HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket o D o o D D D D o o o o o o o o o o [J PRELIMINARY SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION & FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS PROPOSED SUBDIVISION 11 (/h STREET AND HAZEL DELL PARKWA Y CARMEL, INDIANA PROJECT NO: S9409 .;, ..... PREPARED BY: ALT & WITZIG ENGINEERING, INC ..' GEOTECHNICAL DIVISION PREPARED FOR: MARK STOUT DEVELOPMENT INDIANAPOLIS, IN JANUARY 3, 2000 Q o o o o o o D o D o o o o o o o o Alt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. 3405 W. 96th Street. Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 (317) 875-7000. Fax (317) 876-3705 January 6, 2000 Mark Stout Development 9702 Pendleton Pike Indianapolis, Indiana 46236 A TTN: Mr. Mark Stout RE; Preliminary Subsurface Investigation & Foundation Recommendations Proposed Subdivision I 16th Street and Hazell Dell Parkway Carmel, Indiana Alt & Witzig File: S9409 Gentlemen: In compliance with your request, we have performed a preliminary subsurface investigation at the above referenced project. It is our pleasure to transmit herewith four (4) copies of our report. The results of our investigation and evaluation indicate that continuous wall footings appear to be the most feasible foundation type for the proposed structures within the uhdisturbed areas of the site. However, some loose soils were encountered along the eastern boundary of the pond. These loose soils appear to have been disturbed during past earthmoving operations of the former gravel pit. It will be necessary to excavate and recompact these soils prior to the construction of homes in this area, Due to past earthmoving operations some disturbed natural soils and loose unsuitable fill materials may be encountered across other portions of the site. Soil Conservation Survey Maps and U.S. Geological Survey Maps indicate that some disturbed areas sl10uld be anticipated in the southern portion of the subdivision (i.e. lots 4 through 7). Thus, it is recommended that all foundation excavations be inspected by a representative of the soils engineer to assure that the materials in the base of the footings are suitable. Wherever unsuitable material is encountered during the excavation of footings, it may be necessary to undercut these areas to suitable bearing materials. Plans indicate that it will be necessary to fill in the eastern portion of the former gravel pit in order to construct Lots 9 through 15. In order to construct these lots it will be necessary to dewater the fonner gravel pit to two(2) feet below the base of the pit. Due to the permeability of the shallow noncohesive soil, a major dewatering process involving deep wells pumping continuously will be necessary. Additionally, this pumping must be maintained during filling operations. Particular attention must be given to the face of the western boundary of these lots(pond side) and any earth slopes. Failure often occurs at the face due to the steepened slopes and inadequate compaction of the material at this location. To assure that the material at the face has been properly compacted, the loose O Offices: Subsurface In~estigatio,,; and Fo.undation Engi,,;eering Cincinnati, Ohio. Louisville, Kentucky Construction Materzals Testmg and Inspection Indianapolis. Evansville. Ft. Wayne. Lafayette. South Bend. Terre Haute, Indiana Environmental Services o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Mark Stout Development January 6, 2000 Page Two material should be excavated and a series of benches should be cut into the dense existing soil. It appears that due to the former gravel pit operations that the materials along the eastern portion of the former gravel pit were disturbedlloosened to depths of greater than fifteen (15) feet below the existing grades. This material must be removed and recompacted prior to placing new fill material. All slopes should be over- built with compacted soils and then cut back to the designed slope. This method will insure that the surface soils are properly compacted and integrate the fill material with the natural soils. Furthermore, the slope face should be protected from erosion. It is recommended that finished slopes be no steeper than 4 to 1 (horizontal to vertical). Erosion conti'ol measUres such as vegetation must be employed as soon as possible in order to maintain the integrity of the slopes. Due to stiffness of the compacted fill material along the edge of the slope; it will be necessary to spread a layer of topsoil along the side slopes to promote the vegetation growth. An erosion grid or mat may also be incorporated in order to protect the vegetation until a sufficient root system may be established. . " . It is critical that a representative of Alt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. be present during all construction and fill ()petations. If residential struCtures with basements are considered within the of the proposed subdivision, it is recommended that the 100 year flood elevation be considered in detennining the basement depths. It is anticipated that the 100 year flood may influence the groundwater level and possibly the drainage of the basements. It should be noted that the groundwater level should be anticipated to fluctuate somewhat depending upon normal seasonal ,"ariations in precipitation and surface runoff. Our borings were performed during dryer portion of the year. Due to the moderately high groundwater level and permeable sands across the western portion of the site, some difficulties should be anticipated if structures with basements are considered within pOltions of this development. In order to minimize the potential for difficulties, it is recommended that the ground floor of the houses be constructed as high as possible. If excavations penetrate the underlying wet sands. major difficulties should be anticipated. It is strongly recommended that basements not be 'constructed within these wet sands due to long-term difficulties with groundwater management. The existing pond located in the central pOltion of the site is a remnant of a former gnivel pit operation. It appears that the existing side slopes and base of the pit is comprised of sand and gravel. Therefore, the pond will not function as a sealed system. Without a liner covering the side slopes, the water elevation within the pond will fluctuate with a rise and fall of the natural groundwater level. o o o o o o D o o D o o o o o o o o D Mark Stout Development January 6, 2000 Page Three Often. because of design and construction details which occur on a project, questions arise conceming the soil conditions. If we can give further service in these matters, please contact us at your convel1lence. \\\\\,\\\.