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Penske Honda PreOwned S-2021-00309
CITY OF CARMEL/CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 1. SIGN PERMIT NUMBER: S-2021-00309 SIGN COPY: Pre-Owned SIGN ADDRESS: 4100 E 96TH ST, INDIANAPOLIS, 46240 SIGN TYPE: Wall SIGN DURATION: Permanent (*See #7 Disclaimers, pg. 3) SIGN AREA DIMENSIONS: 30" x 251.63"TOTAL SIGN AREA SQ. FT.: 52.42 WALL MOUNTED SIGNS: SPANDREL PANEL DIMENSIONS: 64.06" x 469.375" SIGN DIMENSION AS A % OF SPANDREL PANEL: 46.8% x 53.61% HEIGHT OF SIGN FROM GROUND: 19'9"NUMBER OF SIDES: 1.00 (wall sign: measure to bottom of sign; groundsign: measure to top of sign) BUILDING / TENANT SPACE FRONTAGE: 100.4 SIGN DISTANCE FROM NEAREST R.O.W.: 122 (R.O.W. stands for Right of Way. The inside edge of sidewalk is often the end of the R.O.W. (City’s property) and a good spot to measure from.) LAND ACREAGE: 11.25 (Applies only to Temporary signs)SIGN FACE COLOR(S): Blue ILLUMINATION METHOD: Internal BUILDING TYPE: Commercial IDENTIFY ANY EXISTING SIGNS ON SITE: Honda WHAT WAS THE NAME OF THE PREVIOUS TENANT (IF APPLICABLE)? Same SHOPPING CENTER OR COMPLEX NAME: Pensky Honda SIGN STATUS: New TOTAL SIGN AREA PERMISSABLE SQ. FT.: 124.25 OTHER ILLUMINATION METHOD: n/a OTHER BUILDING TYPE: Car Dealership 2. ZONING PARCEL ID: 16-14-08-00-00-022.203 ZONING DISTRICT: B-3 WIDE VARIETY OF COMMERCIAL AND OFFICE USES IN TRANSITIONAL LOCATIONS PRIOR APPROVALS: P.C. Docket # n/a B.Z.A. Docket # v100-01 to v104-01 Building Permit# n/a 3. APPLICANT PERMIT NUMBER: S-2021-00309 NAME OF BUSINESS*: Penske Pre-Owned CITY: Indianapolis CONTACT EMAIL: younghonda@earthlink.net PHONE: 317-574-9600 ADDRESS: 4140 E. 96th Street CONTACT PERSON: Dan Young Motors, LLC (*Entity identified on the sign) STATE: IN ZIP: 46240 PROPERTY OWNER: Dan Young Motors, LLC PHONE: CONTACT PERSON: Midwest Signs CONTACT EMAIL: ed@midwestsigns.com ADDRESS: 2410 Enterprise Street ZIP: 46219STATE: INCITY: Indianapolis I CERTIFY THAT A PICTURE OF THIS SIGN WILL BE SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OFCOMMUNITYSERVICES WITHIN ONE (1) WEEK AFTER ERECTION OF THE SIGN. -OR- I WOULD PREFER AN INSPECTION FEE BE ADDED TO THE COST OF THIS PERMIT TO COVER THE COST OF THE STAFF OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES TAKING THIS PICTURE. Y N 4. SIGN COMPANY/OWNER'S REP COMPANY NAME: Midwest Signs CONTACT PERSON: Midwest Signs ADDRESS: 2410 Enterprise Street ZIP: 46219STATE: INCITY: Indianapolis EMAIL ADDRESS: ed@midwestsigns.com PHONE: 317-287-9123 PERMIT NUMBER: S-2021-00309 Page 1 of 3 CITY OF CARMEL/CLAY TOWNSHIP, HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION 5.FEES (COMPLETED BY DOCS STAFF)PERMIT NUMBER: S-2021-00309 ADMINISTRATIVE ADLS AMENDMENT SIGN PERMIT APPLICATION $109.00 SIGN ERECTION $153.06 INSPECTION FEE (Required if photography not provided) TOTAL FEE $262.06 PERMIT ISSUED ON: 3/22/2022 10:26:53AM FEE RECEIVED ON: 6. DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS (COMPLETED BY DOCS STAFF) THE FOLLOWING ITEMS LISTED BELOW ARE CONCERNS BY STAFF OR PRIOR COMMITMENTS THAT MUST BE ADHERED TO AS A CONDITION OF THE ISSUANCE OF THIS PERMIT (PLEASE INITIAL EACH ITEM INDIVIDUALLY ): 1) x ________ 2) x ________ 7.DISCLAIMERS (COMPLETED BY DOCS STAFF) APPLICANT, PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: PERMANENT SIGNS: •IF THE SIGN IN THIS APPLICATION IS A PERMANENT SIGN, THIS SIGN PERMIT IS APPROVED FOR THIS SIGN ATTHIS LOCATION ONLY. •IF THE APPLICANT RELOCATES AT A FUTURE DATE/TIME TO A NEW BUILDING, A NEW SIGN PERMIT IS REQUIRED FOR THE NEW LOCATION. ALL FEES APPLY. TEMPORARY SIGNS: •IF THE SIGN IN THIS APPLICATION IS A TEMPORARY SIGN , THIS SIGN PERMIT EXPIRES ON: THIS SIGN PERMIT MAY BE RENEWED ANNUALLY FOR AN ADDITIONAL