HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondece Nelson & Frankenberger - Heritage RDG, LLC Gateway Pavilion - Withdrawal of Prior ... Page I of I V W DeVore, Laura B From: Griffin, Matt L Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 2:42 PM To: DeVore, Laura B Subject: FW: Nelson & Frankenberger - Heritage RDG, LLC Gateway Pavilion - Withdrawal of Prior Applications From: Jim Shinaver [mailto:JimS@NF-LAW.COM] Sent: Sunday, March 19,20068:03 PM To: Conn, Angelina V; Griffin, Matt L; Joe Calderon Subject: Nelson & Frankenberger - Heritage RDG, LLC Gateway Pavilion - Withdrawal of Prior Applications Angie and Matt - Please accept this message to withdrawal the following petitions filed by my office on behalf of Heritage RDG, LLC: BZA Variances: No. 05110001V pole light height No. 05110002V foot candles No. 05110003V Center 10 ground sign height No. 05110004V Center 10 ground sign located in row No. 05110005V Center 10 ground sign square footage NO.05110006V Center 10 ground sign % changeable copy Plan Commission: No. 05100004 PP - Primary Plat Please accept the above as withdrawals of petitions that have been filed by Nelson & Frankenberger only and by no other entity, law firm, individual, or other etc., on and behalf of Heritage RDG LLC only and no other entity, company or other, etc. jim James E. Shinaver Nelson & Frankenberger 3105 E. 98th Street, Suite 170 Indianapolis, In. 46280 ph. 317/844-0106 fax 317/846-8782 4/1112006 FW: Continuance of Heritage Gateway Pavilion 12/20/05 PC (Docket No. 05100004) Page 1 of 1 Griffin, Matt L From: Jim Shinaver [JimS@NF-LAW.COM] Sent: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 4:29 PM To: Griffin, Matt L Subject: FW: Continuance of Heritage Gateway Pavilion 12/20/05 PC (Docket No. 05100004) Importance: High Matt - Please see below. I sent this last week when you were out sick. Please confirm that the continuance will be granted. Jim James E. Shinaver Nelson & Frankenberger 3105 E. 98th Street, Suite 170 Indianapolis, In. 46280 ph. 317/844-0106 fax 317/846-8782 From: Jim 5hinaver Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 3:08 PM To: 'mgriffin@carmel.in.gov'; 'rhancock@carmel.in.gov' Subject: Continuance of Heritage Gateway Pavilion 12/20/05 PC (Docket No. 05100004) Importance: High Matt and Ramona - Per my recent meeting with Matt, the proposed plat for the above matter will be amended. My understanding is that the amended plat and the ADLS/DP applications will be filed by the 12/23 filing deadline (my understanding is that that 12/23 filing deadline has actually been extended to Tues. 12/27 due to the Holidays). Consequently, please remove this matter from the agenda for the 12/20 PC meeting and show the matter as continued. Please email back confirmation that you have granted this request for a continuance. Thanks. Jim James E. Shinaver Nelson & Frankenberger 3105 E. 98th Street, Suite 170 Indianapolis, In. 46280 ph. 317/844-0106 fax 317/846-8782 12/15/2005 dJ ' , , /, ,/ CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4SJ32 ('317) 571-2417 Fax: ('317) 571-2426 Fax ~~~ . . To. ~~ E ,,5~/-~ 7b Phone: FtDnu ~~~ Pages: f- Date: /;/- (J 9-cS . Re: cc= '0 Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply o Please Recycle /~-;20<fj~~. () NOV-21-8S 84:89 PM DONALDSON 3178736384 P.82 ;,:('" " .. . .'. I ',l , . ~ " ., " .--' ' MICHAEL J. ANDREOLI Mandreo/i@dst/sw.com ~REOLI&~ACOB ATTORNEYS AT LAW 1393 West Oak Street Zionsville, Indiana 46077-1839 (317) 873-8266 Fax (317) 873-6384 / . . - \ . /.";';/--'- . ,..)r i ;;"',./ 3;1 .f I I . i -, " ' '-. :'1::: :; !,~ :l " ; ttM i, i'" I .'