HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket 04010022 PP for Reference :D. >u ,0 D o " ' D o '0 D ,0 D o '0 D D o D' o o , . . . STANFORD PARK OPEN SPACE CONSERVATIONREPORT PREPARED FOR: PPV,LLC 9551 Delegate's Row Indianapolis, ,Indiana 46240 " PREPARED BY: Dennis J). Olmstead, P LS Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc. 9940 Allisonville Road , Fishers, Indiana 46038 (317) 849-5935 DATE PREPARED: January 15, 2004 Revised: February13,2004 . \)(j~ 140\00 22-PP '~LJ I ~}:-~ ,e;. '\ :\J,-LLL~,C . . /0', / '-<e';Y , ~"'{)// It ~';'.\ 'f? ..." "'x'/ , . , , \; ~\. ~;;.'!.' L. ('x.' \\I\=.~ \r~\ ~ t~K}~i~~M '(:~\ ~~\\ ; t"\(\C}~ .'/ --: >.., , \J\l . ....}, '. .. r}i", . " . '. /~.,.., ,/\ ."", 19,'-11\ '-~."" J1iJ.-:..~A.':' , o u o D o D o o D U o o D o o D o D o e f>>tanford Pa,.. And _ark Herrman" Fields Submitted By: Pittman Partners, Ine Submitted To: Carmel Plan Commission CARMEL 1O~?P_':;t'.1 DADS' CLUB D D,' D D' 0, D D D o 'U, ..' D D D D, D' o o .0 D.' Table' Of Contents . I. '. Primary Plat Application witb Waiv~r . ' . . II. Primary.P'lafExhib~t . III.. CO'!,nectivity Exhibit. ,III. Utility Summary " "IV. . Construction S~quenceSummary . "-' " V. Open Space Schedule Form VI~ Location Map. . ',' VII. Site Context Plan' VIII. Open Space.AreaDescription.. IX. Sample Single Family.,Home Elevations ,X. Sample Townhome Elevations XI. Recorded Co~mitments to Adjoiners XII. .' Maintenance and Operation Plan . XIII. Sample MaintenaricePlan and Budget D,', . o D U ' D. ' D D 'D :' ,D 0: D 0, , 0' o n. " '1./ ' ,0 D Q o D , ,. PRIMARY PLAT APPLICA TION WITHW AIVER [j [J o u u o o D U U U U o U D D ~ J J APPLICATION FOR PRIMARY PLAT (OR REPLAT) Fee: $700.00 plus $35.00 per lot ($560.00) DATE: January 16, 2004 DOCKET NO. The undersigned agrees that any construction, reconstruction, enlargement, relocation or alteration of structure, or any change in the use of land or structures requested by this application will comply with, and conform to, all applicable laws of the State of Indiana, and the "Zoning Ordinance of Carmel, Indiana - 1980", adopted under the authority of Acts of 1979, Public Law 178 Sec. 1, et seq, General Assembly of the State of Indiana, and all Acts amendatory thereto. Name of Applicant: PPV, LLC Phone No. (317) 818-2900 Address of Applicant: 9551 Delegate's Row, Indianapolis, Indiana 46240 Name of Owner. PPV, LLC Phone No. 317-818-2900 Name of Subdivision: Burlingame Legal Description: (To by typewritten on separate sheet and attached) Area (in acres): 76.426 Number of Lots: Z. B 8 Length (in miles) of new streets to be dedicated to public use: 1.68 Surveyor certifying plat Dennis D. Olmstead - Stoeppelwerth & Associates, IDe. Address: 9940 Allisonville Road, Fishers, Indiana 46038 Phone No. (317) 849-5935 *-****-*-**--***-*---*---*--H.:-******-*-STATE OF INDIANA, COUNTY OF Hamilton , SS: The undersigned having been duly sworn, upon oath says that the above information is true and correct as he or she is informed and believes. SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT: ?~ ~ Print Paul F. Rioux Subscribed and sworn to before. me this 16th day of January ,04 rypuncM EB~ My Commission Expires: September 9,2006 ary. . ********************************************************************** 5.1.10 Application for Primary Plat Two (2) copies, or more if necessary, of the primarY a n of the construction plans together with supporting documents shall be submitted to the Director of Current Planning with this application. These plans to be distributed to all Technical Advisorv Committee authorities bv applicant FEE: Received by: s:\plancomm\applictn .pc\primplat.apx . I. _ _ .. [J U D o o D U o U o U o o u o D U o D LEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, and a part ofthe Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, all in Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 29; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 21 seconds East along the West line of said Northwest Quarter Section 985.08 feet to the North line of the South 30 acres of the West Half of said Northwest Quarter Section and the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence continuing North 00 degrees 03 minutes 21 seconds East along said West line 1,088.86 feet to the Southwest comer of the real estate described in Instrument Number 2002-5637 in the Office of the Recorder, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 89 degrees 53 minutes 21 seconds East along the South line of said real estate 660.00 feet to the Southeast comer of said real estate; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 21 seconds East parallel with the West line of said Northwest Quarter Section and along the East line of said real estate, and the extension thereof, 563.52 feet to the South line ofthe Southwest Quarter of said Section 20; thence South 89 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds West along said South line 356.01 feet to the Southeast comer ofthe real estate described in Instrument Number 87-30669 in said Recorder's Office; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 40 seconds East parallel to the West line of said Southwest Quarter Section and along the East line of said real estate, and the extension thereof, 737.62 feet to the Northeast comer of the real estate described in Instrument Number 88-15016 in said Recorder's Office; thence North 89 