HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket for HO 11-28-22Panda Residence, 521 Mendenhall Dr. Lot Coverage Variance. PZ-2002-00232 V P.J.E. Lawn Care & Landscaping LLC | 2168 S. Jacobi Rd. | Greenfield, IN 46140 Introduction The owners of 521 Mendenhall Dr., Megha and Nikhil Panda, purchased their lot in Jackson’s Grant, Northvale section in 202 and are excited to finally be in the last stretch of completing their dream, family home. An integral part of their family home includes their dream outdoor space. P.J.E. Lawn Care & Landscaping LLC designed and is ready to execute the build of this outdoor space, which is to include a pool and hardscapes. Additional features of the proposed outdoor space include: firepits, outdoor grill island, and a one-of-a-kind cascading waterfall feature with a natural stone floating bridge. The homeowners and their two young boys are looking forward to the memories they will create in their new home and outdoor space. Panda Residence, 521 Mendenhall Dr. Lot Coverage Variance. PZ-2002-00232 V P.J.E. Lawn Care & Landscaping LLC | 2168 S. Jacobi Rd. | Greenfield, IN 46140 Statement of Variance We—Megha and Nikhil Panda, the owners of 521 Mendenhall Dr., and P.J.E. Lawn Care & Landscaping LLC, the contractor and petitioner—are seeking the approval of a Development of Standards Variance for Lot Coverage beyond the maximum allowance of 35%, requesting up to 52%. This request is being petitioned in order to build an outdoor entertaining space which includes a swimming pool and hardscapes. Panda Residence, 521 Mendenhall Dr. Lot Coverage Variance. PZ-2002-00232 V P.J.E. Lawn Care & Landscaping LLC | 2168 S. Jacobi Rd. | Greenfield, IN 46140 Statement of Support The existing site plan for 521 Mendenhall Dr. shows the lot coverage at 34.9%, which includes and is limited to the House, Front Porch (small stoop), Private Walk, Drive to R/W, and small Covered Patio. The maximum lot coverage for the area is 35%. In order to proceed with any sort of pool development, a Development of Standards Variance is required. True practical difficulties and hardships associated with having to comply with the zoning ordinance: With the current lot coverage maximum, it is impossible for the owners to build an outdoor entertaining space for their family and friends beyond a 435 sq. ft. patio. The current lot coverage maximum limits the homeowners on how they can use their property, as the home essentially takes up the entire percentage of current allowed coverage. ArcGIS WebMap Esri, HERE, Garmin, GeoTechnologies, Inc., USGS, EPA, USDA Street Centerlines Private City Boundary 2021 Photogtaphy Red: Red Green: Green Blue: Blue November 10, 2022 0 0.01 0.010 mi 0 0.01 0.020 km 1:420 ArcGIS WebApp Builder 14'20' D.U.& S.S.E.10' D.& U.E.MENDENHALLDRIVESPIGOTGASPS10' D.& U.E.10' D.