. .'" ~I':;: \: i :'," I ~~t\~ ~. ~ I" .. /' ;0; '.: .: ~)'. J ~: ~ .i~~ ~ ; ~ '~ :; ~ .,~. I ! ~'~,-( ~ ~ '.~.l'l ;.t., I .~ ;: ....h ,~L, , " ~ ~.;t}',i 1~ [ , "~" l , ,. :. 1,1 :., r:. :!l! ;.1 t,; .;",' ). I.lii ~i ~.* ! ; t~ .~l~ ! ,~.!,; ( . n"l,' : ~:; <;:.: ,.....-+: t.' .~ I . . '# ~ I . : ~ . I ,('i,. "~",,' , ~~~: .f ~. ; q"i ., .~ I ," ' ~IJF '.' .,'., ~:;f, .. ; I i~. :~:: ~F Itli, p~:t l! ..!., , ~~>r) ~ i I',.. -I .(; : ~: ~ ; '...., . " ....;.. " .... if'.\";:'fi :i'!.'L: I ~ "', rt :~.;: " . ., 'I .., .; ~ ~,...... ' :'1'i ;: ~V \( . \.- \ t~~'i l-~J /(;-,'r"-,' l ""- 'I /'-> /'~\-/' ..-\",((:,'t1 - ,-=-;~/ I - S. JACOB w. om November 21, 2005 VIA FACSIMILE Mike Hollibaugh, Director of Development City of Carmel-Office of Planning and Zoning One Civic Square Carmel, Indiana 46032 Re: Heritage ROO, LLC. Gateway Pavilion (Wal..Mart) Dear Mike: Please be advised that I represent the Timber Ridge Property ownerr Association as well as the Wood haven Homeowner's Association In their i opposition to a proposed Wal-Mart development on North Michigan Road, J While most of our activity has been directed to the rezoning issue he e in Zionsvillel we Intend to be more fully engaged in the overall planning proce~s for this development. Thank you and the Carmel Plan Commission for allowin us to present our views. , i I Thank you for your cooperation. i Very truly yours, ,...r MJAlbcr ~j",:~ ~ ; ~'n ': n< ': ~ , cc: Linda Davis Timber Ridge . , ~: i ': j : John OlenIck lJU........A~""u..... Request for Continuance Heritage/Gateway Pavilion Plan Commission meeting 11/15/05... Page 1 of 1 U 0 DeVore, Laura B Sent: To: Subject: Jim Shinaver [JimS@NF-LAW.COM] Wednesday, November 09,20052:04 PM Griffin, Matt L; DeVore, Laura B Request for Continuance Heritage/Gateway Pavilion Plan Commission meeting 11/15/05 (Docket No. 05100004 PP) Importance: High From: Matt and Laura - Please accept this message as a formal request to continue the Heritage/Gateway Pavilion (Docket No. 05100004 PP) from the Plan Commission's agenda for the November 15th hearing. Please email me confirmation of the continuance and contact me with any questions. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Jim James E. Shinaver Nelson & Frankenberger 3105 E. 98th Street, Suite 170 Indianapolis, In. 46280 ph. 317/844-0106 fax 317/846-8782 11/9/2005 u u CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One Civic Square Carmel, IN 4E'032 (317) 571-2417 Fax: (317) 571-2426 Fax To: J1 W\ Shinaver- From: 1-aLtra. ~lJ.~- I:eVDre. Fax: (311') ~L\ l4 - C6n~ Pages: 3 Phone: ~\ 1-)<3~ - 01 0 LQ Date: No" e.m beY L-I. :;;.roll; ~5,200'5 Pl4.tllbmMiSSiol)cc: o Urgent tat For Review 0 Please Comment 0 Please Reply 0 Please Recycle 1 nel lAde d i f\ tn.l S ttA>l is fhe. CdYm~' 1'10J1 CDmmif6iOYl A9enda. -Por +he- u.pCbrnirlj fY'let;Ii~ 011 Nov'em beY 15 I :;;2D05. f'e.e..\ ~ -to conine} Wle a,+ la(,vore.@Q4yme1.. in'90v or ca.\\ me 0.+ (~l115rl- 24' ~J shou..ld 'Iou.. htt.Ve.. a.n~ ~c;,HOY)S. ~kS\ (J.Q.UJ\4- ~ DocKe,+~ 05\ax:04 pp: ~a.+ec..Va.;Y ~vj lloY7 fCenfe;- Fbinfe. '\ C( " Cr-oGSI~ /' .,.-." B ,~*~l**~**~**~~*~~*~***~~~~*~**~*~*~*~~*~*~~*~*~**~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~~*~***~**~*~**~*~~*************** ~ Q TRANSACT I ON REPORT 0 P. 0 1 ~ * NOV-07-2005 MON 10:37 AM * * ~ ~ FOR: CARMEL COMMUNITY SVCS 317 571 2426 * ~ * * DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M# DP ~ * ~ * NOV-07 10: 36 AM 8468782 n' nil 0 SEND BUSY 092 * * * ~ ~ * TOTAL : OS PAGES: 0 * * * ****~*******~*********~************~**~************************************************************* CITY OF CARMEL Dcp.Jrtmcnt of Community Services one CMc SquattI Cannel, IN 4em2 (317)571..2417 Fax: (317) 51t-2426 Fax Tal ::Ii YV\ Sbi nO. \fe.r ""'... bo.ura. -.