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On i1-41-2000 At 03:01 p�.
PLAT 28. 40
I, tht u�dersiqned Regi�tered Land Surv�eyo� h�eDr cwtity that ths in�ude�! piot cv�rectlY representa a�ubdivision af
part of th� South East 1/4 oi S�ction 22, Township 1 a North. Range
3 Eost. Homilton County. I�diar►o. mae particulaiy descri��d os foNowa
Part of the Southeast t�uart�► of Sectian 22. Towr►al►ip 1 a Na►th, Ronge 4 East, i� Cloy Township, Ham�to� County,
Indiana. being mae particularly deacr�bed os fdlowx
Commencing ot the North�st comK of soid Quartw S�ction; thsncs Soutf� 00 degrees 26 minutes 09 secon�a Ecnt
(aswmed bearing) along the Eost lin� of th� oforesoid Ouarter Scction 1319.50 feet; tfience South 89 degrees 07
minutes 42 seconds Nkst don9 the North line of the South�t Qucxter of the Scwtheast Quarter o# so+d Section 22 a
distonce of 389.37 feet to the POMIT 0� BEqNNING of this description; thence South 05 degree� 07 minutes 39
seconds West 95.67 feet; thence South 23 degrses 15 minutes 09 saconds West 52.43 feet; thence South � degrees
25 minutes la seconds East 311.96 feet; tfi�nce SouM 33 de4rers 17 minutes 37 seconda VM�st 2�.97 fert to o pant
on the Nerth�rty boundarY of Lost Oaks ot Hawntidc, Sfctior� Two A, recasded as l�stsumer�t Na. 9�9858097 in Plct
Cobirrct No. 2 on Slide No. 170 i� the Office of tht RecordK of Ham�ton County, Indi�ta, the fdtowing three (3)
cou�ses being o� and donq_.soid Nertherly boundo►y lir►� of Loat Ooka at Haw�rstidc, Scctio�+ Two A; (1) South 88
degrees 17 minutes 11 seco�ds Nkst 30.8i feet to th� point of curvc�ture of a curv�e concave southeasterly, the radius
point of said curve bcing South 01 dec�ees 42 mirtutes 49 seconds Eost 320.00 feet from sai<f po+nt; (2) thencs
southwestaly �ong said cwve 309.13 feet to the point oi tongenc�r of said curve, said po+r►t being Morth 57 c3�gr� 03
minutes 50 seconds West 320.00 feet fran tht ro�us point ot �d curv�; (3) SouM 55 �qre�es 4� ma�utea 55
seconds East 19.92 feet to a point on the North�m boundary of Last Odcs at Noverstick, Section One, reccxded oa
Instrument Na 9809535940 in Plat Cobinet No. 2 0� S1idt No. 132 in the Off►c� o# the Recorder of H�n�ton County.
Indior►o; thence South 34 deqrees 1 S mirwtes OS seconds We�t d�g soid Nathcrn bou�dary 50.00 fee#; thence North
55 degree3 44 minute� 55 seconds West 120.00 feet t� '.' ��so4nt of curvature of a curv�. ^oncav� s�therly, the rodiu�
point of aad curw beinq South 34 deqrees 15 minutes OS �eeonda West 20.00 f�a�et from said pui�t; th�nce westerly
olong �o� curw 31.42 feet to th� point of tanqK►cy of �oid curv�. soic! point be�tg North 55 degrees 44 minutma 55
seconds N►est 20.00 feet iran tM radius point o1 �aad curw; th�ce North 55 deqr�es 44 m�utes 55 secon�s West
50.00 feet to the point ot cwvotur� of o cwv� concavr w�atarty, th� rcad'aia p�int crfi sc►d curw be+ng Nc�rth 55 dagrees
44 mi�utes 55 �econds West 20.00 fKt from soi� point; thsncs ntxthKiy dong scrid cwve 31.42 feet to th� pai�t of
tangsncy o� �ad cwv�, sad point b�inq P1orM 34 d�qr� 15 mir�utes Q5 seconds East 20.00 fiet fran tht rodius paint
of aoid cwv� th�nc� Nertf� 55 d�yrs�s 44 minut�s S5 �condMa yMe�a# 18.69 feet to th� po�st of curvature oi a cwv�e
concow eouth�iy, tfie rodius point of �o+d cww b�in9 South 34 de�c�reds 15 minutes 05 secon� N�st 225.00 fret from
said point; th�ncs westKty don9 soid curw 96.18 f�t to the p�int af t�gency of �! curv�e. sciic! po+r+t being Ncxth
09 cisyrees 45 minutes 3� �cw►ds East 225.00 f�e�t f►om th� rodius point of sad curve; thence North 09 dec�ees 45
minutes 37 �conds Eost 132.6t f�t; thenca NatA �.� ��: ��s v!i rnirr�t�a 31 �eccx►da East ?04.79 feet; thonce f�orth
42 degrees 40 minutes 26 xconds Eoat 94.2a fe�t; th�nc• North 62 degrees 16 minutea 29 �cond� Eoat 11 �.77 feet;
thencs North OS deqrees 53 minuts�s 42 saconds Eost 144.20 feet; th�e� NortA 84 degrees 06 minutes 1 S seconds
West 82.23 feet: thence North 41 deqr�es 36 minut�s 12 seccx►ds West 114.57 feet; th�ce Narth 14 dagrees 02
minutes 03 Nconds West 171.96 f�st; thenc• Nerth 29 d�qrcrs 31 minutea 3U seconcla Eaat 165.36 feet: th�c• South
74 degrees 27 minutes 5a seconds East 263.82: thanct South 6� deqreta 32 mir►utes 45 �eccmds Eas! 204.02 feet;
thenc• No�th 24 degrees Ot minutes 19 �conds Eost 13.53 fe�t: thence South 69 det�eea 09 minutes 22 seconcfs East
89.70 fest to the ploc� of beqinninq. ca�tan+nq 9.61a ocr�s, mofs vr leas�, sub jsct to ail tegd highwcrys, ric�ts-of-wa�ts,
eaaement:. and restrictions of reco►d.