\11W n Hi mUll/IIi; ~~f~\~--\~J:\,,!~~.,..~'Vf"A;~IIF,~'l0 Very truly yours, ~ ,/'(~.""~:(J'\ ~ ri~'~>'<(~/r)~:" l ~~....'" ~v i\k /(:)"":(;)\ AL T & WITZIG ENGINEERING, INe. ~:(Pt':>1.l)t)';;?I"",r,""\ i;'f ~ ~. ~~ ::; .:. .. '~,"h'1U "'""j'1 J: '" \3;:......... .~-~-~\;.f~)'~;"...>!.~~l '. "~ '" . ~. <'<::-')"'<."8 I,~,~~ I':.<.,~' .",''0' Michael A. Rowe, .~%~:;.\!/dn;.;~~.i...~~\\.~~~;?' Project agineer {/~~ . . .qlll/J ,J 1"1, k, \\..~~" , .lliIlHlIlBlll.\\\\\. I SHW,MARlbkm Steven H. Werling, P.~. . 7 o o o o D o o o D o D o o o o D o o D TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE INTRODUCTION .............................. ........ .......... ........... ........... ......... ........ ........... ............. ... ........ ...... 1 DESCRIPTION OF SITE ... ............ ....... ... .......... .......... ........... .......... ......., .......... ............................... 2 FIELD INVESTIGATIONS ........... ....... ................ ................. .................. ........................................... 3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS ....... ..... ............. ......... ..... .......... ........ ............. ................................... 5 FOUNDATION DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................7 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................................... ... .... .... .... 16 SUMMARy......... ....... ........... ...................... ........ .... ........................ .".. .............................................. 18 APPENDIX Recommended Specifications for Compacted Fills and Backfills Boring Location Plan Generalized Fill Placement Illustration Boring Logs General Notes ~ Microsoft Excel Worksheet II: \Rcports. 99\RE D\S9409 .doc '0 o D o o o o o D o o o o o o D o o o PRELIMlNAR Y SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION AND FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS INTRODUCTION General This report presents the results of a preliminary foundation investigation for the proposed subdivision located on the east side of Carmel, Indiana. Our investigation was conducted for Mark Stout Inc. of Indianapolis, Indiana. Authorization to perform this investigation was in the form of a proposal accepted by Mark Stout of Mark Stout Development to Alt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. The scope of this investigation included a review of geological maps of the area; a'review of geologic and related literature; a reconnaissance of the immediate site; performing borings; subsurface. exploration; field and laboratory testing; and engineering analysis and evaluation of the materials. The purpose of this subsurface investigation was to determine the various soils profile components, the engineering characteristics of the subsurface materials and to provide criteria for use by the developers and engineers in evaluating potential construction problems as well as a preliminary design. 1 All & Witzig File: S9409 o o o o o o o D D D o D o o o o o o o DESCRIPTION OF SITE Site Location The site of the proposed residential development is located on the east side of Carmel, Indiana. Specifically, the site is located along the west side of Hazell Dell Parkway, north of the intersection of 1161h Street and Hazell Dell Parkway. The site may be located using the Fishers, Indiana, 7-112 minute quadrangle map in the southwest quarter of Section 33, Township 18 North, Range 4 East. The general vicinity of the site is shown on the enclosed site location map in the appendix of this report. Site Topography and Draina2:e The surface of the site is relatively flat to gently rolling with an approximate relief of five (5) feet or less across. a majority of the site. However, approximately fifteen (15) to twenty (20) feet of relief is associated with the former grayel pit. A portion of the existing relief may be attributed to past earthn10ying operations of the former gravel pit. Few drainage patterns have developed and drainage is primarily along the ground surface into the existing gravel pit. The ground cover across the site at the time of boring operations consisted of grass, weeds, scattered trees, and gravel roads. Some gravel and cobble size material was also observed on the ground along the south and north sides of the pond. Small to medium size trees were located along the northern boundary and in the western portion of the site. The surrounding area is well developed with overhead and underground utilities, paved roadways, and numerous residential structures. A shelter and barbecue pit exist in the northwestern portion of the site. 2 Alt & Witzig File: 59409 o o o o D o o D D o D o o o o D o D o FIELD INVESTIGATION Scope Field investigations to determine the engineering characteristics of the foundation materials included a recollilaissanceof the project site, making borings located as shown on the plot plan, perfOlming standard penetration tests, and obtaining samples retained in the standard split-spoon sampler. The apparent groundwater level at each boring location was also determined. Drilling and Sampling Procedures The soil borings were performed with a drilling rig equipped with a rotary head. Conventional hollow-stem augers were used to advance the holes. Representative samples were Qbtainedemploying split-spoon sampling procedures in accordance with ASTM Procedure D-1586. Field Tests and Measurements Penetration tests. During the sampling procedure, standard penetration tests were performed at regular intervals to obtain the standard penetration value of the soil. The standard penetration value is defined as the number of blows a 140-pound hanlIDer, falling 30 inches, is required to advance the split-spoon sampler-one (1) foot into the soil. The results of the standard penetration tests indicate the relative density and comparative consistency of the soils, and thereby provide a basis for estimating the relative strength and compressibility of the soil profile components. 