HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarmel/Clay Twp Zoning
.THIS SUPPLEMENTAL. AGREEMENT made and entered into by and
between the City of Carmel ,Indiana, hereinafter referred. to as
"City", and Clay Tqwnsl1ip of Hamilton County, Indiana, hereinafter
referred to as "'lbwnship"', WITNESSETH:..
. WHEREAS, .thepartieshereto entered into a Zoning Agreement
a's of the 1st day of January, 1983: and
WHEREAS, paragraph 4 thereof reads .as . follows:
.4. At the end of the year 1983 ,the. to.tal of all.
expenditures made in the year 1983 for zoning. expense shall
be. computed and. from that amoun t all. income received, by the
City in connection with .the operation of the zoning laws of
the City, shall be deducted and the net cost to the taxpayers
shall thereby be computed. If the amount of. the. cost of th'e
taxpayers for the year 1983 is less than Ninety-Five Thousand
Eight Hundred Sixty-,One Dollars ($95,861.00), then and in
that event, the money budgeted and unspent shall be .applied
against the budget for 1984, and the pro-rata share of. the
,Township of. the budget for 1984. shall be reduced accordingly:
WHEREAS, the, parties hereto entered into a subsequent Zoning
Agreement as of the .1st d<ly'of Janu.ary, 1984: and
'WHEREAS, paragraph 1 of said 'subsequent agreement reads as
follows .:
1. The Township agrees to pay the slim of Twenty-Nine
Thousand Dollars ($29,000.00) unto the City on or before July
14, 1984, and the additional sum of Twenty-Eight Thousand
. Seven Hundred Sixty-Three Dollars ($28,763.00), to the City
,on or before December 31, 1984: .
WHEREAS, it has been determined that the Township is entitled
to a credit of Fifty-Four Thousand Eight Hundred Six Dollars and
Supplemen,. l' ring Agreement
Ipage Two.
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'Six Cents, (~54,B06.06) far its share af the incame received.by the
City in the year 19B3 in cannectian with its aperatian af .the
zo.ning laws; and
WHEREAS, it has been determined' that ,the unpaid balance o.f
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'. the amauntdue fro.m the Township to. the City far its share af
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zo.ning expenses under the' 19B4 can.tract is Two. Tho.usand Nine
Hundred' Fifty-Six Dallars and Ninety-FaurCents($2,956.g4); and
WHEREAS, it has been determined that a pickup truck shauld be
pracured far the' use o.f theperso.nnel in the Building Cammis-
.~ianer'saffice in the City;
and 'rbwnShip that the Zaning Agreement entered into. as o.f the 1st
. .
day of January, 19B3, sho.uld be. mo.dified and amended as fallaws:
1. The tatal cash payment due fram the Township to. the City
shall be reduced to. the sum .af Two. Thausand Nine Hundred Fifty-Six
. Dallars and Ninety:-Fo.ur Cents ($2,956.94) , which shall be due and .
payable on o.r befo.re 'December 31, 19B4.'
,2;' Subjecttotheappraval' of the State Bo.ard of Tax.
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. COmmissianers,the 'j?awnship agrees to. appropriate Nine Thausand
Dollars ($9,000.00) to. be used far the purchase and acquisitian af
a. pickup tr uck to. be furn ished to.. .the affice af the. Build ing
Commi ss ioner,
3.. The Clty agrees .ta takedeliveryof the pickup truck to.
qe pu'rchased purs uant to., thi s 'agreement, to. 'pay the costs o.f the
aperation thereaf, to. carryall necessary insu:rance an the truck
and .the persOnnel using ,the truck, and to. save the Tawnship harm-
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Supplememt:al' hing Agreement
Pa,ge Three
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less from any and all liability in connection therewith~A'copy
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.of the liability insurance policy on the truck to be procured by
'the ci'ty shall be furnished to the Township.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City and the Township by and through
their duly elected, qualified and acting officials have hereunto
'caused their names to be affixed and their seals to be affixed as
of the 15th <lay of October, 1984.
C IT Y OF CARM'EL, Ham il ton' Co un ty ,
Ind iana
~... .
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,'. . ..... ~~erk~TreaSUrer
CLAY TOWNSHIP; Hamilton County,
Ind iana .
. 'iJ..Lk?l//-=uL ..
'. .'. " ...Trustee
. .
Cay Township Advisory Board'