HomeMy WebLinkAboutDept Report 7-10-01 CARMEL/CLAY PLAN COMMISSION SPECIAL STUDIES COMMITTEE DEPARTMENT REPORT July 10, 2001 6. Docket No. 75-01 ADLS Amend; Old Meridian Professional Center Petitioner seeks Architectural Design, Lighting, Landscaping & Signage Amendment approval for changes to an approved Landscaping Plan. The site is located at 1185 West Carmel Drive. Filed by Brian Pahud for Landmark Properties. Please see the attached letter dated May 22,2001 from Scott Brewer (Urban Forester) to the applicant. In addition a review letter regarding this petition has been attached along with a leter received form the applicant dated June 27, 2001. The Department as several concerns outlined in these letters and would like the applicant to address those concerns. The Department recommends that the Committee continue this request and direct the applicant to address the comments made in the review letters generated based on the information submitted by the applicant on June 27, 2001. Based on the plan as presented to date, the Department would recommend that the committee deny this request. Committee Report 2001-07-10.rtf \ " W> o City of Carmel DEPT. OF COMMUNITY SERVICES May 22,2001 Brian Pahud Landmark Properties 9333 North Meridian St Suite 350 Indianapolis,~ 46240 RE: Phase 2, Old Meridian Professional Center Dear Brian: After meeting with you on site and reviewing the proposed changes in your landscaping plans for the Old Meridian Professional Center, my comments are as follows: 1. The plans are not complete. Air conditioning units and other utility structures need to be shown on the plan where they exist. Some planting may be done it the available space that remains between the buildings and the rear sidewalk. Right of Way lines also need to be on the plans. Some of the problems we are dealing with now, could have been avoided if the original plans had been properly labeled. 2. The existing trees need to be labeled properly. For example, at least two existing trees are labeled "Oak", but they are obviously not Oak trees. 3. The increase in the number of plants between the two plans is due mainly due to the increase of perennial plants (over 170 perennials added). The number of shrubs and the number of species have been reduced. Two additional species of shrubs need to be added, and the numbers of Junipers and Hatfield yews need to be reduced to provide better species diversity. 4. Three (3) more shade trees need to be added to the parking lot area. Three (3) more shade trees need to be added as street trees on the Carmel Drive side. Three (3) additional shade trees need to be installed on the Hancock Street side, and five (5) more ornamental trees need to be added (Total: 9 shade trees, 5 ornamental trees). 5. Planting areas like the open space around the patio, and along Hancock Street should be utilized to plant trees first, then filled in along Carmel Drive. ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317/571-2417 (J) u 6. The plantings around the transformer and dumpster pads on the southeast comer of the lot are reduced in size and number from the original plan. These plantings should be the same size, number, and relative position as the original plan. If you have any questions or comments, please contact me by phone at 571-2417. 0Yd-~~ Scott Brewer Urban Forester, The City of Carmel CC: Jeff Kendall, Building Commissioner Sarah Lillard, Permits Mike Hollibaugh, Director of DOCS File City of Carmel VIA FAX: 580-2666 Original by Mail July 5, 2001 Brian Pahud Landmark Properties 9333 North Meridian Street, Suite 350 Indianapolffi,TIN 46240 RE: Old Meridian Professional Center (phase Two) - ADLS Amendment for Landscaping Dear Mr. Pahud: This letter is in response to your ADLS amendment petition for the above referenced property. The following comments need to be addressed and/or plans updated accordingly: 1. Please refer to landscaping in terms of shrubs and trees. The notion that the proposed plan represents a 59 percent increase in plantings from the original plan is misleading at least. In addition most of the plant material you propose is smaller than that approved for use in the original plan (shrub height and tree caliper). As you indicate in your letter the objective is to correct not delete. 