3 All & Witzig File: S9409 o o o o D D D D D D D D D o D o D D o Water level measurements Water level observations were made during and upon completion of boring operations. These readings are noted on the boring logs presented herewith. In relatively pervious soils such as sandy soils, the indicated elevations are considered reliable groundwater levels. In relatively impervious soils, the accurate determination of the groundwater elevation is not possible in even several days observation. Ground surface elevations Ground surface elevations were not available at the time of our investigation. All depths mentioned in the report are referenced from existing ground surface at each boring location at the time of field operations. 4 Alt & Witzig File: S9409 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 10 SUB SURF ACE CONDITIONS General The types of foundation materials encountered have been visually classified and are described in detail on the boring logs. The results of the field penetration tests, strength tests, water level observations and laboratory water content tests are presented on the boring .logs in numerical form. Representative samples of the soils encountered in the field were placed in sample jars and are now stored in our laboratory for further analysis if desired. Unless notified to the contrary, all samples will be disposed of after three (3) months. Groundwater The groundwater level measurements taken during drilling operations indicated that the ground water levels range from seven (7) to greater than fifteen (15) feet below existing grade. Groundwater level measurements taken upon completion and several hours after the completion of drilling operations indicated that the borings had caved dry at a shallow depth. The exact location of the water table should be anticipated to fluctuate somewhat depending upon normal seasonal variations in precipitation and surface runoff. Groundwater levels may fluctuate with the rise and fall of the water levels within White River. It should be noted that the groundwater level should be anticipated to fluctuate somewhat depending upon normal seasonal variations in precipitation and surface runoff. Our borings were perfonned during what is considered to be the dryer portion of the year. 5 Alt & Witzig File: 89409 . o o o o o o o o D D o D o D o o D o o It appears that the City of Carmel is operating two (2) large volume wells near this site. Based on a conversation with a Carmel City Official, it appears that these wells are producing three million gallons of water a day. It is believed that these wells are producing from an aquifer which influences the groundwater level at the site. The wells may either discontinue pumping due to maintenance or may be abandoned at a later date. Static water levels in these wells have been measured as high as six .(6) feet below existing grade. It is critical that a detailed Hydrogeologic study be performed if basements are to be constructed within the permeable sands across the site. 6 Aft & Witzig File: S9409 o o o o D o D D o D D D o D D o o o D FOUNDATION DISCUSSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Proiect Description It is anticipated that the proposed residential development which is located near the intersection of 1161h Street and Hazell Dell Parkway will consist of residential buildings and paved roadways. The size and configuration of the site and location of the eight (8) soil borings, which were performed at this site, are shown on the enclosed plot plan. It is anticipated that the buildings will be one (1) and two (2) story structures of wood frame construction. At this time, it has not been determined whether basements. will be constructed in any portion of the development. Additionally, the proposed finished floor elevations for-the potential structures were not made available at the time of this report. It is, therefore, assumed that finished floor elevations for any slab-on-grade structures will be established at or slightly above the existing surface elevations. If basements are constructed within the subdivision, it is .estimated that the basements will be constructed seven (7) to eight (8) feet below the existing grade. For our analysis, it is a~sumed that all structures will be lightly loaded with the structural loads transferred to the soils by continuous wall footings. if possible. The wall loads anticipated are in the range of two (2) kips per lineal foot or less. 7 All & Witzig File: S9409 o o o o D o o o o D o o o o o o o o o Foundation Recommendations The soil borings drilled at this site were widely spaced and the materials varied somewhat between boring locations. The following suggestions and considerations are, therefore, somewhat general in nature. These recommendations were developed from the information obtained at the particular boring locations. Soil conditions at other locations on this site may vary and some modifications may be necessary for such areas. Various foundation types have been considered for support of the proposed. residential structures at this site. The foundation types considered included conventional spread and continuous wall footings, extended spread footings, or footings on compacted fill. Shallow Spread Footings..spread footings and continuous wall footings are generally..most economical when the existing soil conditions allow them to be founded at a shallow depth. , Our test borings typically indicate that medium dense to dense fine to coarse grain sand and gravel are the predominate soil type~across the site at a shallow depth in the non-disturbed areas. Generally, these non-cohesive soils were encountered from beneath the topsoil or crushed stone layer and extended to the ten11ination depth of our boring. However, borings performed along the eastel11 boundary of the f0l111er grawl pit encountered very loose to loose sands and gravels. It appears that these soils were disturbed during gravel pit operations. These materials were disturbed and not recompacted in a sufficient manner to support the structural loads of a building. Because of the medium dense non-cohesive materials which are present at this site in the undisturbed areas, conventional footings founded at a shallow depth must be dimensioned using moderate bearing pressures. 