HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice rye` NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket No.: PZ-2022-00025 and#PZ-2022-00053 SW Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission meeting on the 19'h day of April, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers, 1 Civic Sq, Carmel, IN 46032 (See Map), will hold a Public Hearing upon a Primary Plat Amendment application to allow: An amendment to the plat in place to remove the landlocked lot, and to create two new lots on the South parcel. For those familiar with the home site, our goal is to maintain the lot with the existing home on 510 1st Avenue, the carriage house lot, and the block north of the tree, merging them all into one large parcel.We are proposing to landscape and develop two lots for new homes on the South block off of the alley on 5th. We are also requesting a Street Frontage Waiver, as the UDO requires that the Lots shall have direct access to a public street. We are proposing a private Access from an alley, like other homes in Old Town, which will require an access easement. With the property being known as: 510 1st Ave NW, Carmel IN 46032 & 500 1st Ave NW The application is identified as Docket No. PZ-2022-00025 and#PZ-2022-00053 SW The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: 16-09-25-08-05-001.000 (house on 510 1st Ave NW) 16-09-25-08-05-002.000 (carriage house) 16-09-25-08-01-010.000 (wooded area north of the tree house) 16-09-25-08-01-010.000 (south block with same parcel number as the north block) The petition may be examined on the City's website, through Public Documents- Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. If there are any questions you may have, you can also reach me on my cell phone below. PETITIONERS Tom Lazzara, Custom Living, Inc. 317-289-5990 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ) ss: Custom Living; docket no. PZ-2022-00025 Hamilton County ) Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Jackie Grigg who, being duly sworn, says that she is Office Manager of Current in Carmel newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Carmel in state and county afore-said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for one (1) time(s), the date(s) of publication being as follows: March 22nd, 2022 /-v,t7-1--- Subscribed and sworn to before me on March 23', 2022. , .4(i /W-6b(A/L otary Public My commission expires: & q Publisher's Fee: $47.58 N ---w-*.*-wwyw-....- - t"-.) CommisJANE BROWN Notary Public,State of Indiana sion Number:NP0845396 My Commission Expires ' August 24,2029 Current Publishing Electronic Tear Sheet I Publication:Current in Carmel I Date:March 22,20221 Page:35 LIFESTYLE March 22 2022 Current in Carmel • 35 cur2ntincnrmelcom .t � I vowel to define vocalic ""� >• -5'. '— _ ,r Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt A"univocalic"word is a word that con- ri tains only one of the vowels.It can have _ �" / When I began college.I opted for the only one vowel,like in the word"ash," 2 -1,.. m I.•- - _ easiest science course I could find.This or it can have one vowel used multiple i ill +• was the early 21st times,like"lava"or"magma." ,p-4`;s • 1 4_f GRAMMAR GUY century,and online My favorite volcanic univocalic word 'a PP k ` III courses were a bit is the Hawaiian word"aa"(or a'al.It pre- of Illllllidlill III'v • of a novelty.Enter yours truly,the science cedes"aardvark"in the dictionary,which .' goof-off who decided to take"Volcanoes makes it one of the best words of all time. �` and Earthquakes(Online)"at the Universi- According to the U.S.Geological Society, ty of Oklahoma. as is"a Hawaiian term for lava flows that Grant House in Galena,III.(Photos by Don Knebell I'll skip the part about not doing any of have a rough rubbly surface composed of the homework(since only the four tests broken lava blocks called clinkers." A visit to Galena Illinois counted toward our grades in the class). If a word has more than one of the and let you know that I needed to get an vowels,we call it"plurivocalic."Examples 'A"on the final to get a"C"in the class.I of plurivocalic words include volcano, Commentary by Don Knebel 3.200.The house where Grant and his wife did it.I became a last-second master of all erupt,tectonic and pumice. lived is a National Historic Landmark,pro- things volcanic. I hope you have learned something With spring upon us,we will explore plac- viding guided tours.The grounds include a When I first saw the word"vocalic,"my about vowels today.If tomorrow's Wordle es closer to home.Today,we visit Galena, statue of Julia Grant.erected in 2006.Gale- brain saw the word"volcanic."Especially