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds West along the North line of said real estate 304.00 feet to the West line of said Southwest Quarter Section; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 40 seconds East along said West line 574.14 feet to the Northwest comer of the Southwest Quarter of said Southwest Quarter Section; thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes 07 seconds East along the North line of said Quarter- Quarter Section 1,325.00 feet to the Northeast comer of said Quarter-Quarter Section; thence South 00 degrees 05 minutes 53 seconds West along the East line of said Quarter- Quarter Section 1,314.19 feet to the Northeast comer ofthe West Half of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 29; thence South 00 degrees 01 minutes 15 seconds East along the East line of said Half Quarter Section 1,648.03 feet to the North line of the South 30 acres of said Half Quarter Section; thence South 89 degrees 35 minutes 32 seconds West along said North line 1,325.98 feet to the place of beginning, containing 76.426 acres, more or less. o U D o U D o o o u o o o o o o o [J o SUBDIVISION REGULATION WAIVER REQUEST APPLICATION (Submit two (2) copies) Fee: $655.00 plus $72.50 for each additional waiver request Contact Person: Dennis D. Olmstead Fax No. (317) 849-5942 Telephone No. (317) 849-5935 Address: 9940 Allisonville Road, Fishers, Indiana 46038 PROJECT NAME: Stanford Park PROJECT ADDRESS: 13500:i: Shelborne Road APPLICANT NAME: PPV, LLC ADDRESS: 370 Sanner Court, Indianapolis, Indiana 42960 TELEPHONE: (317) 580-0883 FAX: (317) 580-9786 Section (Section Number, Page, Item) of Subdivision Regulations for which variance is being requested: A variance of the requirements of SCO 6.5.1 minimum lot width at building line. State explanation of why variance is being requested: The lot width at the building line is requested to be reduced from the required zoning. R2-zoning (80') and R-4 zoning (50') at building line. Reductions are as shown on Primary Plat. State reasons supporting variance request: The Roso option is being used which would allow for reduced lot widths. The same lot widths shown on the Primary Plat were exhibited at the time of rezoning. R-4/Residence Present zoning: R-2/Residence Signature of Property Owner NOTE: THIS APPLICATION MUST BE SUBMITTED AT THE TIME OF THE PRIMARY PLAT APPLICA TION. VARIANCE REQUEST MUST BE INCLUDED WITH THE PUBLIC NOTICE FOR THE PRIMARY PLAT. $ APPLICATION FEE , " . PRIMARY PLAT EXHIBIT. . I ~~~~-~ ~ < ~ Q ~ ~o ~ ~ r:FJ ..OWQRfORMfRlY CLAYBORNE FARMS ~ f -~ ~ ~ j Q... 1 ~ ~N. LINE, S.W.i/4, SEC. 20, T.1SN., R.3E. N.W. COR., S.W. 1/4, SEC. 20, T.1SN., R.3E. o <<: o '" w z '" o ID -' W I UJ G-' NOwQf\FORlUIILY THE RIDGE AT HAYDEN RUN 1I0WORFORllEIILY WILLIAM LOVI/ElL SHELBURN & JUDY KAY SHELBURN INSTR. No. 88~15016 NOWORFOR..ERlY JEFfERY l. DARON & MICHEllE CARON INSTR. No. 95-38831 ~ I .d .~ NOWORfOR..eRLY WILLIAM I. CLARK DOROTHY T. CLARK & CATHY ANN CLARK INSTR. No. 87_30669 S.W. COR., S.W. 1/", SEC. 20, T.1aN., R.3E. S. UNE, S.W. 1/04 SEE:20, T~.. R.3E. N. UNE, N.W~ SEC. 29, T.1aN., R.3E. N.W. COR., N.W. 1f4, SEC. 29, T.1SN., R.3E. NOWORFORIIERl'l' CHRISTOPHER P. PAGE INSTR. No. 91-50291 NOWQRFORllERlY CHRISTOPHER P. PAGE INSTR. No. 99-50""4 <{ UJ <{ Cf) a:: UJ <{ Cf) UJ <{ ::;; z ><:: a:: UJ 0 Cf) -' 0 <{ a:: I 0 t- <( Z <{ Z ::;; UJ ~ w UJ ~ ::;; UJ UJ ><:: f- a:: (') <{ 0 0 0 t- O w en -' -' -' I- U Cf) . . NOWORFORYERLY KIMBERLY A.WlLlIAMS & WARREN B. WILLIAMS INSTR. No. 89-18452 NOWORfORYERlY BRIAN O. MILLER & LISA A. LENTS INSTR. No. 2002-5637 NOWORfORYERlY SHEL80RNE PARK, LLC INSTR. NG. 2002_65972 SHHBORNEP"'RK SECh)NONE P.C.3.SlI0E'SO /WW(}RFORYERIY CITY OF CARMEL INSTR. No. 2002-71712 ""-~lINE~W. 1/4, SEC. 29, T.18N.. R.3E. . 'D' "" ," r~ . ,. "( . , , , .U " D '0 ' '.n. ", ;< "I.J "W' a' ~D .;,0 I . 'U .... u', ' Q ,0 rl' r~ ~:' . U lJ '0 "'U- .' i,'" ' I;: " '. ' . . 1 -< . . CONNECTIVITY EXHmIT . , '. ~"." , I . CONNECTIVITY EXHIBIT ---r---- ------ I I I I , I I I 141st STREET -----------t---- ClJWBOR FARMS ~ -~-L.~%.::~ ~ I I I~ I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -----E6T.'2.ST~ _ I I I I 146st STREET --I ---- ~ ~ - Stuppeluwdft d (L,61J.CiaU6, 3m:. CONSUL liNG ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS (317)8<19_5935 F"'X:(317J849~942 !I940ALlISONVtllERD.-FISHERS,INDIANA46038 U,". ..... -- " "\ ' lJ' .,' .D:. .' .0...... ~L J .fL . ' . . ~. \' - '. o ,:.0 o I:U .0 . " 'D. " 1,0 .' "0' D d ,D. . 'Q... o IW . "0 'J ._ , ;: UTILITY SUMMARY' u o '0 o lJ lJ U o o o u U D o o o o o o UTILITY SUMMARY FOR STANFORD PARK Electric Electric service will be provided by Cinergy. The development will be served by existing power service within the area of the subject site along Shelborne Road. Telephone Telephone,service will be provided by SBC. The development will be serviced by existing telephone facilities along Shelborne Road. Water Water service will be provided by City of Carmel Utilities. The development will be serviced by existing facilities in Shelborne Park Subdivision. Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer service will be provided by the Clay Township Regional Waste District (CTRWD). The sewer must be brought west through The Ridge at Hayden Run approximately 1300' ::I: to the site and a stub is also located at the southeast comer of the site from the Shelborne Park Subdivision. Drainage The pre-developed drainage follows basically a southeastwardly pattern across this site ultimately to the East arm of the J.W. Brendle Drain. Post-developed conditions will collect the entire development through a series of swales and pipes directing stormwater to retention ponds located in the center and East side of this development. All stormwater ultimately will be routed to a pond located near the southeast comer ofthe development along its East line where it will discharge into the storm sewer system of the Shelborne Park Subdivision which leaves that system through a pipe along the North side of 131 st Street ultimately outletting into the existing ponds within Hayden Run Subdivision. Gas Natural gas service will be provided by Vectren Energy. A gas main must be extended from the Shelborne Park Subdivision. S/46600/ Apps/UtilitySummary January 14, 2004 Tl. . --' t-J- 'U'"." ' ;D .0...., : /W:. . ,~ D' .0 ," IJ ",' , : ilJ,' 0, " 'Q D D U o '0: D' 0, ' '. .1 ,c . ~ , CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE SUMMARY , I . u ~ 1 U U o U -\ U U U "0 o U D U U D U o U U Construction Sequence Summary This project will be built in three (3) sections. Section One (1) will contain 108 lots numbered 1-108 (both inclusive). Common Areas 1-6 and Pond No.1 will be scheduled in Section One. Section Two (2) will contain 102 lots numbered 109-210 (both inclusive). Common Areas 7-9 will be scheduled in Section Two. Section Three (3) will include 78 multi-family units in Blocks 1-13 (both inclusive). Common Areas 10-11 and Pond No.2 will be included in Section Three. Earthwork may extend beyond section boundaries to place lake excavation material in appropriate fill areas. However, only the street, utilities and other infrastructure will be built in the specific section at the time each section develops, along with any required off-site improvements. .U ". '0,., U /,:0 ' o .' '. ' ' J," D . '. D . .0: o 0" .... ,:0: o :.D D .D. 0-" '. :u. :D . .0 . ,r) , OPEN SPACE SCHEDULE FORM "' " . . I u o o D 0, D o (J U' U U D D o D, o o u o EXHIBIT A OPEN SPACE SCHEDULE SUBDIVISION NAME: Stanford Park 76.426 1. SITE ACREAGE 2. ZONE DISTRICT R-2 / R-4 3. MINIMUM OPEN SPACE REQUIREMENT (SOSR) 9% / 7.34 acres 4. OPEN SPACE PROVIDED (OSP) 5. PRIMARY CONSERVATION AREAS 0 Well-head Protection Area 0 FEMA/IDNR 100 year Flood Fringe 0 White River Corridor 0 Steep slopes (10%) 0 Mature Woodland 0 Special Opportunity corridor (identify) 0 Other 6. NATURAL OPEN SPACE PROVIDED 7. AGRICULTURAL OPEN SPACE 8. DESIGNED OPEN SPACE o Square o Boulevard Ia Trails Ia Parks o Greenbelt o Golf Courses o Other 32% / 24.11 acres o FEMA/IDNR 100 year Floodway o Wetlands (>1/4 ac.) o Scrub Woodland o Young Woodland o Historic Structures/Sites / acres / acres 32% / 24.11 acres Ia Green 0 Paths Ia Pond (see below) 9. CONSERVANCY LOTS no. lots acres 10. PONDS total measured perimeter (in linear feet) 3,417 1.f. total measured accessible perimeter (not bounded) 3,417 1.f. 100 % D."', ",', ' . . r ~ ,~, , ',' ,-', , J ,:".~ . " . . u', U U' ,..U',', . ,:D, 'D ',' ,,' ,0 , ' U ~, d, " ,w . D' U ' ' ,iO,' . ! ' U , '.U ' .' U' , , 'W .'/ , (.,,' , '''': ,''- : 'LQCATIONM:\P, STi1\NFORD ~ " () CR 200 S" '--'-', ~ ~ -- ~~I .r[~ o [0,'''-1 Z' o \. ~ \ ~ \, <( J: ;u ~ (!)/ o ), 4;~jJ~ 159TH RK toa-NffON w~~71.f'(.",., ", > fL "', (j,1/! "', ~q, \ <v~~ \~'r / ~ 146;~<~ -,;. 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Fishers, IN 46038 (317) 849-5935 . 1-800-728-6917 . FAX: (317) 849-5942 SITE CONTEXT PLAN STANFORD PARK o o o . - CONTROl , 46600 ;,0' U: '0' o 'W "0. ..~. ;0 '. ,~ ' o . f..l..... : . ~ . "..n. ' ~ . ',0 , ) o '.n. . . ~ . D '~ :U 'D " .' > - . . -' OPEN SPACE AREA DESCRIPTION . I " .- o u o o D D D [J o o o U D U o U D U U OPEN SPACE AREA DESCRIPTION All open spaces shown on this plat will be placed in areas which have been used as farmland. These areas will not require any special protection during construction, but will be graded, seeded, and landscaped with mounds, trees, shrubs, etc. upon completion of all other improvements within each section. The common areas will be designed for passive as well as active recreational uses and will be protected by conservation easements. Common Area 1 will be used for buffering, landscaping and passive or active recreation. Common Areas 2 and 3 will contain walking trails. Common Area 4 will be a park and will contain walking trails, Pond No. 1 and a public sitting area. Common Areas 5 & 6 will be used for buffering, landscaping and passive or active recreation. Common Areas 7-9 will be used for buffering, landscaping and passive or active recreation and will contain walking trails. Common Area 10 will be used for buffering and landscaping and will contain Pond No.2. Common Area 11 will contain 3 ball fields, public parking and walking trails. All common areas will be jointly owned by a Homeowners' Association and will be maintained by a professional management company. A sample budget and maintenance plan are contained in this report. :.U ,:'U,'" 'u' :,~ ,,' U ~' U ' o " u. '. ;.0 ".'~' U: o r."'1., ' " ... n. ."" .\~ , ,'0 .:u. :u :'0' , . . . . 'C;. .. I ,,' , ' ., , SAMPLE SINGLE FAMILY HOMifELEVATIONS ' n w o D o o ~ Q" D.., O~~ ::' , ';';,i'\. ':' ,<: C"; :,j , ":', ;:f!'~.i;; 1" U'" ,,\: ~' " Do;; J.~7 w" ~" i" '";,, .' ',i...'_:~ ,d:;\',:,;;.: Oi~:~~") J,'.,: '"..;'"., :'<;.~:,;,'} ~~~,.<,~,;, ~ J \ \ l i- f j ~ r 1 · It. " ,1'; J ~ ~J; . l' 0" 'W ' " u "0 , u " o D", ' . ; , , Q:' , D'", ,~ .0"" U :'0"' , ~J Q :,' ,.