2. Identify the area at the rear of the buildings that is outside the utility easement and legal drain easement. This area would be suitable for relocating the plantings that may not be placed in the legal drain easement. In addition, please provide our Department with a copy of any agreements or approvals you have with the County Surveyor and/or the property owner to the south regarding the maintenance of a1lliving trees and shrubs along the fencerow. 3. The landscaping proposed around the dumpster ffi not adequate nor does it come close to the level of landscaping proposed on the plan approved for construction by the Plan Commission. 4. Our Department relies on the plans submitted with applications to make a recommendation to the Plan Commission. Our department would not have recommended approval of this revised plan if it ad been submitted at the time of the original application. This is regardless of the ffisue ofplantings identified in the legal drain easement. 5. Trees identified for the parking lot area have been replaced with shrubs in some locations and smaller trees in others. This ffi not an acceptable alternative. 6. Respond to Mr. Brewer's letter dated May 22,2001. I will rely on his assistance in reviewing the proposed changes. To date If you have any questions or if I may be of further assistance please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely, tv, t~, . ~ ~on C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator cc: Scott Brewer Carmel/Clay Plan Commission Special Studies Committee OldMeridianPCl.rtf Page 1 ONE CIVIC SQUARE CARMEL, INDIANA 46032 317 /571-2417 '-J) o Development . Brokerage . Management ANDMARK OPE R TIE S, INC. June 27, 2001 VIA Hand Deliverv Jon C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel One Civic Square Carmel, IN 46032 RE: DOCKET No. 75.01 ADLS AMENDMENT - LANDSCAPE PLAN OLD MERIDIAN PROFESSIONAL CENTER 1185 W. CARMEL DRIVE CARMEL, INDIANA Dear Jon: Per our conversation and your request, please accept this letter as a supplemental submittal to our Application for approval of an ADLS Amendment in the above- referenced matter wherein we seek approval of a modified Landscape Plan for "Phase Two" of the above-referenced project. The Old Meridian Professional Center was developed in two "Phases". Phase Two of this project was approved as Docket No. 83-99 DP/ADLS while Phase One of this project was approved as Docket No. 98-98 DP/ADLS. Phase Two has been under construction since July 2000 and we are currently 50% occupied with three (3) medical tenants. Phase One was constructed during the period June 1999 through December 2000 and is 100% occupied by four (4) medical practices. The modified Landscape Plan seeks to maintain consistency between the two "Phases" of this project as well as address certain issues relative to plantings that were incorrectly placed in Easements for a Legal Drain as well as for Utilities serving the property. Prior to approval of Phase Two, a Special Study meeting was held where there was discussion regarding the mature trees on site wherein we (the petitioner/developer) 9333 North Meridian St. Suite 350 Indianapolis, IN 46260 317/580-2650 Fax 317/580-2666 W) o Jon C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel ADLS Amendment #75.01 June 26, 2001 Page 2. agreed to "... preserve the Ash and Elm along Carmel Drive, and the huge Oak tree on site." Not only have these trees been preserved, we took steps necessary to preserve two (2) additional mature trees along the private drive which serves as the eastern boundary of the subject parcel. In addition to this commitment, it was noted at the Special Study meeting that "The legal drain on the southern part of the property will remain a non-disturbance area." During a pre-construction meeting with the Hamilton County Surveyor's office they confirmed that no plantings could take place within