& U.E.40' B.S.L.CUSTOM OUTDOOR GRILLISLAND W/ SINK AND FRIDGESWIM UP BAR,GRANITE TOPFLOATING STEP TREADSCOMPOSITE BENCHFIRE BOULDER1G BRIDAL VEIL ASTILBE (13)NATURAL STONE PAVER WALKWAY6' HT. ANN MAGNOLIA2.5" CAL. RED POINTE MAPLE (2)5G PEE WEE OAKLEAFHYDRANGEA (3)1G BIG BLUE LIRIOPE (10)5G MEYER PALABIN LILAC (3)3G KARL FOERSTER FEATHERREED GRASS (3)1G BRIDAL VEIL ASTILBE (7)3G GREEN VELVET BOXWOOD (15)1G BRIDEL VAIL ASTILBE (7)5G PEE WEE OAKLEAF HYDRANGEA (6)6" PURPLE DRAGON LAMIUM (16)NATURAL STONE LAWN TREAD STEPS3G TUFTED HAIRGRASS (3)36" B/B HVY TAMUKEYAMA JAPANESE MAPLE2" CAL. JUNE SNOW DOGWOOD1G BRIDAL VEIL ASTILBE (9)5G INCREDIBALL HYDRANGEA (8)5G MEYER PALABIN LILAC (6)CHUNK LIMESTONEBOULDER WALLNATURAL STONE FLOATINGSTEPPERS THROUGH POOLFLAGSTONE STEPPERSDIMENSIONAL STEPPERSW/ SYN. TURF JOINTS1G BRIDAL VEIL ASTILBE (12)3G TUFTED HAIRGRASS (8)5G INCREDIBALL HYDRANGEA (3)EASYPRO NATURAL STONE,TRANQUIL DECOR POLISHED BASALTFOUNTAINS. 32",38",44" HTS. W/BLACK MEXICAN PEBBLES6' TAYLOR JUNIPER6" PURPLE DRAGON LAMIUM (21)1G BRIDAL VEIL ASTILBE (9)24" HT. CUSTOM LINEAR FIREPIT+/-36" HT. RAISED WALL AND PLANTERS EITHER SIDE, 3GGREEN MOUNTAIN BOXWOOD (2), SEASONAL ANNUALS3G GREEN VELVET BOXWOOD (4)3G KARL FOERSTER FEATHER REED GRASS (4)24" HT CHUNK LIMESTONEBOULDER WALL FORLEVELING AREA FOR PLAYSET3G GREEN VELVET BOXWOOD (3)6" PURPLE DRAGON LAMIUM (23)5G INCREDIBALL HYDRANGEA (6)1G BRIDAL VEIL ASTILBE (9)3G TUFTED HAIRGRASS (6)6' TAYLOR JUNIPER (2)5G MEYER PALABIN LILAC (3)6-7' HT. SPEC TWOMBLY RED SENTINAL JAP MAPLE8-10 HT. NORWAY SPRUCE (7)CHUNK LIMESTONE BOULDERWALL TO RETAIN A/C UNITS3G TUFTED HAIRAGRASS (10)1G WHITE CLOUD CALAMINT (7)6" DRAGON'S BLOODSEDUM (9)5G WESTERN LIGHTSAZALEA (3)8" ZAGREB COREOPSIS (14)3G MEYER PALABIN LILAC (3)COMPOSITE DECK STAIRCASE3G KARL FOERSTER FEATHERREED GRASS (3)3G TUFTED HAIRAGRASS (12)1G BRIDAL VEIL ASTILBE (4)1G FRANCIS WILLIAMS HOSTA (4)NATURAL STONE PAVER SLABSTEPPERS, VARYING SIZES W/TYPICAL JOINTS6" PURPLE DRAGON LAMIUM (5)1G SKYROCKET LIGULARIA (4)CASCADING WATERFALLINTO POOL, CASCADE AT+/- 18" ABOVE POOL.RECIRCULATE POOLWATER FOR FEATUREWATER HYACINTHHORSETAIL RUSHROSY CLOUDS HARDY WATER LOTUSSWEET ACACIA WATER LOTUSBLUE FLAG IRISNATURAL STONE PAVER SLAB STEPPERS,VARYING SIZES W/ TYPICAL JOINTSNATURAL STONE PAVER PATIO1G BRIDAL VEIL ASTILBE (12)8'X8' STORE BOUGHT SPA W/ 2' COPINGNATURAL STONE PAVER PATIO3G KARL FOERSTER FEATHER REED GRASS (2)5G WESTERN LIGHTS AZALEA (3)3G KARL FOERSTER FEATHERREED GRASS (10)5G INCREDIBALL HYDRANGEA (3)+/-30" HT. CHUNK LIMESTONEBOULDER RETAINING2.5" CAL. GREENSPIRE LINDEN (2)3G KARL FOERSTER FEATHERREED GRASS (5)FLAGSTONE PATH W/ NATURALSTONE GARDEN SLAB STEPS1G BIG BLUE LIRIOPE (24)6' ACE OF HEARTS REBUD1G PURPLE SALVIA (14)3G KARL FOERSTER FEATHERREED GRASS (8)2.5" CAL. KOUSA DOGWOOD (2)3G KARL FOERSTER FEATHERREED GRASS (5)1G PURPLE SALVIA (13)RESIDENTIAL HOME GENERATORFIRE BOWLS (2)RAISED