HomeMy WebLinkAboutO&M Plan Post-Construction Stormwater BMP Operation and Maintenance Plan for MedVet Carmel – Animal Hospital Renovation and Addition 9650 Mayflower Park Drive Carmel, IN 46032 Prepared By: Korda/Nemeth Engineering, Inc. 1650 Watermark Drive Columbus, Ohio 43215 Korda File: 2021-0012 5/3/2022 _____________________________ __________ Daniel Biru, PE Date 5/3/2022 Post-Construction Stormwater BMP Operation and Maintenance Plan for MedVet Carmel Renovation and Addition MedVet Carmel Animal Hospital BMP Overview The MedVet Carmel Animal Hospital BMP includes an existing Aqua-Swirl (AS-4) device for water quality treatment prior to discharging into the detention basin pond . Native plantings are to be installed around the perimeter of the existing pond for additional water quality treatment. Signage will be posted around the top of the detention pond area permanent pool elevation which prohibits spraying and mowing. The existing detention pond and associated Aqua-Swirl device has been designed to provide Water Quality treatment for the entire property. Inspection and Maintenance Overview Periodic inspection and maintenance are necessary for post-construction stormwater BMPs to perform the water quality functions for which they were designed and constructed. Inspection and maintenance are the responsibility of the BMP owner. Sediment removal shall be necessary every 6 months to 1 year. The City of Carmel’s Engineering office must be notified of any changes in BMP ownership, major repairs, of BMP failures in writing within 30 days. The letter should be addressed to: City of Carmel Engineering Department One Civic Square, 1st Floor Carmel, IN 46032 In the event that the City of Carmel’s Engineering office finds a BMP in need of maintenance or repair, the City of Carmel’s Engineering office will notify the BMP owner of the necessary maintenance or repairs and give the landowner a timeframe for completing the maintenance or repairs. If the maintenance or repairs are not completed within the designated time frame, the City shall perform the repairs or maintenance and bill the landowner for the actual cost of the work The City of Carmel’s Engineering office representatives have the right to enter the property to inspect the BMP. The BMP owner is responsible for all maintenance and maintenance costs as outlined in Chapter 7 of the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual. Post-Construction BMP Owner and responsible person: Owner: Broadstone MV Portfolio, LLC 800 Clinton Square Rochester, NY 14604 (585) 287-6482 Contact for Billing: Jennifer R. Burlingame Senior Project Manager, Real Estate (614) 638-2590 / jennifer.burlingame@medvet.com Inspection and Maintenance Schedule/Reporting Stormwater quality facilities shall be maintained in good condition, in accordance with the Operation and Maintenance procedures and schedules listed in the Indiana Stormwater Quality Manual or the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards Manual, and the terms and conditions of the approved stormwater permit, and shall not be subsequently altered, revised or replaced except in accordance with the approved stormwater permit, or in accordance with approved amendments or revisions in the permit. Following construction completion, inspection and maintenance of stormwater quality facilities shall be the long-term responsibility of the owner. The City of Carmel Engineering department and/or the Hamilton County Surveyor’s office has the authority to perform long-term, post-construction inspection of all public or privately owned stormwater quality facilities. The inspections will follow the Operation and Maintenance procedures included in the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards manual and/or permit application for each BMP. The inspection will cover physical conditions, available water quality storage capacity and the operation of key f acility elements. Noted deficiencies and recommended corrective action will be included in an inspection report. The BMP owner shall submit an annual BMP maintenance report to the City of Carmel Engineering Department. The first report is due one year after