~,' . D ,0 " ""U '~""" SAMPLE TOWNHOME ELEVATIONS i I ~ l\ ~ '1 \ I .11 ~ f ~ ~..lL.~ ~. l f !, f \ . it ~ \ ~ 11 Ii j1 \ L: ,~ (~ ~, ~ Jj :~" f j ~,il '~ 1. tV l'.~ ,D' ,.' ,~ . :D . D .' U 'W. . U '0' . U ....D'.. ..... . JJ D o D D D' .. D D.' 10 . . , . . , . RECORDED COMMITMENTS TOAOJOINERS . o D o D o o o D o o o o D D D D o o u 290300126267 FlIed for Record . HAMILTON COUNTY, \~DIANA JENNIFER J HAYDEN 12-22-2003 At 01'~6 pm MISe '25.00' Pittman Partners, Inc., an Indiana Corporation, its nominee or assignee (hereafter, "Owner"), the Contract Purchaser of the real estate located in Hamilton County, Indiana, and described in Exhibit "A" and Exhibit "B" hereto (hereafter, "Real Estate"), makes the following Commitments to the Carmel Plan Commission (hereafter, "Commission"). COMMITMENTS CONCERNING THE USE AND DEVELOPMENT OF REAL ESTATE 1. Descriotion of Real Estate: A. See Exhibit "A" - Legal Description of R-4 Zoned Property B. See Exhibit "B" - Legal Description of R-2 Zoned Property 2. Docket Numbers: 126-03Z and 127-03 Z 3. Statement of Commitments For the Prooertv Described in Exhibits A and B: A. There will not be any pole mounted street lights north of the proposed 136th Street Extension. B. All townhome residential units built will have their own deeded lot and will be limited to the property zoned R-4 as described in Exhibit A. C. All townhome residential units will have an all brick front elevation and all brick side elevations with a bay window on the ends of a row of townhome buildings. All other townhome buildings that are not on the end of a row of buildings will have brick 8 feet up on the ends and the rear (garage side). All townhome units will have a minimum square footage of 1700 square feet. All townhome buildings will have a rear load garages. D. All perimeter landscape treatments will meet the requirements of the Carmel Clay Zoning Ordinance, Section 26.4: Perimeter Buffering Requirements. E. The Owner will install 230' of 6' shadow box fence on the southern property line and 160' of6' shadow box fence on the eastern property line of the residence more commonly known as 13535 Shelborne Road. F. The Owner will install 328' of chain link fence on the north property line and 118' of chain link fence on the east property line of the residence more commonly known as 13549 Shelborne Road. This fencing will serve to replace the existing farm fence on the property line that is in need of repair. G. The Owner will submit an acceptable landscape plan during the Primary Platting process that includes trees that are "balled and burlapped" and 1 0 tree transplanted trees that have a caliper size of 3" to 6" in the bufferyard area that is adjacent to 13535 and 13549 Shelborne Road. These trees will be positioned in exact locations as agreed upon with the owners of these residences. H. The Owner will install new farm fencing along the north property line between the Real Estate and 13881 Shelborne Road in any place where the fencing is missing or in disrepair. . D o o o o D o o o D D D D o U D D D U I. The east property line will have a minimum setback of250' where the townhomes portion of the site is adjacent to Shelbome Park. The perimeter landscaping that separates the townhome portion of the site from Shelbome Park will be landscaped at 1.5 times the Perimeter Buffering Requirements per Section 26.4 of the Carmel Clay Zoning Ordinance. J. The site will be developed utilizing the R-2 and R-4 Zoning Designation utilizing the Residential Open Space Ordinance (ROSO III). K. All residential construction will be limited to detached single family I-story and 2-story homes on the property zoned R-2 as described on Exhibit Band attached 3-story townhomes on the property zoned R-4 as described on Exhibit A. L. All ranch houses will have a minimum of 1200 square feet and will all have white trim. In addition, ranch houses will have a brick front with brick wrap to front door from garage excluding gables. All ranch homes that back up to 136th Street will have a complete brick wrap on the first floor. M. All single family detached homes will have mullions in all windows, all brick fronts 8 feet up, dusk to dawn lights and coach lights. In addition there will be street trees every 40 feet minimum. N. All rear yards that abut exterior roadways will contain at least 1 conifer of at least 6' and 1 deciduous tree of at least 2" caliper O. Owner agrees to follow all erosion control requirements of the Hamilton County Soil and Conservation Service to limit any silt entering into the adjacent drainage system. P. The Owner further commits that the Real Estate could not be utilized as a mobile home park. Q. The Owner further commits that adequate right of way will be provided to allow for a future connection into the undeveloped property to the north. R. The Owner further commits that the Real Estate will not contain more that 80 residential townhomes on the property zoned R-4 described on Exhibit A and 210 single family detached residential homes on the property zoned R-2 described on Exhibit B. S. The Owner commits that as part of this proposal, the Owner will provide 3 regulation size football fields to the Carmel Dads' Club and a minimum of 200 parking spaces as shown on the plans, "Carmel Dads' Club, Burlingame Fields" ("CDC Fields"). The CDC Fields will be designated as Common Area per the Residential Open Space