puzzle throws you a plurivocalic word, III.,344 miles from Indianapolis. na includes many other well-maintained Vic- now that I'm an expert in mountains blow- please try your best not to blow your lid. TRAVEL Galena.located along the torian homes built by steamboat captains ing their tops.I like to unleash my volcanic Galena River in far northwest- and mining executives.The most visited wisdom on anyone walking by.In fact, ern Illinois.was named for its deposits of is the 22-room Belvedere Mansion.built in "vocalic"has nothing to do with volcanoes; Curtis Honeycutt is a national galena,a lead-bearing ore mined by Native 1857 by J.Russell Jones,a friend of Abraham it is a word that relates to vowels. award-winning,syndicated Americans for more than 1.000 years.When Lincoln who championed Grant's run for humor writer.Connect with him I want to stick to traditional vowels:a, on Twitter I@curtishoneycutt) European settlers discovered these deposits, the presidency and became ambassador to e,i,o,and u.After all.in the Wordle era,we or at curtishoneycutt.com. they rushed to the area.By 1825.the town's Belgium.Beautifully maintained Grant Park, all want to master our vowel movements. population had reached 10,000,roughly the located along the Galena River,includes a same as Chicago's.Mississippi riverboats 9-foot statue of Grant,erected in 1896,and traveling between St.Louis and St.Paul a victory column honoring Civil War veter- a, *+ stopped in Galena for its exuberant nightlife ans from the area.A bridge connects the , ' along the river.In 1860,Ulysses S.Grant park to the so-called""Helluva Half Mile," f r moved to Galena with his wife,Julia,to work Galena's downtown,itself a National His- Y 4 �T i , , RIVeI�Vl@VV in his father's leather goods business.After toric Landmark,featuring a variety of shops a HEALTH commanding the victorious Union forces and restaurants catering to the more than 1 SU - - ' during the Civil War,Grant returned to Gale- million people who visit each year. na,where grateful Republican residents gave him a two-story brick house.Grant visited Don Knebel is a local resident who Galena often while serving as the 18th pres works forBarnes&Thornburg LIP t' ' ' ident but did not return when his second ill 4+ For the full column visit donknebel. term ended in 1877. corn.You may contact him at Today.Galena has a population of about edito al@youarecurrent.com. Become a volunteer today NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket No PZ-2022-00025 Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission meeting on the 19th day of Apnl,2022 at6:00 Riverview Health is looking for volunteers to join its great team. p.m.in the City Hat Council Chambers,1 Civic Sq,Cannel.IN 46032(See Map).wit hold a Public Hearing Some of the many volunteer service areas include patient transport, upon a Primary Plat Amendment application to allow. An amendment to the plat in place to remove the landlocked lot,and to create two new lots on guest services and the gift shop.Shifts are available in the morning the South parcel.For those familiar with the home site,our goal is to maintain the lot with the exist- or afternoon, at least one day per week, Monday-Friday. ing home on 510 1st Avenue,the carriage house lot,and the block north of the tree,merging them an into one large parcel.We are proposing to landscape and develop two lots for new homes on the South block off of the alley on sth. If you're interested in volunteering at Riverview Health ,171 With the property being known as 510 1st Ave NW,Carmel IN 46032&500 1st Ave NW in Noblesville or Westfield, lease contact �t�i• p The application is identified as Docket No.PZ-2022-00025 r Y*i' The real estate affected by said application is described as follows the manager of Volunteer Services,Melinda Nash, � 16-09-25-08-05-001.000(house on 510 1st Ave NW) • •• r •• 16-09-25-08-05-002.000(carriage house) at 317.776.7236 or mnash@riverview.org.You can ''•1•. - ?