HomeMy WebLinkAboutPublic Notice docs for PZ-2022-00152-153 VPETITIONER'S AFFIDAVIT OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS 7r_H a.2N44!,� !r DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT NOTICE OF (Petitioner's Name) PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS CONSIDERING DOCKET NO. P2_ - 2 vz 2-- OtK;.V �. 17-- 20z z a 001.0 i2 .,WAS REGISTERED AND MAILED AT LEAST 10* DAYS PRIOR TO THE DATE OF THE PUBLIC HEARING TO THE BELOW LISTED ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: OWNER ADDRESS wA%A//L M Q//-'/L i l4Pu /Q S'SO l 0r-,0 ,AJ 100110Y ,S i (3O..S O✓ L r-Ijal d "IVIn �� �' J' > - k ri��/ T Ott % 3>9l .Srv� ®k �'� � ✓tr;�� i'r� �,�dL�tr�,c. ion yL-O.� VJ;LV4-Xvi n,*-1AMXWis JC,&MfiAL.2 `ILi7 1-) 13lsr- 6.,4ztmzeL /,4J /t-,P7% ✓>3.sa� -�rl trs;�A ICd c-49 l ��s �' lit -"D i,�� .19r2 /i2/w,e C vti -r is -- G L a.,/i- l ixoA) Y 4 a 2. 0 J 3/ s �r- C Alz Ml-, c. IN 1/e i 7 STATE OF INDIANA SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn upon oath says that the above infor ti n is true and correct and he is informed and believes. (Signature of P itioner) �-�~- County of 14VW Before me the undersigned, a Notary Public (County in which notarization takes place) for M4cl k C_(C:; County, State of Indiana, personally appeared (Notary Public's county of residence) -Pi•-Idl..ul and acknowledge the execution of the foregoing instrument (Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney) this 5 day of l C:�i , 20 2a (day) (month) (year) Ndhafy Public --Signature Aux Lg I V06C Notary Public --Please Print ' OWER ramr►'� Ate Cob Y P M commission expires- ��.�- }. My caemisslon EvIres q March 3, 2M4 *Only 10 days prior public notice required for a BZA Hearing Officer Meetings Page 6 of 11 File: Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Handout 2022 Revised: 01103/2022 UNITEDSTATES Certificate Of p .me aM o a J POSTAL SERVICE. TNa C.mcem a MWI pmviYee e+v 1.-1In%. pmaen��lu T ds mrm my ne aujeaeM b esnn and Mbmetlmma al q -r1f. Fmm: 0ILVM1lA,4 Y ) U w 1313r G/+A.A1hc. IN Y 6a ; 0000 To: iL 1 O— /l + timSrm , 31 S o ✓ t h e kAUG 0 4 2022 = (fAA IA) a'oV)A& PS Form 3817, Apri12007 PSN 7530-02-0004055 UNITEDSTATES Certificato Of _ J POSTAL SERVKE. Tlvc CedAkele NMeIIFu p tlescvknwe T.Gm1eiphony iMa 1p'lll lnry BBE ^(w ^ / q Fmm: NOjj•V�//,R.'✓/LI/ US we w 1.31 sr U� GhILIMh L I,N ' YGo7Y T: VWGk Ti) d'' fmzt4 I 0 4 2022 G � r NMul i� `/ 0 a PS Forth 3817, April 2007 PSN 7530-02-00MW5 UNITEDSTATES Certificate Of POSTAL SERVICE. h TMa ceremamm Maum pmVmae eHdeaae na�mau nm wan pw.m.dm uses® TMamm� may �. a=.d � dam.aua and Inmmatiorei mall. From: �I'OhND1MLJ 12U U 131s7- GA2MhL W /607r om 04 2022*� m: Jt7{�s�To i .FN JLZS L.t 1 I r — r j �4 'lao7r PS Forth 3817, Apdi 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 UNITEDSTdTES Certificate Of POST4L SERVICE. Tlve Ce1lHk°b NMelNg gwMne=km lMlmeNM Mai Me Mb U' TM brtnmay Ee uw�(a MmeaticaM YNem walm j F_N�l ilto NL6ML/ ti z 13 131n CAiLxXL- IN y[o7# ' 0000 T°: �.V d' GIN6,t2 L 03,11 �1 ..,plc aM.1� tnz w 313—AUG 04 2022 Chti 1 L W Y4O PLD M eFr PS Forth 3817, AMI 2007 PSN 753002-M-9065 a 87o6p PS Forth 3817, Apd 2097 PSN ]530-02A00- S �UNITEDSTdTES Certificate Of POSTdLSERVKE. _--`--��n Thk Cer11X®ledWlk Pa e::b tlal mall has Man P—a Tnk bum rtey M uai (a Ewrca4c a'IMcnelianl maY. mm: Tf1 otiN6(n nii w�WEE Aui 160� P MALlS6A e� c04 — 1`(0� oN0✓dam �.g42022p � CARM.tL n� _ PS Form 3817, Apol 2007 PSN 7530-02-000-9065 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Docket Nos PZ-2022-00152 V and PZ-2022-00153 V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 22"d day of August 2022 at 5:15p.m. in Carmel City Hall Caucus Rooms (1 Civic Square, 2"d flr, Carmel, IN 46032) will hold a Public Hearing upon Development Standards Variance applications for: LIDO Section 5.02.B.3 The combined square footage of the ground floor area of a private garage and or accessory building shall not exceed 75%of the ground floor area of the principal building, 153% requested. UDO Section 2.04 Maximum 18-ft tall accessory building height allowed, 22-ft requested. With the property being known as 4213 w 131't Street (Lucky Forward Subdivision Lot 2) The application is identified as Docket Nos PZ-2022-00152 V and PZ-2022-00153 V The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: 17-09-30-00-01-002.000 