HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPW-10-19-05-10 ROW Farley Cemetery (\Db rJi51~ 200500083520 Filed for Record in HAMILTOH COUNTY, INDIANA JENNIFER J HAYDEN 12-28-2005 At 02:27 PM. MISC 17.00 RESOLUTION NO. BPW-IO-19-0S-10 A RESOLUTION OF THE CARMEL BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. BPW-7-20-0S-03 AND APPROVING THE TRANSFER OF PROPERTY FROM CLAY TOWNSHIP. HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA WHEREAS, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana ("Township"), has been notified that the City of Carmel, Indiana ("City"), is undertaking an improvement project on 106th Street in the vicinity of the Farley Cemetery which includes the construction of a passing lane ("Project"); and WHEREAS, the City has requested that the Township dedicate certain right-of-way property along the north end of Farley Cemetery, as is mo~e particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and depicted in Exhibit "B" attached hereto (the "Property") in order to facilitate the Project; and , WHEREAS, the Township is the owner of Farley Cemetery, the northern boundary of which extends to the approximate center line of I 06th Street; and WHEREAS, in exchange for the dedication of the Property, the City has agreed to: (I) construct a retaining wall made of Anchor Retaining Wall or substantially similar material approximately 100 feet long and two feet high along the north edge of Farley Cemetery from the eastern boundary as more particularly shown on Exhibit "c" attached hereto; and (2) remove two brick pillars at the entrance to Farley Cemetery (collectively, the "Cemetery Project"), all at the sole cost and expense of the City; and . WHEREAS, the City has agreed to immediately transfer the Property back to the Township in the eveni 106th Street is relocated off of the Property in the future (the "Property Return"); and WHEREAS, the Township has now by its Resolution No. 6-28-2005-2, approved, authorized and agreed to dedicate and transfer the Property to City for public right of way purposes in exchange for the Ci~y performing the Cemetery Project and agreeing to the Property Return; and WHEREAS, the City, by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety, now desires to accept and receive the Property from the Township subject to the terms and conditions of this Resolution. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Public Works and Safety of the City of Carmel, Indiana, as follows: l. The foregoing Recitals are incorporated herein by reference. Page One of Two Pages [Z:\LawlE, Bass\My Documellls\B?W-ResoJUliom\2005\BPW Resolution - RoW 1061h SI._ver4.doc:IO/12/2005 1:16 PM] ~ ~ 'it: t..:l ~ ~ () ~ ...J - l-' o c ::. . c 2. The dedication of the Property to the City by the Township is hereby accepted and approved pursuant to and in accordance with the terms of this Resolution. 3. Mr. Steven Engelking, on behalf of the City, is hereby authorized and directed to take any and all actions necessary and proper to effect the dedication of the Property by the Township to the City. Approved and Adopted this 11 ~y of Ck:.:rb~2005. CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA By and through its Board of Public Works and Safety BY: ~~ J ' es Brainard, Presiding Officer Date: Burke, Member /0-/9-0:, Resolution No. BPW-10-19-05-10 Page One of Two Pages ( '\ Return to: Sandra Johnson City of Carmel- Clerk Treasurer's Office One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 [Z:\Law\E Bass\My Documents\BPW-Resolutions\2005\BPW Rewlution - RoW W6th St,_ver4.dac:/O/12i20D5 J: 16 P.