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Drainage Report
STORMWATER DRAINAGE REPORT Old Meridian & Main DEVELOPER: Edward Rose & Sons 11611 N Meridian St #800, Carmel, IN 46032 Carmel, Indiana 46032 PREPARED BY: HWC Engineering 135 N Pennsylvania St Indianapolis, IN 46204 Report Date: June 2022 Revised : September 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS Stormwater Drainage Summary Appendix A Site Maps Appendix B Location Map USGS Topographic Map Floodplain Map Soils Map Wetlands Map Existing Conditions Appendix C Existing Basin Map Existing Curve Number Calculations Existing Time of Concentration Calculations ICPR Existing Node Diagram ICPR Existing Input Report ICPR Existing Node Max Report Proposed Stormwater Detention Appendix D Proposed Basin Map Proposed Curve Number Calculations Proposed Time of Concentration Calculations ICPR Node Diagram ICPR Input Report ICPR Node Max Report Proposed Storm Sewer Appendix E Proposed Storm Sewer Basin Map Rainfall Data Composite C Calculations Rational Method Calculations HGL Calculations Inlet Capacity Calculations Water Quality Appendix F Water Quality Basin Map Water Quality Curve Number Calculation ICPR Water Quality Node Diagram ICPR Water Quality Input Report ICPR Water Quality Peak Treatment Rates – 1” 24 Hour Storm Aqua-Swirl Open Channel Calculations Capacity Chart for Aqua-Swirl Units (80% TSS Removal Rate) APPENDIX A STORMWATER DRAINAGE SUMMARY STORMWATER DRAINAGE SUMMARY Project: Old Meridian & Main Location: Carmel, IN Introduction The proposed development is located on the southeast corner of Old Meridian Street and W Main Street. The development will be called Old Meridian & Main. The proposed development will include apartments, a parking garage, associated utility infrastructure, and a StormTrap underground detention facility. Adjoining Land Conditions North: Existing Commercial & Residential South: Carmel Middle School Athletic Fields East: Existing Commercial West: Existing Commercial Soil Types For the area of the site being developed, soils maps from the United States Department of Agriculture Soil Conservation Service identified 71% of Type C Soils, and 29% Type B Soils located on site. Crosby, Brookston, and Miami soils were all found on site. For the purposes of calculating developed basin curve numbers, the hydrologic soil groups will be bumped up to the next lower infiltrating group where development is taking place. Existing Conditions The existing site is currently a developed commercial lot with a total site area of approximately 6 acres. The site generally slopes from the northeast to the southwest, and into existing storm sewer infrastructure. There are no floodplains on or near the site. The detention facility was designed to detain the post-developed 100-year storm and release the runoff at the pre-developed 10-year peak storm release rate. Likewise, the post-developed 10-year peak storm shall be detained and released at the pre-developed 2-year peak storm release rate. Based on these requirements and the existing acreage, the allowable release rates have been calculated as follows: Discharge Point Area (Ac.) 10-YR Allowable Flow (cfs) 100-YR Allowable Flow (cfs) OUTLET 5.59 11.06 14.66 Results from the Existing ICPR model can be found in Appendix C of this report, along with the Existing Basin Map and Existing Basin Calculations. Proposed Detention Stormwater runoff will be detained using a StormTrap underground detention chamber system located underneath the parking garage in the northeast corner of the site. The underground detention facility was designed to detain the post developed 100-year storm and release the runoff at the pre-developed 10- year peak storm release rate, and to detain the post-developed 10-year storm and release the runoff at the pre-developed 2-year peak storm release rate. The outlet control structure was designed with 2 orifices, which consist of an 18” diameter orifice at the invert of the underground detention facility, and a 24” x 36” rectangular orifice located two feet above the lower orifice. Results for the ICPR simulation can be found in Appendix D of this report, along with the Proposed Basin Map and the Proposed Basin Calculations. A summary of the proposed peak release rates vs. allowable is as follows (from ICPR model in Appendix D) Storm Event Allowable Release Rate (cfs) Proposed Release Rate (cfs) 10 -Year 11.06 7.20 100 - Year 14.66 11.14 Storm Sewer Design The storm sewers have been designed using the rational method for a 10-year storm event. These calculations can be found in Appendix E of this report. Inlet capacity calculations have also been provided for the new structures in Appendix E. Water Quality The primary post-construction water quality measures for the Old Meridian & Main development include one (1) Stormwater Quality Unit (Aqua-Swirl Structure) and one (1) StormTrap Underground Detention Facility. The Aqua-Swirl was sized for an 80% TSS Removal Rate. Water Quality Calculations can be found in Appendix F of this report. Secondary treatment measures include gras filter strips, swales, permanent