The petition may be examined on the city's website, through Public Documents — Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above -mentioned time and place. JenniferThornberry Petitioner NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Docket Nos PZ-2022-00152 V and PZ-2022-00153 V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 22nd day of Au- gust 2022 at 5:15 p.m. in Carmel City Hall Caucus Rooms (1 Civic Square, 2nd flr, Carmel, IN 46032) will hold a Public Hearing upon Development Standards Variance applications for: UDO Section The combined square footage of the ground floor area of a private garage and or accessory building shall not exceed 75% of the ground floor area of the principal building, 153% requested. LIDO Section 2.04 Maximum 18-ft tall accesso- ry building height allowed, 22-ft requested. With the property being known as 4213 w 131st Street (Lucky Forward Subdivision Lot 2) The application is identified as Docket Nos PZ- 2022-00152 V and PZ-2022-00153 V The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: 17-09-30-00-01-002.000 The petition may be examined on the city's website, through Public Documents — Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above -mentioned time and place. Jennifer Thornberry Petitioner BZA Public Notice Sian Procedure & Affidavit: Procedure: The petitioner shall incur the cost of the purchasing, placing, and removing the sign. The sign must be placed in a highly visible and legible location from the road on the property that is involved with the public hearing. The public notice sign shall meet the following requirements: 1. Must be placed on the subject property no less than 10 days prior to the public hearing date. 2. Sign must follow the sign design requirements: �— • Must be 24" x 36" - vertical • Must be double sided • Must be composed of weather resistant material, such as corrugated plastic or laminated poster board • Must be mounted in a heavy-duty metal frame 3. The sign must contain the following: • 12" x 24" PMS 1805 Red box with white text at the top • White background with black text below. • Text used in example to the right, with Application Type, Date', and Time of subject public hearing ' The Date should be written in day, month, and date format. Example: "Mon., Jan. 23" 4. The sign must be removed within 72 hours of public hearing conclusion T � I. I a c. Camlcl Citc Hall fur More Inlimnalion: n\.01 \\ U \\.CllflntlLlll._U\ qJ,l 5 71 -2417 Public Notice Sign Placement Affidavit: I (We) P 1) I L L I,0 TII d/lnlr3k 2d y do hereby certify that placement of the public notice sign to a. -Lea -curse✓ consider Docket No!- Z - tazx - cro isj v was placed on the subject property at least 10 days prior to the date of the public hearing, at the address listed below: `IL13 W 1311. , 6/jAmEL IAl `zo7;f STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF kwrjoA' , SS: The undersigned, having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above info nna ion is true and correct as he is informed and believes. LiAkT (Petitioners Signature Subscribed and swom to before me this q41 day of , 2022 µKugvoIUAER E Mrkncaaq Notary Public, Signed Name: A�d>�IXI/_�Lrt. MyoxlmWion 6lpilw M"%2024 Notary Public, Printed Name: 4 f r (Cl I-t4 A,Jke My Commission Expires: 63 - C>3 - �L 02� (Template to use for published and mailed Public Notice) Page 4 of 11 File: Hearing Officer Development Standards Variance Hantlout 2022 Revised: 01103f2022 Adjoiner Notification Map 009 i 010 31 013.001 013 014 015 015 011 012 i Fol 002 043202 ppp 025.102 025,202 02b004 043.001 025.005 025. 2 Lezend Subject Parcels) 001 Parcel Number A N Notlficatlon Parcel(s) Parcel BoundaryBuffer I. ROBIN M. MILLS, AUDITOR OF HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, CERTIFY MY OFFICE HAS SEARCHED OUR RECORDS AND BASED ON THAT SEARCH, IT APPEARS THAT THE PROPERTY OWNERS LABELED AS NEIGHBORS ARE THE PROPERTY OWNERS THAT ADJOIN AND ABUT THE REAL ESTATE MARKED AS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS DOCUMENT DOES NOT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS IS ACCURATE OR INCLUDES ALL PROPERTY OWNERS ENTITLED TO NOTICE PURSUANT TO LOCAL ORDINANCE. ANY PERSON SEEKING A MORE ACCURATE SEARCH OF THE REAL ESTATE RECORDS OF THE COUNTY SHOULD SEEK THE OPINION OF A TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY. ROBIN M. MILLS, HAMILTON COUNTY AUDITOR DATED:C�1M.Jk'. 