the easement for the legal drain (see letter attached to our Application for ADLS Amendment). Furthermore, the County requested that we clear all trees and shrubs located within the area. We successfully pleaded with their representative to maintain all living trees and shrubs located along the fence row, separating our property from the adjacent boat storage area located to the rear of John Kirk's buildings. The original Landscape Plan for Phase Two specified that we plant various species of trees, shrubs, and perennials totaling 417. This breakdown and allocation is contained within our application. The modified Landscape Plan seeks to accomplish two (2) issues; first, we want to match the species and quantities planted in the completed, approved Phase One of this development. Specifically J all plantings and species along the wrought-iron fencing which has been continued into Phase Two along Carmel Drive and the private drive to the East. We also want to match the plantings in the islands located within the parking lot as well as the areas designated for plantings in front of the Buildings. Secondly, since we cannot plant in the legal drain, nor can we plant in the utility easements running behind the Buildings, the modified plan specifies "Hydro seed" for those respective areas. Please note that even with the removal of these plantings in the easement areas, we have scheduled a total of 665 plantings for Phase Two, representing a 59% increase in the plantings set forth in the original Landscape Plan, In summary, we believe that the modified Landscape Plan presents a better alternative to the original Landscape Plan in that the modified plan presents a consistent, quality landscaping to a comprehensive "phased" development, correcting (not deleting) certain areas to be landscaped while increasing the total number of plantings. o o Jon C. Dobosiewicz Planning Administrator Department of Community Services City of Carmel ADLS Amendment #75.01 June 26, 2001 Page 3. I appreciate your time in this matter and in the event you have any questions or need any additional information, please contact me at your convenience. Brian C. Pahud Landmark Properties, Inc. BCP/caw Landmark Properties, Inc. 04/09/2001 ,: Old Meridian Professional Center 1185 W. Carmel Drive carmel, Indiana Plan commission Docket # 83-99 DP/ADLS original Modified Plant Schedule Plan Plant Schedule Plan Shade Trees Shade Trees € Wh ite Ash 26 Various Mature, Preserved Trees - street 5 Honey Locust 7 Various Mature, Preserved Trees - Buffer 38 Sugar Maple, Street 4 Ornamental Trees Honey Locust, Parking Lot 4 Prairie Fire Crab Ornamental Trees Evergreen Shrubs sargent Crabapple, Street 7 Chamzin Holly White Flowering Dogwood 1 Sea Green Juniper Evergreen Shrubs Flemer Compact Yew Pfitzer Juniper 126 Hick's Yew Japanese Yew 14 Deciduous Shrubs Hatfield Yew 74 Glossy Black Chokeberry Mugho Pine 2 Jet Trail Quince Deciduous Shrubs C; Pink Summersweet Red Spirea 22 Dwarfed Red Spirea Goldmound Spirea 32 Korean spice Viburnum Cranberry Bush 46 cranberrybush Perennials I Grasses Perennials Stella D'Oro Daylily 115 Stella D'Oro Daylily 21 Perennial Beds (2) 150 Blue Oat Grass 5 Fountain Grass 10 Foxtail 10 TOTAL 417 TOTAL 665 Phase 2 Plant Schedule.xls c -- .....- alllIlD __......0 -.-..... O"".-:101M.L. .......... -.nN" ..... (lNlI!I....OILCMJt#'l.:fW~ 1lJIaaIlu.~"""'iIXIIRlCJ. NQ...."WIl'll. SHADE TREE PlANTING DETAIL ....- r_IIOIIIL....,.~ IJtlOW'U.,.ClCIII'IClI'.......,.. ......... ORNAMENTAL TREE PlANTlNG DETAIL ",. -- PlANT SCHmUI.E ..--:Ill. .... IIZI! o..wmrr ""'"""'- "*- ____....-... ....... ...,....."".,. I .. . ..........~ ......LL.......... .... J - - ""'- -- - ..... ...... .... ...-- --... -- ..... v-.w .... ....... eIl.... o..t.. iii" r............. .,. r..._~ .. . v . --- ..., --* 0laIIIIIIMy ,... ......... 'EIiJIW .,. . ......0il1JIl. ~J.'''''TtIII' H' 14 .... .......... ~.. ---- ... .. ....... er..rAld ___ ___.... ~ .. . Ibwlllpb ..... ....... c.-. w a ~......... ~ ........... ~.. 11 - -.... - .. -"""" IIU. Pl.IM' MIQlNlI..S IMtU.. CONFCRI 'to NIIJIr'MII o\9IOCIGDe ($ IIRlSl'lWIN 8WIWIJS. IIU. WGiJUU IHlllL lit FU.L MIl .. 