.~ ' /' Hott.. Iin. af HE 1/.4 Oftd Appro.. cen ttw1irt. or t 16th St,..t N89'2S'54-E 758.74' 589"26'54-W 688.04' 50,634 Sq. ft.:!: / NOO1lS'l 5 -E _/' 70.00' ./ ,. " ,-,,/ ,.- .....- 116 TH & rowNE PAR TNERS. LL C ../' ,/~"Irlstr, 619990996476:3 & 9909919194 ,,-- ~~ ~~.....' <v~ ~) ~ <v ~ ",<0 N O' :? ~{:j (, P>~ ~-r ~<v pp ~vJ'J -r f<) ,. f~ q~ ~- ,{:'''' Property Description: A port of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Ioterldlan, In Cloy Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, described os follows: Commencing at the Northwest comer of sold quarter section; thence North 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds East (bearings based on Tract IV In deed recorded os Instr. 1199909964763 In the Office of the Recorder of HamBton County, Indiana). olong the North line of sold quarter section, 660.00 feet to the POINT Of' BEGINNING: thence North 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds East. along said North line, 758.74 feet to the Northwest comer of the Panhandle Eastem Pipe Une Company Easement as described In Instr. 19909934825 In sold Recorder's Office; thence South 45 degrees 04 minutes 24 seconds West. along the Westerly Ifne of said easement. 100.09 feet; thence South 89 dec;lrees 26 minutes 54 seconds West 688.04 feet; thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 15 seconds East 70.00 feet to the point of beginning and containing 50.634 square feet, more or less. Subject to all easements and restrictions of record. OWNER: 116th '" Towne Partners, LLC SOURCE OF T1n.E: Deeds recorded as Instr. '199909964763, 9909919194 and 200000001909 NOTE: This document prepared from record documents. A field survey WQS not prepared. PREPARED: July 7, 2000 \1111111 . :\\\\\\\ 1Illltl. ~. ~~:).,!I.,.~O A. O'L"o'-//'l. . ~ ~,r ......... ~ ~ BY: ,{)~~~~..~G\STe~..~~~ ~ ....... ~ ~ . ~ ~ Rlctlafd A. O'ElriCll\. L.S. -::: .: ~ ". 0;:; ::: tf ~== ;: . ! reO. .- 1:: N 8. '0 Q) .cr: ~ a. iij Q) cr: ~ Q) C) III a. 1:: o c. Q) 0:: Q) CJ C C'CI C Q) - C .- C'CI :E >. 1:: Q) c. o ... Q. U) o CO ON :: >- E ~ m." Xo o N c; Q) 0:: It) o o N i\ Q)I'- >'o:t o .. ZO ~ ..... o o Lri o o , o o , o o I It) o 0 M 0 .....iijlt) , Q) 0 ~cr:~ ..: III .c iP E Q, ..: ~ ~,g >->-E ii~'i Q,Q,Q,U) f f l'lI )( Q"Q,,::E~ o ::::i ~ Q) C 1:: III a. Q) c ~ {; ~ .r:. - CO ~ ~ <( (/) ::> CO CO N CO 'o:t ~ .'!i '0 c. III CN 1llC'? '6~ o.E'o:t ::::i0~ ~C'? Q)N'Q) .e ~ E Ill(/) III ~~(,) ~ ~ 3: {;~U5 ~a..r:. (0 :5o~ co~~ ....(7) ....COO -= CD ~ j,j III ! ~ ~ m Q" : 6 lD !;:; c '0 lJ ~~.9 - o ....J C III :>-0 J2~ <';>0 1'-0 .... .... iP j,j -g :3 III (J - Q, ~ c;.~IlI-iP t:l:Il~g.jij IlICI-"U) Q,CIll~)( f 0 III l'lI l'lI Q"N;:)all- I'- .... C ii ~ :E "> cg is ~ii.c ~o:~ It) o '0 .J.:...J U g .c ~iii~ ..... C'? ,..: C'? C.l Vi CD ! .;.: U) C.l 0 Oet....J C'? o u .. ~ ~ & U) o c .c o~~ u c o ;:: C Q, 0 "5 ;:; III Q, III 't: e ~ C III o e ;:; lJ jij o : ...J ...J o o It) It) OM 0 j,j '0 "0 ::E: CD III i:i i$ g ::E: -Eo o .. .c Gl J:..c ~E III = ZZ iP = jij i:i > III i:i III III :l :: III III ~ III - ~ l'lI '0 I- (,) Z 0 .....- <(OZ NW .....cr: ....cr: 0><( (/)3: I-cr::c ~~lD cr:O(/) I-cr:O Z~..., Ocr:cr: (,) u. U. '<l '0 CO.... 0> Oi ~ !2! !2! O...J V~~~CI) :::~~O.! 'o:t It) C'? 0_ .. III _'0 III C Z;:) o 0 > e Q, ..e III CD a: j,j - C III E III CI) III III ~ jij ~ 8. tl .... ~~~i is III III U. :3 :3 i=a:lal > f Q, ..e CI) ! C o z o o It) 16 M '0 C m ...J III P: C o Z o o t! CC! ki .:.; .c c E III = ~ Z l'lI a;sQ" ii ~ ~ ~ a. e. ~.s ~ 00 0> 0 NO .....N M.... cx:icx:i N - - '6'6 ! ! (J(J 'O- m C Gl III li E Gl 8 E III O"Q. ::E:~ o o o o i: III E >- III Q" .. III > o o o o .;.; C CD E >- l'lI Q" 8 C III > ~ o o o II) l: o ;:; u ::s "0 CI) C II) CI) C) ... ftI J: o u Cl l'lI ii: C CD ..::: CD't: ~~ o Z c- o C .- = -0 g E -get. e o o It) It) M III Q, ~ C .2 tl = '0 III e Q) :c III )( III l- I C o Z III Gl C.l = ie jij al -CD l'lICl - .. o l'lI I-J:. (J III Q, ~ CD e' III J:. (J - C 5 III U) )( ~ Requested By: ckp 11/23/2005 -. .. .~- u u ~ '. " . DU1.YSNTE1lSDFORTAAAnON SIl~lect to final ~~ for ~r "1~ dl)rof t9~ t1 I)~Jl_ Au4itat ~ ~ 'JtI ~~-:- BAftliltaJl COd~ 11 " r~''''fJ c --6(; -(.I {j - percell - .. & \\;\ I ~ ,I,nstru.ent 09'Jl'1'~ 9909919194 Filed for Record in HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA MARY L CLARK On 03-31-1999 At 12:50 p.. CORP W DEED 14.00 CORPORATE WARRANTY DEED . TInS rNDENTURE WITNESSETH, That JOSEPH WARREN, rNC. (Grantor), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Indiana CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to 1 16th & TOWNE PARTNERS, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as Grantee) for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the following described real estate in Hamilton County, State of Indiana: SEE EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Subject to Real Estate taxes not delinquent and to any and all easements, agreements and restrictions of record. The address of such real estate is commonly known as 2700 West 116th Street, Cannel, Indiana. Tax bills should be sent to Grantee at such address unless otherwise indicated below. Grantor certifies under oath that no Indiana Gross Income Tax is due or payable at this time with resp'ect to the transfer made by this deed. The undersigned person executing this deed on behalf of Grantor represents and certifies that he/she is a duly elected officer of Grantor and has been fully empowered, by proper resolution of the Board of Directors of Grantor, to execute and deliver this deed; that Grantor has full corporate capacity to convey the real estate described herein; and that all necessary corporate action for the making of such conveyance has been taken and done. rN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this deed this 14-llaay of V\o+a.c~ . 199~. GRANTOR JOSEPH WARREN, I ~ ignature t~ W ~I V~~\ Printed Name, and Office 1 II . - ' u u STATE OF ::r~\31owa.