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Packet for HO 03-28-22
Googie Maps 4520 Northwestern Dr 1 c 't AutoZone Auto Parts . �(. Auto psrts store a • :_. x f Egv t. Simply Self Storage •4520 Northwestern Dr, Zion* N 46077 d 1✓ C)t ec ;P Northwestern Dr Northwestern Dr Northwestern Dr r,oester+?r t.‘ott , e/4.. ,..• • 9 carrMota Weintraut&Associates 9 ,.+c,rarc;fci•_r•r snap tom/ eft i I: oogle Map data©2021 50 ft lb, t _- 4520 Northwestern Dr Building Obi110 . • Directions Save Nearby Share 4 1� ' Tom,• �• } , #� - o K4t4 1�'. `. . • 1.h / I' ' �\ Engineering ( S Viewer 4520 Northwestern Dr. Zionsvil X Q ! / '; A * 'n y 9•,1 / .," '7.-• e % '-‘, ,...--.4 114 40., „., ,:wiii: ir— - �' t +�_ Show search results for 452... k, ,� , i '- i+,. vdre:It , ii. 41, , , • 1. . -Orr"l'illti : 7:-...:‘„ '11%A 41:16.. ira: 7 . i 7:*. : .. ,. :1:.1-:,,,::::•407:-.7-,-„:„0„. v.:,..;...7„,... _.:._„4„:„::::-, ‘,4 .;,,,\:..,...,,...r ,,,,csi:‘,...iti:......,_. ::"..:.; 24.000:4.,:i......._.4,, ,' . ...,..:• . .,,,. •....,,...,_!.., , : , Lr, .-.. . iv 111 ; + • a 1 '.V $ .\\ - ' :1 s I i%jt,ill 110 I 13 if''' \ .),., 1 - A ...• •11.4 aboi 1 'to .., • -1 10. . L,,:,,-;,:i .• ., ! e, .,-„, . ..,. . ..., lb 4 Nell ir -,,' -111 : li 4'a'.. ' ' - -. ' Pli .r• f ad 1. % *IV \Illig, ) % - .. . -.. _ ter .. -.';1irill" p • • . _Jrli • f A •„ •\ I , � it...„ k. 4.10-'itt. .., •,‘• ''• • '.':V.4,41ifik et I I:A ..'" k' , , Niel 0 •, • t AIl Of • 0.0 ' 9 ,, ;,......" - 'El '', .° 14140 46 0 1,1':18.i ig ..• - LI ;PIT , .. .., s .04, at 1D-L_z a, 7.• or •i: _ .. , so .: 0 IIIP Nlital: rho V 4 lee'' 4•1117W' . , . . , , / 1 4 . . -, '.1.• 10, . . ,. 11.1 1 .. % , illho .. ,41,. ' lila* ° _ i:.' 1 ,,_ \ilk, t . <-40. 1141t • ,.: ,'". kit a 161141;11141i\4 ' •'‘'. It lir'f .- . , ..... ./7,, • 441r r + �''J" i .'I, y. i� ~ ".L r1 ♦` . ..° \ R fir, e, Goo II! 4141,40;\44 0 iip"*.- ., lo t ., . '4 • ' .11 ; z • : ' '4 • \ 4%6* 1 . gle 140 5:.,..- * 11111114111111r• . . ,, 'AV tiff,. ),' • ‘ 4 Vi '' 'W• •"17.0001 liiii '., . ':'..8.144- —- 11 -- Ilif; 1` 11 2• - I \., * :N. ,e,11/4 too/lots A'., . * • .... .. *'''..41 t. 1 Plifill' * Ap 10.4%' 0 li 1..•.1-1.,ti4e lii_ilt :' -•,-`..,• i. _ II 1 . (-v , , #• • • ilk ,-**... N• 4. l'ik.141".vr''g -86.233 39.940 Degrees 4�'" .-x •,, ;gyp -• i' i all .‘ 7 L ' • s k * fit' .. •: .� > .,_....- .�.....a -> sT'-•,•....,.Y..^r•a'r.rt{c,.. <. 't r- - •' , .-rr, - --• • - .... __-__ _• RECORD LEGAL DESCRIPTION(melted fromExhibitAofFirstAmericanTitleinsuranceCompanyConnnirmeurforTirleIasurance,File (} No:NCS-1100081-1NDY,dated November OR.2021.) 4. e 0, PART OF LOT2 IN PARK NORTHWESTERN.THE PLAT OF WHiCH WAS RECORDED AS INSTRUMENTN13619 iN BOOK h ON PAGES 12S'THROUGH 132 ONSEPTEMBER 4.1980,IN TilE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF h AMILTON COUNTY,INDIANA. MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 2;THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF NORTH 89 DEGREES 41 MINUTES 57 SECONDS EAST 152.00 FEET;THENCE NORTH 10 DEGREES 32 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST 2117.47 FEET TO A _ POINT ON THE NORTH LiNE OF SAID LOT WHICH BEARS NORTH 89 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST 156.58 FEET FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF;THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 43 SECONDS WEST 156,58 FEET TO SAID NORTHWEST CORNER:THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAiD LOT SOUTH II DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00 SECONDS EAST286.70 FEET TO TILE POINT OF BEGINNING.CONTAINING 1.00 ACRES,MORE OR '=2 0' LESS. S C ALE SCIIEDULE OF E.ASEAIEA'TS(The above described real estate is subject to andlor together with the following easements revealed front Schedule B,Part II Exceptions of Firm American Title Insurance Company Commitment for Title Insurance.File No:NCS-I 10008I-1NDY,dated eo November 08,2021.) 11.1111.