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Jackson’s Grant Village OPERATIONS & MAINTENANCE MANUAL BMP TYPE: WET DETENTION POND (LAKE 1) BIORETENTION (DRY BASIN) WATER QUALITY UNITS (404, 412, 429, 433, 437, 455B) BMP OWNER: Republic Development LLC Contact Person: Douglas B. Wagner 13578 E. 131st Street, Suite 200 Fishers, IN 46037 Contact Phone Number: (317) 770-1818 Contact Email: dwagner@republicdev.com PREPARED BY: Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. Contact Person: Brian M. Brown, P.E., C.F.M. 7965 East 106th Street Fishers, Indiana 46038 Contact Phone Number: (317) 570-4704 Contact Email Address: bbrown@stoeppelwerth.com DATE PREPARED: June 14, 2021 DATE REVISED: May 9, 2022 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL JACKSONS GRANT JOB# 60160JGV TABLE OF CONTENTS OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND STORM WATER QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE REFERENCES APPENDIX A – BMP DESCRIPTIONS PURPOSE & BACKGROUND INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION REFERENCES APPENDIX B BMP LOCATION MAP DETAIL DRAWINGS APPENDIX C INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST INVASIVE PLANT SPECIES APPENDIX D OWNER ACKNOWLEDGMENT AGREEMENT 05/09/2022 Page 2 of 40 OPERATIONS AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL JACKSON S GRANT VILLAGE PURPOSE AND BACKGROUND Each year thousands of acres of Indiana land undergoes disturbance and/or is converted for the construction of subdivisions, commercial and industrial centers, highways, and other land uses. Agriculture and urban development are the two major types of land-disturbing activities in Indiana. Both are very important to the economic well being of the citizens of the state. Without proper planning and the wise selection of storm water management measures, these areas of soil disturbance are very vulnerable to accelerated erosion and sedimentation. Whenever vegetation is removed from the land’s surface, the soil becomes exposed to the erosive effects of wind and water. Although erosion is a natural process, it can be greatly accelerated by human action that disturbs the land’s surface. While it is true that the tons of soil eroded on agricultural lands is much greater, it has been proven that the amount of soil eroded on a per-acre basis can be many times greater on active construction sites. The loss of soil through erosion commonly results in the loss of good topsoil and the associated minerals and nutrients required for plant establishment and growth. Soil erosion not only causes on-site damage problems, but can also negatively impact water quality downstream through sediment pollution. It has been shown that sediment is the number one water quality pollutant by volume in Indiana. Sediment damage can take many forms. Sediment accumulation in wetlands can reduce their capacity to retain storm water and its value to wildlife. Sediment deposition in storm sewers can reduce their efficiency and capacity. Sediment and accompanying nutrients often reaches lakes and leads to algal blooms, a decrease in lake depth, and a decrease in the recreational and aesthetic value of the lake. In addition to erosion and sediment damage, the building of residential subdivisions, shopping centers, industrial parks, schools, recreational attractions, etc. can have a significant effect on the patterns and amounts of storm water runoff during and after construction takes place. This often leads to water quality degradation and more frequent flooding events. The final land use associated with many projects will also contribute to the discharge of pollutants. These pollutants will typically be generated by the activities that are associated with the final land use. It is important to practice effective storm water management and treatment of storm water runoff before, during, and after construction. Otherwise, the landowner and/or public may end up paying more for project reconstruction and replacement/maintenance of existing infrastructure. Furthermore, public environmental awareness demands that land users work with nature, and not against it, to protect Indiana’s land and water resources. There are many ways to minimize the impacts of urbanization and protect the integrity of Indiana’s natural resources. One method is through careful planning and inclusion of proven storm water management measures in a project’s construction and development plans. Careful planning can prevent or at the very least alleviate much of the damage caused by erosion and sedimentation and the pollutants that will be associated with the final land use. However, careful planning and incorporation of appropriate storm water quality measures into a project’s construction plans is not enough. These measures must be deployed and maintained on the site throughout all construction phases. (Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, 2007) This manual provides engineers, developers, builders, contractors, government officials, and other with guidance on the inspection and maintenance of installed post-construction storm water quality measures for Jacksons Grant Village. 05/09/2022 Page 3 of 40 STORM WATER QUALITY CONTROL REQUIREMENTS BMP OWNER CONTACT INFORMATION Republic Development LLC Douglas B. Wagner: 13578 E. 131st Street, Suite 200 Fishers, IN 46037 (317) 770-1818 The project site owner must submit to Hamilton County a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) that would show the placement of appropriate BMP(s) specified in the Hamilton County Stormwater Technical Standards Manual. The noted BMP(s) must be designed, constructed, and maintained according to guidelines provided or referenced in the Hamilton County Stormwater Technical Standards Manual. It is the policy of Hamilton County that the water quality management program be performance- based. To that end, a best management practice (BMP) approved for use in the County will be capable of meeting the Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP) removal target for TSS whether the control be a single structure or a series of controls. In addition to TSS removal, a BMP must also be designed to store and treat the water quality volume (WQv). The water quality volume is the storage needed to capture and treat the runoff from the first inch of rainfall. INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE It is essential that any approved BMP be properly inspected and maintained in order to assure the TSS removal performance. Therefore, an inspection and maintenance plan is required. The County encourages the use of a high-efficiency, low maintenance BMP(s) that has the potential for removal of multiple storm water pollutants. Hamilton County will perform annual inspections of permanent BMP(s) to ensure compliance. Routine monthly and annual inspections are the responsibility of the BMP owner. The BMP owner shall be financially responsible for any maintenance or repairs required by the County and/or its representatives during the County’s inspections. The County and/or its representatives have the right to enter the property to inspect the BMP(s). In the event that the County finds a BMP in need of maintenance or repair, the County will notify the BMP owner of the necessary maintenance or repairs and give the BMP owner a timeframe for completing the maintenance or repairs. If the maintenance or repairs are not completed within the designated timeframe, the County shall perform the maintenance or repairs and bill the BMP owner for the actual costs for the work. Annual inspection reports are required to be submitted to Hamilton County. The first report is due one year after construction is completed, with subsequent reports due each year within the same month of the initial report. If there are any deficiencies found during the inspection, these should be addressed. If the inspection report is not received within the month it is due, if there are deficiencies which were not included in the report, or if any deficiencies included in the report are not addressed in a timely manner, the BMP owner faces enforcement action from the County. REFERENCES 1. Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual - October 2007 2. City of Carmel Technical Standards Manual - March 2008 05/09/2022 Page 4 of 40 APPENDIX A BMP DESCRIPTIONS 05/09/2022 Page 5 of 40 WET DETENTION POND JACKSONS GRA NT VILLAGE PURPOSE & BACKGROUND The BMP for Jacksons Grant is a wet detention pond. Wet detention ponds, including storm water ponds, retention ponds, and wet extended detention ponds, are constructed basins that contain a permanent pool of water and treat polluted storm water runoff. The most commonly used wet detention ponds are extended detention ponds. The purpose of a wet detention pond is to detain storm water runoff long enough for contaminated sediments to settle and remain in the pond and allow the water in the pond to be displaced by the next rain event. This sedimentation process removes particulates, organic matter, and metals from the water while nutrients are removed through biological uptake. By capturing and retaining runoff, wet ponds control both storm water quantity and quality. A higher level of pollutant removal and storm water quality can be achieved through the use of wet detention ponds than with many other storm water management measures such as sand filters and dry ponds. (Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, 2007) INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES The performance of a wet detention pond is highly dependant on the inspection and maintenance of the pond. If the pond is not properly maintained, the ability to remove pollutants will decrease. The BMP owner agrees to the following monthly inspection program: Inspection Item Inspection Procedure 1. Vegetation • Some species of plants are considered invasive and should be removed within one month of discovery. Invasive species include reed canary grass, purple loosestrife, common reed, and narrow leaf cattail. Appendix A contains photos of these four common invasive species. • No trees shall be planted in the BMP. If trees appear, they should be removed. • Landscaped area of the banks that are eroded or have exposed bare earth shall be restored to proper grade, stabilized, and re-seeded with the appropriate native seed mixtures. 2. Floatable Pollutants • Remove all floatable debris. • Note visible pollution such as oily sheens, discoloration, and cloudy or muddy water. • Remove shoreline pollution such as trash or oily liquids. • Remove miscellaneous debris. 3. Erosion • Inspect inlet, outlet, headwall and endwall areas for erosion and undercutting. If erosion is occurring, additional scour protection measures will need to be employed. • Areas of severe erosion or other conditions that may constitute a public hazard should be corrected as soon as possible and prior to the next monthly inspection. 4. Outlet • All pond outlets shall be inspected and checked for debris and obstructions that disrupt the flow within the storm water management system. If any pipes are obstructed, they must be cleared. 5. Embankment • Animal burrows should be controlled or removed when present in densities that endanger the integrity of the embankment. Damage caused by animal burrows must be repaired as soon as possible. Any burrowing control effort will need to be carefully planned and executed to avoid 05/09/2022 Page 6 of 40 negative impacts on adjacent habitats and wildlife. Such measures will be confined to the embankment. Animals that may be on concern are beavers and muskrat. • Inspect the slopes of the BMP for any sliding or displacement of scour protection. Please note location and describe failure. Maintenance responsibilities shall remain in effect for the life of the BMP from the date the construction is completed. Inspections must be documented on the inspection form included in this Operations and Maintenance Manual. Maintenance Item Maintenance Procedure 1. Vegetation Although the wet pond BMP is expected to develop into a dynamic ecosystem that will eventually require little or no vegetation maintenance, some vegetation maintenance will be required in the first two years following construction in order to give the new plant communities a chance to become well established. Precautionary measures must be taken to prevent invasive species from establishing. These species should be either physically removed or treated with herbicide by a qualified plant maintenance professional. Physical removal is strongly preferred above the application of herbicide. If herbicide is used, application must be conducted in compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Replant and reseed vegetation when damaged, vandalized or removed in compliance with original planting specifications. 2. Aquatic Weeds In some instances, algae and other forms of undesired plant life may become established in the wet pond. Extremely dense algae and submerged wees also cause fish kills as a result of oxygen depletion. Some ponds may develop problems with microscopic algae and floating weeds, such as duckweed. Herbicide application, copper sulfate, or other approved algae control methods are suggested. Any chemical applications must be conducted in compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. 3. Nuisance Wildlife Species In addition to burrowing animals, geese may be attracted to the wet pond BMP(s). Turf grass is typically proposed around the wet pond fringe areas. However, it is suggested that native shrubs and ground cover be planted in the buffer area to help deter geese by making it more difficult for them to approach the ponds. 4. Rip-Rap Periodic inspection is required of rip rap areas. Look for slumping, displaced rock material, and erosion. Check for accumulated sediment, bank instability, and scour holes. Any areas that have sustained damage shall be promptly restored to comply with original specifications. EMER GENCY CONTACT INFO RMATION City of Carmel Engineering Department - (317) 571-2441 City of Carmel Fire Department - (317) 571-2600 Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - (317) 776-8495 Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) - (317) 232-8603 REFERENCES 1. Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual - October 2007 2. City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual - June 2007 05/09/2022 Page 7 of 40 DRY DETENTION BASIN JAC KSONS GRANT V ILLLAGE PURPOSE & BACKGROUND The BMP for Jacksons Grant Village is a dry detention basin. Dry detention basins are constructed basins that collect, temporarily hold, and gradually release excess storm water from storm events. Detention is achieved through the use of an outlet control structure that regulates the rate of storm water outflow. Unlike wet ponds, dry detention basins are designed to drain completely between storm events, thereby attenuating peak flows associated with storm events. Dry extended detention basins are particularly effective at reducing downstream streambank erosion related to increased peak discharge associated with urbanization. Dry basins are usually designed to drain in less than 24 hours. Dry basins are limited in ability to retain sediment. Sediments that settle out are subject to resuspension. Dry extended detention basins are designed with a minimum retention time of 24 hours. Through careful design, dry extended detention basins can be effective at removing urban pollutants. Treatment is primarily achieved by the sedimentation process where suspended particles settle to the bottom of the basin. Based on this information, dry extended detention basins are the preferred option when choosing between an extended basin and a conventional dry basin. (Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, 2007) INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES The performance of a dry detention pond is highly dependant on the inspection and maintenance of the basin. If the basin is not properly maintained, the ability to remove pollutants will decrease. The BMP owner agrees to the following monthly inspection program: Inspection Item Inspection Procedure 1. Vegetation • Some species of plants are considered invasive and should be eradicated within one month of discovery. Invasive species include reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea), purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria), common reed (Phragmites australis), and narrowleaf cattail (Typha angustifolia.). The Appendix contains photos of these four common invasive species. • If invasive volunteer trees appear, they should be documented for removal. • Landscaped area of the banks that are eroded or have exposed bare earth shall be restored to proper grade, stabilized and re -seeded with the appropriate native seed mixtures. 2. Floatable Pollutants • Remove all floatable debris. • Note visible pollution such as oily sheens, discoloration, and cloudy or muddy water. • Remove shoreline pollution such as trash or oily liquids. • Remove miscellaneous debris. 3. Erosion • Inspect inlet, outlet, headwall and endwall areas for erosion and undercutting. If erosion is occurring, additional scour protection measures will need to be employed. • Areas of severe erosion or other conditions that may constitute a public hazard should be corrected as soon as possible and prior to the next monthly inspection. 