HomeMy WebLinkAboutDepartment Report 11-28-227 of 13 CARMEL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS | HEARING OFFICER DEPARTMENT REPORT MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 2022 (SE) 44 Horseshoe Ln. Group Home. The applicant seeks the following special exception approval for an 8-person group home: 9. Docket No. PZ-2022-00208 SE UDO Section 2.07 Residential Special Exception. The site is located at 44 Horseshoe Ln. (Woodland Springs Subdivision, Lot 360). It is zoned R1/Residence. Filed by Jennifer Piccione of J&B RAL 1 Indiana, LLC. General Info & Analysis: The Petitioner seeks Special Exception approval for an 8-person group home for elderly residents with some level of disability where they require support services. The existing dwelling is located in the Woodland Springs residential neighborhood. No changes are proposed to the site or to the building exterior. Please refer to the Petitioner’s info Packet for more detail on the special exception request. This petition requires special exception approval from a Hearing Officer of the Board of Zoning Appeals for the establishment of a group home. Per the UDO (Unified Development Ordinance), the original Special Exception application for a group home shall generally be entitled to favorable consideration where not more than 8 unrelated persons will be residents. A Hearing Officer shall have discretion whether to approve or deny each special exception application with his or her decision to be based on the special and unique conditions pertinent to the site, determined as a result of the review procedure established by the UDO in section 9.08 (see Basis of Review & Basis of Approval or Rejection, below). Per the UDO, a Group Home is considered a residential use. It is also considered a residential use under state and federal law. Please refer to UDO Sections 5.72 and 9.08 for details about the regulations for Group Homes and for Special Exceptions. Please also refer to UDO Article 11 (Definitions) to view the definitions of “Home, Group” “Dwelling, Single-Family”, “Dwelling”, Dwelling Unit”, “Family”, etc. Basis of Review: A Hearing Officer, in reviewing a Special Exception application, shall give consideration to the particular needs and circumstances of each application and shall examine the following items as they relate to the proposed Special Exception: 1. Surrounding zoning and land use; 2. Access to public streets; 3. Driveway and curb cut locations in relation to other sites; 4. Parking location and arrangement; 5. Trash and material storage; 6. Necessary exterior lighting; and 7. Protective restrictions and/or covenants. Basis of Approval or Rejection: A Hearing Officer, in approving or rejecting a Special Exception application, shall base their decision upon the following factors as they relate to the above listed items (Basis of Review) concerning the Special Exception: 1. The economic factors related to the proposed Special Exception, such as cost/benefit to the community and its anticipated effect on surrounding property values; 2. The social/neighborhood factors related to the proposed Special Exception, such as compatibility with existing uses in the vicinity of the premises under consideration and how the proposed Special Exception will affect neighborhood integrity; and 3. The effects of the proposed Special Exception on vehicular and pedestrian traffic in and around the premises upon which the Special Exception is proposed. 8 of 13 Special Exception Group Home Decisions; Commitment/Condition (from UDO Section 9.08 (E)(3): A Hearing Officer may, as a condition to any approval of an application for a Special Exception, require or allow the owner to make any or all of the following commitments concerning the use of the property: 1. That the Special Exception will fully comply with Section 5.72 Group Home Use-Specific Standards. 2. That the Special Exception will be limited to five (5), ten (10), or fifteen (15) years, at the discretion of the Hearing Officer. 3. If the Hearing Officer determines that a homeowners association or similar entity has established limitations or prohibitions that apply to the property, that the owner’s implementation of the Special Exception will not result in the violation of any such limitations or prohibitions. Additional Considerations: In addition to the items listed in Section 9.08(C): Basis of Review hereof, the Director of Community Services shall consider the following: 1. If there are other Group Homes clustered within a block of the site; 2. The number of unrelated persons who will be living in the Group Home, and whether any professional support staff will also be residing there; 3. In addition to any residents’ cars, if more than two (2) staff cars will be parked at the Group Home, and whether they will be marked; 4. If the Dwelling, existing, modified, or new, is similar in design, materials, and landscaping as other adjacent and nearby Dwellings; 5. Any other exterior indication that the Dwelling will be inhabited by Group Home residents; 6. Any undue financial or administrative burdens that would be imposed on the City; and 7. If a fundamental alteration in the Comprehensive Plan would be required. Neighborhood Covenants & Restrictions: We have been told that the Woodlands Springs Board intends to enforce their declaration of covenants and restrictions and bylaws. The City is not a part of that discussion, or legal interpretation of them, as that is a private contract/matter that is to be interpreted and enforced amongst the residents of the Woodland Springs neighborhood Homeowners Association (HOA). Technical Review: The Petitioner coordinated review with the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) members. There are close to 28 TAC members, representing city and county agencies, utility companies, etc. Items reviewed for this project were land use, life/safety issues, building code compliance, landscaping, utilities, grading/drainage, and more. (The Petitioner still needs to address any outstanding TAC review comments.) Review Comments: There are still a few review comments from the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) that the Petitioner still needs to respond to, as part of the normal review process. The Planning Dept. generally supports the special exception request, with the conditions listed below in the Recommendation. Findings of Fact: Please refer to the Petitioner’s Findings of Facts included in their BZA Info Packet. Recommendation: The UDO directs us to look at group home special exceptions with favorable consideration. Per the UDO’s direction, the Dept. of Community Services generally recommends favorable consideration of Docket No. PZ- 2022-00208 SE, with the conditions of 1). the Petitioner addressing the remaining TAC review comments, and 2). that the Petitioner complies with all applicable laws, regulations, and restrictive covenants and limitations as it relates to UDO Section 9.08(E)(3).