&!).Sl- ~VOIl'- Fax: f511l <ZlJ l4 - ~~~ Pases: .3 Phcrne= ~\ ~~~ - D 1 O~ Oat~ New tn1 be.Y* ':l. :)(;OCrJ ~15,w:;t5 Plcltl ~sSb1CC1 IJ Urgent Ol Far Review [J Please Comment [] Please Reply C Please Recycle 18/17/2885 18:25 3177769k28 U HAMILTON CO SURV~VOR U PAGE 81/82 :Kenton c. 'Word, Sun1('V"r I ("l'(ionr (,317' 77(~-~4'-, "fax (317' 77(:;",:1t5~.q Su;h' .,.~$ Oil/! :Hamilton COullrr Sqllare J'{(,ble~lIilll!, (lid/ana 46(l~I1-:U.3" October 17, 2005 Nelson & Frankenberger ATrN: Jim Shinavet' 310S East 98th Street Suite 170 Indianapolis, IN 46280 VIA F ACSIMlLE: 846~8782 ~ \\tct\\1t.\) ~ \ <0 'l\)\)~ '\)~C~ Re: Gateway Pavilion Dear Mr. Shinaver: We have reviewed. the primary plat submitted to the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office on September 16,2005, and have the following comments: 1. The proposed project is located partially in the Town of Zionsvi11e and in the unincorporated area of Hamilton County. 2. The proposed project DOES NOT fall in a Cannel Wellhead Protection Area. 3. It appears that the main roadways are going to be dedicated to the appropriate jurisdiction as public right of way. Since the roadways are public, any stann sewers that drain the public ROW in Hamilton County will need to be petitioned as Hamilton County Regulated Drain. The stann sewers will be regulated until all the storm pipes come together at one point of convergence. even if this crosses the county line into the Town of Zionsville. 4. The HCSO will require all Hamilton County Ordinances be met for the stann water drainage and detention. If the Zionsvllle's discharge rate, which is believed to be 0.1 cfs per acre in the 10 year storm and 0.3 efs per acre in the 100 year storm, is found to be more restrictive, HCSO will defer to the more restrictive rate. i 18/17/2885 18:25 317776%28 U HAMILTON CO SURVFYOR U PAGE 82/82 S. With the construction plans, please submit the following procedural items to this office, petition for regulated drain subdivision, subdivjsion non-enforcement agreement, engineer's estimate, and all associated bonds for 120% of construction cost. The appli~ations are available on out website at httD:/lwww.co.hamilton.in.us. go to Departments, Surveyor, and Forms. 6. Will the site be platted for the Hamilton County portion? 7. Please show in the construetion plans were the overall site outlet in located and what stream or stonn sewer system that is drains to. 8. Please use all HCSO Standard Details when designing the stonn sewer system that will become Hamilton County Regulated. Drain. 9. The Hamilton County Commissioners do not allow trees to be planted within the public right of way. 10. No landscape planting will be permitted or allowed within the regulated drainage easements per Indiana Code 36-9-27-33(d). The proposed landscape plans to not appear to leave any place for the regulated drain to be placed without conflict with the trees. Please keep this in mind while designing the stann sewer system. 11. Although the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office has reviewed this primary plat and issued. a comment letter, this office will not be limited by the primary plat in regards to the pond sizes or location, drainage easement widths, storm sewer locations, lot layout, landscape layout, or any other drainage related issues. Insufficient infonnation is presented to conduct a complete drainage review and changes may be required during the constrUction planning stage. 