YEAR WITH A PERMIT BY RE-APPLYING. ALL FEES APPLY. •IF THE SIGN IN THIS APPLICATION IS FOR AN INTERIM BANNER PENDING A PERMANENT SIGN, IT IS APPROVED FOR A THREE MONTH TIME PERIOD FROM THE DATE THE PERMIT IS APPROVED . A SIGN PERMIT IS REQUIRED. IT MAY BE RENEWED FOR AN ADDITION THREE MONTHS WITH A PERMIT BY RE-APPLYING. ALL FEES APPLY THE APPLICANT CERTIFIES THAT THE FOREGOING SIGNATURES , STATEMENTS AND ANSWERS HEREIN CONTAINED AND THE INFORMATION HEREWITH SUBMITTED ARE IN ALL RESPECTS TRUE AND CORRECT , AND THIS SIGN WILL BE ERECTED AND MAINTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL APPLICABLE LAWS OF THE STATE OF INDIANA, AND THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF CARMEL /CLAY TOWNSHIP, INDIANA AND ALL ACTS AMENDATORY THERETO, AND SHALL BE ERECTED WITHIN SIX (6) MONTHS OF THE DATE OF ISSUANCE OR THIS PERMIT IS NULL AND VOID. FURTHER, THE APPLICANT CERTIFIES BY SIGNING THIS APPLICATION THAT ALL REPRESENTATIVES OF THE 8.CITY CONTACT PLEASE DIRECT ANY SIGN QUESTIONS TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES (DOCS): CITY OF CARMEL Or call at 317-571-2417 DOCS 1 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, IN 46032 Page 2 of 3 AOI'` Pattison Sign Group Powering Your Brand Page 7 of 7 LETTER OF A UTHORIZA TION - � 06171 LLC.. `lam I, Anthms) :S�bc,LLI ownerlagent of (Dealership Address), property, give PATTISON SIGN GROUP Inc. authorization to install signs at the above mentioned property. This letter is also to serve to authorize PATTISON SIGN GROUP Inc. to act as our agent when applying for the necessary municipal approvals and permits. The Dealer agrees to pay all of the costs associated with the permit procurement, including but not limited to, the application fees. The Dealer understands and agrees that the associated permit fees will be paid whether or not Pattison is successful in securing the sign permit. Date: I �f 1 2—d Z Owner/Agent: Legal description of property: Pattison Sign Group Inc. 520 West Summit Hill Drive, Suite 702 Knoxville, TN 37902 Tel: (865) 693-1105 - Fax: (888) 694-1106 File No.: 201117545 EXHIBIT A A part of the South Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 17 North, Range 4 East of the Second Principal Meridian in Clay Township of Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Southwest Quarter of Section 8, Township 17 North, Range 4 East of the Second Principal Meridian in Clay Township of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East (assumed bearing) along the South line thereof 1260.00 feet to a point being on the East line of Lakeshore Drive East extended; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East along said extended right-of- way line 55.00 feet to an iron pin on the North right-of-way line of 96`h Street and the POINT OF BEGINNING of the following described real estate; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East parallel with the South line of said Quarter Section 596.15 feet to a PK Nail; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 50 seconds East 487.20 feet to a PK Nail; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds East parallel with said South line 184.30 feet to an iron pin on the West right-of-way line of Bauer Drive East as recorded in Miscellaneous Record 159, pages 33-35, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 48 seconds West along said right-of-way 167.64 feet to an iron pin at the point of curvature of a curve to the left having a radius of 175.00 feet and a long chord which bears North 45 degrees 09 minutes 32 seconds West 247.40 feet from said point; thence along said curve to the left an arc distance of 276.76 feet to an iron pin at the point of tangency thereof; thence South 89 degrees 51 minutes 41 seconds West