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Existing ceiling to remain, if any existing ceiling needs repair/ replacements do to as new conditions. Portion of existing ceiling to be demolished due to removal of existing plumbing. Patch and repair as necessary. Existing ceiling/lighting to remain. Provide allowance for specialty lighting above center millwork island. Provide under cabinet lighting. Raised portion of ceiling to be Armstrong Acousti-built. Refer to ceiling schedule on ID002 for more information. Ceiling bulkhead to be wood veneer WD1 Ceiling to be Armstrong Plasterform. Refer to ceiling schedule on ID002 for more information. Refer to ceiling detail #7 on ID402. CEILING PLAN NOTES C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8 LF1 CUSTOM CHANDELIER PUBLIC LOBBY LF2 CUSTOM PENDANT LF3 CUSTOM COURTROOM CHANDELIER LF4 CUSTOM POST LIGHT AT STAIR LF5 CUSTOM WALL SCONCE LF6 HIGH CEILING DOWNLIGHT LF7 2'X2' RECESSED LAY-IN FIXTURE LF8 GENERAL DOWNLIGHT LF9 RESTROOM WALL SCONCE LF10 COVE LIGHT LF11 SUSPENDED LINEAR FIXTURE CEILING LEGEND 8 G EF D C B A H J K L 9 10 11 127654321 A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" LF9 LF9 LF9 LF9 A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 10' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 8' -0" A.F.F. 8' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" A.F.F. 9' -0" C3 C3 C5 WS1AI D WS1AIDWS1AIDWS1AIDWS6 D WS1A WS1ADWS1ADWS1A D WS1AI DWS1AIDWS1AID WS1AI DWS1AIDWS1B D WS1A D WS1A D WS1ADWS1AIDWS3BWS3B WS6 D WS6DWS3B WS3BWS1A D WS1ADWS6D5' - 0"4' - 0" 5' - 0" 5' - 0" 5' - 0" 5' - 0"4' - 6"2' - 10 3/4" Operations Major 175 Operations Lieutenant 176 Stair ST-4 Women's RR 179 Men's RR 180 Deputy Chief of Operations 165 Chaplain 164 Investigations Prosecutor 163 Investigations Divisions Commander 162 Investigations Sergeant 148 Investigations Sergeant 147 Corridor 145 IDF 144 Intel Unit 141Drug Task Force 157 Personnel Storage 167 Storage 160 Assistant Chief 169 Conference 168 Coffee 177 Elec. 178 Lieutenant 174 Major 173 Corridor 145 Chief's Office 171 RR 170 Reception 166 DTF Lieutenant 159 DTF Sergeants 158 Intel Sergeant 143 Investigations Conference 146 Stair ST-3 Investigations 152 Investigations Sergeant 153 Mech./Elec. 151 Storage 150 Investigations Lieutenant 149 Corridor 145 Elevator EL Storage 156 Mech. 155 DTF Entry 154 Mech. 161 Intel Storage 142 Chief's Secretary 172 1' - 8 1/4"1' - 10 1/8"4' - 6"4' - 6"5' - 0"2' - 1 5/8"4' - 6"4' - 6"5' - 0"2' - 1"1' - 3 3/4"1' - 10 1/8" 2' - 3 9/16"1' - 4 7/8"2' - 1 1/16"4' - 2 1/4" 4' - 1" 3' - 1 1/8" 3' - 1 1/4" 1' - 5 1/4"1' - 5"1' - 11 1/8"1' - 5"ARCHITECTCLIENT/CMPROJECTDRAWING TITLESEALSHEETPROJECT INFOREVISIONS15117 December 17, 2021 Construction Documents ID301AENLARGED FIRSTFLOOR REFLECTEDCEILING PLAN - AREA ACARMEL POLICE STATIONADDITIONSCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0"1 Enlarged First Floor Reflected Ceiling Plan - Area A #DESCRIPTION DATE