HomeMy WebLinkAboutL503 Site DetailsDRAWING TITLE:CERTIFIED BY:DRAWING NUMBERPROJECT NUMBERREVISIONS:SCOPE DRAWINGS: These drawings indicate the general scope of the projectin terms of architectural design concept, the dimensions ofthe building, the major architectural elements and the typeof structural, mechanical and electrical systems. The drawings do not necessarily indicate or describe allwork required for full performance and completion of therequirements of the Contract. On the basis of the general scope indicated or described,the trade contractors shall furnish all items required for theproper execution and completion of the work.ISSUE DATEDRAWN BYCHECKED BY10/05/22MAJSPROJECT: CARMEL MIDTOWN21-1489CARMEL, INNOT FORCONSTRUCTION21-1489L503SITEDETAILSMAJTS18" 1'-0"1'-0", typ.VINYL COATED CHAIN LINK FENCE (DOG RUN)SCALE: 1/2" = 1'-0"15" min.Manufacturer's Recommendation Belled ConcreteFooting, Typ.See notes.6'-0"15" min.NOTE: Fence Contractor shallbe responsible for verifying sizeof footings and o.c. spacing ofposts prior to fabrication. Referto Specifications.Fence Post,typ.Fence Post Foundation, typ.Provide squared form to top offoundation.Fence, typ.PLAN VIEWConcrete Slab, Typ.Concrete Slab, Typ.Chainlink fence. Refer tospecifications for fence components.Edges of pavement and sides offoundations to be flush, both sides, typ.03/23/22