HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes PC 09-20-22 A Motion made by Buckler and seconded by Hill to suspend the Rules of Procedure in order to send PZ-2022-
00167 Z to the City Council.
5-3,Holle,Potasnik,Kirsh,absent Rider. Motion Fails since suspension of rules requires 2/3 majority vote.
IA Motion made Potasnik and seconded by Holle to send this to the Oct. 6 Commercial Committee with final
approval authority. Approved 6-2,Hill,Kirsh,absent Rider.
Old Business:
4. Docket No.PZ-2022-00118 DP/ADLS: The GOAT.
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a building addition/remodel on 0.2 acres. The site is located at 220 2nd
St. SW in Frank Hawkins Addition Lot 1.The site is zoned B-2 and is within the Old Town Overlay, Character Sub
Area. Filed by Ben Bemis of CEC Inc.on behalf of Kevin Paul,owner.
Petitioner: Dan Coots,Coots, Henke& Wheeler, PC.:
• With me tonight are the owner of The GOAT, Kevin Paul and the architect of this project, Dan Moriarity
• We request the PC approved the unanimously favorable recommendation by the Commercial Committee to
approve this DP/ADLS
Department Report: Rachel Keesling
• Adjustments have been made to the plans in regarding the size and placement of the building in order to meet the
setback requirements and to avoid the stormwater and utility easement along the Monon Blvd.
• 120 new seats and 6 new restroom facilities. There are two existing restrooms on the other side of building
• They are seeking a variance for 80% lot coverage and will be heard at Sept. 26 BZA
• Staff recommends approval at tonight's meeting
Commercial Committee Recap,Alan Potasnik,Chair:
• I'll defer to Staffs report. There's nothing anything else to add unless other members of the Committee want to
add any comments
Committee Comments: None
A Motion made by Buckler and seconded by Westermeier to approve PZ-2022-00118 DP/ADLS.
Approved 8-0,absent Rider.
New Business
5. Docket No. PZ-2022-00143 ADLS: North End Pool
The applicant seeks site plan and design approval for a new pool and pool house at the North End
Development. The site is located north of Mariposa Trail and Freeland Way and is zoned UR/Urban
Residential. Filed by Rebecca McGuckin with Old Town Companies.
Petitioner: Rebecca McGuckin:
• Presented site location plan, overall site plan,pool site plan, color pallet, seating and grill images,floor plan for
equipment room, elevations, lighting plan and fixtures, and landscaping plan
• We made a commitment to DOCS for additional tree plantings around the perimeter of the pool site
Department Report: Alexia Lopez
• This will be located between Apartment building C and the Maples Restaurant
• Bike parking is required per UDO and the Petitioner will add additional spots within 50-ft of entrance
• Architecture is similar to the other buildings within this development
• Landscaping beds will be provided
• Downlighting and bollards lights will be provided
• Staff recommends approval at tonight's meeting. We will continue to finalize the outstanding items in ProjectDox
Committee Comments:
Plan Commission Meeting Minutes 9-20-22