- ACKNOWLEDGMENT ) ,. ) COUNTYOF M~",~ ) Bero... me,~bIiC in and for said County and State. penonally appeared e r""..:f W. w+- . the f>re';'tJ of JOSEPH WARREN. INC., an Indiana corporation, who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Deed for and on behalf of said Grantor. and who. having been duly sworn. stated that the representations therein contained are true. 55: Witness m~ hand and Notarial Seal this a clay of y~ 19~ , My Commission expires: Signature ~ Printed I' JAMES HUGHEY . RES. OF HANCOCK CO. Resident of MY COMM. EXP. 6-13-08 County. Indiana This instrument was prepared by Jeffrey R. Lade. Attorney at Law, 140 E. Washington Street, Indianapolis. Indiana 46204 : II . < v u " . EXHIBIT A PARCEL I Part of the Northeast quarter of section S, Township 17 North, range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point on the North line of said quarter section being South 89 degrees 26 minutes S4 seconds West (assumed. basis of bearing) 915.86 feet from the Northeast comer thereof; thence South 0 degrees 11 minutes 01 seconds West 1940.72 feet; thence South 89 degrees 06 minutes 44 seconds West 897.59 feet; thence North 00 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds East 1438.80 feet to an existing East-West fence line; thence North 88 degrees 24 minutes 03 seconds East along said East-West fence line and fence line extended 122.99 feet to its intersection with an existing North-South fence line extended; thence North 0 degrees 01 minutes 45 seconds West along said North-South fence line extended and fence line, 504.94 feet to the North line of said quarter section; thence North 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds East along said North line 775.20 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 38.585 acres, more or less. PARCEL II Part of the Northeast quarter of section 5, Township 17 North, range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian, in Hamilton COWlty, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast comer of said Northeast quarter; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East (assumed bearing) along the East line of said Northeast quarter a distance of 1197.55 feet to the point of beginning said point being the Northeast comer of a 17.2 acre tract described in Warranty Deed No. 86-29309, in the Office of the Recorder of said county; thence continuing South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East along said East line, a distance of 276.~6 feet; thence South 89 degrees 41 minutes 27 seconds West 919.10 feet; thence North 00 degrees 13 minutes 17 seconds East along the West line of a 0.816 acre tract described in Quitclaim Deed No. 86-29308 in the Office of the Recorder of said County 258.88 feet; thence North 88 degrees 36 minutes 00 seconds East along the North line and an extension thereof said 17.2 acre tract 918.36 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 5.64 acres more or less. -- ./.. . .-/"-J'- 0 DU~ Y ENTERED FOR TAXATrON .- .._~I!'f.~1 !O_!l'!l!L~tePl$lce for.lransfer day of g l\ q . 20..QQ. ~ /1 ~ Ham~~~i~:UDI7 Parcel' nJ:!...., DKDH:A nON OF PUBLIC RIGHT OF WA V C3Js 1NDENn1RB WITNESSETH: That "tit. J} ./ . //6 -I / Clt'f} e /((,1' 11 fI.j L t. e (hcreiDafter jointly the "'GIantor'"). hereby gives and cfedi* to the Hamilton County Board ot Commlcclon~ (bereiDatb:t"Gmulcej~ fur puhlic rlabt-at.WlIf purposes cmly. the real. estate $i.twIted ill Ham&1tou Couuty, Iudiana. md. cIcscribcd in Exhibit "A" attachcdhereto and made a part hereof. o . . . ..: I. 200000037417 , Fl hd for Record in HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA MARY L CLARK . On 08-01-2000 At 09159 al. RT 0 WAY Ne .00 This Dedication Is msde subject to all existing easements and rlght-of~. This con~anc:c of real estate Is IIOt subject to lDdiaDa gross income tax. IN WI1NESS WHEREOF, Onmtor bas exeeutcd this D".di..ati\'m as of the da of e -;u;c;c>-= y ( ,.. . ---' c:'r-Y . . 'I-:-" - ---. N--t.......l..... '''. IL~'-id""".llL- i')~ STATE OF INDIANA ) ~kt'-I 2.j} ) COUNTY OF It - r} ss: () Before me, a Notary Public ill and for said County and State, personally appeared ~",', \\;~ E. Hil\l1el:.+e.~V\ who acknowledg the execution of the foIegoiDg Dedication ofPubUc Right-of-Way. . (/. wrrNESS my hanet and Notarial Seal this.J..2.:. Day of ~ --l) ~ .;<C c:.c, 11::.-. .~ ' , '-.l.t / tLL {to..... ,9. H )) Z-tll/U.OI Notary Public . -S (t /1( it -i:t ' j. j\tl c. " ,- , . "j Notary Public, Printed My Commission Expires: I J L/ / Co' Y, .""'''....'''''.~., '., ~ /! ~fo~ -4. ",t;, .........~. .;, . R.esidiaaill /- L'~~ CQqnty l~"~' .... ~: . ; a: t:!' "'. 0 . ..az.lI...-.llIl . .11. /I....i- ~ ~:<-" ~()J-t.Lt/J~ '711a-iJa. ~~ \~~ ~ ~i~I -- -,- -.. { . ":0... :/..... ....~..:.. ,,~ .., 4'~......... ~ ,-0../" "'#11 "", Ilftt"u,,~:~.:,~ .J.::. . ~ ro'd It:~l 00. 0%: unf OOIO-Sl~-ll~:XP~ ~I~I9'G ~ . , " .. ,~/. o o .- ACCEPTANCE WHEREAS, the foregoing Grantor has this day filed with Hamilton County, Indiana, its dedication of certain real estate for the purpose of establishing County rights-of-way, which Dedication is hereinabove set forth: AND WHEREAS, Hamilton County, is of the opinion that said Dedication is desirable and necessary: NOW THEREFORE, said Hamilton County, by the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners, under and by virtue of the power conferred upon it by statutes of the State of Indiana, for and on behalf of the County, accepts said Dedication for the purpose of public rights- of-way, and orders that the Instrument of Dedication be recorded in the Recorder's Office of the County of Hamilton, State ofIndiana, and said described real estate is hereby declared open and dedicated. Date of Acceptance: '1!l.y ~i) I I HAMlLTO~SSIONE" .5<JC::-t!. ... . s.m.r;:; O~ Steven A. Holt ~~k? ~ A lTEST: ~1l1~ Harr&'lton Coun . uditor all 02-11-98.x .. II .' . ,~. u I I ,~ I Scale: 1"=150' PROPOSED DEDICATION FOR "6TH STREET RIGHT-OF -WAY /' /' /' /' CARMEL CI.M RFCREfIlION BOARD-/' ;~.-- -- ,- IN'" Coo Nt 1/4 lift:. ~..17 :1 Wl9"26'!J4"f l.-.*- 6~,09~ . Nort" Iin. of N( '1" Ol\d Apctro. / el!l'll.,.1~..f 11lth Sit..' N89"26'S4"E 758.74' 50.634 Sq. Ft,:!: NOO"OS'15"E-/ 70.00' S89"26'54"W 688,04' .- ~/' ,- ..--lI6HI &: rOWNE PARTNERS, UCu/' ..--.. . ".str 619990996476:1 &: 9909919194 ,./ o Q:'ifo 4'<,;..... <..;.'l-q~~'" ~ ,,'0 ,.y Q. ~ "'~ (, p,'" ,-,or ~ p,Q ~ ~P> 'r~ .. \qQ..f! ~ ....<:-" Property Description: ^ port of the Northeost Quarter of Section 5. Township 17 North, Range J Ea.t of the Second Principal "'erldlan. In Clay Town.hlp. HamUton County. Indlona, de.crlbed os follow.: Commencing 01 Ihe Norlhwe.t corner of oold quart.... .ecllon: Ihence Norlh 89 degrees 26 mlnules 54 seconda East (bearings ba.ed an Trocl IV In deed recorded as Inslr. I19990998478J In Ihe Olflca or the Racorder of Hamilton County. Indiana), olong the North line of sokl quarter section. 660.00 feet 10 the POINT OF BEGINNING: thence North 89 de.,... 28 mlnutee 54 aeconds Eaat. along said North line, 758,74 feet to the Northwe.1 corner of Ihe Panhandle Eoslern Pipe line Company Eosement oa described In In.lr. 199099J4825 In sold Recorder's Olflce; Ihence Soulh 45 degrees 04 mlnules 24 seconds West. along the W..lerly line of sold easement. 100.09 reel. thence South 89 degree. 26 mlnules 54 seconds West 688.04 reet; Ihence Nol"lh 00 degrees 08 mlnule. 15 second. Ea.t 70.00 feel to the poInt of beginning and c:onlolning 50,6J4 .quore feel. more or less. Sub )ecl to all eosemenls ond restrictions of record, OWNER: tl61h '" Towne PorI"...... llC SOURCE OF TIRE: Deed. recorded as Instr. 119990996478J. 9909919194 and 200000001909 NOTE: ThIs documenl prepored !Tom record documenl.. A nold survey was nol prepared. PREPARED: July 7. 2000 11111I1" :\\\\\\\\ 1111"" ~. ~ ...~DA'O,/~ . 01 JI.. . ~ ~+-r..."'''''" 6'ofl "',;. BY, ( ~~~,"'~G\srE'~"..~ ~ Rfenofd A. (J9r'011. LS. ~ :-' q. (C"'C"'~ % : i N~ : = :: · I 8800177 : · :: ;; \ : F ~ \ STAT( OF ,.:,~ -..