HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Docket No. 47-01 CA - NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Carmel Plan Commission ("Plan Commission"), meeting on the 15th day of May, 2001 at 7:00 p.m., in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, City Hall, One Civic Square, Carmel, Indiana 46032, will hold a Public Hearing upon GPI at Carmel, L.P.'s Petition ("Petition") to Modify Commitments Made in a Previous Petition to Change the Official Zoning Map as Incorporated into the Carmel/Clay Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the plans filed with the Department of Community Services on the approximately 65 acre parcel of real estate located North of East 96th Street, West of Westfield Boulevard, South of the Sunrise Golf Course and East of the Monon Corridor("Real Estate"). The Real Estate is legally describe on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and is zoned S- 4 District Classification under the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Carmel, Indiana. s:-A copy of the Petition is on file for examination at the Office of the Director of Cominunity-Services,-One CivicsSquare, Carmel, Indiana 46032. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above Petition, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. . Written objections to the Petition that are filed with the secretary of the Plan Commission prior to the Public Hearing will be considered and oral comments concerning the Petition will be heard at the Public Hearing. The Public Hearing may be continued from time to time-as may be found " necessary. CARMEL PLAN COMMISSION Ramona Hancock APPLICANT GPI,at Carmel, L.P. by its general partnerGibraltar,Properties, Inc. • • . by Harry F. Todd,•General Counsel 3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 350 Indianapolis, IN 46240 (317) 816-9000 omplete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. ..-Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: David Kesslar, Robert Fair 13'25 E. 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 , delivery addre Iff$ot .fiootitem 1? ", \. _', '," _".r '''" If YES, enter tl~~rYaadress..~~IO\ r.'.'." {f::: .. !",~:4...~ ~ t I".: , COl.'\! (~". . J \""_'." -v~~ "'_ \' ':-;.;j <,; . " o Agent o Addressee DYes o No ( ! 3, Service Type e...oR1 '- .. .-.,/" I 1XI Certified Mall 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise [ P Insured Mail 0 C.O,D, "-:. - --"'-"""-. ...'.;:~ 4, Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 20cle Ntmbr \COff l'jTi ~erv{jj lajlO \ ~! j Lt~ J i t j qj <61 i if.} i3iS' j i i i i PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt DYes 102595.99.M-1789 I ) ~ Senl fo ~=c::'...,r~iR. 0) J:A1R - .c: Street and No I ~ ~ PO., State and ZIP COde Q~ 0 Pos/age CIl) $ C") E Certified Fee If $~~a.~ -~Hy.~y,'- f.~~.-'. fe -, - Res~i~ie<! ~iV';;;;, F,~e _,_ -"', . --- --...:::; -- -'- Relurn ReceiPt ShOWing /0 Whom & Date Delivered Relurn Receipl ShOWing 10 Whom, Dale, and Addressee's Address TOr A.L ,00s1age & Fees $ POstmark Or Date I .. I :- -, ., y- ~ Posr"l SEIlYICC Z 441 '1151 135 fReceiPt foU" Cetrtiffied MaiO No InSUrance COverage PrOVided 00 nOt uSe for International Mail (See Reverse) Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. : _ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. _ Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1, Article Addressed to: ,', Helen Mueller 5345 E. 106th Street Indianapolis, IN 46280 I, I ;2:,U,-. "I;e.N:u.m;b.:e.:r.(c;oP"Ylf~,O.m.; s,e:rv, ice,.' ,/B,be; /,.~ S . .' _ . . :2-- i ~;~.o ; L: ;1 L/ : i /:~ (: liPS 'Forhi;3B~!1j,Uul~ 1999' :: II,,! I I i 6bm~sticlR~t~rn Reh~i,pi I 102595.99.M.1789 I J ... Z 280 574 137 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Man No Insurance Coverage Provided. to Cl) Cl) .... Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to ~ Street & Number Post Office. State. & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Rerum Receipt ShOWin[ij\l 'lYl)om, d' Dale. & Addressee's Address' . TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmark or Date Ii <<( o c CO C") E o u. (/) a. Complete it~ms 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your n~me and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: 3. Service Type W J;?'Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. 0 Nu~~~r. (Co~~ ~r~m. . : . ',.,.. ,," ". PS Forrf1381i! ~uly;1'999' ! \ abeO ;;; ;; ;?-ii ~ ~O d5, 0,lj I t ill I boMestid R~tLrn R~ceipt hll I : ~ 102595-99-M-1789 Z 280 574 141 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. l() CJ) CJ) Do not use tor International Man (See reverse) Senllo l3:r;@ljT Street & Number J Post Office, Slate, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Deriv~d ~ Retum Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmark or Date Ci. <( 0- o CO C') E C5 u.. en a. .( ,"plete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete W 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Lisa & Kurth Michael Fitzwater 9722 Kittrell Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46280 2. Article Number (Copy from service fabeQ .,. .. ". I; :; ;!: i!;: San,'July 1999" +' : ,7. :; ~ '6D ." " . '. Dom~~tic Return Receipt 3. 4. DYes 51~ ) 5'" ~ 102595-00-M-0952 Z 280 574 152 --~ 'y US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. It) ." ." .... Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to ~~ Street & Number '--' Post Office, State, & ZIP Gode Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Snowing to Whom, Dale, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmar1< or Date - ~ o o CO CO) E 5 u. en a.. SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION .OPlete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse. so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the fron~ if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: A. Received by (Please Print Clearly) S L{ S <<"1.\.. E 1/;5 C. Signature x ~ o Agent o Addressee DYes o No D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: .~. Dennis & Susan Ellis 1340 N 1200 E Sheridan, IN 46069 3. Service Type f-t~ Ji1l Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. I 1 l i2. iA~i~:iNu~~e; ;~Opy/~~~ ~ervice ;abe; i ;1-: i~;<6r:? 5 ~4 f~38"1','JUIY 1999' 1'1 I Dbr\,estic'Return Receipt 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 1.5 D 102595-99-M-1789 I -' Z 281J 574 15D US postal Service Receipt for Certified Man No Insurance Coverage Provided. 00 not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to fib Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZIP Code postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Retum .Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt 5hoWin9 to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address ---., ' $ TOTAL postage & Fees postma(\( or Date - - . 10 Ol m ... ~ o o CO C') E o u.. fJ) a.. .0---- plete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete 4 if Restricted'~ivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Five Seasons Sports Country Club 345 Thomas More Pky Crestview Hills, KY 41017 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) ""Z ~~D . ........... .'.. '" 3811 ( DUlv 1999 i Dl-,rriektit Rilturn Receipt S''?cf IllY C. Signature x(L D. Is delivery address different from item 1? . If YES, enter delivery ad&-ess below: .' o Agent o Addressee DYes o No 3. Service Type UJ- ~l Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 102595-99-M-1789 Z 280 574 144 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. LO C) C) .... Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to 5 ~.fLMY..A Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt _llwing to Whom & Date Delivered - Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmark or Dale Ci <{ o o CO CO) E <; u. en a. . C te items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: c. Signature X~ .L-.. - - David B & Selma Caldwell 8157 Ecole Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 ~ -~- - - --- -~--~~ .~""'~."'''''-''''-'''~-''. .' ~-'-- DYes 102595-00-M-0952 t~; {m I,U} !: rn ru rn Postage $ Certified Fee , Postmark He're q:] c:J c:J c:J Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) c:J ....... ..JJ r"I Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To (1. n n . ^ 'Stree't:APt:-NO,~'oi-~~--nn...__---..n..___-----...._-_____..nn.__ c:J c:J c:J ....... 7:fiiY: State,' Z(,o:;'4' n -- - - - -. -' -. - - -- - n.... - - - - - -... -.. - - - - -..... -. - - - - - - -. -" -- - - - - -. n..._ PS Form 3800, May 2000 See Reverse lor Instruclions ete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: C. Signature X ;>,(,..1'/--- Matthew D. Harde 9636 Kittrell Dr. Indianapolis, IN 462 " D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: . Service Type f.-#- ~Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes \,.. 2 Article Number (Copy from sen:ic;e fi!bef) . . \;.1 lit i! i Ill' 111 I t f: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~t\ i \! ~; J~ t: \ ~! t ~ ~ l~ \! ! \', p~\f:dr 3'81 t July 1'9'99 \ \ , \ \ \ '. : ..' 'i" i I 'I' I, \\ o' ~~ \oll t) "S I:) '7 J71~d:'Plt i4J/P11~ Vvl) a( \ Do~estic;'RJturniReceiPt 102595-00-M-0952 I~ I~ ~ ~[1, ~IPIT' ~{NkOJ@rlJ':.6M!>~~~ LJ1 ITI ru ITI Postage $ Certified Fee Postmark Here o:[J c:J C:i c:J Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) ~ c:J I"- JI r'I Total Postage & Fees $ ~ -Streei;Ap-ii-io.:-o;-pcniox-No.-----------------------___h____ ------- ____n______________ Sent To c:J c:J c:J I"- -CiI;"- siiie,- zip;';{ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- ~li\mm~_m!l ~~ll!lr~ SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION r I . rolete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete i"-"4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: ) 'j D. Is d very address different from item 1? ES. enter delivery address below: ,_ o Agent o Addressee DYes ONo John B. Caldwell 11234 Crooked Stick Ln Carmel, IN 46032 ': I 3. Service Type ~ ~Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service labelj lT1\tDDO!qql~')O! 7Xl()'bi ':Jd-~5 811: :JulY'1'999' , ; " ; ;; Domestic Return Receipt 1555 102595-00-M-0952 LI") LI") LI") ....... LI") IT1 ru IT1 l!:lj,& ~~ .~AAflI?1J@l]) ~[1, ~lPD' (fDmi;i~rNEfJJ~fitl!i~~~ > << ~i " << " ^^ <'<< ^^^> ' : ^^^ Postage $ Certified Fee Postmark Return Receipt Fee Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~ -Street;:i.:;'-t: -No.; -0; -po -Box -No.- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -CitY, - State, - 2115+4- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- 11lfl1i\mmU!l. _!iiliI!l b~{/;];,~ cO c::J C1 C1 C1 ....... ..l1 .-"I C1 C1 C1 ....... lete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: o Agent o Addressee OYel' o No. Jennifer Cahn . 1680 Vista Run N Indianapolis, IN 46280 3. Service Ty rz Certified . iff o Registered o Insured Mail ail rn Receipt for Merchandise OC.a.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes .2. Article Number (Copy from service label) . . . 11 ()1 11\11$0;6 iPIUf1b pooI<6ii 3;). 3 5 1~1~ . PS ~m '3811: Juiy'1999 .. .. . Do~e~tic Return Receipt +.. I 102595.00.M:0952 I ~ o D 0 ~~~[b~~ ~f1fJd/J~fi[h)~~~ 0- I"- L11 I"- L11 IT1 OJ IT1 Postage $ Certified Fee Postmark Here q] ci Cl Cl Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) r-- Cl I"- ..D M Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To r _ I -St;;,;'i:APt:-NO_:-O;-PO-~------------------------------------------------- Cl Cl Cl I"- -citY, - siiiie, - 2/P+4- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~lilimml!l. _~ b~1l;D> C lete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Jimmy J & Ann L. Ogle I . 9732 Kittrell Dr N Indianapolis, IN 46280 I ~. Ar-'-Iq ~~m~~r.(co~y fr~~ service la~~ . ,. (~.. I'.: :,.,:~ 1 ::: . "........ .... I PS 'Forln 381'1,' July '1999 '" , l- 3. Service Type a Certified Mail D Registered D Insured Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.a.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes :Jiej 1)1 2; ~~o l .: : D~m~~tic' Return Receipt 102595-00-M-0952 Z 280 574 151 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. In Ol Ol ~ Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to {J1;, 10 Street & Number d Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Retum Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address . TOTAL Postage & Fees .~, $ Postmar1< or .Date - ~ - .;: a. <( c:i o ClO CO) E o u. en a.. lete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: s Thomas R & Shirley Hamblen 980 1 Westfield Blvd Indianapolis, IN 46280 3. Service Typ fir Certified o Registered o Insured Mail 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. Art~le Number (Copy from service label) r 'PS Form\3811'. ;Jl.iy 1999 i i 1 : ']-; ~~D; ~Y)~ ; i Dorhe~ti~IR~turn Receipt )41 ...... '" " ~ : ! ! :: ::: :: 102595-99-M-1789 f Z 280 574 147 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. LO 0) 0) ~ Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to ~ Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt ShoWing to Whom, Date. & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmark or Date { . -, -, -, 'C a. <!( e (;) CO CO) E (; u. en a.. C ete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Delynn Burch Huff 9768 Kittrell Dr Indianapolis, IN 46280 I.~. , Artic'~ NU.~ber ~~o~y from service label) I ipS Fohn' 3811, :july 1999 I 2 3. Se aJ'Certi D Registered D Insured Mail D ~ent l3"Addressee ~: press Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ~ <60 51~ ILli t. : Domestic Return Receipt DYes 102595-99-M-1789 Z 280 574 149 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. It) en en ... Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to ~11J Street & Number U\) Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Poslmar1< or Date ~ ; c, .. .~ <( c:i <<:) CIl) C') E (; u. en a.. C lete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Janis E. Johnson 2020 96th Street E Indianapolis, IN 46280 3. Service Type ~ ~ Certified Mail 0 Express Mail :- o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restri<<ted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ,~. ,I)I'~I,,! .!,!umb.er (Cppy lr.o[lpervi9f! (abl?O , .", , . (\i\ '\\ \ -1.d6'b\\ I <!,\iO\ \Odoi i.:;~~6 ,SOe) PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt DYes 102595-00-M-0952 ) ~@[Q) ~[1, ~(pi]' ~{}j}ffJJ@itJ)fJ69!J~~~ t::I t::I U1 f"- U1 ITI ru ITI Postage $ Certified Fee &:0 t::I t::I t::I Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here" t::I f"- ..lJ r-'f Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ____n___n___0fC'~~--______n__________________________n___________________ Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. t::I t::I t::I f"- -CitY: State, - Z(P+4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - h -- IPlillilmm~ _rmlil @msl~(l;])' lete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D Agent D Addressee DYes D No Sonny Stafford 1684 Vista Run N Indianapolis, IN 46280 f Giit3 ' \~ -~ <', /1';, '\~,~",--:\':7)'~ ,/ ~," '"', I '---"<~~ ., ice Type tiLL- Certified Mail D Express Mail D Registered D Return Receipt for Merchandise D Insured Mail D C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. Artic~ Number (Copy from service label) I! I!! !: o.&Oi !It,')Q! pOp'/, '3d..~S \pS Form 38'f1 ,\july 1999 '. \ \ \ Domestic Return Receipt lie {l." 102595-00-M-0952 g 0 ~~~ ~f1fk/l)~W!J~~~ ..JJ r=I ..JJ r- Lll IT1 ru IT1 Postage $ Certified Fee 0:0 c::J CI CI Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Post mar.. Here _~ 'Ii CI r- ..JJ r=I Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~ -~ fJ. -Street;AijCNo.; -(ifF> ox -No.- - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - -- CI CI CI r- -City: Staiii, - Z(p:;:;i - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~~~-~ b~Q;]?~ . . 1. Article Addressed to: 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) 1 [ . 111 111? 4> lei [[ [I ~ 1\ t) 11 6 0 b1 <6 PS Form 3811, July 1999 D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES. enter delivery address below: I o Agent ( o Addressee ' DYes o No 3. Service Type f..be.. :; liirCertified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes -:lj~3 Domestic Return Receipt ) ':&-~ . 102595-00-M-0952 0- C ..lJ I'- L1l fT1 ru fT1 Postage $ " Certified Fee 1:0 CJ c CJ Retu rn Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here CJ I'- ..lJ n Total Postage & Fees $ :f!~ -5/;;,,,i: Api: -No.:' -or-PO -Box -No.- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- Sent To CJ CJ CJ I'- -CitY, - State: 21-';;+4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - -- PS Form 3800, May 2000 See Reverse for Instructions lete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, X or on the front if space permits. ) 1. Article Addressed to: ) Smith, Aaron & Brian Pitz 9732 San Marco Pass Indianapolis, IN 46280 ice Type ((JfL D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.C.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes ,2. Article ,,!umber JC;qpy/~om ~EJryige lapel) . . . , , , . :! : ";::;;';:;:;: ;::3 \ \ -n 0 o. . , \;, Lo "It o. \ (),{)(), <6 ;, \ ' .Ol "35 PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-00-M-0952 ITI Ir LJ'l I"'- LJ'l ITI ru ITI Postage $ Certified Fee cO o o o Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here o I"'- ...D r4 10 g II"'- ! Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~ p _._______n ______00___________._00_ n____~--------------------h------------- __________ Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. - cii;' - State: ziP:;'4 - - - - - - - - - -. 00 - - - - - - n - - - - - 00 - - - - - - -- - - - - nm -- moo 00 _ - - h - - - - - - - - -. - - -- f>S Form 3800, May 2000 See Reverse for Instructions ete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Sharon L. Moll 970 1 Westfield Blvd Indianapolis, IN 46280 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) ,,'lpoiDl' r, :I(P1o \ PS Fbrm'3811; L1Giy'1999 ; \ \ \ \ o Agent o Addressee DYes o No e Type UL Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) f UDClQ ~ ):(~5 '754 fl DYes 102595-00-M-0952 \ Do'mesiic Return Receipt tcQ .:r Ll1 r'- Ll1 rn ru rn Postage $ Certified Fee fiostmark , 'Here tcQ CI CI CI Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) . c::J r'- ...D .....=I Total Postage & Fees $ ~uH -Street: Apt: -No.: -or-po -Box -No. - -. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. -. - - - --. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- Senl To c::J CI CI \r'- -CitY. - Slai;;, - ZIP+4- - - - - - -- - - - - -. - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - -- - - - - - --. - -. -. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - --- PS Form 380,0 May 2000 See _Reverse for Instructions . 1. Article Addressed to: Timothy Q. Bales" 9745 Westfield Blvd Indianapo\is, IN 46280 : 2. Article Number (Copy from service labelj i i ; i i i ~ i ; i ~ i "E.': \ . PS 'Form 3811,' July '1999 3. Service Type eu.- 'k:t Certified Mail 0 Express Mail I o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise I o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. I I J Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES. enter delivery address below: 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 71 ~tD 5') y } l/ ~ Do~estic' Return Receipt o Agent o Addressee DYes o No DYes 102595-99-M-1789 Z 280 574 148 wi LO 0) 0) ,.... US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverag~ Provid~Q. Do not use for International Mail ?see reverse) Sent to 8aJ.u Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, - Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmark or Date ----- .;:: a. <( o o CO C") E (; IL rJ) a. 1. Article Addressed to: I I I [ I I 3. Service Type ~ [ I!Q' Certified Mail 0 Express Mail ( o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise [ o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. I DYes D. Is delivery address different from item 1 . If YES, enter delivery address below: 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) hhi 800'6 3d.35 1'i Domestic Return Receipt 1 02595-00-M-0952' " L ~ ~[S ~[Pij' ~f11kfJ}@Ai$fll!)~~~ ::r 0- ::r I:'- LJ"J rn ru rn Postage $ Certified Fee <0 o o o Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here o I:'- ...II r"I Total Postage & Fees $ SentTo j(\ . n 11 -Si;;;ei;AP-t:-NO;~--------------------------------------------------------- o o o I:'- - ciiy,-siaie: Zlp+;j -- - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- h -- --- - - -- - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~lilim ~_!im!l!l ~~lliI1~ C lete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Bon Bar Corp. to Barbara Ward 9279 Meridian Indianapolis, IN 46260 2. Art-;~'~ Number (Copy from service label) , , i j i : iL-j :; . I PS 'ForM 3811, july '1999 ! I; C. Signature x 3. Service Ty 1bI Certified o Registered o Insured Mail 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ~~O 514 I L/ -z, Domestic Return Receipt o Agent o Addressee DYes o No -. ~ bYes 102595-99-M-1789 J. Z 280 574 142 Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee L{) ~ Return Receipt Showing to ,.... Whom & Date Delivered '0. Return Receipt ShoWing to Whom, <( Date, & Addressee's Address c::i ~ TOTAL Postage & Fees..~ $, ~ ('I) Postmark or Date E (; Ll.. U) a.. . C ete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. " ib 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) C. . nature ~. I X - Agent I . ~; Addressee D. Is delivery address different from item 1? 0 Yes If YES, enter delivery address below: 0 No I I I .I I 'i I j I J I 1 1 +.' ice Type ~ ertified Mail 0 Express Mail Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. )1. ArticleAddressed to: ), J \ &. Ps- I. i 2: fD~i~~ttr ~~O~y :~om se7ce la~e~ i Ii jZ i ;~.t) 0 51 t1 I L{3, I p's Form '3811, Juiy 1999 ' ,. . '.' Domestic Return Receipt DYes 102595-99-M-1789 Z 280 574 143 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to '~ ,,- Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage S Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee 10 0) Return Receipt Showing to 0) ~ Whom & Date Delivered - .~ Return Receipt Showing to Whom, <( Date, & Addressee's Address c:i -" S ~- C TOTAL Postage & Fees CO M Postmark or Date - \E , -- ~ ~ I Gordon B. & Starlene J. Rose ~656 Kittrell Drive Indianapolis, IN 46280 . C lete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: DA~t ~ddn ssee Dy, o ai~ Express Mail egistered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes :~. r.t'~le ~u~~er :~~py/~~~ ~ervi~e ~~b~~: : : .7- 51 q I y-j ;: .; 11 1;; illl! i: :;:iii.J iaf;p PS - Form 381" 1 ,july 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-00-M-0952 Z 280 574 155 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to p~ Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZI P Code Postage $ Certified Fee Spedal Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Show'lng.to Whom & Date Delivered -" Retum Receipt SIIOWing to WIlOm, Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmark or Date U"l 0) 0) .... i o Q CO C") rl s lete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted DeliverY is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: " \ 3. Service Type ~ lit Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Ar:t;de Number (Copy from service label) ", , I ~:, ,: , , ' , , " """ ; ,. (",,! ~ 3" 3 c::. :: :::, :"':""000 : i i ,11.010: 000: 1):: .... ..J \: : 1 t I ~ i ,." : . . . . .,.... PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 1Lj~1 102595-00-M-0952 Q 0 ~~ ~[1, ~~[plf ~(tjJdJ]~fJ9J>~~~ ('- o:a :::r ('- L1l IT1 ru IT1 Postage $ Certified Fee i Postmark Rere cO d CJ CJ CJ ('- ..lI .....=t Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ _~~_~~_~~_____________L~___________________________________________________ Street, Apt. No.; or p3-iJJ-~-;;._---:--- CJ CJ CJ ('- -CitY, - State, - 2[;:;+4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- --- ~rmm~_!!m!l!l ~~{l!I7~ SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION . Ccl:: 'ete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete iteWif Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: John T & Florence Hieronymus 9815 Westfield Blvd Indianapolis, IN 46280 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) . .. : !i ;' j:: ~ :: t ~ ~ , : : ~: l.: , I; i ~81t('JJiY'i999;;"" 1 l' 3. Service Type .kJ Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 4 ;~;~P'l iSi),Lji HfL. I: -; .... . '. I r ; : I . ~. . . Domestic Return Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 I .. / Z 280 574 146 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. II) Ol Ol ~ Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Senlto Jl, . /... ~ _. I ^ JU(... Street & Number U Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Retum Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees _ $ . Postmark or Date .. Ci <( c:i <:) CO C") E i5 u.. en a. o No 3. Service Type f.iJl- )t-certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. Article Number (Copy from service labelj ~ ~ ...... I", .. ., I., It' it.. 1 ~ . . ~6. 11 i; I D;O 0) t ( 'tih D i 060 'iSt[ \(-..(J. '3 S PS Form 3811. July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595-00-M-0952 aDO ~.~~ , ~f1f1'iilJ@ift:1jfi$)~~~ :::r ru LJ"J r-- LJ"J IT1 ru IT1 Postage $ Certified Fee Postmark Return Receipt Fee "" Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) $ ,- Total Postage & Fees I:[J C C C c r-- ...D r4 Sent To ~ -Street,-Il;'-t: -No.: -or 7'0 -SoX -No.- -- - - - - - - -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - --- c c c r-- -CitY, - State: ZiP:;'4 - - - - - - - - - m - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- ~lmDm~_ail @l.w~IiiI1~ \ ete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete ite ~ if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: William 1. Camblor 9702 Kittrell Dr Indianapolis, IN 46280 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) :!: i::l:::I:; id:;; :hi i.; !.! (381"1:.ti~l}h999 n' ',' 'i' 3. Service Type uL ~ Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes :: 1:i7.H: ,,~ i~ 8 i Lt? ()~) . /: i bomesti6 Retl..~n Receipt i; i!! ~ ! 102595-00-M-0952 Z 280 574 154 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. U) en en ..... Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to rh n,o~ Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Spedal Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmark or Date ,. "\ 5- <( o C) CD (') r1 ~I lete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete ite 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. - . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: / Ingalls, Wm & Margaret Trustees 9712 Kittrell Drive Indianapolis, iN 46280 2. Article Number (Copy from service labeO ..,. 3. Service Type ~ ~Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes J{3 7- . .~~D 51~ 102595-00-M-0952 i PS, . 3811 i Uuly!1'g'g'g' " Dbhiestic Return Receipt Z 280 574 153 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to ~tt. oJ..v Street & Number \J Post Office. State. & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Ll) C) Return Receipt Showing to C) .... Whom & Date Delivered - .~ Return Receipt Showing to Whom, <( Date, & Addressee's Address ci $ 0 TOTAL Postage & Fees CO C") Postmal1< or Date E , (; ....-.". - ... u.. fJ) Q. - --~---- ---' I l ,.. " _cted DeI;~'Y ;, d...",d. I': - Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. \~.._ _ Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, , or on the front if space permits. I 1. Article Addressed to: t J M & Eva Prewitt 9646 Kittrell Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46280 '~" 3. Service Type " .bJl.- :: gCertified Mai1f't" D Express Mail D Registered D Return Receipt for Merchandise D Insured MailD C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) ..... j';, ~ I ,,~QD' \ Ifi'i'd; i fl>S"]; . ;q. 1 i i ; .; 9 ~ ~ r. ~t ~J K.: l ~ ~ . ~ i' j Dbmesti~! R~tur;' Receipt 102595.00.M.0952 + Z 280 574 156 US Postal Service R~c~ipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Ll) en en ~ Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sentto fi. .,.ff Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmark or Date . ",. - - .~ <( o o CO ('I) E o u.. en Il. SENDER: COMF:LETE THIS SECTION COMPLETE THIS SECTION ON DELIVERY ~....,,~i'>'._"itm- .... 0' .". " . . .. <.);', '--: ~::'1' ,;:::~~t: ,) c( )Iete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete itM if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. Article Addressed to: c S X Transportation Inc. c/o CSX Real Property I 301 Bay St W Ste 800 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Article Number (Copy from service Jabel) '^i ;iiiii iiii;; 3811,1 J~ly'1'9'99; ! ~ signatuAPR 2 3 20~t, D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: 3. Service Type (/..tl- ~ Certified Mail D Registered D Insured Mail "'7 . - - D Agent D Addressee DYes DNa D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.a.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) " 4-ii~%D 51~ IllS DYes 102595-99-M-1789 ... t t bbmle~tic R~turn Receipt Z 28[] 574 145 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. In Cl) Cl) ,.... Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to c., 51.. --- I/)'~Ah Street & Number \l Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Retum Receipt Showing to Who;:, , Date, & Addressee's Address ria.' TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmark or Date _. -----.---...- - - .;;;; a. < o o CD C") E o u. (j) a.. ('olete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete "'-4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Douglas Simps 1690 Vista Indianapoli 2. Article Number (Copy from sefVIce fabeQ . .. '" . "ODD' "'I~''1o' r#O' ~" . I .... '. .'. .. ~. . . . ., . . . . , . - .. - . - . r PS 3811', Juiy 1999"" "'" I- 3. Service Type eJ.t. /g) Certified Mail D Registered D Insured Mail D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.a.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes oop~!! ({~'35' . 5~b D~mesh~ Return Receipt I , I 5? J I ~d'~' "\ _ 1 1 02595-00- ...D o:C LI1 ('- ~~~ ~~ ~[1, ~[pU' (fPl!J,ir~-{(t;j{iflf/J)~ (i!l!J ~ ~ ~ >t me' , c< C , , ""e' , " " Postage $ Certified Fee ). Postmark Return Receipt Fee Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee '::<<: (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~ -----....-.------------.-.-- '-----------.--------------------------------------------------- Street, Apt. No.; or PO Bo No. -CitY,' State,- ZiP+4- - - 00 0 0 0 -- - - - - - - - - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 0 0 __ _ 0 _ __ _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 0 0 n 0 0 -- ~lil!Iml~_~ ~~{l;]?~ LI1 fT\ I1J fT\ o:C C C C c ('- ...D r"l I::! C C ('- I \1 . ( J,plete items 1. 2, and 3. Also complete -- _ 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space'permits. 