along said right-of-way 493.84 feet to an iron pin on the East right-of-way of Lakeshore Drive East; thence South 00 degrees 08 minutes 19 seconds East along said right-of-way 337.90 feet to an iron pin at the point of curvature of a curve to the right having a radius of 280.00 feet and a long chord which bears South 12 degrees 48 minutes 37 seconds West 170.30 feet from said point; thence along said curve to the right an arc distance of 171.76 feet to an iron pine at the point of tangency thereof; thence South 25 degrees 45 minutes 35 seconds West along said right-of-way line 100.00 feet to an iron pin at the point of curvature of a curve to the left having a radius of 320.00 feet and along chord which bears South 12, degrees 52 minutes 47 seconds West 142.66 feet from said point; thence along said curve to the left an arc distance of 143.87 feet to an iron pin at the point of tangency thereof; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 11 seconds East along said right-of-way 95.00 feet to the Point of Beginning, Containing 11.25 acres, more or less 5 10 7 11 11121310 12 Modules: 42 PS Name: AGILIGHT 60 Watt 2 Modules: 46 PS Name: AGILIGHT 60 Watt (88) Modules: Agilight - SignRayz ULTRA 650 6500K - LS-U650-65K-B200-A PAGE:of 1PROJECT ID: DRAWN BY: CUSTOMER: DATE: LOCATION: CASE: 01/24/2022 CHECKED BY:JOB: C.WILLIAMS HONDA #Revision(s)By:Date: 4 Description of change ??##/##/## 3 2 1 This sign is intended to be installed in accordance with the requirements of National Electrical Code (NEC) or NFPA 70 and of the Canadian Electrical Code (CE Code) or CSA C22.1 and/or other applicable local codes. This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign. Pattison Sign Group illuminated signs product may contain Fluorescent, Neon and/or HID Lamps. These lamps contain Mercury (Hg). Disposal of these lamps will be the responsibility of the recipient, according to Local, Provincial, State or Federal Laws. IF THIS AGREEMENT INCLUDES THE MANUFACTURING AND INSTALLATION OF A BASE(S) BY PATTISON SIGN GROUP FOR THE SIGNS ORDERED HEREIN, SUCH BASE(S) SHALL BE BUILT AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS. IF A BASE(S) IS TO BE BUILT OR PROVIDED BY THE CUSTOMER (OR AGENT), AND NOT BY PATTISON SIGN GROUP, THE CUSTOMER SHALL ENSURE THAT THE BASE(S) ARE BUILT AND INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS AND REGULATIONS AND SHALL HOLD PATTISON SIGN GROUP AND ITS EMPLOYEES, REPRESENTATIVES, AGENTS AND OFFICERS, HARMLESS AND INDEMNIFY IT AGAINST ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LIABILITIES, ACTIONS, PENALTIES, FINES, AND ANY LEGAL FEES INCURRED BY PATTISON SIGN GROUP ARISING FROM THE FAILURE OF THE CUSTOMER (AND/OR IT'S AGENT) OBLIGATION(S). CUSTOMER:CASE:HONDA www.pattisonsign.com / toll free (866) 218-1976 © 2018 PATTISON SIGN GROUP. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED, NO PART OF THIS DRAWING MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM PATTISON SIGN GROUP. #Notes: 1 2 3 VOLTS:AMP:CIRC: ITEM PART NO. INSTALLATION:INTERIOR ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS: EXTERIOR 120 VAC 12.0 A QTYDESCRIPTION WEIGHT:VARIES -X 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ AGILIGHT ULTRA 650 65K WHITE LED's AGILIGHT 60W POWER SUPPLIES .040 ALUMINUM COIL RETURNS 1" JEWELITE TRIM CAP .177 2406 ACRYLIC FACES w/ VINYL 3MM SIGNABOND BACKS 7/16 HOLES IN BACKS 3/8 LAG SCREWS WALL BUSTER DISCONNECT BY OTHERS xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx HOND0CH4P30023 30" Pre-Owned (HONDA) FLUSH MOUNT LETTERS - 2021 Colors:# C B D COIL: CLEAR ANODIZED PAINT: XXXXXXXXXX A VINYL: 3M 3630-8264 HONDA BLUE JEWELITE: 1" BRUSHED CHROME 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A BC NEW FACE DETAIL C A 03/10/2021 