<' "."A. ... " ~ ~ ':~l'.:rl)IA~"" 0..' "{-l .......\' -l.:' '. "/lP.'J~. . ,..",. S G HAHN SURVEYING GROUP t INC. lII/IlVIlY'OJl8 ... MQJIQIlIIS .. It. ...,. c....... . .............. De 4R4I fit-.. ....... I r__ ......... JoblOO06JOl -i . ... .:. ..- o ~03/10/03 MON IG:48 FAX 3178438097 ;,"\ Campbell Kyle ProtfJ~t ,.. 'wULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION Subiect to final acceptance for transfer ~0 '-1Ldayof kkrc.<1 ,20 u'; ~8!~~~8~~5 8/ ~ Fi I''-t R.~ ~ Auditor of Hamilton eountF CJl.O~ ~; 'i~O DEDICATION Jmbt,c RIGHT-OF-WAY 1iZI002 TIUS INDENTURE WlTNBSSBnI: That //~ -" "'~ ~ t.t..a. (Hcn:inaftf;I jointly the "Grantor"). hereby cives IlDd dedicates to the Hamilton County Board of Commissionel'll (hereinatler "Onmteej, for public right-of-....ay purposes only, the real estate situated ill HamUtoll County, Indiana, and described 1t1 Bxhi~t "N. attached bereto and made a part hC[eOf. The Dedication is made subject to aU existing clI5ements BM right-of-ways. (r STATE OF INDIANA ) ) 58: COUNlY OF HAMILTON ) /} Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally app~ared _ r'/t/l/ip lE /I/me~STrl.AI y: /!/e,(Al//iJE.f(? C. L/fA/6'c who acknowledjed the execution of the fORgOing Dedication of Public Riaht-of. Way. WITNBSS my hand andNOlal'ial Seal this ~:zr ~ .' 2003. # ~ ~n4-, v /(~0:V N"otary Publio 3/J})DRft ,J, /1orris Notuy Public. Prhtted My Commission ExpiRS: 0/.- c if -0 R 290300030435 Fl led fOl' Record ' J. h HAMILTON COUNT In Residing in 0 nSO'1 County JENNIFER J V, INDIANA 03-31-200 HAVDEN """""'"'''''' ~~ flY: NAM..Co. RT 0 /olAV N3c09r33 a.. ,~".,\ ~!.< 1$ ""'" tJ"c,tlvoffY [J;fT- ,00 l~ ?;r~:~:j~'~~'.". .\ ."DpI......\000021UlAdminllWl... .rM!;.. RoW..pd ! t~; .l'~'~ ' . \ 7\.. ,..:': ".' '\"l.,....,:."5i~/'::.<:. ~ ' 2-" "'" . Ol.B&-Sl.B-inB SWO 0120:10 eo 01 oJ.W , " ledsoe Ta@P & Ri~ert, Inc. 'Quality Land Surveying and Civil Engineering Services E1C1t181t' A SCALE: 1"0100' o BEN E. BLSlSOE, LS. PIDLJPO. TAPP.U. WILLIAM S. RIGGERT, P.E. BEIllIARD A. 0UI!ll1\l!1TAZ, U. t , PROPOSED DEDICATION FOR 116TH STREET RIGHT OF WAY JOB#2733 .. .. " . .oo -= :!:,V-1 .. IJIlE II!: 1/4 NIl _ _ or '111H sr. __'E - :. ~ if emc~ 8 ~ ._"E 141&74' __.V 44&7'- 116m" TOWNE PARTNERS u..c. mo9919194 Property DeBcriptlon 12733 A part of the Northeost quarter of SectIon 5. TownBhlp 17 North. Range J East of the Second Principal Meridian, In Clay TownBhlp, HamIlton County, Indiana, described as follows: Commencing at the Northweat comer of wald quarter Bectlon: thence NORTH 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 _"dB EAST (bearings baeed on Tract IV In deed recorded aB Instrument' 1999011984763 in the office of Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana) along the North One of Bald quarter Bectlon 1418.74 fest to the Point of Beginning: thence continuing NORTH 89 degreeB 28 minutes 54 aecOndB rAST along sold North line 373.10 rut: thence SOlffif 00 degree. 11 mlnut.. 01 eecondB WEST 70.01 feet: thence SOUTH 89 degrees 26 minute. 54 .econds WEST 443.74 fut: thence NORTH 45 degreeB 04 mInutes 24 secondB WEST 100.011 feet to the PoInt of Beginning contalnlnll 28,589 .quare feet more or 1_. Subject to 011 eo_menta and reetr1c:t10nB of record. Owner: 11 6th and Towne Partnere LLC Source of TItle: Deed Inetrument , 99011919194 Note: Thl. document prepared from record documente, a field BUrvey wa. not performed. .' ,:." :f.1'riL":!.'~" Prepared: March 10. 2003 , ':"~'.::;.~..r:/)'z.~ L f.tfl~.l- .,:et'(iQ '~\.I'.\$rERiJ'tO(C':. By:~. Bt:d.:LS t )' \. ~! " No. ; ~ 80559 0 i 'lj;, ... ~ Sill. of $ '\l..f",'ND~!~...~~,.1' 'i'I,;fO SUR'Jt,\,,'" "'II... 1I"~" SHEET 1 OF 1 1351 W. Tapp Road . Bloomington, IN 47403 .SI2-336-S277 . FAX SI2-336-{)SI7 . II ACCEPTANCE WHEREAS, the foregoing Grantor has this day flied with Hamilton County, Indiana, Its dedication of certain real estate for the purpose of establishing County rights-of-way, which Dedication Is hereinabove set forth: AND WHEREAS, Hamilton County, Is of the opinion that said Dedication Is desirable and necessary: NOW THEREFORE, said Hamilton County, by the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners, under and by virtue of the power conferred upon It by statutes of the State of Indiana, for and on behalf of the County, accepts said Dedication for the purpose of public rights-of-way, and orders that the Instrument of Dedication be recorded In the Recorder's Office of the County of Marlon, State of Indiana, and said described real estate Is hereby declare(l open and dedicated. Date of Acceptance: W :J,~ u4J ATTEST: Ij "k~ m )1lu~ Robin M. Mills, Hamilton County Auditor 9h '/:I3fOl.b 1:: N 8.'0 Q)' c:: ';;; ~ Cl Q. ~ (ij Q) c:: ~ o Co CI) 0::: CI) CJ t: CV t: CI) - t: CV :E ~ ~ CI) Co 2 0. co o cO ON ~ >- 'E ~ nllt) :J:O o N - CV CI) 0::: ll'l o o N !~ Q)...... > 'it o .. Zo ..... o o o Iri o o , o o , o ~ o 0 cJ, 0 .....(ij1O , Q) 0 ~a::~ ;.: CII ..c ~ 8. ~ Z~..c ~~~ CII CII Z Q,Q,Q, e e ca ll..ll..~ o :J l!? Q) c 1:: nI a. Q) c ~ o I- ~ S CO ,... ,... ~ C/) :J CO CO N CO 'it z .l!i "0 a. nI CN nlM '6~ o.E'it :JOZ l!?M Q)N"Q) -e'se nI C/) nI ~~U ~ ~n~ ~"*Ci5 ~Q.S SO~ CO.....,... ,...0> ,...COO ;.: CII C ~ in III l!! ~ ~ ~ in C ... 11I.2 ~~1j ~ " 0 04(..1 e :i 0> 0> ai o "C ~ nI >.0. J!l;5 C,f,... ......0 .....ll'l Gi Vi '8 ~ & 0 O>'''~ t-CII.... ~i.~~I~ t-~eg31;~ ll..N:;)Illt- ...... ,... c ii ,~ :c '> ~ 0 t-~ tJ .g ii:en ll'l o .;..; .ir1.3 ug..c ~jjj~ M C'! ,... U in ~ ~ 1S 04(..1 M o u ~ Gi ~ en ~..Q o "' ~ 00:: en u C .2 1i C '1: 0 CJ a III '1: CII U o III C CII o 0 ;:: lJ ~ o CII ..I ..I o o M 'it 0,... 0 in " '0 :x: CII III ~ g o :x: -Eo o ... ..c CII .s::..c .~ E CII ::I ZZ Gi ~ i:i ~ CII ,,- .. III CII :.. ~ =:l2Q,t) .... = CII~'i:~=: Cl =...~....o:: iiClCIIOCIICII "lj'gu.lQ= ~ Z:;)!=1ll1ll o 0 > ...... ....e "".,.Q, ~ ~.5 '7 c-; Xl ~ ~o:: Oc M N ('0 0 co8:t: 0 ...... '( M ;bE~ ..; 0)(0' ~ ~O>J:~ 00... a::-c m:t::- '- Ci oCt ~ lIl.c co~ ~"t: ~o::ea ;;; a:: g 1 MlJ..COt co ~ '": f'g ~ ~ 8 ~j vQ.......-cn ~ or- ~ ~,! M ,... co ....... 00 0>0 NO .....N M,... cOco N 0 o c::i e Q, .5 ~ .iJ ,,:g e l!! 00 " .. ca c ~ ~ =: B E ca o'Q, :x:~ III ; c o Z " c j III ; C o Z o o 'it ...... 0 C'! 0 o c::i in - C CII E III III CII III .t L: CD .w ~ [ Z ca .J!i ~ ll.. t}.~ ~ ><'Q,~ ~ 5 ~ o o c::i .;..; [ ca ll.. .. CII > o .;..; C CII l ca ll.. B c ~ ~ Cl ca ii: c CII ..= CII.- ~~ c- o c .- ~ t)o -6~ CII o en c o :e ::s " C\) c en C\) C) ... ftI .s::. o ! C o ts ~ " GI o B ~ ;0 ii III _ CII caCl ~~ o & ~ CII ~ nI .s:: o .. '2 ~ en S u o Z o o M 'it ,... Q) :0 ~ ~ , c: o Z .-- II u Q .. DULY ENTERED FOR TAXATION I (P. C!9 SabJr to final ~ce for Ira~f, ~ day 0' V 19 l!P tf /),' -"~I"~ -... ~ f' 1Y/ (;r~ Har.':....., ...0. ~.. I ,,~/~~~.