HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice BZA Public Notice Sian Procedure &Affidavit: Procedure: The petitioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. The sign must be placed in a highly visible and legible location from the road on the property that is involved with the public hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: 1. Must be placed on the subject property no less than 10 days prior to the public hearing date. 2. Sign must follow the sign design requirements: • Must be 24" x 36" -vertical • Must be double sided • Must be composed of weather resistant ; material, such as corrugated plastic or laminated poster board • Must be mounted in a heavy-duty metal frame Larmel it\ 1{all 3. The sign must contain the following: • 12" x 24" PMS 1805 Red box with white text at the top • White background with black text below. ,.,,., • Text used in example to the right, with Application Type, Date*, and Time of subject i,,, lore inli,rmat; ,n: public hearing \\.carrnel.in.go • The Date should be written in day, month, and I ;7 I-24 i 7 date format. Example: "Mon., Jan. 23" 4. The sign must be removed within 72 hours of public hearing conclusion Public Notice Sian Placement Affidavit: I (We) /?1'LF e do hereby certify that placement of the public notice sign to ,mot-zoz2-acelV consider Docket No.pe.-zozz-ocatc V was placed on the subject property at least 10 days prior to the date of the public hearing, at the address listed below: STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF 444 1G/0/V , SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he is informed and believes. etitioner's Signature) Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of , 20 2 . Notary Public, Signed Name: lam! L6 Notary Public, PrintedNm :Name: My Commission Expires: ci USA MOrz Notary Public•Seal Hamilton County-State of Indiana (Template to use for published and mailed Public Notice) Commission Number NP0734178 My Commission Expires Jun 9, 2029 Page 4 of 11 File:Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Handout 2022 Revised:01/03/2022 PETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 4' L4Pozr9e.L.z. CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS I (WE) 6, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT NOTICE OF (Petitioner's Name) PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CONSIDERING DOCKET NO. Pz-zoo-ozeyy V > -WLZ-cp,T (O , WAS REGISTERED AND MAILED AT LEAST 10* DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE BELOW LISTED ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: OWNER ADDRESS 440.1/44 -74-44/44 J. Coy,* Ss9,S� Cxa'it/die," /zydf` lz e- o ,pe /y '2 J 'I41 e `SST P.*37V 14---4444-Chz /Ai 0 f fiNLTS' iVz,M1 AetrE„Qs/7- 4'e-eYV polfrikaz#6e 1„VS'da -4-riP1 5-Ftz r t/If Ae( STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oath says that the above infor ' n ' d correct and he is informed and believes. (Signatu e of Petitioner) County of k 0`-1,- t L I,-n-lam Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public (County in which notarization takes place) I for CL l I-11 [ ` -I D t'� County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (Notary Public's county of residence) __Li( `'G T& l_,0`e,[ 1 and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument (Property 1O�wner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) this l -1 day of Lur , 20 . (day) (month) , (year) \___1 icy& rYLL1-4-1._?s Notary public--Signature LISA MOTZ Notary Public Please Print Notary Public-Seal j (� Hamilton County-State of Indians t a' I Commission Number NP0734173 My commission expires: My Commission Expires Jun 9, 2029 *Only 10 days prior public notice required for a BZA Hearing Officer Meetings Page 6 of 11 File:Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Handout 2022 Revised:01/03/2022 PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana ) ) ss: CBRE Capital Markets; DOCKET No. PZ-2022- 00094 V, Docket No. PZ-2022-00095 V Hamilton County ) Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Jackie Grigg who, being duly sworn, says that she is Office Manager of Current in Cannel newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Carmel in state and county afore-said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for one (1) time(s), the date(s) of publication being as follows: June 14thth, 2022 L Subscribed and sworn to before me on June 2nd, 2022 �,R,�� LAURA ELIZABETH TUCKER '! t'.