HomeMy WebLinkAboutFindings of Fact 04/19/2886 13:33 3176389891 EPSTEIN aJHEN PAGE 82/26 \_,1, CARMElJCLAy BOAROOF ZOltING APPEALS Carmel,lndJ8na DackaI No. : 0 5'"01 ()q I Cf +0 05t)~ CD 11- PeftIIoner. ~H~a. ~~')( Clfrfs. 6tTh~Jf)(e~'(llc ~ FINDINdS OF F~ .8PECIA1.1J&E....... SIIeeIl 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. e. DATED 1HIS DAY OF 20~ Board Member ,..ear.MDI .. m ~~SIleCIIIU.~ .._ 04/19/2006 13:33 3176389891 EPSTEIN aJHEN PAGE 03/26 ~ 1. CARllEUCLAY IOARDOF ZONING APPEALS 9J~ INDIANA . / DocketNo.: OSOQOQI!?l to O~'OOZ'- V Petitioner. Si:" ""t4\l(l J\\NA ~14Jt,4. ec~ik~ ~kojt 'I eN.. ~c: ~ RNDlNQS OF FACT. SPECIAL lJSE The ~ in quB$IIon" ~_~ aulIabIeforthe ~ SPecIal Use llec8uae: .. 11" tS IfQ. PRflE'#~'!,~~ -..c.l... W\1,eh J,~5 &.<<,t.~hl \ ~Ct(ll'S.~ ~t. N~J t="~>>, OfP '$1"Rt't~ ~ItWJ~'- The SpedaI Use ~ not InJwfou8Jy Gf' advenleIy IIIfect economlo f8CtDIs, such 81 CCIIStIberd to ItIe commUlJity and iI& anllcIpsted ~qn aG1OundInsl~~ ~.; :5 ~,,-( A,{ ~""1""'WlL R4~IH~ NrI W....LL ~("f\lt'~ ...t~1 \ ~ \.\5(0 nroJ <;.. ~r4'U ..w JL1JlfioR I"'DL~S The SpecIar Use. be QXISIsIentWiiii~ fac:tars.. 'ial as oompatIbIIIlywllb ~ uses and 1boSe ~4tted under C2IfI'ent 2;aWIg In the VldnIty of the pmmiles under consIderIItIon end haw 1M prclp088d SpeclaJUsewlll~~' ~. ~ ( ~i",.;I (.. W'''~L 1 ~tAI" r h 12 fP ,4, h It. ~"J R ...-fOUl' S F"~ ~ ...... ~ S~ t'l1 . The Use will not InjurtDustf or actvIneIy aIf80t end of"*'. sewage end storm drainage ~ end police and Ire pro1ec:IIon bBaanee: \.b_ .. ~T Ul"t.l.. ""'"\It ,.Je tJE~a6~;"f" F~~C"C""> "+~'t ,.-r.I~It.HJ l.vr \'1 Mbttt",IlA (,\'1'I.~1'f''' W...,...J.ClCT ~:1mc6"'D rFF~(rJ' lb. SpecIal Use YliInot adven;eIy 8ffect VI!hicuIar and ~r it and anrund the pJ8IIlt8es upon which the SpedaI USe Is ~ beC8uIe: '1'"l/ ".,...- W'.LL AU..~' CH"'" Tu ~~)' 0,1 t-"~ fi.1'1'1 ~t} A ....,.."rl\ 1)..,J o,.J "1"4( Snl't''i r. The Board has reviewed the requin!ments ofOnfln8nce~1eo, SecIIDn 21.03 (1-26) as the11e18le 1D1hIs SpecIal Use, and does naI find that those aIeria pr8Wlftt the gr8lIIng tie. Spedaf USe: z. 3. 4. 5. 8. DECISION rr IS THEREFORE the dedsIon or the c.rmeuaay 90anf of ZDnIng AIIpeII8 tb8t SpeeiaI Use DocIc8t Number . 1$ granled. sub)ectUl any c:ondIIIDns IIaIed In the mInuIes oflhls Board, Which 8re incorporBted herein by ....108 and made a part herBOf. .. ..--_.. -.,,--.-..a--..t.Mo:..: } If-d- ~ 1/ _____ ./1/ "....,."I.~u...~ _WClIUl'- .i~_~..__~ __...-..u~'" .--.....--.. .----. ..'--". CHAIRPERSON. CarmeIIaay Board ofZontng Appeals SECRETARY. CarmeIICIay Board 01 ZonIng Appe8Is JlIp.ot.._~'-II<:I_~"""'_""" _..,.. ./' / ,; 84/19/2886 13:33 3176389891 EPSTEIN COHEN PAGE 82/26 \f~>.~:;;; .r~\~\~I~ t{t.' \ oJ.' CARMEI.IClAV BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Cannel.1ndJana DDcbt No. : 0 ~01 ()q I Cf. +0 05CCf CD Z1... PetItIoner: ~ M~a--- ~~,~ Ofrrs- 6tT~"J~)t (!J"'Ulc ~ FlNDllF!OF FACT..SPECIAl. UIE IRallMS~ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .. ~ ~er,rf fl:; "v~V1 /;_ -k..