HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence W" 0 City of Carmel ". .. ....~ DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING August 10,2001 Mr. Jim Rinehart Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038 RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2IProject Review #2 Dear Mr. Rinehart: This second project review is in response to your comment letter and revised plans submitted to this office: PROJECT COMMENTS Item #11 We do not see the "drainage easement" referred to in response to Item #21. We are not comfortable without a Drainage, Utility &Sewer Easement in the back of the lots. If no clearing for a swale in back of these lots will be done, then we will require: . Underdrain down everv side lot line to the rear building pad corner. Since you are proposing tllat "drainage will work in tlle rears of lots 21 tlrrough 27 in exactly the same way as it does today" but do not indicate how additional runoff from roof drains, sump pumps or irrigation systems shall be handled, side yard underdrains must be in place to help resolve potential ponding areas. Additionally, without additional information on the topography to the east and with no swale to catch and re-direct runoff from tlle developed lots, these underdrains must be provided to ensure protection to the existing developed property adjacent to these lots. . Place tllis note on Sheet 3 of tlle drawings: "Due to the tree preservation restrictions, no provisions/or rear yard drainage/or lots 21 through 27 shall be constructed Natural, wooded conditions and ground elevations shall remain unchanged. " . If drainage at tlle rear of lots 21 tlrrough 27 is to be left "as is" to preserve trees, some off-site information should be given to insure tllat drainage from this project does not adversely impact neighboring properties. Item #12 Remove concrete cradle detail on Sheet 12. Item #14 All pipes Witll minimum slopes, including 12 inch RCP proposed at 0.30% slope shall be installed as shown on the plans. Due to tlle previous section having storm sewer slopes installed at less tllan designed slopes, and due to tlle fact tllat tllese current proposed pipes connect to this system, we reQuire tlle placement of the following statement to Sheet 3, next to the Stoon Table, and to all plan and profile sheets: THE STORM SEWER SYSTEM SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED PER DESIGN SPECIFIED AND AS APPROVED BY THE CITY OF CARMEL ON THE FINAL APPROVED CONSTRUCTION PLANS.. DEVlA TlONS FROM THE APPROVED DESIGN SHALL ONLY BE PERMITTED DUE TO SPECIAL CIRCUMSTANCES OR DIFFICULTY DURING CONSTRUCTION AND WILL REQUIRE PRIOR FIELD APPROVAL FROM A DESIGNA TED REPRESENT A TlVE OF THE CITY OF ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2441 \. " \ I 'I -" ..~ ~f~ u o Mr. Jim Rinehart August 10,2001 Page 2 CARMEL IN ADDITION TO SUPPLEMENTAL APPROVAL BY THE DESIGN ENGINEER. AN EXPLANA TION OF ANY SUCH DE VIA TION SHALL BE INCLUDED AS A REQUIREMENT ON AS-BUILT/RECORD DRAWINGS SUBMITTED FOR RELEASE OF PERFORMANCE GUARANTEES. APPROVED DESIGN SLOPES IDENTIFIED AS GENERA TING VELOCITIES OF 2.5 FPS OR LESS SHALL REQUIRE AS-BUILT CERTIFJCA TION AT THE TIME OF CONSTRUCTION. *THE CONTRACTOR SHALL FJELD CHECK EACH SECTION OFSTORM PIPE AS IT IS BEING INSTALLED TO ENSURE COMPLIANCE WITH THE DESIGN PLANS. Item #20 Please show how the TC for the existing structure at the SW comer of Lot 33 shall be adjusted. We believe the existing invert is too shallow to lower the TC to make this swale work for lots 32 and 33. We wiII not accept a field adjustment to address this. Item #22 Please coordinate the connection of Dubany Drive between Brighton Woods and the Lakes at Hazel with Keith Lash, Sclmeider Engineering. I believe this is future Section 10 of the Lakes at Hazel Dell. We want to assure that a smooth profile grade transition for this connection is provided. Please reference this coordination on the plans and include all pertinent elevations and data. OTHER COMMENTS . On Sheet 3, there is a notation that the contractor shall install 6" breather at property line. Wllat is this? . The benclunark is a substantial distance from the site. For construction accuracy, it would be helpful to establish a temporary benclunark on site. . Have all Cannel Utility issues been resolved? I am enclosing a copy of our project bond file. Please note the requirements for approval of construction. I am also enclosing a copy of the calculation of the Availability (acreage) Fees for this project. If you have questions, please contact Kate Weese, Mike McBride or me at 571-2441. :O~ Dick HiII, Assistant Director Department of Engineering Enclosures cc: M. Kate Weese, City Engineer Mike McBride, Assistant City Engineer Laurence Lillig, Department of Community Services Jon Dobosiewicz John Duffy, Cannel Utilities Ray Roehling S:\PROJREVO I \BRIWDS2REV2 u u /\ City of Carmel VIA FAX: 849-5942 Original by mail June 29, 2001 Jim Reinhart Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038 RE: Brighton Woods-Section 2, Secondary Plat (2nd review letter) Dear Jim: This letter is in response to your Secondary Plat filing for Brighton Woods-Section 2. 