\-l] 'i . ' .EXlIlBlT"J\" Sheet'l i;!fi PrQj ect: eamreI.I06fJ1lj.rtd]jtke~b:qre APART OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTEROn'KG"Y.IClN 7; TOWNSHIP 11 NO'R:l'fi; :RiA1IIDE 4 EAST OFTHES:ECOND PRINCIPAL11ERfDJA:J~t.CLAY'FO~:SH:Il\.1\!AMrLTON COUNTY, lNbIAN"A.. AND BEmOTH.AtPABlrOF'I'FIE c:,.1tA:i<11!Ol:S"),,~-t1h!ltQ, Wl1'HlN 'tB~ Rl.GB:T QF WAY LJ1:I!B'S;l).J;lW:)l$D ON THE ATIAQHl~JiiI'Rt~:tOJi:WA?i PARCEI,P1.).\;T, MAE;h.~J) E'KItterT "I:\j',.MO~')Sl''t1Lt;y tJ'&S'O'I!JJ$EP:A'S~9\~$:: TWENTY. TWQ (2.:lJ FEET OFF TBEENTIRE..}lORl'H El'J\P<OF U'lE gqp;(Jwmo DESCRIBEDPARCEL.OF WHICH .IS RECORDED INTHE OFRlCE OF'l1IEREOO:RDIi1R OF HAlvIILTON COUNTY ASINSTRUMENT1I9.6Q96043"();1: BEGINNlNG ,at!b:eNo.rt&We~ o\)ti1:etorUt,e NQtih'eilst:Q{l!il;t;:r:p'ttkeN15.ti1j'e.1I$!~et ~t S~tio)j7 ,township l;TNorth,.R:an~ 4 EllS,rQf'fue :S:e,cP'.n~;PJ;tnliiiJ)'i1'~di'lft), OlllY TOWiishlpi fla!UiltonCounty,. fut:liaMiA;he'\1oeNt1i1h9~;deNeesl!d)p:IIl11,t<1$';tl'Q ~9'oiJ.#.~ E~~ (assumedbearing}3'1(i).IJO feet en theN.om line ofs'aid,Narlhea;iiiQ)!arter'toca;Wesler~Y' 1lne af:theplat of Glen wood S.uhdivisioq;.the plat'.ofWhioh is;,reCQrdedAn: PJafBMk3tPage<'4!5',in the Offtce of the ReQordet efHanlTItou Cd.\!rity;; In(!ianli:; the fliXfro.Wing;:t.wo (2j'co.Ucie:siilie. Oil tlwpe:dfue:teto{s<lidGlel),Wood :SllnatviS1ort; f)t1tenc~\S<'i.mh,OO,d~gf@:s:O\5'il'irlilllt~SS.O second. East ~6'U)Q feet; 2) thellOe Sm.\th90 degree~,Q;0:(llIn1lte,sI10WQo~W~a1;3';jO;oO' feet to the West Line afth~.N'ortheast Quartet q{s<lrd NQd:ll'e\l;'lt:<maFtilnthep\:~ N9#h ~0 degrees' 05 minutes 50s econd.West 264.'00 feet to tlieBE(jmNlN~:fP-oTht:I', contai.nip:& 2,OO'acres, moreoc less, L TRENTK NEWPORT, a Registere:dLandStu'VeYQI' itithe:Sfate'of'lliiiiaiiit, do bereh)':cettiiythat thi" legal descttiPtwnwas pr(lparedby me OIl l\1aJ' g, ~005"ftQlltthe original d'e:ei:! reoords, 1 further certify that to the best 'limy beli:ef ilIldkm)wledge thra~.yriptiQJ;i isht a,cOrdMC'c'with Title 865,. Article l,.ltule 12 of the Itrdilj.rta Ai:!Illi.riistr"tiv.e Code, TRBNTE, NEWPORT iNtilAf'lA LA:Nb$VE-VEYOR NQ. Ls 1~.~d0021 y( 1/~ ~r: ~ ROAO: COUNTY: SECTION: TOIINSHIP: RANGE: z o o d '" '" C; '" '-' '" ... '" o. .'" . . 1 06TH STREET HAMILTON 7 17 NORTH 4 EAST EXHIBIT "B" DRAWN BY: JO 05-17-05 CHECKED BY : TEN 05-17-05 SCALE: 1"= 50' OWNER: CLAY CIVIL TOWNSHIP RECORD DOCUMENT: INSl #9609604301 _ HATCHED AREA IS THE APPROXIMATE TAKING Thi~ plat was pr~pored from information obtained from the Office 0'/ the Recorder 01 Hamilton County, PLACE OF BEGINNING NW CORNER, NE 1/4, NE 1/4 SECTION 7, T 17 N, R 4 E WEST LINE NE 1/4, NE 1/4 SECTION 7 V' o o d '" '" C; '" Residue' A' '-' '" ... o o. S 90'00'00" W 330.00' . LOT 4 Lon GLENWOOO SUBDIVISION PLA T BOOK 3, PAGE 45 NUMBER DIRECTION L1 S 00'05'50" E L2 N 00'05'50" W NORTH DISTANCE 22.00 FT 22.00 FT TOTAL R!W TAKE RESIDUE ,25' 0 25' .----- '" SCAlJft",.50' . - . .;-'., , ~ g " ~ !i T ~ o ~ .. ~ ~ EXf/18JT lie II . - ~~XI ~!l "i J \' 40.0' (PE ~4"X4.l'.3lj'LONCC ~ONUl.lDlT wry: FOJNO 00 UfIE CX 5ft"ng " lei ~ g ~ ~ ~ fI' ~~~~;;!\ ~50 ~Q ~'" "i'ii .- ~~ , - ~'::;:. llT ~ ~ ~. I~ I~ ~25 .8+00