12. Please direct any questions regarding the Hamilton County Regulated Drains from the Town of Zionsville to me. 13. Please note the additional comments may be warranted at a later date. Should you have any questions, I can be reached at 317-176-8495. J?J:;~ Greg Hoyes Plan Reviewer cc: Matt Griffin - Cannel DOCD john South - HCSWCD Dick Hill - Cannel Engineering Mike McBride - HCHD Crossroads Engineering o Q CI EL ~~~ <l..~~ ~~ " "b. ~o ,.s . ~~V" JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR September 30, 2005 Mr. James E. Shinaver Nelson & Frankenberger 3105 East 96th Street, Suite 170 Indianapolis, IN 46280 RE: Gateway Pavilion Dear Mr. Shinaver: This project, scheduled for the October 19, 2005 Technical Advisory Committee meeting, is located outsiqe the current corporate limits of the City of Carmel and therefore, outside of the Department of Engineering jurisdiction. cc: Matt Griffin, Department of Community Services Greg Hoyes, Hamilton County Surveyor's Office John South, Hamilton County Soil & Water Mike McBride, Hamilton County Highway Department Engineering Department Review Project File S:\PROJREV05GA TEW A YP A VI LION DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING ONE CMC SQUARE, CAR.\1EL, IN 46032 OFFICE 317.571.2441 FAX 317.571.2439 EMML engineering@ci.carmel.in.us .-, o u City of Carmel ~ cr 5, 2005 Fax: (317) 846-8782 Original by mail Jim Shinaver Nelson & Frankenberger 3105 E 98th Street, Suite 170 Indianapolis, IN 46280 COPY RE: Gateway Pavilion (#05100004 PP) - Primary Plat Dear Mr. Shinaver: This letter is in response to your Primary Plat Application for Gateway Pavilion. Members at the T AC Meeting will make additional comments on October 19. Please complete the following items: (f. 2. 3. ~ 4. ....5 5. V 6. ~ ~ 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. ~ Provide a copy of the official list of adjacent properties from the Hamilton County Auditor. Please label the owner/subdivider on the plat. Please provide the total acreage of land east of the Hamilton/Boone County line, also. Please change the scale of the plat to 1 :50 or 1: 100. Please add the docket number, 05100004 PP, to the plat. Provide a location map on the plat. Place zoning on the plat: B-3/Business within the US 421 Corridor Overlay. Label the Hamilton/Boone County line. Provide a copy of the covenants, ifany. Please provide a copy of the approvalletter/e-mail from Scott Brewer, Urban Forester. Provide a paragraph/page describing the water, sanitary sewer, and storm drainage systems. Provide an erosion control plan. Please use a different letter for each block, instead of AI, A2. Please show Block D2 with solid property lines. Please label street names on the interior roads. Show the interior roadways as a block or as a road to be dedicated, but not both. (Please note that signage is not allowed within a public road right of way.) Showllabel road right of way widths on the interior drives. Please show/label the Yz road right of way of US 421. Show/label the side and front yard setbacks, pursuant to the US 421 Overlay requirements. Remember to include the Finding of Fact sheet in the Plan Commission information packets. If you have any questions or if! may be of assistance, please feel free to call. Sincerely, fl:- Angelina Conn Planning Administrator File: 05100004 PP-Gateway Pavilion. doc Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 {. '" ~ Fax o o CITY OF CARMEL Department of Community Services One CMc Square Carmel, IN 4S032 ('317) 571-2417 Fax: ('317) 571-24'26 From: . Aviq;~ Co 11 VI Z J Pages: Date: JfJ-5 -OS JlWl Sh/V}qv-er 64l..P - 8/82 To: Fax: Phone: Re: jQ +ew~ ~\l\\l'()/\ pp CCI o Urgent 0 For Review 0 Please Comment D Please Reply D Please Recycle "..J