~-.t17J Parcel .. I .. CORPORATE WARRANTY DEED ~11~S91~~7~~cord in HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA MARY L CLARK On 11-04-1999 At 02136 p.. CORP W DEED 16.00 Tms INDENTURE WITNESSETH, Thai RILEY BROS. SALES & SERVICE, INC. aJk/a RILEY BROTHERS SALES & SERVICE, INC. (Grantor) a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Indiana CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to 116TH & TOWNE PARTNERS, LLC (hereinafter referred to as Grantee) an Indiana limited liability company, for the sum of Ten Dollars ($10,00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the following described real estate in JIDWfl7A County, State of Indiana: Hamil ton SEE EXmUIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN Subject to Real Estate taxes not delinquent and to any and all easements, agreements and restrictions of record. The address ofsuchreal estate is commonly known as2745 W. 116th St., Carmel, IN 46032 Tax bills should be sent to Grantee at such address unless otherwise indicated below. Grantor certifies under oath that no Indiana Gross Income Tax is due or payable at this time with respect to the transfer made by this deed. The undersigned person(s) executing this deed on behalf of Grantor represent and certify that he/she/they is/are duly elected oflicer(s) of Grantor and has/have been fully empowered, by proper resolution of the Board of Directors of Grantor, to execute and deliver this deed; that Grantor has full corporate capacity to convey the real estate described herein; and that all necessary corporate action for the making of such conveyance has been taken and done. h. ,1st November IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed t IS deed thIS _ day of 1999. RILEY BROS. SALES & SERVICE, INe. aJk/a RILEY BROTHERS SALES & SERVICE, INe. By: ~~ . Signature By: ~ .J':m.,tLL Rd..~ (fA6.) Printed Name, and Office By: ~~ ~1~)as~ ~. S~lJtt""' '~, R; '~ {IJ.I'~ Printed Name, and ffice ..-.- I - " u ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF..+N.J:>.'AN.A CmJNlY OF /fI~; 0'" ) )SS: ) Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally aPl!.eared J'..+1Hic.L p',-U;~~'="E,.JJ.R;LEi "Gtle~ E, R:LEj,the PReS'j V.P~€S.i oj.,eEAS. , of RILEY BR(jS. SALES & SERVICE, INC. a/k/a RILEY BROTIIERS SALES & SERVICE, INC., who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Deed for and on behalf of said Grantor, and who, having been duly sworn, stated that the representations therein contained are true, Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this 1M day of No , E: ~ B,; IL , 199~, My C""""",",,, "'""", S;gru.rure . a1J or. W .."-- Printed I Resident of County, Indiana This instrument was prepared by JEFFREY R_ LADE, Attorney at Law, 140 E. Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, File No, 237600. u .~ t;;1(:'2('~S " o Q ... ; EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTINUED TRACT III The wes~ half of 80 acres off of ~he nor~h end of 104 60/100 acres off of ~he wes~ side of ~he nor~heas~ quar~er of Sec~ion 5. Township 17 Nor~h, Range 3 Eas~. Containing 40 acres, more or less, in Hami1~on Coun~y, Indiana excep~ing ~he following Tract I and Trac~ II. Trac~ I A part of the northeas~ quarter of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 Bast in Hamilton County, Indiana, being more par~icularly dascribed as follows. Beginning at a point on the north line of said qurter section, distance 751.87 fee~ East of the nor~heast corner thereof, and running thence east upon and along said north line, a dis~ance of 144 feet to a point, running southwardly along an es~ablished fence line, a distance of 262.5 feet to a point, thence wes~ and parallel ~o ~he north line of said qurter section, a distance of 145.1 feet to a point, running thence north and parallel to the west line of said quarter section, a distance of 262.5 feet to the place of beginning, containing in all 0.87 acre, more or less. Tract IX A part of the northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 Bast in Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows. Beginning at a point on the north line of aforesaid quarter section, said point being 485.93 feet eas~ of the northeast corner of said quarter section, thence south parallel to the west line of aforesaid quarter section a dis~ance of 262.5 fee~, thence east parallel to the north line of said quarter section a distance of 165.94 feet, thence north parallel to the west line of said quarter section a distance of 262.5 feet, thence west on and along the north line of said quarter sec~ion a distance of 165.94 feet to the point of beginning. TRACT IV Part of the northeast quarter of Section 5. Township 17 North, Range 3 Bast, Hamilton County. Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows. Beginning at a point on the north line of said quarter section being south 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds west (assumed basis of bearings) 1691.06 feet from the northeast corner thereof, also being the intersection of said north line with an existing north-south fence line extended I thence south 0 degrees 01 (Continued) CASE NO.237600 " Q o -~. EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTINUED minutes 45 seconds east along said north-south fence line extended and fence line, 504.94 feet to its intersection with an existing east-west fence line extended, thence south 88 degrees 24 minutes 03 seconds along said east-west fence line extended and fence line, 122.99 feetl thence north 0 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds east 507.22 feet to the north line of said quarter sectionl thence north 89 degrees 26 minutes S4 seconds east along said north line, 120.63 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1.415 acres, more or less. ROTB. Acreage in tha legal description of the subject real estate solely for the purpose of identifying and describing the insured land and this search should not be construed as insuring the quantity of land as set forth in said description. CASE NO.237600 -a. a If -- · . .-/"J- U DU~ Y ENTERED FOR TAXATION - ,. _ ~,'!'t-~I !o .!l~l!LaSteplllllce for"lIansfer day of ..Q J\ 9 . 20..QQ. #- /1 ~ Hlm~I~~i~UDIY Plreel , ~. DF.DICATION OlfP1mI.lCRlGIIT OF WAY C3Js INDENTtJRE WITNESSETH: That III tt.. / 7" ,;-("? 't ,.-. L t (., { t. ' {/ fA '11 fit r nt::' ~j . ~ (hereinafter jointly the "Onmtor'). hereby gives and dedicates to the Hamilton County Board or Commlcclo-n (berciDafter"'GraDtce'b fur puh1ic daht~way purposes onlY. tba zal. estmc $ituatecl in Hamilton Couuty.1adiaua. ami. described in Exhibit "A" aU8cbedhereto BOd made a part hm:of. ~. u 290000037417 . Flied for Record in HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA' MARY L CLARK . On 08-01-2000 At 09159 al. RT 0 WAY Ne .00 This Dedi_on is mede subject to all existing easements and right-of..weys. This CODveyaJICC of real estate is DOt SlIbject to IndiaDa gross ineome tax. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor bas executed this Dcdi~on as oftbe da. of C -;U;C;('-=. y . ~.," .. ~_. (~-'rY. ' 1---.... I -,--- N-- L ...J... v I t Co I L ri ~...... ,I.