° t 4.Terms.Provisions and Conditions contained in Sewer Ser ice Agreement made by and between the Clay Township Regional Waste District,a political subdivision and municipal corporation and Northwest Associates,an Indiana general partnership,dated June 10,1991 and recorded June r ) 18,1991 as Document No.91I4709. o O.. LAT: PLAT BOOK 8, PAGES 128-132 5.Terms,Provisions and Conditions contained in Drainage Easement made by and bctwcen Kite Michigan Rd.LLC and hoard of Commissioners of Hamillou County,dated March 02,2004 and mconicd Tune 10,2004 as Documrnt No.200400040095. 6.Terms,conditions and provisions of Ordinance No.C-263 entitled An Ordinance Amending,Ordinance No.C-263,an Ordinance of the Common Council orate City of Cannel,Indiana,annexing certain territory to the City of Carmel,Indiana,placing the same within the corporate boundaries thereof and ranking the same a part of the City of Cannel recorded as document 2007062553. 7.Restrictions,dedications,conditions,reservations,easements and other mailers shown on the plat of Park Northwestern.as recorded in Plat RNA • Book 8,Page(s;128 through 132 as Instrument No.13619,but deleting any covenant.condition orrestrietion indicating a preference.limitation or ,r 2 discrimination based on rice,color,religion,sex,handicap,familial status or national origin to the extent such covenants,conditions or restrictions violate 42 USC 3604(c). Correction Certificate Park Northwestern,recorded May IS.1990 as Document No.9011260. t`��,,+, SURD EIOR S CERTIFICATE rN • 1 s To Horizon Bank,Michigan City,Indiana:Four Corners Framing LLC;McCann and Company LLC;and First American Title Insurance ` r Company: —\-- �� This in to crnify that this map or plat and the survey DI/which it is based were made in accordance with the 2021 Minimum Standard Detail Rcyuircnunts torALTA/NSPS Land Title Surveys,jointly established and adopted byALTA and NSPS,and includes Items 1,2,3,4,6,7(u). 7(c),8,9,11,13,I6,19 and 20 of Table A thereof The field work was completed out December 9,2021. ' \.�� 'This survey was performed under the direction of the undersigned,and to the best of this surveyor's knowledge and belief was executed according \\ to survey requirements iu 865 IAC 1.12 for the State of I ndiana and the field work was completed on December 9,2021. \ \..°' Dated December20,2021 001til11111O ,r?:Gi s T�R•r'll \ 61‘, GPt � �. .,,,c_ \ Richard A.O'Brian,Registered Land Surveyor No,RORROOI I �• 60880017 State of Indiana STATE OF r• \ \ Ifll 111114 GENER4LNOTES i.)This survey was prepared utilizing information contained in First American Title insurance Company Commitment for Title Insurance,File No: NCS-1 I0008t-INDY,dated November 08,2021.Special attention is called to the following observations regarding items from Schedule H,Part II 2 Fxeeptiorts of said Commitment for Title Insurance: Where susceptible to graphic depiction,easements revealed in the above title commitment that cross or adjoin the surveyed premises have been shown on(Inc accompanying plat of survey, : Items numbered 1.2,3 and 9 are nor survey related and are not addressed herein. Regarding Item 4:The surveyed premises is situated within the land described in Exhibit A ofScwetService Agreement per iustrument No. ,..1 9114709.(No plumbic easements) Regarding Item S:The Drainage Easement per Instrument No.200400040095 adjoins the surveyed premises to the East,but does not cross the EP surveyed premises as shown. )095 Regarding Item 6:The surveyed premises is situated within the Annexation Territory as described in Exhibit A of Instrument No.2007062553. (No plottabk easements) 2.)Based upon a scaled interpretation of die FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP,PANEL 205 of300,MAP NO.18057CO2.05G for Hamilton County,Indiana,dated November 19,2014(Contains Community:City of Camel:Community Number 1800811 the within described real[State \ \ IS NOT located within a Special Flood Hazard Area inundated by 100-year flood as