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MONDAY, MARCH 28, 2022
(V) Alexander Lot Cover Variance.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
5. Docket No. PZ-2022-00032 V UDO Section 3.64 Maximum 45% lot cover allowed, 66%
proposed. The site is located at 420 1st Ave NW (King Subdivision Lot 1). It is zoned R2/Residence and
Old Town Overlay Character Subarea. Filed by Tricia Richardson of Tropic Pools, Inc. on behalf of
Brandon & Michelle Alexander, owners.
General Info & Analysis:
The Petitioner seeks approval to install a swimming pool and decking in the back yard. The lot is located in the
Old Town Overlay, and the block/neighborhood is urban in character, with smaller lot sizes, a grid street
system, and alleys. The maximum allowed lot cover is 45%, and 66% is requested. Please see the Petitioner’s
info packet for more detail on the variance request.
Lot Cover Variance: The maximum allowed lot cover percent is 45%. The Petitioner requests 66%. This is a
variance of 21%. Things that contribute toward lot cover are pavement and concrete areas, building footprints,
and other impervious surfaces. The Petitioner will pay into the Engineering Department’s Stormwater
Fund/Fee, rather than providing on-site stormwater detention. He will also continue to work with the Carmel
Engineering Dept. on addressing any remaining engineering review comments. The Engineering Dept. is
supportive of this.
A sidewalk already exists along this lot’s street frontage.
The Petitioner addressed all planning/zoning review comments. The Planning Dept. supports the variance
request, with the condition listed below in the Recommendation.
Findings of Fact:
Please refer to the Petitioner’s Findings of Facts included in their info packet.
The Dept. of Community Services (DOCS) recommends positive consideration of Docket No. PZ-2022-00032
V, with the Condition of addressing remaining Engineering Dept. requirements, and with adoption of the
findings of fact submitted by the Petitioner.