seeding, and landscape plantings. APPENDIX B SITE MAPS 0 1,000 2,000Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 1,000 feet Sources: Esri, HERE, Garmin, USGS, Intermap, INCREMENT P, NRCan,Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), Esri Korea, Esri (Thailand),NGCC, (c) OpenStreetMap contributors, and the GIS User Community Ê Old Meridian & Main StreetAerial Location MapCarmel, IndianaMay 2022 0 500 1,000 1,500Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 1,000 feet Copyright:© 2013 National Geographic Society, i-cubed Ê Old Meridian & Main StreetUSGS Topographic Map Carmel, IndianaMay 2022 Sources: IndianaMap, Indiana Spatial Data Portal and WebSoilSurvey 0 500 1,000 1,500Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 500 feet G R A N D B LV D S GUILFORD RDW M A I N S T OLD MERIDIAN STN M E R ID IA N S T OAK DRN GUILFORD RDIL L IN O IS S T CATHERINE DRLY N N E D R CAVENDISH DR R A N S B U R G D R EM ERSON RDWILSON DRN M E R ID IA N S T R A M P ABBOTT AVESONNA DRGEORGETOWN LNELLIOTT DRV I V I A N D R N M E R ID IA N S T S T FIREFLY LNTHORNHURST DRWILDWOOD DR LANTERN LNHELEN KEEN CTROSEWALK CIRTERRACE CT OLD MERIDIAN STW M A I N S T GRAND BLVD OLD MERIDIAN STN M E R ID IA N S T Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community Ê Old Meridian & Main StreetFloodplain Map Carmel, IndianaMay 2022 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard Regulatory Floodway Special Floodway Area of Undetermined Flood Hazard 0.2% Annual Chance Flood Hazard Future Conditions 1% Annual Chance Flood Hazard Area with Reduced Risk Due to Levee YclA YmsB2 UcfA YclA YbvA UbaA UkbB2 UcfA UmcC3 YmsA UcfA YclA YshAH UcfA YmsC2 UbaA UbaA YmsC2 UbaA YmsB2 UkbB2 Carmel £¤31 Source: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community 0 200 400 600Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 400 feet Ê Old Meridian & Main StreetSoils Map and LegendWestfield, IndianaMay 2022 Sources: IndianaMap, Indiana Spatial Data Portal and WebSoilSurvey Legend Project Area Sources: IndianaMap, Indiana Spatial Data Portal and WebSoilSurvey S y m b ol N am eUcfAUrban land-Crosby silt loam complex, fine-loamy subsoil, 0 to 2 percent slopesYbvABrookston silty clay loam-Urban land complex, 0 to 2 percent slopesYmsB2Miami silt loam-Urban land complex, 2 to 6 percent slopes, eroded Map symbols consist of a combination of letters or of letters and numbers. The first capital letter is the ini tial one of the soil name. The second letter is lowercase and separates map uni ts whose names begin with the same letter. The third letter is a capital letter and indicates the class of slope. Symbols without a slope letter are for miscellaneous areas, Udorthents, or nearly level soils. Some symbols have a number at the end and are eroded phases. A final number of 2 indicates that the soil is moderately eroded, and a number 3 indicates that the soil is severely eroded. 0 500 1,000 1,500Graphic Scale (Feet) 1 inch = 1,000 feet N MERIDIAN STW C A R M EL D RILLINOIS S T S GUILFORD RDW 1 3 6 T H S T W M A I N S T W CITY CENTER DRPENNSYLVANIA STE M E R S O N R DROHRER RDS M O K E Y R O W R D OLD MERIDIAN STMARANA DR VILLAGE DRCLARK STWILSON DRN M E R ID IA N S T S T HANCOCK STOAK DRN MERIDIAN RAMPEGLIN DRMEADOW LNN GUILFORD RDADAMS ST LARK DRB E N T L E Y W A Y GRAND BLVDC O L L E G E WAY H A L D A L E D R N M E R ID IA N S T R A M P YORK DROAK RIDGE RDG R A D L E D R A U T U M N D RW 1 2 6 T H S T ROGERS RDCATHERINE DRMEMORY LNLY N N E D R CAVENDISH DR C A R E Y C T R A N S B U R G D R WOODACRE DRGEORGETOWN LNTHISTLEWOOD DRAT H E R T O N D R G A N N E T T P O IN T P L BEACON STK I M B R O U G H L NKENSINGTON PLLOCKERBIE PL ABERDEEN STU X B R I D G E L N NEWBURY STPARK LNFIREFLY LNPE N N CI R C L E D R N MERIDIAN STROHRER RDG R A ND B LV D N MERIDIAN ST STN MERIDIAN RAMPW M A I N S T OLD MERIDIAN STOLD MERIDIAN STW 1 3 6 T H S T GRAND BLVDSource: Esri, Maxar, GeoEye, Earthstar Geographics, CNES/Airbus DS,USDA, USGS, AeroGRID, IGN, and the GIS User Community, Source:US Fish and Wildlife Service, Esri Ê Old Meridian & Main StreetWetlands Area Map Carmel, IndianaMay 2022 Marine Estuarine Palustrine Riverine Lacustrine APPENDIX C EXISTING CONDITIONS Description:Old Meridian & Main Entity: Job #: Date:1/17/2022 (Acres) C Fully Developed Paved/Rooftop 98 0.19 C Fully Developed Good Condition (grass cover >75%)74 0.11 B Fully Developed Good Condition (grass cover >75%)61 0.58 B Fully Developed Paved/Rooftop 98 1.20 C Fully Developed Good Condition (grass cover >75%)74 1.21 C Fully Developed Paved/Rooftop 98 2.30 Totals = 5.59 494.68 CN (weighted) =total product =88.5 Use CN =88.0 total area YmsB2 Open Space 89.54 Impervious 225.4 UcfA Impervious 18.62 Open Space 8.14 YbvA Open Space 35.38 Impervious 117.6 Cover Condition CN Area Product of CN x area CN Calculation Method:Actual Soil Group Site Condition:Existing Soil Name and Hydrologic Group Area Description Cover Description Job Information - 2021-274 Basin:Existing Conditions Project:By:-Date:- Location:Checked:Date: Basin: Present X Developed - Tc X Tt -through subarea Sheet