VEGGIE GARDEN,TRT. 6X6 TIMBERS,+/-18"EXPOSED COLORED SAND CONCRETE W/ 12"ACCENT BORDER, BUFF COLORLARGE JUMPING ROCK1G BIG BLUE LIRIOPE (16)5G INCREDIBALL HYDRANGEA1G PURPLE SALVIA (5)12" BORDER EXPOSED, BUFFCOLORED SAND CONCRETELANDING TRANSITION TO BE +/- 104"5G INCREDIBALL HYDRANGEALARGE NATURAL STONEFLOATING BRIDGE (4)5G INCREDIBALL HYDRANGEA (3)5G INCREDIBALL HYDRANGEA (2)8-12' HT BLACK HILLS SPRUCE,VARY HTS (3)12' BLACK HILLS SPRUCE1G BIG BLUE LIRIOPE (7)CHUNK LIMESTONE BOULDERS2.5" CAL. KOUSA DOGWOOD+/-36" DEPTH OF SHELF+/-24" DEPTH OF SHELF+/-12" DEPTH OF SHELFEXPOSED COLORED SAND CONCRETE W/ 12"ACCENT BORDER, BUFF COLORGUNITE POOL(20'X40') GUESTARRIVALRESIDENCEGARAGEWALKOUT0" PORCHPLAY AREA32X17FIREPIT+21"LAWNLAWNLAWNLAWNMOTOR COURT+104"FIREPIT+21"+/-86"+/-68"+/-50"+/-32"20' D.U.& S.S.E. 10' D.& U.E. MENDENHALLDRIVE SPIGOT GAS PS 10' D.& U.E.10' D.& U.E. 40' B.S.L. GUNITE POOL (20'X40') GUESTARRIVAL RESIDENCE GARAGE WALKOUT0" PORCH PLAY AREA32X17 FIREPIT+21" LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN MOTOR COURT+104" FIREPIT+21" +/-86" +/-68" +/-50" +/-32"NATURAL STONE FLOATINGSTEPPERS THROUGH POOLCOMPOSITE BENCHFIRE BOULDERLARGE NATURAL STONEFLOATING BRIDGE (4)WATERFALL SHEARDROP, ELEV +/-80"WATERFALL SHEARDROP, ELEV +/-12"WATERFALL SHEARDROP, ELEV +/-16"WATERFALL SHEARDROP, ELEV +/-30"WATERFALL SHEARDROP, ELEV +/-62"WATERLINEWATERFALL SHEARDROP, ELEV +/-16"Graphic Scale 1"= 8'-0" K e y P l a n T e a m P r o j e c t PRIVATE RESIDENCE Panda Residence 521 Mendenhall Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 Copyright 2022 SHEET 1 OF 1 Sheet Size 24"x36" November 3, 2022 Revision REED + EVERETT 301 E. Carmel Dr. Suite F200 reedeverett.com (317) 564-4781 1.00 1:100 Drawn CB 8 SILK 0 12 S C H E M A T I C P L A NScale: 1"=4'-0"CASCADING WATERFALL FEATURE, ELEVATIONA 14'20' D.U.& S.S.E.10' D.& U.E.MENDENHALLDRIVESPIGOTGASPS10' D.& U.E.10' D.& U.E.40' B.S.L.GUNITE POOL(20'X40') GUESTARRIVALRESIDENCEGARAGEWALKOUT0" PORCHPLAY AREA32X17FIREPIT+21"LAWNLAWNLAWNLAWNMOTOR COURT+104"FIREPIT+21"+/-86"+/-68"+/-50"+/-32"20' D.U.& S.S.E. 10' D.& U.E. MENDENHALLDRIVE SPIGOT GAS PS 10' D.& U.E.10' D.& U.E. 40' B.S.L. GUNITE POOL (20'X40') GUESTARRIVAL RESIDENCE GARAGE WALKOUT0" PORCH PLAY AREA32X17 FIREPIT+21" LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN MOTOR COURT+104" FIREPIT+21" +/-86" +/-68" +/-50" +/-32"WATERLINEHOUSE: 4,521PORCH: 116PRIVATE WALK: 367DRIVE TO R/W: 3,142R/W TO STREET: 492COVERED PATIO: 634POOL: 1,035POOL DECK: 648FIRE PIT PATIO: 64TOTAL: 11,019 SQ. FTLOT: 22,100 SQ. FT.LOT COVERAGE %: 49.9LOT COVERAGE REVISED(11-3-2022)PROPOSEDIMPERVIOUS SURFACEACCOUNTEDFOR BY CITYGraphic Scale 1"= 8'-0" K e y P l a n T e a m P r o j e c t PRIVATE RESIDENCE Panda Residence 521 Mendenhall Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 Copyright 2022 SHEET 1 OF 1 Sheet Size 24"x36" November 3, 2022 Revision REED + EVERETT 301 E. Carmel Dr. Suite F200 reedeverett.com (317) 564-4781 1.00 1:100 Drawn CB 8 SILK 0 12 S C H E M A T I C P L A N 14'20' D.U.