established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency for the National Flood Insurance Program.The within described real estate is located within(wtshaded)Zone X(Areas deterntittecl to be outside the 0.2%annual cluuue flood plain).Flood plain calf/Icarian it restricted ro a sends'oldie Floodhunrancc Rale_dupe(FIR!).ands/roll not Inc \ mrt'tnred ur a eaulirmarinu or denial r fflaodblg patenllal. l gi • LEGEND No:NCS-110008I4NDY,dated November OR,2021.) RECORD LEGAL PEEWIT/ON(recited El Exhibit A of First Marton Tide Laurance Company Commitment for Tide Insurance,File SURVEYORS REPORT (1 INS art a` I co.hn Urn Fence ate.a.e PowJ' unwr Pa Regal. q/w ,oi w.r RAUSE MEWL MOM MO.a t2/20/202 x Client:Four Comers Framing LLC(ey.Mark AVmgenrothl eeeN rem wow;tow- [TQ um,Pal.../ryes RCPgr,rovd Concrete Pp. PART OF LOT2 IN i•ARK NORTHWESTERN.THE PLAT OF WHICH)VAS kECORDED AS INSTRUMENT 113619 IN BOOK A ON —a—a—CR.n van F g rrwwn.Ao,cRee Boa 105W not ../Mn.n. aor ...Woe u.ld pp. PAGES 128 THROUGH 132 ONSEPTEMBER 4.1980,IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF h AMILTON COUNTS'.INDIANA. lob Number:21-7215 Yon rano Q Dame June.ma T sea avd CAP Corrugated Mettle Pk+ S/te MORE I•ARTICUTARLYDESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS MP wmn.a My Pro. ■; Type of Sonar A1.TA/NSPS land Title Survey --owe m.wh.ea UN,/one O_ Ward DU ma.Venn (P) Pint NonaePa„ 1 BEGINNING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORYEKOFSAID LOT 2;THENCE ALONG THE SOUTH LINE THEREOF NORTH S9 DEGREES —•••—Ito.r.,o or atrA 4 Co.no,) fk.Moroni (m) ua..wd o:,.v.k. rrI ff \` ��� 41 AIINUTES57SECONDS EAST 152.00 FEET;THENCENORTH 100EGREES 32 MINUTES 35 SECONDS WEST287.47 FEET TO A Class of Survey:Urban.Survey(N6511C 1-12) F)•dde uo.nol. ® AP e.dtArw -A ill POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT WHICH BEARS NORTH R9 DEGREES 05 MINUTES 43 SECONDS EAST 15059 FEET — Burled Wet On. © N) p'odpninilee J3 vas.. FROM THE NORTHWEST CORNER THEREOF;THENCE ALONG SAID NORTH LINE SOUTH 89 DEGREES 05MINUTES43 Fidd(York CouIPield:December 9,2021 Co.0 wmr I SECONDS WEST 156.59 FEET TO SAID NORTHWEST CORNER.THENCE ALONG THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT SOUTH I I —.— arMd Water u,. ® rn,rm YadwM (c7 rat.aalee wnr,nlam O. war.vorw. S2 pas.PhobcLbn xNx. DEGREES 30 MINUTES 00SECONDS EAST286.70 FEET Ti)THE POINT OF BEGINNING.CONTAINON01.00ACRES,MORE OR Location of Survey:4520Nonhwestcm Drive,Zionsville,IN 46077-9224 —r— Onbd raNpha+r au �, rani,,ab,hel Pon. Sp(nlbr CmIM Want r —c— eyrke[MeMte u,. m Pa,ang wler 0 31 Post hu�w vat.. Scale: 1"=`ZO' LESS. aIeyon,Pr...).. Ot,p St„d Pi. In aC,0n0once rvilh Tile 865,Article 1,Chapin R Haile 12,of Indian AJminhln.Oee Code(TAM,he following observations and opinions arc -,,,.^w—S.A.,' Co.Wo. C rut Tar Id tg a„p,ne sra,s„ tic srtmy Pin Set((a•pang SCJIEDULE OFE.4SEAI'Ei17S(The desehed real pule is subject toandlor ethnwilh the folldnin ements Ksrald fmm ems° °n s° u p r.Tent Id Mr Oplk Ins o Iron can Set(5/4•Raea •/ GRAPHIC SCALE m 1 Og s`a: submittal regarding the uncertainty in Jepo position lincsenJromers established reestablished on this surveyun result DE atrc�e S.M t� Schduk B,Part II Eu: ote of Pint American Tide Insurance Company Commitment Ion Title Insurance.File No:N(S-1100081-INDY,dad - — 0 ab-1�n.PNm)El udla,ky wr B Pentium Neale tb., red cop r•wkd-vita/�� ne November 08.2021.) I)Availability and condition of reference monuments: sn.r 21 Clarify andw ambiguity of die tonal deswiplion(s)used and/or de adjoinds descriptions;and �e Me,N^a S.l/Fur ® toy On sutler *'•a led >- sayw 4.Terms,Provisions and Conditions containedin SewerSmdee Agreement made by and bemrenthe Clay Township Regional Waste Disde.,n 1)Occupation car pusscssion lines. see.,nenr d. /0 001-n-6w raw litical subdivision ad municial co ration and Northwest Assoeia1s,an lndiona enemi partnership.dated June 10.1991 and'carded lune O SI Sat eery tan. tub Intel /Tt Cal'a"sr/raw po P 7p S Part P 4)Measurements(Relative Positional Accuracy) KIN FE2TT IR,1991 as Deemnenl No.9114709. 