Flow Segment ID Surface description Unpaved Manning's roughness coeff., n 0.24 Flow Length, L (L < 300 ft)ft 94 Rainfall Calculation Method Entity Rainfall Data Two-year 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 2.64 Land slope, s ft/ft 0.01 Tt = .007 (nL)0.8 hr 0.33 + + = 0.33 (P2)0.5s0.4 Shallow Concentrated Flow Segment ID Surface description, (paved or unpaved)Unpaved - - Flow length, L ft 405 - - Watercourse slope, s ft/ft 0.020 - - Average velocity, V ft/s 2.28 - - Tt =L hr 0.05 + - + - = 0.05 3600 V Channel Flow Segment ID Channel Geometry -- - Discharge (cfs)-- - Diameter (ft)-- - Bottom Width (ft)-- - Side Slope (x:1) (ft)-- - Slope of Channel (ft)-- - Manning's Roughness Coefficient -- - Depth (ft)-- - Cross Sectional Area (ft2)-- - Wetted Perimeter (ft)-- - Hydraulic Radius (ft)-- - Velocity (ft/s)-- - Flow length, L ft -- - Tt =L hr - + - + - = 0.00 3600 V Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt hr 0.38 min 22.69 Time of Concentration (Tc) or Travel Time (Tt) Old Meridian & Main - EXISTING 1 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/20/2022 13:04 Background Image: Existing Node Diagram 1 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:58 Curve Number: CN [Set] Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Curve Number [dec] Existing Existing 88.0 Impervious: Impervious [Set] Land Cover Zone % Impervious % DCIA % Direct Ia Impervious [in]Ia Pervious [in] Existing 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 Manual Basin: Existing Basin Scenario:Scenario1 Node:EX Outlet Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:21.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:5.5900 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 5.5900 Existing Existing Comment: Node: EX Outlet Scenario:Scenario1 Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:841.00 ft Warning Stage:842.00 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 841.00 0 0 0 30.0000 841.00 Comment: 2 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:58 Simulation: 002YR-24HR Scenario:Scenario1 Run Date/Time:6/20/2022 10:53:16 AM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.01 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Min Calculation Time:30.0000 0.1000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:Boundary Stage Set: Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: Curve Number Set:CN Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Impervious Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Global 3 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:58 Opt: Max dZ:1.0000 ft Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount:3.12 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Simulation: 010YR-24HR Scenario:Scenario1 Run Date/Time:6/20/2022 11:00:00 AM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.01 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Min Calculation Time:30.0000 0.1000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables 4 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:58 Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:Boundary Stage Set: Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: Curve Number Set:CN Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Impervious Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount:3.83 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Simulation: 100YR-24HR Scenario:Scenario1 Run Date/Time:6/20/2022 11:07:46 AM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.01 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Min Calculation Time:30.0000 0.1000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Output Time Increments 5 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:58 Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:Boundary Stage Set: Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: Curve Number Set:CN Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Impervious Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount:6.46 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: 1 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/20/2022 12:43 Node Max Conditions [Scenario1] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] EX Outlet 002YR-24HR 842.00 841.00 0.0000 11.06 0.00 0 EX Outlet 010YR-24HR 842.00 841.00 0.0000 14.66 0.00 0 EX Outlet 100YR-24HR 842.00 841.00 0.0000 28.06 0.00 0 APPENDIX D PROPOSED STORMWATER DETENTION Description:Old Meridian & Main Entity: Job #: Date: (Acres) C Fully Developed Paved/Rooftop 98 0.23 C Fully Developed Good Condition (grass cover >75%)80 0.09 B Fully Developed Good Condition (grass cover >75%)74 0.26 B Fully Developed Paved/Rooftop 98 1.52 C Fully Developed Good Condition (grass cover >75%)80 0.20 C Fully Developed Paved/Rooftop 98 3.29 Totals = 5.59 536.36 CN (weighted) =total product =95.9 Use CN =96.0 total area YmsB2 Open Space 16 YbvA Open Space 19.24 Impervious 148.96 Impervious 322.42 UcfA Impervious 22.54 Open Space 7.2 CN Area Product of CN x areaCover Condition Job Information - 2021-274 Basin:Proposed Development CN Calculation Method:Less Pervious Soil