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Sta~z ofinRCounlIes ~ton and Marlon. 55: .
Before a in and for the counties of Hamilton & Marion and State of Indiana. personally
appe~ed.. . ~ "..... who being duly sworn upon oath. deposes and says. that he is
the Publisher of the Topics Newspapers. the newspaper of general
circulation in Hamilton and Marion Counties. Sta~tof a. printed in
the English language and printed and published weekly the town
of Fishers. HamUton County. State of Indiana. an said Topics
Newspapers have been published continuously for more than three
years last past. in said counties and state; that the Notice of publication.
a true copy of wllich is hereto annexed was duly published in said
newspaper.... for..../.. weeIqi (insertio~; sueeessfyely) which publications
were made as follows:
..................................&1. H-.I.'. .t;:.L..... d?-.~.....:?: !?'?. f................
"1';'-' '
. ',<~~ \G;~!~:.-::;.:~i~ ~~\_<"'.i-, :',
Time and' Place:' Notice is
eby' given." that the
ellClay Plan Commission
hold II public hearing tocon-
a proposed amendment .10
C-1, City. Center' District
.'. Inance. C~ai>ter 20E.0 of the
, . rmeIlClay,'Z!Ji1ing Ordinance
;,,'Z:289. .... ". C.", '.'
. .,,~,'. Designated air' Docket 35-01
.. "J~.A, the bearing will bEi held by
:;the . Carmel/Clay':" Plan
f J~"mmissiori at 7:00 ,. PM on
, ~pril .17.2001 in the
. . of . the Common
armef City Hell, One
re, Carmet- Indiana.
....... . ..Subj9ct Matter: This propos-
j;;pt, would. amend. certain provi-
'.~.'... nns. of the.c-.!; 'City Cehte. r
· ;pislrict Ordinance. The purpose
~j)tthe C-1 City Dlstrict.is to create
. ;;:.ahd protect land ..areas for the
'f. ..~velopmentof .the Carmel City
:. ,penter project. a central mixed-
. comp~x of retail. residential,
, 'and.Community facUlties
ed to meet the cultural and
Ie needs of the. Carmel
nity. This zoning'district
likewise, designed
'. tool for implement-
the. development policies and
elllles set forth by the
. '. '. el . Redevelopment
'.. ;" Avall~lIity of capy:Coples 0,
,the proposed amendrnel).l are on
file at the Carmel Department of
Community Services, One CiviC
,Squa~, Carmel, Indiana 46032;
. . and may be viewed at the CltYs
,:web.. ". "'. . page
..1lltp~lwWw.cl.carmel.in.lIs .
,,",. Public Testimony: Any written
;/comment'? Or pbJections to. the
, ,propoSal should be ,filed.with the
,'Secretary,':'of . the. Plan
;'Commlssion '.(CommiSsion)
,"before the hearing.. ,.1.11 com,
, .1T1el).ls and objectiOns will I:>e pre-
.1lerrted to the Commission,. Any
" "or,al commel).ls',cpnoemlng the
'llrpposal will . be heard, by the
"Commission at the hearing, In
''llddltlon. tHe hearing may be con-
;1inued . from lime to lime' by the
~ ; "Commission as it may findnec'
f:;r=~~ HarcOck.",> '
. ; ,> Carmel/~Iay Plan Comm-
':1~ion,-t":':',-:" :>,'- ,~':'.,
',;Dated: March 22, 2001
. , '" HCP,March28
................ ... ............ ... ....... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...... ... .... ...... ..........
. ... ... ... ......... ... ...... ......... .... ..................... ... .... ..... ... ....... ... ... ...... ....
And that all of said pubUcaUons were made in full compliance with
the laws. Q
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Subsqj1?ed aI}d sworn to before me this .......d~....... day
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My commission expiresjl.2.f..:.A(?~1
Publish · F / /~ 3 c?