1. Article Addressed to: SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION Vivianne I. Alvarado 1461 Sierra Springs Indianapolis, IN 46280 3. Servic ~ertifi o Registered o Insured Mail o Agent o Addressee DYes DNa " S5 Mail eturn Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 2. Article Number (Copy from service labeQ I ". 'I 00.0. .. -Ltc I) O. u 0 35 \ . 3811! iJ~l}h'9991 \ \ \ \ \ \ Doin'e~tic Return Receipt .... 1~D1 DYes 102595-00-M-0952 I'- CJ ~ I'- U1 rn ru rn Postage $ Certified Fee , Postmark Here ~ CJ CJ CJ Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) '; CJ I'- ..lJ .-'I Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~ -si;.e;'-t~ Arit; -No.; -0; -po-Box -No'- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - -. - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- CJ CJ CJ I'- -Cii;,-State:iiP+4---' .._.n._.... .....- -.. .......... -.... ....- .n..__.___...._... _...._.n. PS Form 3800 May 2000 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION MaryJ. O'Malley 1455 Sierra Springs Indianapolis, IN 46280 ce Type Rf.J.. ertified Mail D Express Mail D Return Receipt for Merchandise DC.a.D. 1 ... qr")ete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete I itlWf if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) l i' [7:let~rtirt~H\~:d bri;~ libJ/h h 11 brob;~ j.' ;35 ; ; '11!<( H ;; i i~3811, July 1999' Domesti~ Return Receipt DYes f{ 102595-00-M-0952 ::r q] I'- I'- L/'J ITI ru ITI Postage $ "' f Postma;~ Here .~ Certified Fee I:(J I:l I:l I:l I:l I'- -LI .-=I Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ..d / -S/;ee/: AjX NO.;-Ypo-ao;-f.Jo. I:l I:l I:l I'- -tW, - State, - 2i;;+4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n_ PS Form 3800 May 2000 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION . COete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete it if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivel)\ ddress different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address belGw: E. Suzanne McDaniel 1437 Sierra Springs Indianapolis, IN 46280 j r Merchandise J 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) .. . ~:.. : " ^!. 1~f?;O:: J~::O: { DOQ~, f i3.';(:~ 5 '11 foo 'pS 811,:JLily1999:" t I ;: !!.i' ."' '.. . . DomestiC Return Receipt ~ DYes Cl .J] ('- ('- Ul fT1 ru fT1 Postage $ Certified Fee ~ Cl Cl Cl q ('- .J] .-=t Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here I Total Postage & Fees $ ~e.- ~~ -Street; Aijt; -No.; -0; -po- Box-No'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - --- Sent To q \~ - Ciir, - !fiat's: ZiP+4- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- PS Form 3800, May 2000 See Reverse for Instructions - --~ -~-~ SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION . C9mplete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: Trudi A. Weber 1587 Sierra Springs Indianap'olis, IN 46280 3. Service Type Ul.- 0" Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt f o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) \ 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) I.. ... ') l? D D .. .1 La ':\ f:) \i PS Form 3811, j';II~Mg99 i; \ ; \ ~ DOO ~! , <3~ 0 5 \ bbm~~tic R~turn Receipt 0- m l"- I"- U1 m ru m Postage $ Certified Fee c[J o o o CJ I"- ..J] r'l Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here Total Postage & Fees $ L0~~ Sent To CJ CJ CJ I"- -Street; Aj,-t:-No.:-o'-PO-Sox-No.------ --------------------- ----- ----- ---------------------- -City: sial';: zip:;'-,r - - - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - -- -- -- PS Form 3800. May 2000 See Reverse for InstrucMns SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION D. Thomas Haflich 9756 San Marco Pass Indianapolis, IN 46280 . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on !he front if space permits. 1. Articl~Addressed to: 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) f! f !! !! q1 QQ tJ 1 !! 1.lI 1) d. ! 'PS "Fo"rm 3811, ju'ly 1999 ." . . .. o Qot~ ! ~ :z. -=':J '.5 ') <, ~3 D Express Mail J D Return Receipt for Merchandise [ DC.O.D. r \ [ I DYes 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) Domestic Return Receipt 102595.00-M-0952 ITI OJ ...D l'- J.J'1 ITI OJ ITI Postage $ ~ Certified Fee <0 c:J c:J CI Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here CI l'- ...D M Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _: _ _h.._ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ u _ __ _ __ Street, Apt. No.; or 0 Box No. CI CI CI l'- 'city, - State, - ZtP+4- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - -- -- PS Form 3800 May 2000 See ~everse for Instructions Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Jeffrey T. and P 9514 Compton Co Indianapolis, IN 4 o Agent o Addressee . '" ""_ d."",,"rom """''' 0.= ! VES, ~,~ d.'h"'.V "ld= ""~, D,~ 3. Service Type ~ I l!:CCertified Mail 0 Express Mail I o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise I o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. Article Number (Copy from service labeQ 7-. ,,<30 511/ 13<6 PS i=btm 381:1i,iJuly ~999[ i ! 1 i i ! D6mestiCiReturn Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 I Z 280 574 138 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to fHLuLL Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Il'l Ol Return Receipt Showing to Ol ,.... Whom & Date Delivered - .~ Return Receipt Showing to Whom, <( Date, & Addressee's Address 0 $ 0 TOTAL Postage & Fees CO (') Postmark or Date _. E ""'";,. (~ . ~I Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Donald R. and Debra Poole 9511 Nora Lane Indianapolis, IN 46240 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) :):' ;~j:,L1)1 . ... jl ! A: ;;; :L~ PS Form'3811, IJuhl1999 ~ It \ \ I I 3. Service Type m" Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Agent o Addressee o Ves o No ail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ;~ I :; i : ~ ; ~ : I; j. Y)\0 If: i 'i,5YJtJ :!: I; l !: iiJ37; !,'! , t 1 f Il . I . Domestic Return Receipt DYes 102595-99-M-1789 Z 280 574 139 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. LO 0) 0) .... Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to Peole Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery F~r Restricted Delivery Fee.,. Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Dale, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmarl< or Date - - .. -" ~ o o CO C") E o u. (/) a.. SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece. or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Carl J. & Melanie Brizzi 9523 Compton Court Indianapolis, IN 46240 \ I I ~ ArtiCI~ N~~b~r (~O~~ fro~. servi~e. 'a~~/). , PS Foni1'381 ~!, JLiy.1999 ( ! i ! ii 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes o L ~'bO :.>~4 /<-ID IDcirilestit'RetJrn Receipt 102595-99-M-1789 Z 280 574 140 US Postal Service \Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. l/'l 0) 0) ,.... .~ <( o o CO CO) E o u. en a. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to ~).,'A Street & Number ()O Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmark or Date .". . /e> - - - ~ - -- - - - SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Deliveryis desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so'that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: . Douglas and Kelly Kimbrough 1405 E. 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) , ' ;:.L ; Hi!""Zl ;4-tH I ! PS Fo'rffii 381'1'. :July :1999 i i i:! f 3. Service Typ IlC3 Certified M ' o Registered o Insured Mail 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) ; WiU . i\;~ 101 i ; ; i : i i i i I Dor\,e~tic f.leturn Receipt \, i I! j j 1 : P Agent '''L:I-mldressee DYes o No DYes ;. I 102595-99-M-1789 o = UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Z 4.4.1 981 126 IRISCSIliPl\'t ~iOllT CSIT\'tll~llsdI Malll~ No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) t') (l) (l) ..... .s:: e as ::i: o <::) eo (II) E .f (/) 0.. Sent to KIM ()/Zo U 6 t+ Street and No. P.O.. State and ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee , ' - ---- -" 'Special 'Delivery 'Fee , I - - - " :Re's'trideo 'Delivery iPee , , Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage $ & Fees Postmark or Date I I I ~ " .. I , , Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Geraldine T. Lillie 951 i Nora Lane Indianapolis, IN 46240 3. Service Type tJ.1- ~. Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes I 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) l ; . : . : . :. .' ~ i ~ ; : : i a ; ~ ! ; :: ~. i f; 1\ PS Fbrhi 381'1 ,~j~I{8999 '.', :.: ." ...'7.. ::~<OO :r,d. ;;: !~i~Il : I !Q i ~.!,;-r., : D6me~ti~ RetJrn 'Rec~ipt' \ '. · " , 3....... I ,5 i: i lit Z 280 574 135 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. Ii) 0) 0) ... 'iii c. <( o o CC) M E o u.. en a.. Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to L;II,e. Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Relum Receipt Showing to Whom, Dale, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmarlt or Date r - - i k...--_.__ ..- - --- Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so tbat we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article.Addressed to: George S. and Patricia Emmelman 9540 Nora Lane Indianapolis, IN 46240 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes \:! I: l: :; (i I fP'S Form1381 h1, tJLiy 1999 i r f t , f t I ~ ~ ~ : i I.; t I '~ :. . i t :~ ; ~ ; ~: ~ f f i : : ~ r-z- 4Lf 1 q bl I '"'So ii' ~. : : I ~ :! \ t I' . i , i Dci~e;stif R:e~uhi R~cei~t' , ; I 102595- - -1789 I {!.: \ , ~ == UHITeO STATES POSTAL SEJlVICE Z 441 981 130 lRleceu[pt ffoQ' CerrtUffUedJ MaJu~ No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) CO) Sent to ~ m m M.~ .... .c. Street and No ~ t'lI ~ P.O., State and ZIP Code Q 0 Postage $ ell) C") E Certified Fee 0 !1; ~ei?j;#; me)J~~r;y,. Fre.~; - -~ ~- I ---. -- : ~ I I i ri,(i~#;."'t"di-~!i~"I,y/ F,~ . ..~ I .-- -.- - I Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Dale Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL POS13ge $ & Fees Postmark Or Date 1 - -" , -1 - I SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, X or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: 3. Service Type Uf.... Ra'Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. Arthur L. and Carole Metz 9527 Nora Lane , Indianapolis, IN 46240 I \ 2. Article N.umb,er ~co:y fro~ se~i~e label) ;-2.., .~ C;S Q, . ~ ! ,'1, . . . \ 0, . 1: i. ;' .' " ! ~ . j "... I ~ ! : ' : , ;,~: " . I ~ I .". IPS Fonn'3811, JiJly 1999 i ' 1 / \ 11: ;' b~~estjc Relur~'Re'ceipt ' . 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes ,/ 3~i'!; ,. I! I ; Z 280 574 136 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. LO '" '" ~ Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to Me.TZ. Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees $ Postmark or Date .' ,., .~ <( o o CO C') E o u. (J) Q. Complete iieri1s ~1;' 2. ahdia. lAlso :do~pl~i~ item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: St. Vincent New Hope, Inc. j SUIte 300 . : 8450 N. Payne Road Indianapolis, IN 46268 7 3. Service Type R-Ul... l8l Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. Article Number (Copy from service labeQ ~ :4:~:~.. qg I 0omestitiFieh:irn Receipt I ~ I 102S9Q.17S9 PS\Form 381i1, Jul~ ~999 ! ! i i i ~ = UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Z 441 981 127 IF\\leCleD1P>tt ~iO>lT c(sli'ttm(Sd! ~aJD~ No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) r Sent to -5-r- \/, nc~t ~ ~~ Street and No P.O., State and ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee - " -.- - _ ~_M -' .-. -- 'Spec,al 10ellvery IPee ! ----"- ---.- r iReSff'lcte"(j i0ellVery 'Fee r Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address I :OT AL Postage $ & Fees Postmark or Date i r I .. J j .' I i , u C') 0) 0) ... .r: e tll ::!: e o Cll) CO) E o U,;, {i.l .'~ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Robert F. and M. Kathleen Shennan, Trustees 1435 E. 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) i P~:Fqrn) ~811! JQlyh9~~ i: 1! 1 i [ ! I ail Receipt for Merchandise .0. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes '2 t+<j.. \ '1 g I I~ 1 /' Qomesti6 Rktu~n Receipt -1789 I ~ 102595- ~- = UNITEO STATES POSTAL SERVICE ~ Sent to m ... .r: e <G ~ o o GO (') E o u. en Q. Street and No Z 441 981 129 Receipt ~1[)1l' Cell"fcified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) S~e< In o.A\.. Postage P.O., State and ZIP Code $ 1 Certified Fee - SQei!~l @~JJ.'X~y, .IF~~ ~es.~fji~~~~.-Qe.J;i.\lJ~!rYI Prlfi -- --r Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage & Fees Postmark or Dat<r-, ( $ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Michael and Janeane Arbuckle 1425 E. 96th Street Indianapolis, IN 46240 3. Se . ~c '. D Regis D Insured Mail Mail urn Receipt for Merchandise DC.a.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) ; if i;, ii:i .iE.'. ..i.i.7Z.l;+Ltdii JtbJ ;i)~3 ) PS:Fb~m 38~if~~July'j'999iT i f'f -r I" .6bm~~ti~!R~tu~n R~ceipt ; . ! 102595.99-M-1789 ~ == UNItED STATES POStAL SEINlCE Z 441 981 128- ~I8CI8DIP~ ~o>rr Cl8rr~D~DI8I01 M<<llD~ No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) t") Sent to (l) A1..6v CKc E (l) .- .c Street and No. ~ t'll ~ P.O., Slate and ZIP Code e 0 Postage $ CO C") E Certified Fee ... ;~l , ~1iP.e._CLa1 ,g;~I~~oYF"~e I - . -====< co.. Fff~,~,rr,~~Je~d ::...~el !y~rIY ;:~f:e 1 l Return Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOTAL Postage $ & Fees , Postmark Or Date" I I-J I I ~ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. . 1. Article Addressed to: , Wayne S. and Barbara Cannon , 9537 Nora Lane Indianapolis, IN 46240 I I 3. Service Type 't..i-*- ~ertified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes : 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) : ~ :: :: ::: " . ...... . . . ~ . , 1 ! ,7-; ;;1'6D 5'N 1'3 Ddrh~stii: Return Receipt ,PS i=brmI38H, Juiy 1999: : i II 102595- -1789 ) I' ... .~ < ci o CO C') / 'E I~ Z 280 574 134 US Postal Service Receipt for Certified Mail No Insurance Coverage Provided. LO (l) (l) .... Do not use for International Mail (See reverse) Sent to ~ Street & Number Post Office, State, & ZIP Code Postage $ Certified Fee Special Delivery Fee Restricted Delivery Fee Retum Receipt Showing to Whom & Date Delivered Retum Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, & Addressee's Address '<::. $~ TOTAL Postage & Fees ' Postmarl< or Date l . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the. card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the f~nt if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: x ? o Agent o Addressee DYes ONo SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION I~ John & Lois Madison ( 1 1599 Sierra Springs I Indianapolis, IN 46280 1 3. Service Type !2( Certified Mail ail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service fabeQ ,f, ",, , . . t f;'~":- ~! 0 ~. "'2.5 .. I)00o::;;I/e.il;D; ;OdOQ ~~'-' PS Form 38 t 1 , July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt '1(P '1 t 102595052 cD r- ...D r- LI1 rn ru rn Postage $ Certified Fee c[J o o o Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here o r- ...D r'I Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~^I\ ______nn_nn__ ____n'-_~t~______________n__ ____u__ __ _n____________________ Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. o o o r- - Ciiy, - State: zip:;';" - - - - - - - -- - - - n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- PS Form 3800 May 2000 See Reverse for instructrons SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION Robert A. Carpenter 9749 San Marco Pass Indianapolis~ IN 46280 D. Is delivery address di rent from item 1? nter delivery address below: o Agent o Addressee DYes o No . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: f-ti- Mail 0 Express Mail tered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service labeQ " iff f91f)obf fllof'iO ~(9.001<t, ~'::A.?l? PS Form 3811, July 1999 - Domestic Return Receipt 1(; Slt 10259\",)0952 .::r U1 .JJ l'- U1 m ru m Postage $ Certified Fee cO o o o o l'- .JJ n Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~ -Str;.ei;ApTf.io.:-or po-a No.----- - - ___uumn ___n -- ---00 _m_ __n___h_ uum_____ o o o l'- -CitY. -State. - 21;;+4- 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- PS Form 3800 May 2000 See Reverse for Instrucllons Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the fron~ if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: ;- Eggleston, Katherine & Herbert TIE 1128 Fairbanks Dr. Carmel, IN 46033 D. Is delivery address differen item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: .../ 3. Service Type~lL tiZl Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) 111 1111 :q ~1Iuil)bf' :t>a.-o:s ,/f.,(., PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt 102595V952 ...-"f ...D ...D I"- ~~~ ~ ~11 ~(pjj' ~{fjkffJ~fl1lJo.iJ;JJ1JIDik(9~~ "" ~ .~.. , ..' . ,. . , '. . Postage $ . Certified Fee Postmark Return Receipt Fee Here (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~ 'Streei:Ap't:'f.io;'or7',c5'so' .. .n.___ ___n ..._nn___n n___ n___ .nn_____ ___n nm.. . CitY,' State,' iip+4..... - -........ -. -....... - -....... --... n...... - -.... - - - -... - - - - - - n. - - - -- ~Iil!mll~_~ ~~ll!u~ Ul IT1 ru IT1 cO C1 C1 C1 C1 I"- ...D ...-"f C1 C1 \~ I . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on ,the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed tD: Alexandra Muchnik 9764 San Marco Pass Indianapolis, IN 46280 C. Signrre n. . . X"!/~ JlLU.Lf...J'U. ',c D. Is delivery address different from item 1? If YES, enter delivery address below: o Agent o Addressee DYes o No ice Type fI-~tL Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured M?lil 0 C.O.D, 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) : t. Art!~le Npmb~r r,CfP~ ('Pm ~ef":ice:'agel) : : .' , \ \ i; \ [i i ' "0 i i ii', i! : \ [-3:1. ~S t PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt DYes ('- .::r .JJ ('- &.rJ ITI I1J ITI Postage $ . Certified Fee <0 o o o Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here o ('- .JJ ,-=t Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~ -Streei;Ap-t:-f,jo.;-or - o. ___m_nnm_____mnmnnmnmm.____m__ o o o ('- -CItY:-sfaie,.ziP+4---------n---n--------------------------- ---------- ________________n_n PS Form 3800, May 2000 See Reverse for Instructions 1. Article Addressed to: Liggett, Jerry & Crista 1531 Sierra Springs Indianapolis, IN 46280 o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. I I I 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) \ 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) ; ~ :~ : f) '!~~!:: I'tbh6 ! !;'66!~ ,!3:~3S 1l?4~ ]" PS ~~rm:38ff~ j'ui; ;~99 .' . ' ': :: 6~m~s~i~'Return Receipt DYes 1025900952 I LI1 ::r cO I'- '~~.~ '~~~ ~.r5li1JJ~fRl!J~~~ LI1 /T1 ru /T1 Postage $ " Certified Fee cO c r::i c Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here C I'- -II r't Total Postage & Fees $ Sen/To ~. -Str""t,- Api: 'No.;' 'or -F,ij' - - - 0.- -- - -. h - - - -. _. - -. -.-. -. - -. _. _. _. _ _. _ __ _ _ _. _. _. __. _ _ _ _. _ _ __ c c C I'- -cit;' - siaie~ - zip+;i' -. - - - - - - - _. - - - -. - - - - - - - -.- - - - - -. _ _ __ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ ___ '(;@1 . lIl/Mliw1!lilil!l @lml~fl!u~ SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: C. Signature ------ X~_oU""", / ~ ff:r . ) Dorothy A. Dyar i ('--' rC)?2 f:VIT' 1581 Sierra Springs i \~S L.;,">"l"" Indianapolis, IN 46280 ~ <S a~no~0f~ ~ ....~ ";'; Service Type f..t~ I!!( Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) " :::: 1 ~ood.i ih~G,hD ilo0D:'t :::: o~ 'Os PS Form 3811, July 1999 Domestic Return Receipt .....- 'l1/!:J 102595-00-M-0952 U'1 r'l l"- I"- U'1 r'l"1 ru m Postage $ Certified Fee postme,JIl Here <0 CJ CJ CJ Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) " CJ I"- ..J] r'l Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To D od\J __________________________0________________________________________________________________ Street, Apt. No.; or PO i3"dx No. CJ CJ CJ I"- 75iy:siiiiii,-zip+4------------- ----- -- ------ ------- ----------- ---- ----- ----- ------- --- ------ :.. "' Jason Buttrey 9769 Herring Gull Dr. Indianapolis, IN 46280 o Agent o Addressee DYes o No SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION J . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete / item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. I . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of themail~..NO or on the front if space permits. ~ 1. Article Addressed to: 3. Service Type U (.. E Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail o Express Mail o Return Receipt for Merchandise o C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) . , : ; '"\00 /)! : i : ' ').0: .. : 1:)0;0 fg . ') ~ 3 '5 pi:; F6rm '3811; JQI/1'999' \ \ ; ;. , ,. 'Dor\,e~tic Return Receipt 1 ?"S 1 1 02595-00-M-0952 1:0 IT1 1:0 I"- a..n IT1 ILl IT1 Postage $ Certified Fee Postmark' Return Receipt Fee Here ~ (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ 1:0 C C c C I"- ..lJ M SMffu ~ -S;;e;,i;AjX-f./o,:-o-,-p(j-Sox-f./--. --------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------------- c c C I"- -CitY. - Siate: z(p+;i - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- PS Form 3800. May 2000 See Reverse for Instructions · ~ompl~te ite~s 1, 2, and 3. Also complete Item 4 If Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the ,~ont if space permits. . . 1. Article Addressed to: Beverly M. Cox 1549 Sierra Springs Indianapolist IN 46280 o Agent o Addressee DYes o No ice Type~,L Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 2. Article Number (Copy from service labeQ ". .... :00" ~~f W16' ~OrqO;~ 'i ;3~'35 \ PS ForM 3811 :July 1999' Domestic Return Receipt ~i. DYes o 102595-00-M-0952 ,.-'I ru lC(] f'- Ll1 fT1 ru fT1 Postage $ Certified Fee lC(] o o CJ CJ f'- ...D ,.-'I Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To W -S/;",,/: Ap-t: -No.; -0; -PO-Box -No.- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- CJ o o f'- -CitY,- State, - Z'-P+;{ - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -. - - - - - - - --...... -....................... - -- PS Form 3800 May 2000 See Reverse for Instructions Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Artdressed to: D Agent D Addressee DYes D No Paul R. Snider 1519 Sierra Springs Indianapolis, IN 46280 Mail eturn Receipt for Merchandise DC.O.D. I 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 1 2. Article Number (Copy from service fabeQ '1000 (g 0 OOD'b 3~...:~5 1 'if,! ~ r;S FO# 3~11 ~ J~ly\\~~9 \ \ ~ : 1.\ D~~~st!c R~t~rn Receipt ~ DYes o 102595-00-M-0952 .=r- .-"I 0:0 ('- Ul Postage $ rn ru Certified Fee rn Postmark Here Return Receipt Fee 0:0 (Endorsement Required) c:J c:J Restricted Delivery Fee c:J (Endorsement Required) c:J ('- .ll .-"I Total Postage & Fees $ c:J c:J c:J ('- Sent To Q' _______n____________~_~_________________________________n___________________ Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. - Ciiy, - State, -ZIP+4- - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- PS Form 3800, May 2000 See Reverse for Instructions SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION Jane Ann Storm 1563 Sierra Springs Indianapolis, IN 46280 o Agent W Addressee DYes o No . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Ad&essed to: 3. Service Type~/l..tI- ~ Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) 0 Yes ,2. Article Number (Copy from service label) " 1!!; r q; ""HObd.! ! ~ !I~ 'l:C:!! 00,0!~ !~'::l..:? ':> '/ I.. ~6 pg Fo.,;,' 3811 , 'Juiy 1999 ' . . Domestic 'Ret~rn Receipt 1 02595..00..M..~52 ~ o ~ 0 . . . ~.....,~ ~~~~~ ~~~IW>lJ}J:W'''''''- \1l cO ...n t""" \1l fT'\ ru ~ \~ o o \0 \t""" \ postage $ postmar\< rWe certilied fee Return Receipt.fee (EndOrsement ReQUIred) Restricted Oeliver; Fee (EndOrsement ReQuIred) 'To\s\ pos\8ge &. fees $ '".. ~ S'tO 1'-" ..........--.....--..... . .;;;.;:. .,C'"'. oi,o ,~."':.. ........ ........ ......... .... :::.. ......... .......... .... "City: "siaie: ZiP:;.",r""""""" ".~\l!l1~ ij:@~~-~ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: o Agent o Addressee DYes o No Mark V. Houston ' 1569 Sierra Springs Indianapolis, IN 46280 3. Service li1Certi o Regi o Insure 4. Restricted D 0 Yes '1 t for Merchandise 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) (!!! !!! '1000 !(:jlQrlO! !DC)(?~!!!!~: 1..- lpS ~Fohn!3811, July 1999 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : ~ ~ Do~~stib 'Retu:r~ Receipt + ru ru ('-- ('-- U1 JT1 ru JT1 Postage $ Certified Fee cO CJ CJ CJ CJ ('-- ..II n Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark He're " CJ CJ CJ ('-- Total Postage & Fees $ _~~'~~~~n'________~~~_____________________,_,____________n___________________ Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. -Ciiy,-State,-ZiP+4-----n-n---n---------------------------------n----------O------ PS Form 3800, May 2000 See Reverse for Instructions Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, X or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Shirley A. Yount 1431 Sierra Springs Indianapolis, IN 46280 3. Service Type UR- EI Certified Mail 0 Express Mail o Registered 0 Return Receipt for Merchandise o Insured Mail 0 C.O.D. 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. Article Number (Copy from service labelj 111 i 11 11 i1d.~/d i 111~1111cl i PS Form 3811, July 1999 102595-00-M-0952. ..J] =r l"'- I"'- Lt1 m ru m Postage $ Certified Fee Postmark Here o:CI CJ CJ CJ Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) -, CJ I"'- ..J] r"l Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~ __n_____________________ ~______________________________________________________ Street, Apt. No.; or PO x No. CJ c::i CJ I"'- - Ciiy: siaie: ZIP+4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - n - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:; - '. - - - - - -- at It. a a __ a _ . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: o Agent o Addressee DYes o No Kimberly Borges 1575 Sierra Springs Indianapolis, IN 46280 3. Service Type I!!r Certified M o Registered o Insured Mail 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) :: ; !! f! ; !'11rQQl:l: ; !I\o~ 0 'PS'Form 381 f, July 1999 ... . . 00[(9%;! 3 .;;t:'~.s- Jj "l 0'1, 102S9SQ;;J( I Domestic Return Receipt + - c:lJ l:l ('- ('- LJ"I ITI OJ ITI Postage $ Certified Fee c:lJ C l:l C Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark, Here ,. c ('- ...J] n Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~ -Si;eei~ Ai,t: No; - or-PO -Box -- - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- -Ciiy,-Slate,-ziP+4-------------------------------- ----- ----- ---------- --- ----w------- c c c ('- I PS Form 3800 May 2000 See Reverse for Instructions . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: 3. Service Type '(lCertified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION I: Patricia H. Feldmann r' I 1473 Sierra Springs Indianapolis, IN 46280 2. Article Number (Copy from service labelj ! 1 q!:! 1: '1l'D.DP !1;V.f'j!D1! fQOq%1i 3a.35 , PS Form 381 i ,: July 1999 ; D~;"'estic R~t~;n' Receipt 115-3 102595-0 - -0952 .. lT1 LJ"J r'- r'- LJ"J lT1 ru lT1 Postage $ Certified Fee <0 o o o Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Postmark Here ":' o r'- ..Jl ...=t Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To "-J.n'" -s;;ee;:ArX-N~------------------------------------------------------ o I~ -ciiy.-siiiie.-z(P+4------------- --------------------------------- ---------------U-- ---- PS Form 3800, May 2000 See Reverse for Instrucllons . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse I' so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Ronald V. Runyon 1449 Sierra Springs Indianapolis, IN 46280 - " 3. S ~ DR . o Insure 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) 10 '" ,h~,).o, ,o,t;><?,~ ~~'1:.5 '11'1 P.S F6rm 3~;1\ 1 , j~\y 1999 \ \ \ \ \ i \ bome~tic Return Receipt \ 102595-0 - -0952 1 ['- ['- ['- ['- U'J rn ru rn <Q c:J c:J c:J c:J ['- ..J] r-'l c:J c:J c:J ['- Postage $ Certified Fee Postmark l Here Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) .'~ Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To ~ - - - - -- -- - -- -- - -- - -- - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- Street, Apt No.; or PO B No. -City, - stite, - Z(P+4- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- al ... 1 I . Complete items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete I item 4 if Restricted Delivery is desired. . Print your name and address on the reverse I so that we can return the card to you. . Attach this card to the back of the mail piece, X or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: Jennifer Kuntz 9740 San Marco Pass Indianapolis, IN 46280 r- &' ;.n. I' I 3. Service Type f-{: 16"'" Certified Mail o Registered o Insured Mail 4. Restricted Delivery? (Extra Fee) DYes SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION 2. Article Number (Copy from service label) f!!! ; f! :! '1 O:C?P!! ;I:~"P! Ocge,~; {~t~- ~S . 'I (""'3v 'PS 'Fo}m'3S1'1, JUly 1999 \ ' " , , 'DomJslil: RktJr~ Receipt (\, ~[?U~ ~O::, ~lPU' ~/ ~fNkj[J@rflrIJ6fID~~~ o fl1 ..JJ I"- LJ"I fl1 ru fl1 Postage $ Certified Fee Postm~~ Here ctl o CI CI Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) CI I"- ..JJ .-=I Total Postage & Fees $ Sent To -Si;eei:AP-t:No.:-o~~-------------------------------------------------------- CI CI CI I"- - CiiY. - State, - Z(P+4- -- - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~Iil!m~_~ b~\l;Jj..~ ( '\ ~~ ~[1, ~lP1J ....- ~(likIfJ@dl!.BflJJJ~~~ M IT" l"- I"- Postmark Here Seil To (\.. " "I. ..'-- :~~.~............................... "-I ,,~'W ~. ~_liDl!l!J U1 /'T1 ru /'T1 Postage $ Certified Fee oco o c:::t o Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) c:::t I"- ...a M o o o I"- Total Postage & Fees $ _F2".l1f....'" ..1'11.1'........ ~ =~~._m m \\\ \\1 \\\ \ \\\ \\ 'm\11 7000 1670 0008 3235 7517 .}~~ PO.s,-~ '* * * $tt~ 8 j::~~~ 176 033 740 PB8595027 4213$ . APR'9 .01 2 1 1 8 !NDiANAPOLlS IN 4 6 2 4 0 Dana Wise 9615 Westfield Blvd Indianapolis, IN 46250 Name -1~_. Jst Notice _ W ~~ f 2nd Notice .~....Lr-ol Rttulnr- f-"oJ- LI1 Postage $ 1TI ru Certified Fee 1TI Return Receipt Fee IQ (Endorsement Required) C e C Postmark Here Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) e Total Postage & Fees $ 1"- ...IJ r"I Sent To I \ t.v- _ _ ___ _ nn n n _ _ _ _. n .._~. e.._ _ _ _ __ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _. _ _ _m n. _ __ _ __. _ _ _. _ _ _ __ _ _. _ _ _ _. _ _.. n. _. __ C Street, Apt. No.; or PO Box No. e e 1"- . City; State; Z1 P +4--- - m -- - - --- - -- --- -- -- --- --- - n - --- . -- --- - . --- no n n --- --- no - - . -- no__ p~ Form ~800, rv1ciy 20001;' ~ ~ ~ lJ; - _" ,,f, , ": ~ .. ~: See~~~yerse ~?~lristrl!ctI9fJ~ r'J Ilf 1 " II " , "" , JIll I 'If ii " ~ I ~~~~~~r:.