construction is completed, with subsequent reports due each year within the same month of the initial report. I f there are any deficiencies found during the inspections, these should be addressed. If the inspection report is not received within the month it is due, if there are deficiencies, which were not included in the report, or if any deficiencies included in the report are not addressed in a timely manner, the BMP owner faces enforcement action from the City. This report shall be submitted to: Carmel Engineering Department Attn: Stormwater Administrator One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 Maintenance Procedures The BMP owner will also be required to perform any maintenance specified at the discretion of Hamilton County or City of Carmel. The following shall be considered the minimum routine maintenance to be performed: 1. See Aqua-Swirl Stormwater Treatment System Inspection and Maintenance Manual 2. See Native Plantings Maintenance Guidelines 3. Pond Outlet (not a BMP, but requires routine inspection & maintenance) The Aqua-Swirl AS-4, native Plantings, and Pond Outlet shall be inspected every three (3) months by owner and after every rain event greater than 1 inch over a 24-hour period. Costs are to be paid by the owner. All inspections shall occur for the entire life of the BMP. Refer to Chapter 7 of the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards and the Aqua- Swirl Inspection & Maintenance Manual. Native Plantings & Pond Outlet Maintenance Guidelines Routine Maintenance: The BMP owner will also be required to perform any maintenance specified at the City’s discretion. The following criteria shall be considered the minimum routine maintenance to be performed: 1. The detention area and drainage inlet/outlet structures should be kept free of debris and litter. 2. Removal of invasive vegetation from all side slopes. Chemical lawn treatment should be avoided near the pond embankments. Maintenance will also be required to repair erosion (if present) in the detention basin area. 3. Removal of sediment accumulation from the detention basin. Detention basin sediment removal should occur when sediment depths reach 1 foot or 50 percent of the pond volume below normal pool. 4. Removal of woody vegetation from the embankment. 5. No spraying or mowing should occur near the normal pool elevation of the wet pond. Remedial Maintenance: Remedial maintenance shall occur whenever deemed necessary either by the BMP owner or the City of Carmel Engineering Department. Maintenance Responsibilities: The City of Carmel Engineering Department representatives have the right to enter the property and inspect the BMP at their discretion. The BMP owner is responsible for all maintenance and maintenance costs as outlined in Chapter 7 of the City of Carmel Stormwater Technical Standards. Native Planting List: Spence Restoration Nursery Upland Woodland Grass Mix, installed per Nursery recommendations. Upland Woodland Seed Mix Grasses and Sedges PLS oz/acre 1 Carex cephalophora (Short-Headed Bracted Sedge) 1 Carex gracillima (Graceful Wood Sedge) 1 Carex sparganioides (Burreed Sedge) 8 Diarrhena obovata (Beak Grass) 16 Elymus hystrix (Bottlebrush Grass) 16 Elymus riparius (Riverbank Wild Rye) 5 Elymus villosus (Silky Wild Rye) 48 Elymus virginicus (Virginia Wild Rye) 96 Forbs PLS oz/acre 2 Ageratina altissima (White Snakeroot) 1 Aquilegia canadensis (Wild Columbine) 2 Eutrochium purpureum (Sweet Joe-Pye Weed) 3 Heliopsis helianthoides (False Sunflower) 2 Penstemon calycosus (Smooth Penstemon) 1 Solidago caesia (Blue-Stemmed Goldenrod) 2 Symphyotrichum cordifolium (Heart-leaved Blue Wood Aster) 1 Symphyotrichum lateriflorum (Side-Flowering Aster) 2 Symphyotrichum shortii (Short's Aster) 16 Appendix A – Stormwater Best Management Practices Post-Construction Operation and Maintenance Agreement Owner Acknowledgement Agreement (“Agreement”) For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the undersigned owner (“Owner”) hereby submits this Operation and Maintenance Manual (“Manual”) to the City of Carmel, Indiana (“City”) as a written acknowledgement of Owner’s warranty and agreement to institute, maintain, and