- f/ II~_I DATED lHIS DAY OF ~/~ rMember t ,..aatIMl!:Wl II....... ~~llDeCIIIU.~ ...._ 04/19/2006 13:33 3176389891 EPSTEIN COHEN PAGE 03/26 1. CARllEUCLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CARMEL, INIMNA DodtetNa: OSOQOC/q it) O~'t%'Z2- Petitioner: $l[ """'R} ~ ~14Jt,~ eC~Tk!. ~hoj~'1 e...... ~c: ~ FlNDlNQS OF FACT. SPECIAL lJSE 'The ~ in qu8$Ifon Is ~o~ 8UlIabIe fDrthe ~ SDecIaIIJ8e because: . I'" ts ~ AMlEoL~'f'4~\A 1.&:'" W\1.l4h (,vt-s. &s<<,t..~ \ tJCt(ll'S.~ ~f. N~" ~~.-. ot:P 'S~'T'" ~ItW)II'- The Special Use Will oat JnJUIfou8Jy or adwDeIy lIIIIc:tecDllomio fadDIs. such as costIbendto Ifte ~ andib;~d~an$UlTO~~~; . 3 ~,,< -4,,{ Df,"'",JJweL M4~t~3 """' Wt"LL ~t"..u.rt ~L~/ \ 12 \.\5fO n..J Sali ~..'U .w J4t1"JfJR t"OLiDOnS The SrJecIat Use wiD be c:onsIst8ntW"iifi8OClirailnelghbfactDrS. iUdlas compatIbIUlywllh __ uses and 1hose ,..nllt8d under CIIRent 2;a1ing In the ~ of the premises under 0DI'l8idendI0n end haw tle proposed SpedaJUsewllr~~' ~. ~( ~t.i.;a " W''''L. l'4f~e",' kfl rn4,h 1t.""eI R ...-iDU" .s F'~~ 1i.f S~'-I1' 1be U&ed not~~or~affect end ofwster, 8BW8ge and storm drainage f8aiIies end poIce and tire protec:Iipn T ,.lJ_ , .:LT Wl"'t.l. ".'-4 ~ c: pJc I!~M t:,,,,,. F~~rc or " -+~ 't ,.-w~t(, Hi l.c.fr \'$ II\L~tMJ'A(,\'1"L~1"";' wi..,....cl4T' ":1mc 6"0 rFF"r,/' lbe SpedaI USe 9IiIrd adVrneIy 8frecl VfIhicuIar and pedestrian in and arvund the premI8es upon which the SpedaI Use Is ~ ~: . ft", .I. l tIof\/l.lI".- w., AU-6k.J' Cwt\"!I 10 r...~)' 0,1 ,,,-e fR.1"'1"t5t} A It .,..kr It )11..", 0,.1 ..,..4 ( 511\"(0( r. The Board has revlewtdthe JeqUiemenls afOnllnanceb180, SecIIon21.03(1-26) astheyJel8leto1hls Specl8I U8&, lInd does oat find _diose crII8ria prevent the gnI'llIng fA.. Spedaf USe: 2. 3. 4. 5. 8. DECISION rr IS "THEREFORE ". decf8Ion of the CarmeIIQay Board of ZDn1ng AppelIIs tI't8I SpecIal Use Docket Number . 1$ granled. sub)ectUl any ClDIldlllDIIS IIated In the minutes oflhls 9oaRf, Which srelncorporBted henIIn ~ ..AinllOEllInd .... a part henloI'. . -. -. -~ _o'-'-"-.-20~-" .__0'..____ .----. .-.--.. . Condftions _the SoanInllsled on the back. (PetIIIoner or his MP"'l1 d8lI... to sign). Jl9'lIf1I-4'l1L..AIb..waA~"""'UlIlt~ _....-as CARMEUCLAY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Cannel, Indiana Docket No. : 0509001 q +0 050c;DO zz.. Petitioner: ~ Hl40 ~ M~,~ QftJ8- 6~J~&J ~x: t'kyrtc ~ RNDINGS OF FACT - SPECIAL USE (Ballot Sheet) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DATED THIS '- tAt"'- .IL -, DAY OF 4rl~~ Page 8 of 8 - z:\sharedIfonnsISZA appIIcations\ SpedaI Use AppIIcatian ..... 08IIl5I200S L v/ ~ 04/19/2006 13:33 3176389891 EPSTEIN COHEN PAGE 02/26 ,:..." 1-,": I I"" \ ~,<, "~~\~S) "C;\'\:W" , \"-""" " ,~ \ '-::.: ~;'\\ \ CARMELlCLAY BOARD OF ZOIIING APPEALS . Cannel. tndlBna Duc:bI No. : 0 5'"01 ()q 1'::1 +c 05C<f CD Z 1- PetItIoner: 1r H"O--- ~~,~ afT16- 6fTh~J~)t e~"(~c ~ ~SOFFACT..SPECIAL UI!iE IB8IIotS.... 1. 2. 3. 4. s. 6. DATED THIS a lj ~YOF ClftlP ~~ Board Member ....aat.M'.._--.......~SI*lIlu.1\IlDICIIOII .._