�-•_ 16-09-25-08-01-010.000(wooded area north of the tree house) also scan the OR code to download an application. ❑� I 10: 16-09-25-08-01-010.000(south block with same parcel number as the north block) All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application.either in writing or verbal- ly,will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place PETITIONERS RIGHT SIZE.RIGHT CARE.RIGHT HERE. Tom Lazzara,Custom Living,Inc. A-39 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts General Form No.99P(Rev.2009A) Custom Living-Docket No.: PZ-2022-00025 To:Current Publishing CC W 30 S Rangeline Rd,Carmel,IN 46032 (Governmental Unit) Hamilton County,Indiana w 2 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM LINE COUNT cc Display Master(Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall total more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set)--number of equivalent lines L.L Head--number of lines 2 O - >- Body--number of lines 20 Tail--number of lines Total number of lines in notice 22 U COMPUTATION OF CHARGES 22 lines, 2 columns wide equals 44 equivalent lines at 1.0814 cents per line $ 47.58 Additional charges for notices containing rule or tabular work(50 per cent of above amount) Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $47.58 DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column in picas.: 9.3 Size of type 7 point. Number of insertions Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of IC 5-11-10-1, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct, that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. I also certify that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, of the same column width and type size, which was duly published in said paper 1 times. The dates of publication being as follows: 3/22/2022 Additionally, the statement checked below is true and correct: Newspaper does not have a Web site. X Newspaper has a Web site and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in the newspaper. Newspaper has a Web site, but due to technical problem or error, public notice was posted on Newspaper has a Web site but refuses to post the public notice. Date 3/22/2022 Title: Office Manager, AP/AR, Legal PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ) ss: Custom Living; Docket No. PZ-2022-00025 and #PZ-2022-00053 SW Hamilton County ) Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Jackie Grigg who, being duly sworn, says that she is Office Manager of Current in Carmel newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Carmel in state and county afore-said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for one (1) time(s), the date(s) of publication being as follows: March 29"d, 2022 ). t Subscribed and sworn to before me on March 29rd, 2022. / T LAURA EUZABETH TUCKER Notary Public,State of Indiana IT. Commission Number:703244 My Commission Expires Notary Public July 26,2025 My commission expires: Publisher's Fee: $51.90 Ma ch LIFESTYLE Current in 29 2022 27 in Carmel • currentincormel corn r . Allow me to interject myself „•. _ s -, - �,,, r� , Commentary by Curtis Honeycutt uttered.In this case,imagine it is delivered a , ` , • v E•4,. by Eeyore,who never uses exclamation ç = 4$,t " �� R 4: If you've ever yelled your feelings— points,but often directs his depressive in- �_,,�q1 ,,- you might have uttered an interjection. terjections at his forest friends. '` ,.� If you've ever Interjections sometimes come in the form 'T r GRAMMAR GUY shouted a forbid- of a question:Are you kidding me?Do you II tir ', • - ' +. den word after believe we've actuallybeen to the moon? �_� k, dropping a glass jar of pickles—you Honestly,this type of interjectory sentence might have uttered an interjection.If is an excellent case of when an interrobang �� te .-.:•- you've ever typed a text followed by 17 would be perfect,but that's an entirely dif- 11 1 ' .4 ( . TT exclamation points—you might have ferent column,now,isn't it?What's wrong -'- yt i • ,1 written an interjection. with me? Z In case you're wondering what we're In the case of comma-tose interjections, s = �= -- discussing today,it's interjections.An take this example:Well,what did you ex- interjection is what happens when you pect?How did you know I was raised in Replica of Michelangelo's"David"statue in downtown Louisville.!Photo by Don Knebe() speak an exclamation.Jeepers! Canada,eh?Oh,no,the test is today.0oh. Often,interjections are short words you look great in that beekeeper outfit. A visit to historic that pack an emotional punch.Uh-oh! The comma and period examples are No!These are some of a baby's first En- kind of like"light"interjections.It seems glish words,which makes total sense. as though some of the urgency has been downtown Louisville Often,an interjection is the most effi- diminished. cient way to express a feeling. Let's break down interjections into a Commentary by Don Knebel Museum&Factory,featuring the world's few categories.First,a primary interjec- I yr Curtis Honeycutt is a national largest baseball bat.A few blocks away is tion is a single word that gets used ex- award-winning,syndicated humor In my ongoing series about places within a 30-foot-tall gold-painted foam replica of clusively as an interjection:Yikes!Ouch! i writer.Connect with him on Twitter(@curtishoneycutt) driving distance of central Indiana,we