follow the water quality Best Management Practices (“BMPs”) listed below, and to follow and abide by the inspection schedule and maintenance activities listed in this Manual. The Owner also hereby agrees to provide, at Owner’s cost, all additional maintenance, repair, and/or replacement services reasonably necessary to maintain the function and longevity of the BMPs from and including the date this Agreement is executed by Owner to and including the date on which a new Agreement is filed with the City by another party who assumes all of the obligations and responsibilities of Owner as set forth herein. BMPs: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ _______________________________ ________________________ Owner Signature Date _______________________________ ______________________________ Printed Name Company STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF HAMILTON ) BEFORE ME, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared _________________________________ Owner subscribed and sworn before this ____ day of __________________, ________. ______________________________ ______________________________ County of Residence Signature ______________________________ Commission Expiration Date ______________________________ Printed Name Aqua-Swirl AS-4 Native Plantings (around existing pond) Appendix B - BMP Exhibits 3/4" MIN. DRAINROCK4" X 6" TRENCHOVER THE FILTER MATERIAL.PONDING HT.12" MIN.12" MIN.8"6"6"16" MAX.FLOWPONDING HT.FLOW9" MAX.STORAGEHT.NOTES:GENERAL1.CONSTRUCT SILT FENCE BEFORE UPSLOPE DISTURBANCE BEGINS.2.BRING ENDS OF SILT FENCE UPSLOPE SLIGHTLY SO THAT PONDING WATER WILL BEPREVENTED FROM FLOWING AROUND ENDS.3.WHEN POSSIBLE PRESERVE VEGETATION 5 FEET UP UPSLOPE OF THE SILT FENCE.IF REMOVED, REESTABLISH WITHIN 7 DAYS FROM INSTALLATION OF FENCE.4.SILT FENCE SHALL BE PLACED ON SLOPE CONTOURS TO MAXIMIZE PONDINGEFFICIENCY.5.THE FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE PURCHASED IN A CONTINUOUS ROLL CUT TO THELENGTH OF THE BARRIER TO AVOID THE USE OF JOINTS. WHEN JOINTS ARENECESSARY, FILTER CLOTH SHALL BE SPLICED TOGETHER ONLY AT A SUPPORTPOST, WITH A MINIMUM OF A 6 INCH OVERLAP, AND SECURELY SEALED.6.THE STANDARD STRENGTH FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE STAPLED OR WIRED TO THEFENCE, AND 8 INCHES OF THE FABRIC SHALL BE EXTENDED INTO THE TRENCH. THEFABRIC SHALL NOT EXTEND MORE THAN 16 INCHES ABOVE THE ORIGINAL GROUNDSURFACE. FILTER FABRIC SHALL NOT BE STAPLED TO EXISTING TREES.7.THE TRENCH SHALL BE BACKFILLED AND SOIL COMPACTED OVER THE FILTERFABRIC.8.SILT FENCES SHALL BE REMOVED WHEN THEY HAVE SERVED THEIR USEFULPURPOSE, BUT NOT BEFORE THE UPSLOPE AREA HAS BEEN PERMANENTLYSTABILIZED.9.THE USE OF STRAW WATTLES HAS PROVEN TO BE A VERSATILE AND EFFECTIVEESC BMP, ESPECIALLY IN RESIDENTIAL SETTINGS. STRAW WATTLES MAY BESUBSTITUTED FOR SILT FENCE.10.THE USE OF COMPOST FILTER SOCKS AND COMPOST BLANKETS ARE GAININGWIDER ACCEPTANCE NATIONWIDE. THEY ARE NOW APPROVED FOR USE ON ALLCOLUMBUS SWP3 PLANS AND CONSTRUCTION SITES.11.STRAW WATTLES AND COMPOST ROLLS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 12" IN DIAMETER.MAINTENANCE1.SILT FENCES AND FILTER BARRIERS SHALL BE INSPECTED IMMEDIATELY AFTEREACH RAINFALL AND AT LEAST DAILY DURING PROLONGED RAINFALL. ANYREQUIRED REPAIRS SHALL BE MADE IMMEDIATELY. SHOULD THE FABRIC ON A SILTFENCE OR FILTER BARRIER DECOMPOSE OR BECOME INEFFECTIVE PRIOR TO THEEND OF THE EXPECTED USABLE LIFE AND THE BARRIER IS STILL NECESSARY, THEFABRIC SHALL BE REPLACED PROMPTLY.2.SEDIMENT DEPOSITS SHOULD BE REMOVED AFTER EACH STORM EVENT. THEYMUST BE REMOVED WHEN DEPOSITS REACH APPROXIMATELY ONE-HALF THEHEIGHT OF THE BARRIER.3.ANY SEDIMENT DEPOSITS REMAINING AFTER THE SILT FENCE OR FILTER BARRIERIS NO LONGER REQUIRED SHALL BE DRESSED TO CONFORM WITH THE EXISTINGGRADE, PREPARED AND SEEDED.TRENCH DETAILINSTALLATION WITHOUT TRENCHING2" X 2" STAKES, SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 10'-0" APART ANDDRIVEN SECURELY INTO THE GROUND 12" (MINIMUM).CONTINUOUS SYNTHETICFILTER FABRICSTAPLE FILTER MATERIAL TOSTAKES AND EXTEND 8" OFFILTER MATERIAL INTO THEEXCAVATED TRENCH.FLOW4"X6" TRENCH WITHCOMPACTEDBACKFILLSTEEL OR WOOD