HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment Report 06-27-225 of 14 CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS | HEARING OFFICER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONDAY, JUNE 27, 2022 (V) Hartman Garage Variances. The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approvals for a detached garage: 6. Docket No. PZ-2022-00097 V UDO Section 5.02.B Minimum 97’ setback from street required (25’ behind front face of house), 87.5’ from street requested. 7. Docket No. PZ-2022-00098 V UDO Section 5.02.B.3 Combined Ground Floor Area of Accessory Buildings/Uses shall not exceed 75% of Ground Floor Area of Principal Building, 97% requested. The site is located at 121 Shoshone Drive (Newark Subdivision Lots 33 & Pt 32). It is zoned R2/Residence. Filed by Laura & Ryan Hartman, owners. General Info & Analysis: The Petitioner seeks approval to build a detached garage on his 1.03-acre parcel of land. It will be located 87.5 feet back from the residential street and will be 720 sq. ft. in area. BZA variance requests are presented for accessory structure setback and for accessory structure floor area. The accessory structure’s design, colors, and materials will complement the existing house. Please see the Petitioner’s info packet for more detail on the variance request. Setback Variance: UDO Section 5.02.B.1 requires a 25-ft setback behind the front line of principal building (or its front face). Due to the location of the house, the garage needs to sit back from the street at least 97 feet. However, the Petitioner requests that this accessory structure sites 87.5 feet back from the street. This is a variance of approximately 9.5 feet, or 9.8%. Floor Area Variance: UDO Section 5.02.B.3 allows for a maximum 24’ x 30’ accessory structure (720 sq. ft), but it also goes on to require that the combined square footage of the ground floor area of a private garage end or accessory building shall not exceed 75% of the ground floor area of the principal building. The property already has an attached garage (460 sq. ft.), so the proposed 720 sq. ft. detached garage will put the site over the allowed maximum square footage allowed for garages/accessory buildings. The ground floor area of the house/ principal building is 1220 sq. ft., and 75% of that is only 915 sq. ft. The proposed detached garage will put the site 265 sq. ft. over the allowed 75%. This is a variance of 265 sq. ft. or a percent increase of 105%. The Petitioner addressed all planning/zoning review comments. And, the Planning Dept. supports the variance requests. Findings of Fact: Please refer to the Petitioner’s Findings of Facts included in their info packet. Recommendation: The Dept. of Community Services (DOCS) recommends positive consideration of Docket Nos. PZ-2022-00097 V and PZ-2022-00098 V, with adoption of the findings of fact submitted by the Petitioner.