Group Than Actual Site Condition:Developed Soil Name and Hydrologic Group Area Description Cover Description Project:By:-Date:- Location:Checked:Date: Basin: Present -Developed X Tc X Tt -through subarea Sheet Flow Segment ID Surface description Unpaved Manning's roughness coeff., n 0.24 Flow Length, L (L < 300 ft)ft 80 Rainfall Calculation Method Entity Rainfall Data Two-year 24-hr rainfall, P2 in 2.64 Land slope, s ft/ft 0.015 Tt = .007 (nL)0.8 hr 0.25 + + = 0.25 (P2)0.5s0.4 Shallow Concentrated Flow Segment ID Surface description, (paved or unpaved)Unpaved - - Flow length, L ft 0 - - Watercourse slope, s ft/ft 0.030 - - Average velocity, V ft/s 2.79 - - Tt =L hr 0.00 + - + - = 0.00 3600 V Channel Flow Segment ID Channel Geometry -- - Discharge (cfs)-- - Diameter (ft)-- - Bottom Width (ft)-- - Side Slope (x:1) (ft)-- - Slope of Channel (ft)-- - Manning's Roughness Coefficient -- - Depth (ft)-- - Cross Sectional Area (ft2)-- - Wetted Perimeter (ft)-- - Hydraulic Radius (ft)-- - Velocity (ft/s)-- - Flow length, L ft -- - Tt =L hr - + - + - = 0.00 3600 V Watershed or subarea Tc or Tt hr 0.25 min 14.75 *A velocity of 5 ft/s was assumed for pipe travel time. (min.)14.75 (ft)125 (ft/s)5 Tc (min.) = 15.17 Travel Length in Pipe Assumed Velocity Time of Concentration (Tc) or Travel Time (Tt) Old Meridian & Main - - Estimation Time to Inlet 1 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/20/2022 13:14 Background Image: Proposed Node Diagram 1 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:18 Curve Number: CN [Set] Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Curve Number [dec] Proposed D 96.0 Impervious: Impervious [Set] Land Cover Zone % Impervious % DCIA % Direct Ia Impervious [in]Ia Pervious [in] Proposed 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 Manual Basin: Proposed Basin Scenario:Scenario1 Node:Storm Trap Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:15.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:5.5900 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 5.5900 Proposed D Comment: Node: Outlet Scenario:Scenario1 Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:841.80 ft Warning Stage:843.30 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 841.80 0 0 0 99999.0000 841.80 Comment: 2 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:18 Node: Storm Trap Scenario:Scenario1 Type:Stage/Volume Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:842.50 ft Warning Stage:849.50 ft Stage [ft]Volume [ac-ft]Volume [ft3] 849.50 1.40 60984 848.50 1.20 52272 847.50 1.00 43560 846.50 0.80 34848 845.50 0.60 26136 844.50 0.40 17424 843.50 0.20 8712 842.50 0.00 0 Comment: Drop Structure Link: OCS Scenario:Scenario1 From Node:Storm Trap To Node:Outlet Link Count:1 Flow Direction:Both Solution:Combine Increments:0 Pipe Count:1 Damping:0.0000 ft Length:282.00 ft FHWA Code:1 Entr Loss Coef:0.50 Exit Loss Coef:1.00 Bend Loss Coef:0.00 Bend Location:0.00 dec Energy Switch:Energy Upstream Pipe Downstream Pipe Invert:842.50 ft Invert:841.80 ft Manning's N:0.0130 Manning's N:0.0130 Geometry: Circular Geometry: Circular Max Depth:1.50 ft Max Depth:1.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Default:0.00 ft Op Table:Op Table: Ref Node:Ref Node: Manning's N:0.0000 Manning's N:0.0000 Pipe Comment: Weir Component Weir:1 Weir Count:1 Weir Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Sharp Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Circular Invert:842.50 ft Control Elevation:842.50 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: 3 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:18 Max Depth:1.50 ft Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:3.200 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Weir Comment: Weir Component Weir:2 Weir Count:1 Weir Flow Direction:Both Damping:0.0000 ft Weir Type:Sharp Crested Vertical Geometry Type:Rectangular Invert:844.50 ft Control Elevation:844.50 ft Max Depth:2.00 ft Max Width:3.00 ft Fillet:0.00 ft Bottom Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Top Clip Default:0.00 ft Op Table: Ref Node: Discharge Coefficients Weir Default:3.200 Weir Table: Orifice Default:0.600 Orifice Table: Weir Comment: Drop Structure Comment: Simulation: 002YR-24HR Scenario:Scenario1 Run Date/Time:6/20/2022 10:53:16 AM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.01 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Min Calculation Time:30.0000 0.1000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology 4 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:18 Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:Boundary Stage Set: Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: Curve Number Set:CN Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Impervious Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount:3.12 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Simulation: 010YR-24HR Scenario:Scenario1 Run Date/Time:6/20/2022 11:00:00 AM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.01 5 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:18 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Min