POST 32"LENGTH MIN.6"DETAILSILT FENCEN.T.S.DMOUNTABLEBERM (6" MIN.)3'PROFILE100'MINIMUMLENGTH10' MIN.EXISTINGPAVEMENT20' MINIMUMWIDTH10' MIN.10' MIN.PLAN VIEWNOTES:1.LENGTH - MINIMUM OF 100'2.WIDTH - 20' MINIMUM, SHOULD BE FLARED AT THE EXISTING ROAD TO PROVIDE A TURNING RADIUS.3.GEOTEXTILE FABRIC (FILTER CLOTH) SHALL BE PLACED OVER THE EXISTING GROUND PRIOR TOPLACING STONE.4.STONE - CRUSHED AGGREGATE (#2 TO #3) OR RECLAIMED OR RECYCLED CONCRETE EQUIVALENTSHALL BE PLACED AT LEAST 6" DEEP OVER THE LENGTH AND WIDTH OF THE ENTRANCE.5.SURFACE WATER - ALL SURFACE WATER FLOWING TO OR DIVERTED TOWARD CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCES SHALL BE PIPED THROUGH THE ENTRANCE, MAINTAINING POSITIVE DRAINAGE. PIPEINSTALLED THROUGH THE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH AMOUNTABLE BERM WITH 5:1 SLOPES AND A MINIMUM OF 6" OF STONE OVER THE PIPE.6.LOCATION - A STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE SHALL BE LOCATED AT EVERY POINTWHERE CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC ENTERS OR LEAVES A CONSTRUCTION SITE. VEHICLES LEAVINGTHE SITE MUST TRAVEL OVER THE ENTIRE LENGTH OF THE STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE.7.MAINTENANCE - THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENTTRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODICTOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AS CONDITIONS DEMAND AND REPAIR AND/OR CLEANOUTOF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED, ORTRACKED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY.8.WASHING - WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLICRIGHT-OF-WAYS. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON AN AREA STABILIZED WITHSTONE AND WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT TRAPPING DEVICE.9.PERIODIC INSPECTION AND NEEDED MAINTENANCE SHALL BE PROVIDED AFTER EACH RAIN.EXISTINGPAVEMENTMINIMUM 6" OF #2-#3 AGGREGATEOVER LENGTH AND WIDTH OFSTRUCTUREEARTH FILL12" PIPEGEOTEXTILE CLASS'C' OR BETTEREXISTING GROUND5:15:1DETAILSTABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCEN.T.S.ESEWN IN SPOUTR15'15'TOP VIEWSIDE VIEWBAG PLACED ONAGGREGATE ORSTRAWHIGH STRENGTHDOUBLE STITCHED"J" TYPE SEAMSHIGHSTRENGTHSTRAPPINGFOR HOLDINGHOSE IN PLACEWATER FLOWFROM PUMPPUMP DISCHARGEHOSEOPENING ACCOMMODATESUP TO 4" DISCHARGE HOSEAGGREGATE OR STRAWUNDERLAYMENTDIRTBAGDETAILDEWATERING BAGN.T.S.ASIGN0.5 MM PLASTICLINER5' MIN.8' MIN.SILT FENCE PER DETAIL D, THIS SHEETHOLLOW OUT AREA6"MIN.5' MIN.HOLLOW OUT AREA6" MIN. DEPTH8' MIN.SILT FENCE PER DETAIL D, THIS SHEET.PLAN VIEWNOTES:1.CONCRETE TRUCKS SHALL UTILIZE AREAS TO WASHOUT TRUCKS.2.ACCUMULATED CONCRETE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND DISPOSEDPROPERLY.3.PLACE PLASTIC LINER OVER THE ENTIRE HOLLOW OUT AREA PRIOR TO USE.4.PROVIDE ITEMS NOTED ABOVE INCLUDING REMOVAL OF CONCRETE WASHOUT UPONCOMPLETION OF THE PROJECT AS NOTED IN THE BID PRICE FOR THE PROJECT.5.FILL HOLLOW AREA TO A DEPTH OF 4 TO 6 INCHES WITH CMSC ITEM 703 AGGREGATE, SIZE#57, #2, OR #4.6.USE OF ROLL AWAY OR OTHER PORTABLE CONTAINERS IS AN ACCEPTABLE ALTERNATIVE(AND HIGHLY ENCOURAGED) PROVIDED THEY ARE USED IN ACCORDANCE WITH NPDESGUIDELINES ON CONCRETE WASHOUT.CONCRETEWASHOUTAREASIGN ELEVATION4x4 Wood PostDETAILCONCRETE TRUCK WASHOUT AREAN.T.S.BSIGNINSTALLATION:1.REMOVE GRATE.2.INSTALL BAG (RESTS ON LIP OF CASTING).3.REINSTALL GRATE.MAINTENANCE:1.REMOVE GRATE.2.BAG CAN BE CLEANED SEVERAL WAYS:A) PICK UP BAG AND DUMP IT.B) SHOVELING DEBRIS OUT OF BAGC) VAC-UNIT3.SHAKE LOOSE DEBRIS OUT OF BAG ORRINSE WITH WATER.4.REINSTALL BAG.5.REINSTALL GRATE.TO BE USED ON STRUCTURES:EXISTING: EX2, EX3, EX5PROPOSED: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6DETAILINLET FILTER (BELOW GRATE INLET PROTECTION) N.T.S.CNOTES:1.ALL INLETS RECEIVING FLOW FROM RUNOFF, PUMPING ACTIVITIES, OR OTHER DIRECT DISCHARGESSHALL BE FITTED WITH AN INLET PROTECTION DEVICE THAT IS PROPERLY SIZED AND SECURED TOREDUCE THE DISCHARGE OF SEDIMENT INTO THE STORM SEWER AND RECEIVING STREAM. INLETPROTECTION IS REQUIRED ON ALL INLETS RECEIVING DISCHARGE REGARDLESS OF WHETHER OR NOTTHE INLET IS TRIBUTARY TO ANY DOWNSTREAM EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROLS.2.DISCHARGE HOSES USED DURING PUMPING ACTIVITIES SHALL BE FITTED WITH SEDIMENT BAGS THATARE PROPERLY SIZED PER MANUFACTURER'S RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDLESS OF WHAT OTHER SEDIMENT CONTROLS ARE IN PLACE FURTHER DOWNSTREAM. SEDIMENT BAGS MUST BE PROPERLY SECURED TO THE DISCHARGE HOSE AND PLACED OVER VEGETATED AREAS, WHERE FEASIBLE, DURINGDISCHARGE. SEE DETAIL ABOVE OF A TYPICAL SEDIMENT BAG INSTALLATION.REVISION:PROJECT NUMBER:20297Sheet Name:© 2021 M+A Architects04 MARCH 2022DATE:SHEET NUMBER:RENOVATION AND ADDITIONMEDVET CARMEL - ANIMALHOSPITAL9650 MAYFLOWER PARK DRIVE | CARMEL, IN 46032STATUS:PROJECT NUMBER:CHECKED BY:DESIGNED BY:1650 WATERMARK DRIVECOLUMBUS, OHIO 43215SUITE 200DRAWN BY:2021-0012DETAILSEROSION CONTROLC2.5AWMELIJAH MEHANJDBINSTALLATION:1.REMOVE GRATE.2.INSTALL BAG (RESTS ON LIP OF CASTING).3.REINSTALL GRATE.4.INSTALL BONNET GUARD WITH TABSBETWEEN GRATE & BONNET CASTINGMAINTENANCE:1.REMOVE THE BONNET GUARD.2.REMOVE GRATE.3.BAG CAN BE CLEANED SEVERAL WAYS:A) PICK UP BAG AND DUMP IT.B) SHOVELING DEBRIS OUT OF BAG.C) VAC-UNIT4.SHAKE LOOSE DEBRIS OUT OF BAG ORRINSE WITH WATER.5.REINSTALL BAG.6.REINSTALL GRATE.7.REINSTALL BONNET GUARD.TO BE USED ON STRUCTURES:EXISTING: EX4PROPOSED: N/A Appendix C – BMP Maintenance Guidelines © AquaShieldTM, Inc. 2017. All rights reserved. Stormwater Treatment System Inspection and Maintenance Manual AquaShieldTM, Inc. 2733 Kanasita Drive Suite 111 Chattanooga, TN 37343 Toll free (888) 344-9044 Phone: (423) 870-8888 Fax: (423) 826-2112 Email: info@aquashieldinc.com www.aquashieldinc.com October 2017 © AquaShieldTM, Inc. 2017. All rights reserved. Floatable debris in the Aqua-Swirl® Aqua-Swirl® Stormwater Treatment System The Aqua-Swirl® Stormwater Treatment System (Aqua-Swirl®) is a vortex-type hydrodynamic separator designed and supplied by AquaShieldTM, Inc. (AquaShieldTM). Aqua-Swirl® technology removes pollutants including suspended solids, trash, floatables and free-floating oil from stormwater runoff. Both treatment and storage are accomplished in the single swirl chamber without the use of multiple or hidden, blind access chambers. Aqua-Swirl® System Maintenance The long term performance of any stormwater treatment structure, including manufactured or land based systems, depends on a consistent maintenance plan. Inspection and maintenance functions are simple and easy for the Aqua-Swirl® allowing all inspections to be performed from the surface. It is important that a routine inspection and maintenance program be established for each unit based on: (a) the volume or load of the contaminants of concern, (b) the frequency of releases of contaminants at the facility or location, and (c) the nature of the area being drained. © AquaShieldTM, Inc. 2017. All rights reserved. Example of Aqua-Swirl® manhole cover Inspection The Aqua-Swirl® can be inspected from the surface thereby eliminating the need to enter the system to determine when cleanout should be performed. AquaShieldTM recommends in most cases that a quarterly inspection take place for the first year of operation to develop an appropriate schedule of maintenance. Based on experience of the system’s first year in operation, we recommend that the inspection schedule be revised to reflect the site-specific conditions encountered. The typical inspection schedule for subsequent years is reduced to semi-annual inspection events. Table 1 below lists the available Aqua-Swirl® models as well their inner diameters, oil/debris storage capacities and the sediment storage capacities. Table 1. Aqua-Swirl® Storage Capacities Aqua-Swirl® Model Inner Diameter (ft) Oil/Debris Storage Capacity (gal) Sediment Storage Capacity (ft3) AS-2 2.5 37 6 AS-3 3.5 110 11 AS-4 4.5 190 19 AS-5 5.0 270 23 AS-6 6.0 390 33 AS-7 7.0 540 45 AS-8 8.0 710 58 AS-9 9.0 910 74 AS-10 10.0 1,130 91 AS-11 11.0 1,422 110 AS-12 12.0 1,698 131 AS-13 13.0 1,986 154 AS-XX Custom* * Custom designs to meet site-specific criteria, can include multiple (twin) units for increased flow and materials storage capacity. © AquaShieldTM, Inc. 2017. All rights reserved. Sediment inspection using a stadia rod Maintenance The