4. Outlet • All basin outlets shall be inspected and checked for debris and obstructions that disrupt the flow within the storm water management system. If any pipes are obstructed, they must be cleared. 05/09/2022 Page 8 of 40 5. Embankment • Animal burrows should be controlled or removed when present in densities that endanger the integrity of the embankment. Damage caused by animal burrows must be repaired as soon as possible. Any burrowing control effort will need to be carefully planned and executed to avoid negative impacts on adjacent habitats and wildlife. Such measures will be confined to the embankment. Animals that may be on concern are beavers and muskrat. • Inspect the slopes of the BMP for any sliding or displacement of scour protection. Please note location and describe failure. Maintenance responsibilities shall remain in effect for the life of the BMP from the date the construction is completed. Inspections must be documented on the inspection form included in this Operations and Maintenance Manual. Maintenance Item Maintenance Procedure 1. Vegetation Although the dry detention BMP is expected to develop into a system that will eventually require little or no vegetation maintenance, some vegetation maintenance will be required in the first 2 years following construction in order to give the new vegetation communities a chance to become well established. Precautionary measures must be taken to prevent invasive spe cies from establishing. These species should be either physically removed or treated with herbicide by qualified plant maintenance professional. Physical removal is strongly preferred above the application of herbicide. If herbicide is used, it must be applied by State Chemists Office approved applicators and any application must be approved by the City of Carmel Utility Department prior to application. Replant or reseed vegetation when damaged, vandalized or removed in compliance to original planting specifications. 2. Mowing Plan If turf grass surrounds BMP, once established, turf grass height shall be maintained at a minimum height of four (4) inches to control weeds. Not more than ½ of the grass leaf shall be removed by the initial cuttingor subsequent cutting. Do not mow any live native herbaceous plant area. 3. Fertilizer No fertilizer is to be used unless soil testing has found specific deficiencies in nutrients. Herbicide and Pesticide Guidance Throughout the first year, treat any weeds, non-native or invasive species with glyphosate herbicide approved for use around water (Rodeo) by spot-spraying or other means that minimize incidental herbicide drift. Herbicide application should be conducted on, windless days so that the chemical does not spread or volatize. Re-seed and/or replant any die-back resulting from incidental treatment with herbicide. Pre-emergent herbicides to be used on upland areas adjacent to stormwater management BMPs and other native landscape areas without native seed, or at least one year following seed installation, consist of prodiamine herbicides such as Barricade. Pre-emergent herbicides shall not be applied to plantings located in standing water. All herbicides must be applied by State Chemists Office approved applicators and any application must be approved by the City of Carmel Utility Department prior to application. 4. Spill Response Plan The proposed land use will consist of single family residential houses. The pollutants and sources of each pollutant normally expected from these types of land uses are listed below: • Pollutant Source: Passenger vehicles, delivery vehicles, and trucks Type of Pollutant: Oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, any hydrocarbon 05/09/2022 Page 9 of 40 associated with vehicular fuels and lubricants, grease, antifreeze, windshield cleaner solution, brake fluid, brake dust, rubber, glass, metal and plastic fragments, grit, road de-icing materials • Pollutant Source: Residence Type of Pollutant: Cleaning solutions or solvents, leaks from HVAC equipment, grit from roof drainage, aggregate or rubber fragments from roofing system • Pollutant Source: Roadway Type of Pollutant: Any pollutant associated with vehicular sources, grit from asphalt wearing surface, bituminous compounds from periodic maintenance (sealing, resurfacing and patching), pavement de-icing materials, wind-blown litter from off-site sources, and elevated water temperatures from contact with impervious surfaces • Pollutant Source: Lawn and landscape areas Type of Pollutant: Fertilizers, herbicides, organic material (leave s, mulch, grass clippings) and pesticides. EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION City of Carmel Engineering Department - (317) 571-2441 City of Carmel Fire Department - (317) 571-2600 Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - (317) 776-8495 Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) - (317) 232-8603 REFERENCES 1. Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual - October 2007 2. City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual - June 2007 05/09/2022 Page 10 of 40 BIO-RETENTION SYSTEM [JACKSONS GRANT VILLAGE, OVERALL] PURPOSE & BACKGROUND The BMP for Jacksons Grant Village, Overall is a bio-retention system. Bio-retention systems are shallow, landscaped depressions that utilize both soils and plants to remove pollutants from storm water runoff. Storm water runoff enters the system as sheet flow. Runoff collected in the bio-retention system either infiltrates into the sand and/or gravel substrate and subsurface soil material or it ponds on the surface of the bio-retention system. Some bio-retention systems incorporate subsurface drainage in the substrate to allow for the removal of the treated storm water runoff. Bio-retention systems are typically designed to allow bypass flow of large storm events. Each component of a bio-retention system is designed to remove pollutants. This is accomplished through absorption, filtration, plant uptake, microbial activity, decomposition, sedimentation, and volatilization. (Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual, 2007) INSPECTION & MAINTENANCE ACTIVITIES Bio-retention systems require routine monthly and annual inspection, monitoring and maintenance to ensure the system is functioning properly. As vegetation becomes established, the inspection and maintenance interval can be extended. The BMP owner agrees to the following monthly inspection program for the first two years after construction: Inspection Item Inspection Procedure 1. Vegetation Vegetation cover should be greater than 85%. Vegetation should be healthy. Vegetation species should be consistent with plans. Some species of plants such as reed canary grass, purple loosestrife, common reed, and cattails are considered invasive and should be removed within one month of discovery. Invasive species will be documented during the monthly inspections according to species, location and approximate percent cover. Appendix A contains photos of these four common invasive species. No trees shall be planted in the BMP. If trees appear, they should be removed. Landscaped area of the banks that are eroded or have exposed bare earth shall be restored to proper grade, stabilized, and re-seeded with the appropriate native seed mixtures. 2. Pollutants Remove all floatable debris. Remove visible pollution such as oily sheens, discoloration, and cloudy or muddy water. If sediment accumulation is impairing flow of storm water into wetlands, the sediment should be removed. 3. Erosion There should be no exposed earth on banks. Other evidence of erosion should be noted. Areas of severe erosion or other conditions that may constitute a public hazard should be corrected as soon as possible and prior to the next monthly inspection. Annual monitoring will be performed for the initial year after construction to document the development of the bioretention BMP in accordance with the construction documents. A letter will 05/09/2022 Page 11 of 40 be issued that includes monitoring forms, a summary of monthly inspections, and recommendations for routine or special maintenance activities. Maintenance responsibilities shall remain in effect for the life of the BMP from the date the construction is completed. Inspections must be documented on the inspection form included in this Operations and Maintenance Manual. Maintenance Item Maintenance Procedure 1. Vegetation A species rich community of emergent macrophytes will be planted in the portions of the wetland below the normal pool elevation. Although the storm water wetland BMP is expected to develop into a dynamic ecosystem that will eventually require little or no vegetation maintenance, some vegetation maintenance will be required in the first two years following construction in order to give the new plant communities a chance to become well established If the inspection and monitoring indicates the presence of invasive species, measures will need to be taken to prevent these species from establishing within the BMP. These species should be either physically removed or treated with herbicide by a qualified plant maintenance professional. Physical removal is strongly preferred above the application of herbicide. If herbicide is used, application must be conducted in compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations. Replant and reseed vegetation when damaged, vandalized or removed in compliance with original planting specifications. 