7 .7/tl[J�c[�rXa� SUBJECT PROPERTY: 17-09-30.00601-002.000 Subject Thwnbeny, Jenn0er S 4213W 131st St Ceffnel IN 46074 e.uvnrnwa.®.arn.wcm.ius�b roow.maw Mnsv,wmap.. •w.ewno v.+® r.w wr..�.+a..ewimrwwwwao.Mw+w tl MCwrrybwryc�r pwwi plYVlgwmpvlan npYm Ylypnm Mo niaw .M�nMMCwry lif MbpvnMMbu. ✓y mMrp W wb.r., tld1Yn4�tl a..re uwro w.ar�.e..w.aw..aiowwia. yos .ww.. wnw bn Pope t a/1 NCOUNTYNOTIFICATI �exazMsar`,rrrH�rr�eea:ie�:n�rxa,.a 17-0 -30-00-00-013.000 Neighbor Britton, Curtis A & Ginger L h&w 4202 W 131at St Carmel IN 46074 17-09-30-00-00-013.001 Neighbor Lather, John S & Jodi 4228 W 131ST ST Carmel IN 46074 17.09.30411)-00.014.000 Neighbor Benhold, Wayne M 550 Golden Poppy St Bosque Farms NM 87068 17-09-30-00-00-025.004 Neighbor Kolb, Jason A & Melissa J 14059 Pondview Dr Carmel IN 46D32 17-09-30-00-00-025.102 Neighbor Gray, Peter J & Kathy J 3196 Smoker Ridge Td Carmel IN 46M 17-09-30-00-01-001.000 Neighbor Schneider, Vincent D & Pamela K 4217 W 131 ST ST Carmel IN 46074 PREPARED BY THE HAMILTONCOUNTYAUDDORSOP icE, DIVISION OF T"X PPM Page 1 of i 34 August 9, 2022Current in Carmelcurrentincarmel.com LIFESTYLE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Docket Numbers: PZ-2022-00129 V, PZ-2022-00130V Notice is herby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer meeting on the 22nd day of August 2022 at 5:15pm in the City Hall Caucus Rooms (1 Civic Square, 2nd floor, Carmel IN 46032) will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: Per the S2 District Development Standards 2.06. Reduce the minimum aggregate side yard setback from 25’ to 20’. Reduce the minimum front yard setback from 35’ to 34’ 11”. With the property being know as 11010 Timber Lane Carmel, IN 46032 The application is identified as Docket Numbers: PZ-2022-00129 V, PZ-2022-00130V The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: 17-14-06-04-01-004.000 The petition may be examined on the City’s website, through Public Documents – Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. William R. Speidel Petitioner NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Docket No.: PZ-2022-00137 AND PZ-2022-00141 Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer meeting on the 22nd day of August, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall Caucus Rooms (1 Civic Sq., 2nd Flr, Carmel, IN 46032) will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: PUD Ordinance Z-465-04, Section 6.1 – Accessory Buildings and Swimming Pools must be located behind primary structure, Pool house and pool to encroach 38.5’ north of house. PUD Ordinance Z-465-04, Section 6.1 – Accessory structures and Swimming Pools must be 3-ft off easement; 0’ from easement requested. With the property being known as (Insert address): __13350 Mercer St. Carmel, IN 46032____. The application is identified as Docket No. PZ-2022-00137 AND PZ-2022-00141 HUBLER ACCESSORY AND STRUCTURE VARIANCES. The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: (Insert Legal Description OR Tax ID parcel number(s) 17-09-28-00-53-015.000 The petition may be examined on the City’s website, through Public Documents - Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Christi Hubler-Lyskava PETITIONERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Docket No. PZ-2022-00064V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 22_ day of August, 2022 at 5 p.m. in the City Hall Caucus Rooms (1 Civic Square, 2nd Fir, Carmel, IN 46032) will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: Herman Pool Setback Variance Herman Pool Setback Variance. UDO Section 5.02.B. 1 - Minimum 3’setback from easement required, 14.5ft With the property being known as (address): 3973 Bear Creek Way Carmel Indiana 46074. The application is identified as Docket No. PZ-2022-00064V The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: (3973 Bear Creek Way Clay township Hamilton County Overbrook Farms Subdivision 101 section 3 zoned S1/residence- ROSO III) The petition may be examined on the City’s website, through Public Documents - Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Filed by Joshua Springer of Property Pros Land Management LLC on behalf of Scott and Elizabeth Herman, Owners. PETITIONERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Docket No. PZ-2022-00108 V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 22nd day of August 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall Caucus Rooms (1 Civic Square, 2nd Flr, Carmel, IN 46032) will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval: Docket No. PZ-2022-00108 V UDO Section 5.09.B - Maximum 42” tall fence in front yard allowed with at least 25% visibility; 8’ tall fence in front yard with 0% visibility requested along Main Street. With the property being known as: 12 Ironwood Ct., Carmel, IN 46033. (Cool Creek North Subdivision Lot 198). It is zoned R1/Residence. Filed by James Trachtman, owner. The application is identified as Docket No. PZ- 2022-00108 V. The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: 16-10-29-01-05-037.000 The petition may be examined on the City’s website, through Public Documents - Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. James Trachtman PETITIONER NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Docket No. PZ-2022-00151 V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 22 day of August, 2022 at 5:15 p.m. in the City Hall Caucus Rooms (1 Civic Square, 2nd Flr, Carmel, IN 46032) will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: Request approval of a development standards variance to UDO Section 5.02 – The combined square footage of the ground floor area of a private garage and/or accessory buildings shall not exceed 75% of the ground floor area of the principle building, 108% is requested. The property is zoned R1/Residence. With the property being known as: 534 Smokey Row Ct. The application is identified as Docket No. PZ- 2022-00151 V. The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: Tax Parcel ID No. 16-10-29- 01-04-006.000 The petition may be examined on the City’s website, through Public Documents - Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. John and Karla Holdcraft, Owners PETITIONERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Docket No. PZ-2022-00133 V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 22nd day of August 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall Caucus Rooms (1 Civic Square, 2nd Flr, Carmel, IN 46032) will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to: (V) College Park Church Pavilion Height Variance Maximum 18-ft accessory structure height allowed, 19’ 8-3/4” requested With the property being known as (address): 2606 West 96th Street, Indianapolis, IN 46268 The application is identified as Docket No. PZ-2022-00133 V The real estate affected by said application is described as follows:Parcel #1713080000013000 The petition may be examined on the City’s website, through Public Documents - Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Marcos Rodriguez of the Aspen Group, on behalf Bruce Smith and College Park Church PETITIONERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Docket No. PZ-2022-00125 – 00126 V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Hearing Officer meeting on the 22 day of August, 2022 at 5:00 p.m. in the City Hall Caucus Rooms (1 Civic Sq., 2nd Flr, Carmel, IN 46032) will hold a Public Hearing upon a Development Standards Variance application to install a pool in the side/rear yard and minimum 3’ setback from easements required, swimming pool and equipment located in front yard and 0’ setback from easement requested. Also requested 37% of the lot coverage requested (35% allowed) With the property being known as 13092 Harrison Drive, Carmel, IN 46033. The application is identified as Docket No. PZ- 2022-00125 – 00126 V. The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: Parcel Number: 16-10-28-03- 03-002.000 The petition may be examined on the City’s website, through Public Documents - Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Meagan Phillips and Nicholas Koerner PETITIONERS NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING BEFORE THE CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS HEARING OFFICER Docket Nos PZ-2022-00152 V and PZ-2022-00153 V Notice is hereby given that the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals meeting on the 22nd day of Au- gust 2022 at 5:15 p.m. in Carmel City Hall Caucus Rooms (1 Civic Square, 2nd flr, Carmel, IN 46032) will hold a Public Hearing upon Development Standards Variance applications for: UDO Section 5.02.B.3 The combined square footage of the ground floor area of a private garage and or accessory building shall not exceed 75% of the ground floor area of the principal building, 153% requested. UDO Section 2.04 Maximum 18-ft tall accesso- ry building height allowed, 22-ft requested. With the property being known as 4213 w 131st Street (Lucky Forward Subdivision Lot 2) The application is identified as Docket Nos PZ- 2022-00152 V and PZ-2022-00153 V The real estate affected by said application is described as follows: 17-09-30-00-01-002.000 The petition may be examined on the city’s website, through Public Documents – Laserfiche. All interested persons desiring to present their views on the above application, either in writing or verbally, will be given an opportunity to be heard at the above-mentioned time and place. Jennifer Thornberry Petitioner Keep veggies crunchy — When radishes, celery or car- rots have lost their crunch, simply pop them in a bowl of iced water along with a slice of raw potato and watch the limp vegetables freshen up right before your eyes. Source: Esquire Keep honey clear — Believe it or not, honey is the only nonperishable food substance, so don’t get rid of it when it crystallizes or becomes cloudy. Microwave on medium heat, in 30-second increments, to make it clear again. Source: Esquire Keep ants out of the house — Where you see one ant, you’re bound to see others. That’s because ants leave a scented trail that other ants follow. To eliminate the scent trail, mix one part vinegar with three parts water in a spray bottle, and then spray wherever you’ve seen ants in the past. This will stop outdoor nesting ants that entered the house to forage for food. If the ants are nesting inside the home, you will have to use ant bait to kill them. Source: The Family Handyman Organic food myths — Organic food isn’t free of pes- ticides, and it isn’t necessarily better for you. Organic farmers are permitted to use chemicals that are naturally derived — and in some cases are worse for the environ- ment than synthetic chemicals. Eating organic food also doesn’t come with any nutritional benefits over non-or- ganic food, according to a review of 98,727 potentially relevant studies. Source: University of California - BerkeleyDISPATCHES PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT State of Indiana) ) ss: Phil and Jennifer Thornberry; Docket Nos. PZ-2022-00152 V and PZ-2022-00153 V Hamilton County) Personally appeared before me, a notary public in and for said county and state, the undersigned Jackie Grigg who, being duly sworn, says that she is the Office Manger of Current in Carmel newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the English language in the city of Carmel in state and county afore-said, and that the printed matter attached hereto is a true copy, which was duly published in said paper for one (1) time(s), the date(s) of publication being as follows: Subscribed and sworn to before me this August 9th, 2022. 8/2122, 12:02 PM Receipt from Current Publishing no-reply@1stpaygateway.net <no-reply@1stpaygateway.net> Tue 8/2/2022 9:49 AM To: Phil Thornberry <phil@rws-admin.com> Payment Portal 8/2/2022 9:49:51 AM Thank you for your business! If you have any questions email jproch@youarecurrent.com. Your Payment Order ID 0302391799862 Payment Amount $35.68 Response APPROVED Billing Information Full Name Phillip Thornberry Address 698 Pro-Med lane CARMEL, IN 46032 United States Email Address phil@rws-admin.com Phone Number 317-340-1149 Payment Information Credit Card ************9613 Expiration Date XX/25 Additional Information Invoice Number 66941 Account Name Phil Thornberry The information contained herein (or in any attachment) is privileged and confidential and intended only for the recipient listed above. If you are not the intended recipient, please advise the sender immediately by reply e-mail and delete this message and any attachments without retaining a copy. Review, re -transmission, dissemination or other use of, or action taken in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. While reasonable efforts have been made to ensure that attachments are virus -free, it is the recipient's sole responsibility to scan all attachments for viruses. https:l/outlook.office.com/mail/inbox/itl/AAQkADJINGOONTClLWYXMDItNGFkYI04ZTVILTIONMJkYZMIZDRiYgAQAEAwpam5sOxFhJPnighOSX4%3D Page 1 of 1