This �ubdivisio� consists o1 33 lot� numbered 165-197 (oN incfusive) ond 2 Common Areas lobeleci �1 and #2
(both indusive). The size of lots and width of streets are ahown � feet �d dccirnd p�ts thertof.
Goss-Ref�enc� is hereDy mod� to o�urv�ey plat r�corded as instrumertit Numb� 9446246 in the office of the
recordK of Nam�ton CountX Indiano.
I, th� undersigned, ha�by certity that I am a R�qist��d Land Surweyw, lic�nsed 'm com�ianct with the lawa af tRe
State of Irtdiano ond thot the wiMin plot repre�ents o x�b�visian af the I�ds �urv�ey!ed with� the cross referenced
surv�ey piot, ond that to ths best of my knowledqe a►d belief there hc�s been no chc�ng� fram the matters of the survey
reveded by the crosa-reference s�xvey on any linrs thot ore common witM th� ne��► subdivision.
Witness my siqnotwe this �� dvy of _� 200U.
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. Olmsteod
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This subdivision shall be known and designated as Lost Ovics at Haverstick, Section Three a
subdivision in Cormc�, Indiona located in HQmilton County. All streets shown and not heretofore dedicated,
are hereby dedicated to the public.
In Testimony whereof, witness the signatu�e o# Ownef ond Declorcmt this �3�� day of
�i�� , 2000. This Piot ia wb ject to Coven�ta. Conditions, and Restrictions for
Noverstick os Recorded in Inst. �9540437 in the Office of the Reco�rdcr, Homilton Caunty, Indiona.
Owner/Devtlaper: CENTEX HO�A£S
• �� i��.-
Timothy K. Mc1rA�on. Divisio� President
Befa-e me, the undersigned, a Nota�y Public in ond for said County and State, persona�ly
appeared Timothy K. McMaha�►, Divisio� President, Centex Homes, ond acknowledged the
execution of this instrume�t aa his v�duntcxy oct or�d dced �d otfixed Mis sic�noture thereto.
1Afitness my sic}�►ature ond sed this
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County of Residence ��
My commiss+on exps, es:�.., �-n��-�--.�.-- - .
Under �thority provided by Indiona Code 36-7-4-710, and ordinonces odopted by
the Comrnor� Caur�c� of the City of Corm�i, Indiano, this plot woa given Qpprovd
by the CitY of Carmei as follows:
Grantcd Administrotive approvd by the Departm�nt �f Community Swrvices pur t
ta Ar#icle XI a� the Cormeli`Ctoy Plar� C�rrrn�s�:�� �^'r �0?;�6 0# P�OCCf�LtfL' an _��._�---•
BY - - --
Dep tment of Con� unity Services
Cormd, Indiano
9.2 Registereti Land Surv�yar's Certificate:
I, Dennis D. Olmstead, hereby certify that 1 am a Registefed Land Survdy�or, licensed in compliance
with the laws of the State of Indiona.
That aN the monuments �own thereon octuaNy exist ond thot the locotion. sizc, type and mutefid
ore occurat�ly �awn:
And that d1 requiremr.nts specifiad ir� the subdi�ision �dinonce of the City of C�met have bttr�
m et.
y �i•►S t �'�
Dennis D. Olmstcod
Registered Lond Surveyrx
No. 900012
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This Plat was opproved by the Board of ��►blic Works and Sa et � the City of Cormd,
Indi�a, at a meeting held on the_j._ day of � _2000.
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