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I- 0 5875 Castle Creek Parkway, Suite 440, Indianapolis, Indiana 46250, 317.842.0000
;: 6765 North State Road 37, Post Office Box 2149, Bloomington, Indiana 47402, 812.876.2020
~ www.omscorp.net
Dept. of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
Project: University High School New Academic
Building, Gym Expansion and
Parking Lots
~, 05\LCX:D1 SUA
Project Number: 05057/6
AUn: Ms. Angelina Conn
February 24, 2006
We are sending you (~Attached 0 Under Separate Cover) via Courier the following item(s):
o Change Order(s) / CCD(s)
o Application(s) for Payment
o Pri nts
o Specifications
o Copy of Letter
o Meeting Minutes
o Inspection Reports
~ Sketches / Drawings
U Sets Document Document
~ Copies Date Number Description
1 02/27/06 05057 Site Drawings
Transmitted as indicated below:
o For Your Information or Use
~ For Your Review and Comme~.,-==- '--"':"
o As Requested . // ~,.':\\
o For Your Records / ./ ~~ '''\\
o For Your Approval ;' \
o J \
:' //~.
o Approved
o Approved as Noted
o Not Approved, Revise and Resubmit
o Action Not Requ ired
o Action Indicated on Item Transmitted
o For Signature. Return 1 Copies to Us
By: Becky R. Feigh
Copies: File
OMS-Gl10 - Copyright iC 2005 The Odle McGuire & Shook Corporation
F: \_ Project\05057\Document\Correspo.nd\ TRANSMIT\ Depl. Of Community Services02-24-06 _ TRANSMITT ALdoc
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February 24, 2006
Ms. Angelina Conn
Dept. of Community Services
One Civic Square
Carmel, IN 46032
cioM u 0 J
4t- 0 5 , 2.- 0001 SUrf
RE: University High School Renovation
OMS Project No. 05057
T AC Review Comments
Dear Ms. Conn:
Thank you for your review and comments concerning this project. Your
correspondence dated December 12, 2005, indicated conditions with must be
implemented to obtain your approval. Since the original TAC submittal the
project has undergone substantial value engineering to bring the project scope
back under the original cost estimate. Please note at this time the owner has
decidedto reduce the eastern parking lot which also removed the grading
associated with the southern detention basin. The revised scope was approved
at the BZA meeting in January.
Included with this letter are one (1) copy of the drawings for your review. If you
have any questions or comments please contact our office at 31 7-842-0000,
Becky R. Feigh,
Landscape Arch itect
c: Gregory Ilko- CrossRoads Engineering
Greg Hoyes- HCSO
Gary Du ncan
5875 Castle Creek Parkway, Suite 440 I Indianapolis, IN 46250 I 317.842.0000 tell 317.842.4345 fax I www.omscorp.net
Establ ished 191 6
./toM. #...
.. "Five Star Court" is NOT an approved street name. Please submit a new lis
street names to Bill Akers at Carmel Communications before the subdivision is
recorded. Letter has been sent to Snelling Engineering (see attached PDF).
Docket No. 05120017 TAC: Orchard Park Elementary School
The applicant seeks to construct 4 additional classrooms.
The site is located at 10404 Orchard Park Drive South. The site is zoned S2/Residence.
Filed by Karen Collins, PE, of Cripe Engineering for Carmel/Clay Schools.
December 21, 2005
Department of Commnnity Services Conference Room
3rd Floor - Carmel City Hall
9:00 AM
Could not comment
.. Did not receive plans
Carmel Science & Tech Park, blk 12, lot 5 - Velocity Sports Performance
The applicant seeks use variance approval for an athletic training facility.
Docket No. 05120006 UV W Chapter 200.01 permitted uses
The site is located at 1402 Chase Ct. and is zoned M-3/Manufacutring.
Filed by Charlie Frankenberger of Nelson & Frankenberger for BP Sports
No comments
University High School of Indiana
The applicant seeks special use amendment approval for a high school expansion.
Docket No. 05120007 SUA: W Chapter 5.02: Special Uses
The site is located at 2825 W 116'h St. and is zoned S-I/Residence.
Filed by Bill Wendling of Campbell, Kyle, Proffitt, LLP.
No comments
~ Docket No. 05120012 DP/ADLS: Arden Townhomes
The applicant seeks approval for a 90-unit townhome development on 12.7 acres.
The site is located at 1940 E 136th St. and is zoned PUDlPlanned Unit Development.
Filed by Jim Shinaver of Nelson & Frankenberger for Buckingham Properties, Inc.
Changes to street names have been made per phone conversation with Rich Kelly, EMH&T. No
Docket No. 05110020 DP/ADLS: Old Meridian Place
The applicant seeks to create 129 townhomes and a mix of office and retail uses on 25
The site is located at 12852 Old Meridian Street and is zoned OMISFA.
Filed by Jon Isaacs for Centex Homes.