8 Alt & Witzig File: S9-109 o o o o D o o o o o ,10 o o o o o o o o In order to minimize settlement between footings, net allowable bearing pressures in the range of 2500 to 3500 psf are anticipated for dimensioning shallow spread footings and continuous wall footings in the non-disturbed areas . The above recommended bearing pressures are assuming the footings are founded on medium dense natural soils or on compacted structural fill at a shallow depth below the finished grade. It is anticipated that all interior footings may be founded at a nominal depth below the finished floor slab. In order to alleviate the effects of seasonal variation in moisture content on the behavior of the footings and eliminate the effects of frost action, all exterior foundations should be founded a minimum of three (3) feet or greater below the final grade. Due to past earthmoving operations some disturbed natural soils and loose unsuitable;. fill materials'will be encountered across-portions of the site. Thus, it is recommended that all foundation excavations be inspected by a representative of the soils engineer to assure that the materials in the base of the f()odngs are suitable. Wherever unsuitable, matetialis; encountered during the excavation of tootings, it may be necessary to . undercut these areas to . suitable bearing materials. If it is not convenient to lower the footings to the level of suitable bearing materials, then the footing areas can be re-established to the proposed footing elevation by placing granular structural fill or by placing a lean concrete. Using approved materials, it is recommended that a density of 93 percent maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D-1557 be achieved in all areas which will be stressed by the foundation loads. In some areas of the site. a well compacted structural fill may be necessary to raise the building pad to the desired grade. The till materials should be approved by the soils engineer and 9 All & Witzig File: S9409 (j)~~kAA4( ~ ~ ~+-thu~-+r' ~ 0~~~~~~(j C ~ ~;,~ 1I~~1I ~J?6~4>flr U ~ ?~. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U W ii Q ~ I o o Q i' llkrXt ~ r~ ~ /'1/< \ I ( ~. ~ ~ :P~. ~b r 1. S'\) ~ 1qG / 1]d ~ ~~ b.~.r~ o o D D D D D o o a o D o o D a -D -0 U may consist of either granular or cohesive soils. Most on-site soils with the exception of topsoil materials, appear suitable for construction of the structural fill if proper moisture contents of the material and compaction procedures are maintained. After the building areas have been raised to the proper elevation, a free draining fill should be placed immediately beneath the floor slab. It is recommended that all materials placed in the floor slab areas be compacted to a density of 93 percent of maximum dry density in accordance with ASTM D-1557. Recommendations for proper stripping, proofrolling and filling procedures are presented in the Appendix of this report. -- -- .. - .. ~ LOT 8 through Lot 15 The existing pond located in the central portion of the site is a remnant of a fom1er gravel pit operation: Plans indicate that it will be necessary to fill in the .eastem portion of the former gravel pit.in order to construct Cots.ej tY;o~gkI5~ In Q.rd~r to construcDhes-e Lots"it \\'ill be - --~- -, - :...:1~cess~1:Y-to d~wat~r- ~ fui-metgravel p~;two (2) feet bel9~the jJas~ ofthe' pit. Due _toth~ tperiTieabiiity of the shallow-nOllcQ!1esive soil, a major dewatering process inyolving.deep-.:ve'lli. - . - . - .....pumping continuouslyc.will be neces.sary. Additionally, this pumping must be maintained during tilling operations. - - - - --; /P'~ll!ic21l~ atten]on m~~-be giventO. tl1e!~e=oi the ;yestem boun9~ry of these lots{pond - sjde) ~P<.!. ~ny eali!1 ~lopes~ Failure often occurs at the face due to the steepened slopes and inadequate compaction of the material at this location. To assure that the material at the face has been properly compacted, the loose material should be excavated and a series of benches should be cut into the dense existing soil. It appears that due to the former gravel pit operations that the materials along the eastern pOliion of the former gravel pit were disturbed/loosened to depths of greater than fifteen (15) feet below the existing grades. This material mLlst be removed and recompacted prior to placing new fill material. All slopes should be over-built with compacted soils and then cut back to the designed 10 All & Witzig File: 59./09 0 D D 0 0 D 0 0 0 0 D . . 