HomeMy WebLinkAboutDrainage Report 1391 Corporate Drive | Suite 203 | McHenry, IL 60050 Main 815.385.1778 + Fax 815.385.1781 HRGREEN.COM August 16th, 2022 To: City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 From: Joseph Vavrina, P.E. & Erik Hertel, P.E. Subject: Stormwater Memo Chick-fil-A – West Carmel (Carmel, IN) HRG Job #: 210531 Background Chick-fil-A (CFA) is proposing the construction of an approximate 4,930 square foot free-standing restaurant, drive-thru lane, parking facilities, and associated utilities located at 9965 N. Michigan Road in the City of Carmel. This project is more generally located at the northeast corner of the US 421 (Michigan Road) / W. 99th Street intersection. The proposed stormwater management improvements have been designed in accordance with the City of Carmel’s Stormwater Management Ordinance. This memo has been provided for reference during the City’s preliminary review of the project. A formal stormwater management report and SWPPP will be submitted to the City during the Building Permit review process. Existing Conditions The subject CFA parcel is currently a developed lot with a vacant Red Robin restaurant building and parking lot. The existing building and parking lot will be demolished as part of this project. Per the original Red Robin Stormwater Management Report and the ALTA survey, the site appears to drain to various storm sewer inlets throughout the parking lot. The onsite storm sewer system has been broken up into 2 separate runs; on the west and east sides of the site. Both storm sewer runs ultimately outlet to the storm sewer system within the W. 99th Street ROW. From there the system is tributary to the West Carmel Marketplace regional detention basins and then Crooked Creek. The existing onsite system has been designed to convey the 10-year storm event. Per the original stormwater report, stormwater detention for the subject site has been provided within the regional basins of the West Carmel Marketplace development. A CN value of 92 was originally assigned to the subject site. The Red Robin development had a calculated CN value of 90, thus not requiring additional onsite detention storage. Stormwater quality treatment was provided on each storm sewer run mentioned previously. Per the Red Robin stormwater management report and ALTA survey, Contech VortSentry water quality units were installed at the southeast and southwest corners of the property to treat the subject site’s stormwater runoff. These units are capable of removing 80% TSS, thus meeting City post-construction water quality requirements. Page 2 CFA – West Carmel (Carmel, IN) Stormwater Memo Proposed Conditions The proposed improvements to the site consist of the construction of the Chick -fil-A restaurant, drive-thru, parking facilities, and the installation of underground utilities. The site has been grading and designed to maintain existing drainage patterns to the maximum extent practicable. The existing storm sewer runs on the west and east sides of the property will be reused. The western run will be untouched as the existing parking lot on the west side of the site will remain as it is today. The eastern run will be modified slightly to accommodate the new building & drive-thru lane. All new storm sewer has been designed to convey the 10-year storm event, matching existing conditions. The proposed CFA improvements will result in a slight increase to the site’s impervious surface by about 1,533 square feet. The proposed CN value for the CFA development was calculated to ensure it does not exceed the original allowable CN value of 92 for the site. The proposed CN was calculated to be 91 (see calculation below). As such no additional stormwater detention storage is proposed. CN Calculation Total Property Area = 85,902 SF (1.97 acres) Proposed Impervious Surface = 59,640 SF (1.37 acres) Proposed Pervious Surface = 26,262 SF (0.60 acres) 𝐶𝑁 = (1.37)(98)+(0.60)(74) (1.97) =90.7 =𝟗𝟏 As mentioned, the site has been graded to match existing drainage patterns and areas to the maximum extent practicable. All stormwater from the CFA site will be tributary to the tw o existing onsite storm sewer runs which ultimately lead to the existing Contech VortSentry water quality units. The two existing units will remain and will be reused to facilitate TSS removal. The units will be inspected and will have all sediment removed to ensure they are in working order. Erosion Control Installation of sediment and erosion control measures will be placed prior to the start of construction. Inlet protection baskets and silt fence are planned to be installed to control erosion and silt displacement until vegetation is established. Information contained on this drawing and in all digital files produced for above named project may not be reproduced in any manner without express written or verbal consent from authorized project representatives. ENGINEER'S PROJECT # PRINTED FOR DATE SHEET SHEET NUMBER DRAWN BY: Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 REVISION SCHEDULE FSR#CHICK-FIL-A210531 PRELIMINARY 07/21/2022WEST CARMEL (IN) FSUPRELIMINARY04978 NO.DATE DESCRIPTION CHECKED BY: MRJ JFV 9965 N. 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ENGINEER'S PROJECT # PRINTED FOR DATE SHEET SHEET NUMBER DRAWN BY: Chick-fil-A 5200 Buffington Road Atlanta, Georgia 30349-2998 REVISION SCHEDULE FSR#CHICK-FIL-A210531 PRELIMINARY 07/21/2022WEST CARMEL (IN) FSUPRELIMINARY04978 NO.DATE DESCRIPTION CHECKED BY: MRJ JFV 9965 N. MICHIGAN ROADCARMEL, IN 46032PS-101P R E L I M I N A R Y NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION UTILITY TAGS This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; Noblesville, In 46060 This copy is from the Digital Archive of the Hamilton County Surveyor's Office; 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