6) iaalap uml,�e4 ® obi. rmmerwn,.• .is h�0t ® Lot %4'fmnb AN at row nyM1 t Inch 20 IL fanPent PipeNora There may exist unwritten right associated mid dense uncertainties. e o.ae H eau.Padeta U raehae•Paa.rla 10 tat*mbar BASIS OF BEARINGS:PARK NORTHWESTERN PONT:PLAT BOOK 8,PAGES 128-132 5.Terms,Provisionsold Conditions eartaiar'J in DrainageE•anent mace by and bclwmaKite Michigan RsL LLC and Board ofCommurionas . mos.sal. U —ea,+..a•w*'na e..r> ofliami)IO0 County,deal March 02,2004 and ocyosded lune 10.2004 at Document No.200400040095. 1)Availability and condition ofrckmnce monuments Q• own an(Scam) ® MNO=. ® rdepha,.CbaN Yara.r / WESTON PARK,BLOCK A REPLAT OF BLOCK A 6.Terms,conditions and provisions of Ordinance No.C-263 sodded An Ordinance Amending,Onfinance No.C-263,an Ordinance of the Monuments which control the fines and comas of the surveyed property arc asfollow REALTY RETIREPIVR 060PERTIEI I sic PLAT CABINET 4,SLIDE 477 Common Council of the City of Cannel,India mooingmooingn, ing certain territory to the City of Camel,Indiana,placing the same within the townie boundaries CORNER Cl LOT 2 MW IIIIMt5d7g boundaries thereof and making the same apam 011ie Ciry of Camel recopidas Jawueut`00706255J. II Northwesttomerofthe Northwest Quarerorkdon 7,Township 17 N0N4 Range East:Harisun Monument found per Hamilton County / 5/8"PEPAR w/CaP snSXED S erns.es-sv 225,0.7.1p) Min./2009-36751 +-� Surveyor's Office references. a. EIK.RN 2" F,rvu0 589'0543"Id I t8.48'(10 7.Restrictions.dedications,conditions,reservations,easen,ene and other matters shown on the plat o(lark Northwestern.as recorded in Plat e / 89'05'43"W 156.58' / X NE CORN-7 Book 0.Page(st 128 through 1n as Instrument No.13619,but deleting my covenant condition or leseneden indicating a preference.limitation or 2.)Nonhast comer of the Northwest Quaver of.Secnnn 7.Township 17 North.Range 3 East: r .•• / S .•• „/ OPEN OlrG.4 O•LC•T2 discrimination based on rtlee,color,religion,set,handicap,&initial statue or national origin to the extent such mvenunno no dilions or restrictions No monument wus found said Northeast comer was reestablished from plat geonwey limo the plat°OPanO in a) ,seem recorded in PIP flak 8, CPU+D)TOt •n• _ _...,•• -CPER Dart I RONA PIN SET J ... - _ .•. v violate42 C15C3604(rt p00.E 128 m 132 in the ORtt of the Recnnlu ufHamilton County,Indiana VP•swat/0066^i _,��r,�—;u •td� Correction Califiaio Park Northwestern.recorded May IS,1990 as Document No.9011260. 3.)5/R^rebate with em,narkd"Weihe Engr 0012"round at the Northeast and Nnnhnr comers orate suneydprennissas referenced no the plat of s_ sn•--sa�rn sr._ __o, .n��, •n s.r r survey. " - 40'D0Ae0AOE EAM-Wier r' r" SURI£IOR'S CERTIFICATE +h �ppOt L.,u ,e.gn,_gk,.ec,�E wwN (PER PiAP 4.)SA8"rebv with metal cap found(3"down)d the Southeast cnnnuafdw surveyed premiss ns referenced on the plat of survey. \l (KNOWN AS PAPP NFNTraESTEPP RECaLa E9 SEMI, 1 r To Horizon Bann,Michigan City,Indiana Four Comers Fuming LLC McCann and Company LLC;and First American an Tide Insurance Mk/i(MAN DRAM AS,SOlECJ PROP He1RTON CO 1 S5 Company: I.u This sun'<vnftpmittsioml opinion that Oh,uncertainty in the lines nfthe.Nn'eyed fact due m variances in reference nonunion i<stinnared In CN-L E G5:ky;h+.SEE GSsSi4 more XO.6) "I --\`„,.. be+/•O.4 feel. This is to call fit that Ida map or plat and tic sunny on which it is based woo nod,in orcunlanco with the 2021 Minimum Standard Detail _ _ RcytnucmemsIO,ALTA/NSPS Land Tilk Survr}^e,juindl'rna6lishd end adopted byALTAand NSPS,end includes hems I,2,3,4,47(e). Unless notedodhenvise,monuments set this survey are 5/R•diameter x 24"lone reha with rdcap.stamped FIRM RIM165placed at gmund level. o T''j to.0'N� - \� 7(cAR,9,II,II,I6,19nd20 ofiaM1leA thereof.The Scald work was completed on December 9,211'f. 1 t.0• 1 • ' . y n pertundersigned,and to the best of this surveyor's