Aqua-Swirl® has been designed to minimize and simplify the inspection and maintenance process. The single chamber of the system can be inspected and maintained entirely from the surface thereby eliminating the need for confined space entry. There are no areas of the structure that are blocked from visual inspection or periodic cleaning. Inspection of any free-floating oil and floatable trash can be directly observed and maintained through the manhole access provided directly over the swirl chamber. If so equipped, the trash screen can be exposed once the water is removed from the unit and inspected. Aqua-Swirl® Inspection Procedure To inspect the Aqua-Swirl®, a hook is typically needed to remove the manhole cover. AquaShieldTM provides a customized manhole cover with our distinctive logo to make it easy for maintenance crews to locate the system in the field. We also provide a permanent metal information plate affixed inside the access riser which provides our contact information, the Aqua-Swirl® model size, and serial number. The only tools needed to inspect the Aqua-Swirl® system are a flashlight and a measuring device such as a stadia rod or pole. Given the easy and direct accessibility provided, floating oil and debris can be observed directly from the surface. Sediment depths can easily be determined by lowering a measuring device to the top of the sediment pile and to the surface of the water. It should be noted that in order to avoid underestimating the volume of sediment in the chamber, the measuring device must be carefully lowered to the top of the sediment pile. Keep in mind that the finer sediment at the top of the pile may offer less resistance to the measuring device than the larger particles which typically occur deeper within the sediment pile. The Aqua-Swirl® design allows for the captured sediment to accumulate in a semi-conical fashion as illustrated below. That is, the depth to sediment as measured below the water surface may be less in the center of the swirl chamber; and likewise, may be greater at the edges of the swirl chamber. 42-48” © AquaShieldTM, Inc. 2017. All rights reserved. Maximum recommended sediment depth prior to cleanout is 14 inches for all Aqua-Swirl® models (not to scale) Aqua-Swirl® Cleanout Procedure Cleaning the Aqua-Swirl® is simple and quick. Free-floating oil and floatable trash can be observed and removed directly through the 30-inch service access riser provided. A vacuum truck is typically used to remove the accumulated sediment and debris. An advantage of the Aqua-Swirl® design is that the entire sediment storage area can be reached with a vacuum hose from the surface reaching all the sides. Since there are no multiple or limited (blind) access chambers in the Aqua-Swirl®, there are no restrictions to impede on-site maintenance tasks. If applicable, the trash screen can be reached from the surface and cleaned with a vacuum hose. Disposal of Recovered Materials AquaShieldTM recommends that all maintenance activities be performed in accordance with appropriate health and safety practices for the tasks and equipment being used. AquaShieldTM also recommends that all materials removed from the Aqua-Swirl® and any external bypass structures (divergent and convergent) be handled and disposed of in full accordance with any applicable local and state requirements. 14” © AquaShieldTM, Inc. 2017. All rights reserved. Vacuum (vactor) truck quickly cleans the single open access swirl chamber Aqua-Swirl® Inspection and Maintenance Work Sheets on following pages © AquaShieldTM, Inc. 2017. All rights reserved. Aqua-Swirl® Inspection and Maintenance Work Sheets SITE and OWNER INFORMATION Site Name: Site Location: Date: Time: Inspector Name: Inspector Company: Phone #: Owner Name: Owner Address: Owner Phone #: Emergency Phone #: INSPECTIONS I. Floatable Trash/Debris and Oil 1. Remove manhole lid to expose liquid surface of the Aqua-Swirl®. 2. Remove floatable trash/debris with basket or net if any present. 3. If oil is present, measure its depth. Clean liquids from system if one half (½) inch or more of oil and/or trash is present. 