1 have reviewed the Secondary Plat application. The following comments need to be addressed and plans updated accordingly: 1. The secondary plat number for sheet one is (45-01 SP) not 45-015 P. 2. Label 1 16th Street as "East 1 16th Street". 3. Submit a copy of the covenants. 4. Submit a Landscape Plan and revised Tree Preservation plan to Scott Brewer for review. (I need review letter from Mr. Brewer for approval.) 5. Provide copy of outlet permit from County Surveyor's Office Please submit a revised Secondary Plat with the above-mentioned changes. Once these changes have been made and comments addressed, please produce a mylar copy for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat must be filed with the mylar prior to recording. 1 will forward the signed plat to the engineering department for placement on the Board of Works agenda. Three paper copies and a mylar of the recorded plat must be submitted following recording. Our approval of the secondary plat (signature) will be forthcoming upon revision of the plans according to the items listed above. Sincerely, ~D~~ Planning Administrator Brighton Woods-SP2.rtf Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 , \ ) ~ u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: June 12, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: ' Jon Dobosiewicz RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the following items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Revised Construction Plans with Plat . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: If you have any questions, please contact me at (317) 577-3400 ext. 34. James O. Rinehart IV u u 'Ll~ ROEHLING · DESIGNER · BUILDER ..I. '-.; 11722 BRADFORD PLACE CARMEL. INDIANA 46032 317-846-8881 · FAX317-571-9153 /VI ~ '- 110-7 ttc Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety One Civic Square Carmel, In 46032 '- ~ ~i~, \.-~ ~,~.;.~ ~>/ ~ ~~J; >\ 'V T /), ;j RECEIVED ~\ ~ JUN 4 2002 t:1 ~. DOCS )'9 .}>, ,".); I.; l........... , k~\i;\ ....~J.:~l.~-~ May 30, 2002 Re: Brighton Woods Section 2 Dear Sir, We hereby request secondary approval of the attached plat for Brighton Woods Section 2. Sincerely, ~~~ ~ f)~scLVJ I C. '- {)/L .. . ~ / .._ # } ~ u. ^.~ ~ IJYO ^ ~')r OjA'- ~ tJ- ~VV pop.; 1 JL- t .t vi.) o ~o,) u u Page 1 of 1 Keeling, Adrienne M From: Peggy Kovach [pkovach@indy.rr.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 20043:58 PM To: Keeling, Adrienne M Subject: Re: Brighton Woods Adrienne, Thank you for the info. I know there is still the issue about the drainage, which I addressed with Dan Greskamp. I appreciate your efforts involving the issue. I do hope that the restoration plan includes replanting trees on the existing properties to restore the natural buffer. I plan to have a formal letter to you by the end of next week. Also, what is Mr. Roehling doing about the fence that he has "propped up" with 2x4's behind the home of Ken and Laura Rippe @ 11846 Westwood Drive? I still do not know if other Northwood Hills residents have other issues in addition to the ones I've mentioned, but I will be talking to them soon and send you a letter. In all fairness to the Northwood Hills residents, I think we should be allowed to give our ideas for restoration to the city. We are the ones who have been subjected to the negative affects of the actions of Mr. Roehling. Peggy L. Kovach ----- Original Message ----- From: Keeling. Adrienne M To: 'Peggy Kovach' Sent: Tuesday, May 18,20044:02 PM Subject: RE: Brighton Woods Peggy, Stop Work Orders were placed at two lots along Dubarry Drive last week. Our staff did met with Mr. Roehling on site, discussed his less than desirable construction practices, asked him to make improvements and put his intentions in writing. Yesterday, we received a letter outlining the policies he will implement on these and future lots involving tree preservation areas. His policies are basically this: Building materials will no longer be staged or stored in the preservation area and workers will be asked to remain within the future patio areas and away from drip lines of trees. Also, before commencing work on future lots, staff will make an inspection and aid in determining which trees are to be preserved or removed using the recorded Covenants as a guide. A protective fence will also be placed behind the homes allowing 5' for foot traffic as well as a fence at the 15' "patio line." Mr. Roehling will be working with Scott Brewer on restoration