knowkJ s 2)Clarity and/or ambiguity of the record darriptiwgsJ �1 \\ This gas performed under the dilation ofdne unJent ge and belief executed eceorJm 1 to survey requirements in 8651AC 1.12 for the Stare ofhdia a and the fold work was completed on De rmher 9,2021. The record descriptions for the adjoining Kal Wale were obtained from the Nonillion County Recorder's Office and mathematically retraced in an 1 utm \. effort to disclose possible gaps end/or overlaps behvon the lines of the surveyed tun and those of the adjoiners.ft u this arveyor's prof>sinnal \ \ 1 - ' Dated Dumber 20,2021 — st101A1NrA qj// opinion that dam no no signJfirnnt wmwLunis in An lino oldie surveyed rail prole.and thou:of the uJjoinca due to JiscKpancin in the nand \ 6 de adpti,.nn 1 1 PLu....(A•O B.�:'P4 fo.y 31 Ckcupn on orpossession l tees • 1 • \,r^ 1 \\\> \ Rie6ad.ndiana O'Brian,Registered land Surveyor No.RORAfO17 - BOBEOO)7 '` At the time the field nnrkuns mntpleted,physical nidcnce nfdo/in.and/nr inconsistencies m the lines ofnmt(u(inn or do sorveydrmct SO],of Indiana consisted of the following: SPATE a 1 y , *EST IRIf OF LOT 2 tiro i��q 0 SUER j,t �\` 1.)A chain link fence is lamed from 5.7 feet to 7.9 feet West of the Wert line of the surveyed tram a shown on the attached plat of survey. 1 I GENER4L NOTES (The client should assume done is en amount of uncertainty along any line equal in magnitude to the dseonpancy in the location of the linen of AKCANII AFC CW=,M 1E Z possession from the survuyal Inns.) 1 it 1 wa'rR./200060']0475e co PARK 1.)This survey was prepared utilising information contained inFin(American TOe Insurance Company Cnmmitneut for Title imumnce File No: LW Ara(DkMr ' qw NORTHWESTERN NCS-I 1000g1-INDY,dual November08,2021.Spezia/atontinn is called tu the followingobservations items from Schedule R,Part If (,+-) y N s- FIAT BOOK(8.PAGES 125-152 9 <ep i regarding m 4l Measurements Rcltltivc Positional Accuracy; a 1 F c uonsofsaiJ Commimsnn for Title neN'WETIN 800 5p0' ZN�' Where susceptible togmphic depiction,easements revealed in the above title commitment llsatcross orad ndoaorood premises have The RelativePositionalAnvneynhlNcomen ofMCI-tlbjstmetnublisodor9 for.20su('is withininrhe specificationsfrvan Urban ev0l0nonpN-OAT T^7.1'w'ST I . eR:Or )°i Y P foot plus arts million as de the ncain 865 LAC I-I]-7.effective November 9.20t2. Relative Pairinpoint on means the values expressed V ''££ shown on(he accompanying plat ufsurvey, in for or meters that represents uncertainty due to random erns in measurements in the location of any point on a survey relative to any other 1 1 'B ^aA u point on the eunc survey at the 95 percent confidence revel). N oasER PRO OEELOPHEHT LIT Ilenwn numbered l,2,l and and not addressed herein. wSTR.►2010•J34223 q Asa molt of the above0hs-flatness,it is this surveyor'spmfessinnal opinion that the uncertainties in the laminas of the lies and comes found 1 1 CNK'REiE �7' fi, ` Regading Item 4:The surveyed premiss is situated within the landdserilcd In Exhibit A of Se er ServiceA oven r lmt0, IN°- p perintr Mai Pa `JJ Stet Pc anon U¢ termflhe surveyed Macs established mthis survey are as follows: 9114701.(No plonable ewcnrnta) - ISn65tl I/Due to Verioncs in,efemae mnuwnent::Conaming record/title comets:See above Regarding)tern 5:The Drainage Eacement per Instilment No.200400040093 adjoins the surveyed premises to the East,but does not cross the 21 Due m D[rrepaneis in Jx rruvd desedryione Sm eMvn Swett LE S,CE 1 11 vI�/�, ORA:NASE EASEVEhi PEG �, survcytdpmmuxs as slrosrw 31 Due toIncosistencis in tines nfnnopation:conxrninephysinl evidence.See above ZtON',ln1E lLC N InS30.NC.2004DJ?40035 INSTR./2J1?G45.06 1 m E•I ( 41 WetoMeasurcmrns(krlative Positional Ac<uncy):.Sce above fu]PT) , 0 1 ® ` Reroofing Beni 6:The surveyed Premiss is situated rvithin the Anncsation Territory as described in Exhibit A of-Instrument No,2007062553. `� 1 o (7 (No plolubk ascmohul Theory m(Loceimm 1 4y y ® o�w. //; 1 ?