~'p~~way, Suite 350 I ~ 11111111111'1111 Indianapoijs, Indiana 46240 I' f c}~~~ * * * f~~-' 1 ~ ~ 3 $ 03. 740 = ~: 5 ~ ~ 0 ~ 2 1 0 3 IIIIDIANAPOLlS IN_" 4 6 2 4 V4'tj ~~I f 7000 1670 0008 3235 7692 Scott D. Thole 1593 Sierra Springs IlhliC1llC1polis,1N 46280 Name 1st Notice loP/Df Znd Notice g...~:$' Return ..s:- s- - c) ,L. ru IT" -D ~ LI'J Postage $ I'TI ru Certified Fee I'TI Return Receipt Fee <:Q (Endorsement Required) c:J o c:J Postmark Here Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) c:J Total Postage & Fees $ r-: ~ Sent To ~ -Sireei,-ApTNo.;-o'-PC/Box"f.[oh-m---m-hm--mh-m----mh--m-n- O c:J c:J -Ciiy:S{iie,-Z{p:j4-n--h---------h--m--n-h-------m"-----n__________m______ ~ PS For!ll 3800, May 2000 ~ I,;" ~ See Reverse fo:"'lnstr~cJI~ns! III -........ 1lIII.8..1I-..-_ t I Z 441'981 136, i ~ Gibraltar Properties, Inc. 3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 35( Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 i; r -. ~ .... .....'J-.,. Z 441 '981 136 Receipt for - Certified Mail. No Insurance Coverage Provided Do not use for International Mail (See Reverse) -- UNITED STATES POSTAl SER'VICE t") Sent to Pol1le-11 en en .... .r. Street and No 0 (ij ::E P.O , State and ZtP Code 0 0 Postage $ CIO C") E Certified Fee 0 U. Spei...'l;3,i. Dejiver,! Fee W l1.. Resrr'ctt';!d Deiivenl Fee Return Receipt Showmg to Whom & Date Delivered Return Receipt Showing to Whom, Date, and Addressee's Address TOT P.L Post3ge $ & Fees Postmark or Date -, t{,~~~ * * .. J~GZ~ AI 2' 'lIIlIiIIIIr_ 1 0 3 :' - P B 8 5 95 0 27 4223S02.240 APR 18.01 2057 111D1.l\NAPOLlS'III it 6 240 '.. ),~"tiSPQs" '4-" .~ * * "* /!.9((~ '" 2:,-GIiiIlIIIO"_ 139 0=1 500 PB8595027 4263S . APR 18 01 2 0 6 3 INDIANAPOLIS IN 4 6 2 4 0 ......11 ~:I' I ill ilf '.-J ",:. r I I] Gibraltar Properties, Ine. 3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 350 Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 III <!}~Posr~ "... * '* 9(,-r.~_" ~ ,,- PB8595027 '03.740 APR 19 01 46240 141 4213 2107 INDIANAPOLIS IN 7000 1670 0008 3235 7562 Michael & Beverly Eby 9735 Westfield Blvd ~aianapolis, IN 46280 Name 1st Notice . ... ~ - EBY-735 ~ba80a083 1300 15 0~/a3/01 FORWARD TIME EXP RTN TO SEND EBY 10508 W~ITE OAK DR CARMEL IN ~b033-3q78 RETURN TO SENDER ..(> <i". '''If' (; f. -2 ~ C ~~.~p:/?;~;j8 j ,i,! 1,1111,,1,1, il,Ui'I,II'III"i,llllll, ,I, IJ 1,1, I .1, I ,1,,1 .ru ..JJ U1 I'- U1 Postage $ JT1 ru Certified Fee JT1 Return .Receipt Fee IC[! (Endorsement Required) ~ ~ ~ Postmark Here Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) Total Postage & Fees $ ~ I'- ~ -:;:;OAPt:-No.;-or-po~o?-~--------u--------- __u____n__ ---------- ___________u_____ ~ CJ C" r -';iiy, -Siai-';: Z/P..4- -- - - -- - u - - - - n - uu PS Form 38,oO,-rv1ay 2000, . ~~:r- ..,' , ,-,; ~^'., - Se~ ReYe:se for'lnst~uctlon~ HAMILTON COUNTY AUDIO I, ROBIN MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, u CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ARE TWO PROPERTIES OR 660' FROM THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED ~I Y6 D( 1Yloi 1/t- Wed_.day, Aprl/18, 2001 Pag.. 1 0'1 HAMlTON COUNTY NOTIRCADONOT PREPARED BY THE ~TON COUNTY AIDTORS OffICE, IMION OF TAX MAPPING USTED IILDW ARE SUBJECT PRDPBIm [SUBJECT MARKED IN YBlDWJ (.) iSUBJECT 17 13-12-00-00-005-000 GPI AT CARMEL LP %GIBRAL TAR PROPERTIES INC INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 r-- ~ I' IIIIJJ · ~ I' ~', 1---=,---'-' I; ~._~.; Ii -f- iI! 'r--- r---' ..l' , i: ~ iI. lit' ~ .: ~ f----------- f- - Uu -.... ili /"'" I ~ - - '\ - - tlgl 1.' II~ I.i II "f1If II II rm. ~ ~ IIi I - ",ilIl / ........... " ~ ~ ~ (j) ~ @ ~ ~ @~ ~< ;' . .~ ~t <P ~! ~ ~ @. Q ~ (jj "-:: /-~ -/ "-/ f-- i f-- ~ Ii f--- I' f...- i f...- . f--- . f...- . ~ I. ~ - I I - II :-- ~Ia r ~ I ...... II r- I I i"-.. i i'... I -- , ' f...- I' '" - \- \~ ~ 711T""", Ii i iLl / Ii -I h ~ .!~Ii! -I Ii . . 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'I, lh 1 I" I t ~IJII :IJ~ II "1J1~ij 111:1 III -Ill " f I .; - I~ 1/ [!lll - II ~; HAMILTON COUNTY NOTIRCADON 0 PREPARED BY DI HAMlmN COUNTY AIDTDRS OfFICE, DIVaN OF TAX MAPPING o PLEASE NODFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 17 13-12-00-00-002-000 BON BAR CORPORATION TO BARBARA WORD 9279 MERIDIAN INDIANAPOLIS IN 46260 17 13-12-00-00-003-000 VERA HINSHAW FAMILY L TD PTN 9800 WESTFIELD BLVD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 13-12-00-00-004-000 HINSHAW,THOMAS G TRUSTEE CIO VERA HINSHAW 9800 WESTFIELD BLVD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 13-12-00-00-006-000 BONBAR CORPORATION TO BARBARA WARD 9279 MERIDIAN ST N INDIANAPOLIS IN 46260 17 13-12-00-00-007-000 FIVE SEASONS SPORTS COUNTRY CLUBS INC. ATTN K. M 345 THOMAS MORE PKY CRESTVIEW HILLS KY 41017 17 13-12-00-00-007-002 FIVE SEASONS SPORTS COUNTRY CLUB OF INDPLS LLC 345 THOMAS MORE PKY CRESTVIEW HILLS KY 41017 17 13-12-00-00-012-000 C S X TRANSPORTATION INC CIO CSX REAL PROPERTY I 301 BAY ST W STE 800 JACKSONVILLE FL 32202 17 13-12-00-00-012-001 VERA J HINSHAW 9800 WESTFIELD BLVD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-01-016-000 Q 0 JOHN T & FLORENCE A HIERONYMUS 9815 WESTFIELD BLVD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-01-017-001 THOMAS R & SHIRLEY J HAMBLEN 9801 WESTFIELD BLVD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-001-000 TIMOTHY D BALES 9745 WESTFIELD BLVD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-002-000 DEL YNN BURCH HUFF 9768 KITTRELL DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-003-000 DENNIS & SUSAN ELLIS 1340 N 1200 E SHERIDAN IN 46069 17 14-07-03-05-004-000 JIMMY J & ANN L OGLE 9732 KITTRELL DR N INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-005-000 LISA & KURTH MICHAEL FITZWATER 9722 KITTREll DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-006-000 INGALLS, WILLIAM ROBERT & MARGARET N TRUSTEES 9712 KITTRELL DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-007-000 WILLIAM J CAMBLOR 9702 KITTRELL DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-008-000 0 0 GORDON B & STARLENE J ROSE 9656 KITTRELL DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-009-000 J M & EVA L PREWITT 9646 KITTRELL DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-010-000 MATTHEW D HARDEN 9636 KITTRELL DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-011-000 MARY LUPTON 9620 KITTRELL DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-012-000 DIEHL,FRANK MARTIN & PATRICIA SUE 9616 KITTRELL DR INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-014-000 JANIS E JOHNSON 2020 96TH ST E INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-015-000 JACOB & TONYA Z CUNNINGHAM 9601 WESTFIELD BLVD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-016-000 DANA WISE 9615 WESTFIELD BLVD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46250 17 14-07-03-05-017-000 DAVID B & SELMA S CALDWELL 8157 ECOLE ST INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 17 14-07-03-05-018-000 0 0 DAVID B & SELMA S CALDWELL 8157 ECOLE ST INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 17 14-07-03-05-019-000 DAVID B & SELMA S CALDWELL 8157 ECOLE ST INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 17 14-07-03-05-020-000 SHARON L MOLL 9701 WESTFIELD BLVD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 17 14-07-03-05-021-000 DAVID B & SELMA S CALDWELL 8157 ECOLE ST INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 17 14-07-03-05-022-000 JOHN B CALDWELL 11245 CROOKED STICK LN CARMEL IN 46032 17 14-07-03-05-023-000 MICHAEL E & BEVERLY L EBY 9735 WESTFIELD BLVD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 u o TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-001.000 Parcel Inquiry INQ Year 2001 T Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 3 4 5 Taxpayer 155926 JENNIFER L CAHN 1680 VISTA RUN N 6 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 U B User Codes Book/Page 2000 44701 P Property Address 1680 VISTA RUN N INDIANAPOLIS 46280 L Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 1 UNIT A A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1446 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Escrow 80040 NETS ELECTRONIC TX MACX2502011 1 HOME CAMPUS DES MOINES, IA 50328 Action ? 2 u Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-002.000 Parcel Inquiry INQ Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 3 4 5 User Codes Book/Page 2000 44715 Property Address 1690 VISTA RUN N INDIANAPOLIS Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO TRACT 1 BLD 1 UNIT B SEl/4 %INT IN CA 1446 SQ 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Year 2001 Taxpayer 155928 DOUGLAS J SIMPSON 1690 VISTA RUN N 6 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 7 46280 HP A FT FRM Escrow 80040 NETS ELECTRONIC TX MACX2502011 1 HOME CAMPUS DES MOINES, IA 50328 T U B P L Action ? 2 o (;) TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-003.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 345 Taxpayer 155925 SONNY J STAFFORD 1684 VISTA RUN N 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS 6 7 User Codes Book/Page 2000 44699 Property Address 1684 VISTA RUN N INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 1 UNIT C A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1535 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 Q (;) TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-006.000 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 3 4 5 User Codes Book/Page 2000 44712 Property Address 1688 VISTA RUN N INDIANAPOLIS Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO TRACT 1 BLD 1 UNIT F SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1207 SQ 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Year 2001 Taxpayer 155927 SHARON M LAWLISS 1688 VISTA RUN N 6 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS 7 46280 HP A FT FRM Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 o o TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-009.000 Parcel Inquiry INQ Year 2001 T Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 345 6 7 8 9 T Taxpayer 156538 SMITH, AARON C & BRIAN T PITZ JT/RS 9732 SAN MARCO PASS INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 U B User Codes Book/Page 2000 53577 P Property Address 9732 SAN MARCO PASS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 L Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO TRACT 1 BLD 2 UNIT C SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1767 SQ 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 HP A FT FRM Action ? 2 o o ~ " LEGAL DEPARTMENT 3815 RIVER CROSSING PARKWAY, SUITE 350 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 (317) 816-9000 FAX (317) 816-9002 FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET DATE: W <6 0 I TIME: TO: \..fhw ~ COMPANY: FAX NO: (-) 11 ~. 1 Co '21- FROM: NAN D'ORSO, LEGAL ASSISTANT TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET): 1 SUBJECT: ,2} fI oJr ~. R.f. COMMENTS: This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If the reader of this message is not the intended recipient or the employee or agent responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distribution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the original message to us at the address above. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. PLEASE CALL (317) 816-9000 IF YOU RECEIVE AN INCOMPLETE OR ILLEGIBLE TRANSMISSION. THANK YOU. Gibraltar Properties, Inc. · 3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 350 · Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 Phone 317 816-9000. Fax 317 816-9001 ~ - ANSMISSION VERIFI CATION REPORT / /" ," .. TIME NAME FAX TEL 04/18/2001 11:43 GPI LEGAL 3178159002 3178159000 DATE. TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 04/18 11: 40 97759582 00:02:15 04 OK STANDARD ECM u "'-- .. o .illJOINER SCRROCNDING PROPERTY ORDER FO&~ DA. :-E T.-\..'-E~: jjJ /0;'30 ~ Tt't1E T.-\..Zc'""N: : ~A..\fE OF PROPERTY O\V"0iER;: G P -L d ~ L P ~A..'vfE OF PE1TI10NER ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION OR P.-\RCEL NUMBER OF PROPERTY: ~~. ZONING AUTHORITY A.PPL YING TO: ~ fiC{V\ - TYPE OF VARIANCE APPLYING FOR; LANDUSEVARlANCE 0 REQUTIffi\1ENT V AR!AJ.'lCE 0 SPECIAL USE 0 OTHER VARIA.."lCE 0 SIGNA TURE OF .J...PPLIC7jT DATE; 11/& JOJ PHONE ~L.YfBER OF PERSON TO 'r1~ CO~TAcr: ORDER T.--\..'<.E.N BY: ~ ~~ ~(y:f'l ~(!)~ 8'/0- C;{)Odl(if!-.~'-P~ ~u ~ ~. , Se+~p:: $to.OD pa.j es -:.. $l.l.O~ fileA ( ~ tlO. 06 04/16/2001 08:58 3178169002 GPI LEGAL PAGE 01 w ~ - ,=-\. ,<,~\~ rEi',i;.i{:\Jj~ fi' o [ (;i[;.i{'\J,I~ LEGAL DEPARTMENT 3815 RIVER CROSSING PARKWAY, SUITE 350 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46240 (317) 816-9000 FAX (317) 816-9002 FACSJMR,E TRANSMITIAL SHEET DATE: ~ - \\"-0 l TO: C'^ J..~ COMPANY: ~ ~ FAX NO: <_) ') 1" - 9" 8'1.- FROM: NAN D'ORSO, LEGAL ASSISTANT TIME: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING THIS COVER SHEET): ~ SUBJECT: Jj PI o.k ~. t. P. COMMENTS: ~. "~H if^l. "-tf"u a A.~-4~t..v This messase is imended only for the use of m.e individual or entity to whi~h it is addxeSsed. and may contain Uifonnation lbat is priVileged, confidemial and clU:.IDpt from disclosure under appJic3ble law. If the reader of this nu:ssage is not the i.J)leDdecl recipieDI or the employee Of agem responsible for delivering the message to the intended recipiem, you aN bereby notified that any dilscminatiOtl. disttibution or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this conununication in enor, please notify \IS immediately by telephone and return the original me$sage to us at me address above. lbank you for your cooperation in this matter. PLEASE CALL (317) 816-9000 IF YOU RECEIVE AN INCOMPLETE OR n.LEGIBLE TRANSMISSION. THANK yOU. Gibraltar Properties, Ioe. · 3815 River Crossing Parkway, Suite 3SO · IncIianapoUs, Inctiana 46240 Phone 311 816-9000 · Fu 317 816-9001 ~4/16/2661 68:58 3178169662 GPI LEGAL '.' fUc:i'io.: 992387 (WlUTmty ~ ~o PAGE 62 EXBIBIT A The South Ha!f of the Southeast Quaner of Section 12, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, containing 80 acres (82.295 acres. measured), more or less, in Hamilton County, Indiana, excepting therefrom the following described real estate: A part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 12, Township Ii :North, Range 3 East in Hamilton County, Indi~ described as follows: Beginning on thoe West boundary of Swe Road 431. North 00 degrees 19 minUtes 25 seconds West (North 00 ~ 16 minutes 17 seconds West measured. assumed bearing) 365.30 fe~t (along the East line of said Quarter Section) and Sowh 89 degre--...s 40 minurcs 35 seconds \Vest 35.00 feet (S\>uth 89 degre:s .+3 minutes 3~ seconds West -'6.50 feet. meJ,Surea) from the Southeast comer of said Half.Quane:- Sec~ion; thence South 00 degre~ 19 minutes 15 seconds East 297.00 teet (South 00 desrees 14 minures 05 seconds West 297.32 feet. measured} along ~e West boundary of State Road 4-3 1 ~ thence South .+2 degrees 06 minutes 58 seconds West 4:;.393 feet (South 30 degrees S4 minutes 07 seconds West 43.65 feet. measured) along the 'w-est boundary of State Road 431~ thence ~orth 1)4 desrees ~9 minutes 07 seconds East 330.75 feet (North 04 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds E:J.S[ 335.67 lee[. mezured) iO the point of beginning and containing 0.101 acre (0.Oi6 acre. m~ured), more or less. .