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 slope. This method will insure that the surface soils are properly compacted and integrate the fill material with the natural soils. Furthermore, the slope face should be protected from erosion. It is recommended that finished slopes be no steeper than 4 to I (horizontal to vertical). If steeper slopes are required the use of a geogrid within the fill material may be considered. Erosion control measures such as vegetation must be employed as soon as possible in order to maintain the integrity of the slopes. Due to stiffness of the compacted fill material along the edge of the slope, it \\fill be necessary to spread a layer of topsoil along the side slopes to promote the vegetation growth. An erosion grid or mat may also be incorporated in order to protect the vegetation until a sufficient root system may be established. It is critical that a representative ofAlt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. be present during all construction and fill operation. Recommended Foundation Types for this Site When the foundation types -discussed herein are considered, conventional shallow spread footings and continuous walLfootings appear to be the mostfeasible foundation type for anticipated lightly loaded structures within the non disturbed areas. Special consideration will be necessary to remove all loose soils in the eastem portion of the site and to properly construct the proposed slopes. Parameters have been given which may be used in the preliminary design of foundations for this project. When the grading plans, design floor elevations, and other pertinent design information are available for this project, they should be brought to the attention of the soils engineer so that he may determine if changes in the preliminary recommendations are required. These borings are needed to substantiate and verify the subsurface conditions encountered in this preliminary investigation. 11 All & Witzig File: S9409 o o o D o o o o o o D o o o u o o Q o Basement Considerations Due to the moderately high groundwater level and permeable sands across the eastern portions of the site, difficulties should be anticipated if structures with basements are plalmed for the portions of the development. In order to minimize the potential for difficulties, it is recommended that the ground floor of the houses be constructed as high as possible. If excavations penetrate the underlying wet sands, major difficulties should be anticipated. It is strongly recommended that basements not be constructed within these wet sands due to long-term difficulties with groundwater management. It should be noted that the groundwater level should be anticipated to fluctuate somewhat depending upon normal seasonal variations in precipitation and surface runoff. Our borings were performed during what is considered to .be the dryer portion ofihe year. Therefore, the water level readings may be several feet lower than would be anticipated in the wetter portion of the year or if . . the pumping was discontinued. I f residential structures with basements are consider,ed the proposed subdivision. it is recommended that the 100 year flood elevation be considered in determining the basement depths. It is anticipated that the 100 year flood may influence the groundwater level and possibly the drainage of the basements. In addition to the 100 year flood elevation and construction dewatering, it appears that the City of Cannel is operating 1'."'0 (2) large volume wells near this site. Based on a conversation with a Carmel City OfficiaL it appears that these wells are producing three million gallons of water a day. It is believed that these weBs are producing from an aquifer which will influence the groundwater level at the site. The wells may either discontinue pumping due to maintenance or may be abandoned at a later date. Static water levels in these weBs have been measured as high as six (6) feet below existing grade. 12 Alt & Witzig File: S9409 o '1 W D D o o o o Q o o o o Q o Q o D o o o o o o o o o 10 o o o o o o o o o o 14 All & Witzig File: 89409 o o o '0 o o o a o o o o o o Q o o o o Dewatering for the placement offill material In order to construct the fill material and install a liner, it will be necessary to install several large volume dewatering wells to lower the groundwater level a minimum of two (2) feet below the base of the excavations. In order to lower and maintain the groundwater level, it will be necessary that the wells pump continuously. Therefore, it is recommended that these pumps be supplied by an electrical source. It should be noted that the dewatering of the gravel pit wiD effect the groundwater in the lake located directly west of the site. 15 All & Witzig File: S9409 . o o o o o 10 o o o o o o o o o o o o o CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS Site Preparation Excessively organic topsoil and loose dumped fill material on the site generally undergo high volume changes which are detrimental to the behavior of shallow foundations, floor slabs, and pavement. Therefore, it is recommended that excessively organic topsoils and loose materials be stripped from the construction areas and wasted or stockpiled for later use. Our test borings . indicate that stripping on the order of seven (7) to nine (9) inches in most areas should be adequate to remove vegetation and loose soils. However, borings indicate that up to twelve (12) inches may be encountered in some areas of the site (especially the wooded areas). Variations in the topsoil thickness and fill materials should be anticipated due to past earthmoving operations. 8.dditional undercutting may be necessary to remove loose fill materials. The exact depth of stripping should be detemlined by a representative of the soils engineer in the field at. the time of. the.. stripping operations. It is recommended that after the above mentioned stripping has been perfomled. the exposed subgrade should be proofrolled with approved equipment. This proofrolling will detemline where soft unsuitable materials are encountered. Where soft unsuitable materials are encountered, they should be removed and replaced with a well compacted material. It is recommended that a representative of the soils engineer be present for an inspection during the proofrolling phase of this project. After the existing sub grade soils are excavated to design grade, proper control of subgrade compaction and fill, and structural fill replacement should be maintained by a representative of the 16 Alt & Witzig File: 59409 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o soils engineer as per the "Recommended Specifications for Compacted Fills and Backfills", presented in the Appendix of this report; thus minimizing volume changes and differential' settlements which are detrimental to behavior of shallow foundations, floor slabs and pavements. Groundwater Because of the moderately low groundwater level on the western portion of the site, little