Ordinance and be owned by the Homeowner's Association. The CDC Fields will by leased to the Carmel Dad's Club for 99 years for $1 and other valuable consideration. As part of the lease agreement, the Carmel Dads' Club will be responsible for maintaining the fields in a consistent manner with the other common areas in a first class residential neighborhood. The CDC Fields and parking fields will be built and paid for by the Owners. The CDC Fields will not have night lighting. The Carmel Dad's Club will control the utilization of the CDC Fields, however, when not being used for Carmel Dads' Club activities will be open to the residences on the Real Estate. The Carmel Dads' Club will utilize o D D o D o o o o o u o o o u o o o D the football fields Monday thru Thursday for practices from 5 :30 PM to 7: 15 PM. The fields will not be used on Friday or Sunday. The Carmel Dads' Club agrees to a field management policy of only using 2 of the 3 fields for games on Saturday. Games cannot begin before 8:00 AM or after 5 :00 PM. The Carmel Dads' Club agrees to stagger start times between the two fields with all start times between the fields being a minimum of 30 minutes apart. Staggered start times significantly reduces the number of cars entering the facility at one time. The Carmel Dads' Club commits to providing off duty officers to direct traffic into and out of the football facility during game day. T. The Owner agrees to construct the extension of 136th Street through the Real Estate consistent with the City of Carmel's Thoroughfare Plan. In addition, the Owner further agrees to provide for additional road improvements to Shelbome Road as agreed upon with the City of Carmel and the Hamilton County Highway Department. U. The Owner commits to provide funding in the amount of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) for the realignment of 116th Street and Shelbome Road. y. The Owner commits to submit a primary plat in substantial conformance with the land plan submited for the rezone of this property and attached hereto as Exhibit C. In addition, Owner commits to landscape the common area adjacent to 13881 Shelbome Road in a manner that is consistent with the existing fence row vegetation and will enhance that vegetation and will meet the requirements of the Carmel Clay Zoning Ordinance, Section 26.4: Perimeter Buffering Requirements. W. The Owner commits to amend the traffic study performed by A&F Engineering and dated September of 2003 to include the intersection of the current alignment of 116th Street and Shelbome Road. X. The Owner commits to provide a minimum of six (6), twelve (12) foot tall evergreen trees in the common area directly across from 13850 Shelbome Rd. Said trees will be planted within the common area bounded by the north property line which is adjacent to 13881 Shelbome Road and south 90'. The common area directly across from 13850 Shelbome Road will be professionally landscaped and if a landscape mound is included in the landscape plan, said mound will not be taller than 4'. 5. . Bindin!! on Successors and Assi!!ns: These Commitments are binding on the Owner of the Real Estate, each subsequent Owner of the Real Estate, and each other person acquiring an interest in the Real Estate, unless modified or terminated by the Commission. These Commitments may be modified or terminated from time to time only by a decision of the Commission made after notice and a public hearing as provided by the rules of the Commsssion. 6. Effective Date: The Commitments contained herein shall be effective upon the final adoption and passage into law of an ordinance by the Common Council of Carmel, Indiana reclassifying the Real Estate from the S-1 Residence District o u o D o D o o o o D o o D U U o U D Classification to the R-4 Residence District Classification and the R-2 Residence District Classification and shall remain in effect so long as said ordinance remains in effect. 7. Recordin2: The undersigned hereby authorizes the Secretary of the Commission to record these commitments in the Office of the Recorder of the Hamilton County, Indiana, following the Effective Date. 8. Enforcement: These Commitments are enforceable by the Commission and the City of Carmel, Indiana. o o ! D o o D U U o o D o U U o U U U U Executed this iq tL day of aC'f' fr' ter- , 2003. By' Steve A. Pittman President STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTYOFHAMILTON ) Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State personally appeared, Steve A. Pittman, the President of Pittman Partners, Inc. who acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Commitments. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this /'1 ~ day of /)z.e-.. , 2003. My Commission Expires he . ~-. ~J1' . Residing in Jb4/J'1It.r~ County , \lUr-.3t c. H8LT~ ~t)G~:!tY 1Pub1ic Of,.' ('.-,~.",,",'c....,...,. n.'\"::,~".',,,,.' ')~ 'JOn= ~~l,)i _....JunJi~~.....'.Jl:.::.~~ .0_ _ ~ ~.-t""'~~'~;hfl"l~i ,,0..;, - UO C0~L~! ~~; f.;DS!]Gn~G: i',wl1~~IDn lA'iS -::r~5-1r(/l1?e/-?f'Il"r~r-ec/ 4'1"" '--' . /I /l ,j/ ~ +c- UC /,1. l;7rj/l~q-; P/-lln-v:t'V'I. fJ.