HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes Hamilton Co. Drainage Board 09-23-21Hamilton County Drainage Board
November 22, 2021
The Surveyor stated I did send you an email responding what you had asked for as far as
census blocks and so forth.
Altman stated the census blocks; are they this year’s, the 2020 Census?
The Surveyor stated yes. That’s what we’re going to be looking at.
Altman stated the other thing is assessed value within that drainage shed and parcels so
we have an idea of how that cost would be spread.
The Surveyor stated in talking to Val (Swift) on the Census I don’t think you’re going to
get what you’re seeking because they’ve blurred the information on the 2020 Census.
Morrow & Follett Drain, J. W. Morrow Arm – Station 35+10 to Station 38+19 Vacation:
There were no objections on file. Mr. Tom Lazzara was present for this item.
Clark presented the Surveyor’s report to the Board for approval.
“September 23, 2021
TO: Hamilton County Drainage Board
RE: Morrow & Follett Drain – J.W. Morrow Arm – Station 35+10 to 38+19 Vacation
Attached is a request to vacate a portion of the Morrow Follett Drain, J.W. Morrow
Arm by Waterstone Support Foundation and Russell and Ruth Schwartz, the property owners on
the parcels to be affected. The proposal is to vacate a portion of the existing J.W.
Morrow Arm in Carmel, Indiana between Station 35+10 and 38+19.
The Morrow-Follett Drain is a combination of the J.W Morrow Drain, which was
constructed in 1906 and the R.J. Follett Drain, which was a 1928 reconstruction of
portions of the Morrow Drain. The drain is currently maintained by the City of Carmel per
a joint resolution approved by the Board on March 5, 1990 (see Hamilton County Drainage
Board Minutes Book 2, page 421). Station 0+00 to Station 21+92 was reconstructed per the
records from the 1928 R.J. Follett Drain Reconstruction, as this portion of the tile is
located along the same route as the original J.W. Morrow Drain. Station 21+92 to 24+37 was
vacated per my report dated May 12, 2009 and approved by the Board on July 27, 2009 (see
Hamilton County Drainage Board Minutes Book 12, page 163). The portion of the J.W. Morrow
Arm from Station 27+27 to Station 30+26 per the original 1906 description, was vacated per
my report dated March 1, 2016 and approved by the Board on April 25, 2016 (see Hamilton
County Drainage Board Minutes Book 16, page 527). The most recent vacation of the Morrow &
Follett Drain occurred from Station 24+37 to Station 27+27 and was approved by the Board
on June 14th, 2021 (see Hamilton County Drainage Board Minutes Book 20, page 52).
The portion of the J.W. Morrow Drain to be vacated will begin at the south property
line of parcel 16-09-25-08-01-010.000 at existing Station 35+10 and end at the northern
limits of parcel 16-09-25-08-05-001.000 at existing Station 38+19 per the original 1906
description. The request will remove 309’ of 22” tile.
Storm water for the two parcels in question will rely on the 72” Carmel
Reconstruction Arm of the Morrow & Follett Regulated Drain approved on March 5th, 1990
(see Hamilton County Drainage Board Minutes Book 2, page 421). The 70 feet of drain
upstream of Station 35+10 was vacated with the approval of Kings Subdivision on August 27,
2012 (see Hamilton County Drainage Board Minutes Book 14, page 246). The infrastructure
that replaced this drain was tied into the 72” drain approved in 1990. There is no
evidence of water flowing into this portion of the J.W. Morrow Arm of the Morrow Follett
drain to be vacated. A televising was conducted to verify this. No connections were
detected through this section of drain during the televising. Upon approval of the
project, the north and south limits of the vacated drain will be capped with flowable
fill. Expenses for the fill will be paid for by the property owners.
The parcels affected by this proposal are the following:
Owner Parcel #
Russel Maurice and Marie Schwartz 16-09-25-08-05-001.000
Waterstone Support Foundation, Inc. 16-09-25-08-01-010.000
Upon review of the request, I believe the above portion of the drain meets the
requirements for vacation as set out in IC-36-9-27-34(d). In my opinion, the vacation will
not adversely affect other property owners within the drainage shed.
I recommend the Board set a hearing date for November 22nd, 2021.
Kenton C. Ward
Hamilton County Surveyor
Hamilton County Drainage Board
November 22, 2021
Dillinger opened the public hearing.
Howard asked has all the property owners signed, it’s notarized?
Clark stated yes. All in all, there’s three parcels being affected with two of the
parcels actually having the drain on it and the third parcel has a little stretch of the
existing easement on it.
Dillinger asked if anyone else would care to address the Board; seeing no one Dillinger
closed the public hearing.
Altman made the motion to approve the Surveyor’s report, seconded by Heirbrandt and
approved unanimously.
Morrow-Follett Drain, J. W. Morrow Arm
Station 35+10 to Station 38+19
On this 22nd day of November, 2021, the Hamilton County Drainage Board has held a hearing on
the Maintenance Report and Schedule of Assessments of the Morrow-Follett Drain, J. W. Morrow Arm
(Station 35+10 to Station 38+19).
Evidence has been heard. Objections were presented and considered. The Board then adopted
an order of action. The Board now finds that the costs of continued maintenance to the portion of
the above drain exceed the benefits to the real estate benefited by the portion of the drain to be
abandoned and issues this order vacating the above section of the Morrow-Follett Drain, J. W.
Morrow Arm (Station 35+10 to Station 38+19).
Steven C. Dillinger __ ______
Christine Altman _______ _
Mark Heirbrandt _____ ___
Attest: Lynette Mosbaugh ”
Springs of Cambridge/Bee Camp Creek, Sears/McCord Pointe Arm – McCord Pointe Section 5:
There were neither landowners present nor objections on file.
The Surveyor presented his report to the Board for approval.
“October 1, 2021
To: Hamilton County Drainage Board
Re: Springs of Cambridge–Bee Camp Creek, Sears/McCord Pointe Arm, McCord Pointe Section 5
McCord Pointe subdivision is located south of 96th Street and west of Georgia
Road in the Town of McCordsville, Hancock County, Indiana. Under pre-developed
conditions, storm water from the site drained north to Bee Camp Creek via an existing
culvert under 96th Street and an existing swale on the Sears property. This swale was
improved as the Sears/McCord Pointe Arm per my reported dated June 12, 2019 and approved
by the Board on August 26, 2019. (See Hamilton County Drainage Board Minute Book 18,
Pages 562-564.) Per the plans, the developer, CalAtlantic Homes of Indiana, Inc.,
installed a storm pipe from the subdivision’s detention area to the north side of 96th
street. Per requirements by this office, improvements have been made by the developer to
the swale from 96th street to where the swale outlets into Bee Camp Creek at the south
edge of Brooks Park, Sec. 5 Common Area 13. In addition, the developer also installed a
new surface water culvert under 96th Street as an emergency overflow per the Hamilton
County Highway Department requirements. The improvements received both Highway Dept.
approval for work in the right-of-way and outlet permit from this office for stormwater
discharge to the regulated drain. These two pipe systems and offsite swale in Hamilton
County are an arm to the regulated drain. The rest of the storm system in McCord Point
subdivision, including the pond, is under the jurisdiction of the City of McCordsville
and will not be maintained by Hamilton County.