HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 07-10-01 CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT REPORT July 10, 2001 2. Docket No. 47-01 CA; The Retreat Petitioner seeks Commitment Amendment approval to revise the approved Preliminary Site Plan and No Build Zone. The site is located north ofl-465 and west of Westfield Blvd. The site is zoned R-4 Residential. Filed by Harry F . Todd of Gibraltar Properties for Gibraltar Properties, Inc. The Plan Commission has approved commitment amendments regarding a minor revision to the building layout along the northern boundary, a relocation of the tennis courts, a revision to the clubhouse site plan, and elimination ofthe pier as well as the placement of a maintenance building along the southern edge of the project. The Special Studies Committee tabled consideration ofthe request to eliminate the path around the lake to be considered at the July committee meeting. The applicant indicated that the Army Corps of Engineers has identified areas on both the north and south banks of the lake as pre-emergent wetlands and that installation of the path would disturb these areas. Last month the department recommend that the amendment be approved, but that the petitioner be required instead to install a ten-foot-wide multi-use path along the length ofthe project's Westfield Boulevard frontage. The Department has visited the site and taken photos ofthe area in front of the site along Westfield Boulevard are attached. At the June 5, 2001 committee meeting the applicant indicated that the landscaping would prohibit the installation of a path. Based on the photos it does not appear that the placement oflandscaping would interfere with the installation of a path (see attached, original photos will be available at the meeting). In fact if the landscaping has been placed in the right-of-way it will need to be relocated to an area outside the right-of-way. The County Highway Department has confirmed that there is sufficient right-of-way as along the west side of Westfield Boulevard to produce these improvements. The applicant dedicated right- of-way pursuant to the county thoroughfare plan at the time the site was developed. The Department believes that further review is necessary to determine the appropriate layout of a path along Westfield Boulevard. The Department recommends that the Committee direct the applicant to produce plans illustrating the installation of the path to be reviewed at the next Special Studies meeting scheduled for August 7, 2001. Committee Report 2001-07-10.rtf o o -"""'~ ---.~ ~...... ~~!- -""" .....--...: ~ (.) o r ~....~s tr - ~~"'- :. _ \0. r -- -''l....~ -, ~ 1-= _"""".....J ...... ~ . j . 'If, ~ !O'; .. CI' ... (. ~;j ':l Q o , ..I. ,/~. f 'i fJ ; - j . t, o o -- -- .~.- -."................ ----~ "---- ...: "- --:.r"';" _ ~-"""- __ -.. - - - ~ ~ -. . - - 1- ~ _ I ~l~...... : ~..... .., ~ .'.4. .. ;:; . ... '" ~ R ~ I:l e I;i rt ~ ~ - -...:.........,. ...~ ---~ -~~ I -.-~..,~~ .... ::;. \;' c:_~~ .....~' ; ~ "' ~- .. - --- '!! .......i , . ,; City of Carmel CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION MEMORANDUM Date: July 5, 2001 To: Plan Commission Members From: Jon C. Dobosiewicz Department of Community Services Re: July 10 Plan Commission Committee Meetings - Department Reports Please find attached Department Reports for the items contained on the July 10th Agenda for both the Special Studies and Subdivision Committee meetings. I have also attached a copy of the Agenda for each meeting for your convenience. If you have any comments or questions please do not hesitate to call at 571-2417. Very truly yours, Jon C. Dobosiewicz Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417