~r--i/'7~r s: Po f$c:?,{ S'~ Gr-,n-,e-?, ;;L-/-../ ~'?.F 2 o u o D o U D U D o U o U U o U U U U CONSENT OF OWNER: The undersigned, fee simple owners of the Real Estate, Shelburn Family Limited Partnership, hereby consents to efor g 'ng Commitment Concerning The Use and Develop t of Real tate. ) i . Subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, in and for said County and State personally appeared, Lawson Clark and acknowledged the execution of the foregoing Consent of Owner. WITNESS my hand and Notarial Seal this /9 7'''' day of ~ . , STATE OF INDIANA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF MARION ) My Commission Expire~ . ;Gb ~Pd' Residing in /64-p1IL.:r~/ County , , 2003. VU~~E C.I-JOLT, H:t~0' Pubfic ~~fs" Comrnt:.:.~;JD t:.(Eji~.;~s Ds"c.:mbGr 26, 2003 '" . C;)i.;;~:~~i c;~: :'~;:.i~.~~;[cn u u o D o o o LJ D U o o u u o u u u u EXHIBIT A R-4 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, Township 18 North, Range 3 East, in Hamilton County, Indiana, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of the Northwest Quarter of said Section; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 21 seconds East along the West line of said Northwest Quarter Section 985.08 feet to the North line of the South 30 acres of the West Half of said Northwest Quarter Section and the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence continuing North 00 degrees 03 minutes 21 seconds East along the aforesaid West line 698.74 feet; thence East 205.18 feet; thence South 00 degrees 01 minutes 34 seconds West 112.20 feet; thence South 89 degrees 58 minutes 32 seconds East 372.11 feet; thence South 00 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds East 459.03 feet; thence North 89 degrees 31 minutes 57 seconds East 595.97 feet; thence North 00 degrees 01 minutes 34 seconds East 423.00 feet; thence North 18 degrees 25 minutes 31 seconds East 96.75 feet; thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes 45 seconds East 119.18 feet; thence South 00 . degrees 01 minutes 15 seconds East 637.61 feet to a point on the South 30 acres; thence South 89 degrees 35 minutes 32 seconds West along said North line 1,325.98 feet to the place of beginning, containing or 12.149 acres, more or less. Subject to all legal highways, rights-of-ways, easements and restrictions on record. o u o o o u o o o D o o o u o u o u u EXHIBIT B R-2 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A part of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 29, and a part ofthe Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, all in Township 18 North, Range 3 East, Clay Township, Hamilton County, Indiana, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest comer of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 29; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 21 seconds East along the West line of said Northwest Quarter Section 1,683.82 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this description; thence continuing North 00 degrees 03 minutes 21 seconds East along said West line 390.12 feet to the Southwest comer of the real estate described in Instrument Number 2002-5637 in the Office of the Recorder, Hamilton County, Indiana; thence North 89 degrees 53 minutes 21 seconds East along the South line of said real estate 660.00 feet to the Southeast comer of said real estate; thence North 00 degrees 03 minutes 21 seconds East parallel with the West line of said Northwest Quarter Section and along the East line of said real estate, and the extension thereof, 563.52 feet to the South line of the Southwest Quarter of said Section 20; thence South 89 degrees 40 minutes 15 seconds West along said South line 356.01 feet to the Southeast comer of the real estate described in Instrument Number 87-30669 in said Recorder's Office; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 40 seconds East parallel to the West line of said Southwest Quarter Section and along the East line of said real estate, and the extension thereof, 737.62 feet to the Northeast comer of the real estate described in Instrument Number 88-15016 in said Recorder's Office; thence North 89 degrees 57 minutes 20 seconds West along the North line of said real estate 304.00 feet to the West line of said Southwest Quarter Section; thence North 00 degrees 02 minutes 40 seconds East along said West line 574.14 feet to the Northwest comer of the Southwest Quarter of said Southwest Quarter Section; thence North 89 degrees 39 minutes 07 seconds East along the North line of said Quarter- Quarter Section 1,325.00 feet to the Northeast comer of said Quarter-Quarter Section; thence South 00 degrees 05 minutes 53 seconds West along the East line of said Quarter- Quarter Section 1,314.19 feet to the Northeast comer of the West Half of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 29; thence South 00 degrees 01 minutes 15 seconds East along the East line of said Half Quarter Section 1,010.43 feet; South 89 degrees 58 minutes 45 seconds West 119.18 feet; thence South 18 degrees 25 minutes 31 seconds West 96.75 feet; thence South 00 degrees 01 minutes 34 seconds West 423.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 31 minutes 57 seconds West 595.97 feet; thence North 00 degrees 14 minutes 10 seconds West 459.03 feet; thence North 89 degrees 58 minutes 32 seconds West 372.11 feet; thence North 00 degrees 01 minutes 34 seconds East 112.20 feet; thence West 205.18 feet to the place of beginning, containing 64.277 acres, more or less. Subject to all legal highways, rights-of-ways, easements and restrictions on record. D o o o u u o o ID J U u DL u~~11lD J -DJ ! Jf]1 u jJ uH'1 \J u . I '11f-+-l ~~ D II 1, m~;l:!:1 !I rt1 J ~_ ~;I';I'_ ~ t-1i -, +-1 · 'IT -: I r -~ L- IR +J I I J II I ttrnl,- -, " f I / ~- -',~,I r ~ - +--, ' ,- I I _ -t I [ _ \ ---- 1 I \ L-c , II I ,- '1' ~ , '~'~i I~-LI+=: I -L tb i II t W-- : ern --Lillll I "-'t+- -:f t -- I I I I, -l I >- r--- .