1 16" KEYLINE2'-6"21'-13 8"5" HARDWARE TO SHIP: (35) - 3/8" LAG SCREWS (9) - WALL BUSTER TUBES (1) - MOUNT PATTERN (1) - LED WIRING DIAGRAM 8x10 GEN-3 Illuminated Emblem - Main FacilitySupply & install (1) one 8x10 GEN-3 EmblemHLS-30 Honda LeƩer Set - Main FacilitySupply & install (1) one set of fabricated aluminum channel leƩersFaces - .177 White 2406 SG05 Acrylic1st surface vinyl - 3M 3630-8264 Honda Blue vinyl1/16” white keyline around leƩersBacks - 3mm ACM White SignabondReturns - .040 x 5.1" Clear Anodized Aluminum CoilTrimCap - 1" Jewelite Brushed ChromeLED illuminaƟon - Agilight LS-U650-65K-B200-ARemote power supplyDNL-36 Dealer Name LeƩers - Main FacilitySupply & install (1) one set of fabricated aluminum channel leƩersFaces - .177 White 2406 SG05 Acrylic1st surface vinyl - 3M 3630-8264 Honda Blue vinyl1/16” white keyline around leƩersBacks - 3mm ACM White SignabondReturns - .040 x 5.1" Clear Anodized Aluminum CoilTrimCap - 1" Jewelite Brushed ChromeLED illuminaƟon - Agilight LS-U650-65K-B200-ARemote power supplyPenskeHLS-24 Honda LeƩer Set - Pre-Owned FacilitySupply & install (1) one set of fabricated aluminum channel leƩersFaces - .177 White 2406 SG05 Acrylic1st surface vinyl - 3M 3630-8264 Honda Blue vinyl1/16” white keyline around leƩersBacks - 3mm ACM White SignabondReturns - .040 x 5.1" Clear Anodized Aluminum CoilTrimCap - 1" Jewelite Brushed ChromeLED illuminaƟon - Agilight LS-U650-65K-B200-ARemote power supplyProject IDFluorescent, Neon and HID lamps contain Mercury (HG).Dispose of the lamps according to Local, Provincial, State or Federal Laws.This sign to be installed in accordance with the requirements of ArƟcle 600 of theNaƟonal Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes.This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign.It is the Customer’s responsibility toensure that the structure of thebuilding is designed and constructedto accept the installaƟon of the signsbeing ordered. Please ask PSGto provide further details if required.All rights reserved. The artworkdepicted herein are copyright andare the exclusive property ofPaƫson Sign Group and as suchcannot be reproduced in whole orin part without wriƩen permissionby Paƫson Sign Group.120VOtherSignatureMM/DD/YYYY347VCustomer Approval10-07-20211/8"=1'-0"C. FarmerR. FerraraDate:Scale:Sales:Designer:ConceptualRev. #:Date:CF1-41597Sign ItemBuilding Signage206648Penske Honda4146 E. 96th St.Indianapolis, IN.MasterElectricalRevision Note:InformaƟon Required:520 West Summit Hill Drive Suite 702 Knoxville TN. 37902(Toll Free) 1.866.635.1110 (Fax) 1.899.694.1106 www.paƫsonsign.comColors:#CB.177 2406 Acrylic FaceAVinyl: 3M 3630-8264 Honda BlueTrimcap: Jewelite Brushed ChromeNew Channel LeƩer Face DetailCBA 1/16” White keylinePO-30 Pre-Owned LeƩers - Pre-Owned FacilitySupply & install (1) one set of fabricated aluminum channel leƩersFaces - .177 White 2406 SG05 Acrylic1st surface vinyl - 3M 3630-8264 Honda Blue vinyl1/16” white keyline around leƩersBacks - 3mm ACM White SignabondReturns - .040 x 5.1" Clear Anodized Aluminum CoilTrimCap - 1" Jewelite Brushed ChromeLED illuminaƟon - Agilight LS-U650-65K-B200-ARemote power supply* All signage is back-lit with LED illuminaƟon75.83 SQ.FT.46.32 SQ.FT.56.13 SQ.FT.35.91 SQ.FT.52.42 SQ.FT.Revised as perCity requirementsR303-18-20222'-6"20'-11 5/8"Gen III Building Signage3'-0"8'-0"9'-5 3/4"22'-5 7/16"2'-6"2'-0"15'-5 5/16"17'-11 1/2" 8x10 GEN-3HLS-30DNL-36HLS-24Project IDFluorescent, Neon and HID lamps contain Mercury (HG).Dispose of the lamps according to Local, Provincial, State or Federal Laws.This sign to be installed in accordance with the requirements of ArƟcle 600 of theNaƟonal Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes.This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign.It