•+ \\ Notary Public.State of Indiana !air - el Commission Number:703244 r. ) \. l My C Expires` \�/J --=' July 2 02 Notary Public Signature Commissioned in r rO Yti County. My commission expires: -1 -a& - 9QS-- Publisher's Fee: $32.44 Current in Cannel 35 . - NOTICE TO BIDDERS City of Cannel by and through the Cannel Redevelopment Commission W --f i f "'t', Department: Cannel Redevelopment Commission . 2 I City Hall,One Civic Square , 1� City of Carmel,Indiana 46032 �'rn r l - 7{s e L - Project: Tarkington Parking Garage Repairs,819 3'"Ave SW,Carmel,IN 46032 ft r!'� r, ,.,clr�i, �---� ya-� Notice is hereby given that the City of Cannel by and through the Cannel Redevelopment Commission .I ,, , t ,L..„,. _ ih-',aG 1 r I />1i 1� _ � f ❑ g g � r ("CRC')will receive sealed bid proposals for the Tarkington Parking Garage Repairs General •.it+ef`•.e 1 w --- Construction Contract,as mom fullydescribed in the Bid Documents,for the above described Project at r11 1, -'� r II I • I UI•4d q .--�-- --• City Hall,One Civic Square,Carmel,Indiana 46032 until 2:00 PM EST,on or before Thursday,July 14, L - pr ...rr— r; r 2022('Bid Due Date and Time").All Bid Proposals must meet the CRC terms and conditions as set out in -�� N I i +', �� P`.. _ay y 1t.. B " the Bid Documents. dr�� e ,gyp• • III I I f+ e. —— Bids submitted prior to the Bid Due Date and Time shall be delivered during normal office hours to the rJ.L j - . , attention of the CRC at City Hall,One Civic Square,City of Cannel,Indiana,46032.No late bid proposals Ni ., will be accepted and opened after the Bid Due Date and Time.Commencing as soon as practicable N - thereafter on the same date such bid proposals will be publicly opened and mad aloud by the CRC. ir1J11� �"r ` Ef■■■ ..'m rg■ '°� All bids and proposals shall be properly and completely executed on the proposal forms provided with , j � •1�7 ";'',441-,. i �- �-e• iL the plans and sperovideon i which Nell mdude the non-collusion affidavit as required by the State of Indiana. ' yysrf" i J .►� All bidders shall provide a bid bond as regwred by the Bid Documents.The bid envelope must be sealed yes[. r' s' sa.. and have the words"BID-TARKINGTON PARKING GARAGE REPAIRS,GENERAL CONSTRUCTION I r •�- ., 4er. •., _ CONTRACT'. ` r 7 t ,.Y Project Participants and Funding:CRC is the Contract Owner of the Project and will continue to l.�,r 1j'{ ;c ; -�.:-+a • N be the owner of the Tarkington Garage once construction is complete.The Project is being funded by the ` CRC.As such,the Project is a public works project,subject to the competitive bidding requirements of Title Trojan's column In Rome.(Photo by Don Knebel) 36 of the Indiana Code.CRC is intending to deliver the Project through the use of a general construction contractor.The Engineer for the Project is Wiss,Janney,Elstner Associates,Inc.,8606 Allisonville Road, Suite 205,Indianapolis,Indiana 46250("WJE"). A history of Rome's twin towers Project Description:The Project consists of a five-level precast concrete parking garage which provides access to the Booth Tarkington Civic Theatre on the north and to apartments on the east ("Garage").The structural system of the Garage consists of precast concrete double tee beams bearing on Commentary by Don Knebel column be topped by a bronze statue of St. reinforced concrete corbels cast onto concrete shear walls and precast concrete girders,with a field applied Peter.one of Rome's two patron saints.The concrete topping placed on the top of the precast double tee beams.There are a number of conditions in the Garage which require remediation,including concrete conditions,waterproofing conditions,wall panel Today,in the continuing series about following year.he ordered that the column of connections and bearing pad conditions,surface scaling conditions,and lower level traffic membrane Rome.we look at two very similar columns, Marcus Aurelius be topped by a correspond- conditions. honoring both Roman and ing statue of St.Paul.Rome's other patron Scope of Work:The Work to be performed on the Project shall include,but not be limited to,the items shown on the Project Drawings and Specifications,and include the following: Christian heroes. saint.Amazingly.Rome's