visit Michelangelo's"David."twice the size of the Wow!Gosh! or at curtishoneycutt.com. Louisville,Ky.,about 113 miles original.The downtown area also includes A secondary interjection is an exclam- -- TRAVEL from Indianapolis. the Bourbon District,where several distill- atory phrase that isn't used exclusively Louisville(locals say"LOO uh eries offer tours and tasting rooms.Water- as an interjection.Examples include vul")is on the south bank of the Ohio River. front Park offers a wonderful view of the "Bless you!""Good grief!""Aw,rats!" where rapids of the Falls of the Ohio once Ohio River.The nearby six-story Muhammed Before you think an interjection can presented the only barrier to river travel Ali Center,established in 2005,honors Lou- only be used with an exclamation point, between Pittsburgh and the Gulf of Mexico. isville native Ali's life and principles. think again!In fact,an interjection can In 1778,during the American Revolution,Col. --- involve a period,comma or even a ques- Apprentice George Rogers Clark established a settle- tion mark.Huh? Apprentice ment on Corn Island,just east of the falls. ilik Don Knebel is a local resident who Here's an example of an interjection Two years later,the Virginia General As- ,�Vi works for Bames&Thomburg LLP that uses a period:Darn.I thought my s semblygranted a charter for a town around r 4 For the full cokimn visit donknebel. Notice o1 tom.you may contact him at Cinderella team was going to win the Corn Island,named"Louisville"in honor of ` editorial@youarecurrent.com. entire tournament.This sentence de- French King Louis XVI,whose troops were 4 pends on how emphatically the"darn"is Nondiscriminatory supporting the Americans against the Brit- ish. PolicyStudents The town grew rapidly as a portage NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION site,where boats were unloaded and their Docket No.:PZ-2022-00025 and#PZ-2022-00053 SW Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Plan Commission meeting on the 19'-day of April.2022 at 6.00 Apprentice University admits contents carried beyond the rapids.Louis- p m in the City Hall Council Chambers 1 Civic Sq.Carmel.IN 46032(See Map).will hold a Public Hearing ville also became an important port for Ohio upon a Primary Plat Amendment application to allow students of any race,color,and River travel.By 1840.Louisville,incorporated An amendment to the plat in place to remove the landlocked lot,and to create two new lots on the South national or ethnic origin to all parcel For those familiar with the home site.our goal is to maintain the lot with the existing home on 510 the rights,privileges,programs, as a city in 1828,had a population of 21,000, 1st Avenue,the carriage house lot,and the block north of the tree,merging them all into one large parcel about five times the size of Chicago at the We are proposing to landscape and develop two lots for new homes on the South block off of the alley on and activities generally accorded time. 5th or made available to students. Today.Louisville,with a population of We are also requesting a Street Frontage Waiver,as the UDO requires that the Lots shall have direct It does not discriminate on the access to a public street We are proposing a pnvate Access from an alley,like other homes in Old Town, basis of race,color,and national 633,000,is the largest city in Kentucky.It which will require an access easement is home to Churchill Downs,a horseracing With the property being known as 510 1st Ave NW,Carmel IN 46032&500 1st Ave NW or ethic origin in administra- complex that opened in 1875 with the first The application is identified as Docket No PZ-2022-00025 tion of its educational policies, The real estate affected by said application is described as follows 16-09-25-08-05-001.000(house on admissions policies,scholarship Kentucky Derby,which is now the nation's 510 1st Ave NW) longest continually held annual sporting 16-09-25-08-05-002 000(carnage house) and loan programs,or other event.The nonprofit Kentucky Derby Muse- 16-09-25-08-01-010 000(wooded area north of the tree house)16-09-25-08-01-010.000(south block school-administered programs. urn provides information about the history with same parcel number as the north block) Apprentice University All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application,either in writing or of the Derby and offers behind-the-scene verbally,will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place 6402 Corporate Drive, tours of the famous racetrack.Downtown PETITIONERS Indianapolis, IN 46278 Louisville is home to the Louisville Slugger Tom Lazzara,Custom Living,Inc. A-39 Prescribed by State Board of