difficulties during excavation and construction of shallow foundation might be anticipated. Placing the foundations as shallow as possible will assist in minimizing these difficulties. Depending upon the time of the year that the excavations are made, seepage from surface runoff may occur into shallow excavations. Since these foundation materials tend to loosen when exposed to free water, every effort should be made to keep the- excavations dry should groundwater be encountered; <A gravity drainage system, sump'purnps,.or other conventional minor dewatering procedures should be sufficient for this purpose in the shallow clays. It is also recommended that all concrete for footings be placed the same day as the excavation is made. However, if excavations penetrate into the underlying wet sand, major difficulties should be anticipated. Considerable dewatering should be anticipated during the installation of utility lines. 17 Alt & Witzig File: S9409 o o D o o o o o o o 0,1 o o o o o o o o SUMMARY A preliminary exploration and evaluation of the foundation conditions has been conducted for the proposed residential development located in the east portion of Carmel, Indiana. Preliminary foundation design criteria have been suggested and possible design and construction problems have been discussed. The exploration and analysis of the foundation conditions reported herein is considered in sufficient detail and scope to form a reasonable basis for site evaluation. The recommendations submitted are based on the available soil information and the preliminary design details fumished by the developer of this property. Any revision in the plans for the proposed structures from those enumerated in this report should be brought to the attention. of the soils. engineer so that he may determine if changes in the preliminary recommendations are required. When final building sizes, designs, and locations are determined, additional field and laboratory tests and engineering evaluation should be performed to substantiate the results of this preliminary investigation. Additionally, it is critical that a detailed hydrogeologic study be performed if basements are to be constructed within the permeable sands across the site. 18 Alt & Witzig File: S9:109 o o o o o o o u o o o o o o D o o o '0 APPENDIX o o o o o o o o o D o o o o o o !D o o RECOMMENDED SPECIFICATIONS FOR COMPACTED FILLS AND BACKFILLS All fill shall be fonned from material free of vegetable matter, rubbish, large rock, and other deleterious material. Prior to placement of fill, a sample of the proposed fill material should be submitted to the soils engineer for his approval. The fill material should be placed in layers not to exceed eight (8) inches in loose thickness and should be sprinkled with water as required to secure specified compactions. Each layer should be uniformly compacted by means of suitable equipment of the type required by the materials composing the fill. Under no circumstances should a bulldozer or similar tracked vehicles be used as compacting equipment. Material containing an excess of water so the specified compaction limits cannot be attained should be spread and dried to a moisture content which will permit proper compaction. All fill should be compacted to the specified percent of the maximum density obtained in accordance with ASTM density Test D:-1557 (93 percent of maximum dry density below the base of footing elevation, beneath floor slabs, in pavement areas, . and. above the sewer line). Should the results of the in-place density tests indicate that the specified compaction limits are not obtained, the areas represented by such tests should be reworked and retested as required until the specified limits are reached. o a o D D D o D D o a ~ D o D D a o D e,ORI N G LOCA TION PLAN ! i ~i ! ITTTTIIi \ " -. I --I --I --I --I-a, --1--\-- \ -- \ .J - \ - __1::1__1--1_1 --I --1-1-1--' I I I I I I I I I I I I I / I) ~ ---: 1.90 L -4 PREPARED FOR: PREPARED BY: Mark Stout Development 1t Alt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. PROJECT NAME PROJECT NO DATE Proposed Subdivision S9409 1/00 Scale: r=J t=J EJ CJ r:=J - LJ - CJ CJ r=:J t=J - CJ - t=J r::=J c=J EJ t=J r=:J CJ t=J GENERALIZED FILL PLACEMENT ILLUSTRATION ~;~ -j Existing Slope Not to Scale PROJECT NAME Proposed Subdivision ~ PREPARED BY: Alt& Witzig Engineering, Inc. PREPARED FOR: Mark Stout Development PROJECT NO. DATE 89409 1/00 o o RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION *' o Alt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. o CLIENT Mark Stout PROJECT NAME Proposed Subdivision LOCATION Carmel, Indiana Boring # B-1 Alt &' Witzig File No. 89409 o Date Started 12/17/99 Hammer WI 140 Ibs. Date Completed 12/17/99 Hammer Drop ~ In Ql > 'in Boring Method HSA Spoon Sampler ca ~ in Z en :;; Ql uf c.. 1iJ Ql E E r 0 e c U 1iJ .2 "0 c ~ en ~ Ql Ql c SOIL CLASSIFICATION Ql ~ c Q. 1iJ -= 1iJ Ql :;; C C C ~ Ql 0 -'" STRATA Ql C. 0 ~ (2 iiI Q.- 0 0 0 iij ~ c 0 U III ELEV 0 Ql Z "E 8 2f; Q. Ql ~ m 0 Ql Ql Ql "0 ]] :; (ij SURFACE ELEVATION J: J!! a. a. c ~g> 2 E C. E. E E ::l iii ~ 0 . Ql 0 Q) Ql t1l t1l t1l ::l ~ 0. 0 iii m fJJ l5 mID aiii Q. ::;: 0:: ....... ~..... ....... - "'''''0 ~~.:~i Brown dry fine SAND and GRAVEL - - '-_"'0. ....... 1 SS 24 ....... ~ ....... ".... 4.0 - ....... ~ __5 - 2 SS 23 Gray dry Silty SAND ~ - . . . ~ - ~ 3 SS X 23 - ~ __ 10 - 4 SS X 19 '.. ./ - 12.0 t Brown dry medium SAND and GRAVEL - 5 SS X 31 - 15 - 16.0 6 SS X 32 - Boring Terminated at 16.0 feet - - ~ - - - - - ~ ~ onno e 0 DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION o o o o o o o o o D o D o HSA - Hollow Stem Augers CFA - Continuous Flight Auger DC - Dnvlng Casing MD - Mud Drilling GROUNDWATER SL At Completion C- ft -1 After hours ft o Water on Rods DRY ft. SS - Driven Split Spoon ST - Pressed Shelby Tube CA - Continuous Flight Auger RC - Rock Core CU - Cuttings o Paoe of o D RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 1fl o Alt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. o CLIENT Mark Stout PROJECT NAME Proposed Subdivision LOCATION Carmel, Indiana Boring # Alt & Witzig File No. B-2 S9409 o DRIlliNG and SAMPLING INFORMATION Date Started 12/17/99 Date Completed 12/17/99 Boring Method HSA Hammer WI 140 Hammer Drop ~ Ibs in. ~ in Z VJ 0; W ~ a. Q:j VJ w E E I- 0 e c () Q:j 0 "0 c *" VJ ~ W w 2 c: 0.. C Q) "" Q) w c c: C Q) .r::: w Q) 0 """ Q. 0 a. 0.._ 0 0 0 (ij ~ c: 0 () I/l 0 w Z "0 0 2E 0.. w .:.t: CI) 0 Q) Q) ~ 0 rn Ill"" :; .r::: III a. a. ~~ 2~ !!J in E Q. ~ E E . w Q) III III :J ~ a. '6 Ql O. il5 CI) CI) CI) lD. ail5 0.. :2 0:: 0.3 SS 24 4.0 4.0 5 2 SS 32 ,. 