HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings of Fact : ! "'..-i .:... - ! I i cARMEI.JCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS , . CARMEL. INDIANA Docket No.: IJ 5 / J OfJ J 3 V Petitioner: ~ ~ ~I~ ~J~<~ FINDINGO QF FACT. DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE 1. The approval of this varianlw will not be Injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: Ii . '* ~..i<J ,tiff, t1btu I ~1A '~414f /LH'M J, IJ~_~.-d. ~ ~ 4. 5{) ~ I'. F , i . , 2. The use and value of thel area adjacent to the property Included in e varia substantially adverse ma~r because: -----'ltJuIr.. 4.UwVl ..,hdL. ~ ~ ,d J; /~.I..-n('~ li~-- ~.v-" ~JJ1n';'l /~~j Lit"' w ~~ '" ~~ l~' 3. The strict application of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance to the property will result In practical difficulties in the use of the property because: Y1L~~ 1Lb;;~~ ._;f;;At-- ~.I.A~ ~~-' DECISION I IT IS THEREFORE the decision oftf\le;Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No. . Is granted, subject to any conditions stated In the minutes of this Board, which are Incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. day of )Ut..A ~c., v...../ . I .... ; CH IRPERSON, Carmel/Clay Boardlof Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, Carmel/Clay Board of Zoning Appeals , Conditions of the Board are listed on the back. (Petitioner or his representative to sign). : , . Page 8 of 8 - z.~ appllcallona\ 0eWI1opmant Standards Varlance Application rev. 03101105 ...'''' . ,. C~UCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS 1. , i! . Carmel, Indiana ~5 / Ii JLo;Z::S t/ ::Jel1 iJ 'p -r- ~~/{~ LAue <:.. FINDINGS Qft . DEVB.OPMIiNT STAND.9BmI VARlANCIi l\l8IIOt Sheetl ! i Docket No.: Petitioner: i' 2. I :, I : i, i I ..1: : i! i i! I! Ii 3. i! I i: : Ii ! . DATED THIS ty~ . I i I i i . D~Y OF J~~4Nf ,20 () ~ eoardit: ;f. .~ : 1 ! ' , ! I i Page 7 of 8 - z:IlI~1BZA eppIlcetIons\ Development Standards Varlance AppUcatlon rev. 03101105 ;! , ." .. ,-- /; 1. i C~UCLAY ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Carmel, Indiana 1)S/" ~m 08 () 7)( ~~I S ~ kS~PJ UlcLC'<-- FINDINGS OF FAler . DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE fBallotSheet) !! : Docket No.: Petitioner: i; 1 ; . 2. :1 i ~ I l . i ':.i ! i! i: . . 3. i i . I! , 1 : , , 'I' !: . , : DATED THIS Z3 DAY OF !: I 0euu ,200~ i: ~r~ ~ ! : i! ! , Page 7 of 8 - z:IIIl8r8clIfbr appl/caIIanal Development Standards Var1ance ApplJcatJon rev. 03101105 1. CARMEUCLAY ADVlSOR~ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Car....l, Indiana OS/ J.m;23 f/ 7J..eI1;:Pt / 5 +L~5/r 't'~ L/tLt c Z FINDJNGS OJ;;~~ - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE (Ballot Sheet) 1 i Docket No.: Petitioner: i i t'l i . I I , 2. 3. !' i i, I. i DATED THIS '?J DAY OF J~V) ~ "''/ ' 20 C> b -~~Jfi BO~ Member i I' Page 7 of 8 - z:Is~1BZA IIppllClIllclhs\ Developmam StandarcIB Varlance AppUcallon rev. 03101105