(. L. i')~ STATE OF INDIANA ) M('l'~1 C!l ) COUNTY OF II 1- -'>;[f ) Before me. a Notary Public in and for said County and State, persoaaIlyappemd ~~'l \\;~ E. HiWlelr,+e.'.V\ who ac1mowledg the execution oftbc forqoiDg Dedication of Public Right-of-Way. . . /')il< L ., WITNESS my hand aDd Notarial s~ thil....L:..:..- Day of --7f"--l. J ~ '- ,C c:.c ~. I: /1) \/,' iJ, ~L<.Lto.''''''/Y'u . ) Z.6-l....U-<11 Notu)' Public , ,SU/II.,t,-iJ..' j. ;\'IC,-f-,"'j Notary Public. Printed ss: My Commission Expires: IlL{ I Co' 'i., ."""...........:. '" - _ ..<to -4'r~ ........... ..t,. R.esidingin 'll-kl'L-~ <:OWty l ~...., ....., . J "'lb en ",. .,.02-11........ i ~: ~ ~ ~ . " ~I1J~_uIJ~ 7n.t-Ua, ~~ \~~ F4 ~:~f. - -,- - - -. { . ~"'" ;/.... ....:4>..... '-.I. Of ;$'............-.\~ ~.... jIl""" ,.",-'" """fI'''~:~:\! ."':." ..! roOd ll:~l 00. os: un[ OOIO-Sl~-ll~:XP3 ~I~I9N3 ~ u u ACCEPTANCE WHEREAS, the foregoing Grantor has .this day filed with Hamilton County, Indiana, its dedication of certain real estate for the purpose of establishing County rights-of-way, which Dedication is hereinabove set forth: AND WHEREAS, Hamilton County, is of the opinion that said Dedication is desirable and necessary: NOW THEREFORE, said Hamilton County, by the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners, under and by virtue of the power conferred upon it by statutes of the State of Indiana, for and on behalf of the County, accepts said Dedication for the purpose of public rights- of-way, and orders that the Instrument of Dedication be recorded in the Recorder's Office of the County of Hamilton, State of Indiana, and said described real estate is hereby declared open and dedicated. Date of Acceptance: '1kf kD f I ~~MWsmo~ Stev<orJ; {}~ Steven A. Holt S~~/? ~ ATIEST: ~ 1i1Of- Harrlflton CountY. uditor lJ/I 02.J 1.98.x II I I ~ r'~ I Scale: \"=150' /HW Coo N( '/4 s.c. '''1'' ~ tJII9'26'~l4.F i '~1\-- 6Q9:0()~ ,. NOO'OB'15"E ./ 70.00' u PROPOSED DEDICATION FOR 116TH SffiEET RIGHT-OF -WAY CARMEL ,ClAY RFCREATlON .___~'--h // ,/ BOARO-/ u ~"'f- ~4J.I," ~~ ~~ [\.'" I ~~'O "v 0' ~ "'~ (, po,o, _..."r ~ PJ ~- ~.9 'r ~v ... [9 q,!l ,.! ,c:-'" Property Description: A part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5. Township 17 North. Ronge 3 East of ths Second Principal lAerldlan. In Clay TownshIp, Hamntan County. Indiana. described os follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of sold quorter section; thence North 89 degre.. 26 mInutes 54 seconds East (bearings based on Tract IV In deed recorded os Instr. 1199909964783 In the Ornce of the Recorder of Hamilton County, IndIana). along the North line of sold quorter section. 660.00 feet to the POINT Of BEGINNING; thence Narth 89 degrees 26 mInutes 54 seconds East. along sold North Une, 758.74 feet to the Narthwsst comer of the Panhandle Eastern Pipe Une Company Easement os described In Instr. 19909934825 In sold Recorder's omcs; thence South 45 d~rees 04 minutes 24 seconds West. along the Weeterly line of eold easement, 100,09 feet: thence South 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconde West 688.04 feet; thence North 00 degrees 08 minute. IS seconds East 70,00 fest to the point of beginnIng and containing 50.634 .quare fest. more ar less. ,- "or'" lilt_ of HI 1/-4 Oftd ~po. /" e.....t...iol. .f tlSlh 5"",- NB9'28'54"E 758.74' 50.634 Sq. Ft.:!:: S8976'54"W 6B8.04' , // ,; _-116TfI & rOWNE PARTNERS, Ltc../' ./'-1"51" #199909964765 & 9909919194 ,..--. Sub )ect to atl easement. and restrictions of record, OWNER: 116th '" Towne Portners. llC SOURCE OF liRE: Deeds recorded os In.tr. 1'99909964763. 9909919194 and 200000001909 NOli:: This document prepared "'om record documents. A field surwy was not prepared. PREPARED: July 7. 2000 1111111// ~"\\\\\ '1/",., ~ ~ ~~DA.O' /-:, . 01 i.t.... ~ ~V:- .............<911 ",,;- BY: ( ~~~.,..~G\ST€'~...~ ~ ~ .tq.. ~'.~~ Rlchord A. O"fff'ian. LS. ~ i ()... ~ =: N~ ~ = ~ · I 8800177 : · ~ :: ~ : : ~ \ STAT[ or ; ~ ,...<"~~y~.D I,. ~~",O' ~/ '(l ......\' -l..- '. 'i""R'I~, . ~. ',.,' . " S G HAHN SURVEYING GROUP t INC. 8UR'VBl"ORS a. B1fa_ ... Eo Mitt r....... . ............ iii 4Q4I ~ ........ , r.. .......... JoblOO06301 1:: N 8. a Q) c:: ~ a. 7ij Q) c:: 1:: o c. Q) D:: Q) CJ C n:J C Q) .... c .- n:J :E ~ 1:: Q) c. o '- Q. n:J Q) D:: 1.0 o o N I~ >~ o .. ZO .,... .,... Q) Cl tIl a. CQ o CO ON :: >- 'E II \'lilt) ::1:0 o N o o o C"i o o I o o I o o I 1.0 o 0 M 0 ....7ij1.O I Q) 0 ~c::~ -= III J:2 CD ~ a. ~ Z~J:2 >->-E ii:i~ a. a. a. II) e e tIl )( a.. a.. :::E ~ <t: 00 :::l CXl eo N eo "<I" Z u ::::i ~ Q) C 1:: \'lI a. Q) C 3: ~ o(l = co .... .... .~ ON a.M evo Ceo ev"<l" '6z u,S- ::::iOQ) ~ME Q) N ... C Q) ev ~en~ a."C;> Q)C::_ CQ)OO 3: ::I = ~"Eco ::I.... o(la..... :5 eo .... .... 01.0 O;~ CXlN -= III C ~ o in III ~ >. -a 1:: ~ ~ in C ... III 0 CIa !;: C-ar3 ~~.3 tn l2 ::I ts 2 en ]2 c Q) "C 'iij Q) c:: ... Q) >.= ev- -0 <fa> l'-a> ....1.0 in = CD - a. U >- III >- I- a. 1::Cl>- 8. .5 l- e 5 a..N l'- .... c a. .~ :c 'S: cg is ~-;.c ~a:~ 1.0 o '0 ';':-1 ug.c ~iii~ CXl eo cO N u in ~ e .;.: a~.3 M o u u CIl CIl III Cl II) II) c .c a tIl ::I 00::(1) o CD -a o U >- u at>> ::I 'jij ~II) III C )( ~~~ C .2 ii C .;: .2 :;: ii Q) -c o :;: C III ,2 0 B ~ o III oJ oJ o o l'- "<I" N 0.... 0 in -a "0 :t III III i:i g o :t o ... -Eo o ... J:2 CIl .J:J:2 ~E III ::I ZZ CD ::I i:i ~ III i:i ::l III III ::l III III ~ III - ~ tIl ~ MCO ~c.; "<1"2 ~C a> I- >-00= <(WO: ::!C::<2 C::CD:I 0>-1- f-W: f-::!a ::::i c:: (I. a.c::< 00 l.L. C:-a l'- a> Cl: c ~ l'- a> cj ~~~~fI) ,... ~,... ~Q) N M .... exO:: ... III _ -a III C Z::l o > o ... a. .5 III III 0:: in i: III E III III CIl III ~ 'jij ~ 8. 1:) .... a..- .. III <(~~~ is III III u.. = = i=aIa1 o o M It'i "<I" 00 a> 0 NO ....N M.... tOtO N > o ... a. .5 III e c o Z o o '<l" ai l'- -a C tIl oJ III ~ C o Z o o ~ <'! -= III i: .c III E E ::I >- Z tIl CD CIl a.. ~ ~ ~ )( 'Q. e. ~ d ~ - - 'ti'ti III e UU -a- tIl C CIl CIl - E III CIl III U E tIl O'Q. :t III 0:: o o o d .;.: C III E >- tIl a.. ... III > o o o d .;.: C CIl E >- tIl a.. CIl u C tIl > -a <( o o d en c o :w CJ ::s "'0 Q) C l#l Q) C) ... cu J: o Cl tIl ii: C III i= 3~ ~ c- o C -::I -0 ~~ III o III a. ~ C o ;:: U ::I -a CIl o III III U ::I ;0 'jij aI _Ill J!E' ~~ U III a. ~ III Cl ... tIl .J: U - '2 ::l :;. III II) )( ~ (;) o o l'- "<I" N .... Q) :c ~ tIl f- I C o Z " .' u u DULY ENTBRED FOR TAXATIOi" / (p, C?9 Sab)f to final ~ce for 'ra~r9 ~ day of V 19 r...:t:/ II /) " ~'1" ..'. ~ f' 7'1 ((~ Har."..u.. ,-0. ~.. 11~/~~~.