ancient twin col- Specified repairs to wall-to-wall connections,foundation-to-wall connections,precast concrete wall panel In A.D.106,Roman Emperor umns still stand tall and erect,although their bearings,areas of unsound concrete and/or areas with exposed reinforcing steel,and repairs to spalled Trajan defeated the Dacians,capturing ter- internal staircases are no longer useable. concrete corbel;replacement of deteriorated bearing pads;and installation of sealant at locations of missing ritory north of the Danube River in what are grout at wall panel lifting connections,installation of a traf io-bearing membrane,installation of non-sag of Romania and Serbia. repair mortar at foundation-to-wall connections where missing,and installation of sealant and rout and seal now partscracks at locations outside of traffic-bearing membrane areas identified by Engineer during construction. The Roman Senate ordered construction Don Knebel is a local resident who A one hundred percent(100%)performance and payment bond will be required of the successful bidder of a victory column just north of the Roman works for Dames&Thornburg Lip for the general construction contract awarded.It is intended that actual construction of the Work shall be Forum.When completed in 113,the column, ill For the full column visit donknebel. started per the schedule in the Project Manual,and each bidder shall be prepared to enter promptly into a Pcorn.You may contact him at general construction contract,furnish performance and payment bonds,and begin work without delay in the constructed from 20 hollow marble drums. 'tt 1 editorial@youarecurrent.com. event the award is made to it. each weighing 65,000 pounds,was 115 feet The Project Manual,containing the Bid Documents,General Requirements and Technical Specifications, tall.A unique spiral staircase inside led to and the Project Drawings for the Project have been assembled into a bound project manual,which together with the Project Drawings,may be examined at the following location: a viewing deck below a bronze statue of NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE City of Cannel Redevelopment Department Trajan.A 620-foot-long frieze winding 23 THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING 580 Veterans Way,Carmel,IN 46032 times around the exterior related the story APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Hard copies or downloadable files of such drawings and Project Manual may be purchased from the of Trajan's victory. could be studied DOCKET No.PZ-2022-00094 V. Repro Graphix,Inc.ePlanroom(https://eplanroom.reprographix.com/). ry Docket No.PZ-2022-00095 V Repro Graphix Inc. from libraries flanking the column. Notice is hereby given that the Cannel Board 437 N.Illinois St. Early In the later reign of Emperor Marcus of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 27th of June, Indianapolis,IN 46204 Aurelius,Germanic tribes invaded areas con- 2022 at 5:30 PM in the 2nd Floor Caucus Room, (317)637-3377 located at 1 Civic Square,Carmel,Indiana 46032 (800)718-0035 trolled by Rome.including areas conquered will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Payments and costs of obtaining the Contract Documents are non-refundable. by Trajan.Between 166 and his death of Standards Variance application to: Bidders shall assure that they have obtained complete sets of the Project Manual and Project Drawings unknown causes in 180.Marcus Aurelius Add a pool(35%max lot cover allowed,45.35 and shall assume the risk of any errors or omissions in bids prepared in reliance on incomplete sets of requested) drawings,specifications and Bid Documents. and his troops repelled the invaders.In rec- The application is identified as Docket No.PZ- A Pre-Bid Conference for discussions of the Project,the bidding requirements and other important ognition of his victories,the Roman Senate 2022-00095 V affecting UDO Section 2.04 matters will be held at 9:00 AM EST,on June 17,2022 in Council Chambers on the 2nd Floor of City Hall, ordered a 130-foot-tall column,largely mim- Pool/Decking setback must be 3 feet from any One Civic Square,Cannel,IN 46032.All prospective bidders are invited to attend the pre-bid conference. ickingTrojan's column,to be built in what Easement,2 feet setback requested The pre-bid conference is not mandatory. Traj