2. Debris Debris shall be removed from the wetland BMP in order to maintain a functioning and aesthetically pleasing landscape feature. 3. Nuisance Wildlife Species Animal burrows should be controlled or removed when present in densities that endanger the integrity of the embankment. Damage caused by animal burrows must be repaired as soon as possible. Any burrowing control effort will need to be carefully planned and executed to avoid negative impacts on adjacent habitats and wildlife. Such measures will be confined to the embankment. Removal of the burrowing animals in other areas of the wetland may not be necessary. Animals that may be on concern are beavers and muskrat. If animals are burrowing into the berm areas, then a certified wildlife damage control expert should be contacted to remove the beavers and/or dam, and muskrats. The dense wetland vegetation proposed would not be an attractive habitat for geese since they prefer open water and mowed vegetation. 4. Outlet All outlets should be inspected and checked for debris and obstructions that disrupt flow within the BMP. In any pipes are obstructed, they must be cleared. EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION City of Carmel Engineering Department - (317) 571-2441 City of Carmel Fire Department - (317) 571-2600 Hamilton County Surveyor’s Office - (317) 776-8495 Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) - (317) 232-8603 REFERENCES 1. Indiana Storm Water Quality Manual - October 2007 2. City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual - June 2007 05/09/2022 Page 12 of 40 Cascade Separator™ Inspection and Maintenance Guide ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS 05/09/2022 Page 13 of 40 Maintenance The Cascade Separator™ system should be inspected at regular intervals and maintained when necessary to ensure optimum performance. The rate at which the system collects sediment and debris will depend upon on-site activities and site pollutant characteristics. For example, unstable soils or heavy winter sand- ing will cause the sediment storage sump to fill more quickly but regular sweeping of paved surfaces will slow accumulation. Inspection Inspection is the key to effective maintenance and is easily per- formed. Pollutant transport and deposition may vary from year to year and regular inspections will help ensure that the system is cleaned out at the appropriate time. At a minimum, inspec- tions should be performed twice per year (i.e. spring and fall). However, more frequent inspections may be necessary in climates where winter sanding operations may lead to rapid accumula- tions, or in equipment wash-down areas. Installations should also be inspected more frequently where excessive amounts of trash are expected. A visual inspection should ascertain that the system components are in working order and that there are no blockages or obstruc- tions in the inlet chamber, flumes or outlet channel. The inspec- tion should also quantify the accumulation of hydrocarbons, trash and sediment in the system. Measuring pollutant accumu- lation can be done with a calibrated dipstick, tape measure or other measuring instrument. If absorbent material is used for enhanced removal of hydrocarbons, the level of discoloration of the sorbent material should also be identified during inspection. It is useful and often required as part of an operating permit to keep a record of each inspection. A simple form for doing so is provided in this Inspection and Maintenance Guide. Access to the Cascade Separator unit is typically achieved through one manhole access cover. The opening allows for inspection and cleanout of the center chamber (cylinder) and sediment storage sump, as well as inspection of the inlet chamber and slanted skirt. For large units, multiple manhole covers allow access to the chambers and sump. The Cascade Separator system should be cleaned before the level of sediment in the sump reaches the maximum sediment depth and/or when an appreciable level of hydrocarbons and trash has accumulated. If sorbent material is used, it must be replaced when significant discoloration has occurred. Performance may be impacted when maximum sediment storage capacity is exceeded. Contech recommends maintaining the system when sediment level reaches 50% of maximum storage volume. The level of sediment is easily determined by measuring the distance from the system outlet invert (standing water level) to the top of the sedi- ment pile. To avoid underestimating the level of sediment in the chamber, the measuring device must be lowered to the top of the sediment pile carefully. Finer, silty particles at the top of the pile typically offer less resistance to the end of the rod than larger particles toward the bottom of the pile. Once this measurement is recorded, it should be compared to the chart in this document to determine if the height of the sediment pile off the bottom of the sump floor exceeds 50% of the maximum sediment storage. Cleaning Cleaning of a Cascade Separator system should be done during dry weather conditions when no flow is entering the system. The use of a vacuum truck is generally the most effective and con- venient method of removing pollutants from the system. Simply remove the manhole cover and insert the vacuum tube down through the center chamber and into the sump. The system should be completely drained down and the sump fully evacu- ated of sediment. The areas outside the center chamber and the slanted skirt should also be washed off if pollutant build-up exists in these areas. In installations where the risk of petroleum spills is small, liquid contaminants may not accumulate as quickly as sediment. How- ever, the system should be cleaned out immediately in the event of an oil or gasoline spill. Motor oil and other hydrocarbons that accumulate on a more routine basis should be removed when an appreciable layer has been captured. To remove these pollutants, it may be preferable to use absorbent pads since they are usually less expensive to dispose than the oil/water emulsion that may be created by vacuuming the oily layer. Trash and debris can be net- ted out to separate it from the other pollutants. Then the system should be power washed to ensure it is free of trash and debris. Manhole covers should be securely seated following cleaning activities to prevent leakage of runoff into the system from above and to ensure proper safety precautions. Confined space entry procedures need to be followed if physical access is required. Disposal of all material removed from the Cascade Separator system must be done in accordance with local regulations. In many locations, disposal of evacuated sediments may be handled in the same manner as disposal of sediments removed from catch basins or deep sump manholes. Check your local regulations for specific requirements on disposal. If any components are dam- aged, replacement parts can be ordered from the manufacturer. 05/09/2022 Page 14 of 40 A vacuum truck excavates pollutants from the systems.A Cascade Separator unit can be easily cleaned in less than 30 minutes. Model Number Diameter Distance from Water Surface to Top of Sediment Pile Sediment Storage Capacity ft m ft m y3 m3 CS-4 4 1.2 1.5 0.5 0.7 0.5 CS-5 5 1.3 1.5 0.5 1.1 0.8 CS-6 6 1.8 1.5 0.5 1.6 1.2 CS-8 8 2.4 1.5 0.5 2.8 2.1 CS-10 10 3.0 1.5 0.5 4.4 3.3 CS-12 12 3.6 1.5 0.5 6.3 4.8 Note: The information in the chart is for standard units. Units may have been designed with non-standard sediment storage depth. Cascade Separator™ Maintenance Indicators and Sediment Storage Capacities 05/09/2022 Page 15 of 40 APPENDIX B 05/09/2022 Page 16 of 40 o o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o o o o o o o oo o o o o o o o oo o oo o oW435o o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o oo o o o o o 401 428 427 405 404 403 402 409 408 407 406 424 423 422 421 415 414 413 412 411 410 418 417 436 434 433 432431 > o o o> o o o> o o o> o o o455 455A 455B 417A W W W W xxxxxxx x C.O.