HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 11-06-01
November 6, 2001
2. Docket No. 47-01 CA; The Retreat
Petitioner seeks Commitment Amendment approval to revise the approved Preliminary
Site Plan and No Build Zone. The site is located north ofI-465 and west of Westfield
Blvd. The site is zoned R-4 Residential.
Filed by Harry F. Todd of Gibraltar Properties for Gibraltar Properties, Inc.
The Department is removing this item form the agenda. The applicant has made improvements
required under the subject commitment amendment request eliminating the need for the
requested amendment. The Plan Commission meeting memo was written prior to the delivery of
the attached letter from Harry Todd of Gibraltar Properties and this was not identified as being
removed from the agenda.
The Department requests that this withdrawal be addressed at the beginning of the
meeting to avoid any interested parties waiting for the item to come up on the agenda.
Committee Report 2001-11-6.rtf
11/81/28B1 11:11
By facsimile and
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October 29, 200 1
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10hn Dobosiewicz
City of Cannel
Department of Community Services
One Civic Square
Cannel, IN 462032
Re: Carmel Special Studies Committee/Plan Commission
Docket No.: 47-o1CA: The Retreat
Dear John:
As you know, the only unresolved item from the above-referenced Petition to
Modify Commitments was GPI at Carmel, L.P.'s request to eliminate the pathway
around the lake at The Retreat. In my letter to you dated July 6, 2001, I requested that
the Special Study Committee and the Plan Commission table that issue. Since that
time, GPl at Carmel, L.P. hasre-evaluated its position and installed the pathway
around the lake at The Retreat. Therefore, GPI at Carmel, L.P. withdraws its request
to modify the previous commitments by eliminating that path. The withdrawal of that
request should resolve all of the issues from the Petition as originally filed.
In your letter to me dated July 6, 2001, you raised certain concerns regarding
the required landscaping along Westf1eld Boulevard within the Hamilton County
Highway Department's right-of-way. It is my understanding that an ordinance has been
intJ:oduced to the Carmel City Council to annex The Retreat into the City. If that
annexation ordinance is passed, the Hamilton County Highway Department will no
longer have jurisdiction over this matter and, it is my further understanding, that the
City of Carmel will permit us to install the required landscaping along Westfield
Boulevard in the right-of-way.
One additional development that has occurred since this matter was tabled is that
the Carmel-Clay P8.1"ks and Recreation Board has required a further modification of The
Retreat's original site plan to accommodate the pedestrian pathway providing access
from the Neighborhood Park to the Manon Trail. The Parks Board's requirement only
affects the portion of our project west of Ream Creek. The Parks Board wants the
pedestrian pathway installed south of the cell tower site and out of the way of the
GibraJtu Properties, IDe. · 3815 .RIver Crossing ParkwaY1 Suite 350 · indianapolis, Indiana ~240
Phone 31781609000 · Fax 317 81609001
11/81/2B81 11:11
John Dobosiewicz
October 29. 200 1
Page -2-
relocated access easement for the cell tower. As a result of this change. the building
layout on our western tract has been revised as shown on the enclosed site plan.
The original zoning commitments for The Retreat permitted modifications
required by other governmental reviewing agencies. Accordingly,> we believe that this
modification of the site plan required by the Parks Board does not require the approval
of the Cannel Plan Commission. However, if the Department believes we should first
obtain approval of the Carmel Plan Commission, we would be happy to appear before
the Special Study Committee on November 6, 2001 and then before the full Plan
Commission to discuss the Parks Board's changes to our site plan.
If this site plan modification is approved, GPI at Cannel. L.P. will execute and
record the enclosed Conunitments Concerning the Use and Development of Real Estate
(relating to the previously approved modification that permitted constrUction of the
maintenance building in the no-build zone) and the Amended Commitments Concerning
the Use and Development of Real Estate incoxporating the revised overall site plan as
approved by the Plan Commission.
Thank you for your continuing assistance and cooperation on this matter. If you
have any questions regarding 1:bis letter or the enclosures, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
With best regards,
Harry P. Todd
General Counsel
cc: Deb Grisham
Tatnmy Haney
11/B1/2B81 11:11
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