& S.S.E.10' D.& U.E.MENDENHALLDRIVESPIGOTGASPS10' D.& U.E.10' D.& U.E.40' B.S.L.PLAY AREA32X17FIREPIT+21"LAWNLAWNLAWNLAWNFIREPIT+21"+/-86"+/-68"+/-50"+/-32"33'-9"25'-9"33'-9"97'-5"97'-9"76'-1"76'-1"25'-8"3'26'-9"10'-10"51'-9"GUNITE POOL(20'X40') GUESTARRIVALRESIDENCEGARAGEWALKOUT0" PORCHMOTOR COURT+104"AUTOMATICCOVERPROPOSED POOLEQUIPMENT LOCATION20' D.U.& S.S.E. 10' D.& U.E. MENDENHALLDRIVE SPIGOT GAS PS 10' D.& U.E.10' D.& U.E. 40' B.S.L. PLAY AREA32X17 FIREPIT+21" LAWN LAWN LAWN LAWN FIREPIT+21" +/-86" +/-68" +/-50" +/-32" GUNITE POOL (20'X40') GUESTARRIVAL RESIDENCE GARAGE WALKOUT0" PORCH MOTOR COURT+104" AUTOMATICCOVER PROPOSED POOLEQUIPMENT LOCATION Graphic Scale 1"= 8'-0" K e y P l a n T e a m P r o j e c t PRIVATE RESIDENCE Panda Residence 521 Mendenhall Dr. Carmel, IN 46032 Copyright 2022 SHEET 1 OF 1 Sheet Size 24"x36" November 4, 2022 Revision REED + EVERETT 301 E. Carmel Dr. Suite F200 reedeverett.com (317) 564-4781 1.00 1:100 Drawn CB 8 SILK 0 12 POOL PERMIT Panda Residence, 521 Mendenhall Dr. 3D Rendering: Overview Panda Residence, 521 Mendenhall Dr. 3D Rendering: Backyard Layout / Details FINDINGS OF FACT SHEET - DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS VARIANCE CARMEL ADVISORY BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Docket No.: PZ-2002-00232 V________________________________ Petitioner: Philip Ennis, P.J.E. Lawn Care & Landscaping LLC______ 1. The approval of this variance will not be injurious to the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the community because: The newly built home, to be resided in by the Panda Family, will be improved up on with the implementation of the proposed outdoor entertaining space. The pool and hardscapes will be confined to the owners’ backyard and is not anticipated to pose a health or safety concern. The surrounding properties will only be positively affected by the proposed development, as it will enable the Panda Family to foster neighbor relationships as the community continues to expand. 2. The use and value of the area adjacent to the property included in the variance will not be affected in a substantially adverse manner because: The proposed variance will allow the construction of a home that fits well within the surrounding properties , with an in-ground swimming pool and surrounding hardscapes in the rear yard, thereby enhancing the property value as well as the value of adjacent properties. The proposed outdoor living space was designed and will be built by P.J.E. Lawn Care & Landscaping, a company that has improved the outdoor spaces of numerous homes in the Central Indiana area, specifically in City of Carmel. 