The application is identified as Docket No.PZ- For special accommodations needed by handicapped individuals planning to attend the pre-bid is now Piazza Colona.The most important 2022-00094 V affecting UDO Section 5.02.7 conference or public bid opening meeting,please call or notify the City of Carmel Redevelopment differences from Trajan's column were the With the property being knows as(address): Department Office at(317)819-7207 at least forty-eight(48)hours prior thereto. use of larger and more visible forms on 14436 Salem Drive East No bidder may withdraw any bid or proposal within a period of sixty(60)days following the Bid Due Date The real estate affected by said application is and lime set for receiving bids or proposals.The CRC reserves the right to hold any or all bids or proposals the encircling frieze describing the military described as follows:Ashton Subdivision Lot 106 for a period of not more than sixty(60)days and said bids or proposal shall remain in full force and effect exploits,enabling its interpretation from The petition may be examined on the City's during said period. ground level,and a bronze statue of Marcus website through Public Documents-Laserfiche The CRC reserves the right,in its sole and exclusive discretion,to reject any and all bid Aurelius at the top. All interested persons desiring to present their proposals,and/or waive minor discrepancies,omissions,variances or irregularities in any bid views on the above application either in writing or proposal,when it is not in the best interests of the CRC to do so. At some point during the Middle Ages,the verbally will be given an opportunity to be heard at Henry Mestetsky,Executive Director statue of Trajan disappeared from his col- the above-mentioned time and place. Cannel Redevelopment Commission umn.In 1587,Pope Sixtus V ordered Trajan's Kyle C.Powell(PETITIONER) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER �y�a�q�~,I Docket No. 1 ' ZOZ,2 ^ oo 4 ' V P2 " Z:d2Z _aer V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the ry day of j17/Coe , 20 22, at J.°30 p.m. in the City Hall Caucus Rooms (1 Civic Square, 2nd Flr, Carmel, IN 46032)will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: (Explain your request--see question#7 on page 1) �PEQ $r 174toevee - - fpcI (57, l S,oz, -- 1° e7/ Z1‘44414,v, AA/ Z f r i FAIra/< .O. rs,� WeL- ©,� ctD tz 2, 0V �,gX 1rr1 Er Lor- Cc 1-44r)O 95 .3%. fJ f7 o. With the property being known as (address): ! / 5 Sc2Z6( Y27/I ,as 7/ a' ma-/ iv The application is identified as Docket No. PE — 20ZZ — Oc ?V V, toe -20zz v The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: (Insert Legal Description OR Tax ID parcel number(s) el(7/7 /1/(Clea A Lo7 / 2 The petition may be examined on the City's website, through Public Documents -Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. A‘ 2, , 2h,L L 03/ 9- - y -/z 2 PETITIONERS (Note: When mailing out public notices to adjacent property owners, it is recommended that you include a location map, as well.) Page 5 of 11 File:Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Handout 2022 Revised:01/03/2022 HAMILTON COUNTY NOTIFICATION LIST PLEASE NOTIFY THE FOLLOWING PERSONS 16-10-21-00-08-017.000 Connor, Aaron E & Paula D 5569 Salem Dr N Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-21-00-08-019.000 Carter, Gregory A Jr & Renee Quigley Carter h&w 14424 Salem Dr E Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-21-00-08-021.000 Gahimer, Michael S & Michelle A 14427 Salem Dr E Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-21-00-08-022.000 Nassimi, Qaseim M & Fariha A 14435 Salem Dr E Carmel IN 46033 Neighbor 16-10-21-00-08-056.000 Ashton Homeowners Assoc Inc 5702 KIRKPATRICK WAY Indianapolis IN 46220 Neighbor Page 1 of 1 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITORS OFFICE, DIVISION OF TAX MAPPING CANTON DRSALEM DR N SALEM DR E019 021 027 017 018 056 001 028 016 023 015 020 026 022 Adjoiner Notification Map Legend ±Subject Parcel(s) Notification Parcel(s) Buffer Parcel Boundary 001 Parcel Number Adjoiner Notification Map 026 027 VQ' 023 028 SALEM a2Cg 022 021 017 / 49S& SRC 016 1)/ / g$T 018 020 019 • Cia 056 001 015 Legend Subject Parcel(s) 001 Parcel Number 'V r Notification Parcel(s) Parcel Boundary mm„". 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