plans. Mr. Roehling also indicated that he would like to apply for variances from the maximum 6' fence height requirement. This would require public hearing before the Board of Zoning Appeals; adjacent property owners would be notified. Based on the letter outlining the policies for future activities in Brighton Woods, the Department felt it was appropriate to release the Stop Work Orders. However, Certificates of Occupancy will still be be withheld pending the discussions with Scott Brewer as well as the fence matters. Adrienne Keeling -----Original Message----- From: Peggy Kovach [mailto:pkovach@indy.rr.com] Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 20042:59 PM To: akeeling@ci.carmel.in.us Subject: Brighton Woods I was just wondering if you got a response from Mr. Roehling. It appears they are working on the house behind me. Peggy L. Kovach 5/19/2004 . ~17 04 07:53a ROEVNG 317~59178 p.2 'DAY ROEHLING · DESIGNER · BUIlDER .6.. '-.; 11722 BRADFORD PlACE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317-846-8881 · FAX 317-571-9153 May 17, 2004 Scott Brewer Director Carmel Forestation Department Re: Tree Protection Measures At Brighton Woods Dear Scott, Thank you for meeting with me on Friday and offering your suggestions to help preserve the health of our trees. We will implement the following policies: I) All lumber, roofing, brick, window well timbers, etc. will be staged from the rear comer of the homes (outside the preservation area). No teladines will be allowed in the SO foot easement or the placement of skids or bunks of material. Materials will be hand carried or wheel barreled to the rear work areas of the home. 2) Carpenters and other trades will be allowed to set up work benches, scaffolds and cut tables in the SO foot easement, however they will be requested to keep work areas in the future patio area or away from the drip lines of trees when ever possible. . 3) Your department will be contacted prior to the clearing of any future lots along the preservation area. We will meet on' site to determine which trees should be preserved and which trees shoUld be removed using the Brighton Woods Coyenant Restrictions as our guide. 4) Once the trees are cleared we.will place a plastic fence at the rear comers of the home with only a 5 foot opening for foot traffic. In addition we will pl~ce a plastic fence in the rear yard at 15 foot maximum 6lPatio" line to keep foot traffic out of the majority of the rear~. Thank you again for you SU8ftions and your prompt on site review. sm~~ Raymond Roehling Cc: Jon D.obosiewicz --- -~-_._-------------~-- ~ ,~ u (.) City of Carmel VIA FAX: 849-5942 May 17,2001 Jim Reinhart Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, IN 46038 RE: Brighton Woods-Section 2, Secondary Plat Dear Jim: This letter is in response to your Secondary Plat filing for Brighton Woods-Section 2. I have reviewed the Secondary Plat application. The following comments need to be addressed and plans updated accordingly: Primary Plat: I. Remove the Abandoned Legal Drain Easement 2. Add docket number 60-98 PP to the face of the plat. 3. Add secondary plat number (45-01) to the face of the plat. 4. Label I 16th Street as "East I 16th Street". 5. Label Hazel Dell Parkway on plat adjacent to common area 4. 6. Submit a copy of the covenants. 7. Label drainage easement in common area #4. 8. Remove Plan Commission certificate from sheet 2 and 3. 9. Submit a Landscape Plan and revised Tree Preservation plan to Scott Brewer for review. Please submit a revised Secondary Plat with the above-mentioned changes. Once these changes have been made and comments addressed, please produce a mylar copy for signature by this Department. Two paper copies of the plat must be filed with the mylar prior to recording, and three paper copies and a mylar of the recorded plat must be submitted following recording. Our approval of the secondary plat (signature) will be forthcoming upon revision of the plans according to the items listed above. Sincerely, !:b A~~g Administrator Brighton W oods-SP 1 Page I ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 Fax u u CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services , One CMc Square Carmel, IN 4SJ32 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 To: -.J\ ~ R€.lt-J'i~\ Fax: B Lf , - S1 .." From= ~ O~ boGC>.5/~W'/GZ Phone: Pages: "'Z. Date: .5; 7ft? I Re: ~(2..I~ \v()ohS".fk.~ cc= o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle it 1 w u ;""'f C' :<;., ;~..J. .9-'-~~~~<" (f~'-u/ ~\~\ ',' "'" 't," :.: ~ ~i :-' '" * 0 =;, .*," %:~ Z.,;'} .""?:~( --Ii -_'_--C,,{~:1Y ">,.ON.,-'" ., -- City of Carmel DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2fPI'ojt'ct Rc\'icw #1 May 7. 