-)Bated upona ssalci mteryresrion ofthe FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP,PANEL 205 of300,MAP NO.)R057C0]O.fG for Hamilton The boundary lies of the surveyed0.ct war reestablished basal upon then tablishment of the North line of the Nonlsass Quarter of Section 7, PARK 4 Y //.� , b County.Indian,JmW Norcmber 19,2U14(CannisCnmmunit):City ofC.meC Communi Number 180081)the within Jscnb Jmistatc Town hp l7 Nordt Ranged Est 6a Wupon are ion mmcnnouun cat mtac as ropy)lard by he Humi)ton Counry9m yor's 011im sage his wih / u"" /S.VOTInraodlvithina Special Flout Hand Area inundated by 100-year llnW as slablishcd by the Fcdcml EmerScncy ManagemrntA;<ncy deplal geanehy 6om the plaroftOnI Nanhw•atenn rccadd iu Phr Book B,pass l2S'Io)32 om(Ie in(he OlGtt ofdm ReomderofHmnilmn NORTHFVESTERN I I / ///r m F.J i (or he Natioael FIMx1In u au a Pro a u Tw wild t J anbal rev a ee is Io ateJ with n iced d Zouc) Area Jctemt uW m l e onside FLAT Bv+OK_,PAGES 12S-IJ2 / tr,,5- PA6Kur3 LOT S (war ( County,lMilm(See Andability andm ndlion ofrcf nce monuments above)-The sawrss,dh imono and ronnouing o1h hem tine vreut recrd I aB•O,uuD' t6c0.26Saroual dtancc lloW plsin).F/oM/p/oin aril union irrurrrtiedronrmie,rolrlu Flood/nrmm�ce Rurc aGpr/F1R1q,andsMf/ref& hrgaldercripfion from EahihiL{ofYerwnal Reprsenlatises Drell recarddslmlmmentNo.2000(1fM)01756 was wilrsdsocclNr wilb m;d plat / Ct - 0 caurrveJuromnrgrrmrinn nrd.•niulrfJ7 dbr,C/X+renr/ul, geometry and the rcsnNishd North line of sold Northeast Qu2rwad the existing locafion</A inch rcbars remmduthe three lot and Jed comers BL9UIR t a shown on the plat orsurveytomathenolinlly reestablish the boundary lines of die surveyed hat. 1 .fin, 1 R}.BRIO( pl I ORP(• es + J.)the surveyed premises ronmos a local of 1.00 acts,more of Icss. zStO ,4200••FSL / `J %ei, P/ (42w % S 4.1 The underground militia Jr cad on theamchal tat nlsunz have been located mild taxation markin Mule round as provided From"Conn.Mg001005 ,roM+�e rmeL.,.nya { SP Y Pt Y S S p nobjnnFlssn Nasthwest.n Di 1 1�9 / the Indiana UW<�ro too Phot tcd,bymtcction.Service.The path of the utility hoes shown to said plat of I.110surveyshoulJ l¢musidcrcgopmrimete 1 / / »? mill they am ederalod,c o by calling die Indiana Underground Plant Protection Service at 1-800-3E2-5544 or until they am excavated to verify wise.Nmrs,2021 at 11:46 MA I ' �r ex l // /,�/ - ��1py� the location and path of Mc utility fins. To:•manpA*wothEnckudorce YrmrtryesrolM16wdoudcano 1\'' a / �6 ;✓ E C w t.. S Q w��-v1 n, paring spa space ap 1 ; -, /8�, Cam, 5.)Thesury cal real estate cmnuinsalPLd of26:nested L sputa,total induJsls crawled for lsmlic use. �s 1 acpiw, 3 / \ 6.)Prr the Regulated Drain Map nfHamil(nn Cnuniy.IMiana(compiled by the Hamilton County Survewr'sORce)dotal Jame l3.2017and Goedrt,omhq.Mrk- 1• 4• F. the n per the on-line Hamlhun County GIS.the Nit Nonhwstem Drain Section I Ann(urban)Jnnn directly affects the sunveral premises. fr (48��'/� Dasd upon thelogo!drain phibhfornid Pan:Nonhwe.em pertoonld M1y Paul 1.dripe,Ins.,dated lA3f19N0,Joh No.76057 ands Idler Irons Thanks farya,rcaOSMsrrormn;.the awe ls:oned nt(�ndurmelrhe ust of pemwssad land uses `10 1 "?'BUILDING LINE / Kcoti+nC.IV,..Hami)mn County Survcwr,In the Namilmn CountyDmmage Board.dated Apriii•1981as choivn on the on-line lEamiltun fw ttul sinning dtrtrr_t can hefound In�gsection 2Al.Apisttae name aaten+bly brwnes 1 ? e (PER PEAT) �� County Surveyor's ORco recordsforregulated drains,said legal drain eshiIitplans show the location of the legal drain and legal drain easements. would be conwderd a permitted land use In the II dutrkc r Ss' A nonrnfumcocnt hats boo iuduJed andmfcrs tu den Plan simwing doe 41Cui ofthc roduml coscmruss The talucW ms•'cmcns forsaiJ urlsan 1 /jA i Jain u•Itcrc it crass the swrcyed tract(Pat ofLot 2)is limited to the erns within dhe planed=occu es shosnn on the pbnofNamk rorMute reference,any changes On0,n,:te