HomeMy WebLinkAboutW210497 Secondary Replat-P2This instrument prepared for:Pittman Family Real Estate Investors, LLCP.O. Box 554Carmel, IN 46082317-590-5074CONTACT: Steve PittmanLAND DESCRIPTIONA PART OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 11, TOWNSHIP 17 NORTH, RANGE 3 EAST,HAMILTON COUNTY, INDIANA, BEING THAT 3.495 ACRE TRACT OF LAND SHOWN ON THE PLAT OF ANORIGINAL BOUNDARY SURVEY OF SAID TRACT CERTIFIED BY AARON FATELEY, PS LS20700097 ONJANUARY 12, 2022, AS WEIHE'S PROJECT NUMBER W210497 (ALL REFERENCES TO MONUMENTS ANDCOURSES HEREIN SHOWN ON SAID PLAT OF SURVEY) AND BEING MORE FULLY DESCRIBED ASFOLLOWS:COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 11;THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 17 MINUTES 03 SECONDS WEST 659.67 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OFSAID NORTHWEST QUARTER TO THE PROLONGED NORTH LINE OF THE RESERVE AT SPRINGMILLSECTION 2 PLAT RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT NUMBER 9601852 IN THE OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OFHAMILTON COUNTY; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 14 SECONDS EAST 476.07 FEET ALONGSAID PROLONGED NORTH LINE AND THE NORTH LINE OF SAID RESERVE AT SPRINGMILL PLAT TO THENORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 71 IN SAID PLAT AND THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUINGNORTH 89 DEGREES 31 MINUTES 14 SECONDS EAST 474.31 FEET ALONG SAID NORTH LINE TO THENORTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 70C OF THE REPLAT OF LOT 69B AND 70B IN THE RE-PLAT OF 69A AND70A OF THE RESERVE AT SPRINGMILL, SECTION 2 RECORDED AS INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2021051505 INSAID OFFICE OF THE RECORDER OF HAMILTON COUNTY; THENCE SOUTH 23 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 31SECONDS WEST 122.88 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 70C; THENCE SOUTH 0 DEGREES 15MINUTES 31 SECONDS WEST 257.70 FEET ALONG THE EAST LINE OF SAID LOT 70C AND LOT 69C TO THESOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT 69C; THENCE NORTH 89 DEGREES 44 MINUTES 29 SECONDS WEST 306.27FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF LOT 69C TO A SOUTH CORNER OF LOT 68 IN THE SAID PLAT OF THERESERVE AT SPRING MILL SECTION 2; THENCE SOUTH 72 DEGREES 15 MINUTES 31 SECONDS WEST67.39 FEET ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID LOT 68 TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 68;THENCE NORTH 11 DEGREES 25 MINUTES 17 SECONDS WEST 169.90 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OFSAID LOT 68 TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 68; THENCE NORTH 3 DEGREES 59 MINUTES 44SECONDS WEST 50.03 FEET TO THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 71; THENCE NORTH 5DEGREES 44 MINUTES 29 SECONDS WEST 170.19 FEET ALONG THE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 71 TO THEPOINT OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 3.495 ACRES, MORE OR LESS.REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATEI, Norman H. Hiselman, hereby certify that I am a Registered Land Surveyor, licensed in compliance with the lawsof the State of Indiana:That this plat correctly represents a survey completed under my direct supervision on June 9, 2022 Job No.W210497, that all the monuments shown thereon actually exist or bond has been posted to cover the laterinstallation of these monuments, and that all other requirements specified herein, done by me, have been met.This subdivision consists of 8 lots, numbered 68, 71 and 75-80 inclusive, all as delineated on the within plat. Thesize of lots and easements are shown in figures denoting feet and decimal parts thereof._________________________________Norman H. HiselmanJune 10, 2022REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR NO. S0461STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS:COUNTY OF MARION )___________________________________Notary PublicPrinted: ____________________________Resident of _________________ County, IndianaMy Commission Expires:_____________________________COMMISSION'S CERTIFICATEUNDER AUTHORITY PROVIDED BY INDIANA CODE 36-7-4-710 AND ORDINANCES ADOPTED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITYOF CARMEL, INDIANA, THIS PLAT WAS GIVEN APPROVAL BY THE CITY OF