~o excep[~ a part ofche South Half of the Southe~t Quarter ofSe~rion 12, Township 17 North., Range 3 East. in H~ilton County. Indiana. described as follow$: Beginning on the Em boundaxy of che Manon Railroad, North 00 degrees 15 minutes 55 seconds West 278.69 fee~ (along the West line of said H:llf-Quarter S~ction) and North S9 degrees +4 minutes OS seconds East 33.00 feet from the Southwest comer of said Ha.lf-Qwut~ Section; thence North 00 degrees 15 minutes 35 seconds West 417..30 feet along the East boundary of the Menon Raiiroad; rhence South 69 degrees 25 minutes 35 seconds East ..j.64.11 feet: thence South 66 degrees 52 minutes 54 seconds East 4S0.~ feet; chence South 63 degrees 42 .minutes 57 seconds East ~52.24 feet; thence South 69 degrees 25 minutes 35 seconds East 430.34 feet (~2-69 feet. me:1Sured) ~o me North boundaIy of 96th Street; thence North 39 degrees 32 minutes 45 seconds \Vest (North 39 d.egrees 26 minutes 54 seconds West. meJ,Sured) 848.44 teet along the North boundary of 96th Street, thence North i2 degrees 12 minutes 08 seconds West 68~AS feet (North i2 degrees 16 minutes 02 seconds West 696.39 feet. measured)~ thence North 69 degrees 25 minutes 35 seconds West 166.26 feet to the point of beginning and containing 10.657 acres (l 0.749 acres, me3Sw-ed), more or less. The :Wove described re:ll eStilte contains a net acre:1ge of 71..:410 ac:es, m.ore or less. NOTE: The aaeage shown :lbove is included for descriptive purposes only. The policies, when issued. should not be constrUed as to insuring the amount of acre:lge included the:ein. 'i~ ~~~~ 04/16/2001 08:58 3178169002 GPI LEGAL PAGE 03 o o ALTA Commitment Schedule A CommoDwealth Laud Title IDSu1'3Dce COmpany Hamilton Title Security, LLC COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE CommitmeutNo.: 1001714 Legal Description: Parcell {park. parceD A part of the Southeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 17 North, Range 3 East. Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southeast comer of the Southeast QWIrter of Section 12, Township 11 North. Range 3 ~ Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 00 degrees 16 minutes 27 seconds West (assumed bearing) on the east line of said Southeast Quarter 395.46 feet; thence North 89 de~ 26 minutes S3 seconds West parallel with the south line of said Southeast Quarter 507.14 feet; thence South 00 degrees 16 minutes 27 seconds East parallel with said east line 395.46 feet to the south line of said Southeast Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 26 minutes 53 seconds East on said south line 507.14 feet to the point of beginning, contaiD;ng 4.604 acres, more or less. EXCEPTING lHEREFROM the real estate described as Parce167A for Project 1-465-4(128)127 in Book 167, pages 908-910 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: A part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 12, TOWJJShip 17 North, Range 3 East, in Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana. described as follows: Beginning on the West boundary of State Road 431, North 00 degrees 19 minutes 25 seconds West (North 00 degrees 16 minutes 27 seconds West measured, assumed bearing) 365.30 feet (along the East line of said Quarter Section) and South 89 degrees 40 minutes 3S seconds West 35.00 feet (South 89 degrees 43 minutes 33 seconds West 46.50 feet, measured) from the Southeast comer of said Half-Quarter Section; thence South 00 degrees 19 minutes 25 secondssEast 297.00 feet (SoUth 00 degrees 24 minutes OS seconds West 297.32 feet. measured) along the West boundary of State Road 431; thence South 42 degrees 06 minutes 58 seconds West 43.93 feet (South 30 degrees 54 minutes 07 seconds West 43.65 feet. measured) along the West boundary of State Road 431; thence North 04 degrees 49 minutes 01 seconds East 330.75 feet (North 04 degrees 11 minutes 10 seconds East 335.67 feet, measured) to the point ofbegjnning and containing 0.101 acres (0.076 acre, measured), more or Jess. 04/16/2001 08:58 3178169082 GPI LEGAL PAGE 84 w o ALTA COlntnitaaent ~bedult A Commoawealth LaDd Title Insuraa.ce Com paD' Hamilton Title Security, LLC COMMITMENT FOR nnE INSURANCE Commitmeat No.: 2001114 Parcel 2 (tmilhead parcel) A part of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 17 North. Range :3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana, and being a pan of the real estate described in Deed Book 330. pages 631-632, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana, and being more particularly descn"bed as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer of the Southeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 17 North, Range 3 ~ Hamilton County, Indiana, and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the southwest comer of the Southeast Quarter of Section 12, Township 17 North, Range 3 East, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence South 89 degrees 26 minutes 54 seconds East on the south line of said Southeast Quarter a disPmce of 33.00 feet to a point on the easterly righ~-of-way line of the Monon Railroad, said point also being the Point of Beginning of the herein described real estate; thence continuing South 89 degrees26 minutes 54 seconds East on said south line a distance of 870.94 feet to a point OD the prolongation of the southwesterly line of Parcel 67 Limited Access Right-of-Way for Project 1465-4(128) 127 as described in Book 167, page 908-910, in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thence the following two calls along the perimeter of said Parcel: 1.) North 72 degrees 16 miDutes 03 seconds West 752.27 feet; 2.) North 69 degrees 25 minutes 35 seconds West 166.26 feet to a point on said eastedy right-of.way line; thence South 00 degrees 15 minutes 55 seconds East on said right-of-way line and parallel with the west line of said Southeast Quarter 279.16 feet to the Point ofBeginJlin& containing 2.719 aues, more or less. NOTE: Acreage is included abo"e for descriptive purposes only. The policy. when issued, should not be consaued as to insuring the amount of acreage contained therein. End of Legal Description O~/lb/4~~1 68:58 3178169662 U GPI LEGAL PAGE 65 . u - Gibraltar Pannel'Sbip Lirnited Wananry Deed South Trailhea.d 96'" Street & Monon Corridor ~ARTNERsmp LIMITED WARRANTY DEE:Q A port of the South Half of the Southeast Ouarter of Section 12. Township 17 North. Range J (OSt. Hamilton COfJnt)'. 'ndiano. being more particularly described os follows; Commencing at the southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 12. Township 1 7 North. Range :3 (ast. Hamilton County. Indiona; thence South 89 degrees 26 minfJtes SJ seconds Eost (assumed bearing) on ~he south line of said Southeast Quarter 0 distance of .33.00 feet to (2 pomt on the easterly right-ot-way line of the Manon Railroad. said point atso being the Point of Beginning of the herein described reo' estate; thence continuing South 89 degrees 26 minutes 5J seconds East on said south line 0 distance of 870.94 f~et to 0 point on the prolongation of the southwesterly line of Porcel 67 Limited Access Right-of-Way for Project 1-465-4(128)127 0$ described in Soole 167, Page 908-910 in the Offictl of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana; thencff the follow;ng two eo"s 0109.9 the perimeter of said Parcel: 1.) North 72 degrees 16 minutes OJ seconds West -752.27 feet; 2.) Nortf'l 69 degrees 25 minutes 35 seconds West 166.26 feet to 0 point on said easterly rig"t-of-way fine; thence South 00 degrees J.5 minutes 55 seconds (ost on said right-at-way line and parallel with the west line of said Southeast Quarter 279.16 feet to the Point of Beginning. cOl'ltoining 2.719 ocres. more or less. ements, highways, rights-of-waYt covenants. conditions, f record; (ii) all current, nOD-delinquent real estate taXes y a accurate surveyor { u o TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-012.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 234 5 Taxpayer 157540 o THOMAS HAFLICH 9756 SAN MARCO PASS 6 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS User Codes Book/Page 2000 48096 Property Address 9756 SAN MARCO PASS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 2 UNIT F A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1010 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 u Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-013.000 Parcel Inquiry INQ Year 2001 T Tax Codes District 0017 Taxpayer 155924 Twn Sch Spec JENNIFER L KUNTZ 17 60 2 9740 SAN MARCO PASS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U User Codes R 6 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 B Book/Page 2000 48944 P Property Address 9740 SAN MARCO PASS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 L Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 2 UNIT G A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1329 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Escrow 80040 NETS ELECTRONIC TX MACX2502011 1 HOME CAMPUS DES MOINES, IA 50328 Action ? 2 o Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-014.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes District. 0017 Twn Sch Spec 17 60 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 User Codes R 6 Book/Page 2000 48944 Taxpayer 155923 ALEXANDRA N MUCHNIK 9764 SAN MARCO PASS INDIANAPOLIS Property Address 9764 SAN MARCO PASS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 2 UNIT H A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1329 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 o Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-019.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 3 4 5 Taxpayer 159093 ROBERT A CARPENTER 9749 SAN MARCO PASS 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS 6 User Codes Book/Page 2001 5659 Property Address 9749 SAN MARCO PASS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 3 UNIT E A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1650 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 Q Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-021.000 Parcel Inquiry INQ Year 2001 T Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 234 5 6 7 8 9 T Taxpayer 157182 EGGLESTON, KATHERINE H & HERBERT C T/E 1128 FAIRBANKS DR CARMEL IN 46033 U B User Codes Book/Page 2000 57727 P Property Address 1557 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 L Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 4 UNIT A A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1640 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FR 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Action ? 2 o Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-022.000 Parcel Inquiry 'INQ Year 2001 T Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 234 5 Taxpayer 156213 JOHN V & LOIS M MADISON 1599 SIERRA SPRINGS 6 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 U B User Codes Book/Page 2000 50136 P Property Address 1599 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 L Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 4 UNIT B A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1640 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Escrow 80040 NETS ELECTRONIC TX MACX2502011 1 HOME CAMPUS DES MOINES, IA 50328 Action ? 2 Q o TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-023.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 234 5 Taxpayer 156210 JANE ANN STORM 1563 SIERRA SPRINGS 6 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS User Codes Book/Page 2000 50202 Property Address 1563 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 4 UNIT C A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1767 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 Q Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-024.000 Parcel Inquiry INQ Year 2001 T Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 345 Taxpayer 157342 SCOTT D THOLE 1593 SIERRA SPRINGS 6 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 U B User Codes Book/Page 2000 59130 P Property Address 1593 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 L Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 4 UNIT D A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1767 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Escrow 80040 NETS ELECTRONIC TX MACX2502011 1 HOME CAMPUS DES MOINES, IA 50328 Action ? 2 Q (;) TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-025.000 Parcel Inquiry INQ Year 2001 T Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 3 4 5 Taxpayer 157921 KIMBERLY M BORGES 1575 SIERRA SPRINGS 6 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS User Codes Book/Page 2000 61093 Property Address 1575 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 4 UNIT E A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1010 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-S IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 o u TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-026.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 234 5 Taxpayer 156212 DOROTHY A DYAR 1581 SIERRA SPRINGS 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS 6 User Codes Book/Page 2000 50198 Property Address 1581 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 4 UNIT F A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1010 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 o Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-027.000 Parcel Inquiry INQ Year 2001 T Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 234 5 Taxpayer 156211 MARK V HOUSTON 1569 SIERRA SPRINGS 6 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 U B User Codes Book/Page 2000 50200 P Property Address 1569 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 L Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 4 UNIT G A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1329 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Escrow 80040 NETS ELECTRONIC TX MACX2502011 1 HOME CAMPUS DES MOINES, IA 50328 Action ? 2 Q Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-01-028.000 Parcel Inquiry INQ Year 2001 T Tax Codes District 0017 Taxpayer 155929 Twn Sch Spec TRUDI A WEBER 17 60 2 1587 SIERRA SPRINGS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 U User Codes R 6 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 B Book/Page 2000 48944 P Property Address 1587 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 L Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 1 BLD 4 UNIT H A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1329 SQ FT 6/13/00 2000-28728 PLATTED FRM 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Escrow 80040 NETS ELECTRONIC TX MACX2502011 1 HOME CAMPUS DES MOINES, IA 50328 Action ? 2 v Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-02-001.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 345 Taxpayer 159382 SHIRLEY A YOUNT 1431 SIERRA SPRINGS 6 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS 7 User Codes Book/Page 2001 7972 Property Address 1431 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 2 BLDG 49 UNIT A A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1640 SQ FT 10/11/00 2000-51011 PLATTED FR 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 u Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-02-002.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes District Twn Sch Spec 17 60 2 1 2 3 4 User Codes Book/Page 2001 6131 Taxpayer 159159 PATRICIA H FELDMANN 1473 SIERRA S~RINGS 0017 5 6 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS Property Address 1473 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDd HP TRACT 2 BLDG 49 UNIT B A SEl/4 %INT IN CA 1640 SQ FT 10/11/00 2000-51011 PLATTED FR 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 o o TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-02-003.