10 CI.lJlRll f(Rl R.l.1'UNJNI IBJI SMl.lL tfME A ~ IDCIE. . M.1 PUNtIG IBlI ,IN) 'n&' .... DW1. ..... lXMR 01' Me ro Rlt.R INDlI!S ~t:E IHlEOOED tWIMXlD IWIt II.I.Qt SEI. fIlJIN'fNI IWlAU FOR IElacIPrloN!l. .LOCWI3te 01' PftCPCIlIl!D fIlMf lIIIm!IWrU Mo\1' fIElD 10 II! AU8IDl .. Pll:l.D 10 ~ IXI!SIID CIIl "Il>>OSED urunn. c:a.wmre,., l.OQlnDlI CF t'Ol.NlIUION fVlNNlGS ...... NUl) 10 IE MalIAED M -.DI<<I -.""""'-. CDmW:lal: StW.l. WJIFY AU.. QI.WQIJE) a\l I'lNCl =:'IIIICN...._.. r StRODm .-:; aLIOl ...... C'JOIIIIICn:lNftIICllil-':1O_ .. ...... on-..... ......OfI'SillleC8lOFlEDcr.. r.........~.8I8:IFm. ... .... ME I'UNlID .. roe . ...~ 8IrH ., IIfG RI....1J'II:MBl WOI'IoLIIIlIm,IlI. 1WJIRL(DIPJICI.1IlD _.. It......UFtl SHRUB PlANTING DETAIL ... -----., c' " " " . . , . . . . . .' " " " " APPROVED PLAN A' ~ , ~ . ~I J g . 40' ~ ow ~~ rn t'5lrl ~a ",If ! ~ a: w I- z W () -' <C Zw 0> a: C/)c C/)..... Ww lL :E Oa: a:<( 0..0 II) zco <c;: o a: W :E o -' o :z <( -J 0- W 0- <( (,) U) o :z <( -J II L I ~ I ~ I ~ I ~U.! 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A CCMR 11'111& TO AUt KHS p..c')0I .-am IIlWmQD MIl. IlUOt _ ....... IlRIU fOIl: DI2I'IDI& I.lICIlJDIS OF- M:I'QIB) IUHI' YllJII1WIIMY... 10 IE IIIWIIID II FE1D 10 ACCXllItIlIllOI I!llIIIIG .. IIKlf'OSIiD uana CIUINRID NIIJ &GCA1Da 06 RUDdIlN fII.IIaIIQS .. IlIID 1Q IE WClDlJI8) IrIS __ ---- ~ tHI\LL. ..... JiU. ClLWmI8 0IiIl I\MI. GMlE ..... ... _ . - fl' ....umm _ aa.u:M ARER ~""''''1O''' "'tN.D!I~~ "",,"_C/f_A1J'~ -- ....- ,.....IIiIIICMA.L~AI...... -....r~Ml~c ro.c. II 1EDl,DC-. __ ~ .. l'U.-.~1lIOft.L1II:ICU5. .........~--"'..,... SHRUB PI.ANTING DETAIL c " '. "D1Jl'T DIG BliND" .4 1-800-382-5544 CAll BEfIllE YllJ DIG " ~ENDED PLAN P~~E TWO 2" Sargent Ctabepplo (I) --"'"" '. ;a..~EuRlpoon ~ (13) ". ~: ~ PlIlzEr.biper (l2) "" "" 18" DwarlEmlpean ~ (13) __24"~_.biper(lS) , , --, CARMEL DRIVE I i , '-1.~~~ Ct~ (14) ------ ; 0Inam0nIaI_ Fence "'""""'YCOUm 24" CompaclI'filzer.u1lper (l3) -'. 24" ~ PIitzBr Jun4>er (7) ...... II&: M.....-.: _~ ........... ......,. ....IlJIIdt..o.c. .....~.......~.... ..... ....N~~....#ralIpIIIllI ~N~~"" .. IOl I." ~ DwarlRed SpIrea (It) ..... c.OiMaIilIId brClrlllwNDr......... eur.ar...~0llItAg....... o.er....~a-......... a-....~c.n.-- #2 SlsIIa d'Oro 0* (15) #2 FaxIaiI (IS) 42" Pyram/daIJapenese 'tlNl (I 24" HaIIIeId YfNi (12) 42" ~.JapaMM y..., 24" HaIlioId YfNi (8) 24" CclrI1*l- Juripor (8) 42" ~Japanese Y"" (2) 24" ~ Pfilzer Juniper (8) 18" GoIdmound Spirea (8) 42" PynlrndiIl Japllnese y..., (2) 18" GoIdmcund Spirea (8) 24" HaIIIeId '{8VI (11) , o 20' SIeIIa D'Oro DaytUy (50) 4" I.1lV1o Pine (1) 2" Sargent CraIllIwIe (1) 24" ConlJIICI PfIzer .Junpr (I2l 2" Sargent CrabeppIe (1) 24" ~-Jla1iper(l7) " s ,")4' )4-' '1.12' 2" Sargent CrabeppIo (1) . 18" dwart European ~ (6) , 24" HaIIIeId '{fNi (11) ExIalIng Oak , . , , , . , , , , . . , , , , . 40' a: w I- Z W 0 ..J Z <( z w <C 0 > ....J a: 0- C/J Q C/J ..... W w w 0- LL ~ <C 0 a: a: < (.) 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Stet'" ~ DayhIy (20) oxbol Gro9->-t!.?) tf1ekl Ye~t. . 'Cleve"'nd~r.,.,.(11 'Comp;oel",'= J"","'p.;r-(Wl.... NOTES, , 1.A5-IllJILT rLANTlNG INfORMATION 5tlOWN ON TIllS PlAN Wf6 TAKEN fROM AN ON-SIT[ PlANT INVENTO'.Y rtRfORMED l5Y lANDMARJI. PROPfR.TIES. 24' H.tf>eld Yew (15) 24' Comp;oct ",tu:r JUft>per (II) A5-BUllT FUlNT SCHEDULE nn COMMON NAM. 6OTANlCAL~ 5I2e QUANT 0l0Tl5 24' eomp.ct l'IoPer jur>'f""" (5) Shadt::Tr::c5 . , 24'I1ot11eld Yew (5) ~....,.,. kes~~ 2" 2 00>: M Speamen; """'ng 42' ryro""dol Jopo"""" Yew(l) """"" lDcuoL Glccibaa tnx.ant.hos 21/2" t> 2' Ppmod.al Jopaneoe Yew (I) P_"'" r~~~'f'~ 2 1/2" 2 2<4' Con-poct riluu JUniper (4) 24' tbtIoelcl Yew (GI an-ntal r.... fO>lboI Gross (13) s..-_c_ I 1/2" 4 "'B'.....~,........... SteM. dOro Day!l!y (Ill) ~Sdcc::treM' 2 1/2" 2 24" Compact I'!.lze< .hnper ('II 16" Goklmountl 51'''''"' (5) fver'J"CCf' ~ ~.IapM>= Yew r................ qp.t=' 42' " ~~"NQ:""'~ 42' ryromod.a! 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