"No Street names noted on plans. If the town homes and retail are to be addressed off of the
private drives, street names will still need to be approved. Please see to Bill Akers
at Carmel Communications to coordinate the street name approval process. Letter
has been sent 10 Ed Fleming at Stoeppelwerth. (see attached PO F)
Docket No. 05120015 TAC Schafer Powder Coating
The applicant seeks to create a 47,600 sq. ft. office warehouse on 3.45 acres.
The site is located at 4518 West 99th Street and is zoned IllIndustrial.
Filed by Greg Snelling of Snelling Engineering for Resorts Condominiu
"did not receive plans,
Docket No. 05120016 SP: Five Star Estates
The applicant seeks to plat 5 lots oa 5 acres.
The site is located at 2200 W. 131st Street and is zoned SllResidential.
Filed by Greg Snelling of Snelling Engineering, LLC for Prime Lots, LLC.
Could not
051;<' OCX) 9- SUA:-
Construction/Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Technical Review and Comment (Form 1)
Project Name: New Building and Campus Renovation for University HS
Plan Submittal Date: 12/07/05 Hydrologic Unit Code:
Project Location Description: south side of 116th 1/4 mile west of Towne Road
Latitude and Longitude: Lat- 40- 16' N Long 86-40' W
Civil Township: Clay Quarter: NW Section:
~':'",,-=A:: ~f,~,;",;;,,~~ -~~ -:;;:i~-==::~i~f -:~w;:~
County: Hamilton
ti City: State: IN
.~ Phone: FAX: E-Mail:
Q ~,illJg(Fi~~~Wi;'fA'V~:" ~.- ".,7mH;:j'!~'''~ m,,;,,~,~ ~ii+H~ 'il';Zj7';'~~~'~~~'''I;ep",~~~'c_=-~=;;,~,,,,, ",.,=="~~'''IL~;~'"=';f;~;k''.'''1Hlo..;n~j[~~I~~'w;J'?'J'ffi~ _
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Plan Preparer Name:
Affiliation: Odle McGuire and Shook Corporation
Address: 5875 Castle Creek Parkway Suite 440
City: Indianapolis State: IN
Phone: 317 -842-0000 FAX: 317 -842-4345 E-Mail:
Project Owner Name:
University High School
Zip: 46250
Review Date: 12/20/05
:; Principal Plan Reviewer: John B. South P.E. CPESC
'S:: Agency: Hamilton County Soil and Water Conservation District
~ Address: 1108 South 9th Street
; City: Noblesville
=:; Phone: 317 -773-2181
Assisted By:
State: IN
Zip: 46060
E-Mail: john-south@iaswcd.org
PLAN IS ADEQUATE: A comprehensive plan review has been completed and it has been determined that the
plan satisfies the minimum requirements and intent of 327 lAC 15-5.
o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
o Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of
the NO!. A copy of the NOI must also be sent to the Reviewing Authority (e.g. SWCD, DNR).
::::-: ~ - ~ _= N. -x~;;:" ~... =~.:.::::. t8l-: d ~ m~ lZI__.., , -_ :~"...:~-~ ~""'~ ~ --=- ~- ~J,_
o A preliminary plan review has been completed; a comprehensive review will not be completed within the 28-day
review period. The reviewing authority reserves the right to perform a comprehensive review at a later date and
revisions to the plan may be required at that time to address deficiencies.
o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
o Submit Notice of Intent (NOI): Attach a copy of this cover page when submitting the NOI to the Indiana
Department of Environmental Management. Construction activities may begin 48 hours following the submittal of
the NOI. A copy of the NOI must also be sent to the SWCD, DNR).
~~:::- ::;D~~~~-';'~ ~~ ~.~%;E
o PLAN IS DEFICIENT: Significant deficiencies were identified during the plan review.
o Please refer to additional information included on the following page(s).
o DO NOT file a Notice ofIntent for this project.
o DO NOT commence land disturbing activities until all deficiencies are adequately addressed, the plan re-
submitted, and notification has been received that the minimum requirements have been satisfied.
- ---..--....- -----...~-1I!IIIlIliI! ~,."'"l't~~fi~
o Plan Revision;- 0 Deflcl;nt Item~ s~d be m;ikd or dcliv;;.";d to the princi;;iPlan Reviewer identified
in the Plan Review Section above.
DNR, Division of Soil Conservation
Page 1 of 1
Revised 12/09/03, Form 1
Page 1 of 1
Conn, Angelina V
From: Tingley, Connie S
Sent: Friday, December 02,20052:30 PM
To: Brewer, Scott I; Conn, Angelina V; DeVore, Laura B; Griffin, Matt L; Hollibaugh, Mike P; Holmes,
Christine B; Keeling, Adrienne M; Littlejohn, David W; Mindham, Daren
Subject: New submittal
Rec'd today:
University High School
2825 W 116th St
William Wendling
Campbell Kyle Proffitt
I have given the file to Angie.
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