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 3 4 5 Taxpayer 159160 E SUZANNE MCDANIEL 1437 SIERRA SPRINGS 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS 6 User Codes Book/Page 2001 6132 Property Address 1437 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 2 BLDG 49 UNIT C A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1767 SQ FT 10/11/00 2000-51011 PLATTED FR 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 u Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-02-005.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 234 5 Taxpayer 159258 RONALD V RUNYON 1449 SIERRA SPRINGS 6 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS User Codes Book/Page 2001 7088 Property Address 1449 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 2 BLDG 49 UNIT E A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1010 SQ FT 10/11/00 2000-51011 PLATTED FR 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cant. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-S Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 o Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-02-006.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 3 4 5 Taxpayer 159161 MARY J OMALLEY 1455 SIERRA SPRINGS 6 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS User Codes Book/Page 2001 6140 Property Address 1455 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 2 BLDG 49 UNIT F A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1010 SQ FT 10/11/00 2000-51011 PLATTED FR 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 u Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-02-007.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 3 4 5 Taxpayer 159165 BRUCE M JACOBSON POBOX 40857 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS 6 7 User Codes Book/Page 2001 6257 Property Address 1443 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 2 BLDG 49 UNIT G A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1329 SQ FT 10/11/00 2000-51011 PLATTED FR 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cant. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46240 U B P L Action ? 2 u u TG9001 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-02-008.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 3 4 5 Taxpayer 159162 VIVIANNE I ALVARADO 1461 SIERRA SPRINGS 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS 6 7 User Codes Book/Page 2001 6146 Property Address 1461 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 2 BLDG 49 UNIT H A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1329 SQ FT 10/11/00 2000-51011 PLATTED FR 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 o Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISb Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-02-015.000 Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 User Codes Book/Page Year 2001 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 3 4 5 Taxpayer 157967 PAUL R SNIDER 1519 SIERRA SPRINGS 6 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS 2000 61078 Property Address 1519 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 2 BLDG 52 UNIT A A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1483 SQ FT 10/11/00 2000-51011 PLATTED FR 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B P L Action ? 2 w w TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-02-016.000 Year 2001 Tax Codes District 0017 Twn Sch Spec 17 60 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 User Codes T Book/Page 2000 60438 Taxpayer 157968 BEVERLY M COX 1549 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS Property Address 1549 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 2 BLDG 52 UNIT B A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1483 SQ FT 10/11/00 2000-51011 PLATTED FR 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Parcel Inquiry INQ T IN 46280 U B p L Action ? 2 u Q TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-02-017.000 Parcel Inquiry INQ Year 2001 , T Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 Spec 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 T Taxpayer 157969 LIGGETT, JERRY W & CRISTA D JT/RS 1531 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 U B User Codes Book/Page 2000 61102 P Property Address 1531 SIERRA SPRINGS INDIANAPOLIS 46280 L Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 2 BLDG 52 UNIT C A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1658 SQ FT 10/11/00 2000-51011 PLATTED FR 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cant. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Action ? 2 u u TG900I 20 T29 BRC-ISD Tax System PARCEL SEQUENCE Parcel Number 17-13-12-04-02-024.000 Parcel Inquiry INQ Year 2001 T Tax Codes Twn Sch 17 60 District 0017 -Spec 2 1 2 345 Taxpayer 159552 JASON BUTTREY 9769 HERRING GULL DR 6 7 8 9 T INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 U B User Codes Book/Page 2001 9523 P Property Address 9769 HERRING GULL DR INDIANAPOLIS 46280 L Legal Description SECT-12 TWP- 17 RANGE- 03 PLAT-C24 THE RETREAT CONDO HP TRACT 2 BLDG 53 UNIT 0 A SE1/4 %INT IN CA 1535 SQ FT 10/11/00 2000-51011 PLATTED FR 17 13 12 00 00 005.000 Cont. LEGL-2,VALU-3,DED-4,SUM-5 Action ? 2 ~ c- o ..,.~ o o ~ 1$1 Is I t ., I 1" I i Ie ~ .,Ii 81 ~ , tIS ~I~ '.) I~ ... u el I I .... I ..... 0) ,'''' C? 'CD ... /: 00 1iO .0:0 Ie? r-- U> ..... .~ O? "" Iflo ;;: I~ 1- 10 !~ '. C? .... ..... 0 ~ I~ 1- ..... .... I~' ... c !6! 2000 ASSM REVISION REASON LOT SIZE EIOIX200 FRONT FOOTAGE 101 FEET N PART ASMT YR BUILT 1910 SO FT LIV AREA Y HOMESTEAD CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 N LEASD IMP LAST ASSESS eRG 00/00/0000 Y EXEMPTS LAST MISC UPDA~E 07/26/1993 N SEC. ADOR KEYCODE 2---0229---001 N MEMO S/~jR 13/17/03 OWNR HIST TSD CODE 400 1 N PARCL nST MORTGAGE INSTR NO 970121184 N IMP ON HP PARC&L STATUS ACTIVE Y AODL ASM'I' ACREAGE .0000 N CONSRVNCY fOREST 3RD SEC L0118 APPEAL CD PS3M001 DATE 04/17/2001 TIME 12:59 TERM REll OPT R05 MAP PS)ZOl OvmER AND ADDRESS KESSL~Rr DAVID A & KESSLAR, DAVID A & ROBERT L FAIR 1325 E 96TH ST INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe LI1B 02589 SHERWOOD TCODE PSVY PGM /1', PROP INFO SYS - WASHINGTON TO~lNSHIP PARCEL 8044257 TAX DlST 800 USE 510 PROP LOC 1325 E 96TH ST 46240 GOVT COD~ 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TYPE Q DATE 09/05/1995 FIIJE 0911911995 LAND IMP TOTAL 6,010 16,800 22,810 XMPT 3,000 BILL 19,870 Ii. <:> o ~ to o o ~ MAP PS3Z01 ~ROP INFO SYS - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP "q OWNER AND ADDRgSS POWELL, HAROLD G, JR , POWELL, HAROLD G, JR & CARLA A 1335 E 96TH S1 lNDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 PARCEL 8044258 1AX DIST aoo USE 510 PROP LOC 1335 E 96TH ST 46240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DE~D TYPE W DATE 10/26/1990 FILE 12/05/1990 ~ND IMP TOTAL 6,000 15,670 21,610 XMPT ),000 BILL 18,670 I I~ \~ 1 t I I~ I~ ~l~ ~lo t'lo g I~ -< H ~ IU I I I ~ !~ ~ I: : I: ..-i : I~ ~ J~ ~ I~ ~ l~ .... If-< ~ I~ ..... "- ~ I~ I~ I 2000 ASSM REVISION REASON LOT SIZE E100X200 FRONT FOOTAGE 100 FEET YR BUILT 1910 SQ FT LIV AREA CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 1AST ASSESS CRG 00/00/0000 LAST MISC UPDATE 07/26/1993 KEYCODE 2---0229---002 S/T/R 13/11f03 TSD COPE TTS 0093B4102 T MORTGAGE INSTR NO 970014929 PARCEL STATUS ACTIVE ACREAGE .0000 SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe 10119 PSVY PGM PS3MOOl DATE 04/17/2001 TIME 13:00 TERM LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe 1119 02589 TCODE N PART ASMT Y HOI"ESTEAD N 1EASD IMP 'f EXEMPTS N SEe. ADDR N r-fEMO OWlfR HIST N PARCL aST N IMP ON MP Y ADDL ASMT N CONSRVNCY APPEAL CD RE12 OPT R05 U) ::> c lD~ <:) <::> ~ MAP PS3Z01 OWNER AND ADDRESS KIMBROUGH, DOUGLAS E & KIMBROUGH, DOUGLAS E & KELLY D 1405 E 96TH 8T INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 i I~ I~ , , l' LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHERWOOD FOR&ST 3RD SEC L120 'u 15 ~ ~ ~ E-t 0 '- l;) 8 < v .... :z:: v ~ 02589 .... I Q TCODE I SHERWOOD FOREST: 3RD I?SVY PGM PS3MOOl ... .... <>> ' ... <? I.. ... /: GO lD " CD n ... iD ... .., ~ I><l Po ..: Po c 0 GO .. It) .., .. ... .., I~ ... ... I~ <:) "- I; t- ... "- ". l- ... .... 0 "- ... 0 PROP INFO SYS - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP I "LO PARCEL 8044259 TAX DIST 800 USE 510 PROP LOC 1405 E 96TH ST 46240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY otJNED DEED TYPE W DATE 11/22/1994 FI~g LAND IMP 6,000 20,030 XMPT BILL 2000 ASSM REVISION REASOW LOT SIZE EIOOX200 FRONT FOOTAGE 100 PEET YR BUILT 1970 SQ FT LIV AREA CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 LAST ASSESS CHG 00/00/0000 LAST MIse UPDATE 01/26/1993 KEYCODE 2---0229---003 S/T/R 13117/03 TSD CODE COW 6662166 T MORTGAGE INSTR NO 980031636 PARCEL STATUS ACTIVE ACREAGE ' .0000 SEC L012D DATE 04/17/2001 TIME 13:0D ~ 11/28/1994 TOTAL 26,030 3,000 23,030 N PART ASM'I' Y HOMESTEAD N LEASD IMP Y EXEMPTS N SEC. ADDR N MEMO OvmR HI ST N PARCL HST N IMP ON MP Y ADDL ASMT N COMSRVNCY APPEAL CD TERM RE12 OPT ROS 1- o o t--~ o o ~ MAP PS3Z01 PROP INE'O SYS - ~~ASHING10N TOl'lNSHIP OWNER AND ADDRESS 3T VINCENT NE~ HOPE, INC ST VINCE~T NEW HOPE, INC SUITE: 300 8450 N PAYNE: RD INDIANAPOLIS IN 46268 I~ 10 I~ \ ~ I I '(} I~ .1Sl ez:1:w ~I~ tl8 ~ Ii: ;; I G u, I i I - I C'..l ' ~ i: ... '(I) : I: ~ I: C') '~ M II&. r;: I~ ~ j.:; ;; ,-4 : l~ o ;: J 6 ~ I~ I LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHERWOOD FORES'f 3RD SEe 1,121 02589 SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD TCODE PSVY PGM PS3MOOl I:,).. ( PARCgL 8044260 TAX DI5T 800 USE 510 PROP LOC 1415 E 96TH ST 46240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TYPE W DATE 08/14/1995 FILE LAND IMP 6,000 16,700 XMPT BILL 2000 ASSM REVISION REASON LOT SIZE EIOOX200 FRONT FOOTAGE 100 FEET YR BUILT 1970 SQ FT LIV AREA CREATION DATB 00/00/0000 LAST ASSESS CHG 00/00/0000 LAST MIse UPDATE 07/26/1993 KEYCODE 2---0229---004 S/T/R 13/17/03 TSD CODE MORTGAGE INSTR NO P~RCEL STATUS ACTIVE ACREAGE .0000 SEe 1.0121 DATE 04/17/2001 TIME 09/13/1995 TOTAL 22,700 22,100 o N PART ASMT N HOMESTEAD N LEASD U1P '{ EXEMP'l'S N SEe. ADDR N MEMO OWHR HIST N PARCI. eST N IMP ON MP Y ADDL ASH! N CONSRVNCY APPEAL CD 13:00 TERM RE12 OPT R05 00 a o 0l)S1 o o ~ MAP PS3Z01 PROP INFO S'iS - v~ASHING'1'ON TOWNSHIP OWNER AND ADDRESS ARBUCKLE, MICHAEL E ARBUCKLE, MICHAEL E & JANEANE L 1425 E 96TH ST INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 1:J....1... PARCEL 8044261 TAX DIST 800 USE 510 PROP LOC 1425 E 96TH ST 46240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TYPE W DATE 05/01/1979 FILE 05/01/1919 LAND IMP TOTAIJ 6,000 20,570 26,570 XMPT 1,000 BILL 25,570 I~ I~ : t I ., I I I I~ ~IIII @I~ tl8 ~I~ u ,... ;; ~ vI I i ~ I 0> ~~ : I~ : I~ ..... .-) 1':;1 ~ I: Q() I~ 10 'M ~ I~ ..... i~ ~ I..... ~ I~ :;; r- o IS Ie. 2000 ASSt1 REVISION REASON LOT SIZE EIOOx200 FRONT FOOTAGE 100 FEET YR BUILT 1970 SQ FT LIV AREA CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 LAST ASSESS eRG 00/00/0000 LAST MISC UPDATE 07/26/1993 KEY CODE 2---0229---005 S/T/R 13/11/03 TSD CODE RTS 000531900 T MORTGAGE INSTR NO 940035555 PARCEL STATUS ACTIVE ACREAGE .. 0000 FOREST 3Rp SEe L0122 PS3HOOl DATE 04/11/2001 TIME 13:00 LEGAL DESCRIPTIO~ SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe L122 Q25B9 SHERWOOD TCODE PSVY PGM [II PART ASMT N HOMESTEAD N LSASD IMP Y EXEl>1PTS N SEe. ADDR N MEMO OWNR MIST N PARCL HST N IMP ON [\1P 'f ADDL ASMT N CONSRVNCY APPEAL CD 7ERM RE12 OPT R05 a; o D a>~ o o ~ I~AP PS3Z01 OWNER AND ADDRESS SHERl-mN, ROBERT F, SH.ERMAN, ROBERT F, 'fRUSTEE & M KATHLEEN SHERMAN, TRUSTEE 1435 E 96TH ST INOTANAPOLIS IN 46240 . !:I 18 , i + I i I I~ I~ 8i~ .... ;;;J tl8 ~Ii: u,.... .... t.) = u/ I I .... I N I ~ ~~ :; I: c I~ r- CD ~ I~ ~ I~ ~ I~ ;; 1.-4 .... .~ Ip I~ I~ IS 10 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe L123 025B9 SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD TCOOE PSVY PGM PS3M001 .... o "- t- .... " ... c PROP I~~O SYS - WASHINGTON T~~NSHIP 11-.3 PARCEL 8044262 TAX DIST BOO USE 510 PROP LOC 1435 F. 96TH ST 46240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TY~E Q DAT~ 10/14/1997 FILE LAND IMP 6,700 22,670 KMPT BILL 2000 ASSM REVISION REASON LOT SIZE E132X170 FRONT FOOTAGE 132 fEET YR BUILT 1970 SQ FT LIV AREA CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 LAST ASSESS eRG 00/00/0000 LAST MIse UPDATE 07/26/1993 KEYCODE 2---0229---006 S/T/R 13/11/03 TSO CODE TTS 001143000 T MORTGAGE INSTR NO 920113629 P~RCEL STATUS ACTIVE ACREAGE .0000 SEe 1.0123 DATE 04/17/2001 TIME 13:00 10/16/1997 TOTAL 29,]70 3,000 26,370 N PART ASMT Y AOMESTEAD N I.EASD niP 'i EXEMPTS N SEe. AODR H MEMO OWNR HI ST N PARCL HS7 N HIP ON MP Y. ADOL ASM'T N CONSRVWCY APPEAL CD TERM RE12 OPT ROS /31.- o rl o o~ rl o ~ MAP PS3Z01 PROP INFO SYS - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP OWNER AND ADDRESS EMMELMAN, GEORGE S EMMELMAN, GEORGE S & PATRICIA .J 9540 NORA LN INDI8NAPOLIS IN 46240 PARCEL 8044271 TAX DIST BOO USE 510 PROP LOC 9540 NORA LN 46240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TYPE W DATE 10/21/1969 FILE 10/27/1969 LAND IMP TOTAL 5,800 16,100 22,500 XMPT 2,000 BILL 20,500 2000 ASS'"' REVISION . ~ REASON I 8 LOT SI ZE . E102X177 . t FRONT FOOTAGE 102 FEE'!' N PART ASMT I ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION VR BUILT 1964 SQ F'I' I.IV AREA Y HOMESTEAD I SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEC CREATION DAT~ 00/00/0000 N LEASD IMP I L132 LAST ASSESS CH.G 00/00/0000 Y EXEMPTS LAST MIse UPDATE 07/26/1993 N SEC. ADDR I t!l KEYCOI>E 2----0229---0()7 N ME~IO . 5 SIT /R 13117/03 OWNR HIST 111:1 - TSD CODE N PARCL HST 8 I ~ MORTGAGE INSTR NO N IMP ON MP ~ I ~ PARCEL STATUS ACTIVE'. Y ADDL ASMT o ACREAGE .0000 N CONSRVNCY ~ t.: 02589 SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe L0132 95000 APPEAl, CD 8\ G -TCOOE. .PSVY....PGM PSJMOO-l.-,..--- DATE- .()4/11/-WOl TIME-- -13: 01- .TERM,.REl-2.0PT-R05 __.'d'. __h_._.._.., .._-.... --.---- --___ I I I rl I N C>> . - C? I: ... IlO '00 U> I:;; ... rl l~ ..., I~ I>"l i1: I~ Cl) It) (') .. .-I <? ... ~ ... ~ c I~ ..~ too ... , I~ ... c I~ I 2000 ASSM REVISION REASON LOT SIZE E100X254 FRONT roOTAGE 100 FEET N PART ASMT LEGAL DESCRIPTION YR BUILT 1963 SQ FT LIV AREA Y HOMESTEAD SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe CREATION DA~E 00/00/0000 N LEASD IMP P1 L134 BEG 711SE OF NW LAST ASSESS CHG 00/00/0000 Y EXEMPTS COR; SE30.25' SW245.981 LAST MISC U~DATE 01/26/1993 N SEC. ADDR NW100' NE219.6G' S&30.69' KEYCODE 2---0229---048 N MEMO I ~ SE46.11' TO BEG S/t/R 13/11/03 OWNR HIST Ii' TSI> CODE FRE 203473005 'r N PARCL HST ...81 ~ MORTGAGE INSTR ~o 910174335 N IMP ON liP ~ PARCEL s'rATUS ACTIVE Y ADDL ASMT t 8 o ACREAGE . 0000 N CONSRVNCY ~ ~ 02589 SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe L0134 APPEAL CD ~ O--'l'COD~2SV.Y------P-GM.---PS3MOD.l- ---llA.!l!E-O.4--/-.J.+/-2-0-0-1--i!-I-ME-l~T(}'~ERM--RE.l-2-Qp..'J!-RO~ ::a ul I I ~ \ ~ Ii ~ I~ ; Ii ~ \; I~ I~ MAP PS3Z01 PROP INFO SYS - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ..... ..4 o ....