(Petitioner to fill out 1-3 + first two blanks)
Docket No.: PZ-2022-00068 V
Petitioner: Seth & Dalhia Goldstein
1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the
community because:
This variance request is to allow for a 6 foot fence to be built in what is considered a two front yard corner
lot property at the intersection of Woodland Drive / 116th Street (66 Woodland Drive). The fence will
improve the visual appeal and overall value of the property as well as improve the value of adjacent
properties. Further it will improve the safety of my children, pets, and guests who will enjoy our yard and
be protected from the noise and traffic of 116`h Street.
2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a
substantially adverse manner because:
The building of this fence will improve my property's value and beauty, which will in turn improve the
value of the adjacent properties. The most physically closest adjacent property (located 1907 E. 116`r'
Street) already has existing panel fencing along our shared property line. Also included in this fence-
building plan is a buffer yard landscaping which will include mulch, ornamental grasses, and lilies.
3. The strict application of the terms of the Unified Development to the property will result in practical difficulties in
the use of the property because:
116`h Street is the major east/west thoroughfare in the city of Carmel. Living along side this roadway
brings with it a great deal of vehicular traffic, noise, and debris that penetrates the northern yard of our
property. As a result, we do not feel safe allowing our children to freely use the northern yard of our
property which also happens to be the largest open grass area. A 6-foot fence will allow for our family to
have a physical barrier from the vehicles, noise, and debris so that we could keep our children, pets, and
guest safe and happy using and enjoying our entire property.
IT IS THEREFORE the decisio of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket
No. PZ— .2C22 "0C) p
(�0 Vr is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are
incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. �J
Adopted this_ day of Ilr , 20 A2�
HEARING OFFICER, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals,
SECRETARY armel Board of Zoning Appeals
Conditions of approval of the Board, if any, are listed on the Letter of Grant.