HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes HO 09-26-22 Department Report: Angie Conn
• This is an existing STRR,and we receive no complaints from Code Enforcement
• Staff recommends approval for 1 year
Board Comments: Alan Potasnik:
• Since the Department hasn't received any negative comments from the neighbors,I'll approve for 1 year.
Approved 1-0. Expiration date of approval is 9/26/23.
(V) Cooper Pool Equipment Setback Variance.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
3. Docket No. PZ-2022-00174 V UDO Section 5.02.C.7 Minimum 10-ft side yard setback for pool pump
equipment; 6-ft requested.
The site is located at 12111 Castle Row Overlook(Brookshire Subdivision,Lot 92.) It is zoned Rl/Residence. Filed
by Mark Cooper,owner.
Petitioner: Mark Cooper:
• We are installing a pool in our backyard,and we want to place our pool equipment next to our HVAC unit,gas
meter,and electric meter,which are located on the north side of our property.
• If we installed the pool equipment in the allowed area,we would have to run the gas line a long distance
• We will use a low-noise pump
• Our adjacent neighbor to the north,also has their pool equipment located in the same area
Public Comments: None
Department Report:Angie Conn
• Pool equipment is required to be 10-ft from sideyard,and they are requesting 4-ft
• Staff recommends approval of this variance request
Board Comments: Alan Potasnik:
• Did you receive approval from your HOA?Mark Cooper: Yes,we receive a letter of support from the HOA.
Approved 1-0.
(V)The GOAT Lot Cover Variance.
The applicant seeks the following development standards variance approval:
4. Docket No. PZ-2022-00176 V UDO Section 3.64.A.1.c Maximum 70% lot cover allowed,80%
requested. The site is located at 220 2nd St. SW(former Bub's Café site). It is zoned B2/Business and Old Town
Overlay,Character Subarea(Lot 1 in Frank E Hawkins Addition). Filed by E.Davis Coots of Coots Henke&Wheeler
on behalf of Kevin Paul of Tomahawk Holdings LLC.
Petitioner: Dave Coots:
• With me tonight is the owner of the property,Mr. Kevin Paul
• This site has been reviewed multiple times by the Plan Commission and City Council
• We were recently approved for our ADLS by the Plan Commission,and we were told we need approval for the
additional lot coverage
• We were asked to build a new enclosure as part of the approval agreement. This is why our lot coverage went over
the 70%maximum.
Public Comments:None
Department Report: Angie Conn
• The Carmel Engineering Department is comfortable with the additional lot coverage request
BZA Hearing Officer Minutes 9-26-22