> o o o461 400 KEATON DRIVE(LOCAL)KE A T O N D R I V E (L O C A L )KEATON DRIVE(LOCAL)VILLAGE CREEK DRIVE (LOCAL) VILLAGE CREEK DRIVEKEATON CIRCLE(LOCAL)C.O. C.O.o o oo o o o o o o o oo o oo o oDRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FIELDWORK DATE: DATE DRAWN: PAGE OF SHEETS JOB NO.60160JGV NRS BMB 03/18/2022 1 2 NOT TO SCALE BMP LOCATION MAP JACKSONS GRANT VILLAGE OVERALL CARMEL, CLAY TOWNSHIP HAMILTON CO, IN S T O E P P E L W E R T H A L W A Y S O N 7965 East 106th Street, Fishers, IN 46038-2505 phone: 317.849.5935 fax: 317.849.5942 LEGEND MATCHLINE PROPOSED STORM SEWER LAKE NORMAL POOL BASIN DELINEATION WATER QUALITY UNITS CA #1-1 & VAR RDE & BMPE RDE & DUE CA #1-3 & VAR RDE & BMPE NATIVE VEGETATION & PROTECTIVE SIGNAGE NATIVE VEGETATION 05/09/2022 Page 17 of 40 o o oo o oo o o452 450 447A 433 434 447 429 430 444 446 445 448 437 443 442 436 435 438 439 441 428 440 451 432 SPRINGMILL ROAD435o o oo o oo o o430429428 427 436 434 433 432431 447 445 444 443 442 440439438 437 448 446 441 450 452 451 447A> o o o459 EX-2 x x x xxxxxxSPRINGMILL ROAD(PARKWAY COLLECTOR)(PARKWAY COLLECTOR)262 857.55 267 857.58 EX-2 459 452 450 447A 433 434 447 429 430 444 446 445 448 437 443 442 436 435 438 439 441 428 440 451 432431 427 464 463 452 450 462 447A 447 444 446 445 448 436 451A451 > o o o> o o oVILLAGE CORNER COURT(PRIVATE)20' B.M.P.&U.E.20' B.M.P.&S.S.E.20' B.M.P.&S.S.E.20' B.M.P.&S.S.E.20' B.M.P.&U.E.20' B.M.P.&S.S.E.20' B.M.P.&S.S.E.20' B.M.P.&S.S.E.20' B.M.P.&U.E.20' B.M.P.&S.S.E.20' B.M.P.&S.S.E.20' B.M.P.&S.S.E.20' B.M.P.&U.E.20' B.M.P.&S.S.E.20' B.M.P.&S.S.E.20' B.M.P.&S.S.E.LEGEND MATCHLINE PROPOSED STORM SEWER LAKE NORMAL POOL BASIN DELINEATION WATER QUALITY UNITS DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: FIELDWORK DATE: DATE DRAWN: PAGE OF SHEETS JOB NO.60160JGV NRS BMB 03/18/2022 2 2 NOT TO SCALE BMP LOCATION MAP JACKSONS GRANT VILLAGE OVERALL CARMEL, CLAY TOWNSHIP HAMILTON CO, IN S T O E P P E L W E R T H A L W A Y S O N 7965 East 106th Street, Fishers, IN 46038-2505 phone: 317.849.5935 fax: 317.849.5942 BMP EASEMENTS RDE AND DU EASEMENTS 05/09/2022 Page 18 of 40 10' WIDE PONDSAFETY LEDGELAKE #1 SPILLWAY(GRADE AS SHOWNON SHEET C200)8' MIN.EL.=883.50 (SPILLWAY)845.50 (GRADE CHANGE)31412-YR EL.=848.3010-YR EL.=849.26835.00 (BOTTOM)847.00 (NORMAL POOL)855.50 (TOP OF BANK)LAKE #1CROSS SECTION ("A-A")NOT-TO-SCALE100-YR EL.=851.45NATIVE VEGETATION &PROTECTIVE SIGNAGE (TYP.)05/09/2022 Page 19 of 40 40' WIDE SPILLWAY T.O.B. EL.=855.50 EL.=853.50 LAKE #1 SPILLWAY DETAIL NOT-TO-SCALE T.O.B. EL.=855.50 1 4 1 4 05/09/2022 Page 20 of 40 T.O.B. EL.=852.50 VARIES TO 848.40 T.O.B. EL.=852.50 1 3 1 3 BIO RETENTION BMP #1 CROSS SECTION ("B-B") NOT-TO-SCALE NATIVE VEGETATION & PROTECTIVE SIGNAGE (TYP.)05/09/2022 Page 21 of 40 18" R.C.P. PIPE 6" Ø ORIFICEINV.=848.04DRY BASINELEV.=848.04100-YR EL.=851.13TOP OF STR.=851.1210-YR EL.=850.002-YR EL.=849.4536"6"6"4"3"4"6"6"6"6"6"STRUCTURE TO BE INSTALLED ON6" COMPACTED #8 AGGRETATEELEVATIONOUTLET CONTROL STR. #455 DETAILNOT-TO-SCALEINV.=848.044"PLAN36"6"6"6"6"36"6"6"6"6" 18" R.C.P. PIPE 4"NEENAH R-4884(SEE DETAIL, RIGHT)05/09/2022 Page 22 of 40 18" R.C.P. PIPE 6" Ø ORIFICEINV.=847.009"W x 6"H ORIFICEINV.=851.48N.P.=847.00100-YR EL.=852.77TOP OF STR.=853.5010-YR EL.=850.822-YR EL.=849.3736"6"6"4"3"4"6"6"6"6"6"STRUCTURE TO BE INSTALLED ON6" COMPACTED #8 AGGRETATEELEVATIONOUTLET CONTROL STR. #401 DETAILNOT-TO-SCALEINV.=847.004"PLAN36"6"6"6"6"36"6"6"6"6" 18" R.C.P. PIPE 4"NEENAH R-4884(SEE DETAIL, RIGHT)05/09/2022 Page 23 of 40 7037 Ridge Road, Hanover, MD 21076 866-740-3318 410-796-5505 866-376-8511 FAXOUTSIDE BOTTOMELEV. 843.25'TOP OF SYSTEMELEV. 851.48' OUTLET 1 INVERTELEV. 848.42'INLET 1 INVERTELEV. 848.42'INLET 2 INVERTELEV. 848.52'RIM ELEV. 851.89+/- INLET 118"Ø RCP(28"Ø OPENING)INLET 215"Ø RCP(24"Ø OPENING)SOLIDSSTORAGESUMPOUTLET 118"Ø RCP(28"Ø OPENING)PERMANENTPOOLCASCADECYLINDERINSERTCONTRACTOR TO GROUT TOFINISHED GRADE5'-2"3'-53 4"43 4"6'-0"ØELEVATION VIEWINLET 1INLET 2OUTLET 15'Ø I.D.6'Ø O.D.30"Ø x 4"FRAME AND COVERPLAN VIEW(INTERNALS NOT SHOWN)CASCADEFIBERGLASSINTERNALSINLET 118"Ø RCP(28"Ø OPENING)INLET 215"Ø RCP(24"Ø OPENING)OUTLET 118"Ø RCP(28"Ø OPENING)180°78°SECTION FOR PIPE ORIENTATION(TOP SLAB NOT SHOWN)05/24/21DATE:APPROVED:CHECKED:SHEET:I:\MERLIN\PROJECT\ACTIVE\679500\679557\679557-60-CASCADE\DRAWINGS\679557-060-CS-5-CONFAB.DWG 5/24/2021 10:00 AM OFMAKDRAWN:DESIGNED:The design and information shown on this drawing is provided as a service to the project owner, engineer and contractor by CONTECH Construction Products Inc. or one of its affiliated companies ("CONTECH"). Neither this drawing, nor any part thereof, may be used, reproduced or modified in any manner without the prior written consent of CONTECH. Failure to comply is done at the user's own risk and CONTECH expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for such use. If discrepancies between the supplied information upon which the drawing is based and actual field conditions are encountered as site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reported to CONTECH immediately for re-evaluation of the design. CONTECH accepts no liability for designs based on missing, incomplete or inaccurate information supplied by others.679557SEQUENCE No.:60PROJECT No.:MAKMAKMAK1 1www.ContechES.com REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEMARK BYPROPOSALCONTECHDRAWINGNCILAYOUT 1AGENERAL NOTES1. CONTECH TO PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. FOR FABRICATION DRAWINGS WITH DETAILED STRUCTURE DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS, PLEASE CONTACTYOUR CONTECH REPRESENTATIVE. www.ContechES.com3. CASCADE SEPARATOR WATER QUALITY STRUCTURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL DESIGN DATA ANDINFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM STRUCTURE MEETSREQUIREMENTS OF PROJECT.4. STRUCTURE SHALL MEET AASHTO HS-20 LOAD RATING, ASSUMING EARTH COVER OF 0' - 2', ANDGROUNDWATER ELEVATION AT, OR BELOW, THE OUTLET PIPE INVERT ELEVATION. ENGINEER OF RECORD TOCONFIRM ACTUAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. CASTINGS SHALL MEET AASHTO M306 AND BE CAST WITHTHE CONTECH LOGO.5. CASCADE SEPARATOR STRUCTURE SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ASTM C-478 ANDAASHTO LOAD FACTOR DESIGN METHOD.INSTALLATION NOTESA. ANY SUB-BASE, BACKFILL DEPTH, AND/OR ANTI-FLOTATION PROVISIONS ARE SITE-SPECIFIC DESIGNCONSIDERATIONS AND SHALL BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER OF RECORD.B. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EQUIPMENT WITH SUFFICIENT LIFTING AND REACH CAPACITY TO LIFT AND SETTHE CASCADE SEPARATOR MANHOLE STRUCTURE.C. CONTRACTOR TO ADD JOINT SEALANT BETWEEN ALL STRUCTURE SECTIONS, AND ASSEMBLE STRUCTURE.D. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE, INSTALL, AND GROUT PIPES. MATCH PIPE INVERTS WITH ELEVATIONS SHOWN.ALL PIPE CENTERLINES TO MATCH PIPE OPENING CENTERLINES.E. CONTRACTOR TO TAKE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO ASSURE UNIT IS WATER TIGHT, HOLDING WATER TOFLOWLINE INVERT MINIMUM. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT ALL JOINTS BELOW PIPE INVERTS ARE GROUTED.STRUCTURE WEIGHTAPPROXIMATE HEAVIEST PICK = 6500 LBS.OF 3 PIECESMAXIMUM FOOTPRINT = 6'ØCS-5 - 679557-60 JACKSON'S GRANT VILLAGE CARMEL, IN for SYSTEM: WQ STR 455B MATERIAL LIST (PROVIDED BY CONTECH)COUNT DESCRIPTIONINSTALLED BY1CS-5 FIBERGLASS CYLINDER INSERT, STD.CONTECH4 CS-5 ALUMINUM INSTALLATION BRACKETCONTECH1 SEALANT FOR JOINTSCONTRACTOR130"Ø x 4" FRAME & COVER, EJ#41600484, OR EQUIV.CONTRACTOR05/09/2022 Page 24 of 40 7037 Ridge Road, Hanover, MD 21076 866-740-3318 410-796-5505 866-376-8511 FAXOUTSIDE BOTTOMELEV. 838.78'TOP OF SYSTEMELEV. 853.78' OUTLET 1 INVERTELEV. 847.45'INLET 1 INVERTELEV. 847.55'RIM ELEV. 854.18+/- INLET 130"Ø RCP(42"Ø OPENING)SOLIDSSTORAGESUMPOUTLET 130"Ø RCP(42"Ø OPENING)PERMANENTPOOLCASCADECYLINDERINSERTFLANGEDCYLINDERCONTRACTOR TO GROUT TOFINISHED GRADE8'-8"6'-83 4" 43 4"12'-10"ØELEVATION VIEWINLET 1OUTLET 110'Ø I.D.11'-10"Ø O.D.12'-10"Ø BASEEXT.