HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 09-04-01
September 4, 2001
1. Docket N. 69-01 PP; Hayden Run Subdivision
The applicant seeks approval to plat a seventy lot residential subdivision on 44.9 acres.
The site is located on the south side of 131 st Street approximately one half mile west of
Towne Road. The site is zoned S-lIResidential.
Filed by Dennis Olmstead of Stoeppelwerth & Associates, Inc, for Centex Homes.
As the Committee may recall, the Department made a request to return this item back to the
Subdivision Committee for further discussion. This request was made based on the identification
of a collector road on the Thoroughfare Plan which would run generally down the east side of the
subject property. The Department has met with the applicant and is in the process of identifying
a suitable alignment and cross-section for the collector road. This process is complicated by the
fact that there are several other properties in the area where developments are being proposed. It
is likely that the plan commission will see these petitions before the end of the year.
Comments from commission members at the August 18th Plan Commission meeting included the
1. Question as to the maintenance and payment for streetlights (see attached response).
The applicant has provided a revised plan/layout (please see attached exhibit). However, based on
new information it is likely that this plan will change. The applicant may be prepared to discuss an
alternate layout with the committee at the meeting on the 5th. Please allow the late submittal of this
information as the Department is working with the applicant to come up with a plan that meets the
objectives of the Ordinance as well as the Thoroughfare Plan.
The Department will have a recommendation to deliver at the meeting on September 5th
based on the result of where planned collector street will be located.
Committee Report 2001-09-4.rtf
AUG '27 '01 02:48PM CENTEX HOMES
August 27, 2001
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corporate omo.
Mr. Jon Dobosiewicz
PlaDnin: AdministIator
City of Carmel
One Civic Square
Cllmlcl, Indiana 46032
8502 east 75th Slrest
sLlne 1DO
Indl3nllpolle. IN 40250
Phone; 317-915-2200
Dear Ion:
RE: Hayden Run PrimaI)' Plat, 1311& St. .!t Tawne Rd.
Per the August 21 Planning Commission meeting, a question was raised as to tbe street lights ownership
and ROA cost. Since the street lights are part of the common areas, they will be maintained by the BOA as
per the previously submitted covenants and restrictions and Centcx wi11 commit to revising the coveTlants
languaa;e to meet the street light maintenance requirements of the Planning Commission. The street lights
will bo instal1ed by Cmorgy under a typiea110 year contract with the HOA. We propose approximately 6
to 7 street lights atthe street intersections. Cinergy's monthly service rate is approximately $33 per light
per month. Therefotel the ROA bill for 7 lights is $231 per month or S2,772 per year.
Another concern lit the meeting was the Right-of-Way acquistion concern along 13151 Street. With the
revised site plan indieating the entrance shifl:Ing approximately 260' to tile west. Right-of-Way will no
longer need to be aoquired from Mr. Peter Miller on the north side of 131- Street: for a passing blister_The
Right-of-Way on Mr. Deitch's parcel on the north side of 131- Street will probably not need acquired for a
passing blister since the parcel is CWTently being proposed for development in which lUght-of'- Way
<ledicatiOll will be probably be requiTed for the proposed project. Currently, Mr. KIemmau's parcel aloIli
our west property line Is proposed for development In which Right-of-Way dedioation will probably be a
requil'ement along i31" Street.
Attached to this letter is the revised ''Exhibit A - Open Space Schedule" indicating the site plan revisions.
20.52 acres of open space is proposed which is 41.06% of thc site allowing under the open space ordinance
formwa a pennittecl density of 1.39 units/acre. The new site plan m<licates 68 lots at 1.36 unitslacre
density below the allowabie permitted density of 1.39.
Please coPy this letter to the PlamrlD.g Commissioners information packages for the September 4
Subdivision Committee meeting.
Please call with any questions and thank you for YOU1' assistance in this matter.
CEN~X~7S .
Land Development Manager
Al.lG Z7 · 01 02: 49PM CENTEX HOMES
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