. er s ee.I".................. / I, .../
Resident of /lt2U r/ ~ County
~dde 10-t 'alPI~lrlrf~,-';-~ ;.:...._ I
d~/ I~--
County, Indiana
General Form No. 99P (Revised 2001)
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j Title: Publishers
Date !'11l reI- ,2. <( ,20 t> /
Time and Place: Notice is
hereby given that the
CarmeVClay Plan Commission
will hold a public hearing to con-
sider a rroposed amendment to
the C- , City Center District
Ordinance, Chapter 20E.0 of the
CarmeVClay Zoning Ordinance
Designated as Docket 35:01
OA, the hearing will be held by
~gmmiss?O~rm:tVCj~o PMPI~~
Tuesday, April 17, 2001 in the
chambers of the Common
Council, Carmel City Hall, One
Civic s~uare, Carmel, Indiana.
Sub ect Matter: This propos-
al wou d amend certain provi-
sions of the C-1, City Center
District Ordinance: The purpose
of the 0-1 City District is to create
and protect land areas for the
develOPment of the Carmel City
Center projact,' a Central mlxed-
use complex of retail, residential,
office, and community facilities
designed to meet the cultural and
economic needs of the Carmel
community. This zoning district
ordinance Is, likewise, designed
to serVe as a tool for Implement-
ing tha development polICies and
guidelines set forth by the
Carmel Redevelopment
Availability of copy: Copies of
the proposed amendment are on
file at tha Carmel Department of
Community Services, One Civic
Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032,
I and may be viewed at the City's
web page
Public Testimony: Any written
comments or objections to the
proposal'should be filed with the
Secretary of, the Plan
Commission (Commission)
before, the hearing.. . All com-
ments and objections will be pre-
sented to the Commission. Any
oral comments conceming the
proposal will be heard by the
Commission at the hearing, In
addition, the hearing may be con-
tinued from time to time by the
Commission as It may find nec-
Ramona Hancock,
Carmel/Clay Plan Comm-
Dated: March 22, 2001
NDL-March 24
State of Indiana
UamlltOD County
Personally appeared before me, a notaIy public In and for said county and
state, the undersigned David L. Lewis who, being duly sworn, says that he
is Publlsher of The Daily Ledger a dally newspaper of general circulation print-
ed and published in the English language In the town of Fishers In state and
county aforesaid. and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy,
which was duly published In said paper for I time_, the date of pub-
lication being as follows:
~/"~ 2.. L( --<C;o-/
~--IJ/l ,l.:
Subscribed and sworn to before me this c;2 if day of#/cL 20 0/,
Af.v.cy :T 6LfS~~~ LJ~
My commission expires / / - 2t? - ,~ 0 /
Resident of d/fA, /Io~
Time and Place:
Subject Matter:
Availability of copy:
Public Testimony:
Notice is hereby given that the CarmeVClay Plan Commission will hold a public
hearing to consider a proposed amendment to the C-l, City Center District
Ordinance, Chapter 20E.0 of the CarmeVClay Zoning Ordinance Z-289.
Designated as Docket 35-01 OA, the hearing will be held by the CarmeVClay Plan
Commission at 7:00 PM on Tuesday, April 17, 2001 in the chambers of the
Common Council, Carmel City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana.
This proposal would amend certain provisions of the C-l, City Center District
Ordinance. The purpose of the C-l City District is to create and protect land areas
for the development of the Carmel City Center project, a central mixed-use complex
of retail, residential, office, and community facilities designed to meet the cultural
and economic needs of the Carmel community. This zoning district ordinance is,
likewise, designed to serve as a tool for implementing the development policies and
guidelines set forth by the Carmel Redevelopment Commission.
Copies of the proposed amendment are on file at the Carmel Department of
Community Services, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, and may be
viewed at the City's web page http://www.ci.carmel.in.us
Any written comments or objections to the proposal should be filed with the
Secretary of the Plan Commission (Commission) before the hearing. All comments
and objections will be presented to the Commission. Any oral comments
concerning the proposal will be heard by the Commission at the hearing. In
addition, the hearing may be continued from time to time by the Commission as it
may find necessary.
Ramona Hancock, Secretary
Carmel/Clay Plan Commission
Dated: March 22, 2001