HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication_Signed*This is a PDF version of the application. The official application should be created and submitted online via the
Public Portal: hftps://cw.carmel.in.gov/PublicAccess/template/Login.aspx *
Fee: $107 for first year, $54 for annual renewal
Office Use Only
Renewal? Previous0ocket No(s).
it nnt It' A h1'r I ^IAMMO th1JC^01t&A'r#^K1.
Applicant/ Permanent Resident*: —Thomas and Karyn Elli
Address: 10828 Timber Lane Carmel IN 46032
* Applicants must be a Permanent Resident (may be an Owner or lessee) of the proposed Short Term Residential Rental Unit
Initial applicants shall have occupied the Dwelling for at least sixty (60) consecutive days with intent to establish the Dwelling as
their primary residence. Renewal applicants shall have occupied the unit for at least two hundred seventy five (275) days of the
proceeding calendar year.
Project Name.- 10828 Timber Lane
Attorney or Contact Person: Thomas Elliott Phone: 317 374 6396
Email: Fax:
ProjectDox Uploader: —Thomas Elliott
Email: —easi.doesit@sbcglobal.net
Applicant's Status: (Check the appropriate response)
_.X� (a) The applicant's name is on the deed to the property
(b) The applicant is the contract purchaser of the property
(c) Other:
If Item 3) (c) is checked, please complete the following:
Owner of the property involved:
5) is the property: Owner occupied _X_ Renter occupied
6) Record of Ownership:
Deed book No./Instrument No
zsi =
Page: Purchase Date: 6/30/1995
Tax Parcel ID No.:17-14-06-04-01-013.000
Zoning District: —S-2— Overlay Zone (if applicable):
Present use of the property:_Private Residence
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10) Approximate size oflot/parcel in question:— 0.52 acres
11) Are there any restrictions, laws, covenants, variances, special uses, or appeals filed in connection with this property
that m/nu|d re/ate or affect its use as a short term residential rental unit? If yes, give dote and docket number,
decision rendered and pertinent explanation.
Note that Special Exception approval is not necessary for specific dates (up to 30 days per calendar year) on vvhich the
Mayor has suspended the requirements of UD0�tion 5.72. See annual Council Resolution for more details.
12) State explanation of requested Special Exception (e.g. proposed time period(s), intent to rent an individual
roum(s)mrtheentire Dwe|||ng),
—Intend to utilize entire home on occasion for short term rental.---
130 State reasons supporting the Special Exception: (AdditionaUy, complete the attached question sheet entitled
"Findings ofFact-Special Exoepbon"),
_(intend to rent my home to highy rated, screened renters who will respect my property and surrounding neighbors._
—No parties, quiet hours, limited number of guests 2-8, external surveillance cameras, and large 35x45'driveway.
.Any profits will go to maintenance and subsidize travel expenses to care for elderly parent.
14) Please provide a copy of at least two (2)ofthe following showing that the
proposed Short Term Residential Rental Unit is listed as the applicant's residence.
O Motor Vehicle Registration [] Tax Record showing standard homestead credit
11 Driver's License 60 Utility Bill
O Voter Registration
1£0 __TE____(|nitie0 If the proposed special exception is granted, the applicant agrees to post a clearly printed sign
on the inside of the front door ofthe Dwelling that provides information regarding'the location of any fire
extinguishers and any utility shut-off valves, fire exits or pull fire alarms.
17) List primary and secondary emergency contact information for use while the
dwelling ksused maashort term residential rental unit. Information tobeshared with the Carmel Police Department
ifthe special exception imgranted.
Name: —Thomas Elliott
Address: _10828ThnborLene
Phon*:_317-374-G3g8Email: —easi.doesit@sbcglobaI.net—
Name: _KarynElliott_
Address: _1D82QTimber Lane —
Phone: 317-989-1864
The applicant understands that docket numbers will n submitted to
the Department of Community Servi . ces.
The applicant certifies bysigning this application that he/she has been advised that all representations nfthe Department of
Community Services are advisory only
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NOTE: Three modes of public notice are required,
LEGAL NOTICE eheU be published in the newspaper according to the Chart on page 5 e MANDATORY 10 days prior to the public
hearing data. The certified "Proof nf Pub|icetion^ affidavit for the newspaper must be available for inspection the night of the
hearing. Published Notice is not required for renewal applications.
LEGAL NOTICE to all adjoining and abutting property owners is also MANDATORY, two methods of notice are recommended.-
1) FIRST CLASS MAIL with CERTIFICATE OF MAILING sent to adioining pmpedy owners. (The white receipt should be
stamped bV the Post Office at least 10 days prior to the public hearing date.), OR
2) HAND DELIVERED to adjoining and abutting property owners (A receipt signed by the adjoining and abutting property owner
acknowledging the 10 day notice should be kept for verification that the notice was completed)
LEGAL NOTICE via a Notice of Public Hearing SIGN posted on the property is also required-, see page8.
L hereby swear that | am the owner/contract purchaser of property involved in this application and that the foregoing
signatures, statements and answers herein contained and the information herewith submitted are in all respects true and
correct buthe best ofmyknowledge and belief. |. the undersigned, authorize the applicant b)act onmybehalf with regard
tnthis application and subsequent hearings and testimony.
Z4- -'-- -
(Property Owner, Attorney, or Power of Attorney)
EJ |
Printed Name.
/ r��v`_ ~r p��^_v
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The undersigned, haviOQbeeAdU|ysvvV[R.upoOQath5aysthat the above information is true and correct as he
isinformed and believes.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
My Commission Expires:
Notary Public 2-8ignature
Notary Public - So'al
Hamilton County - state of India"
Commission Number NP0734178
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