is the Customer’s responsibility toensure that the structure of thebuilding is designed and constructedto accept the installaƟon of the signsbeing ordered. Please ask PSGto provide further details if required.All rights reserved. The artworkdepicted herein are copyright andare the exclusive property ofPaƫson Sign Group and as suchcannot be reproduced in whole orin part without wriƩen permissionby Paƫson Sign Group.120VOtherSignatureMM/DD/YYYY347VCustomer Approval10-07-2021N.T.S.C. FarmerR. FerraraDate:Scale:Sales:Designer:ConceptualRev. #:Date:CF1-41597Sign ItemElevaƟons206648Penske Honda4146 E. 96th St.Indianapolis, IN.MasterElectricalRevision Note:InformaƟon Required:520 West Summit Hill Drive Suite 702 Knoxville TN. 37902(Toll Free) 1.866.635.1110 (Fax) 1.899.694.1106 www.paƫsonsign.comPO-30±±EXISTINGRAMPSSHALL REMAINOPEN OPEN±HONDA DEALERSHIP - PROPOSED SOUTH ELEVATIONHONDA PRE-OWNED - SOUTH ELEVATION36”36”36”EQEQEQEQ30”CLEQEQLine up top of Emblem withtop of window mullions* All signage is back-lit with LED illuminaƟonCLEQEQ24”EQCLPenske & Honda leƩer baseline30”20’-11 5/8”17’-11 1/2”22’-5 7/16”9’-5 3/4”15’-5 5/16”PenskeRevised as perCity requirementsR303-18-202220'-5"±17'-1"±19'-8 13/16"±17'-11"±19'-8 13/16"±16'-11"±20'-5"±26'-7 3/16"±28'-9"±EQ8’-0”5'-4"17'-6"5'-4 1/16"39'-1 3/8"39'-1 3/8"22'-0 9/16"12'-8"55'-6 1/16"36'-1 5/8"5'-2 11/16"18'-7 3/4"10'-4"ElevaƟons 8x10 GEN-3HLS-30DNL-36HLS-24Project IDFluorescent, Neon and HID lamps contain Mercury (HG).Dispose of the lamps according to Local, Provincial, State or Federal Laws.This sign to be installed in accordance with the requirements of ArƟcle 600 of theNaƟonal Electrical Code and/or other applicable local codes.This includes proper grounding and bonding of the sign.It is the Customer’s responsibility toensure that the structure of thebuilding is designed and constructedto accept the installaƟon of the signsbeing ordered. Please ask PSGto provide further details if required.All rights reserved. The artworkdepicted herein are copyright andare the exclusive property ofPaƫson Sign Group and as suchcannot be reproduced in whole orin part without wriƩen permissionby Paƫson Sign Group.120VOtherSignatureMM/DD/YYYY347VCustomer Approval10-07-2021N.T.S.C. FarmerR. FerraraDate:Scale:Sales:Designer:ConceptualRev. #:Date:Revised as perCity requirementsR303-18-2022CF1-41597Sign ItemSite Plan206648Penske Honda4146 E. 96th St.Indianapolis, IN.MasterElectricalRevision Note:InformaƟon Required:520 West Summit Hill Drive Suite 702 Knoxville TN. 37902(Toll Free) 1.866.635.1110 (Fax) 1.899.694.1106 www.paƫsonsign.comPO-30PenskeBENCHMARKE 96TH STBAUER DR E - 50' WDBAUER DR E - 50' WDLAKESHORE DR E - 60' WDASSOCIATION CTPARCEL 1PARCEL 2SCALE:NFN025502550 75Site Plan Receipt#:5020 Carmel City Hall:317-571-2400 Date:11/22/2021 One Civic Square www.carmel.in.gov Payment Receipt Paid By:Ed Williams Invoice #Case Type Case Number Sub Type -SIGN S-2021-00309 COM Tender Type /Description Amount PAYPAL-PayPal 109.00 - - Sub Total:109.00 Fees: Fee Codes /Description Amount SIGNPERMIT-Sign Permit 109.00 - - - - - - - Sub Total:109.00 Total Amount Due:109.00 Total Payment:109.00 Received By: ed@midwestsigns.com Code:DEFAULT_Recpt5020_22_11_2021_ed@midwestsigns.com Page:1 of 1 Receipt#:6085 Carmel City Hall:317-571-2400 Date:3/25/2022 One Civic Square www.carmel.in.gov Payment Receipt Paid ByMidwest Signs Invoice #Case Type Case Number Sub Type -SIGN S-2021-00309 COM Tender Type/Description Amount CHECK-Check 153.06 - - Sub Total:153.06 Fees: Fees Code /Description Amount SIGNINIMP-Sign Installation Improvement 153.06 - - - - - - - Sub Total:153.06 Total Amount Due:153.06 Total Payment:153.06 Received By:lmotz Code:DEFAULT_Recpt6085_25_3_2022_lmotz Page:1 of 1 io I -4 j -4