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15' DRAINAGE EA S E M E N T 15' DRAINAGE EASEMENTriver birch12" oaksprucespruceG e WW gasHYD.SPRUCE.ROSEROSE100.00 98.64 97.90 96.32 95.14 95.06 96.50 96.14 95.54 98.42 98.7098.4097.80 98.72 w BB.SPRUCE.98.75 99.90 97.21 98.75 coping elev. 98.75 16'x36' pool 98.70 tw99.00 tw99.00 bw96.50 bw97.33 5'-6"17'-2"pool equipment 56 sq.ft. paver patio 32 ln.ft. accent border 6 sq.ft. geranium 'rozanne' 3 'bobo' hydrangea 9 'hick's' yew (t.b.s.) 30 ln.ft. steps, total 32 ln.ft. buried downspout catch basin (by other)25 ln.ft. buried downspouts 200 sq.ft. paver patio 75 ln.ft. accent borders 19 ln.ft. firepit 40 ln.ft. gas line BB.BB.13'-4"10'-4"strip drain (by other)dn.98.75 98.25 6'-4"12 'hetz' winter green arborvitae, total 3 burkwood viburnum 100 sq.ft. decorative gravel around pool deck 800 sq.ft. concrete pool deck (by other) 100 ln.ft. retaining wall14493 TWIN OAKS DRIVEMESSMER RESIDENCEpool layout PLAN© 2022, ASPEN OUTDOOR DESIGNS, INC.CARMEL, INDIANAscale : 1"= 10'-0"northdate :design :drawn by :FEB 2, 2022SELSELowner approvalinitials :date :aSPEN OUTDOOR DESIGNS, INC.11010 e. 156th st.noblesville, in 46060tel: 317.774.0156fax: 317.776.3570www.aspenoutdoordesigns.comfilename :22.009revision :MESSMER22.009_DESIGN_REV3Under copyright law, alldesigns & ideas furnishedremain the property ofAspen Outdoor Designs,Inc. Designs are to be usedexclusively by Aspen &Owner. Use of Aspen'sdesigns by a third partywithout Aspen's writtenconsent is copyrightinfringement & ispunishable by law,however, Aspen shall notbe liable for any reason ifthe designs are used by athird party withoutwritten consent.© 2022, ASPEN OUTDOORDESIGNS, INC.notes[march 2, 2022]march 7, 202205'10'8'