CARMEL, AS FOLLOWS:GRANTED ADMINISTRATIVE APPROVAL BY THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICES PURSUANT TO ARTICLE XI OF THECARMEL PLAN COMMISSION'S RULES OF PROCEDURE ON _________________________, 2022.BY:_________________________________________MICHAEL P. HOLLIBAUGH, DIRECTORDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY SERVICESCARMEL, INDIANABOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY CERTIFICATETHIS PLAT WAS GIVEN APPROVAL BY THE BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS AND SAFETY OF THE CITY OF CARMEL, INDIANA, AT AMEETING HELD:_________________________, 2022. JAMES BRAINARD, MAYOR MARY ANN BURKE, MEMBERLORI WATSON, MEMBER SUE WOLFGANG, CLERK OF THE CITY OF CARMELThere are strips of ground as shown on this plat and marked “easement”, reserved for the use of public utilities for theinstallation of water and sewer mains, poles, ducts, lines and wires, subject at all times to the proper authorities and to theeasement herein reserved. No permanent or other structures are to be erected or maintained upon said strips of land, butowners of lots in this subdivision shall take their titles subject to the rights of the public utilities. There are areas identifiedas “A&ME” (Access & Maintenance Easements) that are for the use of the adjoining landowners to maintain existinglandscaping and lawn areas between their rear property lines and an existing ornamental fence.This RESERVE AT SPRINGMILL, SECTION 2 Secondary Re-Plat and all of the real estate and lots described herein, aresubject in all respects to the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for THE RESERVE AT SPRINGMILL recordedwith the Recorder of Hamilton County, Indiana as Instrument Number 9401851.In addition to said Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for THE RESERVE AT SPRINGMILL, this RESERVE ATSPRINGMILL, SECTION 2 Secondary Re-Plat and all of the real estate and lots described herein, are subject in allrespects to the Commitments Concerning Use and Development of Real Estate recorded as Instrument Number2020-40197 with the Hamilton County, Indiana Recorder's Office.“Owner” Pittman Family Real Estate Investors, LLC. Lot 71 - “Owner” Pittman Partners, Inc.By: _______________________________________ By: _______________________________________ Steve Pittman - Managing Member Steve PittmanStreet Common Area - "Owner" Reserve at Springmill Section II Homeowners Association, Inc.By: _______________________________________ Carol Weiss - PresidentBefore me, a Notary Public, in and for said County andState, personally appeared Steve Pittman andacknowledged the execution of this secondary plat, forand on behalf of Pittman Family Real Estate Investors,LLC this ______ day of _____________________,2022.I affirm, under the penalties for perjury, that I have takenreasonable care to redact each social security number in thisdocument, unless required by law. Norman H. Hiselman, PSand;This instrument was prepared by Norman H. Hiselman, PS ofWeihe Engineers, Inc.DEED OF DEDICATIONWe the undersigned owners of the real estate shown and described herein, do hereby certify that we have laidoff, platted and subdivided, and do hereby lay off, plat and subdivide, said real estate in accordance with thewithin plat.This subdivision shall be known and designated as REPLAT OF THE RESERVE AT SPRINGMILLLOTS 68, 71, 69C, AND 70C, an addition to City of Carmel, Indiana. Front building setback lines are herebyestablished as shown on this plat, between which lines and the property lines of the street rights of way, thereshall be erected or maintained no building or structure. The foregoing covenants, or restrictions, are to run withthe land and shall be binding on all parties and all persons claiming under them until January 1, 2044, at whichtime said covenants, or restrictions, shall be automatically extended for successive periods of ten years unlesschanged by vote of a majority of the then owners of the building sites covered by these covenants, orrestrictions, in whole or in part. Invalidation of any of the foregoing covenants, or restrictions, by judgment orcourt order shall in no way affect any of the other covenants or restrictions, which shall remain in full force andeffect. The right to enforce these provisions by injunction, together