Calculation Time:30.0000 0.1000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:Boundary Stage Set: Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: Curve Number Set:CN Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Impervious Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount:3.83 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr 6 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:18 Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: Simulation: 100YR-24HR Scenario:Scenario1 Run Date/Time:6/20/2022 11:07:46 AM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.01 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Min Calculation Time:30.0000 0.1000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:Boundary Stage Set: Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: Curve Number Set:CN 7 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:18 Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:Impervious Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Opt: Global Max dZ:1.0000 ft Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount:6.46 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: 1 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Old Meridian and Main (2-10, 10-100)\6/22/2022 10:59 Node Max Conditions [Scenario1] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] Storm Trap 002YR-24HR 849.50 844.84 0.0010 16.42 5.85 8712 Storm Trap 010YR-24HR 849.50 845.37 0.0010 20.45 7.20 8712 Storm Trap 100YR-24HR 849.50 847.43 0.0010 35.22 11.14 8712 APPENDIX E PROPOSED STORM SEWER OLD MERIDIAN & MAININLET BASIN MAPCARMEL, INSEPTEMBER 20220'SCALE: 1" = GRAPHIC SCALE70'140'210'70' Old Meridian & Main - - - Runoff Coefficient Runoff Curve Number Roof 0.85 98 Grass 0.30 61 Pavement 0.85 98 Water 1.00 100 Roof Area Pervious Area Pavement Area Water Area Total Area Weighted Runoff Coefficient (acres)(acres)(acres)(acres)(acres)C 100 100 - 0.00 0.04 - 0.04 0.85 101 101 - - 0.04 - 0.04 0.85 102 102 - - 0.09 - 0.09 0.85 103 103 - - 0.20 - 0.20 0.85 102A 102A - - - - - - 300 300 - 0.01 0.04 - 0.05 0.74 301 301 - 0.00 0.17 - 0.17 0.85 302 302 - 0.07 0.10 - 0.17 0.62 303 303 - 0.00 0.32 - 0.32 0.85 304 304 - 0.09 0.12 - 0.21 0.61 305 305 - - 0.11 - 0.11 0.85 306 306 - 0.10 0.38 - 0.48 0.74 307 307 - 0.04 0.08 - 0.12 0.67 307A 307A - - - - - - 308 308 - 0.03 0.08 - 0.11 0.70 309 309 - - - - - - 310 310 - - - - - - 200 200 - 0.03 0.12 - 0.15 0.74 201 201 - 0.03 0.06 - 0.09 0.67 206 206 - 0.05 0.00 - 0.05 0.30 202 202 - 0.00 - - 0.00 0.30 203 203 - - - - - - Runoff Coefficient and Runoff Curve Number Calculation Job Information Basin Structure Description: Entity: Job #: Date: Description:Old Meridian & Main Reviewing Entity: Job #: Date: 10-yr Entity Data Invert Drop 0.1 INLET CASTING TO INLET CASTING INLET c AREA c AREA INLET CASTING CUM. cA Tc Tcum CASTING INLET CASTING INLET Q CUM. Q U.S. D.S. U.S. D.S. (ft)(acres)(acres)(min)(min)(CFS)(CFS)(inches)(%)(cfs)(%)(ft/sec)(ft)(ft/sec)(min)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft) 100 101 60.0 RCP 0.85 0.04 0.90 0.24 0.25 0.03 0.25 5.00 5.00 - - 6.12 6.12 0.21 1.53 12 0.35 0.013 2.11 73% 2.68 0.63 2.93 0.37 851.74 851.68 847.51 847.30 101 102 70.7 RCP 0.85 0.04 - -0.03 0.03 0.28 5.00 5.37 - - 6.12 6.05 0.21 1.72 12 0.35 0.013 2.11 82% 2.68 0.69 2.99 0.44 851.68 851.53 847.20 846.95 102 102A 36.1 RCP 0.85 0.09 - -0.08 0.08 0.36 5.00 5.81 - - 6.12 5.97 0.47 2.15 12 0.50 0.013 2.52 85% 3.21 0.71 3.60 0.19 851.53 851.80 846.85 846.67 103 102A 44.1 RCP 0.85 0.20 - -0.17 0.17 0.17 5.00 5.00 - - 6.12 6.12 1.04 1.04 12 0.35 0.013 2.11 49% 2.68 0.50 2.67 0.27 850.87 851.80 846.83 846.67 102A 307A 130.6 RCP - -- -- - 0.53 -6.00 - - - 5.94 - 3.15 12 2.32 0.013 5.43 58% 6.91 0.55 7.17 0.32 851.80 851.08 846.57 843.54 300 302 74.7 RCP 0.74 0.05 - -0.04 0.04 0.04 5.00 5.00 - - 6.12 6.12 0.23 0.23 12 0.35 0.013 2.11 11% 2.68 0.22 1.75 0.46 849.40 849.30 845.91 845.65 301 302 132.3 RCP 0.85 0.17 0.90 0.55 0.64 0.14 0.64 5.00 5.00 - - 6.12 6.12 0.88 3.91 18 0.35 0.013 6.21 63% 3.52 0.86 3.72 0.63 850.98 849.30 846.11 845.65 302 304 161.0 RCP 0.62 0.17 - -0.11 0.11 0.78 5.00 5.63 - - 6.12 6.01 0.65 4.70 18 0.35 0.013 6.21 76% 3.52 0.97 3.87 0.76 849.30 849.09 845.55 844.98 303 304 67.0 RCP 0.85 0.32 0.90 0.61 0.82 0.27 0.82 5.00 5.00 - - 6.12 6.12 1.66 5.02 18 0.35 0.013 6.21 81% 3.52 1.02 3.91 0.32 851.14 849.09 845.22 844.98 304 305 154.9 RCP 0.61 0.21 - -0.13 0.13 1.73 5.00 6.39 - - 6.12 5.87 0.79 10.17 24 0.24 0.013 11.08 92% 3.53 1.51 4.00 0.73 849.09 850.10 844.88 844.51 305 306 167.1 RCP 0.85 0.11 - -0.09 0.09 1.83 5.00 7.12 - - 6.12 5.74 0.57 10.48 24 0.24 0.013 11.08 95% 3.53 1.55 4.01 0.79 850.10 849.96 844.41 844.01 306 307 71.8 RCP 0.74 0.48 - -0.35 0.35 2.18 5.00 7.91 - - 6.12 5.60 2.16 12.19 30 0.24 0.013 20.09 61% 4.09 1.41 4.29 0.29 849.96 850.60 843.91 843.74 307 307A 39.9 RCP 0.67 0.12 - -0.08 0.08 2.26 5.00 8.20 - - 6.12 5.54 0.49 12.52 30 0.24 0.013 20.09 62% 4.09 1.43 4.32 0.16 850.60 851.08 843.64 843.54 307A 308 48.6 RCP - -- -- - 2.79 -8.37 - - - 5.51 - 15.38 30 0.22 0.013 19.24 80% 3.92 1.69 4.35 0.21 851.08 850.93 