\ L_ ~-,) ~_ .,;;;I.J-rm-= I '.: "'" ?Jl~_ , "ZJ= ~rn---1-1! _~ 1- J'- o--r It- "/ '/ -"~ I I I , V ' U I ~~~_ I ---1 Uf ~~ \\\, - ~ r It..J) rt J -l --I I ~ 1 +--l =; 1 - ~'rrl ~; =:I , . -L I ~_(/" '( -=:rll+--I--J-,rt- -_ ~ c ~t E - ! I~ _ I '" II/..... 1, _ I tlJT -L , T ---1- 111~ I R T = ~I'r ,U__ ~ J l\:. / =_. c"'~ 'r - ff~~ ,.--_~ '?h' . '''" e) -, .,.. / '1 I h ' ~ ~ lliwl ::-== -, r I to \ I I I::l: r---, i I I It-., I t: -E : !: ::: \ I 'I 3:j, " :: I R i i III r-: II" '4, '~=+1 1"'=R, :: 'i i~~/ I \ II 1=1 , " 'L -! , , ~ ~t:'i L_-! L__::'. ~'~,m J \_j H~ J t:J ~ ... " _ f-t( . ~ I (1:+ ==... 'i=;~ I ~..~ B''''':'L1'~ l.- I 1,1 J~ I I I - L J ( ,- I I c-- - "r--- ..... 1 I I / ;'.0.' , , ';, : ",.11 . , '. ' . ~ ' ,0 D', Q.., .u u 'U ,w' U W" 0'" ' O. ," . ' u .~a CJ n. . ~' n. .~' .. '. D ;', 'J" -. I ' \ c,: . ,. . , , . ,MAINTENANCEANDOPERATI.DN>PLAN o ,0 ,w D U o D o U o U i D o U o o u u o Maintenance and Operation Plan The maintenance of the common areas will be funded by the dues collected by the Home Owners Association and managed by a professional management company. The next few pages will show a sample budget in place for another project. All of the items listed as concerns under Exhibit B of the Open Space Conservation Plan will be addressed by the management company. These duties include obtaining a staff to perform the maintenance, obtaining the necessary insurance, preparing a budget, and preparing a maintenance schedule. ~,'O'l., .... , . , ' . ..n.' .~ U. ' .'0 .' W U "0" " " ,., Tl ~ '.\ 'U. " U", "", U' , " U' : 0' , ,0.' ::,'U D \ U. . . "., . . .0' ,0, . ,:U --', \ ' - '.- - " ,". .' · 'SAMPLElVlAINTENANCE PLAN ANI) 'BUDGET c:::=J CJ CJ c:J c:=:J c=J CJ CJ CJ L J c:::: CJ c== c=J c:= CJ c=J c:::=J c= Please note that this budget is an estimate based on the information provided. JAN FEB MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEPT OCT NOV DEC ANNUAL roOF BUDGET EXPENSES 105 70 35 105 70 35 105 70 35 105 70 35 INCOME 343 351 8 8 375 8 8 399 8 8 423 8 8 ASSOCIATION FEES 33170 580 280 35438 580 280 37706 580 200 39974 580 315 149683 DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTION 0 0 0 20810 0 0 28373 0 0 8487 0 0 57670 TOTAL INCOME 33170 580 280 56248 580 280 66079 580 200 48461 580 315 207353 EXPENSES MANAGEMENT FEES 1755 1795 1835 1875 1915 1955 1995 2035 2075 2115 2155 2200 23705 14.00% PRINTING OTHER 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 135 1620 1.00% POST AGE OTHER 116 25 25 124 25 25 132 25 25 140 25 25 712 1.00% AMINISTRATIVE OTHER 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 300 0.00% LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL 20 20 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 250 0.00% - TOTAL ADMINISTRA TlVE 2051 2000 2041 2180 2121 2161 2308 2241 2281 2436 2361 2406 26587 INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5500 0 0 0 0 5500 PROPERTY TAX 0 0 0 0 2234 0 0 0 0 0 2234 0 4468 -- TOTAL INSURANCErr AX 0 0 0 0 2234 0 0 5500 0 0 2234 0 9968 ELECTRIC 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 400 4800 3.00% WATER/SEWER 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 322 ~ TOTAL UTILITIES 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 722 SNOW REMOVAL 3550 3550 3550 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3550 14200 8.00% MOWING 0 0 0 4038 4039 4039 4039 4039 4039 4039 4039 0 32311 19.00"10 SHRUB & TREE MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 1569 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 1570 0 12559 7.00% TURF PROGRAM 0 0 0 1258 1258 1258 1258 1258 1258 1258 1258 0 10064 6.00% LANDSCAPING OTHER 0 0 0 3427 3427 3427 3428 3428 3428 3428 3428 0 27421 16.00% POND MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 1733 0 0 0 1733 0 0 0 0 3466 2.00% OTHER GROUD MAINTENANCE 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 773 774 774 774 774 9280 5.00% IRRIGATION 0 0 300 30 30 30 30 30 30 300 0 0 780 ... TOTAL GROUNDS MAINTENANCE 4323 4323 4623 12828 11 097 11097 11098 12831 11099 11369 11069 4324 110081 PLUMBING 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 0 0 200 0 0 400 1.00% BUILDING MAINTENANCE 130 130 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 1570 1.00% I POOL PHONE 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 55 660 1.00% I POOL 0 0 0 0 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 0 0 0 12000 7.00% TOTAL BUILDING MAINTENANCE 185 185 186 186 2786 2586 2586 :- 186 14630 TOTAL EX 0 7572 15916 18960 16566 16714 7638 1 NET INCOME (LOSS) 25889 -6650 -7292 40332 .~ -23300 -1 8 33548 -15992 -7 CURRENT YEAR RESERVE FUND 8293 140 70 8860 1 9994 140 79 NET CASH FLOW 17596 -6510 -7362 31472 -18520 -16356 39938 -23440 -16418 23554 -16132 -7402 I MONTHLY EXPENSE % 4.00% 4.00% 5.00% 9.00% 11.00% 10.00% 10.00% 14.00% 10.00% 9.00% 10.00% 4.00"1. 100.00"/. (EXAMPLE ONLY) o u o o u o u u o o o u o u '0 U D- O o HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION 2001 BUDGET NOTES INCOME: 4001 Association Fees: Association fees of$150.00 quarterly, 553 total lots. Budgeted income based on sales projections as follow (currently 343 lots sold): Total Lots Sold First Quarter 367 24 Second Quarter 391 24 Third Quarter 414 24 Fourth Quarter 440 25 4002 Develover Contribution: Developer funding of association shortfall. The first month of each quarter is based on 90% of the homeowners paying their dues. Pro-rated dues, which are in the second and third months of each quarter, are based on 100% of the homeowner's payment because they are paid out of closing. ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES: . 6001 Management Fee: A montWy fee paid to the management company for their services. Fee is $5.00 per month per lot. Minimum of $500.00 per month. 6016 PrintinJ!: Newsletters, budget packets, invoice payment copies and other correspondence mailings/copies (Annual estimate - $1,620). 6022 Postage: Postage for invoices, newsletters, violation letters and other correspondence (Annual estimate - $721). 6044 Administrative Other: Stationary, envelopes, checks, accounting supplies,Jong distance calls and faxes (Annual estimate - $300). 6602 Legal/Professional: Filing of Federal/State tax returns and legal representation (Annual estimate - $250). u u u o u o u o )U o U o D U o o o o o HOMEWOENERS ASSOCIATION 2001 BUDGET NOTES INSURANCE/T AXES: 6100 Insurance: Liability and property insurance for common areas within the association, including pool, pool house, playground, tennis and basketball court (Annual premium $5,500). 6501 Provertv Tax: Property taxes on common area land, including pool, pool house, playground, tennis and basketball court. Payment in May and November (Estimated at $2,234 a halt). 6510 Taxes: Corporate Federal and State taxes (Estimated at $50). UTILITIES: 6200 Electric: Electricity usage for entryways, pool house and streetlights. Based on 2000 usage (Annual estimate - $4,300). 6209 Water/Sewer: Water and sewer service for irrigation, pool and pool house. Based on 2000 usage (Annual estimate - $3,864). GROUNDS EXPENSES: 6301 Snow Removal Contracted: Snow removal for all streets. Snow removal on one 2 inch to 3.9 inch pull is $1,700 per pull, one 4 inch to 5.9 inch pull is $1,850. Estimated snow removal cost for the 2001 budget 0 $14,200 ($3,550 a month - JanlFeb/Mar/Dec). 6410 Mowinf!: 26 mows to common area grounds at $1,151.22 per mow. Two edgings at $1,190 each. Estimated mowing/edging cost for the 2001 budget - $32,311.72 ($4,039 per month - April through November). 6416 Turf Proflram: Four turf fertilizations at $2,203.00 per application and $1,252.00 for grub control. Estimated turf program cost for the 2001 budget - $10,064.00 (Roughly $1,258 per month - April through November). u o u o o o u u u o u o u U iD o o u o HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA nON 2001 BUDGET NOTES 6423 Shrub/Tree Maintenance: Includes shrub trimming at $1,939, tree pruning at $1,348.67, tree/shrub fertilizer at $4,737.50 and tree/shrub dormant oil at $1,511.55 and two tree/shrub insect control at $1,511.55 each. Estimated shrub/tree maintenance cost for the 2001 budget. $12,559.82 (Roughly $1,570 per month - April through November). 6442 Landscaoe Other: Mulch installation at $6,800, bed edging at $1,996.22, tree ring edging at $1,599.24, mulch herbicide at $1,331, mulch handweed will be done 30 times at $159 per service - $4,770, yard clean-up at $667, annual summer flower installation at $1,235, spring pansies installation at $1,710, fall mum installation at $2,023, overall flow maintenance for the season at $270.00 and additional $5,000 for re-mulch/misc. Estimated landscape other cost for the 2001 budget - $27,421.46 (Roughly $3,428 per month - April through November). 6450. Pond Maintenance: Monitoring of the lakes from April through October. Estimated pond maintenance cost for the 2001 budget - $3,465.00 (Billed $1,733 in April and August). 6490 Ground Maintenance: Litter clean-up in common area and all other miscellaneous jobs not having specific line item. Ground maintenance approximately 4 hours a week at $25.00 an hour, $40 a month for landscape lighting repair and $4,000 miscellaneous expense. Estimated ground maintenance cost for the 2001 budget- $9,280 (Roughly $773 a month - Jan. through Dec.). 6551 Irrigation: Includes spring start-up, maintenance and winterization. Estimated irrigation cost for the 2001 budget - $780. BUILDING MAINTENANCE: 6203 PlumbinJ!: Any necessary plumbing work to the pool house. Winterization of the pool house at $200.00 and spring start-up at $200. Estimated plumbing cost for the 2001 budget - $400 (Cost to occur between April and October). o u u HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA nON 2001 BUDGET NOTES ~l U o o o o o 6206 Building Maintenance: Maintenance to pool house. Approximately $55.00 for general maintenance and $5.00 a month for building light maintenance. $800 miscellaneous. Estimated building maintenance cost for the 2001 budget - $1,570 (Roughly $131.00 a month). 6500 Pool Phone: $55.00 per month service charge. Estimated pool phones - $660.00 ($55.00 a month). 7000 Pool Maintenance: POOL OPENS MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND! Includes opening and closing of the pool, daily visits to chemically treating the pool, pool deck and restrooms. Chemicals and supplies on a will call basis. Estimated pool maintenance cost for the 2001 budget - $12,000 - Price does not include lifeguard or monitors. RESERVE: U Ui o o o o o o o o Reserve Fundinf!: Deposit of 25% of regular assessment to the Reserve. Please note that this budget is an estimate based on the information provided. F / AlFonns/HomeAssocBudget