4. If applicable, clean trash screen surface with vacuum hose. Note: Water in Aqua-Swirl® can appear black and similar to oil due to the dark body of the surrounding structure. Oil may appear darker than water in the system and is usually accompanied by oil stained debris (e.g. Styrofoam, etc.). The depth of oil can be measured with an oil/water interface probe, a stadia rod with water finding paste, a coliwasa, or collect a representative sample with a jar attached to a rod. II. Sediment Accumulation 1. Lower measuring device (e.g. stadia rod) into swirl chamber through service access provided until top of sediment pile is reached. 2. Record distance to top of sediment pile from top of standing water: inches. 3. Maximum recommended sediment depth prior to cleanout is 14 inches for all models. Consult system shop drawing for treatment chamber depth as measured from the inlet pipe invert to base of the unit. © AquaShieldTM, Inc. 2017. All rights reserved. III. Diversion Structures (External Bypass Features) If a diversion (external bypass) configuration is present, it should be inspected as follows: 1. Inspect weir or other bypass feature for structural decay or damage. Weirs are more susceptible to damage than off-set piping and should be checked to confirm that they are not crumbling (concrete or brick) or decaying (steel). 2. Inspect diversion structure and bypass piping for signs of structural damage or blockage from debris or sediment accumulation. 3. When feasible, measure elevations on diversion weir or piping to ensure it is consistent with site plan designs. 4. Inspect downstream (convergence) structure(s) for sign of blockage or structural failure as noted above. CLEANING Schedule cleaning with local vactor company to remove sediment, trash, oil and other floatable pollutants. The captured material generally does not require special treatment or handling for disposal. Site-specific conditions or the presence of known contaminants may necessitate that appropriate actions be taken to clean and dispose of materials captured and retained by the Aqua- Swirl®. All cleaning activities should be performed in accordance with property health and safety procedures. AquaShieldTM always recommends that all materials removed from the Aqua-Swirl® during the maintenance process be handled and disposed in accordance with local and state environmental or other regulatory requirements. MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE I. During Construction Inspect the Aqua-Swirl® full capture device every three (3) months and clean the system as needed. The Aqua-Swirl® should be inspected and cleaned at the end of construction regardless of whether it has reached its maintenance trigger. II. First Year Post-Construction Inspect the Aqua-Swirl® every three (3) months and clean the system as needed. Inspect and clean the system once annually regardless of whether it has reached its sediment, trash or floatable pollutant storage capacity. III. Second and Subsequent Years Post-Construction If the Aqua-Swirl® did not reach full sediment or floatable trash capacity in the First Year Post-Construction period, the system can be inspected and cleaned once annually. © AquaShieldTM, Inc. 2017. All rights reserved. If the Aqua-Swirl® reached full sediment, trash or floatable pollutant capacity in less than 12 months in the First Year Post-Construction period, the system should be inspected once every six (6) months and cleaned as needed. The Aqua-Swirl® should be cleaned annually regardless of whether it reaches its sediment, trash or floatable pollutant capacity. IV. Bypass Structures Bypass structures should be inspected whenever the Aqua-Swirl® is inspected. Maintenance should be performed on bypass structures as needed. MAINTENANCE COMPANY INFORMATION Company Name: Street Address: City: State/Prov.: Zip/Postal Code: Contact: Title: Office Phone: Cell Phone: ACTIVITY LOG Date of Cleaning: (Next inspection should be 3 months from this data for first year). Time of Cleaning: Start: End: Date of Next Inspection: Floatable debris present: Yes No Notes: Oil present: Yes No Oil depth (inches): Measurement method and notes: © AquaShieldTM, Inc. 2017. All rights