3 SS 16 10 4 SS 16 5 SS 25 15 16.0 6 SS 24 o Spoon Sampler 00 ~ In o SOIL CLASSIFICATION STRATA ELEV. SURFACE ELEVATION Q ....... ....... ........ ...... ....... .;.~.::.... ~~~~: Brown dry fine SAND and GRAVEL ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .-."'.. ...-::--:- ...... -:::!:... ....... ....... ....... ~~~~~ ..-,,-. :::;::: ....... ~~~~~ ....... ...... ....... -=:"-=:,,.. , Brown Clayey SILT with Organics (Topsoil) o D o o Boring Terminated at 16.0 feet o o D o o onnq e 0 HSA - Hollow Stem Augers CFA - Continuous Flight Auger DC - DrivIng Casing MO - Mud Drilling Ie \0 o GROUNDWATER SL At Completion C-9.5 ft. ~ After hours ft 0 Water on Rods DRY ft. SS - Driven S~;': Spoon 5T - Pressed S-elby Tube CA - Continuo'",:~ ~1i9ht Al..:;er RC - Rock Core CU - Cuttings o Paoe of ] J RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION D 1r Alt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. o CLIENT PROJECT NAME LOCATION Mark Stout Proposed Subdivision Carmel, Indiana Boring # B-3 Alt & Witzig File No. S9409 D DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION o Date Started 12/17/99 Hammer WI. 140 Ibs. Date Completed 12/17199 Hammer Drop ~ in. ., .~ Ul Boring Method HSA Spoon Sampler 00 ~ in. Z Ul ~ ., ., iif a. Gi ., E E I- 0 e c () Gi 0 "U *- :;::; c Ul ., ., SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0 E c a. i:' ~ Gi "" Gi ., Iii c c i:' .c ~ 0 :>< STRATA ., 0 l5 ~ ., 0 0 0 m a. ?:" a._ c 0 () III ELEV 0 ., Z "U 0 :J.c a. ., ~ m 0 ., ., ~ ~ 0 in "U jl ~~ 2 :; SURFACE ELEVATION .c III a. a. c E a. ~ E E E :J , .,. in .. .. ., III III 8l e :J ~ c- '0 Ql 0 1i5 m m C) miD aU) a. :;; n:: :.-:;.:: ~~~~~ Brown SAND and GRAVELwith Cobbles' -::.-:i.~ - -::..!f.~ -:~-:~~ (Disturbed.soils) 1 SS X 5013" ~,,~~~ 4.0 - I., ~~~~~ Brown and Black SAND and GRAVEL witli a trace _5 - f--- ~~~~~ of Clay . 2 SS X 61 ........ - "...... "":}-:" I 7.0 IBrown Silty CLAY with Sand - 3 SS X 15 1.0 13.0 9.0 - _ 10 - f--- 4 5S X 23 Brown dry firm coarse SAND - 14.0 ....... _ 15 - -:~-:~~ .::.-=:.-. Brown dry fine SAND and GRAVEL 5 55 X 27 "..".. 16.0 - Boring Terminated at 16.0 feet bOnnQ Me moa o o o o D o o o o o o o HSA - Hollow Stem Augers CFA - Continuous Flight Auger DC - DriVing Casing MD - Mud Dnlllng SL -X- o GROUNDWATER At Completion C-9.0 After hours . Water on Rods DRY ft. ft ft. SS - Driven Split Spoon ST - Pressed Shelby Tube CA - Continuous Flight Auger RC - Rock Core CU - Cuttings o o o RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 1r D Alt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. o CLIENT Mark Stout Inc. PROJECT NAME Proposed Subdivision LOCATION Carmel, Indiana Boring # 8-4 AIt & Witzig File No. 89409 D o Date Started 12/17/99 Hammer WI. 140 Ibs. Date Completed 12/17/99 Hammer Drop ~ in. QJ > 'ijj Bonng Method HSA Spoon Sampler 00 ~ in. Z '" Qj QJ -' li. Qj '" QJ E E I- a e c () Qj .Q " c ;$. '" m QJ QJ SOIL CLASSIFICATION 0 ~ c 0. C ~ "" Qj QJ Qj C C C QJ a STRATA QJ .t::. ~ f~ m QJ 0 .:.: 0 fti a. 0 0.- c 0 U Vl 3: a ELEV 0 QJ Z Qj " a ::l.t::. 0. QJ ~ m 0 ., QJ ~ a Iii -g m1l:: ~~ 'jj :; SURFACE ELEVATION .t::. m 0. 0. -g ~ E a. ~ E E E ::l , .QJ Iii a .B.Q '0 Ql QJ m m 8l i5 ::l ~ a. 0 en m m mal aen 0. ::;; a::: - - - Brown' fine SAND (Disturbed Soils) - 1 SS X 8 - ,{i - _5 - - 2 SS X 4 - - .7.0 I ....... I-- ,/'-"'- 3 SS 4 .""'.... "- ,/'.... ....... - ...... ....... ~ 10 .-.",. Gray wet fine SAND and GRAVEL(Disturbed Soils) - ....... - ..."'. I- 55 1 ....... 4 ",.",. ~~~~~ I- - ....... ~ - ".JO. ....... 5 5S 2 -::.-::.. I- 0 "'.... - ....... 5~~~~ ~ 15 - - I- 6 5S 7 ;.~ 16.0 - Boring Terminated at 16.0 feet - - - - - - - - ,.. "- - - - onnQ e 0 ,., DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION o D D D D D o o D o o o HSA ' Hollow Stem Augers CFA ' Continuous Flight Auger DC - Dnving Casing MD - Mud Drilling GROUNDWATER 5Z- At Completion C-7.0 It. ~ Alter hours It. o Water on Rods 13.5 It. SS - Driven Split Spoor. ST, Pressed Shelby Tu~e CA ' Continuous Flight ~Clger RC ' Rock Core ClI ' Cuttings o Page of o o RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 1Jr o Alt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. o CLIENT Mark Stout Inc. PROJECT NAME Proposed Subdivision LOCATION Carmel, Indiana Boring # 8-5 All & Witzig File No. S9409 o Date Started 12/17/99 Hammer Wt..140 Ibs. Date Completed 12/17/99 Hammer Drop ML in. Q) .~ '" Boring Method HSA Spoon Sampler 00 ~ in. z '" iii Q) iii a. Cij Q) E E ~ 0 e <: () Cij .Q "0 <: ;f- III ~ Q) Q) SOIL CLASSIFICATION ~ <: a. C -a Cij "" Cij Q) tv <: <: C .c: Q) r~ Q) 0 .>:: STRATA Q) a 0 ~ iii a._ 0 0 0 0; ~ <: 0 () 11l ELEV. 0 Q) z ~ "0 0 :l.c: a. Q) .:c. rn 0 Q) Q) ~ 0 m "0 "''''' - - "Pi :s SURFACE ELEVATION .c: '" a. a. <: -g ~ ~~ E a ~ E E E :J iii Q) '" '" ~ e ,S.Q :J ~ a. .0 QJ 0 U5 rJJ rJJ Cl rJJaJ aU5 a. ::;; 0:: ....... ".... ....... - . .".. ....... ...... - ....... - ".~. ....... 1 SS X 10 ..... - ~~!~: Gray SAND and GRAVEL(Disturbed Soils) I-- ".... - ....... _5 t-- ...... ---:-- ....... SS[)( 5~~~. 2 7 ....... - I-- ...... ....... "'..... - t-- - 3 SS[)( 6 I-- !~!~~ - ~ JO."'. 10 10.0 t-- SS[)( 0 ~~!~~ . 4 4 ....... - I-- ....... Gray wet fine to medium SAND and GRAVEL ~~~~~ - t-- ....... (Disturbed Soils) 5 SS 4 ....!'. - ....... ...... I-- ....... ~~5S. - _ 15 - .. - ....... 6 SS 8 ...... ....... 16.0 ",."... - Boring Terminated at 16.0 feet - - l- I-- l- I- l- I- I-- l- I- .