Accounts General Form No.99P(Rev.2009A) Custom Living- Docket No. PZ-2022-00025 and#PZ-2022-00053 SW To:Current Publishing w 30 S Rangeline Rd,Carmel,IN 46032 (Governmental Unit) Hamilton County,Indiana 2 PUBLISHER'S CLAIM I LINE COUNT w Display Master(Must not exceed two actual lines, neither of which shall Qtotal more than four solid lines of the type in which the body of the advertisement is set)--number of equivalent lines 0 Head--number of lines - 2 >- Body--number of lines 22 Tail--number of lines Total number of lines in notice 24 2 U COMPUTATION OF CHARGES 24 lines, 2 columns wide equals 48 equivalent lines at 1.0814 cents per line $ 51.90 Additional charges for notices containing rule or tabular work(50 per cent of above amount) Charge for extra proofs of publication ($1.00 for each proof in excess of two) TOTAL AMOUNT OF CLAIM $ 51.90 DATA FOR COMPUTING COST Width of single column in picas.: 9.3 Size of type 7 point. Number of insertions Pursuant to the provisions and penalties of IC 5-11-10-1, I hereby certify that the foregoing account is just and correct,that the amount claimed is legally due, after allowing all just credits, and that no part of the same has been paid. I also certify that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, of the same column width and type size, which was duly published in said paper 1 times. The dates of publication being as follows: 3/29/2022 Additionally,the statement checked below is true and correct: Newspaper does not have a Web site. X Newspaper has a Web site and this public notice was posted on the same day as it was published in the newspaper. Newspaper has a Web site, but due to technical problem or error, public notice was posted on Newspaper has a Web site but refuses to post the public notice. Date 3/29/2022 Title: Office Manager,AP/AR, Legal Plan Commission Public Notice Sian Procedure: The petitioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. The sign must be placed in a highly visible and legible location from the road on the property that is involved with the public hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: 1. Must be placed on the subject property no less than 21 days prior to the public hearing 2. The sign must follow the sign design requirements: PUBLIC HEARING Sign must be 24"x 36"-vertical s„, " c P"5 Sign must be double sided Plan Commission Sign must be composed of weather resistant material, such as corrugated plastic or laminated poster board Carmel City Hall The sign must be mounted in a heavy-duty metal frame 3. The sign must contain the following: ° """" • 12"x 24" PMS 288 Blue box with white text at the (Duo top. 6:00 P.M. • White background with black text below. • Text used in example to the right, with Application For More Information: type and Date* of subject public hearing (web)ww 571-2 el.in.gov oh) 71-2417 * The Date should be written in day, month, and date format.Example: "Tues.,January 17" 4. The sign must be removed within 72 hours of the Public Hearing conclusion Public Notice Sian Placement Affidavit: I(We)Tom Lazzara do hereby certify that placement of the notice public sign to consider Docket Number PZ-2022-00025&00053 SW ,was placed on the subject property at least twenty-one(21)days prior to the date of the public hearing at the address listed below: 510 1st Ave., Carmel IN 46032, and 500 1st Ave NW, Carmel IN 46032 STATE OF INDIANA,COUNTY OFMarion , SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he is informed and believes. �— (Signa ure of Petitioner) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of MQ 1 Cj . Notary Public rP„ anssa Ka ryn oner My Commission Expires: 11 ICI 1SY2A o0 , '=; Notary Public,State of Indiana °= Marion County :;SSE-j;1 Commission Number NPo737554 ;. .• My Commission Expires November 21 st 2029 Filename:Primary Plat 2021 Revised 3/3/2021 Page 11 PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING FOR CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Tom Lazzara I (We) do hereby certify that notice of public hearing of the Carmel Plan PZ-2022-00025&00053 SW Commission to consider Docket Number , was registered and mailed at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the date of the public hearing to the below listed adjacent property owners: OWNER(s)NAME ADDRESS See Attached List ****************************************************************************************** STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oath says that the above information is true and correct and he is informed and believes. (Signature etitioner) County of (an O Before me the undersigned,a Notary Public ( ounty in whic n tarization takes place) for N\0,v1 rJ County, State of Indiana,personally appeared (Notary Public's county of residence) O\ l I.47,-z_V1In a and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument this (Property Owner,Attorney,or Power of Attorney) �� day of mcwejy\ ,s (day) (month) (year) _\ Public--Signature 1 ariSSa 'rr�.