HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange_Order__3;_Biancofiori_Masonry,_Inc.;_($1,830.24);_Carmel_Data_Center;_CO__3;_Engineering DocuSign Envelope ID: E5671049-8E1B-493D-8964-FFA5OFBBDABF [APPROVED �Y V Y t#rwrY NP a!f 55Crrc M rV 06,JOJJ CITY OF CARMEL TO: CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER NO.: 3 Biancofiori Masonry, Inc. DATE: 4/27/2022 701 Erie Street PROJECT NAME: Carmel Data Center Lafayette, IN 47904 CITY REQ. NO.: CITY PO NO.: CITY PO DATE: I- You are directed to make the following changes in this Contract: (Brief Description) Add block at doorway openings SCHEDULED ADJUSTMENT ITEM AMOUNT (+) OR(-) DAYS II. The following referenced Documents further describe the changes outlined in Paragraph 1, and are to be considered a part of this Change Order: R.F.P.: W.D.C. No.: Other: The changes result in the following adjustment of Contract Price and Contract Time: Contract Price prior to this Change Order $ 257,747.50 Contract Price will be increased/decreased by this Change Order $ 1,830.24 New Contract Price including this Change Order $ 259,577.74 Contract Time Prior to this Change Order Days NC Completion Date Net increased/decreased resulting from this Change Order NC Days Current Contract Time including this Change Order Days NC Completion Date This Change Order is for full and final settlement of all direct, indirect, impact costs and time extensions incurred at any time resulting from the performance of the changed work. AR-I Version 20i6-08-3I DocuSign Envelope ID: E5671049-8E1 B-493D-8964-FFA50FBBDABF The Above Changes Are The Above Changes Are Approved: Recommended Requested/Accepted: Studio M Architecture Biancofiori Masonry, Inc. Not Present ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR James Brainard, Mayor �DocuSignetl by: 2 West Main Street 701 Erie Street 41/11 il,n 6111(t, Address Address 'MThgnetl EAnn Burke, Member DocuSi by. ember Carmel, IN 46032 Lafayette, IN 47904 City/State/Zip City/State/Zip Audie Tarpley, D Construction Project Manager eudeA- es Crider, Director of Administration By: ".- By: V 317 496 0486 ATTEST: 765-463-0559 �DocuSignetl by: Phone: Phone: s— wtlt-c 3-3 Sti ° t3Jf an Clerk 4/29/2022 04/28/2022 Date: 571872022 Date: Date: AR-2 Version 2016-O8-31 DocuSign Envelope ID: E5671049-8E1B-493D-8964-FFA5OFBBDABF t •G r, 3 Biancofiori Masonry, Inc. Request for Change 701 Erie St. Lafayette,IN 47904 RFC Number: 3 Date: 04/19/2022 Regarding: RFC#3 -FWOs To: Job Site: Dillon Construction Group Carmel IT&Data Center 6828 Hillsdale Court 473 3rd Avenue SW Indianapolis, IN 46250 Carmel, IN 46032 [Requested By: Phone: E-mail: Blaine Shepperd (765)463-0559 blain@biancofiori.con ,Recipients: Phone: E-mail: Jennifer Schlenger jschlenger@dilloncg.com Scope of Work Block Doorway Openings Requested Change: Change to Contract FWO#21072-03242022 $1,663.85 OH/P (10%) $166.39 RFC Total $1,830.24; Please respond by: 05/01/2022 Blaine Shepperd Jennifer Schienger Biancofiori Masonry, Inc. Dillon Construction Group DocuSign Envelope ID: E5671049-8E1B-493D-8964-FFA5OFBBDABF Clear Form 21072-03242022 FIELD WORK ORDER Specializing In All Your Masonry Needs DATE: 3 w ! W p� tk 701 Erie St. Lafayette,IN 47904 P:(765)463-0559 bmicorpadmin@biancafiori.com PROJECT NAME/NUMBER: %I'M CONTRACTOR: l : - rs 1jLsf ARCHITECT: REFERENCE DRAWINGS: SCOPE F WORK: kttiO t `i r\� +�. .. � o typoly.__d 1 rosl> I _ L y ! r r rt. r e- � rain e_ FURNISHED/INSTALLED MATERIALS QTY U/M FA / L 'Ie .$' 7 ' h 614 G .ik-_-.. - _W_ -- CMU Total: $33.45 S c 3 h.-r -- Mortar: $94.40 MAN HOURS Hours QTY Foreman Bricklayer --- $68/hr= $1,088.00 Laborer _._. .of0 $561hr= $448.00 Operator/Driver EQUIPMENT Hours CITY BMI/Rent Total = $1,663.85 This field work order is to verify materials, labor and equipment furnished. A request for change including detailed costs of this FWO will be provided by BMI Project Manager. // Biancofiori Masonry, Inc. q f ' {Corrt�pa"ny Name) i' n4 Printed Na•.e: r r Printed Name: • � Signature • I Signature: • Date: 0 r•d� -d +Y Date: 1f /'? -z4ZZ