200 I Mr. Jim Rineharl Sloeppelwerlh & Associales, Inc. 9940 Allison\'ille RO;ld Fishers, IN 4003S Dear Mr. Rinehart: We apologize for the delay in our response. We offer Ihe following commenls regarding Ihis projecl: GENERAL I. The projecl sile is localed with Cll/TCnl City of Cannel Corporale Limits. 2. JURISDICTIONS . Slrcets - City of Carmel . Walcr and Sanitary Se\\er - City of Carmel . Slorm Sewer/Storm Drainage - Cily of Cannel 3. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY APPROVALS: . Water and Sanilary Sewer Availabilil~ . Secondary PIal . Irrigalion Syslems or other pennanenl installations in dedicaled easemenls or right of ",ay. If the inslallation is in a dedicated easement. a Consenl to Encroach Agreemelll will be required. This agreement requires BPW apprO\'al. If Ihe installalion is in dedicated righl of way. BPW approval is required. I am enclosing a schedule of Board of Public Works and Safely meeling dales and agenda deadlines for your use, Please use Ihe Engineering Department deadlines for submissions 10 lhe Board. 4. WATER AND SANITARY SEWER AVAILABILITY (ACREAGE) FEES: . Water -- X.7ci2 platted acreage ((I. $I.OlO.(J() per acre =, $ iUQ9.()() . Sanitary Se\\er - X.742 plalled acreage (ii: $1.30).00 per acre = $ J I. IJ3.1.00 TOlal Availabilily (acreage) Fees $20.702.00 5. IDEM PERMITS: IDEM Permits for waler and for sanilary sewers are required for lhis projecl. This orfice will nol approve Ihe DO lAC 3-2 Conslruction Permil for Ihis projecl prior 10 BPWS approval ofwaler and sanitary sewer availability. Addilionally. please submil approved copies of Ihe following: . NOlice of Inlenllo ConslruCI a Waler Main b:tension . Capacily Certificalionf Allocation Leller G. TAC. REVIEW/DRAWINGS SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: We request all comments and commentlellers generaled by Ihis orfice be answered in wriling and be accompanied by a drawing renecling requested revisions. Final drawings will not be approved for construclionunlil ;111 issue Il<l\,(~ been resohed. All Cannel Utility issues Illusl also be rcsolved. The design engineer 1II11s1 certify all drawings sublllilled for final approval. This orlice will require a lIIinilllulll or 11\'c-sClS or apprmed drawings aneI' all issues hme been resolvcd. The drawings will be ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2441 u u Mr. Jim Rinchart May 7. 200 I Pagc 2 approvcd and signcd by the City Engineer and the Dircctor Cannel Utilities. The Developer/Owner will receive one-set which must be maintained on the construction site at all times. Cannel Utilities will receive two-sets. Our Public Works Inspector will receive onc-set and the final set will be maintaincd in the Departmcnt of Engineering. If more than five-sets are requested to be approved, the additional sets must be submitted with the required five-sets. 7. Carmel Utilities will provide a separate review of this project for water and sanitary sewer issues. 8. I am enclosing copies of the following with this correspondence: . Subdivision Project Approval Procedures . Performancc Relcase Proccdure . Scwer Permit Requirements . Strcet Signage Requircments . Construction Appro\'C11 Check List 9. STORM SEWERS/STORM DRAINAGE STATEMENT: The .\1orm sewer system shall be cOlIstructed per llesigll specified and as approvell by the City of Carmel on tlte filial approved colt.vtructioll plllns*. Deviatiolts from the approved desiglt shllll OIl{1' be permitted due to special circll/1l.\1ances or difficulty during constructioll llltd will require prior field approval from a designated represelltative of tlte City of Carmel ill addition to supplemental approval by the desigll ellgilleer. All explallation (~r any such deIJiatioll sltall be included as a requirement 011 lis-built/record drawings suhmitted fllr release of Performance Guarantees. Approved design slopes idelltijied liS gellerating l'elocities (if 2.5 fps or less sltall require as huilt certification at the time (~r construction. *11w contraL1or is strollg{I' encouraged to as-huilt eaclt section Of storm pipe Y5. !.!. ~ beinJ: illstalled to ensure compliance witlt the desigll plans. Wc cncourage the placement of this statcmcnt on each stonn sewer plan and profile sheet. PROJECT COMMENTS 10. Match cxisting (M.E.) notations along the rcar property lines of lots 21 through 27 are not acceptable. Indicate cxisting elevations. II. Show how the drainagc plan will work in the rear of lots 21 through 27. This office would suggest the followi ng: . Relocate inlets 825 and 826 to align with the property line between lots 25 and 26. Set a stmcture at the rear property line between lots 25 and 26 and connect the stmcture to inlet 826. . Relocate structure 8218 to the rcar propcrty line between lots 21 and 22. . Establish a high point between lots 23 and 24. 12. Carmel docs nOI utili/.e concrete cradles. Substitute stone for concrete wherever applicable. 