843.44 843.34 308 309 110.7 RCP 0.70 0.11 0.90 0.25 0.30 0.08 3.09 5.00 8.57 - - 6.12 5.48 0.47 16.93 30 0.22 0.013 19.24 88% 3.92 1.82 4.42 0.47 850.93 852.00 843.24 842.99 309 310 113.3 RCP - -- -- - 3.09 -9.04 - - - 5.39 - 16.67 30 0.22 0.013 19.24 87% 3.92 1.80 4.41 0.48 852.00 852.00 842.89 842.64 310 311 20.0 RCP - -- -- - 3.09 -9.53 - - - 5.31 - 16.40 30 0.22 0.013 19.24 85% 3.92 1.77 4.40 0.09 852.00 - 842.54 842.50 200 201 97.2 RCP 0.74 0.15 - -0.11 0.11 0.11 5.00 5.00 - - 6.12 6.12 0.68 0.68 12 0.35 0.013 2.11 32% 2.68 0.39 2.39 0.60 849.44 851.30 843.87 843.53 201 202 68.6 RCP 0.67 0.09 - -0.06 0.06 0.17 5.00 5.60 - - 6.12 6.01 0.37 1.03 12 0.35 0.013 2.11 49% 2.68 0.49 2.67 0.43 851.30 852.36 843.43 843.19 206 202 21.4 RCP 0.30 0.05 - -0.02 0.02 0.02 5.00 5.00 - - 6.12 6.12 0.09 0.09 12 0.35 0.013 2.11 4% 2.68 0.14 1.34 0.13 847.46 852.36 843.26 843.19 202 203 45.6 RCP 0.30 0.00 - -0.00 0.00 0.19 5.00 6.03 - - 6.12 5.93 0.00 1.11 12 0.35 0.013 2.11 52% 2.68 0.51 2.72 0.28 852.36 852.00 843.09 842.93 203 204 58.7 RCP - -- -- - 0.19 -6.31 - - - 5.88 - 1.10 12 0.56 0.013 2.67 41% 3.39 0.45 3.23 0.29 852.00 - 842.83 842.50 TRAVEL TIME DIRECT TO INLET i FLOW DEPTH FLOW VELOCITY CAPACITY UTILIZATIONMANNING'S NSTR. Job Information - - LENGTH Drop Amount: INVERTRIMENTITY DATA i PIPE DIAMETER PIPE SLOPE FULL PIPE CAPACITY ELEV.ELEV.FULL FLOW VELOCITY - (in/hr) CHEN'S METHOD Design Storm: TO STR. DIRECT TO CASTINGPIPE MATERIAL Design Parameters Intensity Calculation Method: cA Invert Calculation Method: FLOW (in/hr) Description:Old Meridian & Main Entity:- Job #:- Date:- 10-yr Entity Data (dc+D)/2 Structure Coefficient (ft)(ft)(ft)(ft)(min)(in/hr)(cfs)(in.)%(sq. ft)(ft.)(ft.)(ft.)(ft)(ft/s)(ft)(ft)(ft/s)(ft.)(ft.)(ft.)(ft.)(ft/s)(ft)(ft)(ft)(ft.)(ft.)(ft.) 101 100 847.30 848.30 848.06 849.41 5.00 6.12 1.53 12 0.35 0.523 1.838 0.285 0.632 0.525 2.93 60 0.013 0.209 - 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 1.25 2.99 - 0.166 0.375 849.78 851.74 848.51 102 101 846.95 847.95 847.73 849.16 5.37 6.05 1.72 12 0.35 0.575 1.953 0.294 0.686 0.557 2.99 71 0.013 0.246 2.93 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 3.60 - 0.003 0.249 849.41 851.68 848.20 102A 102 846.67 847.67 847.49 848.95 5.81 5.97 2.15 12 0.50 0.598 2.007 0.298 0.711 0.627 3.60 36 0.013 0.179 2.99 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 7.17 - 0.031 0.211 849.16 851.53 847.85 102A 103 846.67 847.67 847.39 848.95 5.00 6.12 1.04 12 0.35 0.389 1.563 0.249 0.496 0.429 2.67 44 0.013 0.153 - 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 1.25 7.17 - 0.139 0.292 849.24 850.87 847.83 307A 102A 843.54 844.54 844.42 845.63 6.00 5.94 3.15 12 2.32 0.440 1.665 0.264 0.547 0.761 7.17 131 0.013 3.015 3.60 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 4.35 - 0.298 3.313 848.95 851.80 847.57 302 300 845.65 846.65 846.25 847.35 5.00 6.12 0.23 12 0.35 0.129 0.980 0.132 0.221 0.195 1.75 75 0.013 0.260 - 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 1.25 3.87 - 0.060 0.319 847.67 849.40 846.91 302 301 845.65 847.15 846.78 847.35 5.00 6.12 3.91 18 0.35 1.053 2.584 0.408 0.863 0.757 3.72 132 0.013 0.461 - 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 1.25 3.87 - 0.268 0.729 848.08 850.98 847.61 304 302 844.98 846.48 846.15 846.70 5.63 6.01 4.70 18 0.35 1.216 2.813 0.432 0.975 0.833 3.87 161 0.013 0.561 1.75 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 4.00 - 0.092 0.653 847.35 849.30 847.05 304 303 844.98 846.48 846.17 846.70 5.00 6.12 5.02 18 0.35 1.284 2.915 0.440 1.023 0.862 3.91 67 0.013 0.233 - 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 1.25 4.00 - 0.297 0.531 847.23 851.14 846.72 305 304 844.51 846.51 846.08 846.32 6.39 5.87 10.17 24 0.24 2.542 4.208 0.604 1.508 1.141 4.00 155 0.013 0.370 3.87 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 4.01 - 0.008 0.378 846.70 849.09 846.88 306 305 844.01 846.01 845.59 845.92 7.12 5.74 10.48 24 0.24 2.611 4.304 0.607 1.549 1.159 4.01 167 0.013 0.399 4.00 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 4.29 - 0.001 0.400 846.32 850.10 846.41 307 306 843.74 846.24 845.58 845.73 7.91 5.60 12.19 30 0.24 2.842 4.239 0.671 1.406 1.172 4.29 72 0.013 0.171 4.01 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 4.32 - 0.018 0.189 845.92 849.96 846.41 307A 307 843.54 846.04 845.39 845.63 8.20 5.54 12.52 30 0.24 2.901 4.287 0.677 1.429 1.188 4.32 40 0.013 0.095 4.29 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 4.35 - 0.002 0.097 845.73 850.60 846.14 308 307A 843.34 845.84 845.25 845.27 8.37 5.51 15.38 30 0.22 3.533 4.828 0.732 1.691 1.323 4.35 49 0.013 0.106 7.17 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 4.42 - 0.252 0.358 845.63 851.08 845.94 309 308 842.99 845.49 844.94 845.03 8.57 5.48 16.93 30 0.22 3.829 5.111 0.749 1.820 1.391 4.42 111 0.013 0.242 4.35 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 4.41 - 0.005 0.247 845.27 850.93 845.74 310 309 842.64 845.14 844.58 844.78 9.04 5.39 16.67 30 0.22 3.778 5.060 0.747 1.797 1.380 4.41 113 0.013 0.248 4.42 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 4.40 - 0.001 0.249 845.03 