~ ..... c ~ PARCEL B044273 TAX 0181' 800 mlNE.R AND ADDRESS CANNON, WAYNE S & CANNON, WAYNE S , BARBARA S 9531 NORA LN INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 PROP LOC GOVT CODE DEED TYPE LAND: 6,310 9531 NORA 00 PRIVAT&LY OWNED W DATE 02/28/1994 FILE IMP 1B,230 XMPT BILL I~ I ,. I l ..... o '-. ~ ..... ',- .... o o '- t- ... ,~ ..,. o USE 510 LN 46240 03/02/1994 TOTAL 24, 600 3,000 21,600 /3'-1 /31 MAP PS)ZOl PROP INFO SYS - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP 2000 ASSt-1 REVISION REASON LOT SIZE E320X40 FRONT FOOTAGE 320 FEET YR BUILT SQ FT.LIV AREA CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 LAST ASSESS CHG 00/00/0000 LAST MIse UPDATE 07/26/1993 K&YCODE 2---0229---046 S/T/R 13/17/03 TSD CODE MORTGAGE INSTR NO 000000000 PARCEL STA1'US ACTIvt ACREAGE .0000 FOREST 3RD SEe L0131 PS3MOOl' ,_..., . 'n DATE 04/11 12001 eN ~ o N~ ~ o ~ OWNER AND ADDRESS LILLIE, GERALDINE T LILLIE, GERALDINE T 9511 NORA LN INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 I~ IU . .,. \ t I I NW 232.45FT 'SE IRR I ~ 234.8?E'Y S 95FT ~I; . ~Io ~ I~ 02589 SHERWOOD ~ t:; TCODE - PSVY" 'PGM ::c . U I LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe PT L137 BEG SE COR E 75FT .... N , 0:> '- C? ,- . ... 'of' 1= or> ... ,lP ,.. I: ~ C'> I~ ~ I~ (I., 0 I~ <::> .. I'"' 'of' .... I~ .... 0 1.-1 ". t- I~ .... , 'of' I~ 0 I PARCEL 8044276 TAX DIST 800 OSE 500 PROP LOG 1621 E 96TH ST 46240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TYPE F DATE 07/26/1991 FILE 07/26/1991 LAND IMP TOTAL 200 200 o 200 o XMP'1' BILL N PART ASMT N HOMESTEAD N LEASD IMP N EXEMPTS N SEC. ADDR N MEMO OtlNR II1ST N PARCL HS'1' N IMP ON MP N ADOL ASMT N CONSRVNCY APPEAL CO TIME -13-; 01 ""TERM 'REl"2:.0fT R05 ..-~.- . ,- ----._,- M ... o ..,s ..... o ~ M.AP PS)'ZOl PROP INFO SYS - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP OWNER AND ADDRESS LILLIE, GERALDINE T LILLIE, GERALDINE T 9517 NORA LN INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 PARCEL B044277 TAX DIST 800 USE 500 PROP LOC 1631 E 96TH ST 46240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TYPE F DATE 07/26/1991 FILE 07/26/1991 LAND IMP TOTAL 2000 ASSM REVISION REASON LOT SIZE E148X40 FRONT FOOTAGE 14ft FEET N PART ASMT YR BUILT SQ FT LIV AR&A N HOMESTEAD CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 N LEABD IMP LAST ASSESS CHG OO/OO/OO~O N KXEMPTS LAST MIse UPDATE 07/26/1993 N SEC. ADDR KEYCOOE 2---0229---043 N MEMO S/TfR 13/17/03 OWNR HIST T S D.CODE N PARCL HST 8 , r:: MORTGAGE INSTR NO 000000000 N IMP ON [\1P ~ I ~8 PAR~EL STATUS ACT IVE N ADDL ASMT '- \ ACREAGE .0000 N CONSRVNCY ~ ~ 02589 SfiERWOOD FORES'!, 3RD SEe L01~B . . APPEAL CO ~ I t)-TCODrpSVY-PGM-PS3MO.0'~---.-DATE-O~11712"OUl~IME-1-n-OrTERM-RETTUPT-RUS--. I I I ..... I IN I ~ ioe :; I: C> .~ ~ I: : I~ < to, r-.. o 0 o ;.; .;,; .,..j ..... 100 100 o 100 o XMPT BILL I I~ I t I ., I I lu i~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe PT L138 BEG NE COR S 245FT W l02.07FT N 95FT SE 118FT .... o " t- ..... -, ... <:; ~ f-< .... o "- l- .-4 "- , .., 10 /3</ MAP PS3Z01 PROP INFO SYS -- WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ~ ~ o ~1Sl ~ <:) ~ OWNER AND ADDRESS CANNON, WAYNE S & CANNON, WAYNE S & BARBARA S 9537 NORA LN INDIANAPOI,IS IN 46240 PARCEL 8044272 TAX DIST aoo USE 500 PROP LOC 9559 NORA LN 46240 GOVT CODE (}O PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TYFE W DATE 02/28/1994 FILE 03/02/1994 LAND IMP TOTAL 1,100 0 7,100 XMPT 0 BILL 7,100 2000 ASSM REVISION I !:t REASON I' 8 LOT SIZE 111lX2JO ., FRONT FOOTAGE 118 FEET N PAR'r ASMT i; LEGAL OESCR~rTION YR BUILT SQ FT LIV AREA Y HOMESTEAD I, SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 N LEAse IMP I PT L133 BEG 12.8'SE 23'SW LAST ASSESS eRG 00/00/0000 N EXEMPTS I O~ NE COR; 23e.8S'SW LAST MIse UPDATE 01/~6/1993 N SEC. ADDR 60.S'NWRLY 175.38' ON ARC KEYCODE 2---022S---G41 N MEMO I ~ 76.57"E 120.07'SE TO BEG S/r/R 13/17/03 OWNR HIST " al TSD CODE FRE 203473005 T N PMCL. HST llr: ... 8 I f;! MORTGAGE INS'TR NO OOOOOOl>OO N IMP ON MP E:: g PARCEL STATlJS ACT1VE. N ADDL ASMT " I u ACREAGE .0000 N CONSRVNCY ~ I, ~ 02589 SHERwoqn FOREST 3RD SEe L0l33 APPEAL CD ;; I ~':::T.cOt)E--:"P.Sv.Y:-::l'GM::::PS3MO"O~--..~--_.~-- ,.u__.,,--.-DA'l"E-::U-47,1-TtzO-O:l:::-JIr.mE=1"3+(ll-'-EIDr~:];~::::I{tn)--~..:...~~,. -..:..<:......~ .,;-.:::::"'~~-~~ VI I I I ;:: I 0) '- ~ I: ~ I~ .... IP ~ I~ ~ IJIo "- 00 .0 ~ I;; :.; I'" ... I ~ ~ I... ~ I ~ ., to- 6 I~ I~ I 133 . ... _........- .- . 10 ... <:> Il'>~ ..... o ~ MAP PS3Z01 PROP INFO S'lS - \'rASHINGTON Tm.,NSHIP 2000 ASSM REVI$ION REASON LOT SIZE EIOOX293 FRONT FOOTAGE 100 FEET YR BUILT 1962 SQ FT LIV AREA CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 LAST ASSESS CHG 00/00/0000 LAST MISC UPDATE 01/26/1993 KEYCODE 2---0229---049 S/T/R 13/17/03 TSD CODE MORTGAGE INSTR NO PARCEL STATUS ACTIVE ACREAGE .0000 SHERWOOD FOREST JRD SEC.. LP135 tl . r~n. .a]n~ OWNER AND ADDRESS METY., ARTHOR L METZ, ARTHUR L " CAROLE J 9~27 NORA LN INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 I, I~ I ~ I I~ ggl~ ~I~ E-t 0 ~ I ~ 02589 u ... ~ I t)~~U I I _._ ____..___.__ ~.....---.- ;: I ell> .gO : l= ; I: : I~ ..: ~ I~ o LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe L135 PARCEL 8044274 TAX DIST 800 USE 510 PROP IJOC 9521 NORA LN 46240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY or/NED DEED TYPE W DATE 03/01/1919 FIL~ LAND IMP 6,410 13,130 XMPT BILL 03/01/1979 TOTAL 19,600 2,000 17,600 If PART ASMT ~ HOMESTEAD N LEASD IMP Y EXEMPTS N SEC. ADDR N MEMO OWNR HIS'l' N PARCL HST N IMP ON MP Y ADDL AS~I"l' N CONSRVNCY APPEAL CD WIL"~ Ol.l.i~,,'~i '}' .In!!. . .h a i ~ ~ J.:~lw.-Itb~ 'Vl"1.' 'M\J 8 ..... -.. /3 s- ... .....--L... . . --._-_._---~--~. _._--~_._~-_.._._--_...------_..---._--_._-~----------_._--~_._._~._--_._._._-_._---------- . -. . . .. .. ~ ... I~ I~ I~ I... I' /6 ..... o , t- ... -.. ~ o 2000 ASSM REVISION REASON LOT SIZE EIOOX222 FRONT FOOTAGE 100 FEET N PART ASMT YR BUILT 1960 SQ FT LIV AREA Y HOMESTEAD CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 N LEASD IMP LAST ASSESS CHG 00/00/0000 Y EXEMPTS LAST MIse UPDATE 07/2~/1993 N SEC. ADDR KEYCODE 2---0229---050 N MEMO I ~. S/T/R 13/17/03 O~lNR HIS1' g:; lit! 'TSD CODE N PARCL HST o ~ MORTGAGE INSTR NO N IMP ON MP ~ I S PARCEL STATUS ACTIVE Y ADD!. ASMT o t.> ACREAGE .0000 1iI CO~SRVNCY ~ 'f:: ..U2589..SHERWOOD_FOREST....3RD..SEC-L0136...--. .-- - --. -..--..--- '-'- ..--.---- ...----. . -.-----APl'EAI.-.CD-------------~---- ~ t;~1F...Plil.~~Ji-.R~.,tlo.ej:1--.-...--...h ---:~~~-.l)'1rlnllHJl.~~~..~r'f~~t'.i ~~'i3"-:':" n_._.._ -'. ....-- = UI I ~ I ~ i: :; p: ; /: : I~ < ~ (0 .... o U)~ .... o ~ MAP PS3Z01 OWNER AND ADDRESS LILLIE, GERALDINE T LILLIE, GERALDINE- T 9517 NORA LN INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 II I~ t ~ LEGAL OESCRI~TrON SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe L136 /310 PROP INFO SYS _. WASHINGTON 'l'm.mSHIP PARCEL 8044275 TAX DIST aDo USE 510 PROP LOC 9517 NORA LN 46240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TYPE F DATE 07/26/1991 FILE 07/26/1991 ~D illP TO~ 6,130 11,730 23,860 XMPT 2,000 BILL 21,860 .... o I? f') .-i .. ... .... ~ ... .... o "- t- .... "- ... o I~ I~ I; I I I~ M o t-ffiP P53Z01 PROP INFO SYS - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP ...S M o ~ OWNER AND ADDRESS MUELLER, HELEN MUELLER, HELEN 5345 E l06TH ST INDIANA~OLIS IN 462BO PARCEL 8Q05118 TAX DIST 800 USE 101 PROP LOC 1875 ~ 96TH ST Q6240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TYPE W DATE 03/01/1979 FILE 03/01/1979 LAND IMP TOTAL 3.900 0 3,900 Xt-lPT 0 BILL 3,900 2000 ASSM I 111 REVISION ::sl REASON I ~ LOT SIZE . FRONT FOOTAGE E'EET N PART ASM'l' I' ~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION YR BUILT SQ FT LIV AREA N HOMESTEAD BEG SW COR N l099.61FT SW CREATION DA~E 00/00/0000 N LEASD IMP I IRR 916.99FT SE ALONG LAST ASSESS CHG 00/00/0000 N EXEMPTS CURVE 522.95FT S 348_11FT LAST MIse UPDATE 07/06/1993 N SEC. ADDR I u W 1144 _ 75FT '1'0 BEG PT XEYCODE 2---0230---001 N MEMO I ~ NEl/4 NE1/4 513 T17 R3 5/T/R 13/17/03 OWNR KIST 23. BAC TSD CODE N PARCL HST is I ~ MORTGAGE INSTR NO 000000000 N IMP ON MF ~ I ~ PARCEL STATUS ACTIVE N ADDL ASMT 6 I (j' ACREAGE 23.8000 N CONSRVNCY ~ I~. _S,Ecx.I.ON_l~..3tflWNSU.LJLl.L.Rl\NGL.01..... . -' .-... u '-_~~8.9.l:1-5-:.Ae.2EAL~C() .-. -~ -. .... - ~ t;-.TCU~'~VY-'PGK' PS'3M01t1---..--. -'---". - --rmTE--"011I1T/2mn"TnIE" 13: Ot-"TERM-RE1T-"pT~S------ :z: - u I I I ~ I E ii : I~ ... . U> ;: I~ ~ I~ w.. GO 6 I~ .. ~ ~ M ~ M c- "- ... ... '-- .... o Pi 13 IS Ie ,;L ~ ... <:> ~S OWNER AND ADDRESS <:> MUELLER, HELEN ~ MUELLER, HELEN 5345 B106TH ST I INDIANAPOLIS IN 46280 2000 ASSM I REVISION II REASON . 8 LOT SIZE I , FRONT FOOTAGE FEET i; LEGAL DESCRIMION YR BlJILT SQ Fl' LIV AR8A I BEG 445.29FT E OF NW COR CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 , E 460FT SRLY 200.B5FT LAST ASSESS CHG 00/00/0000 I SRLY 154.9SFT SRLY LAST MIse U?DATE 06/20/1995 I {:I 224. 92FT N~1 916.68FT TO KEY CODE 2---0230---004 l:l BEG PT ~El/4 NEl/4 813 S/T/R 13/11103 ~ I ~ T17 R3 :2.S71AC ~~T~~~~ INS~R NO 000000000 ~ I ti .. ---.. - - - -' - -- - - -- -- ......PARCEL---STATUS -ACTIVE' -.. -.. h E-o 0 8 I U _ ACREAGE 2 . 5110 N CONSRVNCY _ < I ~~~-SE-CT.lmL.-a~WNSHI~;;;;l~NGELJJ:l- -- --- - ;;._n_ ..-- -. .---.--.-. n" .-.- ---~.;;&aU_5~L_.::.CD..;-m_-..'--- ..------------ --;---------- -. '''-- ~ I ;:--TellD!:c1'~ .. . "ATJi1l4/nnool 'T~mir-m:1Z 6"r- 805- ,... .,..".. --.-- ..---- I I .... I ... I C>> C? . Cll) U> MAP PS3Z01 PROP INFO SYS -- WASHING'l'ON 'l'OWNSHIP PARCEL 8048884 TAX DIST 800 USE 101 PROP LOC 9546 WESTFIELD BL 46220 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TYPE W DATE 03/01/1979 FILE 03/01/1979 LAND. IMP TOTAL 430 o XMPT BILL 430 o 430 N PART ASMT N HOI-l'ESTEAD N LEASD niP N EXEMPTS N SEe. ADDR N MEMO OWNR H1ST N PARCL HST N IMP ON MP . --N--ADOL---ASMT- r-- .-i C'> ON I: I: I~ I~ ,: .0 I,;; ,.... ,rg It-' -... I~ I~ '- i6 I I><l i:: .-i <:> .. . .... .-i Q '- r-- .-i ~'- . <:> II Ie, OWNER AND ADDRESS l-lALLAL, J8n'REY T & KALLAL, JEFFREY T & PAMELA D 9514 COMPTON CT 2000 INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 ASSM . REVISION I. i;i REASON I 8 LOT SIZE E1l2X243 I t FRONT FOOTAGE 112 FEET N PART ASMT i t LEGAL DESCRIPTION YR BUILT 1971 SQ FT LIV AREA Y HOMESTgAO I SHERWOOD FOREST 3RD SEe CREATION DATE OO{OO/oooo N LEASD IMP I L116 LAST ASSESS CHG 00/00/0000 Y EXEMPTS LAST MIse UPDATE 08/19/199B N SEC. ADDR I (J KEYCODE 2---0229---011 N MEMO I 5 S/r/R 13/17/03 OWNR HIS1' I al 'fSD CODE TTS 003153000 T N PARCL HST ~ I ~ _.' ., . '_0"'" u." . ".... , . _,,~~:~~~G~Ti~~~,R1\~I~~~~??2~_ -- ""-,,, . ' '~"':~L?:S: "",- - --.., - "h 0, "0" ....-,,-, ".- ---._- ~ : 8 . . _. _ ,., ._. '0' ~C~E.A:~__.....__ _~~_~~~___o___"..__n .___n'__._'__._.'_~_,_CONS_R~_~Y__,,__.____o.__ ~ I E~~~~~~~~~~~~g~~~~,::~E~~~-r..Q:1.=!:~:DATi:::6~li5il20~oi=;rrMg::T3~'.02:~n{~j{~Bi~~R~'.:~::'::o~~,~:;'':::--=:::::=.:~~:~~~ ;:.-::- u ~ .... C) O>'~ .... e ~ t-\AP PS3Z01 PROP INFO SVS - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP PARCEL B044255 TAX DIST 800 USE 510 PROP LOC 9514 COMPTON CT 46240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED T'iPE W DA.TE 02/04/1994 FILE 02/10/1994 LAND IMP TOTAL 6,700 18,900 25,600 XMPT 3,000 BILL 22,€iOO " ---- .... ..... Cl> <? CD ... ClIl GO <D CD CD r-- c? .... CD .., ~ ;..: ..: If.Io to. CJ> ..... I~ 0- .. ,... ... .... I~ .... 0 I '- r-- I~ ~ ... I~ 0 I~ I OWNER AND ADDRESS PARCEL 8044256 TAX DIST BOD USE 510 BORGERT, JOHN E PROP LOC 9524 COMPTON eT 46240 BORGERT, JOHN E & ~mRY GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY ~~NED 9524 COMPTON CT DEED TYPE W DA~E 06/21/1919 FILE I INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 2000 L~ND IKP ASSM 5,430 20,230 I REVISION XMPT " iI REASON BILL . . 3 . LOT SIZE EI07X151 I t FRONT FOOTAGE 101 FEET N PAR'f ASMT i + LEGAL DESCRIPTION YR BUILT 1970 SQ FT LIV AREA Y HOMESTEAD I SHERWOOD FOREST 3RO SEe CREAl'ION DATE OO{OD/OOOO N LEASO IMP Ll17 LAST ASSESS CHG 00/00/0000 Y EXEMPTS I . LAST MIse UPDATE OB/19/1998 N SEC. AODR I " KEYCODE 2---0229---016 N MEMO l:t s/T/R 13/17/03 OWNR KIST ,IA !SD CODE FRE 202486598 T N PARCL HST 8 I ~ - MORTGAGE INSTR NO 890096251 N IMP ON MP E=: 5 PARCEL STATUS ACTIVE 'i ADDL ASM'I' ~ I ~__02~89'-SRERWOO~-FGRES!J'--JRll"SEC-1~~~~--.-...,-......~~~_~_o____ .---.. ._....-_...._..-_..~..~.~:~~~~.__.- .....-----..--" - -..------,-- -.~.-._~- ~ I ~ TCODE "PSVY.'PGM--PS'3HOO1:.- .. --......-... ... .DATE"04/11/2001:" TIME' .'1'3 :'02 'TERM--.REl-2' OPT-Rt)-5' --. ..-... ... '" ---- . .. ..... .__...m.._. . I I I ~ I g ii .~ ~ IQ) : I~ ..: ko I~ ~ I~ ~ l~ <:> ;: I~ S ]~ c I~ I C) IN o oB ..... o ~ //7 Ml\P PS3Z01 PROP INFO SYS - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP 06/21/1979 TOTAL 25,660 3,000 22,660 --- "----- ... N <:> ...8 ..... o ~ MAP PS3Z01 /~'-i PROP INFO SYS - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP OWNER AND ADDRESS BRIZZI, Cl\RL J & BRIZZI, CARL J & MELANIE R 9523 COMPTON CT INOIANAPOIJIS IN 46240 PARCEL 8044263 TAX DIST 800 OSE 510 PROP LOC 9523 COMPTON CT 46240 GOV'l' CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TYPE W DATE 06/16/1998 FILE 06/26/1998 LAND IMP TOTAL 5,330 18,770 24,100 XMPT 3,000 BILL 21,11l0 I~ 18 I t ,. 2000 ASSM REVISION REASON LOT SIZE EIOOX151 FRONT FOOTAGE 100 FEET N PART ASMT YR BUILT 1965 SQ fT LIV AREA Y HOMESTEAD CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 N LFASD IMP LAST ASSESS CHG 00/00/0000 Y EXEMPTS LAST MIse UPDATE 08/19/1998 N SEC. ADDR KEYCODE 2---0229---015 N MEMO S/T/R 13/17/03 OWNR HIST TSD CODE RTS 001513800 T N PARCL HST MORTGAGE INSTR NO 980209878 N IMP ON MP PARCEL S"fATUS ACTIVE Y AODL ASM'I' ACREAGE .0000 N CONSRVNCY . FOREST -JRD -SEC. LO.l-2 4.-.......- - - ,...... "....__._......_nn .n___' . . _..__n_.__'.____89.U 5-APPE~_CIL.._.-.. -.--."..-----. --..---- PSJMOOl DATE 04/17/200.1 TIME 13: 02 TERM RE12 OPT R05 LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHERWOOD ronEsT 3RD SEe L124 I I~ 81~ (:: s ...... u 8 .0: i::--9-2~89-.SHERWOOD ~ H ' e i 0 'l'CODE I?SVY PGM ... I ..... 0) j - C? Ie; ... I: ClI) lD ~ \; .... .., l><l ~ I~ ..... I~ 0 .. ..t ... ... ~ .... 0 '- ..... t- I~ .... ". ... ,t- o I~ N << (:) Nl5iil N o ~ t-1AP PS3Z01 PROP INFO SYS - WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP I'd? 2000 ASSM REVISION REASON LOT SIZE E121X268 FRONT FOOTAGE 121 FEET YR BUILT 1966 SQ FT LIV AREA CREATION DATE 00/00/0000 LAST ASSESS CHG 00/00/0000 LAST MIse UPDATE 07/26/1993 KEYCODE 2---~229---042 s/T/R 13/11/03 TSD CODE RTS OO~S31900 T MORTGAGE INSTR NO 980223862 PARCEL STATOS ACTIVE ACREAGE .0000 02569 SHERWOOD fOREST 3RD-SEC L0139 . TCODE PSVY PGM PS3M001 DATE: 04/17/2001 TIME 13:02 TERM OWNER AND ADDRESS POOLE r DONALD R & POOLE, DONALD R , DEBRA L 9511 NORA LN INDIANAPOLIS IN 46240 ~ . 0 I t , -t , LEGAL DESCRIPTION SHERWOOD E'QRES"l 3RD SEC L139 tll ~ ~I~ 818 <If:: o ... =.~ oj I I I ;: I ~ ;~ : I: ; !: .., I~ lo< I~ ;;: ,(I) '0 g I.:; '.... :: I I~ I I~ l~ I PARCEL 8044278 TAX DIST BOO USE 510 PROP LOe 9511 NORA LN 46240 GOVT CODE 00 PRIVATELY OWNED DEED TYPE W DATE 08/30/2000 FILE 09/08/2000 LAND IMP TOTAL 1,000 22,500 29,500 XMeT 3,000 BILL 26/5QO N PART ASMT Y HOMESTEAD N LEASD n,p Y EXEMPTS N SEe. ADDR N MEMO OWNR HtST N PARCL HST N IMP ON MP Y ADDL ASMT N CONSRVNCY APPEAL -CD RE12 OPT lios .... o ...... t- .... '- ... o II II '!Lor .Jl.. o' //JJ I' A I'L C f!' '- ~i//'I lilY" /l- ~o yy ,).. .r 7 _,_. .__ .-0 _._ ____.._ _~_. , 0 Yr~S"" ~_ a () "1'1 J r" . . '..- - '-.. ,...- -- - 10 '1'Y.l' () -. -, -." --.+-.,. --- .-. [JoW.2. 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