with the right to cause the removal, by dueprocess of law, of any structure or part thereof erected, or maintained in violation hereof, is hereby dedicated tothe public, and reserved to the several owners of the several lots in this subdivision and to their heirs andassigns.REPLAT OFTHE RESERVE AT SPRINGMILL, SECTION 2LOTS 68, 69C, 70C, AND 71PART OF SEC. 11, T17N, R3EHAMILTON COUNTY, CARMEL, INDIANASOURCE OF TITLE: INSTRUMENT NUMBER 2021069782PLAN COMMISSION PRIMARY PLAT DOCKET NUMBER: PZ-2021-00197 PP AMENDSECONDARY PLAT DOCKET NUMBERS: PZ-2022-00005 SP AMENDPZ-2021-00227 VPZ-2020-00226 VPZ-2020-00249 SWENGINEERS317 | 846 - 6611800 | 452 - 6408317 | 843 - 0546 faxWEIHELand Surveying | Civil EngineeringLandscape ArchitectureALLAN H. WEIHE, P.E., L.S. - FOUNDER10505 N. College AvenueIndianapolis, Indiana 46280weihe.netVICINITY MAP1"=2000'SITE___________________________________Notary PublicPrinted: ____________________________Resident of _________________ County, IndianaMy Commission Expires:_____________________________Before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County andState, personally appeared Steve Pittman andacknowledged the execution of this secondary plat, forand on behalf of Pittman Partners, Inc. this ______ dayof _____________________, 2022.STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS:COUNTY OF MARION )___________________________________Notary PublicPrinted: ____________________________Resident of _________________ County, IndianaMy Commission Expires:_____________________________Before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State, personally appeared Carol Weiss andacknowledged the execution of this secondary plat, for and on behalf of the Reserve at SpringmillSection II Homeowners Association, Inc. this ______ day of _____________________, 2022.Lot 68 - “Owner” Ruddell, James H & William A CoTrustees of Item IV Trust under Richard A Ruddell Declaration of Trust1/2 int & Priscilla B Ruddell Trustee of Priscilla B Ruddell Trust 1/2 int T/CBy: _______________________________________ By: _______________________________________ James H. Ruddell - Co-Trustee William A. Ruddell - Co-TrusteeBy: _______________________________________ Priscilla B. Ruddell - Co-TrusteeSTATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS:COUNTY OF MARION )STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS:COUNTY OF MARION )___________________________________Notary PublicPrinted: ____________________________Resident of _________________ County, IndianaMy Commission Expires:________________________Before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County andState, personally appeared James H. Ruddell andacknowledged the execution of this secondary plat, forand on behalf of Ruddell, James H & William ACoTrustees of Item IV Trust under Richard A RuddellDeclaration of Trust 1/2 int & Priscilla B Ruddell Trusteeof Priscilla B Ruddell Trust 1/2 int T/C this ______ day of _____________________, 2022.STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS:COUNTY OF MARION )___________________________________Notary PublicPrinted: ____________________________Resident of _________________ County, IndianaMy Commission Expires:________________________Before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County andState, personally appeared William A. Ruddell andacknowledged the execution of this secondary plat, forand on behalf of Ruddell, James H & William ACoTrustees of Item IV Trust under Richard A RuddellDeclaration of Trust 1/2 int & Priscilla B Ruddell Trusteeof Priscilla B Ruddell Trust 1/2 int T/C this ______ day of _____________________, 2022.STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS:COUNTY OF MARION )___________________________________Notary PublicPrinted: ____________________________Resident of _________________ County, IndianaMy Commission Expires:________________________Before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County andState, personally appeared Priscilla B. Ruddell andacknowledged the execution of this secondary plat, forand on behalf of Ruddell, James H & William ACoTrustees of Item IV Trust under Richard A RuddellDeclaration of Trust 1/2 int & Priscilla B Ruddell Trusteeof Priscilla B Ruddell Trust 1/2 int T/C this ______ day of _____________________, 2022.