HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication SE Rev. 1-1-61 Sept. 17, 1980
ZA Form \ (To be filed in duplicate) Date
PC Form
No .
Date Filed 1- 2 2 -(70
The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction , en-
largement , relocation or alteration of structure , or any change in the
use of land or structures requested by this application will comply with ,
and conform to , all applicable laws of the State of Indiana, and the
"Zoning Ordinance of Carmel , Indiana - 1980"., adopted under the authority
of Acts of 1979 , Public Law 178 Sec . 1 et seq , General Assembly of the
State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto .
Name of Applicant HOPE CHURCH, C. AND M. A. 846-3636
Phone No .
Address of Applicant 2500 E. 98th St., Indianapolis, In. 46280
Name of Owner Hope Church, C. and M. A. Phone No . 846-3636
Location of Property : Lot No . Addition 8 acres of land
Stre�t No . or other description of location y eg uth o
the Northwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of Section 7, Township 27, Range 4 East and
run thence East 871.0 feet to an iron pin; thence South 400 feet to an iron pin; thence
es ee o e es 2ne o sal ec 2on; en north 400 on West Zsne to th- -n-ginniN
Present Use of Property Used as the Church property and parsonage property of Hope Chur(
Proposed Use of Property Enlargement of educational facilities
Zoning Classification of Property In "Lakewood Gardens" residential and church.
NOTE : Application for an Improvement Location Permit must be Accompanied
by two blueprints of a plot plan of the property drawn to scale ,
and showing location of any existing structures or proposed struc-
tures together with a detailed written explanation of the proposed
Improvements , and other information as may be required .
SIGNED : For Hope Church; Trustees Al , �/
• Wendell Hoyt i �!
- Donald Walker 4`j
v Q
Steven Clark a n W efat `C
Owner Agent
A Permit Fee of $ D must accompany is application.
Permit Fee received by
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F�'F�1.1 I� Title
: sei, .C�m�'ss �/440,
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