852.00 845.39 311 310 842.50 845.00 844.43 844.43 9.53 5.31 16.40 30 0.22 3.727 5.010 0.744 1.775 1.368 4.40 20 0.013 0.044 4.41 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 1.00 0.50 - 0.301 0.001 0.345 844.78 852.00 845.04 201 200 843.53 844.53 844.20 844.20 5.00 6.12 0.68 12 0.35 0.284 1.350 0.210 0.390 0.343 2.39 97 0.013 0.338 - 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 1.25 2.67 - 0.111 0.449 844.65 849.44 844.87 202 201 843.19 844.19 843.90 843.90 5.60 6.01 1.03 12 0.35 0.385 1.556 0.248 0.493 0.426 2.67 69 0.013 0.239 2.39 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 2.72 - 0.011 0.250 844.15 851.30 844.43 202 206 843.19 844.19 843.75 843.89 5.00 6.12 0.09 12 0.35 0.068 0.774 0.088 0.142 0.124 1.34 21 0.013 0.074 - 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 1.25 2.72 - 0.035 0.109 844.00 847.46 844.26 203 202 842.93 843.93 843.65 843.73 6.03 5.93 1.11 12 0.35 0.407 1.600 0.255 0.514 0.443 2.72 46 0.013 0.159 2.67 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 - 0.50 3.23 - 0.002 0.161 843.89 852.36 844.09 204 203 842.50 843.50 843.22 843.22 6.31 5.88 1.10 12 0.56 0.340 1.464 0.232 0.447 0.441 3.23 59 0.013 0.327 2.72 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 1.00 0.50 - 0.162 0.024 0.512 843.73 852.00 843.83 Intensity Calculation Method: Starting Elevation: Calculation Method: INTENSITY Job Information Design Parameters Design Storm: PROPOSED STORM SEWER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC GRADE LINE (HGL) CALCULATIONS D.S. STR. U.S. STR. D.S. INV. ELEV.D.S. CROWN ELEV.CRITICAL DEPTH(dc+D)/2 ELEV.STARTING ELEV. Tc ENTITY DATA UPSTREAM MAXIMUM INFLUENT VELOCITYFLOW DIAMETER SLOPE AREA WETTED PERIMETER HYDRAULIC RADIUS FLOW DEPTH VELOCITY LENGTH MANNING'S N FRICTION LOSS "A" LOSS "B" LOSS "C" LOSS TOTAL LOSS U.S. HGL ELEV. U.S. STR. CROWN"D" LOSS OUTLET STRUCTURE COEFFICIENT UPSTREAM STRUCTURE COEFFICIENT EFFLUENT PIPE VELOCITY OUTLET STRUCTURE LOSS UPSTREAM STRUCTURE LOSS U.S. STR. TOR Job Information Description: Reviewing Entity:- Job #:- Date:- 10-yr 50% Entity Data - SPECIFIED SPECIFIED PIPE STRUCTURE CASTING CASTING CASTING ENTITY DATA CASTING ORIFICE FLOW WEIR FLOW PONDING DEPTH STR. STRUCTURE CASTING COVER DEPTH c A Tc i FLOW DEPTH DEPTH NO. TYPE TYPE (ft) (ft) (acres) (min) (in/hr) (cfs) (ft) (ft) (ft) 100 TYPE ''A'' INLET R-3472 3.06 4.23 0.85 0.04 5.00 6.12 0.21 0.00 0.08 0.08 101 TYPE ''A'' INLET R-3472 3.31 4.48 0.85 0.04 5.00 6.12 0.21 0.00 0.08 0.08 102 TYPE ''A'' INLET R-3472 3.51 4.68 0.85 0.09 5.00 6.12 0.47 0.02 0.13 0.13 103 TYPE ''A'' INLET R-3472 2.88 4.05 0.85 0.20 5.00 6.12 1.04 0.11 0.22 0.22 102A TYPE ''C'' MANHOLE R-1772 4.06 5.23 - - - - - - - 0.00 300 TYPE ''A'' INLET R-3010 2.32 3.49 0.74 0.05 5.00 6.12 0.23 0.01 0.11 0.11 301 TYPE ''E'' INLET R-4215-C 3.16 4.87 0.85 0.17 5.00 6.12 0.88 0.01 0.15 0.15 302 TYPE ''C'' MANHOLE R-3010 2.04 3.75 0.62 0.17 5.00 6.12 0.65 0.07 0.21 0.21 303 TYPE ''C'' MANHOLE R-3472 4.21 5.92 0.85 0.32 5.00 6.12 1.66 0.28 0.29 0.29 304 TYPE ''C'' MANHOLE R-3010 1.96 4.21 0.61 0.21 5.00 6.12 0.79 0.11 0.24 0.24 305 TYPE ''C'' MANHOLE R-3472 3.44 5.69 0.85 0.11 5.00 6.12 0.57 0.03 0.15 0.15 306 TYPE ''J'' MANHOLE R-3472 3.26 6.05 0.74 0.48 5.00 6.12 2.16 0.48 0.34 0.48 307 TYPE ''J'' MANHOLE R-3472 4.17 6.96 0.67 0.12 5.00 6.12 0.49 0.02 0.14 0.14 307A TYPE ''J'' MANHOLE R-1772 4.84 7.64 - - - - - - - 0.00 308 TYPE ''J'' MANHOLE R-3472 4.90 7.69 0.70 0.11 5.00 6.12 0.47 0.02 0.13 0.13 309 TYPE ''J'' MANHOLE R-1772 6.32 9.11 - - - - - - - 0.00 310 TYPE ''J'' MANHOLE R-1772 6.66 9.46 - - - - - - - 0.00 200 TYPE ''C'' MANHOLE R-3010 4.40 5.57 0.74 0.15 5.00 6.12 0.68 0.08 0.22 0.22 201 TYPE ''C'' MANHOLE R-3010 6.71 7.87 0.67 0.09 5.00 6.12 0.37 0.02 0.15 0.15 206 TYPE ''A'' INLET R-4342 3.03 4.20 0.30 0.05 5.00 6.12 0.09 0.00 0.05 0.05 202 TYPE ''C'' MANHOLE R-3010 8.11 9.27 0.30 0.00 5.00 6.12 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 203 TYPE ''C'' MANHOLE R-1772 8.00 9.17 - - - - - - - 0.00 Old Meridian & Main Intensity Calculation Method: PROPOSED STORM SEWER SYSTEM ORIFICE FLOW CASTING CAPACITY CALCULATIONS Clogging (%): Allowable Head (ft.) = Design Parameters Design Storm: APPENDIX F WATER QUALITY Description:Old Meridian & Main Reviewing Entity: Job #: Date:02/13/14 CNwq= PARAMETERS P =1 (in.) Pervious Area 0.90 Impervious Area 4.69 Area 5.59 I = 84% (%) Rv = 0.80509839 Qa=0.81 (in.) CALCULATED CNwq CNwq =98 PROPOSED STORMWATER SYSTEM WATER QUALITY CURVE NUMBER 1000 [10+5P+10Qa-10(Qa2+1.25Qa(P))1/2] Job Information - 2021-274 1 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Water Quality\Old Meridian & Main WQ\6/22/2022 10:44 Background Image: WQ Nodal Network 1 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Water Quality\Old Meridian & Main WQ\6/22/2022 10:51 Curve Number: WQCN [Set] Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Curve Number [dec] WQ WQ 98.0 Impervious: WQ [Set] Land Cover Zone % Impervious % DCIA % Direct Ia Impervious [in]Ia Pervious [in] WQ 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.000 0.000 Manual Basin: WQ Basin Scenario:Scenario1 