� f� Lt. A ,��J�11` 11 a� -"e', Notary Public,State of Indiana otary Public--Please Prin ?? :� Marion County np 1 t SEAL f Commission Number�r3� X ' /' V�� >*\,_�;;�`� My Commission Expires ) My commission expires: ,od"�,,° November 21 st 2029 i - — ************************************************************************************* (Tip:Actual signatures of adjacent property owners must be submitted on this affidavit if the public notice was hand delivered to an adjacent property owner. Otherwise the names can be typed/written in.) Filename:Primary Plat 2021 Revised 3/3/2021 Page 2 ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNER LIST I, Tom I az7ara , Auditor of Hamilton County, Indiana, certify that the attached affidavit is a true and complete listing of the property owners within 660 feet or two(2) property depths, whichever is less, as relating to Docket No. PZ-2022-00025 & 00053 SW OWNER ADDRESS EXAMPLE ONLY: Formal list request sheet & official list may be acquired from the Hamilton County Auditor's Office (776-8401). Specifically, the Hamilton County Real Property Dept. can be contacted at (317) 776-9624. Hamilton County Auditor Date Filename:Primary Plat 2021 Revised 3/3/2021 Page 3 FMTPRCLNO OWNNAME OWNADDRESS OWNCITY OWNSTATE OWNZIP 16-09-25-12-01-002.000 Correll, Kathleen H Trustee Kathleen H Correll Rev Trust 120 4th St NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-12-01-001.000 Holcomb,Toby L&Vicki L 140 4th St NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-00-011.000 Quinet, Philip A 445 W Smoky Row Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-12-01-004.000 Elisha, Dan C &Amy B Marsh jtrs 410 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-010.000 Quinn,John J Jr 521 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-011.000 Kissel, Mary A 531 1ST AVE NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-01-015.000 City of Carmel 1 Civic Sq Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-01-012.000 McCardwell,Terry S& Kimmi M h&w 15231 Mystic Rock Ct Carmel IN 46033 16-09-25-08-01-013.000 Anderson, Terry L 440 1ST AVE NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-01-010.001 Devine, Coy M 530 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-003.000 520 North Rangeline LLC 208 W Smokey Row Rd Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-005.000 444 Rangeline LLC 12142 Hobby Horse Dr Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-004.000 Booth, Steven 12142 Hobby Horse Dr Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-008.000 Hansen, Baron Louis III &Linda Irelan Hensen h&w 431 1ST AVE NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-001.000 North, Jeremy T 541 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-02-015.000 Webber,Thomas E&Dawn M to rs 611 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-12-02-001.000 I&I Ranch LLC 411 1ST AVE NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-12-01-045.000 City of Carmel 1 CIVIC SQ Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-009.000 444 Rangeline LLC 12142 Hobby Horse Dr Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-007.000 Marley, Mark&Rita 421 1ST AVE NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-02-03-002.000 Stonegate Carmel LLC 3755 E 82nd St Ste 300 Indianapolis IN 46240 16-09-25-08-01-009.000 Chen, Stanley&Allison h&w 620 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-04-011.000 Stamper, Deborah 634 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-01-014.000 Alexander, Brandon&Michelle 420 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-01-014.001 Horton, William G&Karen R 430 1ST AVE NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-02-03-003.000 TM Carmel Knoll Partners LP 3755 E 82nd St Ste 300 Indianapolis IN 46240 16-09-25-00-12-001.000 Johnson, Robert AJr 625 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-12-004.000 Clark, Donna York 631 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-02-02-001.000 Stonegate Carmel LLC 3755 82nd St E Ste 300 Indianapolis IN 46240 16-09-25-00-10-005.000 Crafts, Gregory&Anne S h&w 615 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-04-006.000 Lucka, Gayle C 14470 Stephanie St Carmel IN 46033 16-09-25-08-01-009.001 Chen, Stanley E&Allison Jane 620 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-10-003.000 