3. The strict application of the terms of the Unified Development to the property will result in practical difficulties in the use of the property because: Strict application of the 35% lot coverage maximum limits the homeowners on how they can use their property as their home essentially takes up the entire percentage of current allowed coverage. Strict application would only serve to thwart an otherwise allowable use and enjoyment of the property and any further development of the property. DECISION IT IS THEREFORE the decision of the Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals that Development Standards Variance Docket No. ___________________________ is granted, subject to any conditions stated in the minutes of this Board, which are incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof. Adopted this _______________ day of __________________________________, 20 _______. _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ HEARING OFFICER, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ SECRETARY, Carmel Board of Zoning Appeals Conditions of approval of the Board, if any, are listed on the Letter of Grant. Sammi Schutt <pjelawncare.sammi@gmail.com> Inquiry for 521 Mendenhall Dr. Carmel, IN Jordan, Alex <ajordan@carmel.in.gov>Wed, Nov 2, 2022 at 9:04 AM To: "Conn, Angelina V" <Aconn@carmel.in.gov>, Sammi Schutt <pjelawncare.sammi@gmail.com> Cc: "Jesse, Christina" <cjesse@carmel.in.gov>, "Shestak, Joe" <jshestak@carmel.in.gov>, "Thomas, John G" <jthomas@carmel.in.gov>, "Clark, Samuel" <Samuel.Clark@hamiltoncounty.in.gov> Angie, We spoke with Sammi and Phil about this and we have no concerns with the lot coverage. Please let me know if you have any other questions. Sincerely, Alex Jordan, CPESC Plan Review Coordinator City of Carmel Engineering Department (317) 571-2305 ajordan@carmel.in.gov [Quoted text hidden] CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. Sammi Schutt <pjelawncare.sammi@gmail.com> Inquiry for 521 Mendenhall Dr. Carmel, IN Samuel Clark <Samuel.Clark@hamiltoncounty.in.gov>Thu, Nov 17, 2022 at 11:21 AM To: Sammi Schutt <pjelawncare.sammi@gmail.com>, "Shestak, Joe" <jshestak@carmel.in.gov> Cc: "Conn, Angelina V" <Aconn@carmel.in.gov>, "Jesse, Christina" <cjesse@carmel.in.gov>, "Jordan, Alex" <ajordan@carmel.in.gov>, "Thomas, John G" <jthomas@carmel.in.gov> Hey guys. Just as an fyi, the trees have been removed from our drainage easement so our office has no further issues with the project. From: Sammi Schutt <pjelawncare.sammi@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, November 4, 2022 2:10 PM To: Shestak, Joe <jshestak@carmel.in.gov> Cc: Samuel Clark <Samuel.Clark@hamiltoncounty.in.gov>; Conn, Angelina V <Aconn@carmel.in.gov>; Jesse, Christina <cjesse@carmel.in.gov>; Jordan, Alex <ajordan@carmel.in.gov>; Thomas, John G <jthomas@carmel.in.gov> Subject: Re: Inquiry for 521 Mendenhall Dr. Carmel, IN [Quoted text hidden] [Quoted text hidden]