(2) 24"Ø x 4"FRAME AND COVERPLAN VIEW(INTERNALS NOT SHOWN)CASCADEFIBERGLASSINTERNALS155°SECTION FOR PIPE ORIENTATION(TOP SLAB NOT SHOWN)05/24/21DATE:APPROVED:CHECKED:SHEET:I:\MERLIN\PROJECT\ACTIVE\679500\679557\679557-50-CASCADE\DRAWINGS\679557-050-CS-10-CONFAB.DWG 5/24/2021 11:04 AM OFMAKDRAWN:DESIGNED:The design and information shown on this drawing is provided as a service to the project owner, engineer and contractor by CONTECH Construction Products Inc. or one of its affiliated companies ("CONTECH"). Neither this drawing, nor any part thereof, may be used, reproduced or modified in any manner without the prior written consent of CONTECH. Failure to comply is done at the user's own risk and CONTECH expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for such use. If discrepancies between the supplied information upon which the drawing is based and actual field conditions are encountered as site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reported to CONTECH immediately for re-evaluation of the design. CONTECH accepts no liability for designs based on missing, incomplete or inaccurate information supplied by others.679557SEQUENCE No.:50PROJECT No.:MAKMAKMAK1 1www.ContechES.com REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEMARK BYPROPOSALCONTECHDRAWINGNCILAYOUT 1AGENERAL NOTES1. CONTECH TO PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. FOR FABRICATION DRAWINGS WITH DETAILED STRUCTURE DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS, PLEASE CONTACTYOUR CONTECH REPRESENTATIVE. www.ContechES.com3. CASCADE SEPARATOR WATER QUALITY STRUCTURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL DESIGN DATA ANDINFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM STRUCTURE MEETSREQUIREMENTS OF PROJECT.4. STRUCTURE SHALL MEET AASHTO HS-20 LOAD RATING, ASSUMING EARTH COVER OF 0' - 2', ANDGROUNDWATER ELEVATION AT, OR BELOW, THE OUTLET PIPE INVERT ELEVATION. ENGINEER OF RECORD TOCONFIRM ACTUAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. CASTINGS SHALL MEET AASHTO M306 AND BE CAST WITHTHE CONTECH LOGO.5. CASCADE SEPARATOR STRUCTURE SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ASTM C-478 ANDAASHTO LOAD FACTOR DESIGN METHOD.INSTALLATION NOTESA. ANY SUB-BASE, BACKFILL DEPTH, AND/OR ANTI-FLOTATION PROVISIONS ARE SITE-SPECIFIC DESIGNCONSIDERATIONS AND SHALL BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER OF RECORD.B. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EQUIPMENT WITH SUFFICIENT LIFTING AND REACH CAPACITY TO LIFT AND SETTHE CASCADE SEPARATOR MANHOLE STRUCTURE.C. CONTRACTOR TO ADD JOINT SEALANT BETWEEN ALL STRUCTURE SECTIONS, AND ASSEMBLE STRUCTURE.D. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE, INSTALL, AND GROUT PIPES. MATCH PIPE INVERTS WITH ELEVATIONS SHOWN.ALL PIPE CENTERLINES TO MATCH PIPE OPENING CENTERLINES.E. CONTRACTOR TO TAKE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO ASSURE UNIT IS WATER TIGHT, HOLDING WATER TOFLOWLINE INVERT MINIMUM. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT ALL JOINTS BELOW PIPE INVERTS ARE GROUTED.STRUCTURE WEIGHTAPPROXIMATE HEAVIEST PICK = 31500 LBS.OF 4 PIECESMAXIMUM FOOTPRINT = 12'-10"ØCS-10 - 679557-50 JACKSON'S GRANT VILLAGE CARMEL, IN for SYSTEM: WQ STR 437 INTERNAL COMPONENTS TO BE INSTALLED ON SITE BY CONTECH FIELD CONSULTANT. PLEASE CONTACT CONTECH FOR CURRENT INSTALLATION LEAD TIME.MATERIAL LIST (PROVIDED BY CONTECH)COUNT DESCRIPTIONINSTALLED BY1CS-10 FIBERGLASS CYLINDER INSERT, STD.CONTRACTOR1CS-10, -12 FLANGED CYLINDER, 2 FT.CONTECH8CS-10 ALUMINUM INSTALLATION BRACKETCONTECH1 SEALANT FOR JOINTSCONTRACTOR224"Ø x 4" FRAME & COVER, EJ#41600389, OR EQUIV.CONTRACTOR05/09/2022 Page 25 of 40 7037 Ridge Road, Hanover, MD 21076 866-740-3318 410-796-5505 866-376-8511 FAXOUTSIDE BOTTOMELEV. 842.23'TOP OF SYSTEMELEV. 853.98' OUTLET 1 INVERTELEV. 847.90'INLET 1 INVERTELEV. 848.15'RIM ELEV. 854.64+/- INLET 121"Ø RCP(32"Ø OPENING)SOLIDSSTORAGESUMPOUTLET 124"Ø RCP(36"Ø OPENING)PERMANENTPOOLCASCADECYLINDERINSERTCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDEGRADE RINGS/RISERSCONTRACTOR TO GROUT TOFINISHED GRADE5'-8"6'-9" 73 4"7'-2"ØELEVATION VIEWINLET 1OUTLET 16'Ø I.D.7'-2"Ø O.D.30"Ø x 4"FRAME AND COVERPLAN VIEW(INTERNALS NOT SHOWN)CASCADEFIBERGLASSINTERNALS172°SECTION FOR PIPE ORIENTATION(TOP SLAB NOT SHOWN)05/24/21DATE:APPROVED:CHECKED:SHEET:I:\MERLIN\PROJECT\ACTIVE\679500\679557\679557-40-CASCADE\DRAWINGS\679557-040-CS-6-CONFAB.DWG 5/24/2021 10:56 AM OFMAKDRAWN:DESIGNED:The design and information shown on this drawing is provided as a service to the project owner, engineer and contractor by CONTECH Construction Products Inc. or one of its affiliated companies ("CONTECH"). Neither this drawing, nor any part thereof, may be used, reproduced or modified in any manner without the prior written consent of CONTECH. Failure to comply is done at the user's own risk and CONTECH expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for such use. If discrepancies between the supplied information upon which the drawing is based and actual field conditions are encountered as site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reported to CONTECH immediately for re-evaluation of the design. CONTECH accepts no liability for designs based on missing, incomplete or inaccurate information supplied by others.679557SEQUENCE No.:40PROJECT No.:MAKMAKMAK1 1www.ContechES.com REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEMARK BYPROPOSALCONTECHDRAWINGNCILAYOUT 1AGENERAL NOTES1. CONTECH TO PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. FOR FABRICATION DRAWINGS WITH DETAILED STRUCTURE DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS, PLEASE CONTACTYOUR CONTECH REPRESENTATIVE. www.ContechES.com3. CASCADE SEPARATOR WATER QUALITY STRUCTURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL DESIGN DATA ANDINFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM STRUCTURE MEETSREQUIREMENTS OF PROJECT.4. STRUCTURE SHALL MEET AASHTO HS-20 LOAD RATING, ASSUMING EARTH COVER OF 0' - 2', ANDGROUNDWATER ELEVATION AT, OR BELOW, THE OUTLET PIPE INVERT ELEVATION. ENGINEER OF RECORD TOCONFIRM ACTUAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. CASTINGS SHALL MEET AASHTO M306 AND BE CAST WITHTHE CONTECH LOGO.5. CASCADE SEPARATOR STRUCTURE SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ASTM C-478 ANDAASHTO LOAD FACTOR DESIGN METHOD.INSTALLATION NOTESA. ANY SUB-BASE, BACKFILL DEPTH, AND/OR ANTI-FLOTATION PROVISIONS ARE SITE-SPECIFIC DESIGNCONSIDERATIONS AND SHALL BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER OF RECORD.B. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EQUIPMENT WITH SUFFICIENT LIFTING AND REACH CAPACITY TO LIFT AND SETTHE CASCADE SEPARATOR MANHOLE STRUCTURE.C. CONTRACTOR TO ADD JOINT SEALANT BETWEEN ALL STRUCTURE SECTIONS, AND ASSEMBLE STRUCTURE.D. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE, INSTALL, AND GROUT PIPES. MATCH PIPE INVERTS WITH ELEVATIONS SHOWN.ALL PIPE CENTERLINES TO MATCH PIPE OPENING CENTERLINES.E. CONTRACTOR TO TAKE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO ASSURE UNIT IS WATER TIGHT, HOLDING WATER TOFLOWLINE INVERT MINIMUM. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT ALL JOINTS BELOW PIPE INVERTS ARE GROUTED.STRUCTURE WEIGHTAPPROXIMATE HEAVIEST PICK = 14000 LBS.OF 4 PIECESMAXIMUM FOOTPRINT = 7'-2"ØCS-6 - 679557-40 JACKSON'S GRANT VILLAGE CARMEL, IN for SYSTEM: WQ STR 433COUNT DESCRIPTIONINSTALLED BY1CS-6 FIBERGLASS CYLINDER INSERT, STD.CONTECH5 CS-6 ALUMINUM INSTALLATION BRACKETCONTECH1 SEALANT FOR JOINTSCONTRACTOR130"Ø x 4" FRAME & COVER, EJ#41600484, OR EQUIV.CONTRACTOR05/09/2022 Page 26 of 40 7037 Ridge Road, Hanover, MD 21076 866-740-3318 410-796-5505 866-376-8511 FAXOUTSIDE BOTTOMELEV. 846.57'TOP OF SYSTEMELEV. 853.27'OUTLET 1 INVERTELEV. 850.07'INLET 1 INVERTELEV. 850.17'INLET 2 INVERTELEV. 851.67'INLET 3 INVERTELEV. 