reserved. STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS and OBSERVATIONS Structural damage: Yes No Where: Structural wear: Yes No Where: Odors present: Yes No Describe: Clogging: Yes No Describe: Other Observations: NOTES Additional Comments and/or Actions To Be Taken Time Frame ATTACHMENTS • Attach site plan showing Aqua-Swirl® location. • Attach detail drawing showing Aqua-Swirl® dimensions and model number. • If a diversion configuration is used, attach details showing basic design and elevations (where feasible). © AquaShieldTM, Inc. 2017. All rights reserved. Aqua-Swirl® TABULAR MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Date Construction Started: Date Construction Ended: During Construction Month Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Inspect and Clean as needed X X X X Inspect Bypass and maintain as needed X X X X Clean System* X* * The Aqua-Swirl® should be cleaned once a year regardless of whether it has reached full pollutant storage capacity. In addition, the system should be cleaned at the end of construction regardless of whether it has reach full pollutant storage capacity. First Year Post-Construction Month Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Inspect and Clean as needed X X X X Inspect Bypass and maintain as needed X X X X Clean System* X* * The Aqua-Swirl® should be cleaned once a year regardless of whether it has reached full pollutant storage capacity. Second and Subsequent Years Post-Construction Month Activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Inspect and Clean as needed X* Inspect Bypass, maintain as needed X* Clean System* X* * If the Aqua-Swirl® did not reach full sediment or floatable pollutant capacity in the First Year Post -Construction period, the system can be inspected and cleaned once annually. If the Aqua-Swirl® reached full sediment, trash or floatable pollutant capacity in less than 12 months in the First Year Post-Construction period, the system should be inspected once every six (6) months or more frequently if past history warrants, and cleaned as needed. The Aqua-Swirl® should be cleaned annually regardless of whether it reaches its full sediment, trash or floatable pollutant capacity. Aquatic Shelf & Pond Outlet Operation, Maintenance, and Management Inspection Checklist Project: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Location: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________________________ Time: ____________________________ Inspector: _________________________________________ Title: ____________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________________ Maintenance Item Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory Comments 1. Embankment and emergency spillway Healthy vegetation with at least 85% ground cover. No signs of erosion on embankment. No animal burrows. Embankment is free of cracking, bulging, or sliding. Embankment is free of woody vegetation. Embankment is free of leaks or seeps Emergency spillway is clear of obstructions. Vertical/horizontal alignment of top of dam “As- Built” 2. Riser and principal spillway Low flow outlet free of obstruction. Trash rack is not blocked or damaged. Riser is free of excessive sediment buildup Outlet pipe is in good condition. Depth of accumulated sediments Outfall channels are stable and free of scouring. Maintenance Item Satisfactory/ Unsatisfactory Comments 3. Permanent Pool (Wet Ponds) No Evidence of undesirable vegetation No accumulation of floating or floatable debris No evidence of shoreline scour or erosion 4. Sediment Forebays Sediment is being collected by forebay(s) N/A Forebay is not in need of cleanout (less than 50% full) N/A 5. Dry Pond Areas Healthy vegetation with at least 85% ground cover. N/A No undesirable woody vegetation N/A Low flow channels clear of obstructions N/A No evidence of sediment and/or trash accumulation N/A 6. Condition of Outfall into Ponds No riprap failures No evidence of slope erosion or scouring Storm drain pipes are in good condition, with no evidence of non-stormwater discharges Endwalls/Headwalls are in good condition Actions to be Taken: _____________________________________________________________________________