Couch, Wesley M& Katherine C McComb jtrs 619 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-10-002.000 Malenkos, Rebecca&Michael Ridenour 621 GREENFORD TRL W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-10-004.000 Weel, Kees 617 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-12-002.000 Dwenger, John D&Carol J h&w 627 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-02-01-001.000 Stonegate Carmel LLC 3755 82nd St E Ste 300 Indianapolis IN 46240 16-09-25-00-12-003.000 Money, Matthew H&Jessica A Kruse h&w 629 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-10-001.000 McDonald, Mark&Jennifer h&w 623 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-02-03-001.000 Stonegate Carmel LLC 3755 E 82nd St Ste 300 Indianapolis IN 46240 16-09-25-00-04-008.000 Village Green Homeowners Association Inc 5702 Kirkpatrick Way Indianapolis IN 46220 Mat Auditor From: INTERNETGUEST Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 6:08 PM To: Plat Auditor Subject: Online Adjoiner Request CAUTION:This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. POSSE Job#: AR-2022-0087 Zoning Authority: Carmel Planning Parcel#of Property: 1609250805001000 Additional Parcel#: 1609250805002000, 1609250801010000 Owner: Tom Lazzara Petitioner:Tom Lazzara Contact: Marissa Doner Doner Contact Phone: 3176267393 Contact Email: marissa@customlivingusa.com 1 HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR I, ROBIN M. MILLS,AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS MARKED AS NEIGHBORS ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660'FEET FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN M. MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED:L / � ecata...2L,( ///c/ c SUBJECT PROPERTY: 16-09-25-08-01-010.000 Subject Lazzara,Thomas A 7911 Morningside Dr Indianapolis IN 46240 16-09-25-08-05-001,000 Subject Lazzara,Thomas A 7911 Morningside Dr Indianapolis IN 46240 16-09-25-08-05-002.000 Subject Lazzara,Thomas A 7911 Morningside Dr Indianapolis IN 46240 Pursuant to the provisions of Indiana Code 5.143-3-(e).no person other than those authorized by the Courtly may reproduce grant access deliver or sell any Information obtained from any department or office of the County to any other person.partnership,or corporation In addition any person who receives information from the County shall not be permitted to use any mailing list addresses or databases for the purpose of selling,advertising,or solicting the purchase of merchandise goods.services,or to sell loan. give away.or otherwise deliver the information obtained by the request to any other person Page 1 of 1 HAMILTON COUNTY NOTIFICATION LIST PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 16-09-25-00-00-011.000 Neighbor Quinet, Philip A 445 W Smoky Row Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-04-008.000 Neighbor Village Green Homeowners Association Inc 5702 Kirkpatrick Way Indianapolis IN 46220 16-09-25-00-10-001.000 Neighbor McDonald, Mark&Jennifer h&w 623 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-10-002.000 Neighbor Malenkos, Rebecca& Michael Ridenour 621 GREENFORD TRL W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-10-003.000 Neighbor Couch, Wesley M & Katherine C McComb jtrs 619 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-10-004.000 Neighbor Weel, Kees 617 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-10-005.000 Neighbor Crafts, Gregory&Anne S h&w 615 Greenford Trl W Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-00-12-001.000 Neighbor Johnson, Robert A Jr PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE.DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 1 of 6 g}o Z a6ed DNIdd 6'W XVi JO NOISIA1O 131330 S/011O11 V AINl1O3 NOI711NVH 311.1 A8 O32IVd321 d 00£elS TS PuZ8 3 99L£ dl sJau-ed IlouD{ lawae3 INl Jogg6leN 000'£00-£0-Z0-9Z-60-91. OtiZ91' NI sllodeuelpul 00£01S TS PuZ8 3 99L£ 01l law.ieo ale6auolS Jogg6laN 000'Z00-£0-Z0-9Z-60-9I OtZ917 NI sllodeuelpul 00£alS TS PuZ8 3 99L£ 011 lawjeo ale6auolS Jogg6laN 000'1.00-£0-ZO-9Z-60-9 T 0.17Z917 NI sllodeuelpul OOE alS 3 TS PuZ8 99L£ 011 pump ale6auolS Jogg6laN 000'1.00-Z0-Z0-SZ-60-91• O1'Z9t NI sllodeuelpul 00£°TS 3 TS PuZ8 99L£ 011 laWJe0 ale6auolS Jogg6laN 000'1.00-L0-Z0-9Z-60-9 6 ZE091' NI lawJe0 M lal paoluaaJO S£9 )IJo,A euuoQ `)IJeI0 Jogg6laN 0001/00-Z 6-00-9Z-60-9 6 Z£0917 NI laWJe0 M Iil PJo}uaaJO 6Z9 M L asru>i v eolssar'g H maimew 'Aauow Jogg6laN 000'£00-Z 6-00-9Z-60-91. ZE09b NI lawJeO M Pao;uaaJD LZ9 nn'gy C 10Je3'g a uyor 'Ja6uamCI Jogg6laN 000700-Z 1.