Node:Outlet Hydrograph Method:NRCS Unit Hydrograph Infiltration Method:Curve Number Time of Concentration:10.0000 min Max Allowable Q:0.00 cfs Time Shift:0.0000 hr Unit Hydrograph:UH484 Peaking Factor:484.0 Area:5.5900 ac Area [ac]Land Cover Zone Soil Zone Rainfall Name 5.5900 WQ WQ Comment: Node: Outlet Scenario:Scenario1 Type:Time/Stage Base Flow:0.00 cfs Initial Stage:100.00 ft Warning Stage:105.00 ft Boundary Stage: Year Month Day Hour Stage [ft] 0 0 0 0.0000 100.00 0 0 0 30.0000 100.00 Comment: 2 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Water Quality\Old Meridian & Main WQ\6/22/2022 10:51 Simulation: 01IN-24HR Scenario:Scenario1 Run Date/Time:6/20/2022 2:23:25 PM Program Version:ICPR4 4.07.01 General Run Mode:Normal Year Month Day Hour [hr] Start Time:0 0 0 0.0000 End Time:0 0 0 30.0000 Hydrology [sec]Surface Hydraulics [sec] Min Calculation Time:30.0000 0.1000 Max Calculation Time:30.0000 Output Time Increments Hydrology Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Surface Hydraulics Year Month Day Hour [hr]Time Increment [min] 0 0 0 0.0000 5.0000 Restart File Save Restart:False Resources & Lookup Tables Resources Lookup Tables Rainfall Folder:Boundary Stage Set: Extern Hydrograph Set: Unit Hydrograph Folder: Curve Number Set:WQCN Green-Ampt Set: Vertical Layers Set: Impervious Set:WQ Tolerances & Options Time Marching:SAOR IA Recovery Time:24.0000 hr Max Iterations:6 Over-Relax Weight Fact: 0.5 dec dZ Tolerance:0.0010 ft Smp/Man Basin Rain Global 3 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Water Quality\Old Meridian & Main WQ\6/22/2022 10:51 Opt: Max dZ:1.0000 ft Link Optimizer Tol:0.0001 ft Rainfall Name:~SCSII-24 Rainfall Amount:1.00 in Edge Length Option:Automatic Storm Duration:24.0000 hr Dflt Damping (1D):0.0050 ft Min Node Srf Area (1D): 100 ft2 Energy Switch (1D):Energy Comment: 1 W:\Edward Rose Properties\2021-274-S Edward Rose- Old Meridian & Main St\Design\Calcs\ICPR\Water Quality\Old Meridian & Main WQ\6/20/2022 14:30 Node Max Conditions [Scenario1] Node Name Sim Name Warning Stage [ft] Max Stage [ft] Min/Max Delta Stage [ft] Max Total Inflow [cfs] Max Total Outflow [cfs] Max Surface Area [ft2] Outlet 01IN-24HR 105.00 100.00 0.0000 5.59 0.00 0 Description: Entity: Job #: Date:- 2021-274 PROPOSED STORMWATER SYSTEM OPEN CHANNEL CALCULATION Job Information Old Meridian & Main - Side Slope (x:1):- Location of Channel:Water Quality Aqua-Swirl Geometry:Circular Solve For:Depth 100-yr Diameter (ft):18 Bottom Width (ft):- Slope of Channel (ft/ft):0.0020 Manning's Roughness Coefficient:0.013 Freeboard (ft):- Flow Rate (cfs):5.59 Maximum Flow Rate (cfs): 572.88 Depth of Flow (ft):0.54 Top Width (ft):- Velocity (ft/s):2.55 Cross Sectional Area (ft2): 2.20 Wetted Perimeter (ft):6.24 Hydraulic Radius (ft):0.35 City of Indianapolis Stormwater Quality Unit (SQU) Selection Guide Pg. 1 01/02/19 Version 13.0 (Check http://www.indy.gov/eGov/City/DPW/Business/Specs/Pages/UpdatedStormWaterManual.aspx for current Selection Guide) Performance Matrix for Manufactured SQUs that remove 80% or more of Test Particles PLEASE NOTE: All SQUs shall be configured as off-line units unless approved for on-line use. On-line units must document the peak 10-year flow (per the Stormwater Design and Construction Specification Manual) is less than the approved maximum10-yr flow rate. Rate Based SQUs - Table 1 Manufactured SQU SQU System Model Max Treatment Flow (cfs) Max 10-yr On-Line Flow Rate (cfs) Cleanout Depth (Inches) Stormceptor® 2,3 STC 450 0.37 N/A 8 STC 900 0.83 N/A 8 STC1200 0.83 N/A 10 STC 1800 0.83 N/A 15 STC 2400 1.38 N/A 12 STC 3600 1.38 N/A 17 STC 4800 2.30 N/A 15 STC 6000 2.30 N/A 18 STC 7200 3.22 N/A 15 STC 11000 4.59 N/A 15 STC 13000 4.59 N/A 18 STC 16000 6.43 N/A 15 Downstream Defender® 2 4 Foot Diameter 1.3 N/A 18 6 Foot Diameter 3.58 N/A 24 8 Foot Diameter 7.35 N/A 30 10 Foot Diameter 12.85 N/A 36 VortSentry®2,3 VS30 0.28 N/A 36 VS40 0.58 N/A 36 VS50 1.01 N/A 36 VS60 1.60 N/A 36 VS70 2.35 N/A 36 VS80 3.28 N/A 36 Vortechs®2,3 1000 0.49 N/A 30 2000 1.00 N/A 30 3000 1.75 N/A 30 4000 2.76 N/A 30 5000 4.05 N/A 30 7000 5.66 N/A 30 City of Indianapolis Stormwater Quality Unit (SQU) Selection Guide Pg. 2 01/02/19 Version 13.0 Manufactured SQU SQU System Model Max Treatment Flow (cfs) Max 10-yr On-Line Flow Rate (cfs) Cleanout Depth (Inches) 9000 7.59 N/A 30 11000 9.88 N/A 30 16000 15.59 N/A 30 PC1319 or 1319 CIP 19.04 N/A 30 PC1421 or 1421 CIP 22.92 N/A 30 1522 CIP 27.23 N/A 30 1624 CIP 32.00 N/A 30 1726 CIP 37.24 N/A 30 1827 CIP 42.96 N/A 30 1929 CIP 49.17 N/A 30 2030 CIP 55.90 N/A 30 2131 CIP 63.15 N/A 30 2233 CIP 70.94 N/A 30 2334 CIP 79.28 N/A 30 2436 CIP 88.18 N/A 30 2538 CIP 97.66 N/A 30 2639 CIP 107.72 N/A 30 2740 CIP 118.37 N/A 30 2842 CIP 129.64 N/A 30 2943 CIP 141.53 N/A 30 3045 CIP 154.05 N/A 30 3146 CIP 167.21 N/A 30 3349 CIP 195.49 N/A 30 3958 CIP 296.83 N/A 30 4060 CIP 316.23 N/A 30 Aqua-Swirl™ 2,3 AS-2 0.26 N/A 24 AS-3 0.50 N/A 32 AS-4 0.98 N/A 32 AS-5 1.47 N/A 32 AS-6 2.32 N/A 32 AS-7 3.40 N/A 32 AS-8 4.75 N/A 32 AS-9 6.38 N/A 32 AS-10 8.30 N/A 32 AS-11 10.54 N/A 32 AS-12 13.10 N/A 32 AS-13 16.00 N/A 32