~-.tJ?J Parcell " CORPORATE WARRANTY DEED 199909964763 Filed for Record in HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA MARY L CLARK On 11-04-1999 At 02:36 p.. CORP W DEED 16.00 Tms INDENTURE WITNESSETH, That RILEY BROS. SALES & SERVICE, INC. aIkIa RILEY BROTIIERS SALES & SERVICE, INC. (Grantor) a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Indiana CONVEYS AND WARRANTS to I 16TH & TOWNE PARTNERS, LLC (hereinafter referred to as Grantee) an Indiana limited liability company. for the sum of Ten Dollars (SI0.00) and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the following described real estate in ~ County. State of Indiana: Hamilton SEE EXHIBIT A ATIACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN Subject to Real Estate taxes not delinquent and to any and all easements, agreements and restrictions of record. The address of such real estate is commonly known as2745 w. 116th St., Carmel, IN 46032 Tax bills should be sent to Grantee at such address unless otherwise indicated below. Grantor certifies under oath that no Indiana Gross Income Tax is due or payable at this time with respect to the transfer made by this deed. The undersigned person(s) executing this deed on behalf of Grantor represent and certify that helshelthey is/are duly elected officer(s) of Grantor and haslhave been fully empowered, by proper resolution of the Board of Directors of Grantor, to execute and deliver this deed; that Grantor has full corporate capacity to convey the real estate described herein; and that all necessary corporate action for the making of such conveyance has been taken and done. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has executed this deed this 1st day of November 1999. RILEY BROS. SALES & SERVICE, INe. aIkIa RILEY BROTHERS SALES & SERVICE, INC. By: ~024 Signature By: ~ .J.n'1.!.LL i~i I..~ (fA~~ Printed Name, and Office By: G~~ ~1~)a9~~' S~uc. "11'. R.-I~ (l/.&d) Printed Name, and ffice ~,., " u u ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF -+N~I'A rl-A COUNTY OF M I\.R.; 0 ^' ) )SS: ) Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally aPE.eared S,ft'lE:Dil.l p',U~"if(-"E.,.JJ,IUE~" Gfle~ E, R:li:1,the P~e-S,; ",Pe.~S,i ... If!.GAS. , of RILEY BRds. SALES & SERVICE, INC, alk/a RILEY BROTIlERS SALES & SERVICE, INC., who aclmowledged the execution of the foregoing Deed for and on behalf of said Grantor, and who, having been duly sworn, stated that the representations therein contained are true. Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this I M day of No " E: /'I. B ,; R- , 1 99..i. My Commission expires: Signature a~ b(, w. - ,,,-- ClNlJ'I L MtU.EA . Printed U I oIladlma IWllON COUIfTY MrCommlnlan ExpIra:. Resident of County, Indiana 3N2000 Send'fai ailCs To: : '(; S.. ,t; 1. 1C '1:,."1.,....<- ,j J;;1(;'2G1S This instrument was prepared by JEFFREY R. LADE, Attorney at Law, 140 E. Washington Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204. File No, 237600. ~~m..~ , . . o o EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTINUED TRACT III The west half of 80 acres off of the north end of 104 60/100 acres off of the west side of the northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 East. Containing 40 acres, more or less, in Hamilton County, Indiana excepting the following Tract I and Tract II. Tract I A part of the northeast quarter of Section 5, Townahip 17 North, Range 3 Bast in Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described a8 follows. Beginning at a point on the north line of said qurter section, distance 751.87 feet East of the northeast corner thereof, and running thence east upon and along said north line, a distance of 144 feet to a pointl running southwardly along an established fence line, a distance of 262.5 feet to a pointl thence west and parallel to the north line of said qurter section, a distance of 145.1 feet to a point I running thence north and parallel to the west line of said quarter section, a distance of 262.5 feet to the place of beginning, containing in all 0.87 acre, more or lesa. Tract :I:I A part of the northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, :Indiana, being more particularly described as follows. Beginning at a point on the north line of aforesaid quarter section, said point being 485.93 feet east of the northeast corner of said quarter sectionl thence south parallel to the west line of aforesaid quarter section a distance of 262.5 feet, thence east parallel to the north line of said quarter section a distancs of 165.94 feet; thence north parallel to the west line of said quarter section a distance of 262.5 feetl thence west on and along the north line of said quarter section a distance of 165.94 feet to the point of beginning. TRACT :IV Part of the northeast quarter of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, H&milton County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows. Beginning at a point on the north line of said quarter section being south 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds west (assumed basis of bearings) 1691.06 feet from the northeast corner thereof, also being the intersection of said north line with an existing north-south fence line extended I thence south 0 degrees 01 (Continued) CASE NO.237600 . .. ~~..,om",. . u o EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION CONTINUED minutes 45 seconds east along said north-south fance line extended and fence line, 504.94 feet to its intersection with an existing east-west fence line extended I thence south 88 degrees 24 minutes 03 seconds along said east-west fence line extended and fence line, 122.99 feetl thence north 0 degrees 14 minutes 00 seconds east 507.22 feet to the north line of said quarter section I thence north 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds east along said north line, 120.63 feet to the point of beginning and containing 1.415 acres, more or less. NOTB. Acreage in the legal description of the subject real estate solely for the purpose of identifying and describing the insured land and this search should not be construed as insuring the quantity of land as set forth in said description. CASE NO.237600 -~ .. o DlIL Y ENTERED FOR TAXATION ~o final ~tance for transfer ,.,.'...'.. ....~~y.o~~~. ,20,Qo... 11 4. p, Audilor it'- 'h C{J ~ H ImillOD Coualy ~." Q . , . : : If 200000037416 Filed for Record in HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA MARY L CLARK On 08-01-2000 At 09159 a.. RT 0 WAY NC .00 MDlCATION OF PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY nus lNDEN1tJRE WImESSETH: That ,.? ' / It: tf: 01- 7 OU./71 e. it rilJ(~ f ':.' t. L. C (hereinafter joindy the "'Grantor"), hereby gives and dedicates to ~ HlI.I1liltoo County Boent of Commissionem (bea:inafter -orurtecj. fur public ript-of-way purposes only, the real est:I1e siCU*d in Hamiltoll County, Indiana, aad described in Exhibit "A YO attac.hcd hereto and made a part hereof. This Dedication is made subjea 10 all existiDg easements aDd right-of-ways. This conveyance of real estate is DOt subject to lndiana aross iDcome tax. I,.,.tf,.. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor baa executed this Dedication as oftbe _z!:. ~~.~~~ -",<::'W-: ,/ Irv'- ~...J...t.- IlL ~-\.. d '-.- t....... L l C STATE OF INDIANA ) n:.lV"/~"">'L- ) SS: COUNIYOFI~II~-' } Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appee:ed Ph: 1\: f E. H;,..,e J .sH.1 '"'- who acknowledged the execution of tile foregoing ~ of Pub lie Right-of-Way. , I~ tL .,"J I -1 "{}O wrrNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this -4L- Day of '.hd.< v J " t/ 1 j ~_' l' .' d ;2 )11 . f j .ff." /, -' L. / "c'2-.t,"ZA>] NOtary PubHc ;7 S a/.'d!" 0 ' J. ~[(-' /"t '/~"5 Notary Public, Printed '! I MyC I ......\\.\,"Ull..."".". .,' '...c:. $~ " Rai.diDg in Il.. .(.. }'\,.. ' Cotalty I' ~-~........-...... 4''''..." , / ~'1~ ~,' ~.>.\ .az-II..,..... . - "':l''''' ~:) < :iJt~A.L/jM-l. ~4"Jl~. ~ ~\~ r.~:'1j ~j - --r n ~v d' ~. ~ X, " ". () , :".~I~ ..;....- .....~ l'" ...~'4 '~.~"9.,S-6 ~..<lo,; , ."1 .~: .,,,,,, .'~ ",,,,,,..tI'\~" ro'd ll:~l 00. Ok UT1( oolo-sl~-ll~:~j ~nl:nU!N3 ~ : II Q u ACCEPTANCE WHEREAS, the foregoing Grantor has this day fIled with Hamilton County, Indiana, its dedication of certain real estate for the purpose of establishing County rights-of-way, which Dedication is hereinabove set forth: AND WHEREAS, Hamilton County, is of the opinion that said Dedication is desirable and necessary: NOW THEREFORE, said Hamilton County, by the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners, under and by virtue of the power conferred upon it by statutes of the State of Indiana, for and on behalf of the County, accepts said Dedication for the purpose of public rights- of-way, and orders that the Instrument of Dedication be recorded in the Recorder's Office of the County of Hamilton, State ofIndiana, and said described real estate is hereby declared open and dedicated. Date of Acceptance: 1/7,1~ Stev<n~a~ Steven A. Holt ~~ d? ~ Sharon R. Clark A nEST: ~ 171 O;a(\" Hami ton CO\Ulty dltor 8h 01-11-98.ll -., " Q u I , -~ I Scale: ."'=100' PROPOSED DEDICA liON FOR 116TH STREET RIGHT-OF - WAY .' / "- ~~1I1 LOUISE PERrLMAN" Inslr, #94103908 ~ .. ..--- CARMEL, CLA Y PARKS &-----/ //./ REC. BD, Instr. #9809801853 ./ \NOO'08'15"E ,\ 70.0o.:~ \ " ~ -Norlh Line NE 1/4 See, 5,11-.$ & opprox. ear,terline or 116th Street 660.00' SOO'08'15"W7 70.00' / - / PJlJ3 NW Co>', NW 1/~ S.e, ~-17..J 46,197 Sq. Ft.:!: S89'26'54"W 660.00' ,,'" . ;:- /' ..1161H &: IOWNi: PARTNERS, LtC / .//j;,str. IJ1999099M765 & 7.00000001909 ~.-" w Z G C '; i Property Description: A parI of Ihe Northwesl Quarter of Section 5. Township 17 Na.-lh. Range 3 Eosl of Ihe Second Principal Meridian. in Cloy Township. Hamlllon Counly, Indiana. described os follows: Beginning 01 Ihe Norlhwest comer of sold quorler section: Ihence Norlh 89 degrees 26 mlnules 54 seconds Eosl (bearings based on Tracl IV In deed recorded os Inslr, #199909964763 In Ihe Office of Ihe Recorder 01 HamVlon Counly, Indiana). along the Norlh line 01 sold 'lUarler section, 660.00 feel; Ihence Soulh 00 degrees 08 minutes 15 seconds Wesl 70.00 leel; Ihence So./lh 89 degrees 26 mlnules 54 seconds Weel 680.00 feet 10 a polnl on Ihe West line 01 said quarler see lion; Ihence Norlh 00 degrees 08 mlnules 15 seconds Eosl 70,00 feel 10 Ihe poinl of beginning and conlolnlng 46,197 squore feel. more 0< le99. Sub ject 10 all eosemenls and reslricllons 01 record, OWNER: 1161h & Towne Porlners. LLC SOURCE or lITlE: Oeeds recorded os Instr. #199909964783 ond 20??oo001909 HOlE: This documenl prepared Irom record documenls. A field survey was nol prepared. PREPAREO: July 7, 2000 ~\\" 11111111 1111111 #\'1. ~O A. O. 11i/-Z ~ ~~............e-9 ~ ~:-SJ ..' c.\STE~"',~_ ~ ~ Q: .....Q:f,.; ~<>..::~ ~ .:::: . .. - := No. := =.i 8800177 :"= % \ f ~ ~ "'" STAT[ Of ....t:1:~ ~t., "!.~ 0 I""!:" O,$' ";..,"'D .........\l~\~ .~'.', l:; UR "",,, 'J1I,,!:.p.\,h. BY:~4;..~e1. ~ Richard A. O'Brlon. LS. S G HAHN SURVEYING GROUP, INC. SUJmmlRS II IUlGINllBIIIl eao [. t6tt1 S1P..t . ~. IN 46240 ..... 14&-8840 I F.... 846-4e98 Job1OOO6301 " II u o -- -..' . . ...J""-.....r . fir r.. OU~YENTEREDFORTAXATlON ,...'_. "'-~~!;:~f~r~= ~ 'PI ~ H'ID~I:~i~UDI1 Parcel' ' n.J!....., IMl:DK:ATION 0Ir ptml.lc RIGHT OF WAY ~ IHDENTtJRE WITNESSSTH: that . ti. 1 ,) //6 -I I eU'df? /(i.,rt n f,-Cj L l e {llcreiaafter jointly the "'OrlIDtoI'1. heRby giftS 8IIll dedic:atC:s to tbc Hamilton County Board ot Co-m1mo- ('t--i-ftpp "GJ:aDI='b fix pu&lic rlahl..o.f:.wq purposes aal:y..lhc mal estII1l: ~ ill Hamiltoll CouDty, TDdiaDa,. aad. daaibcd. in Exhibit t4A" atrachcdhea:to _made a- part hm:of. . ~m~?~~4~!COrd in ' HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA' MARY L CLARK ' On 08-01-2000 At 09.59 al. RT 0 WAY Nt . 00 1bia Dedicatioa Is m&de subject to all existing easements aDd dght-<lf--wap. This convfiI1lDCC of real estate Is JIOt subject to lDdiaDa gross iAcome tax. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Onmtor bas exccmd this D..cIi...moA IS ofthc- i:J. ~ dayot ~(' ;;::C;;::-;.(',__, r~<0(~ ::~.. - -- J'k.....l.... 11t.IL~"T6......,lI.(.. STATE OF INDIANA ) '\k,.-. 0 ~ ) COUNTYOFll -- t ) ss: () BefOre me. a Notmy Public ill and for said CouDly and State. pusoaally appcsrcd ,,"", \\ ~ ~ E. H.',,,,, 1.'1:'+ e.', V\ who acknowledg the excc:ution oftbc fasqoiDg Dcdkation ofPublio Right-of:.Way. . (/~ 4 wrmESS my banchnd Notarial Seal this ~ Day of . - --t). .~G C.C- . .~ ~ . . . ,~. t , H <. Lt.(\..',9, )) Zti-l/U.OI NoW)' Public . S (.(./1<. i,-C:t' J, ;\vl c ,-,-,''j Notary Public, PriDled My Commission &pm: I~L{ /c: 'J., ....."'::""........;. ". - -Ii -4\''' ........~ ,'". ,~rft"i iI1 'll-k I'''~ CQtmty i ~ ..... ..... . l '>lib en of' i a: c: ~ 0 .CD-u......llll . .11, /. ....:11II ~,._, ~~tlJ^"-71'kt.Ut1, ~~ \;;~~ ~j~.J. --- { . ~ ..., -.. .... ~ .;" ~ -.." ~..........., ft\-o .w" "'" ".~ .. .... ~"",',,,..,,.,,""',\" ~ ..' ........1:....,., . ro'd .!t:~t 00. Olt unr OOIO-Sl~-LI~:xej ~I~I9'G ~ ~'_.. - f.'-_:,': ~. .. II 4 u u ~ 9....-" ACCEPTANCE WHEREAS, the foregoing Grantor has this day filed with Hamilton County, Indiana, its dedication of certain real estate for the purpose of establishing County rights-of-way, which Dedication is hereinabove set forth: AND WHEREAS, Hamilton County, is of the opinion that said Dedication is desirable and necessary: NOW THEREFORE, said Hamilton County, by the Hamilton County Board of Commissioners, under and by virtue of the power conferred upon it by statutes of the State of Indiana, for and on behalf of the County, accepts said Dedication for the purpose of public rights- of-way, and orders that the Instnunent of Dedication be recorded in the Recorder's Office of the County of Hamilton, State ofIndiana, and said described real estate is hereby declared open and dedicated. Date of Acceptance: 'Thy kiJ , I HAMJLTOr-Jl.Jil!.._ 0: ~OMMISSIONERS _ 5<.fC::.d. l s,",," c-f};:'a~ Steven A. Holt ~~k! ~. A1TEST: b 11lf)f- Harrl{lton County'. uditor all 02.JJ.98.x .. ; .. " u ' .",. 41>' I j ,~ I Scale: 1"= 150' /.... c. ... f,l4 '5foc. ,,,t1 , 1~f19'26'!.>.n: ~. . "':+- 6'!?p:O~~ " NOO'08'15"E-"'- 70.00' PROPOSED DEDICATION FOR 116TH STREET RIGHT-Of -WAY ,~-- /".- C^R~EL,CI.^Y RFCRF./lTlON ,/ / / f.lOARO-/ ~~ ~4;..... ",,'" ':vet'1>"''-' 's-o. ~ ...$iJ c.. r;,o,o, ~'? !c- Pi o?' ..;)~,p, '? fV " \!l q-$ :-!' ,<:-" Property Description: A part of the Northeost OIIarter of Section 5, Township 17 North. Ronge 3 EOlt of the Second Prlnclpot "'erldlon. In Cloy Townohlp. HamHton Counly. Indl...o. described ... 10110...: Commencing 01 Ihe Norlhwe.' corner of eold quartar lectlon: Ihenel Narlh 89 d"'Y"" 28 mlnull' 54 lecondl E...I (b...rlng. bO.ld on Tract IV In deed recorded ... 'n.lr. "99909984783 In Ihe Orne. 0' Ihe Recorder 0' Homlton County, Indlono), along the North IInl of .old quarter .ectlon. 660.00 'lit to Ihl PCANT OF BEGINNING; thencI North 89 d"'Y- 28 mInute. 54 .Icond. Eo.t. olong IOId Narth line. 758. 74 'eet to th. Northwest comer of the Ponhondll EOItem Plpl Unl Compony Easement 01 described In 'n.tr. 19909934825 In .old Rlcordlr'. OIRce; thence South 45 d"'Yees 04 minutes 24 .econd. We.t. oton9 the W..terly Ilnl 0' sold ....ement. 100.09 ,".t: thene. South 89 dl"OOI 26 mlnut.. 54 seconds Welt 688,04 Ielt; thencI North 00 d"9re.. 08 mlnut.. 15 .ec:onde Eo.t 70.00 le.t to thl point 01 b"9lnn1ng and contolninCJ SO.634 .quarl 'lit. morl or r.... Sub)eet to 011 """ement. ond re.trlctlon. of record. Ov.?ER: 116th ... Towne Portn..... UC SOURCE OF nTlE: Olld. recorded o. In.tr. 1'99909964763, 9909919194 ond 2?0ooooo1909 NOTE: Thl. cIocument prepared from record document.. A Ileld surwy wos not prepared. PREPARED: .Ally 7. 2000 """"" ~\\\\\ 1111", ~\ ....~O A. O,,;.~ (). ~ A D' j.(,.. ~ ~y.r' ........, <9tfl ~ BY: ~, ~~~..{G\STe~....~~ Rlcho,'d A. O'Brlan. LoS. ~ l. ~ (l'C"'~ '%. ==.i No. ::: ;!i I 8800m : · ~ ~ l ; : ~ ('\ STATE Of ...:- -.'_ -? "'~'" >1 t,...' ~/ " ,f, ...0,,.,,,., "",0. :/' ~;';R"'~' .- .,' ..,'" /' .'" 11M or N( 1/.4 ... AoIW.., c......... .. 11,", ~... N89"28.S4"E 7S8.74' SO,634 Sq. FU: S89"26'S4"W 688.04' / "..-' , ,/ ....-116T11 &: IOWtJE PARTNERS, ll.C-/."" ......."'I"slr 619990996416J &: 9909919194 S G HAHN SURVEYING GROUP. INC. 81J1mlT1)RS ... 1IItQJIQlIlIIlI ... r. ... 1'~ . .............. at ..... ....... ....... , ,- ......... JoblOO06301 .. 1 'L . ... .. ...: I' ..,/~ . ' fl a:J . F~~COrd~.n. ~ HAMILTON ~ I ~ .:) ~RY L CLARK ' '1 On 10-06- . ~, ,) ro(l.:.- SPECIAL WARRANTYDEEDSP WAR DEED 18.0042 p.. tIle 246086 THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That 116dt & TOWNE PARTNERS, LLC ("Grantor"), an Indiana limited liability company, BARGAINS, SELLS AND CONVEYS to UNIVERSITY mGH SCHOOL OF INDIANA, INC., ("Grantee"), an Indiana not-for-profit corporation. for the sum ofTen Dollars ($10.00) and other ?1uable consideration, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the real estate located in Hamilton County, in the State of Indiana, the legal description of which is set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference ("Real Estate"); SUBJECf, HOWEVER, TO: (i) all easements, highways, rights-of-way, covenants, conditions, restrictions, declarations and other matters of record; (il) all current, non-delinquent real estate taxes and assessments; and (iii) all matters that would be disclosed by an accurate survey and physical inspection of the Real Estate. Grantor covenants with Grantee that the Real Estate hereby conveyed is free from all encumbrances made or suffered by Grantor, except as aforesaid, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the same to Grantee against the lawful claims and demands of all persons claiming by, through or under it, but against none other. The undersigned person executing this Special Warranty Deed on behalf of Grantor represents and certifies that Grantor is a limited liability company duly organized and validly existing under the laws of Indiana, and the person executing this Special Warranty Deed on behalf of Grantor is fully empowered by proper action of Grantor to execute and deliver this Special Warranty Deed. Grantor has full capacity to convey the Real Estate and all necessary action for the making of such conveyance has been taken and done. Grantor and Grantee hereby acknowledge that this deed is delivered in partial fulfillment of the Option Agreement dated June 20,2000, as identified in that certain Lease (with Options to Purchase) by and between Grantor, as Landlord, and Grantee, as Tenant, dated June 20, 2000. as amended. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has caused this Special Warranty Deed to be executed this 1~ day of August, 2000. 116th & TOWNE PARTNERS, LLC ~~",,'!:I Tliability company ..J ",:.- - . " {:'; ". '-, /' \.. . ~ . ~'l ;' -------. By' !; ..' i.....~f t..- _ . r- _. , . I -v Phillip E. Himelstein, Member out.. y ENTERED FOR TAXA liON Sub~ to final acceptance for ~ t", day of r'{11 -. Auditor \ I 11 J1T &r Hamilton Coualy \{ ~ lJ '3-o5"-~_ro Parcoll - .. t · r"'''.'''V''"' ~ ....., STATE OF INDIANA ) ) 55: COUNTY OF MARION ) Before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared Phillip E. Himelstein, a Member of 1 16th & Towne Partners, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company, who acknowledged execution of the foregoing Special Warranty Deed acting in the aforesaid capacity for and on behalf of said Grantor. , Witness my hand and Notarial Seal this ...+ ~ l day of August, 2000. RICIiA i) NOb".Pu '10 T[Co:;, , (signature) -, bfic, S/2 .,' .. Count}t re l,!..... My commiss' OO,I/;'rfo" ',......'i ;Oi, ~'.i:;"u:; . , 'i I~ 7!;:',w.. , ./" ...--, . L ; "'~ ,-,.... (~J.:(':;t;.. 40ft- I~'-,' {o" ~ (printed name) Notary My Commission Expires: County of Residence: . Send tax statements to and Grantee's mailing address is: {Ii"'r',, I :.3; 'fy -I. Ii' ' /1"... ,\" I,",: I .. - 0, ,Z)~5' U J$T Jk.tf .A/;'.~''''' / (?,11111i I, j,~' 4i.(3,': This instrument was prepared by Victoria 1. Parker, ICE MILLER, One American Square, Box 82001, Indianapolis, Indiana 46282; Telephone (317) 236-2100, 679884.1 .1, ':'.. ~ ' ~''\'"-~'''''rr''''''' '. .. 'wi o Exhibit A LEGAL DESCRIPTION Part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 5, Township 17 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian, in Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, descnOed as follows: Beginning at a railroad spike marking the Northwest comer of said Quarter Section; thence North 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds East (assumed bearing), along the North line of said Quarter Section, 660.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 15 seconds West 540.00 feet to a 5/8" rebar with red cap; thence south 41 degrees 55 minutes 01 seconds West 420.22 feet to a 5/8" rebar with red cap; thence South 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds West 380.00 feet to a 5/8" rebar with red cap on the West line of said Quarter Section; thence North 00 degrees 08 minutes 15 seconds East 850.00 feet to the point of beginning. .. ---r