-00-9Z-60-9 6 ZE0917 NI lamJe° M pioluaaio 9Z9 Indianapolis IN 46240 16-09-25-08-01-009.000 Neighbor Chen, Stanley&Allison h&w 620 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-01-009.001 Neighbor Chen, Stanley E&Allison Jane 620 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-01-010.001 Neighbor Devine, Coy M 530 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-01-012.000 Neighbor McCardwell, Terry S& Kimmi M h&w 15231 Mystic Rock Ct Carmel IN 46033 16-09-25-08-01-013.000 Neighbor Anderson,Terry L 440 1ST AVE NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-01-014.000 Neighbor Alexander, Brandon &Michelle 420 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-01-014.001 Neighbor Horton, William G & Karen R 430 1ST AVE NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-01-015.000 Neighbor City of Carmel 1 Civic Sq PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE,DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 3 of 6 Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-02-015.000 Neighbor Webber,Thomas E&Dawn M to rs 611 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-001.000 Neighbor North, Jeremy T 541 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-003.000 Neighbor 520 North Rangeline LLC 208 W Smokey Row Rd Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-004.000 Neighbor Booth, Steven 12142 Hobby Horse Dr Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-005.000 Neighbor 444 Rangeline LLC 12142 Hobby Horse Dr Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-007.000 Neighbor Marley, Mark& Rita 421 1ST AVE NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-008.000 Neighbor Hansen, Baron Louis III &Linda Irelan Hensen h&w 431 1ST AVE NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-009.000 Neighbor 444 Rangeline LLC 12142 Hobby Horse Dr Carmel IN 46032 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE,DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 4 of 6 16-09-25-08-03-010.000 Neighbor Quinn, John J Jr 521 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-03-011.000 Neighbor Kissel, Mary A 531 1ST AVE NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-08-04-006.000 Neighbor Lucka, Gayle C 14470 Stephanie St Carmel IN 46033 16-09-25-08-04-011.000 Neighbor Stamper, Deborah 634 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-12-01-001.000 Neighbor Holcomb, Toby L&Vicki L 140 4th St NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-12-01-002.000 Neighbor Correll, Kathleen H Trustee Kathleen H Correll Rev Trust 120 4th St NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-12-01-004.000 Neighbor Elisha, Dan C &Amy B Marsh jtrs 410 1st Ave NW Carmel IN 46032 16-09-25-12-01-045.000 Neighbor City of Carmel 1 CIVIC SQ Carmel IN 46032 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE.DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 5 of 6 16-09-25-12-02-001.000 Neighbor I &I Ranch LLC 411 1ST AVE NW Carmel IN 46032 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE,DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING Page 6 of 6 Adjoiner Notification Map 002 e: 001 009 OOE 001 001 001 0 03 0,- 002 )07 f 002 025 ir14 t:t 010 003 \ 11' 2 013 024 00lik 5 1 011 003 030 00 W 012 iv:Z °6 1 °�2 ■71 ■ � 1,Q(}„'e. 023 005 �0 �T�1 J06 �r•, 2 006 ° • O •.. 550 UU5 944 002 001 ♦,♦ �� 001 00 0061 j 003 OLp ^� �� 021 i' 007 028 11. ��,I 002 one 1 004 ectKI E 1� _ ��•` OC3 �I 005 01 D04 0 008 020 009 •♦'♦ 027 007 001 006 15 I 005 019 010 OC3 001 02 009 S02600 JU4• 0�� 018 011 • • 109 011 : ON. ] 2 5 On4 006 007 010 017 012 02* t 010 i COE 006 1--__ 011 016 013 0 • , 002 ' u13 008 • 005 )04 00100, 064 015 DOANE 014 023 012 I _ 003_001 __ 009.001 009 WAY — 022 i 013 001 1 002 001 010 010.001021 514 001 011 003 2 W • 0 _14.002 010 ' 1 e 001 002 010 J L S gi itW'SMALL ST E SMALT 0 ■ 001 a 019 012 009 004 ¢16 015 010 — 013 008 005 Z 018 • • N 002 i 001 014.001 014 007 006 001 002 ■ 0 • a' 003 _---001 002 004 001 4TH 002 029 4TH 003 STG�L^7 ST NW ST'NE i i p 005 l 4410 210C 1 001 )2 101 004 001 002 , • 004 044.001 043 005 004 0271 v \ 006 039 �� PARKV/EW PL 044.002 042 �r 026 006 1 044 007 008 038 O j �05 �` 025 "° 007 ♦ 004 .. 3RD S•TC3Y 003 039 �♦ `` 004'♦ 406 943 041 038 009 037 �ps006 024 008 038 004 001 ♦ \ 006.001 039 0440 007 023 009 003.001 006v�5 0C 1 110700i 040 010 . 003 •�■` 007 I 003 ,■�■1i 035 034 008 022 010 037 002.001 01000 010 '■Q•.j••■ ..■'■�� J 009 000 \ \ 008.001 02 001.001 009 > 001 012 ya. °) 033 009 021 ST NE 011 036 001 009.001 ti W� 011 0350 013 �` 036 013 032 010 0 20 012 012 012 015 031 011 018 013 013 034 014 035 016 n30 017 017 n44 001 014 Legend Subject Parcel(s) 001 Parcel Number N Notification Parcel(s) - Parcel Boundary ■■'■.. 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