HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 06-05-01 .- CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE June 5, 2001 9. Docket No. 47-01 CA; The Retreat Petitioner seeks Commitment Amendment approval to revise the approved Preliminary Site Plan and No Build Zone. The site is located north ofl-465 and west of Westfield Blvd. The site is zoned R-4 Residential. Filed by Harry F. Todd of Gibraltar Properties for Gibraltar Properties, Inc. The petitioner is requesting approval to amend Item 3(A) of the Commitments (Instrument No. 199909957849) made attendant to Docket No. 36-99 Z. The commitment holds the applicant to develop the site in compliance with the Site Plan filed in conjunction with the aforementioned petition. The petitioner seeks approval to make the following changes: 1. A minor revision to the building layout along the northern boundary of the site to eliminate the need to install a retaining wall. This allows the petitioner to retain the natural slope and complies with a request made by the Technical Advisory Committee. 2. Eliminate the path around the lake. The Army Corps of Engineers has identified areas on both the north and south banks of the lake as pre-emergent wetlands. Installation of the path would disturb these areas. 3. Relocate the tennis courts, revise the clubhouse site plan, and eliminate the pier. Tennis courts originally shown adjacent to the Monon Greenway have been relocated to the north side of the clubhouse. Placement of the tennis courts in proximity to the clubhouse necessitated the relocation ofthe swimming pool to the west side of the clubhouse. The elimination of the pier was made due to liability concerns. 4. A maintenance building has been included along the southern edge ofthe project. The shed as currently located encroaches into the ISO-foot no-build zone established parallel to 1-465. The petitioner further requests approval to amend Item 3(1) of the Commitments in order to redescribe the ISO-foot no-build zone around the maintenance building. With respect to the Site Pl:m l'Imendment olltlined in Pl'Irl'lerl'lph 1, the Depl'lrtment recommend~ l'Ipprovl'Il ::I~ reque~ted. With respect to the Site Pll'ln l'Imendment olltlined in Pl'Irl'ler::lph 2, the De,pl'lrtment recommend~ thl'lt the l'Imendment he l'Ipproved, hllt thl'lt the petitioner he required in~te::ld to in~tl'll1 ::I ten-foot- wide mlllti-lI~e pl'lth l'Ilone the leneth of the project'~ We~tfield ROlllevl'lrn frontl'lge. With respect to the Site Pll'ln l'Imennment olltlined in Pl'Irl'ler::lph 1, the Depl'lrtment recommenn~ l'Ipprovl'lll'l~ reqlle~ted. Committee Report 2001-06-05 ( ) i~ With re~ect to the Site Phm ::Imendment Olltlined in P::Ir::lgr::lph 4, the Oep::lrtment recommenn~ th::lt the ~hen he permitten to rem::lin contineent npon the execntion of::l recorn::lhle rommitment th::lt ~honld the rity, rOllnty, or ::Iny ~lIcce!':!':or eovernment::ll ::Ieency reqllire the remov::Il of the m::linten::lnce hnilning in order to IItilize the 1 ~O-foot No-Rniln Zone, th::lt the hnilning will he removen ::It the owner'~ expen!':e, ::Inn !':lIC~h eovernment::ll entitie!': will he heln in no w::IY li::lhle for !':lIch remov::Il The Of',p::lrtment filrther recommenn~ th::lt the reqlle!':t to rene!':crihe the No-Rlliln Zone ::ITOnnd the m::linten::lnce hllildine he nenied in f::lvor of the rommitment ~neee~ted ::Ihove. Committee Report 2001-06-05