851.67'RIM ELEV. 854.22+/- INLET 112"Ø RCP(20"Ø OPENING)INLET 26"Ø PVC(12"Ø OPENING)INLET 36"Ø PVC(12"Ø OPENING)SOLIDSSTORAGESUMPOUTLET 112"Ø RCP(20"Ø OPENING)PERMANENTPOOLCASCADECYLINDERINSERTCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDEGRADE RINGS/RISERSCONTRACTOR TO GROUT TOFINISHED GRADE3'-6"4'-13 4"1114"3'-8"ØELEVATION VIEWINLET 1INLET 2INLET 3OUTLET 13'Ø I.D.3'-8"Ø O.D.24" x 24"CURB INLETPLAN VIEW(INTERNALS NOT SHOWN)CASCADEFIBERGLASSINTERNALS90°9 3 °87°SECTION FOR PIPE ORIENTATION(TOP SLAB NOT SHOWN)05/24/21DATE:APPROVED:CHECKED:SHEET:DRAWING11.DWG 5/24/2021 10:37 AM OFMAKDRAWN:DESIGNED:The design and information shown on this drawing is provided as a service to the project owner, engineer and contractor by CONTECH Construction Products Inc. or one of its affiliated companies ("CONTECH"). Neither this drawing, nor any part thereof, may be used, reproduced or modified in any manner without the prior written consent of CONTECH. Failure to comply is done at the user's own risk and CONTECH expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for such use. If discrepancies between the supplied information upon which the drawing is based and actual field conditions are encountered as site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reported to CONTECH immediately for re-evaluation of the design. CONTECH accepts no liability for designs based on missing, incomplete or inaccurate information supplied by others.679557SEQUENCE No.:30PROJECT No.:MAKMAKMAK1 1www.ContechES.com REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEMARK BYPROPOSALCONTECHDRAWINGNCILAYOUT 1AGENERAL NOTES1. CONTECH TO PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. FOR FABRICATION DRAWINGS WITH DETAILED STRUCTURE DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS, PLEASE CONTACTYOUR CONTECH REPRESENTATIVE. www.ContechES.com3. CASCADE SEPARATOR WATER QUALITY STRUCTURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL DESIGN DATA ANDINFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM STRUCTURE MEETSREQUIREMENTS OF PROJECT.4. STRUCTURE SHALL MEET AASHTO HS-20 LOAD RATING, ASSUMING EARTH COVER OF 0' - 2', ANDGROUNDWATER ELEVATION AT, OR BELOW, THE OUTLET PIPE INVERT ELEVATION. ENGINEER OF RECORD TOCONFIRM ACTUAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. CASTINGS SHALL MEET AASHTO M306 AND BE CAST WITHTHE CONTECH LOGO.5. CASCADE SEPARATOR STRUCTURE SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ASTM C-478 ANDAASHTO LOAD FACTOR DESIGN METHOD.INSTALLATION NOTESA. ANY SUB-BASE, BACKFILL DEPTH, AND/OR ANTI-FLOTATION PROVISIONS ARE SITE-SPECIFIC DESIGNCONSIDERATIONS AND SHALL BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER OF RECORD.B. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EQUIPMENT WITH SUFFICIENT LIFTING AND REACH CAPACITY TO LIFT AND SETTHE CASCADE SEPARATOR MANHOLE STRUCTURE.C. CONTRACTOR TO ADD JOINT SEALANT BETWEEN ALL STRUCTURE SECTIONS, AND ASSEMBLE STRUCTURE.D. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE, INSTALL, AND GROUT PIPES. MATCH PIPE INVERTS WITH ELEVATIONS SHOWN.ALL PIPE CENTERLINES TO MATCH PIPE OPENING CENTERLINES.E. CONTRACTOR TO TAKE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO ASSURE UNIT IS WATER TIGHT, HOLDING WATER TOFLOWLINE INVERT MINIMUM. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT ALL JOINTS BELOW PIPE INVERTS ARE GROUTED.STRUCTURE WEIGHTAPPROXIMATE HEAVIEST PICK = 3500 LBS.OF 3 PIECESMAXIMUM FOOTPRINT = 3'-8"ØCS-3 - 679557-30 JACKSON'S GRANT VILLAGE CARMEL, IN for SYSTEM: WQ STR 429 MATERIAL LIST (PROVIDED BY CONTECH)COUNT DESCRIPTIONINSTALLED BY1CS-3 ALUMINUM CYLINDER INSERT, STD.CONTECH3 CS-3 ALUMINUM INSTALLATION BRACKETCONTECH1 24" INLET TRAYCONTRACTOR1 SEALANT FOR JOINTSCONTRACTOR124" x 24" CURB INLET, EJ#0719131C01, OR EQUIV.CONTRACTOR05/09/2022 Page 27 of 40 7037 Ridge Road, Hanover, MD 21076 866-740-3318 410-796-5505 866-376-8511 FAXOUTSIDE BOTTOMELEV. 843.03'TOP OF SYSTEMELEV. 853.55' OUTLET 1 INVERTELEV. 847.53'INLET 1 INVERTELEV. 847.63'RIM ELEV. 854.61+/- INLET 118"Ø RCP(28"Ø OPENING)SOLIDSSTORAGESUMPOUTLET 118"Ø RCP(28"Ø OPENING)PERMANENTPOOLCASCADECYLINDERINSERTCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDEGRADE RINGS/RISERSCONTRACTOR TO GROUT TOFINISHED GRADE4'-6"7'-1"1'-03 4"4'-10"ØELEVATION VIEWINLET 1OUTLET 14'Ø I.D.4'-10"Ø O.D.30"Ø x 4"FRAME AND COVERPLAN VIEW(INTERNALS NOT SHOWN)CASCADEFIBERGLASSINTERNALS180°SECTION FOR PIPE ORIENTATION(TOP SLAB NOT SHOWN)05/24/21DATE:APPROVED:CHECKED:SHEET:I:\MERLIN\PROJECT\ACTIVE\679500\679557\679557-20-CASCADE\DRAWINGS\679557-020-CS-4-CONFAB.DWG 5/24/2021 10:50 AM OFMAKDRAWN:DESIGNED:The design and information shown on this drawing is provided as a service to the project owner, engineer and contractor by CONTECH Construction Products Inc. or one of its affiliated companies ("CONTECH"). Neither this drawing, nor any part thereof, may be used, reproduced or modified in any manner without the prior written consent of CONTECH. Failure to comply is done at the user's own risk and CONTECH expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for such use. If discrepancies between the supplied information upon which the drawing is based and actual field conditions are encountered as site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reported to CONTECH immediately for re-evaluation of the design. CONTECH accepts no liability for designs based on missing, incomplete or inaccurate information supplied by others.679557SEQUENCE No.:20PROJECT No.:MAKMAKMAK1 1www.ContechES.com REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEMARK BYPROPOSALCONTECHDRAWINGNCILAYOUT 1AGENERAL NOTES1. CONTECH TO PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. FOR FABRICATION DRAWINGS WITH DETAILED STRUCTURE DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS, PLEASE CONTACTYOUR CONTECH REPRESENTATIVE. www.ContechES.com3. CASCADE SEPARATOR WATER QUALITY STRUCTURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL DESIGN DATA ANDINFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM STRUCTURE MEETSREQUIREMENTS OF PROJECT.4. STRUCTURE SHALL MEET AASHTO HS-20 LOAD RATING, ASSUMING EARTH COVER OF 0' - 2', ANDGROUNDWATER ELEVATION AT, OR BELOW, THE OUTLET PIPE INVERT ELEVATION. ENGINEER OF RECORD TOCONFIRM ACTUAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. CASTINGS SHALL MEET AASHTO M306 AND BE CAST WITHTHE CONTECH LOGO.5. CASCADE SEPARATOR STRUCTURE SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ASTM C-478 ANDAASHTO LOAD FACTOR DESIGN METHOD.INSTALLATION NOTESA. ANY SUB-BASE, BACKFILL DEPTH, AND/OR ANTI-FLOTATION PROVISIONS ARE SITE-SPECIFIC DESIGNCONSIDERATIONS AND SHALL BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER OF RECORD.B. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EQUIPMENT WITH SUFFICIENT LIFTING AND REACH CAPACITY TO LIFT AND SETTHE CASCADE SEPARATOR MANHOLE STRUCTURE.C. CONTRACTOR TO ADD JOINT SEALANT BETWEEN ALL STRUCTURE SECTIONS, AND ASSEMBLE STRUCTURE.D. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE, INSTALL, AND GROUT PIPES. MATCH PIPE INVERTS WITH ELEVATIONS SHOWN.ALL PIPE CENTERLINES TO MATCH PIPE OPENING CENTERLINES.E. CONTRACTOR TO TAKE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO ASSURE UNIT IS WATER TIGHT, HOLDING WATER TOFLOWLINE INVERT MINIMUM. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT ALL JOINTS BELOW PIPE INVERTS ARE GROUTED.STRUCTURE WEIGHTAPPROXIMATE HEAVIEST PICK = 5000 LBS.OF 4 PIECESMAXIMUM FOOTPRINT = 4'-10"ØCS-4 - 679557-20 JACKSON'S GRANT VILLAGE CARMEL, IN for SYSTEM: WQ STR 412 MATERIAL LIST (PROVIDED BY CONTECH)COUNT DESCRIPTIONINSTALLED BY1CS-4 FIBERGLASS CYLINDER INSERT, STD.CONTECH4 CS-4 ALUMINUM INSTALLATION BRACKETCONTECH1 SEALANT FOR JOINTSCONTRACTOR130"Ø x 4" FRAME & COVER, EJ#41600484, OR EQUIV.CONTRACTOR05/09/2022 Page 28 of 40 7037 Ridge Road, Hanover, MD 21076 866-740-3318 410-796-5505 866-376-8511 FAXOUTSIDE BOTTOMELEV. 845.94'TOP OF SYSTEMELEV. 854.46' OUTLET 1 INVERTELEV. 850.44'INLET 1 INVERTELEV. 850.54'RIM ELEV. 855.39+/- INLET 115"Ø RCP(24"Ø OPENING)SOLIDSSTORAGESUMPOUTLET 115"Ø RCP(24"Ø OPENING)PERMANENTPOOLCASCADECYLINDERINSERTCONTRACTOR TO PROVIDEGRADE RINGS/RISERSCONTRACTOR TO GROUT TOFINISHED GRADE4'-6"4'-1112"11"4'-10"ØELEVATION VIEWINLET 1OUTLET 14'Ø I.D.4'-10"Ø O.D.30"Ø x 4"FRAME AND COVERPLAN VIEW(INTERNALS NOT SHOWN)CASCADEFIBERGLASSINTERNALS180°SECTION FOR PIPE ORIENTATION(TOP SLAB NOT SHOWN)05/24/21DATE:APPROVED:CHECKED:SHEET:I:\MERLIN\PROJECT\ACTIVE\679500\679557\679557-10-CASCADE\DRAWINGS\679557-010-CS-4-CONFAB.DWG 5/24/2021 10:43 AM OFMAKDRAWN:DESIGNED:The design and information shown on this drawing is provided as a service to the project owner, engineer and contractor by CONTECH Construction Products Inc. or one of its affiliated companies ("CONTECH"). Neither this drawing, nor any part thereof, may be used, reproduced or modified in any manner without the prior written consent of CONTECH. Failure to comply is done at the user's own risk and CONTECH expressly disclaims any liability or responsibility for such use. If discrepancies between the supplied information upon which the drawing is based and actual field conditions are encountered as site work progresses, these discrepancies must be reported to CONTECH immediately for re-evaluation of the design. CONTECH accepts no liability for designs based on missing, incomplete or inaccurate information supplied by others.679557SEQUENCE No.:10PROJECT No.:MAKMAKMAK1 1www.ContechES.com REVISION DESCRIPTIONDATEMARK BYPROPOSALCONTECHDRAWINGNCILAYOUT 1AGENERAL NOTES1. CONTECH TO PROVIDE ALL MATERIALS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. FOR FABRICATION DRAWINGS WITH DETAILED STRUCTURE DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS, PLEASE CONTACTYOUR CONTECH REPRESENTATIVE. www.ContechES.com3. CASCADE SEPARATOR WATER QUALITY STRUCTURE SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ALL DESIGN DATA ANDINFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS DRAWING. CONTRACTOR TO CONFIRM STRUCTURE MEETSREQUIREMENTS OF PROJECT.4. STRUCTURE SHALL MEET AASHTO HS-20 LOAD RATING, ASSUMING EARTH COVER OF 0' - 2', ANDGROUNDWATER ELEVATION AT, OR BELOW, THE OUTLET PIPE INVERT ELEVATION. ENGINEER OF RECORD TOCONFIRM ACTUAL GROUNDWATER ELEVATION. CASTINGS SHALL MEET AASHTO M306 AND BE CAST WITHTHE CONTECH LOGO.5. CASCADE SEPARATOR STRUCTURE SHALL BE PRECAST CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ASTM C-478 ANDAASHTO LOAD FACTOR DESIGN METHOD.INSTALLATION NOTESA. ANY SUB-BASE, BACKFILL DEPTH, AND/OR ANTI-FLOTATION PROVISIONS ARE SITE-SPECIFIC DESIGNCONSIDERATIONS AND SHALL BE SPECIFIED BY ENGINEER OF RECORD.B. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EQUIPMENT WITH SUFFICIENT LIFTING AND REACH CAPACITY TO LIFT AND SETTHE CASCADE SEPARATOR MANHOLE STRUCTURE.C. CONTRACTOR TO ADD JOINT SEALANT BETWEEN ALL STRUCTURE SECTIONS, AND ASSEMBLE STRUCTURE.D. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE, INSTALL, AND GROUT PIPES. MATCH PIPE INVERTS WITH ELEVATIONS SHOWN.ALL PIPE CENTERLINES TO MATCH PIPE OPENING CENTERLINES.E. CONTRACTOR TO TAKE APPROPRIATE MEASURES TO ASSURE UNIT IS WATER TIGHT, HOLDING WATER TOFLOWLINE INVERT MINIMUM. IT IS SUGGESTED THAT ALL JOINTS BELOW PIPE INVERTS ARE GROUTED.STRUCTURE WEIGHTAPPROXIMATE HEAVIEST PICK = 5000 LBS.OF 3 PIECESMAXIMUM FOOTPRINT = 4'-10"ØCS-4 - 679557-10 JACKSON'S GRANT VILLAGE CARMEL, IN for SYSTEM: WQ STR 404 MATERIAL LIST (PROVIDED BY CONTECH)COUNT DESCRIPTIONINSTALLED BY1CS-4 FIBERGLASS CYLINDER INSERT, STD.CONTECH4 CS-4 ALUMINUM INSTALLATION BRACKETCONTECH1 SEALANT FOR JOINTSCONTRACTOR130"Ø x 4" FRAME & COVER, EJ#41600484, OR EQUIV.CONTRACTOR05/09/2022 Page 29 of 40 APPENDIX C 05/09/2022 Page 30 of 40 05/09/2022 Page 31 of 40 05/09/2022 Page 32 of 40 City of Indianapolis Page 7-43 Stormwater Specifications Manual January 2019 - FINAL Bioretention Operation, Maintenance, and Management Inspection Checklist for BMP Owners Site Name: ________________________________________Owner changed since last inspection? Y N Owner name, address and phone number: Location: Date: Time: Inspector Name: Maintenance Item Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory Comments Debris Cleanout (Inspect monthly) 1. Bioretention area and contributing areas clean of debris 2. Litter (branches, etc.) has been removed Vegetation (Inspect monthly) 1. Plant height note less than design ponding depth 2. Plant composition according to approved plan 3. Grass height not more than 6 inches 4. No evidence of erosion Additional Comments and Actions to be Taken Timeframe: FIGURE 702-13: Private Operation, Maintenance & Management – Bioretention Areas 05/09/2022 Page 33 of 40 800.925.5240 www.ContechES.com SUPPORT • Drawings and specifications are available at www.ContechES.com. • Site-specific design support is available from our engineers. ©2019 Contech Engineered Solutions LLC, a QUIKRETE Company Contech Engineered Solutions LLC provides site solutions for the civil engineering industry. Contech’s portfolio includes bridges, drainage, sanitary sewer, stormwater, and earth stabilization products. For information, visit www.ContechES.com or call 800.338.1122 NOTHING IN THIS CATALOG SHOULD BE CONSTRUED AS A WARRANTY. APPLICATIONS SUGGESTED HEREIN ARE DESCRIBED ONLY TO HELP READERS MAKE THEIR OWN EVALUATIONS AND DECISIONS, AND ARE NEITHER GUARANTEES NOR WARRANTIES OF SUITABILITY FOR ANY APPLICATION. CONTECH MAKES NO WARRANTY WHATSOEVER, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, RELATED TO THE APPLICATIONS, MATERIALS, COATINGS, OR PRODUCTS DISCUSSED HEREIN. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED BY CONTECH. SEE CONTECH’S CONDITIONS OF SALE (AVAILABLE AT WWW.CONTECHES.COM/COS) FOR MORE INFORMATION. Cascade Separator Maintenance 11/19 ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS Cascade Separator™ Inspection & Maintenance Log Cascade Model:Location: Date Depth Below Invert to Top of Sediment1 Floatable Layer Thickness2 Describe Maintenance Performed Maintenance Personnel Comments 1. The depth to sediment is determined by taking a measurement from the manhole outlet invert (standing water level) to the top of the sediment pile. Once this measurement is recorded, it should be compared to the chart in the maintenance guide to determine if the height of the sediment pile off the bottom of the sump floor exceeds 50% of the maximum sediment storage. Note: to avoid underestimating the volume of sediment in the cham- ber, the measuring device must be carefully lowered to the top of the sediment pile. 2. For optimum performance, the system should be cleaned out when the floating hydrocarbon layer accumulates to an appreciable thickness. In the event of an oil spill, the system should be cleaned immediately. 05/09/2022 Page 34 of 40 Sediment Basin Inspection and Maintenance Activities 1. Inspect the sediment basin during the following periods: a. During Construction to determine whether machinery, falling trees, or construction activity has damaged any components of the sediment basin. If damage has occurred, repair the damage immediately. b. After Each Runoff Event to ensure that runoff into the basin has not caused damage or sediment has accumulated to a level where it must be removed. If damage has occurred, make the necessary repairs immediately. If necessary, remove the accumulated sediment and restore the original storage volume. 2. Clean out accumulated sediment when it reaches the top of the indicator post. 3. Do not dispose of sediment in a manner that will negatively impact erosion control practices or cause a hazard. 4. Check fill material in the dam for excessive settlement, slumping of the slopes or clogging of any permeable material. 5. Remove all trash and other debris from the basin and weir. Removal 1. When grading and construction in the drainage area above the sediment basin is completed and the disturbed areas are adequately stabilized, the basin must be connverted to a permanent pond, dry basin with a minimum 1% slope, wetland, stormwater detention or treatment structure. In any case, sediment should be cleared and properly disposed of and the basin area stabilised. 2. Once the area that formed the basin is stabilised to the point where erosion is restrained, the embankment and outlet structures can be removed and properly disposed. 05/09/2022 Page 35 of 40 05/09/2022 Page 36 of 40 PLANTING SCHEDULE UPLAND WOODLAND MIX TYPE OF SEED - GRASSES LATIN NAME COMMON NAME Oz / Acre Carex cephalophora Short-Headed Bracted Sedge 1 Carex gracillima Graceful Wood Sedge 1 Carex sparganioides Canada Wild Rye 1 Diarrhena americana American Beak Grass 8 Elymus riparius Riverbank Wild Rye 3 Elymus villosus Hairy Wild Rye 2 Elymus virginicus Virginia Wild Rye 64 Hystrix patula Bottlebrush Grass 1605/09/2022 Page 37 of 40 NATIVE VEGETATION & PROTECTIVE SIGNAGE DETAIL NOT TO SCALE05/09/2022 Page 38 of 40 APPENDIX D 05/09/2022 Page 39 of 40 Owner Acknowledgement Agreement (“Agreement”) For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the undersigned owner (“Owner”) hereby submits this Operation and Maintenance Manual (“Manual”) to the City of Carmel, Indiana (“City”) as a written acknowledgement of Owner’s warranty and agreement to institute, maintain, and follow the water quality Best Management Practices (“BMPs”) listed below, and to follow and abide by the inspection schedule and maintenance activities listed in this Manual. The Owner also hereby agrees to provide, at Owner’s cost, all additional maintenance, repair, and/or replacement services reasonably necessary to maintain the function and longevity of the BMPs from and including the date this Agreement is executed by Owner to and including the date on which a new Agreement is filed with the City by another party who assumes all of the obligations and responsibilities of Owner as set forth herein. BMPs: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________ Owner Signature Date _______________________________ ______________________________ Printed Name Company STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared _________________________________ Owner subscribed and sworn before this ____ day of __________________, ________. ______________________________ ______________________________ County of Residence Signature ______________________________ Commission Expiration Date ______________________________ Printed Name 05/09/2022 Page 40 of 40