HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket for HO 06-27-22(V) 241 1st Ave SE - Thomas Residence Variance.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
Docket No. PZ-2022-00096 V UDO Section 3.64.C.3.c Maximum 45% lot cover
allowed, 49% requested.
The site is located at 241 First Avenue SE (John A Phelps’ Addition Lot 6A). It is zoned
R3/Residence and Old Town Overlay, Character Subarea. Filed by Robert Anderson of Faegre
Drinker, on behalf of Jim Thomas, owner.
Project Introduction
Applicant is currently constructing a single-family residence for personal use on a lot at 241 1st
Ave S.E. The lot had originally been platted as two lots within the original Phelps Addition but
had always been used as a single homesite and yard. Applicant previously re-platted the two
lots into a single lot and successfully requested a vacation of the unused alley to the south into
a private driveway serving 241 1st Ave S.E. and the home immediately to the south.
Over the past nine months Applicant has been finalizing a final landscape and hardscape
drawing for the site, coupled with an engineered stormwater detention system serving the lot,
per Carmel stormwater requirements. The plan includes a small swimming pool since,
interestingly, the prior 1920’s house on the combined lots was reported to have the first
swimming pool in Carmel. Upon final engineering submittal of the stormwater system and plan
staff advised that the swimming pool needed to be included in the coverage calculations, along
with drives, walks, etc. The plan thus requires this variance.
Statement of Variance Request
The plan as currently designed calculates a coverage of approximately 46.6%. To eliminate any
questions of standards of measurement, variable field conditions, or other construction
variables the Applicant is requesting a variance of up to 49% lot coverage, more than the
allowed 45% coverage. Essentially, this variance will allow installation of a deck area
surrounding the proposed fire pit, as shown in pink on the attached plan area take-off
Calculations corresponding to the attached take-off are as follows:
Original lots 17,424 sf
½ alley, previously vacated 1,056 sf
Total land area 18,480 sf
Coverage allowed today at 45% 8,316 sf
Less portion of alley/drive paving on applicant’s half -485 sf
Available today under current zoning 7,831 sf
Proposed in yellow on attached plan 7,831 sf
Additional proposed area in pink, requiring variance ~299 sf
Statement of Support
The increase in lot coverage has frequently been granted in the Old Town area, ranging recently
from coverages in the low 50’s to up to 67% coverage, via variance. Again, the area of the
proposed swimming pool is effectively NOT impervious, since water would fall into the pool
through a permeable cover rather than running off, and the pool area alone (3% of the lot) is
nearly twice the size of the area requiring the variance; nonetheless, Applicant acknowledges
the definition is for coverage, not impervious area. Applicant has been told that the standards
were changed to add driveways, sidewalks, and patios, but the 45% coverage area was not
modified to reflect the additions. Lastly, Applicant is installing an extensive underground
engineered stormwater detention system at the cost of over $60,000 and said system is
designed to detain the full plan, including the area needing a variance, in a manner consistent
with the Carmel stormwater requirements.
Staff has requested information regarding the pool pump. The pump specified in the installer’s
quote is a variable speed pump, allowing diminished flow rates in non-peak-usage conditions,
and the manufacturer specifically promotes its quiet operation.
Per the manufacturer’s website:
241 1st Ave S.E.
8'-0"9'-012"FRONT WEST ELEVATION12PITCH1012PITCH62 58":12 LOW PITCHMETAL ROOFASPHALTSHINGLES12PITCH3 1212PITCH812PITCH612PITCH7DECORATIVEBRACKET1'-0"12PITCH3 128'-534"BOT OFWIN. HDR.BOT OFWIN. HDR.BOT OFWIN. HDR.15'-5"LAPSIDINGWINDOW WATERPROOFING &FLASHING AS PER CONTR.BOT OFWIN. HDR.17'-1134"BOT OFWIN. HDR.12PITCH10BRICK2-B62-A6Designed For:Jim & Chris ThomasH. G. McCULLOUGH DESIGNERS, INC- 2146 Glenview Drive, Evansville, IN 47720 - Email: designers@hgmccullough.com- Telephone: 812 . 428 . 0174 - www.hgmccullough.comArchitecturalConcepts ByRIGHT SIDE SOUTH ELEVATIONASPHALTSHINGLESTOP OF MAINLEVEL SUB FL.TOP OF SECONDLEVEL SUB FL.12PITCH1012PITCH1012PITCH65"TOP OF GARAGECONC. SLABLAPSIDINGEXTERIOR METAL DRIP CAP,WALL WATERPROOFING &FLASHING AS PER CONTR.DECORATIVEBRACKET1'-0"8'-0"BOT OFWIN. HDR.7'-4"TOP OF SECONDLEVEL SUB FL.7'-4"BOT OFWIN. HDR.BOT OFWIN. HDR.8'-0"BOT OFWIN. HDR.EXTERIOR WALL, ROOFWATERPROOFING &FLASHING AS PER CONTR.7'-412"BOT OFWIN. HDR.TOP OF LOWER LEVELCONCRETE SLABBRICKDECORATIVEBRACKETSLOPEDBRICK SILL2-A62-C612PITCH1'-558"412" 2B RAKE DETAIL34" x 7 14" FASCIA BD.34" SOFFIT BD'S.34" x 7 14" FASCIA BD.1'-238"34" x 7 14" FASCIA BD.34" SOFFIT BD'S.1 116" x 7 14" FASCIA BD. 2A RAKE DETAIL834"34" X 1 12" TRIM BD.34" x 7 14" FASCIA BD.34" x 3 12" BRD.34" SOFFIT BD'S.1 116" x 7 14" FASCIA BD. 2C RAKE DETAILNOTE: FASCIA THICKNESS VERIFY WITHCONTR. AS PER THE SIDING THICKNESSNOTE: FASCIA THICKNESS VERIFY WITHCONTR. AS PER THE SIDING THICKNESS METAL EDGINGEKENA MLDO4X04X065G4 78"H X 4 38"P X 6 12"FEKENA MLDO2X02X03LY2"H X 2"P X 3"F METAL EDGINGBLK'NG ASREQ.D METAL EDGINGEKENA MLDO4X04X065G4 78"H X 4 38"P X 6 12"FNOTE: VERIFY RAKEOVERHANG WITH CONTR. ASPER THE SIDING THICKNESSBLK'NG ASREQ.DBLK'NG ASREQ.DNOTE: VERIFY RAKEOVERHANG WITH CONTR. ASPER THE SIDING THICKNESSEKENA MLDO2X02X03LY2"H X 2"P X 3"FSCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"ELEVATIONS"C 2002 H. G. McCullough Designers, Inc. All rights reserved There shall be NO reproductionof this work, its technical aspects or creative content without the express written consentof H. G. McCullough Designers, Inc. This work is fully protected by copyright underU.S. copyright law and is strictly enforced by H. G. McCullough Designer, Inc."6Drawings & blueprints are intended solely as a plan layout& basis for materialestimate. H.G. McCullough Designers Inc.assumes no responsibility for structuralor material adequacy of drawings nor for compliance with appropriate building codes.H.G. McCullough Designers Inc. is not liable for, nor does it guarantee or controlcontractor or subcontractor's performance, nor their errors or omission. Customersshould have qualified engineer or architect review construction detailsSHEET NUMBERSCALE: 1"=1'-0" SCALE: 1"=1'-0"SCALE: 1"=1'-0"
LEFT SIDE NORTH ELEVATIONASPHALTSHINGLES12PITCH1012PITCH6 1212PITCH1012PITCH6 12VERIFY DOG DOORLOCATION @ SITETOP OF SECONDLEVEL SUB FL.LAPSIDINGEXTERIOR METAL DRIP CAP,WALL WATERPROOFING &FLASHING AS PER CONTR.TOP OF MAINLEVEL SUB FL.8'-0"BOT OFWIN. HDR.14'-1078"BOT OFWIN. HDR.8'-0"BOT OFWIN. HDR.TOP OF MAINLEVEL SUB FL.9'-012"EXTERIOR WALL, ROOFWATERPROOFING &FLASHING AS PER CONTR.BRICKSLOPEDBRICK SILL2-A6FIREPLACEDIRECT VENTVERIFY @SITEDesigned For:Jim & Chris ThomasH. G. McCULLOUGH DESIGNERS, INC- 2146 Glenview Drive, Evansville, IN 47720 - Email: designers@hgmccullough.com- Telephone: 812 . 428 . 0174 - www.hgmccullough.comArchitecturalConcepts ByREAR EAST ELEVATIONASPHALTSHINGLES12PITCH1012PITCH5DECORATIVEBRACKET12PITCH3 1212PITCH812PITCH3 1212PITCH3 1212PITCH1012PITCH612PITCH7TOP OF SECONDLEVEL SUB FL.TOP OF MAINLEVEL SUB FL.TOP OF GARAGEFOUNDATION6'-1012"7'-1114"8'-0"BOT OFWIN. HDR.BOT OFWIN. HDR.BOT OFWIN. HDR.LAPSIDINGWINDOW WATERPROOFING &FLASHING AS PER CONTR.EXTERIOR METAL DRIP CAP,WALL WATERPROOFING &FLASHING AS PER CONTR.BRICKSLOPEDBRICK SILL2-C6SCALE: 1/4"=1'-0"ELEVATIONS"C 2002 H. G. McCullough Designers, Inc. All rights reserved There shall be NO reproductionof this work, its technical aspects or creative content without the express written consentof H. G. McCullough Designers, Inc. This work is fully protected by copyright underU.S. copyright law and is strictly enforced by H. G. McCullough Designer, Inc."7Drawings & blueprints are intended solely as a plan layout& basis for materialestimate. H.G. McCullough Designers Inc.assumes no responsibility for structuralor material adequacy of drawings nor for compliance with appropriate building codes.H.G. McCullough Designers Inc. is not liable for, nor does it guarantee or controlcontractor or subcontractor's performance, nor their errors or omission. Customersshould have qualified engineer or architect review construction detailsSHEET NUMBER
Page 7 of 11 File: Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Handout 2022.docx Revised: 01/03/2022
(Petitioner to fill out 1-3 + first two blanks)
Docket No.: _______________________________________________
Petitioner: _______________________________________________
1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the
community because:
2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially
adverse manner because:
3. The strict application of the terms of the Unified Development to the property will result in practical difficulties in the
use of the property because:
IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No.
___________________________ is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are
incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof.
Adopted this _______________ day of __________________________________, 20 _______.
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
HEARING OFFICER, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________
SECRETARY, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals
Conditions of approval of the Board, if any, are listed on the Letter of Grant.
PZ-2022-0096 V
James E. Thomas, Jr.
The increase in coverage is a small percentage, the percentage includes a pool that will
essentially detain water, and approved plans include a significant stormwater detention
sytem sized for the requested coverage.
Coverage is less than the coverage granted for many prior variances nearby, and
Applicant is installing a significant, engineered stormwater detention system to detain
runoff to pre-construction levels.
Strict application would pose a unique burden for under-utlizing the property, compared
to many previously-granted variances for coverage. In addition, coverage defination was
updated to include drives/sidewalks/etc but the standard was not increased.