- l::lonnQ Me Od DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION o o o o o o o o o D o o o HSA - Hollow Stem Augers CFA - Continuous Flight Auger DC - Driving Casing MD - Mud Drilling .sz. .1 o GROUNDWATER At Completion C-6.0 After hours Water on Rods 10.0 ft. ft. ft. S5 - Driven Split Spoon ST - Pressed Shelby Tube CA - Continuous Flight Auger RC - Rock Core CU - Cuttings o Parle of o o RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION t Alt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. o o CLIENT Mark Stout Inc. PROJECT NAME Proposed Sub division LOCATION Carmel, Indiana Boring # Alt & Witzig File No. 8-6 89409 D DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION Date Started 12/17/99 Hammer Wt. 140 Ibs. Date Completed 12/17/99 Hammer Drop ~ in. Boring Method HSA Spoon Sampler OD Z- in. SURFACE ELEVATION ~ > '0; Z Ul Q; QJ ~- a. 1ii E E I- 0 2 c 0 1ii .Q "C C '$ Ul 1i1 Q) QJ !.! c 0.. C Qj "" Q) Q; c 1ii QJ C 8 c ~ QJ .>< OJ 0. c;j 0- m 0..- 0 0 ~ ~ ~ c 0 0 III Q) Z u 0 ::>~ 0.. ~ en 0 QJ QJ U ~ 0 ~t>> QJ iii ~ III 0. 0. c "''''' ] :; 0. 1i1 E E " -g ~ ' ai "'iii E OJ '" '" e jg..Q " ~ Q. 0 QJ a Ci5 en en " enro oCi5 0.. ::;; 0:: 15 5 2 7 3 6 9.0 10 4 2 5 6 15 16.0 6 5 o o SOIL ClASSIFICATION STRATA ELEV o ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... -::.-::... ~~~~: Gray frneSAND and GRAVEL(Disturbed Soils) :::,.-:: . ....... JO..... ....... .::"":,,.. ,/'..... ~~~~~ ;.:::.-:- ....... -::,.-::... !:.-::.. rI':"': o o Gray wet fine to medium SAND and GRAVEL (Disturbed Soils) ,,-::::: . ....... -::.-::".. ....... ....... ..-"'- {~~~~ o o Boring Terminated at 16.0 feet o o D o o onnq e 0 HSA - Hollow stem Augers CFA - Continuous Flight Auger DC - Driving Casing MD - Mud Drilling GROUNDWATER SL At Completion C-6.0 It. ~ After hours ft, o Water on Rods 9.0 ft, SS - Driver, Split Spoor ST - Press"j Shelby Tue" CA - Contlr~ous Flight "'-elger RC - Rock Core CU - Cuttings o o Page of o D RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION t Alt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. o o CLIENT Mark Stout Inc. PROJECT NAME Proposed Subdivision LOCATION Carmel, Indiana Boring # B-7 All & Witzig File No. S9409 o DRILLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION Date Started 12/17/99 Date Completed 12/17/99 Boring Method HSA D Hammer WI. 140 Ibs. Hammer Drop ML in. !1; 'in Spoon Sampler 00 Z- In. Z '" ii; <ll 1if Ci di <ll E E t- o e c u ;:; g 'tJ C * '" ~ <ll <ll c SOIL CLASSIFICATION Q c 0.. -;:; -= -;:; <ll C <ll C 0 C <ll ~ C. <ll 0 .x 0 a. 0 0.._ 0 ~ ~ c 0 U If) <ll Z 'E 0 :l~ 0.. ~ ~ VJ 0 <ll <ll ",,g ~g Iii ~ '" c. C. !J ::> SURFACE ELEVATION a. ~ E E -g ~ ' <ll en E <ll '" '" '" 0 ::> ~ c. '0 OJ 0 Ui VJ VJ U51Ii cUi 0.. :;; 0::: 1.0 D D STRATA ELEV. D o 5 2 SS 7.0 3 SS 10 10.0 4 12.5 5 SS 15 153 6 . 2.0 13.4 o 3.0 14.4 0.5 24.0 o ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... , ...... ....... ....... ....... ;~;~. Gray wet SAND and GRAVEL ....... ...... ....... ."..". ....... "'."'" ....... .".",. ....... ...... ....... ....... ....... "'0"'- ....... ..."'.. ....... ...... ....... .".."'. ....... "."." ....... 20 7 SS 14 D D 25 26.0 8 SS 27 Boring Terminated at 26 feet D D o onna e 0 HSA - Hollow Stem Augers CFA - Continuous Flight Auger DC - Dnving Casing MD - Mud Drilling SL -1 o GROUNDWATER At Completion After hours Water on Rods 15.0 ft. ft. ft. SS - Driven Split Sp~:n ST . Presseo Shelb) .,. ~be CA - Contln~ous FII~-., Auger RC - ROCk Core CU . Cuttings o o Page .. u. o o RECORD OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION 1r Alt & Witzig Engineering, Inc. D D CLIENT Mark Stout Inc. PROJECT NAME Proposed Subdivision LOCATION Carmel, Indiana Boring # 8-8 All & Witzig Fife No. 59409 o Date Started 12/17/99 Hammer WI. 140 Ibs. Date Completed 12/17/99 Hammer Drop ~ in. ~ 'iij Boring Method HSA Spoon Sampler 00 ~ in z '" Qj <lI in a. 0; <lI E E I- 0 e c u OJ .2 u c: *- '" ~ <lI <lI SOIL CLASSIFICATION Q c: 0.. C 1'; Qj -= Qj <lI Qj c: c: C ~ <lI !'! <lI 0 "" STRATA <lI Q. iil 0 0 n; a. 0 0.._ c: 0 f/l ~ ~ 0 u ELEV 0 <ll Z * u 0 ::>~ 0.. <ll .:.:. (/) 0 ~ 0 Iii <ll <ll U "'''''' 'Eg> 2 :; SURFACE ELEVATION ~ '" Q. Q. c: -g ~ E a. ~ E E E ::J , <lI in <ll '" '" '" 0 19.2 ::J ~ Q. '0 OJ 0 1i5 (/) (/) t5 (/)(IJ o1i5 0.. ::;; a:: ~ '-.... Stone and Gravel /' 0.4 .. Brown' SAN D with some gravel - 1 SS 12 - , 5 5.0 - 2 SSX 14 - Brown dry fine SAND c-- .' '. i" 7.8 3 SS X 26 - _ 10 - " 10.5 4 SSX 28 ;.:~. - ....... -::.-::.... Brown dry SAND and GRAVEL - { ....... 5~~S; 5 S5 X 40 ;,:::::: - ~~~~~ _ 15 15.3 - ~ Grav Clayey SilT with Sand 16.0 6 SS X 44 4.0 - Boring Terminated at 16.0 feet f--- - ~ .... ~ - - ,.- ~ .... - ,... - f- ~ -' onno e 0 : DRilLING and SAMPLING INFORMATION D D o D o o o D D o D o o HSA - Hollow Stem Augers CFA - Continuous Flight Auger DC - Dnvlng Casing MD - Mud Drilling GROUNDWATER ..sz. At Completion ~ After hours o Water on Rods ft ft ft. S5 - Driven S~,t Spoon ST - Pressed 5nelby Tube CII - Continue.5 Flight Auger RC - Rock en, CU - Cuttings o Page of D D o o o o D o o D o o o D D o o o o GENERAL NOTES SAMPLE IDENTIFXCATrON The Unified Soil Classification System is used to . identify the soils unless otherwise noted. SOXL PROPERTY SYMBOLS N: Standard aN" penetration: Blows per foot of a 140-pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2 inch O.D. split-spoon Qu: Unconfined Compressive Strength, TSF Qp: Penetrometer value, unconfined compressive strength, TSF Mc: Water content, % LL: Liquid Limit, % Pl: Plastic Limit, % Dd: V Natural Dry Density, PCP -' - . Apparent groundwater level at time noted aft~rcompletion DRXLLING AND SAMPLING SYMBOLS SS: Split-spoon - 1 3/8" LD., 2" O.D., except where noted ST: Shelby~tube - 3" O.D., except where noted AU: Auger sample DB: Diamond bit CB: Carbide bit WS: Washed Sample RELATIVE DENSITY AND CONSISTENCY CLASSIFICATION TERM (NON-COHESIVE SOILS) BLOWS PER FOOT Very loose Loose Firm Dense Very dense 0-4: 5 - 10 11 - 30 31 - 50 Over SO TERM (COHESIVE SOILS) Ou (TSF) Very soft Soft. Medium Stiff Very stiff Hard o - 0.25 0.25 - 0.50 0.50 - 1.00 1.00 - 2.00 2.00 - 4.00 4.00 + PARTICLE SIZE Boulders 8 in. + Cobbles 8 in.-3in. Coarse Sand 5mm-0.6mm Medium Sand O.6mm-O.2mm Silt O.74mm-O.005mm Clay -O.005mm ,...-~,.~ , "" :- ...: