HomeMy WebLinkAboutEasement Agreement; Duke Energy Indiana, LLC; 31 1st Avenue NW; Parcel#s 29-09-25-122-027.000-018 and 29-09-25-122-028.000-018; EngineeringDocuSign Envelope ID: 42ADFD07-0424-4C64-9F08-3FE95EED7C8C Prepared by: Duke Energy Indiana, LLC Return to: Duke Energy Indiana, LLC Attn: Megan Johnson 1000 E Main St Mail Code: WP 989 Plainfield, IN 46168 EASEMENT State of Indiana Parcel # 29-09-25-122-027.000-018 29-09-25-122-028.000-018 APPROVED By Saar Goof"[ ae 9:12— Avp St W22 County of Hamilton THIS EASEMENT ("Easement") is made this day of Jjk�022,from CITY OF CARMEL, Indiana ("Grantor", whether one or more), to DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, LLC, an Indiana limited liability company ("Grantee"). Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of One and 00/100 Dollar ($1.00) and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, does hereby grant unto Grantee a perpetual and non-exclusive easement, to construct, reconstruct, operate, patrol, maintain, repair, replace, relocate, add to, modify, and remove electric and communication lines including, but not limited to, all necessary supporting structures, and all other appurtenant apparatus and equipment for the transmission and distribution of electrical energy, and for technological purposes related to the operation of the electric facilities and for the communication purposes of Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers (collectively, "Facilities") Grantor is the owner of that certain property described in Section 25, Township 18 north, Range 3 East Clay Township Hamilton County State of Indiana; being a part of Lot 3 and 10, in Simeon Hawkins Addition to Bethlehem as recorded in Deed Record 30, Page 441, and also Instrument Number 2017010010 in the Office of the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana ("Property"). For Grantee's Internal Use: Work Order k 10788972 DocuSign Envelope ID: 42ADFD07-0424-4C64-9F08-3FE95EED7C8C The Facilities shall be underground, except as needed on or above the ground to support the underground Facilities, and located in, upon, along, under, through, and across a portion of the Property within an easement area described as follows: Easement being that area indicated, relative to landmarks and property lines, shown on a drawing marked Exhibit "A", attached hereto and becoming a part hereof (hereinafter referred to as the "Easement Area"). The rights granted herein include, but are not limited to, the following: 1 _ Grantee shall have the right of ingress and egress over the Easement Area, Property, and any adjoining lands now owned or hereinafter acquired by Grantor (using lanes, driveways, and adjoining public roads where practical as determined by Grantee). 2. Grantee shall have the right to trim, cut down, and remove from the Easement Area, at any time or times and using safe and generally accepted arboricultural practices, trees, limbs, undergrowth, other vegetation, and obstructions. 3. Grantee shall have the right to trim, cut down, and remove from the Property, at any time or times and using safe and generally accepted arboricultural practices, dead, diseased, weak, dying, or leaning trees or limbs, which, in the opinion of Grantee, might fall upon the Easement Area or interfere with the safe and reliable operation of the Facilities. 4. Intentionally omitted. 5. Grantee shall have the right to relocate the Facilities and Easement Area on the Property to conform to any future highway or street relocation, widening, or alterations. 6. Grantor shall not place, or permit the placement of, any structures, improvements, facilities, or obstructions, within or adjacent to the Easement Area, which may interfere with the exercise of the rights granted herein to Grantee. Grantee shall have the right to remove any such structure, improvement, facility, or obstruction at the expense of Grantor. 7. Excluding the removal of vegetation, structures, improvements, facilities, and obstructions as provided herein, Grantee shall promptly repair or cause to be repaired any physical damage to the surface area of the Easement Area and Property resulting from the exercise of the rights granted herein to Grantee. Such repair shall be to a condition which is reasonably close to the condition prior to the damage, and shall only be to the extent such damage was caused by Grantee or its contractors or employees. 8. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary above, the general location of the Facilities is shown on the sketch attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by reference. The final and definitive location of the Easement Area shall become established by and upon the final installation and erection of the Facilities by Grantee in substantial compliance with Exhibit A. 9. All other rights and privileges reasonably necessary, in Grantee's sole discretion, for the safe, reliable, and efficient installation, operation, and maintenance of the Facilities. For Grantee's Internal Use: Work Order #: 10788972 DocuSign Envelope ID: 42ADFD07-0424-4C64-9F08-3FE95EED7C8C The terms Grantor and Grantee shall include the respective heirs, successors, and assigns of Grantor and Grantee. The failure of Grantee to exercise or continue to exercise or enforce any of the rights herein granted shall not be construed as a waiver or abandonment of the right thereafter at any time, or from time to time, to exercise any and all such rights. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said rights, privilege, and easement unto Grantee, its successors, licensees, and assigns, forever. Grantor warrants and covenants that Grantor has the full right and authority to convey to Grantee this perpetual Easement, and that Grantee shall have quiet and peaceful possession, use and enjoyment of the same. For Grantee's Internal Use: Work Order #: 10788972 3 DocuSign Envelope ID: 42ADFD07-0424-4C64-9F08-3FE95EED7C8C IN WITNES WHEREOF, Grantor has signed this Easement under seal effective this day of , 2022. Not Present JAMES BRAINARD PRESIDING OFFICER DocuSigned by: Itmi (% NW 1 !8VIMISON MEMBER ) ss: COUNTY OF HAMILTON CITY OF CARMEL, Indiana by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety �DmuSigned by: M avt, atn.k, fA,&t, MAWBANN BURKE MEMBER ATTEST: /--Docusiynedby: ��Baye�omeV V SUE WOLFGANG 9/7/2022 CLERK This certificate relates to an acknowledgment in connection with which, no oath or affirmation was administered to the document signer. The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me, a no public m the county and state written above this _Y^---ay of september2022 by , Mary Anne Burke, and Lori S. Watson as Members of the City of Carmel Board of Public Works and Safety, organized under the laws of Indiana, and that by authority duly given and as the act of said City of Carmel, the foregoing EASEMENT was signed in its name by its members, sealed with its official seal, and attested by Sue Wolfgang as the Clerk of the City of Carmel. WITNESS my hand and official seal dated 71 ; 2022. SEAL: Signed: HOLLY J. HARMEYER o : Notary Public, State of Indiana Printed or Typed Name. o y 7 Ha rmeye r f ;SEAL: Hamilton County z * +; Commission Number NP073799z Commission Expires: My Commission Expires mum"` December 15, 2029 My County of Residence: My Commission Number: 12/15/2029 Hamilton NP0737982 This instrument prepared by Victoria Parker, Attomey-at-Law, 1000 E. Main St, Plainfield, IN 46168. I affirm, under the penalties of perjury, that I have taken reasonable care to redact each Social Security number in this document, unless required by law. Megan Johnson For Grantee's Internal Use: Work Order #: 10788972 4 DocuSign Envelope ID: 42ADFD07-0424-4C64-9F08-3FE95EED7C8C THIS IS NOT A SURVEY. LOCATIONS SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. NORTH 165.00' (10.00 RODS) PIL O P/L r�L 0 O W 1 CENTERLINE OF42X J p (� W 15' WIDE EASEMENT W CD o Z J N89° 58' 73 "EPA 35.00' CDC-4 N O W U' O 0 u H = O (L 10'x20' WIDE — LL O W 0 O M AREA EASEMENT O W Z I U� �P: CO o a r I ° 58' WIN 52.00' NOTE: PROPERTY LINES AS SHOWN WERE PLOTTED FROM INSTRUMENT #2017010010; #2007012511; D.R. 30, PG. 441 AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS FROM GIS DATA to N T r O LL O ILL O N J J Z W W U � F- H 0) Z N VV E S HAMILTON COUNTY/ INDIANA SITE NAME: CLAY TOWNSHIP SECTION 25 TOWNSHIP 18N RANGE 3E DR. EXHIBIT MAP OF: JM EASEMENT DUKE CK LOCATION AM 31 1ST AVE. NW, CARMEL, IN DATE EXHIBITMAPFOR: EXHIBIT ENERGY 06/14/2022 CITY OF CARMEL WO #10788972