13. Matcli [lie tups or SIOill1 pipe ,It c11()jJ~; 14. We are concerned that some of the Oat slopes indicated are not steep enough to maintain velocity to keep pipes clean from scdiment buildup. 15. Show sanitary sewer crossings on storm plan and proliles. ] 6. Where is inlet lQo? Drainage cales indicate it connects to an existing] 2-inch line. ] 7. On Sheet 3. has the legal drain easement been vacated? The plans need to indicate this. 18. On Sheet 3. label the 50-foot casement. Sanitary sewer. D.U. & S. E.? 19. The correct street namc is Hazel Dell Parkway. not Ha7.eldale Parkway. 20. At the Southwest cOrller of lot 33. the corner eIevat ion is indicated to be 750.6 with the rim elevation of the existing yard inlet al 751.73. Will the TC be adjusted? 21. On sheet 4. Tree Presenation. the area althe rear propel1y line of lots 21 through 27 will require clearing to I)l'O\'idc for a drainage swale. 22. Show the future street connection with the Lakes at Hazel Dell. .. ~ ~.l u u Mr. Jim Rinchart May 7. 200 I Pagc :; Thc abovc commcnts arc bascd upon thc Enginccling Dcpartmcnt 's initial review. Plcase provide our officc with a follow-up Icucr and revised plans. indicating all revisions. Sccond and subsequent rcviews will focus only on rcvised itcms. It is critical that our office be made awarc of all modilications made on the plans being re-submilled for review, particularly if any such changes are considered "ncw" m fall outside of our initial rcvicw. If you have questions. plcasc contact Katc Wcesc or mc at 571-2441. rJ1uLu Dick Hill. Assistant Director Department of Engincering Enclosures cc: M. Kate Wcesc. City Enginccr Laurcnce Lillig. Departmcnt of COllllllunity Scrviccs John Duffy. Carmel Utilitics Ray Rochling S:\PROJREVO I \BRI WDS2 u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 ,',' ~ I.~~~~ '!.~I? io'!PItliJ Do. . lO(Jj ~S ' DATE: April 27, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: IDEM - Facility Construction Section 100 North Senate Avenue Suite 1203' Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-6015 ATTENTION: RE: Don Worley Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the foUowing items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO: 1 Set Construction Plans ., , 1 SPC15 Application -- 1 List of Affected Persons 1 Certificate of Professional Engineer 1 Signed W asteloadAllocation Letter , THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use , REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u u City of Carmel Fire Department Headquarters 2 CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2600 i ~~~~~W'~UJ APR 25 2Q01 DOCS James O. Rinehart IV Stoeppelwerth & Associates 9940 Allisonville Rd. Fishers, IN 46038-2005 RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 LETTER OF APPROVAL The undersigned has reviewed the proposed plans for Brighton Woods, Section 2 and has approved the plans subject to the following: 1. Is Dubarry Dr. connected to an existing street at the north end? If not, an emergency turn around will need to be provided to allow the turning of emergency equipment. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Please respond to the above noted condition(s) in writing and submit to our office prior to the scheduled Technical Advisory Meeting for this project. Date: April 3. 2001 By: Gary Hoyt, Fire Marshal Carmel Fire Department Fire Prevention Saves Lives and Property {) o Lot 23, Brighton Woods Aprill9, 2004- Inspection by Scott Brewer and Adrienne Keeling 1 Q <) 2 o (J - ~~ " ;_.. .;.. 3 . o o 4 APR 18 '01 08:27AM P.1/1 u - ; XclltOIl C. 'tr'ar", SUr/'eyOI' (l'f;olle (J'7) '77j;.~4-9 5 ('1=11,\' (~17' 77b-;ll;J.J Sulle ,8S. O,re ..Hllmllloll Cel/l/lty S'I'Wfl' ;N"b1esl'il/t. IlIllillllU 46oS\'.~~3(l April 18. 2001 Jim Rinehart Stoeppelwerth &. Assoc. Re: Briehton Woods, Sec.2 1 have reviewed the plans for this project and have the following comments. I, The Outlet Permit for the portion of the site that discharges into the va Mitchner Drain has been received. 2. The Moffit Drain and easement shown on the plans has been abandoned on this site. Based on this, I have a few recommendations. a. Label the drain and easement as having been abandoned. This may avoid conft.tsion in future title work. b. Crush or remove the existing drain across this site. As shown. several houses are proposed over the tile. c. Tie the existing tile into the stonn sewer system of the subdivision at the upstream end neat lot 29, Add a note to this effect on the plans. d. Add a note that any other field tiles encountered during construction are to be tied into the storm sewer system. e. Add a breather nem' the east property line on the existing tile. 3. This site is located within the city limits of Carmel. The design approval of the storm system falls under the jurisdiction of the City Engineer's office. If you have any questions. please feel free to contact this office at 776-8495. - teven T. Cash Plan Reviewer Cc: Cannel DOCS Carmel Eng. SCS Co. Hwy .... !', ~': .': j; ~lf !.. ". ~I' ., .' ~;. " ~'. ., ~. : <" ..1 "'. ,. '" , ; ,. ~:: ~. ,. , ;~' .,. 