and/or to the building ealseor will nsai ASpet4T I �' Nonhwesicrn, ens/awwals horn Oils Dept.and/os the Plan Commissun You MWl wnd.with! d. y.AtE� FARM VD tar '_/ a eammesdal Mermen.as N reed s censor,rat that, n r..c • / 7.)Possession In.referenced at ntonumented Comers od.Possession lines maybetween said comers Such a meandering fence lineal. work gairynewshgaage sax a gn 1 _ YvarY l swr'Arndv MztSNbr,synpmnits specialist tau 1 • — _— _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ EiSE4EN 8.1 Na oM1soo re nble evidence ofrmentprdn raving ncrk.building caconstructionMbudding additions nos observed in the process u/conducting the Jilk 111 fieldwork.q•' 7�,ES Have a nice weekend. L T E. PL^PtA� 9.1A rotting letter consisting o(mm email lram Angie Conn dotal November 5,2021 was supplied to this surveyor and her been w i incorporated herein for rcfrrcnx POINT OF BEGINNING 1 25'.EL1Y FASOIENT �c, u 3/e'R3AR w/ukT-L Angle Com.AtCP(Pbmdng Administrator iPEN PLAT) CAP FO'C (3"00wm:) �!/ cvas.CD:NER y t@'2 hOJNo trrramy,either express or implied,is nude as to the accuracy or completeness of information provided by governmental anthmitis ad/ city cannel Ftatmh &local Dept. 5/°" .01° w CAP FOU010 -SuL'rH(1st OF LOT 2 N 89'41'S7'•e -� Na` ^g Zoning u p ".YG.iE]J^P.J 7' FOUND 430 ' N 8741'F E 152.00' v-�' "o"1 24.6b f:J� athid parties,or at lm let hmest for any panialarryrrpnceause,including but not limited to infonnatinn prnnsld on underground untides, LC 3sdFl gannet w4tiO3z - / _-..,._-- __ __- -_ - .---�J- flood hood roues,rloodwaymxs,wetlands,recording inf lion,zoning,and regulated Mains.)^no event wilt Hahn Surveying Group,bac., its tiara. r, --- - �^••-- --- '—�" N C9Y!'±T E 1)ASd'(P) r ^f=3B227b" its employees agens,and/nrassigts haliablefor any damags arising nut of the furnishme and/sr use of such intonation. 5 • " ��• F/L SagnLE 1.------. 39B;o9 k917-571-2457 I WI ca.n,oI o.sam • raw`: C y Cr.D.3RGaI1 71•3033.E G r N r 3 y • - , HAHN SURVEYING GROUP,INC. MET . ' uu LAND SURVEYORS—Established in 1075 / $ i" .N r_ �-C/L NORTHWESTERN DRIVE _ r ,11 8025 N. MERIDIAN STREET, SUITE 120, INDIANAPOLTS, IN 46260 1 - - - RWttUr 70'PItBL1C R/W DER PIA7OA PRONE(317)840-0840 FAY(317)848-4E98 E-MAIL:1N708HARNSI/RFRYDED.COM "3T g . ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY .# •1 .\ G 4520 Northwestern Drive,Zionsville,IN 21-7215 \ �e ..,,-A!y- 1 ,� I -" -^ ERG.BY:JIB 0^�O�tI SdCI - vt -_- --- - ---- VICINITY MAF 5 All Rights Ramrod under Copyright by Rahn SLneylo:Crony,Inc CK.HY:R.O. fel, • • • LL'"+'i� r•?>�ti�Y �..t�tisi r ,"Et i zu-flnS/i V.A-`.'1•h 8[�tyss-'?Cth1Y- .%:•4+'t'�`i 7—.- .,47 ,r 7.4,?•<� ( t -.: _• �µ+' Y' • - Oil Z ., _ {y••. l •I 4ti1� t L fly, 24, r•s'ry•I•5 • <. '�'f 4 v rz'--l:15• �.,t• x'+�-ti ',Z t�i' •'``•,"),;: r 'i Ya{` `,• "•.5 '°s:`�r'`tt-,A >'• ' --� S. r ; •• IS 1 •a y _4 T S .- r •• L . / - a a _ 1 \ `, _ ,___..,,.......;' _— -., 'if f' ' .l _/ _ - LLJ i Z-• Siiy'. 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'''' :.'2"'" .FAII'lltY AtOt' ''''''.•‘" --- _ ___h "011 I X:' 4. ,--",--:',;.6'.:',11:, . • zs • --______ , 4i. -,- fav •ti,t,V,-. ,, 11° . ) *' 0 iii%ip A ip, .•4 £ yr NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Docket No. PZ-2022-00026V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 28 day of March , 20 22 at 5:15 p.m. in the City Hall Caucus Rooms(1 Civic Square, 2nd Flr, Carmel, IN 46032)will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: (Explain your request--see question#7 on page 1) Request an illuminated wall sign to be placed on a non facing street frontage. The Carmel sign code requires all wall signs must face a named street frontage. Placing signs on the East elevation will be an exception to this sign code. Signs need to be placed on the East elevation because trees and landscaping does not allow for building signage on the South elevation. With the property being known as (address): 4520 Northwestern Dr. Zionsville, IN 46077 The application is identified as Docket No. PZ-2022-00026Z The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: (Insert Legal Description OR Tax ID parcel number(s) See attached Legal Description The petition may be examined on the City's website, through Public Documents-Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Mark Wingenroth PETITIONERS (Note: When mailing out public notices to adjacent property owners, it is recommended that you include a location map, as well.) Page 5 of 11 File:Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Handout 2022 Revised:01/03/2022 12'- 7" A A ---1 0 ,— .2\_s__. -- 0 11-41iL7E111 a Iiii*t ___,,__ \ \ L. ..... -A-- // \ c� N A711! !11(1---- \\1-----< 11: i ILLUMINATED CHANNEL Lt I I tR CROSS SECTION WITH LEDS ON A RACEWAY M decUiwl ID be LIL Wed and labeled .. © A 5'BLACK ALUMINUM RETURNS I P B 1'BLACK TRIM CAP ._ _ C 3/16'WHITE ACRYLIC RACE I O E WHffE LED LIGHTING STRIP � `�•� f ' - ti Q O II �� O F DRAIN HOLES `,j,R .. r Ai', C,.s,." rr l t / ••✓o G RACEWAY PAINTEDDUMNODIC BRONZE � Vf• ®•►-- H POWER SUPPLY I ,- ®-► I� ( •••I- © I DISCONNECT SWITCH -J• ] 1 Y S• ,fi r.r , II. II, J PRIMARY ELECTRICAL SOURCE * "'A; " 1� )^!. �` y K INSTALL METHOD TO BE RACEWAY MOUNT Vl� 1 / at i II I� M ~t r, c ` - _-,iRt151`(= S _ ''© "n`FAO lAr'MiUlInalaa�a�b*LAI 11d1°'MVeil "" f }�.. Future -,'FOUR CORNERS A Tenant C A SIGN BY DESIGN IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR RUNNING THE MAIN ELECTRICAL LINE TO THE SIGN. �' ��y' ■.RAM 1 N G •i� �. A SIGN BY DESIGN WILL CONNECT TO ELECTRICAL IF R IS LOCATED WITHIN S'OF THE INSTALLED SIGNAGE ,-_- _- ..__ 01.uA SIGN BY DESIGN,INC. • 'c.THE BLUE CHIP L .* ' 1 +"--• �,c sl i]S MINKShSt. Zionsville, I 4725 W.106th St. Zionsville,IN 46077 ..,i;44 Design PHONE:317 876 7900 Ir.. id' FAX:317 802 5670 _. www.asignbydesign.com V L:sbd@asignbydesign.com �. 7 _____ , EMAIL:EMAI ] y... NEM NAME ACCM.REP ' FOUR CORNERS FRAMING KRISTEN !� . .t.. • FILE NAME -DRAWN BY :+'1' • 4CORNERSFRAME LET7.PDF AA , DATE PRODUCTION FILE FILE LOCATION - --,_ -"- - 2/16/2022 4CORNERSFRAME LET7.FS NOV-2021 = - LOCATION MT _-- - ....=3,.- -.- • .. - - ,_-- INDIANAPOLIS,IN. ✓ _ -- --"' =��"�'" .----i-'--- ~ __ •�. X DATE THIS DRAWING IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF A SIGN BY DESIGN,INC.AND IS NOTTO BE REPRODUCED OR RE—DISTRIBUTED BY OR TO A THIRD PARTY THERE COULD BE A COLOR DIFFERENCE FROM THIS DRAWING TO THE FINAL PRODUCT 4Q'- A" I � 6'-9" 30'-2" 5'- 8" h 12-7 1 • L iiiiiii=� ■ CV m w ;it A SIGN BY DESIGN,INC. ►Slgps 'A SCALE:1/4"=1' Nov-22 4ComerFrameScale2.fs PO BOX 691 -Zionsville,IN 46077 PHONE:317-876-7900 www.asignbydesign.com EMAIL:sbdOasignbydesign.com FINDINGS OF FACT SHEET-DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS (Petitioner to fill out 1-3 +first two blanks) Docket No.: PZ-2022-00026 V Petitioner: Mark Wingenroth 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: The signs are manufactured from aluminum and are equipped with U.L. components. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: The proposed signs are compliant with Carmel's sign codes and are the same type as other signs on adjacent properties. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Unified Development to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: The trees & landscaping on the South elevation (road frontage) does not allow for building signage. The East elevation ( non-frontage) allows for signs & visibility as you approach the building DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No. PZ-2022-00026 V is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this day of , 20 HEARING OFFICER, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals SECRETARY, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of approval of the Board, if any, are listed on the Letter of Grant. Page 7 of 11 File:Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Handout 2022 Revised:01/03/2022