'r, " " ~ " <. ~.. 'I: ,.. "!' ~~ ... ~:' ( ;': , ~ . ,'1 ~., ., .. 04/18/2001 08:29 317-77,6-1101 HAMILTON CO USDA PAGE 01/02 110BSouIh 9tlaStrut NDblesvlllt, Ilf(606fi.JUS Ph. (3'17) 773-1432 FIIX (317) 77~1101 '. 1'.Jo.. . , ~!R~fe Drainage. BrosIOll and ~ent Control p~~~, y ,y ~\ Teclmiea1.Review 8Ild Comment ,~~ \\ ;,' ~\. ~jed ~~e.: SUbmiued &r; . i_): . ,i. ~ ".' 1 ,1 ~. .;, ;'::j . /....;' : . '<"/>" /~,','(""/ . t3flt~H7'ON ),/0005 ,S~t:!.1.' "','j':"r'". y/-:(V/' I?AYJ1DND RALIIJ../Hr. 's.,-OEPPEL. W'E2TK +-A~iifiAi::l/ /1'lZZ BRADJl'lhef) P~'E 99'10 AI.LI60,A/V/~LE ~. CAR,#I.(..:rAt +'~D3.'J' ~~HGe.~ ~ Q4,Q!J8 lleviewed ~ "..:J6HN 8. S"07"~ , plail RevieW Procedure; ,'Site Vwt Date: , Loeatien:: Lt&al Descdptio~ ,~C. :'J41 . .. , 'T~~ I,AI . .,' ,-.- ~~ReYleWDa~ ~~/ Range: 1./ E.. . ' Civil "l'eWDsh.ip: ~LAJ' , , me ~,niWirW Dna CDI1J11IDIIs are thtendd to ewzlUtJte ,.. t:lNIIpletentm if tits !1I'OfItm anti setlimenl contrDI . lIzrt~ tiU,'rl- ~ VtIriDn and zedilMJll Co1fll'01 p/tIn w/JmItted~ not rmewdfOl' 1M t1deqva:y oflhe ~~ ;AJJ~~wkt11n Ihsp/an. aswJl tzr~~iniMCDIrIIM1ftSmould be -UIiJed {llio iJMdr fet1rib~ by a pal!fted tndtvldUDl with ~ practicu tWIgnsd by Q quaJifzeJ engineer. . . 21Is p1iIII Jui;;~ ~ i<<viewiuJ for 10CCl' stall: or ftJeraI pertnlU thttt may be requlNd to prix:<<d with this ,'. ec:t ~ fr(ornuitIpif. ilJcllldfng design. calcukztltmS DUZy be requerted to jitrtJwr e:wJ/UDt'-lh,- ll/'OSiorr . ___~'Oi.'_ ' ' " ~tN.v.:I'f":'M" . . . ~ . ne eiosIon'8nd,.umc!nt contra) plan has been reyiewed and ~Jsas boeD detamlDed dIat the plaD:. II , . S8!isfies 'th~l;Inh1hnUlb.' requlrements.aD~ inteDi of 321IAC 15-S (Rule 5). Notific;atioo wiD be forwarded to ~e IDdian& DcputzDent of' &vironmental'Management .. .. ~ . . ,Refer to the Q)DUDllIlfS section for additional information. D' ',0 Does Dot~tY the minimum ~uirements and intent of327IAC 15-5 (Rule'S); de6cil:ncics are noted in :the dteck:USt aDd in the comments section. Deficiencies constitute potential viollllion of the rUle and htust , ' . be acI.cqua1cly addressed for compliance. The infonnation necessary to satisfy the deficiencies must be , " " su~ittect' . Please address revisions tu the revj~er. Pt-opei-:imp[ementation ofthtJ erosion and sedimel'. control pIll" unJ inspections'ofthe constnlCtJo1l,site by rlie devdopu or a reprumtallwl are necessary to mlnimtu oJl-site sedJmenlalfon. The cIswlope should be ~e that unjbruan t:Ot/$/rUr:IiOn actMtlu and wetlther conditloM may effect the ped"om"lIfoe 0/ Q pt"Q(Jtiu or the. D'D6ion and sedimenl cqntrolplan. Tk plDn musl he D flaible Jocume.nl. with J1H'Visir.HU to modify 01' mbst;tut~ pI'fICllcc os~. , .... " !:. ; ,,' i; ~ !!, f! . l>. ",' .', :! : " I il. I; " j. ," " '., ~: ~;' ,. ..' , . i .... 04/18/2001 08:29 PAGE 02/02 317-77F--1101 ,U HA~ILTON CO USD~ EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL pr~AN TECHNICAL REVIEW . COMMENTS klP>D~ SEt:: z. ~ ~""-~)\ ~~\\:","" ~t.~\\ ~~~\ ~.. ~\>C~ Project el.ld,J/7~.N p,goa of...z... / Not<<: .4.11 eros/01l tuIIl.sedJmlflft control mBIJSfII'f!S shown 011 the plans and referenced III this revlirMi must meet the 1.<'> , de3lgn ~/te1'1fl, lIahdarda, and spec!f1catlons outltned 111 the. "lndfaNl Handbook/or &wioll Colltrl,liri.) 7'.'i-r " 1,;./ Devsloping beDs" from the Indiana DepQ1'tmeJIJ ofNatul'al ResOUl'C8S, Division o/Soil COlUlnlotion or iimilar--- GUidance Documents. ' -, , :=~/ /. ,rHe 4 )(/~r//Ve;. L)~A"N 7ZLE A'IEbS 7"D 8L Cel.JSH6D. ~ cc: .5. CASH L.. "'/JJ/~ :ZO/!t~ FILE Jim Rinehart Stoeppelwerth & Assoc. :Kenton C. 'Ward, Sll11l0:9c:{\SJ~YDl0~0 Suite IgS rpnonc (JI7) 77~-S~~5 If/-- "<~ ,One Jiamdton County S,quare 'Tax (JI7l 77b-~1b2g t,;; . .t. ,(~obleslldlc, IndIana 46obO-223o (f~;1 lR~ \~j '~J :APR 18 2001 Fj! -,\ tV\Nl t--j 'It) ~ /-.'Y \/\. <;1/ \<'~l~",..~-,--\<~<Y '(-!l..._..~_.L_-:~'~->'/ April 18, 2001 Re: Brighton Woods, Sec.2 I have reviewed the plans for this project and have the following comments. w 1. The Outlet Permit for the portion of the site that discharges into the UG Mitchner Drain has been received. 2. The Moffit Drain and easement shown on the plans has been abandoned on this site. Based on this, I have a few recommendations. a. Label the drain and easement as having been abandoned. This may avoid confusion in future title work. b. Crush or remove the existing drain across this site. As shown, several houses are proposed over the tile. c. Tie the existing tile into the storm sewer system of the subdivision at the upstream end near lot 29. Add a note to this effect on the plans. d. Add a note that any other field tiles encountered during construction are to be tied into the storm sewer system. e. Add a breather near the east property line on the existing tile. 3. This site is located within the city limits of Carmel. The design approval of the storm system falls under the jurisdiction of the City Engineer's office. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact this office at 776-8495. -- teven T. Cash Plan Reviewer w Cc: Carmel DOCS Carmel Eng. SCS Co. Hwy U /0 , LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 .t ~~~~~ ~~R SO 2001 ooC$ "I /. , / ,/.,1; , / DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Department of Community Services' 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Laurence Lillig, Jr. RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the following items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. . 2 Sets Construction Plans 2 Secondary Plat 1 Report Describing Water, Sanitary, Sewer & Drainage Systems 1 Subdivider Agreement Form 1 Plat Application with Description 1 Transmittals to Agencies THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For Approval x I As Requested I For Review and Comment XI ForYourUse REMARKS: c James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling .. u o J LETTER OF TRANSl\1ITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46638-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: IDEM - Facility Construction Section 100 North Senate Avenue Suite 1203 Indianapolis, Indiana 46206-6015 ATTENTION: Don Worley RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the following items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 SPC15 Application 1 List of Affected Persons 1 Certificate of Professional Engineer 1 Signed Wasteload Allocation Letter THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: r ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James o. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u o LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Carmel W aterlW astewater Utilities 130 First Avenue SW Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Paul Pace RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the foUowing items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans t Secondary Plat t NOI Water Permit t Wasteload Allocation Application 1 Wasteload Allocation Letter THESE ARE TRANSl\'llTTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: . 29648 TO: City of Carmel City Engineer 1 Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Dick Hill RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the foRowing items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPfION NO. t Set Construction Plans t Secondary Plat t Storm Calculations t Wasteload Allocation Application THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval x ] As Requested . [ ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038.2005 . Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849.5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Hamilton County Soil & Water 1108 South Ninth Street N oblesviIle, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: John South RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the foRowing items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. t Set Construction Plans t Secondary Plat t Storm Calculations THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u o LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishen, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Hamilton County Surveyor One Hamilton County Square Suite 188 Noblesville-, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Steve Cash RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [Xl Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the foRowing items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat , 1 Storm Calculations 1 Indirect Outlet Request THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For A@,proval X] For Your Use X ) As Requested ] For Review and Comment REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AUisonville Road Fishen, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Deputy Building Commisioner One Civic Square Carme~ Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Jeff Kendall RE:. Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the foUowing items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u (,) LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Al1isonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Department of Community Services Urban Forrester One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Scott Brewer RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU (X] Attached [ ] Ul1der Separate cover via . the following items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat - ( j THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment Xl ForYourUse REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942' DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Hamilton County Local Emergency Planning Committee 18100 Cumberland Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060-1624 ATTENTION: Robert Hendricks RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attaehed [ ] Under Separate cover via the foUowing items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u Q , LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC~ 9940 AUisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31,2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Indiana Gas Company 15900 Allisonville Road Noblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Mary Shultz RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the following items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION , NO. t Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31,2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Carmel Clay Parks Department 1055 Third Avenue SW Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: John Lester RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the foUowing items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as cheeked below: ] For Approval x J As Requested J For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James o. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u Q LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUl\'IBER: 29648 TO: Hamilton County Sheriff Department 18100 Cumberland Road N oblesville, Indiana 46060 ATTENTION: Lt. Joe Cook RE: Brighton W ood~, Section 2 " WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the following items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE:L March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Carmel Clay Schools 5185 East 131 st Street Carmel, Indiana 46033 ATTENTION: Ron Farrand RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the foRowing items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat . . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Carmel Communications 31 First Avenue NW Carme~ Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Bill Akers RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 --0- WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the following items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION - NO. - 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval x J As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. i- u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Time Warner Cable 3030 Roosevelt Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Tony Homes . RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X ] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the following items: COPIES SHEET ~ DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat ~ THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For Approval X] As Requested I For Review and Comment x I For Your Use REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPEL WERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 AIlisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: Office of Fire Marshal Fire Station #1 Two Civic Square Carme~ Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Gary Hoyt RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the foUowing items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat . THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ) For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. u u LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL STOEPPELWERTB & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB NUMBER: 29648 TO: PSI Cinergy 1441 South Gilford Carmel, Indiana 46032 ATTENTION: Dean Groves RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attac.hed [ ] Under Separate cover via the following items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ] For Approval X] As Requested ] For Review and Comment X] For Your Use REMARKS: James o. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr. U i...) LETTER OF TRANSl\1ITTAL STOEPPELWERTH & ASSOCIATES, INC. 9940 Allisonville Road Fishers, Indiana 46038-2005 Phone (317) 849-5935 FAX (317) 849-5942 DATE: March 31, 2001 JOB- NUMBER: 29648 TO: ~ Ameritech 5858 North College Avenue Indianapolis, Indiana 46220 ATTENTION: Steve Krebs RE: Brighton Woods, Section 2 WE ARE SENDING YOU [X] Attached [ ] Under Separate cover via the following items: COPIES SHEET DESCRIPTION NO. 1 Set Construction Plans 1 Secondary Plat THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ) For Approval x ) As Requested ] For Review and Comment X) For Your Use REMARKS: James O. Rinehart IV Cc: Ray Roehling Laurence Lillig, Jr.